Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Tur. Omaha Daily Bkel
rol.'NDLD 1 i V 1!V..I.: l'."S!.WA fi- It
VICD'H I.' iSKW A l 1..K. KDlTull.
Kriln. at Oin.iha iortOrtl'- as second
rlns ii.hi te-r.
UhJI li.-e Surlu . on year.. $4'
'.inly l', and Huni.jv, oil'." y r Jj 'J"
B j nil y liee. Mi hhi
Saturn. ,y Idf, one ear ' -J
IH.I.IVKKH) HV I'.M'.lilKll
Pally Pee nn-duding Survlayl. p r eek..
Dully lii-e iwi'h- in S'ltnl.iyi. per w-ek...l"o
Kihi,i,ic !( iwiiIh) it rsu'i'l-iy . per week, '.c
ivenu.g pew (with Sundayi. I"" 1
Adliess e-ompluiM if irrt-;'jlnritl I" de-Iv-ry
to City u u hi ' in Department.
' iin;ilia Tli' P'-e I lu ; III i nif. oiiiHlm.J ny lluli Huildlng.
Co mill HI i.ITk pearl Street.
i'li,.:im-i,H I n tv Huildlng.
Niw Yoik-l'io Home I. if Inwirn- B.og.
Washington-.Vd Fourteenth Street.
C 1 1 1 1 1 I LS 1 1 1 N I K N I ' K .
.'ntnmuiiicutions relating to news tnd ed
toilul mutter should lie addressed: Omaha
bee, !- lit- rial Department.
P.emlt ! draft, express 'ir postal order,
payable to 1 lie Hce Publishing Cn'mnny.
3n.y I-eent stamps received in iaymnt of
null iioi 1'inls Personal check, except on
Jrnahti ,r eastern exchenge. not accepted
3iatn f Nebraska. Douglas County. ss:
( h ar Ice C Kosewater, general malinger or
The Of Publishing Company, being duly
mum. savs that the actual number of lull
nml c mpiete copies of The rVillv. Morning.
Kierliiir and F ind.iv Hee printed d irlng the
Tionth of March, IV T. mm bs follows-
1 33,050
2 32.310
t 30,600
4 33,130
6 33.120
6 31,970
7 31.8B0
a 31,950
10 30,400
11 02,370
12 31,870
13 32,590
14 32,540
15 32,680
16 33,220
g 33,390
j 9 33,330
20 33.930
21 33,340
21 " 33,390
2 j 33,690
24 30,450
25 34,040
2 33,990
27 33,860
28 33.790
29. .
30. .
17 30,410
Less unsold and returned coplea.
Net Total 999,376
Pally average 82,337
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me thla 1st day of April. 1907.
(Seal) M. B. HL'NGATH,
Notary I'ubllc.
go hae-rlliera Irnvlm the city tem
porarily slio-ild hatt 111 Bee
mailed to them. Address will be
rhuieged nm often Ha requested.
All quiet again In the city hall.
Question propounded to themselves
by Suuth Omaha disfranchised voters:
Who threw the brick?
A "Sore Toe." club has been organ
ized In Kansas. Joseph Ralph Burton
night to be a charter member.
Speaking, of the Kouh Hlders re
union, eight members of the Omaha
City council ought to attend It.
"Speaking of bringing the national
convention to Kanuas City," says the
Kansas City Times. Who was speaking
of It?
French makers are now claiming to
manufacture "nlcotlnelesa" cigars
That's the kind you get as Christinas
' With nineteen women elected to the
Finnish diet, the Finns may look for
something nice In the wuy of legisla
tive dishes.
The hardened Kansas City Star re
fuses to place the blame for its refer
ence to Senator "Forager" on the
printer or proof reader.
Kvery story about the "awakening of
China" is based on some scheme of
that country for improving Its army.
It might be better to let China sleep.
The Louisville Courier-Journal is de
manding more money for the Improve
ment of waterways. Kentucky water
ways have been neslected for manv
The claim thut Piesldent Roosevelt
Is the only man who can beat Colonel
Brynn Is simply foolish. Mr. nrynn j
ran do the trick himself without as- I
ilstance. I
Secretary Taft personally Inspected !
:he foundation of the Uatum dam on I
:he Pii nam a canal site. As It held him
ip, the workmen may consider It per
eetly safe.
Senator Foraker is not In that mil
lionaires' conspiracy to down Roose
reit. He has a personally conducted
conspiracy of his own that is demand
flg all his time.
A man has been arrested in Leaven
worth for selling books without a li
cense. Whisky Is about the only com
aiodity that can be sold In Kansas
without a license.
Mr. Harrlman says he has not de
rided where he will spend his sum
mer. It is a safe wager, however, that
he will not tpend any considerable por
tion of It at Washington or Oyster Bay.
Almost any political "has been" can
get his name In print by fathering a
denial of his complicity in the $5,000,
000, OOo conspiracy to defeat the con
summation of President Roosevelt's
Why this discrimination ef the local
yellow Journals in the free advertising
of Immoral resorts? Do those who pa
tronize their advertising columns also
purchase Immunity from the news col
umns? Circumstantial evidence points
that way.
The State Railway commission has
organised and equipped pself with a
full complement of salaried employes.
It will soon be up to the board to do
business 'and the Justification of Its ex
istence will be determined by that to
0 much greater degree than by the
distribution of the pie
ASUTHfH IHAtf. ."it IVIIA. (shots, like (hat at simplified spelling.
According to Havana adic.", Scire- ' maj time K'tie a little wild, but his
t;:ry Taft Is dettrmlned to arry out ! motto: 'Only the shots that hit
i he decision of President Kooseelt ; ( mint," )n;s saved him from ever be
and the administration at Washington coming discouraged. Confidence. In
to give Cuba another chance to d inon- j spired by his high average of hits, en
stratc whether the Inhabitants of the courages him to stand ready to meet
Island are capuble of maintaining and jnu aspirants for championship honors,
administering a stable form of govern- j
nient after It thall have been estab- i THE Riaixn iiai.n T1UK.
lished for them. Mr. Taft demands a The director of the mint In an un
careful and complete census of the! official statement predicts that the
Island, piellnilnary to elections, which j yield of gold and silver In the I'nited
he proposes shall be held late this fall, ; States for the present year will break
with surrender of the affairs of the , un previous records, the outlook being
islands Into the hands of the Cuban ; for a production of gold alone that will
authorities on July 4, 190S. ! aggregate more than $ 1 UO, 000, 000, ns
Conditions In Cuba are sadly com
plicated. One political faction is de
manding the Iiiiiih diute withdrawal of I
American troops from the Island, while j
another is pleading for their retention.
The latter express fear that the de
parture of the troops will serve as a
signal for a reign of riot nnd loot by
the insurgents, who have never ceased
their activity or lost their organiza
tion, but have been quiet only because
of the presence of .the American
forces. Petitions, signed by thousands
of property owners In Cuba, natives
end nonresidents, have been delivered
to Mr. Taft asking that the American
protectorate be maintained to exercise
a high administrative supervision over
the island. Signers of these petition')
have been assaulted nnd assailed by the
restless native's, an apparent proof that
the signers have grounds for their ap
prehensions. Recent investigations show that most
of the business Interests of the Cuba'i
Islands are In the hands of Americans
who control nearly all of the large
sugar and tobacco plantations. These
Interests want the American forces
kept in the Island for an Indefinite
time. Rankers In Havana and New
York declare that they will not feel Jus
tified In financing the sugar nnd to
bacco planters for another season If the
American troops are withdrawn nnd
Filch refusal would spell ruin for Cuban
Leaving financial and commercial in
terests aside, the fact remains nrom-
..... .... ....... .u I
niein cum uie . mums nave none innu
Ing since the overthrow of the Palma
government to demonstrate qualifica
tions for self government. They have
failed utterly to show any advance
ment from their record of incom
petency that made the second occupa
tion of the Island by American troops
an unescapable duty, under the terms
of the Plntt amendment. That occupa
tion was simply the penalty the Cubans
paid for destroying a condition of law
and order nnd stable government
which the I'nited States had estab
lished for them. While the adminis
tration at Washinpton Is pledged to the
glve-Cuba-another-chance policy. It Is
generally arcepted that a second fail
tire on Cuba's part will leave annexa
tion the only practical solution of the
problem. . This gives Secretary Taft's
present mission added Importance, both
to Cuba and to the I'nited States.
President Roosevelt has turned from
the wearisome, if effective, task of por
ing over his letter files for material to
confront and confound Mr. Harrlman
and others who have taken Issue with
him on railroad and political ques
tions, to offer a word of encourage
ment to the members of the National
Schuetzenbund, who will hold their
fifth triennial shooting festival ut
Charleston, S. C, next month. In
commending the purposes of the organ
ization and the service It Is doing to j truding engineer served to precipitate
the country In raising the standard of the trouble. The approval of an offl
markemanehlp among citizens, the ', clal bond Is not a life and death mat-
president writes:
Our rountry lins a regular army of such
small size ctm.ugn. i may say m P"'"- ,
of hih h trained etflrlenoy as to ne one of!
the best natlontl as,-ts. that In the event '
of war the great bulk of our forces will ;
have to consist of volunteers. Accord- j
ingly. It is of prime Importance that
there kIiouM be a thorough familiarity with
the use of the rlflo among those of our peo
ple from whom the ranks of the volunteers
would In time of war naturally be rilled.
Therefore, In helping raise the stundard
of inarkdmanshlp among our people and In
popularlzlrtg rifle shooting the Rcliuotzen
bund Is performing a great service, for
which the country to your debtor.
Enthusiastic peace advocates may
not endorse the president's approval
of the practice that makes bull'seye
marksmanship possible, but so long as
the peace conferences at The Hague portaut problems for the betterment
promise to result In nothing more ef- I of Omaha to deal with besides the in
fective than sonorous speeches on strlction of the social evil. The men
theoretical disarmament, the average
citizen will be disposed to agree with
Mr. Roosevelt that the trigger expert
is more valuable than the elocutionist
In the work of peace promotion. The
crack of the sharpshooter's rifle car
ries farther than an oratorical out
bu rst.
Then the ethical value of thla train-
Ing in marksmanship appeals to every-
body because of Its real Importance.
(The concentration of mind, training of
the eye, Judging of distances, control
' of nerves and muscles, and the tense-
! riess of effort essential to success in
I marksmanship strengthen and Improve
these traits and faculties for use In
other fields This the president knows
from experience. He is an expert
marksman himself and has an une
qualed record of bull'seves, scored with
rifle, pen. tongue and brain. The
gnat public dining room nt the White
Hems'? Is decorated with the heads or
pelts of benr, deer, mountain lions, an
telope, elk, moose and other trophies
of the chose, that bear testimony to
his skill as a huntsman, pnd his collec
tion does not end there. Fxercise In
other fields of the talents that have
brought h'm success with the rifle has
resulted In the collection by him of a
vast number of scalps of senators, rail-
road presidents, p'llrtli al opponents
J and perstual enemies. Some of bu
compared with the $9fi,000.000 pro-
duced In 1 9 U j . The estimate Is based
on reports from Cripple Creek and the
eVada and California camps, showing
marked increase in production over
last year. The mineral producing
states have betn unusually free from
labor troubles this year and weather
conditions have been favorable for con
tinuous active work In nearly all the
ramps, furnishing reasonable basis for
Director of the Mint Roberts' predic
tion that the aggregate production for
this year will be above the highest fig
ures ever touched.
The I'nited States Is not alone, In
the increased production of gold. Re
ports from the Rand district In the
Transvaal show an output of $11,100,
000 for the month of March, a record
bieaking production for any one
month, and Indications point to a
larger yield than last year, when the
value of the gold from the Rand dis
trict exceeded $ 11 S, 000, 000. On this
data, the world's production of gold
for 1907 may be estimated at $425,
000,000. Those who joined Mr. Bryan
a dozen years ago In foreshadowing
early exhaustion of the gold supply
will have to pipe low on that chord
The demonstration made by certain
democratic members of the city coun
cil In their efforts to oust the present
city engineer from his office by force
and to install a new engineer of their
own selection can be characterized as
nothing short of disgraceful. It is not
only disgraceful to the councllnien, but
disgraceful to the city In whose name
they have pretended to act, and alto
gether inexcusable.
That there Is a legal question as to
the tenure of the Incumbent city engi
neer is admitted. The mayor and the
engineer take the position that this
tenure Is for three years and the coun
cil has seemingly acquiesced by Inac
tion for nearly a year. The council
men, on the other hand, contend that
their power to fill a vacancy caused
by failure of an appointee to qualify
is a continuing power which they may
exercise at any time they see fit.
Granting a difference of opinion as
to the law, there has never been any
reason why the question should not be
tested, If at all. In an orderly manner
by appeal to the courts in the regular
way. Only the combined interest of
democratic place hunters and disgrunt
led public works contractors, both of
whom want to use the engineer's office
for their own selfish purposes, has led
the council to resort to a forcible raid
upon the engineer's office in the dark
hours of the night to the humiliation
of every law-abiding citizen of Omaha.
Incidentally, some of the blame for
this disgraceful demonstration must be
charged up against Judge Howard
Kennedy, Jr., of the district, court,
whose approval of the bond of the In-
ter, and its presentation at the judge's
residence late at nlsht should have
,,een 8ufflct.nt to arouse his suspicions
and t!UIBe ,linl to Mer actlon unt11
his court opened in the morning. His
haste to play in with the democratic
co,ln(.lnianP combine is certainly not
to his credit.
The dispute over the possession of
the engineer's office, having now been
taken Into the courts, will, It is to be
hoped, be submitted for a Judicial de
cision without further lawlessness In
the city hall.
The new Board of Fire and Police
ConimUslouers will have several im-
who have been appointed by Governor
Sheldon as police commissioners are,
however, men of common sense and
level head, who will not be stampeded
by any sensational outbreaks of notoriety-seeking
yellow journals, but
may be depended upon to grapple with
I these problems earnebtly with a view-
j to practical solution.
j As excise board the commissioners
! are charged with the supervision and
regulation of the liquor truffle and It
I will be their duty to pursue u policy
that will prevent abuses In the sale of
j liquor and at the same time protect the
legitimate holder of a license who
makes an effort In good faith to fulfill
the requirements of the law.
The duty of the board to see to it
that all forms of gambling are sup
pressed is unconditional. While Omaha
has no public gambling places, so far
as Is known, slot machine gambling
devices have not been molested when
they pay their prizes In trade. ' The
board will have to decide whether It Is
proper to discriminate between one
kind of a roulette wheel and another.
The commission is charged with a
restriction of boclal vice, and here It
will have to choose chiefly b"tweon
methods of restriction. The puges-
, Hon that a resumption of monthly fines
! upon women of the town Is the only
i w uv. will find much to bo said lu oppo-
I ..i.l... T-l.n A.... 1. .. I .. Ktid liliftn
B1IIUII. I liv line liuniiii n utn . ' i
tried In Omaha several times without
satisfactory results and the obJ Uona
to It are practical as well As Senti
mental. Finally, the new police board Is
charged with maintaining discipline In
j both fire and police departments. More
strict enforcement of penalties for the
Infraction of rules and gradual weed
ing out of disreputables and incompe
tents may be expected. Hnch member
I of the board, however, has taken an
: official oath to perform his duties free
j from political motives and with a sole
view to the efficiency of the depart
ments, and it Is safe to assume that
I the board will go ahead on this line
j without regard to yellow Journal
! clamor.
The marriage of the heroine of
! Omaha's last spicy divorce and the
i clerical co-respondent In the suit, who
hired a hall here during the trial for
the purpose of vindicating himself,
adds another sad commentary to our
divorce court business. The unenvia
ble notoriety which Omaha got out of
this case could and thould have been
averted by closing the doors of our
courts to imported cases smuggled
under the tent by fraudulent residence
Fought solely for that particular pur
pose. After more than ten months of In
cubating, City Prosecutor Daniel
promises to redeem one of the pledges
of the last city platform which he has
Just discovered. Mr. Ilanlel haB been
dismissing nearly all the complaints
lodged against Sunday lld-llfters, ex
cept where they have been willing to
plead guilty, and it Is pretty near time
for him to do something to make good
besides coercing saloon keepers to
take out bonds in the guaranty com
pany from which he draws a salary.
Down in Kansas it Is being disclosed
that the railroads keep two sets of
valuation figures, one as a basl3 for
assessment for taxation, the other as a
basis for determining adequate com
pensation from freight rates. That is
nothing new. The Nebraska railroads
have for years played up a maximum
find a minimum valuation by pleading
the poverty act before state boards of
assessment and then making padded
returns to courts passing on legislative
freight rate decrees.
Cigarette manufacturers state the
Increase In their output Is due to the
demands of "high society" women in
New York, Washington and other east
ern cities. That furnishes an alibi
for District Attorney Jerome and the
small boys of the country who have
been under suspicion.
It turns out that South Omaha's
amended city charter requires every
one voting at municipal elections to
show up a tax receipt. Assuming that
the object Is a good one, the trouble is
that the people who hold the tax re
ceipts are not always the ones who pay
the taxes.
If the city attorney is to represent
the Interests of the taxpayers in all
litigation, he will have to discover
whether he will line up with the mayor
or with the city council, or whether
he will discreetly stay out altogether.
In the meantime remember that The
Bee alms to be a paper that can be
safely Introduced Into the family circle
without fear of spreading the poison
of immorality among the boys and
girls who may read It.
Omaha socialists have adopted reso-
j lutlons denouncing about everybody
j who does not subscribe to the socialist
j program. Denunciation has never
proved effective as a means oi making
Xebranka'i Example Applauded.
Portland OregonJan.
The Nebraska legislature, overwhelm-
i Inirlv re milU(Hn. hus fulfilled all ramnaisn
pledges of the party platform. V.'iVt Tom
KichardHon circulnte awne Immigration
literature among Nebraska legislature? We
need 'ein.
Talking; for Old Friends.
Kansas City Btar.
In a speech In Philadelphia, ex-Senator
Thurston, addressing un audience of young
republicans, declared that the Roosevelt
policy should be overthrown. It Is probable
that thla well known corporation attorney
believes at 11 that he advocated. It Is be
cause men like Thurstc n believe Roosevelt's
overthrow would be a good thing that the
people are determind It tihall not be done.
No grcate confirmation that Roosevelt is
right could be Imagined than Thurston's
declaration that Roosevelt Is wrong.
Krmr of President's Knemles.
Roston Transcript.
It seems to us that the president's op
pom nu have made u mistake In not com
ing out squarely and Baying that they did
hope to wrest the cu.tiol tf the pcirty from
his hands by bringing to puss In l'. the
iioMlnation of a msm more suited to their
tastes. This would be a legitimate en
diuvor to which no reasonable person could
lake exception. It would bo n thing for
any nun to for. They mUht
dissent from details which are doubtless
exaggerated nnd fanciful, a was at once
recognized, but their d.-slie to shake the
control of Mr. Roosevelt should not liave
bfen denied.
Uurlcl'i Output of Wheat.
New York Sun.
j Trustworthy e&iiniiitcB show that .the
wcrld's output of wheat has practically
' doubled w ithin the last thirty years. The
' or..p of 17 T, is recorded as lw.n',c bush
els, and the crop of ll"; as 3. jo '.o ( t
ela. In t hi.- supply the r. Utive posit.- n
of the I'nited Males is practically un-
I changed. There has been a considerable
; fluctuation ef volume from year to year,
. but we still furnish about one-sixth of the
! total supply, us we did In 1V75
I Our mirpiiia for export shows wl l vaiia
i Men. In 1: 4 tl It cent of the crop was
wld In f -reign markets, an.l In l!-" only
' S pt-r r, nt. Averaging export percentages
by decade. It would appear that hu!e
' change has taken pluce. We consume at
' home al- "it 7" per cent of our clop and
ell uhroad a! out 3m per cent, us cllJ a
I generation ato.
nnnn a not t sew York.
Itlpplea on the f'nrrent of life In the
A slump of marked proportion In build
ing operations on Manhattan l1and Is the
surprising feature of comparative reports
for the first three nionlhs of this and the
preeeding year, fa tally the first quarter
of the year bring forth the bulk of the
plans for buildings. The record of the
bureau of buildings for the quarter shows
a total of ?ls buildings, estimated to cost
I11.7k3.ixi, n ll'tle more thnn fin per cent of
the record for the same time last year. Tf
this showing fairly reflects the year's
work, the New York Kvenlng Post calcu
lates that the record "will be on par with of llcon, when the building Industries
were demoralized by lalvir troubles " Sig
nificant of the decrease In building opera
tions Is a corresponding decline In the
cost of building material. Saya the Post:
"Structural steel still remains at Its last
year rate. Other materials, however, which
In last year's building boom went quite
high, are again receding In price. Hudson
river brick, which one year ago was quoted
at $10.75. Is now down to $5.75. with cor
responding reductions on all of the various
grades. lJuildlng materials are not yet,
however, at such low rates that there need
be fear of a resumption of widespread
speculative building. One of che causes of
the present slump In bjlldlng actlvltl"S of
the better kind Is the high cost of land.
To most speculative bulldera thla obstacle
will be Inaurmountable."
A large number of buildings are soon to
be destroyed In New York to make room
for additions' to the Brooklyn bridge ter
minal. One of these is Legget's hotel,
which was a fashionable hostelry sixty
years ago when New York as a city prac
tically ended with Canal street, and East
Broadway was a popular thoroughfare.
Men of all sorts and conditions. Including
the "Bowery boy" nothing like the Bowery
boy of today crowded lt corridors and Its
bar, according to the New York Times
The changes made necessary by the present i
work have disclosed an Interesting bit of '
New York history relating to Alexander
Hamilton. He was given the charter of the
bank of th Manhattan company, In return
for which the hank so long as It main
tains Its charier must keep n tank to) feet
In diameter and 60 feet high tilled with
water ready to supply the city. Business
men ubout to be evicted from their old
quarters sought a new place nt the corner
of Puahe and Kim streets, but found this
tank located there and that the building
surrounding It Is a mere shell and there
fore useless for business purposes).
Most visitors are disposed to refer more
or less frequently to the so-called babel of
noises In New York City, but there la no
babel here. True, the city has the noises
all right, and plenty of them, us every
body will admit without argument, but the
babel element Is totally lacking. All noises
are understandable to the people who live
and move among them. If anyone Is In
clined to question this statement let him
Introduce a strange noise. No matter how
slight It Is, immediately the city ear Is
attracted by It and It causes curiosity or
alarm, as the case may be. New Yorkers '
have become so familiar with the racket
of wagons and cars and autos and nil other !
vehicles the various shouts of men and
boys, the calls of the regulars and other i
ordinary noises of the street that the mi-
familiar noise at once arouses them and :
they gather 111 crowds with a rush to find j
out what It means. A etrange noise among
New York Clty'a multiplied nolsea excltos
more curiosity and comment than such u ,
noise would excite In a quiet country vil
lage, where only sporadic noises are ex
pected. An ofMdul who has charge of the lost
property on the traction line of Ureater
New York estimated last week that ut
least 6w articles arc lost every day on the
street cur lines and the railroad trains en
tering the metropolis. At least 100 are lost
on the elevated traliiB und In the subway.
Three hundred ure divided among the rail
road terminals. The losses In the streets,
hops, hotels, und places of public amuse
ment are probably 600 more. The larger
stores have departments where the urticles
may be recovered. Stiuy doge and cuts
are Joined by parrots and canaries left on
the street cars. The lost books form a
good-sized library. There ure more um
brellas than a retail dealer could dispose
nf in the musical department are nc-
cordeons, guitars, tambourines, flutes, music
racks and Bheet music. Overcoats, neus
nnd bundles from laundries are as numer
ous aa women's furs und gloves In winter
and straw huts In summer. Watches,
Jewelry, and wallets swell the money value
of the finds. Bottles of whisky and wine
add a suggestion of conviviality. )
Whut becomes of these articles? About
one-half of them are returned to their
owners. If the parcel contains a hint of
the owner's Identity, and Is not called for,
the traction companies notify the owner by
postal card. Usually the person who has
lost a piece of Jewelry, a aatchel, muff or
bundle of papers calls nt the railroad sta
tion or the offices of the traction company
and files a claim.
This brief romance of real estate valuea
Is told by an official of the Sailors' Snug
Harbor on 8taten Island: Over 100 years
ago Captain Robert Randall owned a furm
of twenty-one ncres on Munhattan Island,
valued at $ic1. He had iv family and
when he knew that his end was m-ur he
was puzzled as to whut should be done
with the property. He called In Alexander
Hamilton and Governor Daniel Tompkins
to draw a will for him. H asked them
to advise him as to the disposition of his
How was the property accumulated?"
asked Hamilton.
Captain Randall replied that he had In
herited It from his father, who had htvn
a sailor and a privateer. "Iyeave your
money, then," said Hamilton, "In trust
for the benefit of unfortunate and disabled
seamen." He decldcsl to do so, and the
Sailors' Sung Hartxw was the result.
Olio hundred years ago the land of the
farm was valued at 4,21C. Today the In
come from the property Is mTe than that
turn each week, and Its actual value Is ea-
I tlmnted all the way from lou.cim.ooO to
$lc0eO,V It has been leaed and released
: over and over, but It has never been sold,
aid never can be.
'Tor all time," say" the narrator of
these facts, "the Income from this country
place of a retired captain, now In the
busiest part of a big city, must be devoted
to the care i f men who. having sailed for
at least five years under the American
flag, have reached old age with no means
of support."
To the l.nst of the Chapter.
Chlcairo Chr nlcle.
The, Hon. Joseph O. Cannon continues j
to clsclalm any right to 1 styled "Speaker" ,
Cannon, and technically he Is right alioiit !
It. He censed to be speaker wrier, the last
congress adjourned and he will not again
be sjiraker unti the next congress elects j
him to that position. Ihit the friend a.rd 1
admirers of Mr CHnrwn w-tll cvntlnue to
sieenk of him and write of him as "Fiienker"
Cannot- te cause It is known by evtxvtiodv
-. . . n,e..n ..t- lh. iii-vt u-llt lw A I
1 on i i wi ii-'n - '- - - -
mere ratification of the popular will which
deioanls that t'nele Joseph shall continue
to preside over the del.bernttona of the f p-Kr-
i,.-h .vf rnnirrcii. He will beSii-aker
Cnrnon until the end of th- chapter. The
hiatus Lctween iwo congresses uues nu;
Absolutely Puro
Absolutely Puro
When ordering: baking powder
ask for Royal. A pure, grape
cream of tartar powder.
All its ingredients are named
upon the label. Free from
alum and phosphate of lime.
Absolutely Puro
Kugene Ware of KaiiB.ts, formerly com
missioner of pe nsions, has accepted the f 12
a month to which he is entitled under the
new pension law. He will turn over the
money every month to a poor girl In To
peka to aid her In getting an education.
The lYussian ministry of education has
appointed Prof. Felix Adltr as Theodore
Roosevelt professor In the 1'nlverslty of
Berlin for the year 1WV9, upon the nomi
nation of the trustees of Columbia uni
versity, where he holds the chair of politi
cal and social ethics.
Duke Carl Theodore or Bavaria, the only
royal oculist In the world, a short Mine
ago performed his five thousandth opera
tion for cataract. His wife has long been !
his able professional assistant, as were
his daughters before they were married.
The duke has studied In many medical
schools and hospitals of Kurope. He has
a private hospital, to which he devotes
much time, for thither flock many poor per
sons afflicted or threatened with blindness.
A herd of 4Ti bison, owned by Michael
Pablo, now at Flathead reservation. :5
miles west of Missoula, Mont., is about to
pass Into possession of the Canadian gov
ernment. Some tine ago the bison were
offered to the I'nited States government at
$3"0 a head. President Roosevelt was de
sirous of preserving to the I'nited Stntes
the herd, comprising half of all the bison
surviving In this country, but no appropria
tion was 'made by the government for the
Alonzo H. Rvuns. Boston's oldest bank
president, at eighty-seven Is robust nnd
hearty, and shows by his own example the
result of living the kind of life that ho
prescribes for the youth of today. Mr.
Evans has the greatest confidence In the
generation of the present, nnd thinks that
If they follow his advice they will succeed.
He says: "Apply yourself, young man. If
you would succeed. Work hard, be honest,
be truthful, be loyal to your employer,
save something out of each week's pay.
even If It Is little, but, above all, apply
When James J. Hill makes up his mind
to leave his St. Paul for his New York
office he stands not on the order of his
going. Ho goes at once nnd seldom or
never does he let the Great Northern offl
clals In the eastern city know thnt he's on
his way. T'nless the papers note Mr. Hill's
departure from Rt. Paul the first theOreat
Northern officials know of it In most cas-s
Is his entrance Into his offices In New
York. Often the first knowledge of his
arrival comes from seeing him at his desk,
for Mr. Hill Invariably walks direct to his
private office and begins work as If ho had
been at his desk the day h-fore. The time
for chatting with the other officials comes
after looking over his work.
GOOD MANV SPRINGS have passed sinee the
patterns in suits have been as bright anil attrac
tive as are the cool, lisrlit forays that we are
showing this season. The broader lapels are a
characteristic of the cut.
$15.00 TO S 10.00.
High grade scarfs, new patterns in fancy
shirts, gloves of many kinds and hats of all
kinds all are here today for wear tomorrow.
Browning, Ming & Co
II. 8. WILCOX, Manager.
Last Hours?
War on Prices. War on Terms. War on Commis
sions. Out of the Retail and Into the Whole
sale Piano business.
Vs are declaring war on prices and
all other abuses In the piano trade
that the buying public has to pay.
Did you ever consider If your friends
get a commission when you Luy a
piano that you are the one who pays
It? Well, you are. In place of "giv
ing you" things that you are paying
for, we are going to cut in iwo the
price of the piano for you. le n t thli
look better than giving It to your
supposed friends? You, not your
neighbor, w ill be the one beie tlted.
Let us say for your benefit, Mrs.
llano Purchaser, that we are giving
the people of Omaha the gieat-Mt
chance to buy a high grade piano
ever offered them, ami our reason Is
that we are going cut of tin: re-t&U
und Into the whole-sale piano husl
.leies, und m-iM ofT-r lh--e planoH at
prii es to sell tht-ui quu kly. are
iolng L, toei, not wit hstauding toe un
kind onslaught made by our brothers
on us, and we ure cutting prices that
make them Miudder at what we will
"We must take in sail," said the conser
vative railway president, firmly.
"Please limi t say It that way," com
mented ; director. "We have abundance
of water, but we don't want people to
think we are running this concern on
wind." Philadelphia. Ledger,
The fathers had Just signed the declara
tion of Independence.
And yet, we inured not one of them
dans take his winter flannels off till hit
wlfo gives 1. 1 in permission.
This goes to show what an nblect coward
lordly man really ls.-.'iw York Sun.
"How fortunate It is," said the mngazlre
readi r, "chat no one has actually ariived
ut the north pole."
"Yes. No account of Its discovery could
possibly be ns interesting as the discussion
eif various methoils of leaching It." Wash
ington Star.
"Ho Is a man if lofty Ideals."
"perhaps," answered Senator Sorghum,
"although a man sometime- gets credit for
lofty ideals when he Is merely holding out
for a high price." Washingt m Star.
Denver Republican.
The-e Is a mother, so legend runs,
of mothers quite- the best.
Who boasts ten million sturdy sons
Twixt plain and mountain crest;
She gives them wealth In goodly store.
She gives abounding health-and more.
She opens wide Contentment's door;
Her name Is Mother West.
O, mother whose bounties never fail
Thy . hihl.eti, amply blest.
To fere ign shores we may s-t sail
Our pilot si range unrest
But still thy children turn to thee.
Thy plains. thy hills, thy mystery.
And at the last, fr-on oversea,
Comet home- to Mother West!
. Wii
When yoii go to buy a
Don't say. "I want a hat"
Abu him for
The hat you want
and get it.
It's the
do next This great sale Is almost
.Or?,o ' Ut V'r'' l""H n"UK" to
bargain..1, " OUl "e f our
Look at these prices on ruch well
known makes, both new and used, ai
smiln it Nixon, Khersole, Haines
Bros.. Armstrong. Knabe, Km. bull.
Biewster. Normaiidi.., etc., at pi le ..s
rrom S7 up to 3iex fr new uprights
and from 1 10 up on square and used
uprights, organs ut jour own price,
ir ye.u are skeptical cull on any otlor
dealer, get his lowest prT e s, then
ceune to us, url if w ,ann,,t Ki, ,w
you a piano that Is the same grade
r..r 1100 less money, we don't waist to
sell yeni, for we can do It and Mr.
Dealer knows It. That Is why he ts
offering all kinds of halts to keep ynu
from coming here to see what ou e an
buy a nrst-cUsa piano for. e are
having a most sac, Hsful sale and
se lling many pianos j. und It U
up to ye, u t,, c all and let snow you,
wtiat we can do. ltemeiohe-r. you
will have In act quickly, as this sala
will not tail much longer: so call day
n, i i i rNrn.m st rt
-AM A M-