THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TIIUKSDAY. A PHIL 11. 1M7. START OF BIG LEAGUE KACE 1 cw hj Team Will Flj in Opauins Games Ihnfdij. C II A HA. IOGKS GOOD TO OTH.R TOWNS Western Leasee (lllra Brain to Take Motlre o( Ike Aurriatlon That ' Will Tath Roorkf Par (berks Thla Reason. American l.raaar. Clilcnao at Si. Louis. Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Washington, boatou at Philadelphia. National l.funr. ft. at Chicago, s'ltlabura; at Cincinnati, frl.liaiii U' at New York, iiiookiyn Ht Iiotttoii. That Is the way the major leasee t'ams are scheduled to start the gam- Thursday afternoon, anil from then on will be two magnified. t races, for no team curl be tout' cj ii h having n walkaway from the Held lit lliln early mage-. Most of the other taajus liuvo been strengthened for the com ing rai (., but the two Chicago team have been left practically a? they were when they made their splendid recortf-i lust year. At any rate, the race pron.lses to be a warm one In both league from now until Oct' ' 6. Munuger J nca of the White st tlilr.ks bin men will d" more i.luing than last yea.-, and the sptlng Raines bear out his contention. I-ael year the Kox tatted .tin. but Manug-r Jones said It must be .270 this year, which would be about the snme as the hard-hitting- Napo leons. In the National league New York tx k has gon down since the desertion of the dant camp by Dunlin. Chicago has but one tloiibtfu' position on the team and for that the contender! are Slagle, Hoffman and Itt.ndall. Any teum might like to have any one of these. Omiih litrnrt Attention, Other cities In the Western league are beginning to recognize the possibilities and probabilities of Pa's new team and the papers of tl in' towns are beginning to alt up anil 1-ik notice. Home are even publishing pictures of the new young -iters lest they might get scooped on some pros pective candidate for big loague honors. The winning of game from the Whltesox and the Bt. Paul team entitles I'a's men to recognition and the Omaha fans are lglit In line when It comes to according esnrved recognition. The players have rounded Into shape bout ns well as It they had trained In he City of Mexico, and are now ready for be call of the ump. at any time the xeoutlve board of the Weatern league nay decide to act the ball to going. The ixtremely warm weather during the first week of practice was Just what waa needed to put the men In fine shape for a hard season. The weather waa warm enough to allow them to work oft many of the extra pounds which had accumulated during the winter. The coming of Wichita la watched with Interest, for here la a team touted to be the beat In the Western as sociation and coming to Omaha with a long string of aprlng victories, Including Denver.- The Topoka teum won from the Substitutes of tha Bt, Paul team Sunday, While the regulars were playing In Omaha. ToH'ka has lost Cooley, who will manage the Louisville team, but It haa aeoured Runkle aa manager-player and he will per form around third base. Crclghton will be played at Vinton park Thursday and Wltchlta Friday, Saturday and Sunday. "SASDOW" MKHTKS MAY BE FREE If He Doesn't Receive Satisfactory ftalarr Contract ia Void. CINCINNATI, April 10. The decision In the case' of "Bnndow" Mertes, the ball flayer, waa published today, to the effect hat unlesa the St. Louis or the Boston Nationals pay him a H.OO salary he be comes a free agent. Mertes waa transferred from St. Ixiuls to Boston on the understanding that he was to receive $4,000 per annum. In Feb ruary he received a contract from the Huston club calling for a salary of 12. 4") a year. Ha refused to sign the contract and appealed to the national commission, contending that he should receive 14. (Mi for the coming season or be declared a free agent. The commission decided In bis favor and he will be free to sign with Thorn ha pleases If the Boston club does COQTS EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE It jj- rpt orly- tke. b.tvt invericrxix cKtxmprxgrv.,but ti IT TAKK8 nearly stx in on tha for SUny Beer to go from the1 kettle to you. It Is thu thoroughly matured and agreeable to the most delicate stomach. To thus laser (or a;-e) cur beer la very coatly, but It gives to fctorx Beer that delicious, pal atable flavor that so dlntlngulslies It, and that's why ao many prominent physician recommend fctori lker. If you drink teer, ret the best. Order felon ltevtr. It cofets you no i more, lave a case sent home today. Stoti Drcwlng Co., Omnh. P3 AJtOQ TXVOa PPKTAsTT. U1 aorta I ma lu Osaaha, YAWsT -UfcaiJITXmX It's hard to 'rwallow' MMIol the claim mad for torn hats. But any promise made hj the makers of M iafs is 'good at gold.' REPRESENTATIVE DEALERS not tender him a contract colling for H.00 bv totnoiTnw morning, or If the Pt. Ixiuls club falls to guarantee such salary. In another decision lleni-y I'attee of Urooklyn is reinstated without penalty, his failure to report last season owing to his college work being considered utflciant excuse. EK.TS OX THE HI VMXfi TRACK" nine Wins the Jntrnlle Stakes at Jfw Orleans. NEW ORLKANS. April 10. The Juve nile stakes, ll.ouO mined, for J-year-olds, was won by Blue Lee, a heavily played second choice, at City Park today. Re sults: l lrst run', one mile, selling: Oold Duke (7, A. Mirtln, 21 to S) won, McAllister iluu. L. Taylor, 3 to 4) second, King Brii'li t7, J. Ford, 40 to 1) third. Time: 1:4ns. Must (in Along, (juince, Palutlna, Electrlce, Little Lighter, Ulster Polly, Cahrlt, Kate Kperry and Cordon Hunk ran. Second racij, seven furlongs: Cable gram (116, H. Davis, J to 6) won, Ht. Joseph 4 1 US. J. Lmly, 20 to 1). second, Vic Zelgler (116, Foy, ;.i to 1) third. Time: 1:2. 4f. Mayor Johnson, Lodsr, Fire Alarm, St. Joe, Jehane, Duke of Sanga mon, HoeiiH I'ocus, lion Mot ran. Third race, mile and one-iiumter, sell ing: Flavlgny U0K. J. Poland, 9 to 20) won, St. Noel (106, Oaugel, 7 to 1), sec ond. Donna (10x. J. Lee, 12 to 1) third. Time: 2:09. Macbeth, Gamester, Sin cerity Belle, Etta M, Orllne ran. Fourth race, four furlongs, the Juve nile stakes: Blue Lee ( 1 1 S. J. Lee, 6 to 6) won. Black Mary (115. J. Daly. 4 to 6 second, Truce (113. Troxler, 40 to 1) third. Time: 0:4xV Ben Wamsley, Antolne, Geo Whiz, Bitter Sir ran. Fifth race, one mile, selling: Zlck Abratns (102, J. Lee, 12 to 1) won, Al tonby (100, J. Boland, 16 to 5) second, Quaggu (100, Johannesen, 9 to 5) third. Time: 1:42. J. J. Jr., Beilamlna, Black lock, Lamertlne, Waterfall, Mazle O'Nell, Augusta Wood, Mollle Dall. Masker ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Cutter (111, J. Lee, even) won. Foreigner (113, Troxler, 40 to 1) second, Prince Brutus (113, J. Daly, I to 1) third. Time: 1:13 H- Dor othy M, Grace George. Mohave, Lady Carol. Hi'lui. Dorothy Imncan, Plutcr, Fox Meade, Wild Irishman also ran. Seventh race, one mile, selling: Posing (10R. J. Leo, 13 to 5) won, Airship (110, Oaugel, 8 to 1) second, Bazll illO. Trox ler. 17 to 1) third. Time: l:404fc. Rather Hoyal, Hebounder, Lemon Girl, John Gar rep. Pride df Woodstock Henry, Gladiator, Estrada Palma, Mafalda, Old Hal also ran. u ..--H lisu 1 1N, April 10. lU-sults at Penning : First race, five furlongs, Columbia course: Dog Hose (91, U Smith, 10 to 1) won. How About You (lu3. Miller, 10 to 1) second, Grafton (l1. Keating, 100 to 1) third. Time: l:0ofe. Legerdemain, Salt and Pepper, Bedi Ha, Farceur, Muck Rake, Nettle Cht Ita, Lucy Btrome, Accumulate, Ida Beck, Eprlng Tall and Black Chalk also ran. Second race, selling, four and one-half furlongs, oM course: Bllfll (1(. Hennessy, 18 to & won; 6ervile (St7, Goldstein, 16 to 1) second, Iady Powell (97, Henry B., K to 1) third. Time: 1:26. Black Hawk. Tray of Spades, Vistula, Otwell, Glenada also ran. Third raoe, nix and one-half furlongs. Columbia course: Greno (H6, McDnleis, 8 to 1) won, Golf Ball (H, Miller, U to 20) second, Lally( lOfi, Mountain, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:25. King of Spades, Nancy and Umbrella ran. Fourth race, seven furlongs, Columbia course: Don IMeo f7. Miller, 7 to &) won. Rose of Dawn ('.'5. Marsin. 13 to 6) second, t'edorstronie (Ion. MrDnnlal. 1H to Si third. Time: 1:30. Monacodor, Midas, Cobmoaa, Bowling Prldge hIso ran. Fifth race, selling, seven furlongs, Co lumbia courae: Society Bud (Srt, Simmons, 13 trk II tvrin U'uhnah Oilman iu,Al 9 to K nerooil Ivanh,, lim 1 Tnl,na,.n' I 18 to 6) third. Time: L31H- Warning, No Trumper and Cobles Kill ran. Sixth race, handicap, mile and 100 yards, old course: Holscher (114. Noone, 7 to 10) won, Fauat (90. (ioldsteln. 3 to 1) second, Sonoma Belle (1m;. J. Johnson. IS to SI third Time: 1:53H- Congress, Will Do also ran. SAN FRANCISCO. April 10-Results at OtLklanil: First race, five furlongs: Adena (lop, A. Brown, 11 to 2) won, Harvel iti, Knapii, 3 to 5) second, College W'dow (106, H. Smith. 4 to 1) third. Time: l:01fc- Wahoo, Stanley. Fuy, Bnxjkleaf, Vanna and Cocy lus finished aa named. Second race, mile ind a half, selllna: In. flammable (107. Grote, 9 to B won, Iras (loO. Lycurgus. 11 to 6) second, Ismallan (1"1, ! Kelly. 7 to 1 third. Time: 2:i.. H.istLifr. 1 ink. orarter and Royal Red finished as named. Third race, Ave and one-half fnrlonga: Native Son (K, H. Smith, 9 to 20) won. Ocean S'lore U, E. Dugan, S to 1) second. Nappa (H2. Knanp. 7 to 1) third. Tlnu: 1:074. Mabel Hollander, MIbs Martha. L. C. Ackerly and Salvadule finished aa named. Fourth race, Black Robs handicap, $1,000, mile and a alxteenth: Rapid Water (115, Fl.teher, 13 to Ni won, Vox Ponull (96. W. Kelly. 2 to 1) second. Maasa (lo4. Keogh, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:47. Confeasor, Ruby and Reservation finished as named. Fifth race. mile and a sixteenth: F-duoardo (1(, H. Smith, to S) won, Cadl chon (liw. Ooodchlld, 11 to 6) second. Hlppo-c-ites 109. Keorh, S to 11 third. Time: 1:4H. Snndstoine. Governor Davis, My I'al. Fastoeo and Watchful also ran. Sixth race, nix furlongs: Grace f (94. K. Lynch, 13 to 1) won. Sugar Maid 0'. Brown, evenl second, Roval Rrnrur (100, Keogh. 21 to t, third. Time: 1:1SV Gate way. Ir1ncea Tltanta, Nothing, King Cola anil Head Dance also ran. P'S 1IOTH IIKKKAT THE HI PTI.F.H foainrll RlarTa Ainateara Shut Oat While Colta Score Fowrteea. Pa Rourke'a boya went over to Council HlulTn yeHterday and played the Ideal llimtlera of that cltv. J-iat to aliow that they played no favorites, I'a a boya trimmed i OZOMl'L SlOX GUARANTEED I'nder the Food and Drugs Art, June 80tb, 1900. Serial No. 832. m tm t nainwg saw jtssu i j i )! Tht Cad Unr Oil Ewmltin "Par BxctUtnM." Ristoru Kialth by Building Tlitui Becatwe the Human Body must have fat to supply energy to the tuiUFS, Oxomubion contain the pureit of natirral Fats, Cod Liver Oil and Glycerine. Without ani mal fat in tome easily digested form, the Body would starve. Ozo mulsion replaces the lost energy of oxidization in the best known manner to science. Fcr7as!ing Diseases ozonuLsior. F.hkes Good (ha Lost Tlssus Beneficial Results are Obtained after the First Dose. There are too 8-os. and ls-oa. Bottles) lb Formula is unmed ia T Ungutfe 01 aaca. Ozomulsion Laboratories s4 fearl bireet. New Tors. rzp.ATTS th PROTECT Mill I irt' lHiirttc.D C tins, ltcl the amate.irs to tha tune of 14 to 0. Ragan did the twirling for the leaa-uer. Omaha Agalast Crelafcton. Tha Rourke family will play an exhibi tion irnn with the Crelsrhton university team Thursday afternoon at Vinton sfeot park. The collegians are quit encourdfid ov.r the rp'.Tdil sowlr .hy made against tha White Box and are confident (if keeping up the good work when they meet the Western league team. The gajne will be called at 1 30. Tha lineup: Omaha. Position. Cretghton. Dolan First bsae lxlaney I'rv Flret base White Second base elcNally Graham Fv-ond base Austin Third base Bteen Franck Shortstop Mullln Autrey Left field McShane Welch Center field Zellera Pelden Hight field Fish back Oonding Catcher Fltsgerald Townsend Catcher fiandem Pitcher Lanlgan McNeeley Pitcher Bulger Thompaon Pitcher Mcllanon Hagan Pitcher Whitehead Hall nteher Petarson Mets Pitcher Demay Ions City Defeats Collealaas. VERMILION, S. D.. April 10-(Speclal Telegram ) The I'nlverslty players lost to day s game to the Sioux City lackers, to 5. Batteries: Sioux City. Corbett, Jarrott and Spies; University. Sawyer and Shlrey. Brief Hits of port. From reports It appears that Rube Wad dell has not as yet discovered himself. But you may expect to hear big doings from the eccentric Athletic twarler after the first fire he attends during the playing season. Rube Is a fiend on biases. Iaju Barney put In tha last day the law allowed at ducks, at Cut-OIT lake and when the sun was sinking In tha west he counted his tag and found he had eight of the beauties to carry home with him. Every body else thought all tha ducks had gone niwth, but Ramey had a drearn that there were to be some ducks at Cut-Off. so he followed the tip given by the dream with the result he bagged eight. The Manawa Amusement ontnpany de cided to aell sixteen of ita older boats, still gixnl Tor connldierablc service, but not new and bright looking enough to rent. Two Omaha men. were told of the boats being on the market and In lens than a day they wore all bought by members cf the Omaha Rod and Gun club. Members are building boats, picking up a boat hM-e and a boat there until there will be quite a fleet at Cut-Off this summer. Beel and Parr have been matched to wrestle in Chicago next Monday night. There are few In Omaha, but who would have to follow their better Judgment and place their small change on Buel. who was about the fastest piece of bone and mimtle, which has appeared cn the local mat. He Is so good that even Farrnor Burns, who won from Parr, said he did not care to meet him until he had taken time to train up for the match. Parrs latest achieve ments have been in throwing Hacken schmldt and Klanck. Beel tried to gt Gotch to give him a third match, but Gotch did not seem Inclined to do ao. Lowla Runkle will be player manager of the Cooleycrows In Cooley's absence, while Herman Crow will liok after the flivancea and the business end of the team. Cooley thinks that Runkle should be a successful matuager as he has managed and captained teams before now. Last year Runkle played with Omaha, p'aylng short in seventy-one games and ranking fifth In the list of shortstops in the leag-ue. He also played twenty-eight games at first bane, and led the leagues first baaemon. He baited .248 on the season. His playing during the exhib.tlon game that the Cooleycrows have taken part In thaa won him many friends among the local fans Topeka Capitol. Christ Olson, the baker who maV the record on a big bas last year, holds the record again this year for a short time ago ho took his little rod and reel and In the counso of an evening caught twenty five black buss bejiutles. Olson has gained an enviable reputation as a fisherman for It aeems all he has to do Is lo go out in his Uttle skiff and return with the fish. This ahowa that the fish are In the lake and ready to lie caught by those who know how to bait their hooka and go after them, lie knows the old lake from A to Z, or from the bridge to Anderson's and knows where the fish feed and at what place they feed and Just what they would like for that day in the shape of bait. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint and Corloas Features of Life In a Rapidly Crowing State. Reporta from the Interior prove beyond doubt that several generations must pass before base ball joins plngpong on the mausoleum of sport. An Omaha Indian Is taking the Keeley cure, showing that the day of "graft" Is passing on the reservation as well aa In other parts of the state. Johnson Got the Btory Al Johnson has a fish story that will last htm for several years, even though Willie Strach did make the catch. Norfolk News. l.rgul proceedlnga In the matter of the Nehruka City Uaa plant Indicate that the common atock and bonds were of little hlirher quality than the lllumlnant It sup piles. Information Wanted If Congressman Pol lard will only tell ua who acooped In the most jackpots on the Panama trip we will not bother him about anything elset Vtlca Sun. Klbow Sleeves at Auburn ESbow sleeves are In order and the girls wear them when j It Is so cold that their purple arms appear to be In the last stages of mortification. Annie Veo Gates In Auburn Oranger. Dogs In Johnson County Deputy As sessor Krauae, Informed us that last year , 1.6S3 dogs were aaaeaaed In this county, and j as tne assessment is id eacn, tne amount was something more than $8,000. Sterling News. Where Fremont Excels The Norfolk News says: "There were 148 teachers In town without padding." Huh! That's nothing, Fremont had 1,200 of 'em, and not one no far as we know was accused of padding. Fremont Herald. Will Watch the Pigs James Cols;rove says he will move out on one of hla farms In the near future. Jim says he woXild rather watch the Uttle plfs learn to eat corn than to loaf around town. Odell Cor respondent Beatrice Tltntia. When Morris Waited Mr. Morris, after letting his boiled shirt on Friday and waiting; about two hours for the pesky old freight, decided he would wait for a more convenient season to call on CHltnerltes. TrumbuU Correspondent Clay Center Sun. Calaboose on Wheels Marshall Johnson marched two drunks out to the railroad and locked them Into a box car for safe keeping; Monday night. They had come down from up river In the afternoon on the train. Mloatare Correspondent Goring Courier. Klght on, the heels of the ' announce ment that Senator Former Is to take Issue with the prrsldent on some points, the Qrand Island Independent digs from Its files the fact that ten years ago the sen ator si as champion lug a bill to legalize railroad pooh. Nebraska Laimbar for Railroads George Barnett haa mined his sawmill outfit from Walker's Island to the half-way house, where he will convert the logs which have been cut from the (rove into lumber to be used on the Foye Una and la the con struction of cottages at the lake. Da kota City E-le. AppeeJ for Cheerfulness) Under Dimoul t lee April 1! That dreadful man, the as aeaaor, la abroad In tha land. By the way, why dreadful? If we have great posses sions let us ralotoe and five the Hat cheer fully since taxes are the main support of many worthy state, cuunty and township Institutions, Including our schools, none of which have more money than they need. Waoo Correspondent York Republican. 1 --,v iimln ij Free Sampls Adrirasi Dept.. W lMMl.(rlltaar.ict.tlS4M.II.T. The Shino That Lasts Longest) LETTERS FROM BEE READERS Wlntersteen nys the Hirer Waa Open Forty Years Ags la March. Contrlbutlona on timely topics are In vited from readers of The Bee. Com munications should be written 1 glbly on one side of thr paper only nn.i ac companied by the name and address of the writer. The name will nut be us 'd If the writer asks that It be withheld. Unused communications will not be re turned. CurrcHiNHidents are advised to limit their letters to 3"0 words or they will be subject to being cut down to that limit at the discretion of the edi tor. IibMcatlon of views of correspond ents must not be taken to commit The Bee to their endorsement. C'hnlleaaes Caldwell's Atnry. FREMONT, Ncb April 9 To the Editor of The Bee: The story told by Rev. Mr. Caldwell is libelous of this day forty years ago. I landed In Omaha forty years ago, March lii; came up the river on the old War Eagle; the river at thnt time was na cltar of Ice as It Is today. We were landed on a sandbar a little above the Union Pacific bridge before noon, and owing to the, large number of Idle men Just discharged from work on the line of the Union Pacific I started to walk to the Bluffs. When I got to the river the fellow who was running the ferryboat took part of my K cents, that was the exact amount of my capital. Had It been these lines would never have been written, for my longing desire Just then wna for the hills of Ohio. My first month's work was out doors for n Mr. Fox. back on the bill not far from Benson. There wns not over two or three Inches of snow thnt spring after my ar rival. Mr. Caldwell Is mixed up In his dates. P. H. WINTERSTEKN. NEW OFFICERS FOR Y. W. C. A. Mr. Ifnrforil and Mrs. Tllilen He K.leeted President and Vice President, Respectively, The newly elected board of directors of the local Young Women's Christian asso ciation met fir the first time Thursday and elected officers to serve for the coming year. Mrs. W. P. Harford was ro-elected president, Mrs. George Ttlden, re-elected vice president; Mrs J. P. Bailey, second vlcp president; Mrs. J. H. Dumont, third vice president; Mrs. R. O. Schafter, re cording secretary, and Mis. Clement Chase, corresponding secretary. The following appointments .were made for committee chairmen: Bible study, Mrs. F. P. Loomls; devotional, Mrs. John P. Lord; educational, Mrs. G. W. Garloch; extension, Mrs. D. W. Merrow, finance, MrB. George Tllden; house, Mrs. C. A. Sherwood: gymnasium, Mrs. A. W. Bowman; library, Mrs. P. M. Gar rett; lunch, Mrs. H. F. Kellogg; member ship, Mrs. J. M. Alkin; reception, Mrs. G. W. Wlckersham; visiting, Mrs. Andrew Traynor. Building; Permits. The following building permits have been Issued: John Moher. 415 North Thir tieth, 81,800 dwelling; C. Porter. 2S Dav enport. J500 addition; Sam Hoff, Twenty second and Oak, DO0 building. OLD CROW EYE, EAL WHISKEY P f 1 - AND "THE BEST." BOTTLED IN BOND PURITY AGESTRENGTH Look for the word "RYE" in red on label. Distillery's Woodford Co, KV, CsWlssssawsasWlssssjatssss '.asV'HUIW UaW M sWsH11-' 1 9jm . -... ..-i ' -- - - - r mill f ass Iij af II 11 EMmmmmwmwm9yqm0vmtmmmmmrmmumiwm9w yip-sw hp jwi u mmm i MW - - -- - - - -- - - -- -' ' i To (C The Burlington "After Dinner" Chicago train leaves Omaha at 8:05 p. m., and arrives Chicago, in the heart of the business district, at 9:0.' a. m. This 13 hour journey will be comfortable not too fast. You will like the din ing car service for breakfast in our very handsome din ing cars. The menu is a la carte. You need not pay an arbi trary price of a dollar for breakfast if you don't want to you pay only for what is ordered. Afternoon Train at 3:45, bringing you into Chicago for an early arrival at 7 :00 a. in. Daylight Special at 7 :J5 a. in. Ticket l 1 L . . J , .. i p mm ,, 1 eWSBKHe-ptwiyTOIllll l. Milium WW'llP-lWT'f "T'v L I They act like Exercise. j s-for the Bowds Ten--" ,..,. . All Cents , , V Druga'tsJ T rS-n ' i isl W " Si t rwiyl ii m ,.ii. I I I " '- - I DEEP WATERWAY FEASIBLE Governor Dineen Transmit! Report of Com minion to lllinoii Legiiiaiure. WATER POWIR A FACTOR IN THE SCHIMl Law Proposed to Authorise "Mate to Sell Pnitff lu Order to liaise Kecesaary Funds for (anal. SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 10. Governor Denien today sent to the senate and the house the report of the commission ap pointed by him two )ears ago to investi gate and report upon the possibilities of a deep water way between the Jakes and the gulf. According to the report the channel con taining eighteen feet of water is entirely feasible from Chicago to St. Louis. Gov ernor Deneen recommends that legislation be enacted conferring upon the canal com missioners the power t:u' essary for the development and use of the immense water power. Because of The water power made possible by the large How of waici' proposed between Lockpoit nnd l'tlra;Biid also legislation to provide for tht enlarge ment of the corporate powers of the san itary district of Chliago and to aurhoilre the sanitary district to acquire the rights of the canal commissioners In the water way and other property of the Illinois and Michigan canal. The governor also recommends In aid of the construction of the proposed deep water way, that the state so legislate that part of the revenue secured from the sale of water power shall be made to contribute to Its con struction FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair In Nebraska nnd Kansas Tnriny nnd Tomorrow Cooler In West ern elirnsbn Today. WASHINGTON. April lo. Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska and Kansas-Fair Thurs day and cooler in west prtlon; Friday, fair. For Iowa and Missouri Fair In east por tion and ahowers nv west; warmer Thurs day; Friday, uhowers. "For South Dakota Showers and colder Thursday; Friday, fair. l,o'nl llecnrrl. OFFICIO OF TUB WRATH RB BUREAU, OMAHA, April 10 OllVlal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the correnpondlng day of -he last three years: l'.urT . 19of.. 1K. liM. Maximum temperature. . . . 411 4S i,3 Minimum temperature.... 2K 42 4" !W Mean temperature 3!l 4." T2 47 I'reeiphaiion (i .on .on .14) Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, mil comparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature 4R Inflclency for the day 3 Total excess since March 1 257 Normal precipitation i 10 Inch 1 lelli lency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall Bince March 1 14 Inch Deficiency since M.i-ch 1 1.73 Inches RxcesR for cor. period. I!! 54 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, l!fi5. .. .1.47 Inches Iteporta from Stations nt 7 I'. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Raln of Weather. 7 p. in. Temp. fall. Rlsmarck, part cloudy 4(5 51 T Cheyenne, clear 64 72 .00 Davenport, cloudy 44 4X M Chicago, part cloudy 34 ,Vi T Denver, clear 76 S) .00 Havre, clear 60 S2 T Helena, clea- & .Oi, Huron, cloudy 4i; 48 .00 Kansas City, part cloudy.. 60 fiO .00 North riatte. clear (W 7fi .00 Omaha, cloud 4.S 49 .00 Rapid City, cloudv 41 68 -.06 St. I,ouls, part cloudy 4i 4S .00 St. Paul, cloudy.. 40 44 .00 Salt Iake City, pt. cloudy.. 6S W .00 111eru111e, clear nn ri ,ib, Wllllst in, cloudy 40 54 .02 ' T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WF.L8H, Local Forecaster. Distributers Riley Bross Co.. Omavha Oilicc, 1502 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 3580 lts"cR(i fnu. m PWIIlMS go lUliilMJikiiii BLOOD C-trr1i i tjunllj -"r? in Winter, Nmc of tl:e c-. damp and suddenly 'chanffinclimate. o,U are contracted, nnd neglected ami ns the Secretions from the dilTtnnt inflamed tnemhranes nre absorbed into the lil(Xm the unpleasant symptoms cf the disease commence. The nostrils nre Stopped tip and .1 constant dropping of mucous back into the throat kerp3 tip a continual hawkinp; nnd spitting. The patient has dull headaches, ringing noises in the cars, nnd often slight fever nnd a depressed, half sick feeling- The blood becomes so fully charged with catarrhal matter that stomach troubles nre brought on, the kidneys and Madder are affected, and if the blood is not purified of the poison the lunp,9 become diseased because of the constant passage of impure blood through them. Catarrh cannot be cured with washes, sprays, inhalations nnd such treatment ; these cannot reach the poison-laden blood where the real cause is PURELY VEGETABLE culation, and cures this disgusting disease permanently. When S. S. S. haa purified the blood every part of the system receives a supply of fresh, healthy blood ; then the inflamed membranes heal and every symptom of Catarrh passes away. Write for our book containing information about Catarrh, and ask for any medical advice you desire. No charge is made for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC. CO; A TIANTA, CA. I Only "45 From COUNCIL BLUFFS Why not take a ride over? It will repay you amply large comfortable seats smooth running cars, interesting scenery all the way over, and a good town to study when you get there. Where can you get more wholesome enjoyment for 20 cents? Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railw'y Co. BIlI'llISBaHBBBBOE9naOCllaIieBICB MT Iij Q Q BELOW any other DO NOT or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cat, toiraes illustrating; and describing every kind of hiph-(rradt and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable f,OW ruiiM and wonderful &&t I1, rATl 3 w SH,P APPROVAL wtthcmt a cent dffnnt, Tay 1 M Hi t, '"iVZ.I?iVl "How 10 Iava Free. Trlai and mske other liberal term IT MM hi '( V "At Bous? !n ,he worlJ will do. You will learn everything a iuic iuiui luniiou iiv iniiuiT i to make money to suitable $8.50 PUHOTOnE Regular Prloo t AtJ3.Al nee tiiir To Introduco Wo Will Soli LfLNDLS1tTcc,(! v r- rwV.0R GLASS nJ.?""X"' "IJ WON T LET raip won vmy as OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.66) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. iij limn rv m. JL We need a ftftfmm MrtAnt in everv town o " ft ran n(Tr an nntinnnnlla TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual Uio. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs told last year. DttORIPTIOMt Made in all slies. It is lively and easy ridinp, very durable and lined innide with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes poroua and which clones up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of lettera from satisiied customers stuting that their ttrei have only been pumpeduponceor twice in a whole season. They weiith no more thna an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by severs 1 layers of thin, specially prepa-ed fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft road is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all sir from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of thoe tires is $S 50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CCD. on spproval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined sud found them strictly as represented. We will allow a rush discount of J percent (thereby making theprn e S4.r6 per puirl if you tend FILL CASH Wi lli OKIIEK and enclose tins advertisement. We will olsj send one nickel plated brasa hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to tie used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OIK expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is us safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper shout us. If you order s pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faiter, wear better, last longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at auy price. We know that you will be so well pleHsed that when you want a bicvele vou will give us your order. We want you to send ut a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire ofl cr. n A fSVfFJ "" Jl r5raT? built-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts nnd repairs, end w JnJt i wf a'ajfa liI.O t everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUM K Y catalogue. ftn JM1T XMJMir ,mt write us a postal today. IU NUT llllNlv OF KITTING a Acr JsCf Vsflli bicycle or a pair of tirea from anyone until vou know the nrw and wonderful offers we sre makiug. It only costs a postal to leara everything. Write it NOW. EIE&D CYCLE CQL.PANY, Dept. c 256 GlilCGD, ILL. EE?23 If you are atllne and DostDonlna- t mm BatMHaaSSBBBBBSSBBBBBsl Bbb1 )HL ment from day to day, ivtnenibiT ni'Klect simply eiillcea furtlu r coinpllcatloi H and permits the trouble to become 8111 more chronic and deeply seated, necessitating a more expensive course of treatrin-iit. I ie ferriug; proper treatment at the In Bin ning, when the first ayniptomH prcst-nt themselves, often deprives the suffrref of a useful Ufa of liupplneHs and pros pi i Uy. We trsat men only and cure promptly, saiirly ani tuoiuntrhly, BKOSfHlTIS, CATARRH, NEBVOTJB DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIM DISEASES, KID MEV avnil ILIDSCH DISEASES and all Bpeclal Diseases and their complications. Consult Free The Reliable Specialtsti of fti STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE rRSFORLE Call and Do Examined Free or Write. OFUC'K IlOl'llS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. BINDAVS 10 to 1 C't,T. 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb IN'fniuiirtilly Kktablishfd in Omulia. .Wliraku. -vissaiMESmgas - I, i -- - NO. Leaves Omaha . Arrives Chicago Union Depot connections in Cliioago for DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, BOSTON nn.l intermediate points; also for INDIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, NASH VILLE, MEMrillS, NEW ORLEANS and intermediate points. AGENTS for Steamship Lines. Tickets and information at City Ticket Office 1402 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Samuel florth. District Passenger Agent A UNIVERSAL DISEASE located, nnd can only give temporary renei and comfort. A disease which affects' the entire blood supply ns does Catarrh, must be treated with a blood purifier. S. S. S. is the best remedy for Catarrh, which ha3 grown to be a universal disease. It goes to the lottom of the trouble, rids the blood of the catarrhal matter, reitivio-or.ites the cir Minutes Broadway 99 is ali to write for showing the IS ALL IT WILL COST YOU our big FKI K IJICl'l'LK catalocrue ncr the mot conililrte line of tiiirh-prnile lllt'YCLES. TIKFS Slid KIMIIIIH ml i'lLICK-i manufacturer or dealer in the world. BUY A BICYCLE Irzrzz. new offera made possible by selling from factory the Freight and s which no other ud get much value wriunr us m Ttnsia young men who apply at once. - PROOF TIRES kX PEH PAIR CAC Notice tha thick robber tread "A" and pnnotare atrlpa "11" and !," alma rim atrip 'II' to prevent rim cutting. Thla tire will ontlnit any other tnnke f-OKT. KMLHIW au4 AtA6V mumo. V if-' , . Hit A Good Train for Chicago ILLINOIS CENTRAL 2 ,G:00 .8:00 m. in. a.