T1IE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, ATRIL 11. 1007. 11 1 OFFERED FOR RENT Hon and f ttite onltnaeiL '; WQ I0 expert piano moving prices if j .5 t--t:int1lrr A Mueller Piano Co.. l:'.ll-U13 Krnm. tl5i 519 WE MOVE I'HSCS-Mimiird Van r.d Storage co. Tei. Doug 1196. fTi IT'S Webster St. (i5i-6IS HOUSES In nil I nrl of the city. The (J. F. liatu Co, Bee Rldg. tldi -5i OMAHA Van. Stmiiso Co , park, move, tore, H. II. guoi!, storehouse llji-24 N ltt K. Othoe, Karniim. Tel. D. ug 1 :'.. (la; ii4 HOUSES In all paits rf the citv. IL C Petets & Co., liee Hhig FOR RENT. f Two -room dwellings. an4 and 3114 Wool Fourth avenue, oppim te Hiinsconi nark. Modern and In good repair. VV. 1 SEI.BY. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug InlO. (l.'- Mlcd IIOISES, 6S6-ISD Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. l-IUJOM all modern house, a:i open plumb ing, 2ila Spencer St.; rckiemi' required. 115) 23 11 x BEE us whenv shlpptng household rikhIs to large olticw west; we tan save you nioncv. EXPRESSMEN DEUVERY CO. 214 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. ll!r, 10-ROOM modern brlrk resldeme, keys 114 N. lilh St. Apply i ppmi-is U0 M3"l 12x FOR HKNT. -room tnodrn house', new furnace, north lrt of cltv. tli. C. M. HACHMANN. 43, I'axtmi HIock. (16) C72 FOR RKNT-M5 Wort hlnnton Place, nice lu-room house, veiy desirable neinhb t hood, thoibtihly iin'ilrrr., ff,.ufi n month. Will Rive lease. Ajplv to Conrad Youiik, 151 1 lodge. (li) M&4 l-ROOM cottiige. strictly 31st, near I.tavenwoi th. Alcf'afTery. Harney W7 modi Ap rn, South i!y Owen (15)-tf 2o4 North M. new brick, 45. (1)-M'.4 roil RENT till Peptember 1, furnished modern 7-room house, references reipured. 38 Chicago Ht., '1'hone Harney ,.'Ki2. tlu)-M'-7 12 swell norsra close in. We have two S-rooni ho ises. new and very choice, at B04-50H No. ilst St.. for prl vato family use; no boarding houses or light housekeeping. These Hre tieaullfiilly finished In onk with extta flue plumbing, combination lights, tile bath floois, etc.; beautifully decorated In burlap nnd high grade pupers. You must- see these to ap preciate them. i'AVNE, HOBTWICK.' CO., SOLE AOTS., Cth Floor N. Y. Mfe Hldg. (lai-fiTt; 11 J-ROOU all modern house, 135, Bt. Ju8 N. 'JRth Blldlna. FOR RENT Oormanla Hall or RIJou Theater building, 1N12 to 1M6 Harney; tores, ofrlces and theater; on long lease. N. V. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Fartwim ORj-MSM I II ALLS FOR RENT. Barlghfsj Society Halls, l'.'th and Knrnani Bts. The best fitted halls 111 Omaha for lodges and societies. BARIOHTS HALL, ASSOCIATION 'Phone Douglas 2-143. 14 Arlington HIock. tl5)-MS2B 12 X 2 FLOORS, each 33x120, on side track for light storage, to rent, in Jobbing district. Aildree H 73. care llee. (lu)-Mt2 1 TRACKAGE, warehouse. 14th and Nicholas Sts., 4Hx!4, for rent. Telephone, Douglas 46. (16) M861 W Ofllcea. ONfil large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Hldg., 20 S. IMh St., opposite city hall. Inquire building. , Il5)-62i ROOM 4, Continental block, nnd lnrge re ception room: very suitable for dentist's or doctor's office; tower windows. Robt. H Benrwtt, Agent, Room 11. Continental Hlk. 05AIlM) FOR Rf NT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. Tath St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 Store. FOR RENT Th best located corner store In Omahn. Knrnani and Pith Hts.. Hoard of Trade lildg. See P. H. l'hllbln. Schlltt Hotel (15) M253 oS 27th St.. J9 0O per month. 2f Fnrnam St., 112.00 per month. 29oj Farnnm St., $'-"0 0 per month. N. P. DOM B & CO., 1714 FAUN AM ST. (15I-C15 l.'NEQI'A I.I.ED chance for druggist In block with grocery and meat market: cen tral, with fixtures; rent modeiate; best of chanc for good man In best newrhbor hood. Iyaundrr rooms, with TB-horse power holler to run same. Apply 220 N. 2.'d St. (15I-M780 THREE splendid modern rooms on ground floor; rent reasonable. 1S.'2 Farnam St. (15) M469 BTORE ROOM, Paxton Hlk. 1103 N. 18th, $20. Pemls, 1S 93S OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR and Iron So per foot. 206 N. fencing: Kth St. wire fencing Tel. Red 811. 06)-M527 Furniture, CONTENTS of four-room flat for sale at a sacrifice, must sell at once. Inquire of flat & Wright block, 16th and Chicago Bta. (16) M5Ja JFOR SALE Cheao, tine big sideboard, lawn mowr, ete. 142 N. 37th St. (14) M601 11 FOLDING LOUNGE, nfust be sold at once. Room 113, Bee Bldg (1)-MI71 lit BVAP, If taken at once; furniture for 6-room flat; same as new. Flat 4, 18th and Farnam Sts. (16) 278 llx Trfivwrlter ad Marhlae. ONIB Remington typewriter,' condition, for sale cheap, office. No. 6. In good Ca'l nt Heo (16 1 2g SECOND-HAND SEWING MACHINES $3.60 and up. We clean sewing machine heads for $1. Thomas Ranee. 161! N ?4th. 'Phone Red :70s. (li-M(70 11 Piano. Organ. Mnalcal Instruments. GREAT BARGAINS In slightly used uprlit pianos and used organs. The greatest values ever of fered. Many of these Instruments would pass for nw, and they are without ex ception moat superior to the ordinary used pianos. Terms, $3, $4 or $5 monthly. Kimball, rosewood ca.ie t Arton, cottage upright I'D Chlckerlng. rosewood case r.Ti Singer, nuihogany c.ue Opera piano, oek ra.se Vnse Sons, cabinet gTand Stegtvr S. lis. used $- sample piano $;) Emerson, used 6 months Square pianos and organs, all makes, 150 . ITS ! . i . 2. ' . '.v-o . 275 .15.! $5 and up. 200 new plana for rent V and up. Expert tuning and repairing on short notice. We also inove and store piano. Tel. Dojg. its. Schiiiollor & Mueller Piano Co., 1311 and 131J Farnam St (16)-M71S FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano, at a aac .rifle. Appiy su fiBiiiiiiuu. Vint mi WEBER week at St. upright piano, big bargain (his Matthews i'lano 15b' Harney (16 1 M 71 2 16 STOREY CLAflK upright piano for one half regular lu. easy meiits. -Matthews Piano Co.. 1515 Harney St U) M711 16 FOR BEST value possible In high grade lUanos. niija i graoe lunnn " ece. Lush lii-iii Piano Co.. t" " liliig. TJ. Doug. (47 i. U6)-M. (t W A JO at 1. west I OFFERED FOR SALE Piano. Orttin . (Ci Mnslcnl nUnm-d. i $- rA?i r.1;R n ,.rnr!v r w o Si r s i',r!iii,t i.i'ifio. !. !t -n enl f-w f1:i-. only. I n j 1 1 1 o for Mr. i g r f-.r RM.,. ! Rl Matthews Piano Co., lfl' lln-i .h.i-M l" li TllK st I i -i n In 'to wist at t do Ch-ian" Furniture Co. We a!"" hint lh hjul Krnil.- s. em ij-hiind I irniture at " U l-f ice.. 141.1 Dodge St. lei. i'oigas 4v-7. (11.I-MTSI AJI OOi ill ui.rinht la It' i 1 1 parly leaving t-jvk n. e at a bargain; I .l V'T'pUl I. iU.)-M7I4 ICX Mlarcllanenn. FEW bargains monthly pay tn In 2d-hand soda fountains; nils, Delight, islS Kainsui. Go i 6o5 KNeil.ISH WAI.XIT BCTTKK SmTCH; delirious r.indy b'au.ple boxes H'c; 4"C Lound, postpaid. lioiiK Cand' 'o., Al ton. Neb. (lfii M3'jo ix MY HIX'U'K for cleaning wall paper costs He er roi.m to clen paper. Send one dollar fiM iei ipe. Address V. ". I'tli-e, l'lattsiimiilli. Neb. 06i Mt6 Mx THREE Ht'iiiiswiik pool tables for sale. fcJT Uroauway, Coum-il Hlufls. (101 MW7 15 SI'.NI) us your mall tieiKhl paid on ') Oiuk Co., UniHlia. orders lots for drug's; Myers-l)i.lon tltil U.J FOR BAI.K All the leading rxnodtcls published. Foreign pubjti-Htions a spe cialty. l:irth'la. wedditm and souvenir post cards. Mobs' riptions received for all lierlodicaU piiblllnil. Mail orders will teceive prompt attention. S HI IJK A. HI.ATTKRT. Newsdeulf-ra and stationers. 111 s. Ifith St tlfii MUii ii)5 10x15 Job press, paper cutter, motur and some Komi type for sale or trade. 11 s. Kth Bi. (lb) MLi 12 UI'OUV. pair of s Dangler yusoline a U s. sto e. hsnd rofToe mill, Iti-'i Sev.' ird St. Ut'd-M5S3 lox AWNI.VOS; they re not expensive. Call Doug. sM and our rein esviits ti e will call. Omaha Tent and awning Co. (Pii M'ii4 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1M8 Farnam. (liii 5.12 Hutchers' refrigerators on hand. 1H Doug. (16 1 MltB M3x FOR SALE Two National cash registers, otte total adder; ulso nice line of store liNtiiren. (ilobe Land nnd Investment Co., I'Mttersm HIock. (ltd 634 S11ERWIN WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (lti) 5M FOR SALE Collection of fine old Violins, 'including sizes viola and 'cello. Violin fMudlo, 10 Wlthnell Hulldlng. (lti) M7S2 A20 GARDEN nnd field seeds, fruit packages, bee keepers' supplies. Yuuiikerman Seed Co., Council HtufTs, la. (lt) 2SS . MILLET SEED. A. W. Wagner, m N. Pith, 16)-MH63 A CLEAN H,tA stock of general morchan dise at 5 cents on the dollar; fine loca tion: will bear closest Inspection. Owner moving away. Address, Y 71, liee. (1G 571 COAIj Good burnlnii; 2 basketn 3T,c; 6 for $1. delivered. Rosenblatt. 'I'hono Doug. 412. !! B14 SI"iT machines, nil kinds; nlso sliver plat ing and picture machines. Jurl. 712 S. 16th. (16J-MC32 A:;ox SNAP Rid path's History of the Worlrt. Encyclopaedia Hrltiinnlca. International Encyclopaedia ; small monthly payments. Webster's 1'nabridged $1 Dictionary, full leather, only $3 25. I!. It, Robert's. 541 I'axton Hldg.. Omaha. (Ill) MX14 A30 TREES, shrubs, roses, aery, 21th and Plnkney. Hazel Dell Nur- Tel. "Web. 2260 (P0 111 Jl CHOICE Cl'HRANT PLANTS for sale. B. C. Smith, 3108 Corby St. (IB) 100 Mix GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnish estimates. If you are going to build, write for catalogue. BURGESS (JRANDEN CO., 313 S. 15th. 'Phone Doug. fin. (Hi) -M 132 REST second-hand bicycles In city. $6 nnij up. 1 hese bicycles have nil been re enameled. Thomas Ranee, ill N. 24'h. (lfi)-M3'19 13 FOl'R second-hand cheap. 3'ft N. 16th. coaster-hrake blcvcles. ilrii M4::6 13 NICE 3o8 N large . 16th store St. mirror for sale cheap. 16)-M(37 13 $2,10i) Soda fountain for sale for $500, If taken at once. R. L. Mangy, Piattyoiouth, Nell. GCI-M3T3 13x TWO new, ML P cheap. motors, complete; good as lrt20 Capitol Av' (16) M472 13x TEN YEARS Harper's, Century, MeClure, Argosv. Popular. COc year. W. J. Stncey, 316 S. 13th. (161 M4Y.3 13x ENGLISH WAI.NCT Bl'TTER SCOTCH; delicious candy. Sample boxes, 10c; 40c pound, postpaid. Honey Candy Co., Al bion. Neb. (16) M306 12x SODA FOI'NTAIN fixtures, safe, glass esse and confectionery supplies. Address 305 West Pierce St.. Council Bluffs, la. (16) M670 1 DIAMOND ring, about dress N 78, care Bee. iiK.; a snap. Ad-(161-M545 13x FOR SALE 10.000 tons of Mississippi river Ice, IS to 22 Inches thick. Can be loaded on barges or In cars. Address C. H. Beyerstedt, til Grand street. Winona, Minn. (16) M639 Vtx FOR SALE Three pool tables In good order; give good bargain on It. Write to F E. Buresh, Pralnard. Neh (16) M643 16 GOOD set of country drug store counters, shelving, drawers, eto. Address Y 117, care Bee. (ir.)-M6M 15 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine detlgntT. Puxtun Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 181 All IARSON & CO. Book free, Bee Bldg. (17 -5t7 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Bhlrta pressed, not Ironed. 211 S. lltn St. Tel. Doug. 254. , ils.i THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. t collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy jaior. Call 'Phpn Doutf. 4156 and wagon will call. (lfo 611 SEWING machines tented, any make, 75o per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5."0 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15ih and Harney. (18)-639 PENNELL Millinery Co., 3.1 N. lth 8L (IS) 78 Juiws 2 PLEATING ALL KINDS. Button. Kushitiat, Embroidery. Dyeing ajid cleaning, sponging and shrink ing. iily 5o per yaid. Send for price list und i!iil'io. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. DoukIus 1936. (ioi-(2 MIW VlT.' Fwel'sh -lU1-' Broadw ay. movement. 5M Itm 23. Co B'uTs (lSi-M.91 Ml f WIVVTin treatment and beth Mme. " w taiiili. 11SN. i; th, 2.1 rl ,.r (lo 901 PRIVATE Dr. King, CONFINEMENT HOM E- M r a 2D18 N. list St. Tel. Doug .(..;,9. tlM 543 BlHlMiKB. rutiber goods, hy mall: cut prices: serd for free catalogue. Myers l1l!on Drug Co , Omaha. (IS) 541 FOR anything In the sewing machine lln go to I'. K. hlodman at Co., 15)4 ( ai. Ave (1SI 2(5 All MOUNT CLKMKNS. MfH. mineral baths scientific intM. 316 ti. M'th St., unstatrs. (IS; MiitS 14a PERSONAL (Continued. THE hea'lng household remedy. PnMn skin cream should nlwajti be handy. !5r. (is) OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers Institute. Remc (IS)- JOHN CANE IS IN TOWN ' Now Is tl ttn to trim trees, trellises and srape vines; also hmdsesoe rardenlng. TL Red 64oa. Res. lprl 8. 2flh Ave li X!v AT REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTV FOR At.K. Rylandor & Sinionson, 3H2 and 3"3 N. T. LIFE. t 1.500 lW-story dwelllns:. 8 rooms, water, gns, siwer li street, near 2Sth and Webntor; easy oyments. t 2.000 7-room rewtdenc. Walnut Hill. large corner lot, I 2,500 R-room, modern exeept hent, well htillt house, lot D0xl2S, Walnut Hill; eaey terms. 3,onoNew R-room. strictly modern home, stilendidly nrr-anped, near B3d and v.illfornia; terms. $ 1,200 New fi-rrw m, strictly modern, large lot, near 33d and Webster. t S,2fi0 i-room modern built house, line Calif orniia. except heat, well l t, nrar 31M and 4,2no 9-room, modern except heat, ar ranged for two families; will rent for J4i..f"i fer month. There Is a II. '"p vacant lot adloinlng; nil for 14.200, cash; 2fith and Leavenw rth. i $ 5.2iiO 8-rootn, strictly modern, oak finish. lot iDmlJi, near soth and oinrornia. f,,nooR-room, strictly modern, with vacant lot adj"'nlng, suitable for Hats, m and Chicago. 6.500 H-room. mixlern dwelling, arranged for 2 ramtlies; will rent ror sjiii.w per month; near 22d and Ieaven worth. ji.600 One of tho best new, strictly mod em double brick nats, close to post office. $15,000 Another, worth considerably more than price asked, Dut must te sola. VACANT 800 High and sightly lot, facing south on Cass smet, west of 30tn; better come soon If you want this fine lot. t 1.000 Henutiful piece of ground, 1H blocks south of Krug's Park, facing Coun try club grounds, size 15x3o0; noth ing liner In this district. f 8,500 "fixl 32, a few blocks northwest post office, corner, paved streets and per manent walks; good for half a dozen brick flats; cheapest lot In the city. LAND We In at have one section of 'choice, level McPherson county that must be land sold We once. It goes for W.eo per acre. think at this price maker for someone. It will be a money Half section, best hay land. 3 miles south of O'Neill, Neb. Want offer. Rylander & Sinionson, 302 and 303 N. Y. LIFE. (19)-M708 11 THREE NEW HOUSES JUST COMPLETED READY TO MOVE INTO ! (-room cottage on 22d St., second house south of Lulrd, doming nest; has 4 rooms on first floor and 2 large bed rooms, with large closets and store i rooms, on second floor. House is wired for electric light and piped for gas. also ilped for furnace; full cement cellar, arge front porch, on 60-ft. lot. Price, 2,6"0. j 6-room cottage on 23d St., second house south of Laird, fronting west; strictly all modern with the exception of furnace. The reception hall, parlor and dining room ia nicely papered; the rooms are large and well arranged. Price, $2,450. E-room cottage on Ames Ave., Just east of 2uth; is strictly all modern with the ex ception of furnace; stairway to the sec ond floor; two rooms can be finished up stairs If desired; south-front lot, paved street, close to the boulevard and on Ames Ave. car line. Price, $2,250. W will make reasonable terms on any of the above three cottages. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 FARNAM ST. (19)-74 10 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO '8 AB STRACTS OF TITLES are the safest You are protected by a $10,090 bond against lost by errors. You dun t buy a law suit whim you buy a "Kerr'' abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (It) 48 Lots! Lots! Lots! 48 Beautiful Halcyon Heights. BLOCKS 17 AND IS. RIGHT IN BENSON, ONLY TWO BIjOCKB SOUTH OP MILITARY AVE. AND CAR LINE. These are without exception the finest residence I -Is for sale anywhere at theso prices. They are high and sightly, level, full size, B'xS. and practically the only desirable lots available In this locality. TRICES RANGE FROM $260 TO $575. SEE THEM TODAY AND GET YOUR CHOICE. KUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO. SOLE AQENTS, 433-33-3-1 Ramge Bldg . 15th and Harney Sts dan 6i( 10 A N'ICE HOME GROUND 100x159 6-room house, good order, city water, cis tern, with pilup In kitchen, c liar under whole house; In Walnut Hill; ground fronts east; all famed, streets on 3 side, lays very nice, cement walks Inside, shad) trees, some fruit and lot of rose bushes and other shruboeiy; no old run down place, but very handsome hex-. Owner has moved to California and is very anx ious to sell. Price, $2.f"i0; on easy terms. W. H. Y. Life. GATES, (17 N. Phone Don '.4. 14 11 (19) HOME CLOSE IN 3634 Caldwell. 6-room house, and bath, modern except heat, lot 60x127. south front, lawn, shade and fruit trees, grai. s arbor, barn, paved street, everything hum needs. $2,750 TUKRELL &. CO., 17th and Farnam. TL DOL'U. 1129. (19)-M7M 1 REAL ESTATE C ITY 1'Rliri.H I I FOR 81. E. (Continued.) A. P. TUKEY & SON PRIES LAKE We have secured the sale of the property known as Pries' Lake, lying a mile north of the town of Fkrence. This Is and ideal spot for an un-t' -dat Summer Resort. There are about S3 aciea of the most beautiful park land around Omaha, with a good size lako for boating, nnd about 80 acres of bottom land to the rnsl of same. The owner has decided to sell s Icly on ac count of his 111 health, ns It al ways has been a paying propo sition for him with what small Improvements he now has on the place. The receipts Isst yesr alonw were almost 114,000. If the place was lm pioved properly It would he the most attractive place in this ecctlon of the country. 2o.ooo 1 the price fer the whole. Including over loo acres of ground, the lake, a new boat house, dance pavilion and rrstnurant, sAloon building, cottage and small barns, boats nnd all else that goes with the propei ty. The road Is con trolled from the north city limits of Fli-rence to the north line of this property, so no competition Is possible. This Is the first time this property Is offered for sale and will make a most attractive Invest ment. A. P. TUKEY & SON 444-445 Board of Trade Hldg. Douglas 2181. (m-22 10 BUY YOUR LOT THIS WEEK IN KOUNTZE PLACE BEFORE THE ADVANCE IN PRICE Next week there will be an advance In price on a number of lots In this addition, so If you are thinking of buying a lot In Kountze Place, don't wait too long. If you don't know about this addition. It will pay you to look up the locations of the unsold lots and get a price list at our office, or we will have one of our salesmen show you the lts. There are many rea sons why you should buy In Kountze Dace. The prices are only about half as much as other lots equally desirable. Nearly all the lots have SEWER, WATER, GAS. PAVED STREETS AND PERMA NENT SIDEWALKS, close to many good STORES, SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES, and reached by three good car lines the DODGE, SHERMAN AVE. and N. 24TH STREET. The Florence Boulevard runs through the center.' PRICES $680 to $1,250. FJxceptlng corners, a trifle higher. If you haven't the cash, we make terms of V, cash, and 1, t and 3 years on the bal ance. HASTINGS & I IE Y DEN 1704 FARNAM ST. BEE BLDG. (.191673 10 FARNAM ST. PROPERTY Full-sized business lot, 66x132 to twenty foot alley, on north side Farnam, east of 24th; Improved with three three-story brick flats, pnying a fair return on the Invest ment. Has a future, we think. Can offer It for a short tinffc at $21,000. Harrison & Morton (lDU-928 NORTH SIDE South front on Fowler Ave., near 24th, lot 601133- Nearly new, with reception hall, pni-lor, large dining room, kitchen on first floor and three good bedrooms and bath on second; full size basement, best of furnace and plumbing. Nothing better on the north side for the money $3,306. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Doug. 1064. 1320 Farnam. (19) 88 1$ MODERN COTTAGE, t-room cottage, thoroughly well built, double floors, surface fVir being maple; large bath room, nice attic; piped for gaa and wired for eloctrlc light; nil modern plumbing. South front lot. 67x100. lying high and slahtly: two blocks south of Ames Av car line, 36th Ave. and Boyd. Irice, (l.Ston; $260 cash: balance to suit. C. G CARLBEB.G, U N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. (19) M719 11 LOTS NEAR FIELD CLUB On the right-hand side as you approach the Field club. on Mi l St. $tr,o each. On 35th Ave.-$:V each. Buy now before the advancu In price. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 SOUTH KTH. BEE BUILDING. (19i-M-9i 12 711 SOUTH 17TH T-ronm. 2-storv house, hot water heat; plumldrg needs repair, but ether wise house in good repair. Owner going Euri.pl only $1 this month and wants to sell (0 cash, balance at 6 per cent The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Douglas 197. 212 S 14th. (19i M699 It FOR SALE OR RENT New cottage on Lake Okolioji. I"wa. Dickson Beach; c .t tge Is all furni.hed; rnwhoat also wllh cottage. I). I. Hudson. Windsor. Minn. (19) HA 15x $1,875 T-ronm house, sewer, water, gas. f ermanent walks, corner lot. 6f'xl20; good barn; house now- vacant and must be sold. See it at once, as It won t last long at this price. 44u3 Burden, 1 block to car. F. C. BEST, 8J1 N. Y. LIFE (19J-691 10 15 PER CENT INVESTMENT Thiee brick flats. Nos. 2516. 251 and 2522 N Sin i?t.; all in ijood repair, rental value, tsOO t,er $ii.i) for -ill. Can sell one or ail. This U bargain. PKTtKwON Thau 1157. PRCS . a Bee Bldg Ui'i 610 13 . REAL ESTATE ' CITT PROPERTY FOR SA1.K (Continued ) Ov.ner I.oavins; the Citv PRICE 15 EDUCED ' OOxlhi ffet, with double street frontage: -room house and barn; S block from car lire. Henns Park distnct This prop erty cAn I made very proTMsble. as theie Is room for 4 cottages' PRICE REDl'CED FROM $:0 TO J. H. Dumont & Son, 9o6- N. T. Life Hldg (1UI M 11 FOR SALE Seven-room modern house, nenrVy new, on Marcy St., between 3oth and 31st St ; street raved and paid for. Price I3.WV. This has porcelain bath, gtod furnace, nil open plumbing and Is thoroughly desirable throughout, it Is cheap at the price. I). V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. i! iox DEPOSITS In the Neb. U & H. better than mtgs. 3 N Y. Life. Ass'n Is (19) M74 MS CHA3. K. Williamsou Co. U. S. Hk Hldg 1st Floor. (19)-M950 FOR SAI.E-S room house, must be re moved nt once. Impure 1506 South 2!th St. Phone Harney 517. tl3i M4vS 13 NEED MONEY QUICK. Will sad-dice limited number of l,ong Island lots, l.'.xIki It.. each. Title guar anteed by Title Guaiantee nnd Trust Co. of New York. Rca'ty Co., Mechanics Hank Hldg., Brooklyn, N. Y. G9i M5R 15x Big Snap for Quick Sale Ixt on 2fth and Blonde, east fiont, 77x 12a. $750. Also lots fronting ninth and South On Blotido, between 20th and 27th, $10 per front foot. Phone Douglas 6S5. BE MLS, Paxton HIock. (18)-U FOR SALE Two modern houses and large barn, one block north of IUnkmiii park; paved street, east front, lot 7.'ixl5a. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRKNNAN. Boon: 1 N. Y. L. Bldg. (19)-fi4 200 CENTS FOR $1.00 Will you tako it 7 One lot, 22d nnd Chicago, worth $5.0110, Owner says: "Need the money; get me $2,5ik). N. FENGF.R. N. Y. L. BLDG. 'Phone Red 3217. (19) M! BEST HoUSE-$3.(oo to $2.5on will buy west or southwest section. Owner" Address D 69. care Bee. G9S-627 llx FOR SALE House, 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2s07 Cuming St. Price, $2.3uO. Easv terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. Ulii-518 REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RANCH LANDS FOR HMK Canndn. THE FINEST CANADIAN WHEAT LANDS nre In the Lnst Mountain valley, the heart of the Saskatchewan wheat plains. We own thousands of acres In this famous district. Maps, descriptive matter, etc.. on request. Wm. Pearson Co.. Ltd.. 32X Northern Bank Hldg., Win nipeg. Canauit. (20) Colorado. ONE section of good land 24 miles of Den ver, three miles from Hair Lake station, at $8 per acre cash; this Is a snap and would be cheap nt $io. Address Chns. Koran, 1209 Farnam St., Omaha. (20)-677 16 Kansas. HOMESEEKERS! Be careful. Locate rght. Investigate our famous artesian valley Sure crops, matchless climate. Let us write you. Miller & James. Meade, Kan. (20) 635 A16 Nebraska. WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Modale. la. Farms nnd lands for sale or trade for clear town property or mreh...'riue. 20)-M350 A26X IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska. Sarpy and Douglas counties. 11. J. Over ton, Gretna. Neb. (20i MS78 FOR SALE Western Nebraska lnnd. Fend for list. Kimball Land Co, Kimball. Neb. (2d) Mc.is 21 x Ttisi. Go to Texns and see wheat nnd alfalfa equal to the best. Sixty cars of lan Iseekers passed through Kansas City In one day. As the crops grow larger th prices ad vance. O.vners are expecting a big increase in May as reports from all over the country show that such a rush of landseckers as was never known will he seen nt that time. Join our next tug- excursion April buy early and reap the benefit. 16' h and Call or write for facts about this cotintrv becoming noted for its productiveness and healthful climate. We are exclusive agents for large tracts In Dallam nnd Sherman counties, the choicest In the panhandle Agents wanted In every count' In Nebraska and western Iowa. Write for terms. Gllmore Real Estate Co.. 1-119 Douglas St. Phuna I'ouglis -ul4, Omaha, Neb. (20)M!)34 TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND Have some rare bargains in Texas end New Mexico land. $5 to J7.50 an aciu. Go ar.d see for yourself; low railroad rites Fur particulars address ROBERT C. DRl'KSKDoW, $u Now York Llfa Bldg., Omaha. Neh. (20) M;3 North Dakota. rinu-AT cv-ao ... i.. ...... x- , liKr.Ar l?rAP Tor Investors, North l a- u;,?d'7cr , o! '., . i.f . . l eeted address K . r .... i a. Bee. i2l 671 12x Wrmlnir. YEIJ.OWSTONE PARK Irrigated farms, 35 mile from Yellowstone National park, on park road. First-class soil: $Xi acre, with rietual water rinht. ICiisy terms. Stewait-Loavcnwoith Co., 619 N. Y. Life, Omaha. ia)-i .Mi;62 14 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm anil Kauch Land. FOR RENT 6-acr trax.t of land In Ben son (without house), suitable lor kii -lining or raising potatoes. Will lent till January 1, 19oS, for 2u If taken imiiiL-di-ately. Address K 35 care 1'ee. (2D-48S x FARM FOR RENT. for r'nt. six miles ll ' Splendid farm. 211 acres. from Uuialia; ion given at once. Apply to 11 S. Si-ii " , 4 lo Board nf Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Dougias 151'). 1 21 1- M'.io'.i REAL ESTATE LOANS $1.10.010 TO LOAN on business and rest- ' dime pr perty in Onmi.a; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. i Y. Life. (22) 54 j LOWEST RATES Bemls, puxton Block. (2.i-55o MONEY TO 11AN-Payne Inv. stment Cn (;t - 551 PRIVATE MONEY' F. D. Wead, l.'2o Doug. 1 22 1 o54 LOWEST RATES Pemls, Paxton GARVIN BROS., VM Farram. per cent loam on rtal estate; WANTED Clt y Purr. am Smiih loans an.) warrants. A- ( o., l.Oi Farnam St. (2.). -554 Block. 122) 9-i i 5 an 1 5t no delay 22i-.',2 W. lyOANS on improved citv proiietty. W II Thomas, ii Fust Nalicual Bank Hits ( ; - M WACt SCllLDtLES IllEUKDLK Juion lac.fh Si?n;nir Up With Its lYer, Under Hew Aerfem tt. ALL GRADES Of LiVFLCYLS INClUDtD ( nnrltngton ( lanl nd Matters mnnthly of iir I p nt t hlciiao are II nun I it a the line Onre Hon-. Iloprcsentatlvea of the trainmen, switch men and lliemt'ii ate In conference w th (lie otllciais of the I'liicn Pacific ill Omaha, signing up agreements uiul- r the schedule, which were recently adopted at the Chic. it; conferences between the repn scntallves of the nu n and the commute of gem r.il mnmigi r". The conferences arc bcinc te Id w ith Supei Intendeiit l ink and General Mannrcr Mi hli r. Gene nil Manager lloldroKe of the Rurllng- To m bcuillon or tef tea. to enrich soupj or gravies, you need Liebijj Company's Extract of Deef Tint Is rel beef etrct. perfectly pre S pared not veirnrj by adulterations lor foreign substances. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued. WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters o. (22) iV-a HI'ILDING loans on residence property; per cent. W. H. Meikle, Ramge HI1. (22) (i."i7 UNION LOAN INVEST. CO. I 310 Heo Loans on Heal Estate, Bldg. at 4Vi and 5 per cent. 'Phone D ug 29"4. (22)-6M A30 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carjetH, linole ums, office fuinituie, old clothe and sl oe-, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or w.ll buy the fur niiuro of your house complete. Will buy anllqun or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. Cail the right man. Tel. Doug. 3W1. (25;-6i A17 CASH paid for old b ks. Crano-Fove Co., 313 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (25)-55S COUNTER SHOW CASES, wall cases, shelving nnd wrapping counters. Address W 4S. care Bee. ( M31I Hx AN invalid's Bldg. roller chair. 318 MeCamie (25) .VI 597 15 . WANTED TO RENT LARGE nnd small room for housekeeping, wltli party who will look after girl of S years on week days, by couple, both working, have own furniture. S'n'e full particulars. Address M 60. Bee office. (2rti M347 13x WANTED By man, first-class room, close In. Address J 74, care Bee. , PD-M6SI 12x WANTED An S, 9 or 10-roomi house, fur nished or unfurnished. In or near Wwt Farnam district. Address H ('. Cnllsch, Her Grand Hotel. (2H) M.21 13 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Employment evenings. ' (27)- E 2, Bee. -292 llx WANTED-Plaln dress 11 V V.t.'.. sewlhg I.v the da v. (27) M 462 Ad 13x DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Duuwlas 1112. 27i 559 WANTED Position as salesman. Address L corresiondent and iij. care H-e. (27) -mo llx WANTED Pus. ii hi by Al loan ns bank bookkeeper or general accountant ; good Wiies expected, as pai'i.v can give best of lefenncis. D S6, liee. (271713 12.x Y'Ol'NG man. 33, thoroughly experiene.il : es buyer and manager of large gr n et y, fruit und meat depts., is open for em; is-, i lin-nt at once; references f-om largest j cities. Address M-77, care lice. (27)-M7"2 llx TWO bright, rellned boys. 18 ami 16, Just arrived here, want euiployini nt ; pu l' r wholesale house; expo; leiiced nnd c m petent; best references. A-M. car.- Bee. i27i-M7ul 13x I - - - - - - I EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address D, Bee OHice, Council Lli.fls. Ia (27)-M727 17 FOR house repalrln.tr, carp- nter work and Jobbing, Tel. Douglas 3-iul. (27) M72I 17 X GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BEEF, CORN. OHO teries, etc. Department of the Interior, ; Office of Indian Affair. Washington, D. C. March 5. li-07. Staled pt op i-..ils, plalmy t ninrked on the outside nt' the enxeiope, i "Proposals for Beef. Corn." etc , as the case may be, and address to the "Commis ! (doner of Indian Affairs, Washington,. D. ; V.," will be received at the Indian office I until 2 o'clock p. m. of Tues !ay. April 23, 11907. ai.d then cpened. for furnish ng the Indian service Willi rolled baby, b-ef, niulton, corn. salt, coffee, sugar, te i, soap; i uin. , . , ..i io i i - 'rM 'Schedules giving all nece-saiy Information rnr in, t.-i..r m.1 i i. . fu: nisln d i n api -ln-ation to the Indian office, Washington, D. C. :the V. S. Indian warehouses at New York City, Chicago. III.; St. Louis. Mo.; Omaha. Neb., and San Francisco, Cal.; the Comrnti sary of Subsistence, I". S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo.; the IJuarterniaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wash., and the postmis'ers at Tucson, Portland, Spokane and T n oma. The De partment reserves the rlt'ht to re.ecl any and all bids or any part of any bid. F. E. Leupp, Commissioner. Al-dl't OFFICE CONSTRUCTING (JI'AItTKP, maMer. Ft. M n kt-md, Wvo , Apr il it. llmi.--Sealed proposals in triplicate will bi received heie, unt I lo a. m. ( uioiinluiii timei May 1, 19"i, fur the construction of ma- CHiiam rontls and driveway; conorete walks. curbs and culvert; b: ii k gutters and , catch-basins, and tile drains, at Ft. Mac kenzie, Wyo. Plans and spe- lflca t ions may be seen at offices of 'lib f Uuartei n .asters' hi Omaha, Denver, St Paul nnd Chicauo; Depot i iiia rtei masi er, St Iuiis. Hnd at this j oflice, at which latter pho-e all information I may le obtained. I'. S. reserves lln- rght to accept or ifj-et any or all proposals, or any pint thereof. Ftnx.sils t-Soild lie en chsed in sea'ed envelopes, rnui Ited "Pro ' posals for Loads iin-1 Va:ks " and nd l dressed. CAP i'. VA M. D. DAVIS. W M. U. 8. A. Afc-9-1u-ll-l-3' I I'Roi'oHAI.S FOR LIVE STOCK-DE-Piiiiitnt of the Interior, Otlice oi Indian An. ui -i. w aslilngton. 1. C, Muich j7, l'.i,. Sealed propobals. plainly maikt-d on the outsile nt the ,-aleiJ eneii,a-. " I'roj-ose Is for Live Stock,", and aduiessed lo the Commissioner of Indians Afi.iiii. W'a.-hui-toii. D. C., will he reeeive.l at the Ind ,.n Oftli until 2 o'ehick p. m. of April 26, 19c' for tairnshlng and del!eiing i,tj,,ot , ,H.,c, lelfeis. S'i buds 97 mne-i and v7 J m i, )i cowa, and 4 stullious. for issue to Indians I of d'f'eiint ii-h-i a i ions, as p.-i .-s-l.e lules, it;ii!-sd s(ieclrh ailoiis. coniiitions to he ob served by bidders, etc., which Mill hi; fur- i nisi ed oil appl c- lion In the Iruliaii c I'ti, e ! Washington, D. C : the I'. S Hi-iim w.ne 1 lions, s at New Yoik Ci'y, Chicago, ill.; Onmlia. Neb., St. Louis. Mo. and Sari . Francisco. Cal.; the I'. S Ii d1 in averts at Standn.g Rock agency. Fort Yate, N. D. ; ' I'llle I; rUe ageticv. I.o-.vr r I:, a .-. i.en. y! liwtr Hnile, S D. : Cr iw Cre. k il-i ih v Crow Creek. P. D. ; Rosebud ag-m-v, Los--, bud S D. Ci ev.-Mi- Liver n.-i--..i c) ,., enne Bgi-'c-y. 8. D . and t' e iiierit,eiident of the S.-Tte,. aifencv Sintee Neh. laitl ; Fort Peck Hg.-ricv. Poplar. M ml ' Hhls ' upon the Manl-is fi.rnl-' e-1 are not nhs-o-j lutelv essential: 'l ey r .ay lie mde In any i oilier form, provided tin- rondo iorm are oh , ser. ed Tor further Iriformstion apply to j F. E. LEUPP, Commas', .tier. I A 2-4-6-9 U-12-16-;-2i, I ' IP 'i'i ItMOST 'I HAVt 4 Jj TMIS Ifi JI0K4TUX " k - - itm afii1 s v where H"viir negotiations nil.' eth r re oN are smn iri i i.i-ral he idiiuarters Ti.e coctrio t do t .t t an I' 'f any set is-rlenl, but iut for an Ince lnlte tin e and will re main in f'rco until chink: M conditl" ns mil," an-t'i-r d (T r no ln-teen the men end the railrod. All dlfferrnces with the m. n - now j settled, as the swlt 'hmell v(.0 Includ'-d In t!,e agreement, which v m.ide with the '(id'-r of Railway Trainmen. The eimlinvrs" ' ilMle-uli les wete the Hist to be adjusted. 'i hii iMiirtil Ndnu reached nl"ut tw-o tnoi tl s ngo The firemen fimo to an under- star lira with the m.inatrers nt the same ' time as Die trainmen, so nil dlfTVult es with ; the ."plo i s of the operat'bg detvu-tment a i e a l.lnsted. I The pay for freight conductor Is the sitee ill over the weit and they wl'l get a uniform rnK-o Fn lct t conductors were fonnerly paid H 45 per 1' miles rim and the pay will now be $.1 ?. p.-r l' mile-. The dlrTe-a nee in the pay of the men Is th it the older and better men are runs on w hich they can drcd miles In less time linen, who aie given the iifi which there nre more given make t linn slow the better their hun the newer -r freights, delays and also I more switching to do. The freight luakemen on the Union Pa. cllic were paid $2 to and will now receive $2 53 per Imi miles. The passenger con duct M-s on the main line of the Union Ta ctile were getting J1I0 a month and thej will be raised to Ji;u n month The Hur lington main line cordiictors nre paid tlu s mm as the Union Pacific, other rondi . vary. M lln line passenger brakemen on tht Union Pneltic were paid from $72 to $R4 a month under the old schedule and the pay will bo raised t $79 to $:) n month. ; Swltchmi n riamnnded a raise last fat and were granted an increase Novemher 1 of 4 cents per hour, so the pay of switch ; men Is now the same on nil mnds, the da$ : foreman reci l ini 35 cents nn hour, thi day heliM-r 32 cents nn hour, the night f ireman 37 cents an hour and the nlghl helper 34 cents nn hour. Committees mil still figuring nn how thl Increase will alTect the firemen, to whorfl a uniform iuciease of 26 cents per lon-mllsi day was granted. The pny of n fireman vaiies according to the size of the ennlne he hns to fire nnd according to the dis trict over which he runs. The pay of brakemen on the Burlington and other rouds vary according to the run, ew ieel Mall Car. The first new all steel mall car to bo lmllt ! by t lie) Union Pucltic Is ininplcted and Wed nesday was on exhibition on the Union Pacific tracks In front of the headquarters building nt Ninth nnd Farnam streets. It w as built In it entirety at the Union Psirlflo fchop in Omaha under the supervision of W. R. McKeen, superintendent of motiva, power and machinery of the road, and Is a model of construction. All wood had brrn eliminated from this car, even the floors being of cement, while the rif nnd j FiileH and ends are nil sheet steel. The I car Is provided with every modern con- Vf nlence known to the builders' nrt nnd la practically fireproof, N-bIiIph being of such ! solid cor.-trtietl' n as to add Immeasurably I to the sjifety of the mall clerks, who oc cupy n dahgerous position In the wooden j mail cars, which nre plncod Just 1ehltid j the engine nnd ahead of the string of heavy , pnsscnger cars. The car looks ns If it ' would vvlihstand any kind of n collision ! without buckling nnd the) dnngvr from ! splinters Is entirely eliminated. This Is the ' first of numerous cars, which nre to be built j In the Omahn shops, ns soon as the facili ties, which are now- under construction are I complete. Souvenir of May Party. The Union Pacific passenger department Is assisting the May pntty committee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at North Platte In preparing an elaborate) souvenir for their Mav pnrty which will be given May 1. This May party Is to th westtrn pnrt of the state what the Ak-Snr-Heh festivities arc to Omnha nnd the east ern section of Nebraska. The souvenir will be worth while, for special pains will be made to make It a fitting record of the t wentv-flfth anniver sary of the May rarty. It will contain a I brief history of the construction of the Union Pacific, photographs of the first ; engineers employed by the mail and a lils- tory of the Brotherhood of Locomotive i Engineers of the I'nlon Paeltlo. It will I contain Hcencs and reminiscences of the building of the Union Pucltic. !ew Line to Yel lonstnne. The Oregon Short line expects to have the new line to Yellow, stone Park completed July first to within 41 miles of Fountain I hotel, which Is the same distance by stags us is Gardner, the northern gateway to the ! park. In speaking or th; new rond D. E. i Hurley, gi-neial .msseiigc-r agent of th i Oregon Short line at lialt Iike, said: "By the time park season opens, Jun 101 h, we will have mi additional train, known aa Yellowstone pork tialn, leaving Salt Iike about 7 or 7:30 p. in., so as to arrive at Buffalo Creek, or Big Spring, uhout 7 a. m., Hcrve breakfaat In diner, lunch at Dwellu, supper, lodging und break fust at Fountain hotel : thunce regular tour of park. "When the line Is finally completed to Yellowstone, Montana, wate-rn border of the park, wo will then have a 19-iiill drive to Fountain hotel, an against 41 miles through Gal diner." I'oaltloii Abolished. The position of supply agents on th Burlington, cast and west of the Missouri river, has been abolished and the work will be done by a general store keeper, who w ill report to the general purchasing ugunt. While the bare anno'.ilicerut lit of this chunge has been made It Is thought th change mole a chant' in system than ! men and that the present supply agents will be made store keepers and that th office force will be niHlniaiiied In Omaha Just us It Is at present. T. J. Flier has lieea appointed tp-neral store keeper of tha iiux llligt ui at Chicago. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. ' Major General A. W. Greely. rornmanding the Department of the Missouri and the Noriherii Military division, will visit Omaha, next week on his usual semi-monthly In , spei lion tour. The Ninth United States cavalry Is the next regiment to depart for the Philippines) from the Department of the Missouri. 1 1 - a i i mi rl i h of the regiment aid ff.ur tro'ps now nt Fort Riley, and the Second S'lu.olron. with but three companies, now at Fort I.eavenworlh, will leave for San I aticlsoo April 3u, sailing from tiler. May 5. A model of the new army rifle for us j of the United States army has beet le- cdced at army heaieiua-ters The gun 1 a roodifii iiti.in of the K r a r-JorKensen and i NTai-ser. and Is a rm.gni- e g-in of 3o caliber. 1 The barrel Is cov er. d with wood for eon ! vi-nii-nce in harulilntf in the case eif rapid , fir i;g. It 1h provided with a sharpened sA-ord bavonet with sixteen Inch blade. The new manual of bavonet exercise re i ecntlv adopted by the army la also Just lei i iveil at army l.end'iua ti rs. oce an s ri: VI II 1 1!. ALUX LINE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS LiVEhPOOU. tiLASi.OW. LONIdiN. HAVKI htm fMiii-n VI' Ti K i A N nl V1KUINIAM, lnpi- r w turbi'i i.f.nfk. and Tl N'lSl A N, loH frl AN aiol I, H I K N. t )n rf'-Wi Ht-ajrnhr. tuft lilai.I ii V.t-4-kiy from Mo.iThKAl, aiaing dowfl in p.-luf-Mjij, hi Lifcre-u. hif-r tf Cyi gHU Ac oRiifio'U' lout urturi is-! Rt 6 loon Of and ut ' ) 8"t..l (.it in $o i a id upwtrdi. uul (nit al'.ii Mi 'ii rt r' a ii i up-aarda- AL1.AN .k (OMJ-ANY. I'i Ja- kjoO boul . Chleag. $270 ro tSip EUROPE Alt fi-c?aitAry h pniri inriudt-d : pr wir.il tKort, ' elect 1 nt a r ir fit n-r tour ri 4 to $ il l'rt ;util d- iMfMrfi d ifiriK Mhx, Jun an4 Juif. North Cipe Hiiiii l 'lour. Ju .e I" FRANK C CLAKK. 6 Uroadwfcy. M. V tin Is in CM-s n re In prof : i Ing up nt the 1