Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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In Popularity and Esteem, and is ACCEPTED
j Fairbanks, Morte & Co. Plan fcr Eui'dine
, at Niath and Harney.
r"," Jrtn Imdfqnxe and New
- Bulldlns; will be Rr.dr for
Offopirr hr First of
Seat Tear.
Estlraatea are being taken by the local
manager of Fairbanks, Morni A Co., deal
era In machinery and supplies nt Eleventh
and Farnam streets, for the erection of a
new building on the lot bought by tbe
company last fall at the northwest corne
of Ninth and Harney streets. Preliminary
figure! have been ubmltted for a ware
house of at leant nix stories, to be con
structed of reinforced concrete and to be
completed by the end of thin year.
The building now occupied by the com
pany ha become Inadequate In capacity
for the business transacted and the new
warehouse hag become necessary to keep
pace with the growth In business. With
a view to erecting the new warehouse the
lot at Ninth and Harney street was
bought last fall. ' It Is fifixll?. having a
frontage of slxty-elx feet on Harney street,
with a like amount of tmcksge In the alley
In common with the United States Supply
The new building would complete a moat
desirable group of wholesale buildings on
the corner In question. The new coneret
building for the Carpenter Paper company
la directly opposite the proposed Fairbanks-Morse
building, while the compara
tively new building of the Lee-Olnss-An-flreesen
Hardware company Is on the other
The time of beginning building operations
has not been definitely determined, but It
Is desired to have the building ready for
occupancy by January 1.
Bnlldintr for Mitten Company.
A site for a now factory building for the
Omaha Mitten and Manufacturing com
pany, which has quarters-at present on the
eeond floor of the building at 1900 Howard
Street, Is being searched for by ofilcers of
tha company and It Is planned to erect a
two-story building, probably of reinforced
A t3
K SBV B 9 T B91 I f B"
II a? ltt. VI I if A
Thursday We Shall Hold a Sale I
Beautiful New Tailored Suits
In Which Saving of Money and In
troducing Entirely New Styles
Will Oe Marked Inducements.
Suits in the ever-becoming fancy materials, lustrous
panamas and serges, in many entirely new and effective
tailored models; also of imported voiles in dress effects.
The Season's Most Shapely
Three More Days Clearance Sale
JLINOLEl'M, OIIX'LOTHS AND MATTINGS. We herewith enumerate a
for Uirve daya onlj. BRING MEASURE OF VOI R ROOMS.
Hassocks at 75c. 4 5c and 15c
Bruwela Sample Ruga, 1 Va yards long, worth up to
$1.60, to close, each 50
Axruinster Sample Rugs. M yards long, many of
these worth $3.25, on sale, each 75c
Velvet Sample Rugs, 1 yards long, worth up to
$1."5, sl price, each 65
1-yard samples Ingrain Carpets, each 15t
lV4-yard samples Ingrain Carpets, each 254?
Remnants of In grain Carpet, union and All wool,
worth up to 80c per yard, on sale, per yard, 50c
and ..35t"
Inlaid Linoleums. th kind the color goes through to
the back, colors do not wear off, worth up to $1.75
square yard, to ciose, per
v 413
concrete. If a suitable location can be se
cured. The mitten factory 1 an Infant
industry of Omaha, but the business has
outgrown the present cramped quarters
occupied on Iluwird street. The new build
ing will ost about S20.0nn and will be thor
oughly fireproof. In case the tjulldlng Is
erected It Is probable that the force of
factory hands will be Increased and the
output of the factory doubled by the In
stallation of several new machines.
The store at 1410 Howard street now occu
pied by .he Jewel Tea company will be
vacated about May 1, when the tea com
pany will remove to 1911 Cuming street.
Charged with Abase of Patient nt
Norfolk Asslnm.
NORFOLK. Neb.. April 10.-(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The trial of Forrest Kills, a former
Norfolk Insane hospital attendant, charged
with assault with intent to do bodily harm,
was wound up today and went to the Jury
tonight. County Attorney Koentgstcln and
H. F. Harnhart aigued for Ellis' conviction,
while Senator Allen made a plea in his
Dr. Alden, former superintendent, was on
the stand and snld Prosser's bruises showed
they had been received lwfore he arrived
at the hospital. Dr. Nichols, former phys
ician, testified they could not have been
recelvej till after Proeser came. A letter
from former Attendant Altschuler to Ir.
A Men and a reply were Introduced. Alt
schuler wrote to ask Dr. Alden to correct
a newspaper report charging him with
cruelty. The report came from Governor
Mickey. In the letter Altschuler said:
"1 have kept my promise to say nothing,
but unless this is corrected there will be
some Interesting newspaper reading."
Dr. Alden, responding, thanked Alt
schuler for his kindness. On the stand Dr.
Alden said he thanked Altschuler for not
Joining Wolfe In an affidavit against tha
Three Dally Trains to Chtcao
From Union station, Omaha, 7:DS a. m.,
6:46 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. dally. Arrive
Union station, Chicago (In the business and
hotel district), at 9:30 p. m 6:36 a. m. and
t.o a. m., respectively. Comfortable berths,
excellent dining car service, courteous
treatment of passengers. ' F. A. Nash, Gen
eral Western Agent, 1514 Famam St.,
Suit, Worth $27.50.
Made of all wool fancy ma
terials and panamas, in all
colors, beautifully tailored,
in all the new -j A (A
styles lt.dll
Stunning New Suits, Worth
Made of finest plain or fancy
panamas, serges and fancy
materials, in the new and
dashing cut, a very stylish
short pony jacket (r A A
and new etons. . . . fcitlaUU
Beautiful Voile and Panama
Suits, Worth $45.00.
Some elaborately trimmed,
some moderately trimmed
and plain tailored effects;
all stunning new QA ftft
turnips. OVsUV
Remnants of Printed Linoleum, worth as high as 85c
per square yard, go at this sale at, per square yard,
35c and , 25
In the 13-foot widths at, per square yard 40
Full rolls and short lengths, worth as high as 4 6c per
square yard, on sale at, per square yard 18
$28.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 $23.00
$18.00 Brussels Rug. 8-3x10-9 S15.00
$16.50 Brussels Rug. 8-3x9x9 $12.50
$16.00 Brussels Rug. 9x12 $13.50
$18.00 Brussels Rug, 8-3x10 $12.50
$27.50 Axmlnster Rug, 8-SxlO $20.00
$35.00 Axmlnster Rug, 8-3x10-6 $2l!00
square vara, i oc
- 15 - 17 South Sixteenth Street
'TIMIaTiTMr1' IsT iVVffJVfiMli'
Applicant for Appointite Cfficri Wait'nr
for GcTsrscr ta As-
Errors of Enrolling- Room Being Dis
covered la Bills atate Board of
rarrhsie and aallee
Awards Contracts.
(From a FtsfT Correspondent
LINCOLN. April 10 (Special. 1 Many
anxious people ore cooling their heels
around the governor- office theoe days
since the legislature adjourned nnd their
mouths arc watering for the big. fnt, Juicy
plume to full. Hut to date the chief execu
tive has shown no disposition to shake the
tre hut rather he seems Hilling to wait
and let the fruit ripen and fall off. So
f ir only the warden of the penitentiary,
steward at Norfolk asylum, physician at
Ornnd Island soldiers' home, the matron
of the Of, irva Industrial school and a chief
clerk In his own office and a stenographer
have been appointed to sti te Jobs. This
leaves the hulk of the good places yet to
be filled and for every place there are
doxens of applicants, men and women who
are willing to serve their state even at the
low salaries which Nebraska pays.
Besides the places In the state Institu
tions there are a number of desirable Jobs
In the state house. Including the position
of private seoretury, a state oil Inspector,
a game warden, an adjutant general, a
state veterinarian, a labor commissioner
and others of lesser Importance. These
places all pay salaries commensurate with
the work In the offices. No provision was
made by the legislature for a chief clerk
in the office of the lubor bureau ao t.ils
place doubtless will be loft ijifllled as so
far no one lias volunteerJ to serve, the
state for his own health.
Then there are a number of other places
to be filled and these places are of con
siderable Importance. A member of the
State Normal board has) lo be appointed
between now and some timo In May to
take the place of Colonel Tom Majors,
whose term expired this spring. Colonel
Majors was In' Lincoln today and called at
the state houso, but whether the Nemaha
man wants to hold on of course he la not
saying. It Is powlble some one will suc
ceed him. Just who all the applicants are
for these numerous places the governor has
not announced.
Two Plums Drop.
Governor Sheldon has appointed Mont
Robb of Murdock steward at the Norfolk
asylum and Dr. K. S. Dungan of L'nlon
physician at the Orand Island Soldiers'
Error In Aihton Bill.
Now that the smoke Is clearing away,
some of the flaws in measures passed by
the legislature due to the carelessness of
the people employed In the enrolling
room a're being noticed. S. F. by
Ashton of Hall, provided that railroads
shall furnish track scales for the weigh
ing of carload lots of coal, live stock and
other merchandise. This bill went to the
house, where Cone had a bill pending
along similar lines. Bu"t before passing
the senate tha Ashton measure was
amended so that everything was cut out
except coal. The house amended the bill
by putting live stock and other merchan
dise back Into the bill. The records show
the senate refused to concur In these
amendments and a conference committee
was appointed which agreed the houso
should recede from Its amendments. Tha
inference committee report was adopted
by both house and senate and this Is
shown by the records. The enrolled bill
signed by the governor and now on file
In the office of the secretary of state con
talna the house amendments, and the bill
compels railroads to furnish the track
scales for coal, live stock and merchan
dise. Just what will be done, of course,
cannot ba told now, but It Is understood
the railroads will test the right of the
state to enforce the law.
Ninety Onys for Kxprrsa Companies.
Considerable agitation has been stirred
up because express companies have failed
to chip off 15 per cent of their charges on
packages weighing less than four pounds,
according to the Aldrlch bill. At a matter
of fact the bill did not carry the emer
gency clause and the express companies
do not have to comply with Its provisions
until tha ninety-day limit Is up, which will
be July 8.
Orand Jury Causes Worry.
Lincoln politicians are pretty much
worked up over the calling of the grand
Jury to Investigate charges of Illegal vot
ing at the last primary election. So far
no Intimation has been given as to who
j la under suspicion. It haa been currently
.reported that conslderabl money was used
In the late primary and a good many peo.
pie trade affidavits Illegally In order that
parties might be able to vote.
Dry Time nt Lincoln.
This city stands a good chance of be
ing about dry for a month at least. Un
der the old charter the municipal year
ended today, but under the charter amend
ments the municipal year extended to May
1. Saloon licenses under the old charter
I expired today, and, according to the city
attorney, the excise board has no right to
extend the license or to issue a new li
cense except for the one month, which
will cost the saloon keeper the regular
I tl.500 fee. Four of the saloons secured tern.
! porary Injunctions to prevent the excise
' board from closing them, but all the other
saloons are closed. In the meantime the
' prohibitionists are going to force a vote
I on the license question at the May elec
I Hon and the republican nominees for mem
bership on tha excise board have pledged
themselves to Issue no license If the peo
ple so decree and to Issue license If the
question falls to carry.
(Diversity Bulldlns; Dedicated.
The C. O. White memorial building at
Wesleyan oarversity was formally dedicated
few of the specials, which are offered
today, tha address being delivered by Gov
ernor Buchtel of Colorado. In the larga
crowd present wera members of the board
of trustees of the university. Including for
mer Governor Mickey, who presided. Chan
cellor Huntington, who spoke on the pro
gress of the echo. I. said the attendance had
Increased from 200 In 1KS1 to 900 at the pres
ent time. Governor Buchtel spoke on tha
"Christian School and the Religion of tha
applies for the state.
The State Board of Purchase and Sup
plies prsctlrally finished Its work today In
buying supplies for the various state Insti
tutions, but not all of tha awards have
been tabulated. The board met In the sen
ate chamber and passed on the various bids
In tbe presence of the representatives of
firms making bids, but none of the repre
sentatives was perrnltted to discuss his
samples, the board doing that Investigating
Itself. Following are the contracts awarded
so far as tabulated:
Coal. H. B. Miles. 18.
Cial, Whltebreast Co., C6S5.
Fresh meats, Cudaliv Co., IISI.W.
Cured meats. Armour Co., $410.72.
Groceries. Donald Porter Co.. VS1
Flour, Hastings Milling Co.. $29fi 9ft.
Coffee, spikes, extracts, etc., Donald Por
ter Co.. $375.16.
Sosp. Donald Porter Co., I118.S5.
Shoes, S. N. Wolbach A Sons, J412.50.
Fly wire Rudge & Guenxel Co., J6.&0.
Burial, Miller O'Oorman, t.K.
Burial, Sondermann A Co., 130.
Toilet paper, Carpenter Paper Co., $30.
Electrical supplies, XT. 8. Supply Co.,
laundry, Troy I .sundry Machine Co.,
Kitchen furniture, dishes, Rudga A Guer
se Co., 114.94.
Gasoline and oils. Marshall Oil Co., 2T.50.
Gasoline nnd oils, Standard Oil Co., 4o.
Clothing. S. N. Wolbach. Id.
Clothing, Woolstenholm A Sterne, IR37.&?.
Clothing, Sam Hexter. H90.9S.
Crackers, Donald Porter Co., $117.89.
Coal. H. B. Miles. $1..
Fresh and salt meats. Armour A Co.,
Groceries. Hargreaves Co., $5f!7.39.
Flour, meal, Kearney Flour mills, $260.15..
Coffee, spices, extracts, Hoxle Grocery
Co.. $tV.35.
Soap, chipped, Wadham's Oil Co., $130.
Dry goods and supplies, Rudge A Guenzel
Co., $f,l.30.
Hardware, Rudge A Guenzel Co., $107.50.
Lumber. F. H. Gllcrest. Jii28.75.
Leather and findings, Michigan Leather
Drugs and medicines, Sprague Drug Co.,
Kerosene and gasoline, Standard Oil Co.,
Harness, W. A. Downing Co.. $310.
Paints and oils, Western Glass and Paint
Co., $239.05.
Lubricating oils, Marshall Oil Co.. $7.75.
Toilet paper, Nebraska Paper Co., $19.26.
Coal, Whltebreast Co., ; meats and
laro, Armour ft Co., iyiz.36.
Groceries, Raymond Bros., $1,173.04.
Flour and bran, Sugar City Cereal mills,
Coffee and spices, Ravmond Bros., $29.97.
Hardware, Rudge A Guensel Co., $29.53.
Furniture. Kudge A Guenxel Co., $ii5.10.
Dry goods, Miller A Paine. $1,7'JG.70.
Clothing, Star Clothing store, $188.50.
Clothing, Baum Bros., $212.50.
Chlnaware, Rudge & Guensel Co., $439.35.
Paints and oils, Klosau Drug Co., $162.75.
Knglneer's supplies, l S. Supply Co.,
Klectrlcal supplies. Northwestern Elec
trical Co., $43.58.
TINGS. Dry goods, William Urach, $S49.10.
Stuam coal, Whiu-breurt Codl company,
Rubber sheetlne:, Charles R- Sickman,
Coffee, spices, etc., Kerr-Kipp Co., $297.99.
Groceries, Kerr-Kipp Co., $f,8o4.99.
Bologna sausage, Cudahy Co., IJA
I Aril, bacon, ate, Cudahy Co.. $4!7.!i8.
Flour and feed, Hastings Milling com-
Imiga, A. M. Clark, $3M.
China and gUiasware, Rudge A Guenzel
Plumbing Material, U. S. Supply Co.,
Blankets, North Ohio mills, $1,000.
Paints, glass, etc.. Western Glass and
Paint compuny, $246.89.
Sheet packing, etc., 17. 8. Supply ocm
pany, $17.86.
Surgical appliances, H. J. Penfold Co.,
Farm machinery, Adams County Imple
ment company, $-11
Furniture, Kuiio A Guenzel Co., $77.50.
Fir, hose, J. IL Haney Co., $487.50.
Kire hope, Western Supply company, $48.
Fire hose, Rudge A Guenzel Co., $K73.
Boots and shoes, Lippert Bros., $138.
Hoots and shoes. Day Shoe company, $240.
Boots and shoes, Twidale Co., $4f2.
Clothing, W. J. Falk, $133.
Clothing, Mark Levy, $654.46.
Kngine oils, etc., Marshall Oil company,
Knglne oils, National Refining company,
Krmlneers' supplies, U. 8. Supply com
pany, $462.99.
hiieotrlc irons. Western Electrical com
pany. $41.04.
Electrical supplies. Western Electrical
company, $151.25.
Grasa seed, etc., C. K. Lawson Co.. $135.20.
Brooms, Ionald Porter Co., $87.20.
Toilet paper, A. U. Morse A Co., $98.25.
Laundry supplies, Troy Laundry com
pany, $065.21.
Hardware, C. K. Lawson Co.. $17822.
Brick, cement, etc., Nye-8chnelder-Fowler
Co., $187.25.
Lumber, Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Co.,
Wraith Estimated at Over Tvrent -Poor
Million Dollars.
ANSLEY, Neb., April 10. (Speclal.)-At
the Custer county editors' and business
men's banquet former District Judge H. M.
Sullivan, after, reviewing In detail, esti
mated the population of Custer county at
24,0ii0 and the total cash value of the prop
el ty to be over $24.0X1,000, which gives over
$1,000 of property for every Individual In
Custer county. Tha corn estimated to be
raised in Custer county would If placed
In cars formTa train reaching from Uroken
Bow to Omaha. Judge Sullivan admitted
that he voted and worked against Theodore
Roosevelt, but spoke of Roosevelt aa the
greatest American citizen, whose example
should be followed. In another part of his
address Mr. Sullivan, who operates several
large farms, said that he was thoroughly
convinced that SO per cent of the cattle
corn stalk disease which has killed such
large numbers of cattle In this county was
due to corn grown on listed ground.
Reports of seventeen banks In tbe county
show total deposits of $1,210,9.18.88. This
leaves out deposits In the First National
bank of Ansley, which are $149.377.9. and
the deposits In one bank In Comstock and
one bank In Sargent, which will run the'
grand total up to $1,450,000, and this money
la largely owned by the farmers.
Gas I'lunt In Bad M'my.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. April 10
(Special.) The Indications are that the
gas works of this city will soon be a thing
of the past because the owners seem to
be getting into a worse tangle each day.
The works were built In 1870. sfnd like tho
Frenchman's raiors were made to sell,
and they have had a precarious existence
from the beginning. The works have
passed through numerous hands since tho
beginning and it aeems always for the
worse. Now it seems that the limit has
beep reached. A few weeks ago the west,
ern XI as and Investment company secured
Judgment against the local company ad
assigned It to Michael J. Teehan, who im
mediately brought suit in the district
court asking that a receiver be appointed.
This was a tia-up. The local manager
had no money with which to buy fuel or
to pay the employes, and the head ofilcers
at Chicago refused to advance any mors
money or pledge their credit. Finally a
little money waa aecured and the worka
kept alive. The net move wa.-f by Kvelyn
Bird, who went Into the federal court at
Omaha and brought suit rgalnst all the
parties Interested, restraining them from
taking any steps whatever. Judge Jessen
later appointed H. O. Leigh as receiver,
with bond at $2,500. Then came Russell
Harrison, son of the ex-presldent, who
represents Evelyn Bird, and refused to
enter into an agreement to furnish money
with which to operate tha plant, but wants
tha federal court to remove Mr. Leigh
aa receiver. T'nless the litigants get to
gether and reach some agreement the
plant will be closed, and If It la shut
down it win ric'vrr be opened again, as
the' mains are In bad condition, the plant
Is a wreck and the consumers have been
dropping off dally.
Christian Missionary Convention.
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. April . (fr
clnl. Rev. A. L. Zlnk led the devotions!
service In the missionary convention of the
Christian church this morning. Rev. K. O.
Hamilton of fnsdllla gave an Interesting
talk on "Our District Work." which was
followed by Rev. II. O. Wilkinson of Have
lock on "Our Centennial." In regard to
"The Simultaneous Campaign," Rev. C. V.
IHismnn of Rethsny spoke of "Preparing
the Church for It;" Pe Forest Austin of
Rethanr of "Advertising the Csmpalgn."
and Rev. J. R. White cf F.lmwood of th
"Churches' Work rnirlrg the Campaign."
Rev. H. A. Lemon of Bethany Rave many
able reasons why "Thfre Is Still Need for
the Christian College." This afternoon the
devotional hour was devoted to a memorial
service for the lnte Mrs. Thomas Wiles of
this city. Mrs. M. E. Thompson gave n fif
teen minute talk on "JVimalca," and Mrs..
R. A. Wilkinson gave an Interesting talk
on the "Pioneer Christian Women." Rev.
E. C. Hamilton gave many reasons for
the "Value of the Junior Work." and Mrs.
T. F. A. Williams gave the "Value of Lit
erature." Mrs. C. 8. Wlllard spoke of the
"State Work, Reports, Awards and Ban
ner Presentations," and Mrs. E. I Rouse
spoke very wisely of "Our Training School."
Mrs. H. H. Harmon spoke of the "Cen
tennial Plans for China," and Rev. Cyrus
Alton told of his Interesting "Trip to Porto
The evening devotional service was led
by Rev. J. C. Jacobs, and "Christ's Scheme
of ConqueRt" was ably handled by Rev.
H. H. Harmon. Rev. W. A. Williams spok.
of the "Nebraska Missions."
Convicted of Illcael Votlnsx.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., April 10. (Special Tel
egram.) The three parties accused of Il
legal voting at the municipal election have
been convicted, the last one this morning,
and each was assessed a fine of $T0 and
costs. The cases have all been appealed
to the district court.
Jie-ns of Nebraska.
PAPILLION The Papllllon Times Print
ing company is going to erect a brick
building for Its home office.
ST. PAUL Mr. Ijiwrence Sack died at
his home in this city at 10 o'clock last night
after a few day's Illness, which developed
Into pneumonia.
NEBRASKA CITY Eddie Lumsfeld and
Miss Nettle West, both well known young
people of Syracuse, came to this city and
were married by Judge Wilson.
BEATRICE The barn and corn cribs on
the farm of 8. W. Young, near Odell,
were destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss
will reach $600, with no Insurance.
I'PLAND The hens In this vicinity have
been iiiihi a monstrous business t late.
One of the general stores received $3fi0
worth of eggs last week and another $JiX
ANSLEY Representative Clarence C.
Mackey of Ansley and W. It. Jackson have
purchused the stock of the Comstock State
bank at Comstock. They took possession
last Saturday.
UBBMBR-Farmers in this vicinity are
about all through sowing small grain. A
large acreage of wheat Is In this year,
owing to the fact that such a large crop
was raased last year.
A INSWOKTH IHstrlct oourt convened
here yesterday with a light docket of equity
cas, with Judge Harrington on the benoh.
At 6 o'clock ibis evening the judge ad
journed court sine die.
NEBRASKA CITY Otoe county has been
experiencing freezing weather, but it Is
claimed that the fruit has not been In
jured. Ti.e dry weather is given as the
cause for not injuring the fruit.
BEATRICE Theie will be a Sunday
school convention at Ellis Sunday, April
21, with a picnic dinner at the church. Prof.
H. H. Bteldley, field secretary, will address
the convention both morning and evening.
ARAPAHOE Mrs. B. F. Uowner. aged 69
years, and a resident of Uosper county for
over twenty years, died suddenly at 2
o'clcock Wednesday morning from apo
plexy, being 111 but a few hours. Her hus
uana whs away at the time.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. A. Klnsle of
DeWItt, probably the oldest couple in this
section of the state, returned home yester
day, after a visit in Beatrice with friends.
Mr. Klnzle Is W years of age and Mrs.
Kinzle so. Both are enjoying the best of
I'PLAND Considerable hall fell here on
Saturday night, followed by a nice ram.
The wheat is looking fine. The heavy
froats, however, during the early part of
the week caught some of the fruit trees,
and it Is feared the peach and apricot crop
will be light.
I'PLAND Upland has never had but one
aalooru Tho license Is $1,000. This year,
however, a second petition Is being circu
lated, and If a location can be secured
It looks aa though two saloons will be the
result. The town board Is considering the
advisability of raising the license to $l,6u0,
and by this action frightening the second
applicant out.
NEBRASKA CITY The body of Mrs.
Alex Uarrow, who died In Omaha, waa
brought here today for Interment. The
services were conducted by Rev. J. W.
Merrill of the BaplUt church. Mrs. Our
row was born and grew to womanhood in
this county and lived here until she went
to Omaha to make her home. She leaves
a husband and two sons, both grown.
FAIRBURY The Boone Hotel company
has bought the lot at the corner of Fourth
and F streeta and will erect a hotel
building at a cost of $au,o00. The frontage
on Fourth street is 372 feet, running back
144 feet lo the alley. The building will be
three atorles In height and will give the
city what It has greatly needed a first
class hotel. The location Is one block from
the court noune and on the direct line be
tween the railway depots.
NEBRASKA CITY Rev. C. A. Maatin of
the Methodist church united In marriage
Daniel F. Farnham and Miss Pearl Crousi;.
After the ceremony the couple went to
Missouri on their wedding trip. The bride
is me young woman who was shot by her
j.ialous lover at the Morton house and
after he thought he had killed her com
mitted suicide. She was shot over tne
right eye, but the bullet turned and only
caused a bad flt-sh wound.
BEATRICE The towns of Wymore and
Blue Springs are again In total darkness,
caused by an accident at the electric light
plant. The brick walls supporting the large
boiler at the plant collapsad yesterday,
causing: a temporary suspension of busi
ness. It Is believed the constant blasting
of rock at the quarries east of Wymore
caused tbe walls to crack and nnaliy give
way. Lights will be turned on as soon
as the necessary repairs can be made.
KEEMER A Cottonwood tree one of the
oldest landmarks if Cuming county, was
cut don yesterday. This tree was set
out about forty '-ur ao by Benjamin
Ewlng. who is still living here. Orandp
Rhodes, who witnessed the planting, alHo
lives here. This tret- marked the south
side of the I'nlted States government road.
Tho IrtJ on the north eJAe atill f anils, al
though It is not nearly so large as the one
cut down, it belrnj about four feet In diam
eter. FREMONT The Board of Supervisors
met yesterday and were confronted with
TTv 9
Q M TJ f Y71
.axr-Vrl C avlUf iy
Your Ha IT
to bava your Laundry finished
That attractive finish you ace so much cornea from our establish
ment. Our new press machines (we don't iron our shirts at all) does
not wear and tear the linen as the old style ironers do.
Tel. Douglas 254.
( 1517 Farnam SI. BERHER'S 1517 mm S1, ' '
U " 0
Ladies1 Eton Suit Sale!
Do you want a now Spring Suit? Do you need or
will you need a new Spring Suit! Do you intend to buy
a Spring Suit this season? If your answer is "Yes" to
any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to imme
diately visit our store.
We arc overstocked arid we are offering hig sacri
fices in our suit line PRACTICALLY FIFTY PER
CENT OFF. But these reductions are merely temporary
and you should take advantage of them at once.
Tomorrow-Thursday, April 11
$25.00 Tailored Eton Suits strictly new jJ QQ
$30.00 Tailored Eton Suits
and colors
$33.00 Tailored Eton Suits
$45.00 Tailored Eton Suits
Alterations Will Be Charged For
During This Sale.
Open Saturday Evenings
Till Tan O'clock.
twelve rond petitions, besides) a lot of other
business. One of tho former was granted,
two rejected and the others will come up
later. It Is expected that a petition will
be filed for the formation of a drainage
district under the recent act of the legisla
ture, so that something can be done very
smn towards con.1 rolling the Platte river
west of town. Two other drainage dis
tricts in the Platte valley are also being
ALDA Alda Is soon to have a bank. Al
though nothing definite has been decided
upon, there Is but little doubt but what
a bank will be put In before the summer
is over, yuite a fw visitors from differ
ent parts of the state have been here with
a view of putting in a bank, hut not until
lately has it tiecome a known fact thut a
movement 1 on foot trj establish one dur
ing the summer. There are quite a num
ber of stock feeders In the community and
with their assistance there Is but little
doubt but what a bank would flourish.
NEBRASKA CITY Jerry Grlnnell, who
has long been a rrsident of this city and
Is well known, had quite an exciting ex
perience Monday night. lie was on his
way home and when near the Tenth street
bridge two men stepped out of the shadow
of the bridge and one of them struck lilm
on the side of the head with a sand bag.
The blow was sufficient to knock him down,
but he was not rendered unconscious. He
got up and ran to his home, which was
near by. and. securing a shotgun, came
back, aa he expressed It, for the purpose
of getting his hat, which he Inst when he
was knocked down. His assailants had dis
appeared when he returned.
FItfcJMONT The new city council met
last evening and elected A. W. Murphy
president pro tern, and Albert Kddy pur
chasing agent. Mayor Wols appointed tho
usual list of committee and made the fol
lowing appointments, all of which were
o-nflrmed: Stieet commissioner, J. II.
Fletcher; chief of police. Otto Peterson,
city attorney, C. E. Abbott; city physician.
Dr. I B. Smith; rhalrman Board of I'ubllo
Works, F N. Mors'. No appointments were
made for water commissioner or city en
gineer. It was generally understood that
t'omml.jsl. ner Mathews will retain his po
sition for the present, but a new man is
looked for In place of Engineer J. W. An
drews, who has held the position tor the
l.-ifst fifteen years.
I'PLAND There was trouble at the meet
ing of the I'pland Board of Rdiiratlon last
night. It was the regular meeting to elect
teachers for the next year. Miss Harriet
Carter was re-engged for the primary
work. Mies Hanks of Peru was engaged
for the next grade. There was only one
applicant for the prtivel pal ship, so It was
decided to wait a week or two for further
applications. The fight came over the
teacher for the Intermediate grade. One
of the directors wanted to re-engage Mrs.
CV-lllns; the other two wanted to defer en
gaging her until more applications had been
fecelved. On a motion by one of the latter
o adjourn, tha first director announced
that unless Mrs. Collins' contract was
signed at once he would refueo to sign"
any more contracts until after the new
board election In June. The utgiIng di
rector could not legally sign a contract,
however, and adjournment resulted. As It
stands at present I'pland cannot engage a
principal or intermediate teacher until July,
when most of the good teachers are en
gaged. DIAMONDS Frenxer, loth and Dodge.
Providence Linemen Go Oat for
Higher Wages Bakers' Trouble
In France.
PROVIDENCE. R. I., April 10. At a
meeting held last night 150 linemen voted to
strike. Their demands for more pay and
shorter days have been refused. The con
cerns affected are the Rhode Island Street
Railway company, the Narragansott Elec
tric Lighting company, the Provldenco
Telephone company and the Pawtucket
Electric Lighting company. Eighty of the
150 strikers are In the employ of the Provi
dence Telephone company.
MARSEILLES. France. April lO.-Mllltary
bakers have been placed at the dlsposltlos
of the master bakers here. The strike of
the bakers up to the present has caused
only slight Inconvenience. Troops are
guarding the town bakeries and gendarmles
are protecting the bakeries In the suburbs.
The authorities are determined to prevent
the strikers from compelling tha non
strikers to cease work.
U fan do you think your doctor would
ybout 'ceding your hair with Ayer'i
n'r vigor, me new una i He know
that it feeds, nourishes, strengthens.
Tbe hair stops falling out, grows more
rapiaiy, sna all dandruff disappears
labllsa the formulae
. 0. lyerOe.,
Lew. 11. Haa..
our preparation..
Allan B. Hamilton.' Manager.
Caiabll.rurd 1876. 207-9.11 S. 11th St.
all materials
exclusive ideas
imported models
1517 Farnam St.
CiUBBtasBBBBBslBlaapiUsB Css(SBWUBSBilBVBBBlsBaa( BaniaiaaBsssiaasal
Douglas, Washington
and Sarpy County
Rural Delivery Farmers as well as every
budy elae who will ever need anything
in the drug store line should send us a
list of their drug wants and lot us u.uul
our Di CUlb OH PBICK8.
We supply everything known to tl
drug traae, at cut rates.
e have the old fashioned Perunu,
Katarno, tor . . .' 'ic
$1.00 Temptation Tur.:o for lio
$1.00 liossaek's barsaparllla for 76c
$1.00 ChrlslluiiBon's iCmulslon Cod Liver
Oil 75o
$2.00 Chester's Uer.ulne Pennyroyal
Pills $1.00
$1.00 Adlposa StK'
$1.00 Cooper's Discovery 8 Ho
$1.00 Kcoit's Emulsion sue
50c Scott's Emulsion too
$1.00 H. 8. S 5Mo
li5c Mennen's Talcum Powder l&o
Agency for Madam Yale's Kemedles.
Sciiaefer's Gut Price Drugstores
Omaha Corner lDtli and Douglas Streets.
16th and Chicago Streets.
South Omaha N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts.
Council Bluffs 5th Ave. and Main HU.
Write for wholesale price on1
Balduff's Pure Ice Cream
Made for select trade. A business
getter. We want a dealer In every
town. W. 8. Iialduff, 1520 Farnam Bt.,
timaha. Neb.
All O roc era and .Druggists
(From the Omulia Dally World-Herald.
March 21, 1907.)
Having suffered for yeara with corns,
bunions and ingrowing nails and after try
ing foot doctors and other advertised cures
without receiving any benefit, we desire
to recommend Prof. I.und, 41$ Karbaco
block, as the only person giving Imme
diate relief and completely destroying our
foottroubles. "
We believe that Prof. Lund has tha
most scientific system of treating the feet
He does not cut or use electricity, and
w-e highly recommend him to the citizens
of timaha and the public In general who
may he In need of his services
L.M"adels: W",deri "UU -P-rtnt. J.
Lr'.ndeis'- -u,t artment. A
"l8", K.ohn,'J n"n underwear depart
ment, J. I,. Hrandels.
street"' Ed' K"hn' Kouth Twenty-flrt
ma,T,carrieI?,e'rner- 2968 M-tha street.
8ifihMK,f,,i;KritlTnt Phoe Co- 205
L!,,rtxWI!llHm''' lf24 r"-Iaa street.
K. W. North. Internal revenue ortice
RiifeUe'n,,,hAs,r!0er;1"-lm- th
Harry P. Deuel. 1906 Dodire street
". H. Houser. W. O. W s'ltt.a.K
and Howard. "teenth
MANY MEN after carefully exara-
inlng the excellent quality of th
cloth the high grade of trimmings
and the perfect tailoring on our gar
ments seem anxious to know why
there should be such a fast difference
In the price as compared with that
asked by the exclusive rrttllt tailor.
There is no secret about it. Its the
result of nearly a half century's tailor
ing experience. Better talk to one of
our ealeeuien today.
Treuscrs 55 to SI 2 Suits $20 to $50
ttujuAfci sjuiacuti cant,
BOiVJ.1 bo. 15Ui SH,