12 TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIIOISDAY, APRIL 11, 1007. Wew Vonit- f nrnUh, r E.nt. Base ment Old tor. 1 Tlslt Hard- in Dept. meat Old Store, One of fhe greatest features of our magnificently equipped millinery de partment is our great showing of Spring Mats For Women at Moderate Prices Prettily Trimmed Street Hats Our own designers have .made these hats in strict accord -with the latest style dictates they are all in new spring shapes every correct shade for spring all high class trimmings and T98 worth regular ly up to $7.50, at, Women's Stylish Hats at $10. Here are fashion's leaders- a range in style from the artistic picture hat to the severe but modish hat.ior street wear every hat has $ that charm that distinguishes the Brandeis hats everywhere Smart New Spring Millinery at $5 Including the dainty Dolly Varden Hats, rough braids, elabor ately trimmed with roses & other garniture special Special in New Basement Women's $3.50 and $5.00 Hat3 at $1 To make Thursdav a i . . . " Dig Dargain day we have priced J00 bocoming, up- $1 to-date spring hats that regularly sell from I $3.50 to $5 one dnv nnlv. rhmpA w j v i I! 8 9 omaha'b ftbe rooo CUITTXm Telephone Soafflaa 647. 0 OMAHA WKATHKIl I-'OKKCAST Thursday- Fair. ly way M , 3 W $5 y Comparison $ 3 It is hardly fair to compare 0 u prices unless the quality also Is M taken Into consideration. Court- 0 jjs ney s prices are upon Pure Foods m -a oniy. i ne nignest graae or. every jS thing sold In this complete estab 9 llshment. The large quantities In h, which we huy enable us to give fS you "Better things to eat for less X money." $ Snyder's Catsup, pint bottle. 5 5jj Pretzels, per pound .'gi 4 8-ib. sack Flour f)0 ri ft Box Laundry Soap g, $ Gibson's Health Prunes, lb 7k i Fancy Layer Flps. lb $ Dates, per pound 5 vSlx (6) cake box Toilet Soap.25f jj Fancy Country Roll Butter, up M P. from nf m x y r mo rv, -vD . ttiz OUR. TRANSFER SYSTEM It's the simple way. the natural way, the Pennlble way, the only way to "hop. Our store l bin. There are many department in It. It's chuck full of bargain opportunities. The task of carrying around all those bar Klns In package throughout our four floors is quite thought, quit an exercise, quite an Pticrify. Von ran cut all this thouKht and effort out If you will ak the first clerk who waits on you for a TRANSFER SLIP. Ball and Bat FREE With Every Eoys' Suit an 11 THE RELIABLE STORE Sole Agents for lion Citf Laces 55 Cracknells, per pound 15 ft 8 d Berliner Tea Matzoths, one-pound M J2-lb. cartoons f, Crysallned Prunellos, box..35j Meat Market shoulder THURSDAV IS CHOCOLATE DAY AT BRANDEIS We want yon to know what Chocolate Day means, because It is here to stay and tt Is bonnd to make Thursday a great day In Brandeis Candy Dept. East Arcade r.very j nurnnay we win orrer a lari latea which we regularly sell at 40c lb., 10. inis marvelous line comprises a variety of 20 kinds t the HCeelnl sale price of 20n of chocolates. Chocolate Pecan Silver Kin Blanched Almond Pecan Cream Chocolate Belmont Chocolate Coffee Chocolate Maple Chocolate Coooanut Boston Walnut Wlntergreen CGOCOLAriS the 40c kind, at a lb. 20c Blood Orange Honey Nougatine Chocolate Frultlne Chocolate Pineapple Chocolate Peppermint Chocolate Super Vanilla Chocolate Pip Caramels Chocolate Lemon Chocolate Molasses Chips Chocolate Taffy c 1 . oican, anouiaer cuts, per pound THA $500 Diamond "C" Hams (no waste), per pound $ Sweet Pickled Salt Pork, lb. M A KuII Line of Sanitarium Ilm'lth Foods. $ Spring House Cleaning Fur a! i Bedbup:. rat and roach cut Not dancerons tn ..ou. ti 1 . " .iniuinB io aogs and cats. They will not eat It. Exterminator Is a Xdry powder. Place It near a rat's fcor mouse's quarters and flftr S touchlne- it vifh tv,i .t. pests Immediately disappear, never y to return. For bedbuRs or D 1 J roacnes scatter powder with bel- S : lows where they Inhabit. Sold fn 0 t'Oc and ti nn n-ii, u V fis nator. ij;f0c and $1.00 packages. Omaha Agents, 9 Seventeenth and Douglas TeL Sonflaa 647 Private Exchange connects all Depts. A. 4 S J 1 1 ill I III 1 11 ii IV 'a' r? n r 1 1 i it-iimii 11 v v j IREMNANTTtlURSffl I illWomfin'slSiiifJ M ' P iff W 1 1 -! w wmmsm A'Z ,11.1 I I IV: I ' . i'J'Vif rtrlt M R Vvv t, v h 71; 1 ,im 11 m i. n , , n. m,ai , j , tt mrc -zti l.j.k.mhh Lin ni v r i 8 9 KL I Special Sale Spring Milliner) A DELIGHT FIX PISPI,AV OK NEWEST STYLE IDEAS CSHKATLY rUlCEll EOll Till IISDAV'S SELLl.VU. Trimmed Hats, made to sell at $i.50 to 18. BO Thursdav. choice ji- I NUEU- $5.00 Trimmed Hats, made to sell up to $6.00 special Thursday Straw Shapes, some trimmed, worth to hand made, nicely $3.00 special (CiJ h 11 -V STRAW at SHAPES Good, serviceable braids Ilata worth $1.00 pt. G9 e could buy; regu- os EVEKY HAT MAJIKED IX PLAIN IKil 11ES HERE. MILAN IlRAin HOODS Soft and Durable, 6 dozen; lar $1.50 values, Thursday all Special Embroidery Sale All the sample pieces of Edges and Inserting, in Swiss, Cambric and Nuin sook, from the largest embroidery Im porter In New York. All in matched seas, the outside fold slightly soiled. JEST HALF REGULAR PRICES 10c Embroideries and Insertings. .5 16c Embroideries and InsertinRS.yVa 20c Embroideries and Insertings . 10 Dry Goods Specials Thursday a L - PD1NDEI M SaJe of New Embroideries I These are extra fine embroideries in medium and wide widths up to the fine 18-inch corset cover embroideries many insertions, bands and headings all new designs bargain squares, worth up to fTl f 11 f f 35c a yard, at 2C-IZ 2C-I17C 5 New Arrivals in French German Val. Laces New Arrivals in French and German Val. Laces Also fine torchon laces and insertions values up to C 12yc a yard, at, per yard 3 2C-w)C it : fflHTHII lllllllllliiiM.nl ii ii ' I f B g Ki ; MY! : I j I HOW MY I j FEET HURT! mi s n 1 1 N 1 1 ! L a woman makes this a t ! Fifth Ave, latest creations, made of plain and fancy checked and striped Panamas, LtonMyle rony Loat atyle Silk Jumper Style Thursday's Sale .... Ob) HMc Hope Muslin, 10 to 20-yard lengths, Thursday 8 Apron Check Gingham, In 2 ft to 10-yard lengths, at 5 At 10 a. m. We will place on sale luc and 12 Vic Silkolines, full pieces, 36 ln. wide; limit of 10 yards to cus tomer, at, yard 3 50c Wool Novelties, 3 6 and 3 8-in. wide all new styles and colors, yd.25 59c Worsted Suitings, 30 and 3S-in. wide, at, yard 39 75c and $1.00 Plaids, Checks and Nov elties, 44 and 40-ln. wide, yd. 49 From 2:30 Till 3:30 p. m. Wm. An derson's Scotch Ginghams, 25c value, one pattern to customer, yd.XSVi 7 He Prints. 5 to 15 yards In piece, newest styles and colorings 5 I 10c Percales, 36-ln. wide, faat colory long fold, at G At 2:30 p. m. We will place on sale 45c Mercerized Table Damask; not over 6 yards to customer, 'i..2G From 10 Till 11 a. m. All spring Wool Goods Novelties, 75c to $3.50 yard vaJues at Just Half ltegula rrice. From 2 Till 3 p. m. All plain colored Wool Dress Goods, except Lansdowna and black at JuM Half Prico. From 3 Till 4 p. m. White Novelties, except Swisses. Mercerized Novelties, Lingerie, India Llnons, Persian and French Lawns, etc., at Just Half Marked Price. 29c R M ' i 5 5 How often exclamation. HEKE'S RELIEF To the women with foot troubles we say, "Come and let us show you what our makers have done to case the pain of your feet." We have a specially constructed women's shoe, made one size smaller at the Instep and two sizes wider in the sole. This gives a snug fit over the instep and through the heel and at the same time allows the foot to rest M """"J me euie, US 11 BnOUlU, and not on the uppers. The stock used is fine, soft kid. the sole flexible and easy. They are made in lace only. Special Demonstration FAMOUS i ABOUT FIFTEEN DOZEN CORSET COVERS and GOWNS Repular 50c quality, odds and ends of several lines, Thursday MILLINERY Interesting Sale of Rondy-to-Wcar Hats Outing Hat, Street nat Your choice from a prodigious variety $1.00 Stylish Milan Hats, cutely twisted and ornamented, trimmed with quills, $2 value for q-t jjq SEE OfR GREAT UXE OF FIVE DOLLAR HATS ' BOYS' CLOTHING A Raging Bargain in Boys' Laundered Blouses Percale and Madras, in stripes, figures and plain whites, G to 12 years, 75c and 85c grades. for -480 MEN'S NECKWEAR Spring Styles, exclusive patterns, blacks, whites, washables, plain and fancy silk, peau de sole, barathea, fancy Scotch mixtures and diagonals checks and plaids the season's newest and nobbiest neckwear 50c values for ; 50 Different Patterns of String TIm. hnt ' ' r.T A , - " . " o " aui ftiiuuam, worm Furnishing Goods Hour Specials 60c, for 25 "Garland" Rnnnp Best Stoves in the World vklW la Uur New Housefnrnlshlng Department Basement-Old Store-All This Week 5 i Women's Tailored Apparel On Our New Second Floor Women's Tailored Suits All good new Btyles well tailored up-to-date colors and features, Q AQ Wil go at aetO Women's Tailored Skirts In the new plaids, checks, stripes, etc., Z fQ latest 1907 ideas, at J.JO Women's Spring Jackets Short box effects, silk coats and cov- T An erts, splendid line, at 3Jj New Lingerie Waists Very smartly trimmed fetching new ideas for dressy spring and sum- Q Q 50 mer wear, at OC"i Women's Black Sateen Petticoats Very special bargain QQ at 2OC Don t Suffer With vonr fost nlin H W : 9 Vfl II OO r oat .11 . . . Bl tt j ff m "" fCL eiiue iiKe mis H 5 , g turned soles ?3 50 B ti 5 1 Welt soles at $4.50 & $550 j f mm ll i! m HlirPII'l .IIIIL I f 1 Bit MW M Established lf'flimnh 11 5 E in Omaha, ielllnj mens fine oxfords H W Thursday's Sale of Wall Paper 2 Right in line with Brandeis policy of giving the very best for the 5 W money, we will hold a treat aala rf wall niiur Thnnii.. ii moDpy, e noia a great sale ol wall naner Thursdav chance of the entire year don't let H escape you. 5c parer for, por roll . . 10c paper for, per roll 2 6 I EXTRA room BIO SPIXIAL Wall nly 1 He a roll. 15c raper for, per roll J5c papei, for, per roll papers for kitchen, pantry or upstairs REMNANTS IN SILKS EVERY REMNANT OF SILK (lengths from 2 yards up to IB yards) including Black Silks of all kinds, newest colored and rough Suiting Silks, etc., variety of these remnants Is too great to describe. Qualities the best. Thursday at EXACTLY HALF OFF HALF OFF OX REMNANTS MEANS MORE THAN HLF OFF REGULAR VALUE. AS EVERY REMNANT WAS MARKED verv p5?CES.IN FIRST THrRSDA-HALF OFF MA RKED Dress Goods Every enstomer Interested In I)res Goods has seen our Beautiful rubrics. Early In the season many of them were sold and left small pieces enough for suits or skirt. REMNANTS OF DRESS GOOOS FOR THURSDAY, Including black ' stuffs, the very best weaves, as wool Uatistes, Taffeta. Voiles. Crece or Armure weaves; elegant suit or skirt lengths THURSDAY AT ONE-HALF OFF Remnants of Wash Gnorl from 8 Till 9 a. m. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, in plain and fancy col ors; drawers with reinforced seats, worth up to 50c, Thursday at. .154 From 9 Till 10 a. m. Ladies' Gowns, Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth up to 76c; sale price OB From 10 Till U a. m. Men's Tine Madras Shirts, new, clean stock. In new black and white patterns, values up to 11.00, Thursday 29 From 11 a. m. Till 12 m. Fancy Sus penders, In silk and lisle, in Indivi dual boxes, worth to 60c, at.. 15 From 2 Till 3 p. m. Men's Hats, most ly samples; good soft or stiff atvi worth regularly un to faV.fi- 08 3 Till 4 p. m. Men's FlnA ru bric Handkerchiefs, very large size regularly worth 16c; In Thursday's sale at 8 for 0-4 and Thursday From Pyrography Supplies and Outfits At far below regular retail prices. An immense line of pyrography supplies and outfits Just received will be placed on sale Wednsday at unrivaled low prices, and In addition to the low price we will offer 4 cash prizes for the best burnt woodwork done by our patrons: Prlze $10.00 Second prize S7.50 Third prize S5.00 Fourth prize $2.50 Inquire In Art. Dept., 3d floor, for particulars. Special Sales Thursday in Our Mammoth Basement OmOOZKT BPECZAZ.S 12 bars Best Laundry Soap 10-lb. sacks Bent White or Yellow meal Grape-Nuts, per package Shrtdded Wheat Blsoult. per bka.. Id Water Starch ar Poap, per cake U.1 m : 1 -lb pkff. Co ft I Castile or T 11 1 Yeast Foam l) Bromanceloi , . .25c . .10c . . .9c 9c .Hc .2Hc or tn Time Yeast, per pkg 3c Jellvcon. Jello or I)-7.erta per package tic Oil or Mustard Sardines, per ran.... 3 Ho 2-lh. can Sac City Sweet Suar Cum.4Va Fancy California Prunes, per lb 4c The Best Tea Hlftlngs, per lb 12Vc rancy l ncoiorea or Bun Dried Japan T'a. tir nnnn ox.. ! Wlaaie Stick Blue.' rie'r 'stick' '. 8c EGQ8 SQOS EQQS Strictly new-laid No. 1 Eggs, fur this spe cial sale only, per doa 15c J5 Dinner Set Thursday $5.95 A special purchase of 500 V. B. 100 plece Dinner Sets, with French trans fer decoration; a regular $15.00 value for one day Thursday at 30-mou rmm saining- axaaraa, prettiest patterns, eleeant for suits or walHts. Thursdav vor.t iaV0 and 100 Orsaa Glnghama, elegant aty leg,"c'hVck Biiivny ittni iinitrs, i rturmmy, vara i,arge jjoi eus uaui, Batistes etc., all in one tremendous only. WASH GOODS AISLE, worth 2So and 30c stripes 13d .'Cfhambrayi,' 3e'-in.' wide,' d'ou'bie'.foid nitin'iri lot; good, worth up to 2 Thursday Bul"" - UV Domestics $5.95 Positively none sold to dealers at this price. GARDEN TOOL SALE for THURSDAY 12-tooth Solid Steel HuJibs, for this aula only, each j7o 14-touth Solid Steel Hakes, for this salo only, each 2o 16-tooth Solid Steel Kukea, for t bin sale only, each liv Star aolld steol Garden Hoes, for this Mile only, each 26J No .1 Weeding Hoes for this sale only each 190 No. 2 Weeding Hoes for this sale only. em'h 2to Solid Steel Pouhle-RI veted Graas TIooTis or this nul only, each 25o Solid Steel Spadinif Forks for thin in. only, each 49,5 Sh' steej 1 (iarden Spades for th'ls'sa'le only, each jiJo SimiiI Steel ShoveU, round or rijtiare' tops fur this Hale, only, each snc Hand Cultivators, with all the necessary atta. hments. the flni'Ht tool Invented, for small truck gardeners, worth 6 each f"r thin special Halo only, each .. $3 '5 Harden Trowels, each '.'. . Garden Weeders, each .'!!5a We sell Stewart's Famous and ' Most Reliable Flower and Vegetable Seeds Tuber Rose Bulbs, each '.li Oladlola Bulbs, each in Iahl!a Bulbs, each Ttyo Onion Sets, per quart 7 Ho Watch the dallv inprs for the Itlir Rma Bush, Crimson Ramblers, Clematis, HT drangea, Honyeauckle. Lllao and fJnowball Vine Sale. $52 and $4 WALK-OVER . j iiivi ruri run n v aa n - . learn ot the extra value given In all 't our many STYLES Walk-Over Shoe Store ED B. 1JI1 F4IVVU STIEET THOMF80V, The Wilk-Ovcr Mis u 5 Extraordinary Large Lots IleninanU, constat inx of hheetiugg, Percales, Prints, Silkolines, etc., all at EXTRA (SPECIALS Uest Apron Gingham, yard 7 6 Green Trading Stumps with every yard Best 36-ln. Silkollne. yard 10d 10 Green Trading Stamps with every yard Best 3C-in. Percale, yard . . . . I Vi 10 Green Trading Stamps with every-yard Double-fold Percale, yard RVfct 5 Green Trading Stamps with every vard 36-in. Unbleached Muslin vard ' er - Stamps with every vard arl H with every yard 5 Green Trading Best Blue Calico Green Trading Stamps Hosiery fast black Seamless 10c value, for r Boys" Extra heavy Ribbed Hosf 15c value, pair jq Ladles Hose, HAYDEKI BROS, DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, lU:r.l. Handkerchiefs Ladles- Hemstitched Cambric Handkerchiefs. 6c valued. .7 3o H VPur? ''In""' Hemstitched vattYJr'r.':-. Gloves Ladles' 20-Inch Fine Lisle Gloves, Thursday, palr.-gg Ladles' 1-clasp Kid Gloves, $1 values, pair G7? 1509 PARNAM Extracting 80c Porcelain Fill. .$1 op Crowns S2J50 op Bridge Wttrk-92-oO up Plates 2.00 op T.( OMAHA. Phone Douglas 1756 We make a specialty of metal and rooflea plates. P&JnJeM work la all operations. Work ruarunteed 10 yean. 1 Brandeis-Boston Store 2 Bee Want Ads Produce Results BAILEY MACII DENTISTS Thirti Floer, Paztori Pltrl. Highest Grade Dentistry. t Coming Events A Gigantic Silverware Sale on the 40c The Twentieth Century Farmer RMoaea thm Live Steolt Alva. ; 1 1 in dollar Saturday Bennett's Big Grocery SPECIAL OrrEB TIU.ID1T B-nnett'a Brtakast CoZee. 2-lb. can r t And 81xty Green Tradlnc Stamps. T? -,n P" Japan. Oolong, Gunpow der, tngllsh Breaksat or Ceylon. 10 74 And 180 Green Trading Stan,... PEPPER Pure, -lb. can. full weight ... Anrl Ten rtren Trading Hismpa. tiiii itsms ro uo m SWASTIKA ond lurk Fin, Brooch, Tob, Stick Pin. Hatpin. Spoon. Every one nhould pushcus one or rm.re of theje tjttD In and see them. I-onk fur u,e name. v S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE a, k CarUIn Curt for Tlr.d, Hot, Aching F..U NAWa-oCwItlSL DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oo erj bos. For FrVEB leckta, AddrrM, Aiia .loo And Two Hundred Green Trading St amps. THEY'RE ALWAYS RIGHT . .l.uu SIB FSZSAT . AD. 0HOHItD lUOll, fi .,umta f.,r.. I'uul,le linen Tradins: ritamua. BNETT S CAHDISS Chocolate Creams. Zresh made, vanilla flavored Pound Made of the IithT HAVANA louACX-O. P. tt. Hied alercAAUlo VUu Co.. MauulMtturert. fit. LouU. 2Bc Kmbroidorlra and Jnnertlnge for 12H 35c Kmbroidories and Inserting! for 17 40c Einbroldcrlrs and Insertings. 20 60c KmbroidcriuH and Insertings. 2I 70c KmbroiderleH and Insertings. A Biilendld lot of Corset Cover Em broideries and Insertings Included la this sale. i it i