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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1907)
.10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1007. Want - ads AdtrrtlMarali for the want-ad eolamn will be taken nntll 12 m. for the ftmlnt edition and nntll a. n. for tb mnt Ins; and .day edition. t-ah mnat aroompany all order for wnnt-ali aa advertisement will be accepted far lesa than 10 rfi'i lh flrat Insertion. Hatea nppiy to either 1 ha Dally Sunday Bff. Alwnye ee at all ward ta a llaa. Combination of Initials or nnmbe. roant aa one war. TAHn R ATF.e FOR W4ST-1D'. liniil'LlR gi.asmficatioas In sertion, per line, lO real. Two or iiorn onnsecatlve Insertion. per line, rnlo. Each Insertion roada on odd Uny. 10 nenta per Ha). $i.OO per line Iter month, special n,ArFiCATio5-if y advertisement I Inserted nnder any one of the classification given below. It will be charged at the following mtrat Sue Insertion. 4 rente per llnei three ta six oonooatle Inser tions, 3 cent par eaeh lnertlou 2 rtnli per line each loertlon cent per line per nionth. lltRTKB AMD EXCHASOE. IK'Slxr.S c IIA!CKS. III.I.P WASTED FEMALE. HELP WAITED-BIALK. Latent Agent, iollcltor BO aad Snlesmeu, OPFTIIF.11 FOB, SALE I Cow. Bird, Doa anal Fete. Horses nud Vehicles. Poultry and Eggs. Fnrrtture. Hanoi, Oit twi Musical la. trooient. Typewriter aad Sewln Ma. chine. Miscellaneous. OFKF.ItKD FOH HEHTi Korntahrd Rooms. I'nfnrolshed Room. Housekeeping Itoom. Hoarding and Room, W An:i TO Ul V. M AM F.I) TO HE.XT. HITTATIOKS WASTED. CASH HATH FOIl HOTICES. Death aad Faaeral Satire. Card of Thanki aad Lodge Notice. T eaot per line for oaa edltloa, naming or evening! it oeata a llao for oaea addU tlonal edltloa. Sunday, lO cent a llaa. No ad taken for la than SO eeata. BRANCH OFFICES. Want -a da for The Be aaajr b left at any of tbo following; drag storoa one I "your corner rugglt" they are all branch of The Bee aad roar ad will be Inserted Jaat a promptly aad on the aanie rates aa at the main office la Tbo Beo building, lerenteenth and Farnam strevtst Albach, W. C, 4th and Farnara. Hern nek. S. A., 1402 6. lath Bt. Becht Pharmacy, 750 8. Wth St. K'-nson Pharmacy, Benson, Nb. Homis Park Pliarmaoy. 8Sd and Cuming. Caughlln. C. H., 8th and Pierce Bt. Clifton HIM Pharmacy. 2213 Military At. Conte, J. B., Slat Av. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, Mth and Lak. Cerinak, Emll, 1264-8 8. 13th St. Knstman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. F.hler, F. II., 2802 Leavenworth. Fooler & Arnoldl. 311 N. 26th Bt. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. Mth St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman' Pharmacy, 20th and Lak. Orern's Pharmacy, corner Park AW. and Pacific. Greenough. O. A., 1025 8. 10th St. Oreenough, Q. A., loth nd Hlokory. Hayden Wm. C, 2W0 Farnara St. Hanseom f-ark Phar., 1601 8. 28th At. Hoist, John. 634 North 16th St. Huff, A. I-., 2824 leaven worth St. King, It. 6.. S1H Farnam St. Kountze Pluce Pharmacy, 3.104 N. 24th. I'atrl;k Drug Co., 02 N. 24th St. l.athrop. Chan. E.. 1824 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. BarHtoKa Drug Co., 24th and A me Av. Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 18th and Chicago. Bohaefer. August. 28S1 N. lth St. Schmidt, J. If., 24th and Cuming St. Ptorm rhnrmacy, 16th and Martha Sta Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. W'aHon Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bt. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton St. MARRIAGK I.tCEHISES. The following inarrugre license have been granted: Name and Heoldence. Age. Earl R. J .toe son, Sutherland, Neb 82 Minerva Snyder, Omaha a Bimon C. Iverson, Omaha 6t Aiuia, NleUnn, Denmark ..tJ John L. Ulelck, Dovglaa county 27 Mary B. McOulre. lienaon .....a CM to Hftnipel, Om&ha 26 Anna Dokulll, Otnalia a CllfTor.1 I Imel, Council Bluff. Ia UK M.ikde F. llouchln. Omaha K Ciwirgw L. Swanback, Omaha 22 lleltvn Carroll, Omaha 21 Jnmea J. Hughe, Omaha a Iella McAiulrew. Omaha ft BIRTHS AKD DEATHS. The following birth and death were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hour ending Wednesday noon: Birth E. J. Carvlll. 910 South Twenty f.fth avenue, boy; Carl Nielsen, liltf North Thirl y-econd, girl; Carl Oerber, U7 South Twenty-fifth, girl; Frank Ribbel, 12.14 Bouth Thirty-first, boy; Wilson Mlckel, :t!a Cap itol avenue, boy; Fillppl Dlnnowu, 622 South Fifteenth, boy; Walter Vesper, Tenth and Pierce, boy; John J. Grove, tu North Twen tieth, boy; Louis Kaspar. liij outh Thir teenth, boy; C. H. Hansen, 1918 Capliol avenue, girl; Maurice Alperin, 629 South Twenty-first avenue, boy. Deaths- Paul E. Nicholas, Tenth and Ltaven orth, .; Mrs. fcinima Mcljain. 2I4 North Twetity-tif th, IS; John Hansen, 1918 , Capitol avenue, 3 months; Elizabeth A. Muigan. k44 Bouth Twenty-third, 61; Francis B. Burenson, Nebraska City, 2L ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAOE CO.. office 4th nd L,eavuworin bt. lei. Uouglaa I3s7 UJ 173 BVFRYTHINO FOR THE SEWING MA CHINE Hayden Bros., Hewing Machln Dept. Phone Doug. 2600. (1) 140 A10 B1GN PAINTING 8. II. Cole. 1302 Douglaa U-4.4 VIlON hangs paper, quick, clean; paper cleaning a epeclxliy. Tel. Verter 2718 Ul 112 Ml OMAHA Safe and Iron Works mak a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, door and afts. G. Andieen, Prop., IU2 S. luth Bt. a i;j 'SEEDS THAT GROW. NEKll ANY? Be that thev com from THE NEBRASKA StChlD CO.. 1613 UOWAKD mftii I O)-M660 A 30 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 119 Farnam U)-47J CLOCKS repaired In ary part of the city. Omaha Clock Repairing Co.. 704 North loth. 'Phone Douglas 6476. (1 M650 ISx AUTOMOBILES OtAMBLER. 1X4 model, for sale; nearly new; a bargain. Uuteaon Optical Co, til S. lUi 8t. (2-MT SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. UOS Thoma Flyer, 4o-H.-P., full aaulpsnsat; coat $3.7'. now flMi JX Pope Toledo, Typ T. top and full competent; coat $3,7, now $1,900. l-, iti, uaJ 60 mile; com tl.stA. now tl.Ont. IfA Hro. top and full squipment; coat $l,8b fii. vi Wbl'e Steamer; cost B 500, now fma. n Kord. H-H -P.; cost $1,150. now r.'JO. ope-Waverly Kleclrlo runaboota lJO up. IiERIGHT AI TOMOBILW COMPANY, 191 t XK 8AI.B hu4I 1. t4 Tb-iaaas tl?v aimoet new, I or T-ea FOgsr. aA a graal turaiav rTMTtcaEawo, mum wsfoi laol BARTER AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGDS-If you hav city property, stock fit goods, farm land or property of mr Kind to exchange, write for our rom- filrt lint. We have properties end land n all part of the country to xrhang. Our Hat la free. Bend for It at one. d.t Land and Investment Co.. ion Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (8 478 FOR EXCHANGE I have 1V1 Franklin automobile and 14 White steamer, on of which I will trade for a good piece of Omaha property or Nebraska land; give full description of what you have and don't put a fancy prlo on It. Addres M 7. care Bee (li-tf 120 ACRES, 5 mile from Schell City. er non county, Mo.; io acrea under cultiva tion; good building; price. pr acr; Incumbrance, lif t; will exchange for gen ei jl merchandise. Globe Ind and Invest ment Co., Moom 1 and 2. Patterson blk., Omaha. t3-M20O A NICK, new etock of farm machinery and harne?. located In email Illlnol town: firlce, 11.760. Owner alao ha house and ot at ll.&OO to put In on trade for land. Globe Land and Inveatmant Co., Room 1 and 2 Patterson blk., Omaha. (3)-MZtt FOR BLK OK TH VS " 'tock of farm machinery doing a good business In a vry line farming community, ivery thlng first class. Qlob Land aV Invest men, Co t 1 and 2, rttereo" Blk., Omaha, Neb. (3) M601 FOR EXCHANGE 160 acre near Orchard. Antelope county, Neb.; price 117.60 per acre. M acres lx miles from O'Nell, Holt county. Neb., Improved; price $20 per sere. Will exchange either or both of above farm for merchandise or hardware. We aieo hare several Income properties In Omaha to exohanga for mer -shandies, or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. C 77 WELL Improved farm of 180 acre located nar Feasende, N. D. Price 13.000. Will trad for Incom property. Glob Iand Investment Co., room 1 Patterson Bldg., Omaha. (8) M5H9 Wanted to exchange My light Pope-Trlhune runabout for Hoisman or Orient buck board My machine not adapted to mud and heavy grades In this section. Dr. F. W. Johuxon, Fullerton, Neb. (8) M384 A2Ix 132 ACRES of fine prairie land, 8 miles from town In Hamilton county, Kansas; price, 110 per sere; w'.ll exchange for gen eral merchandise. Globe Land and In vestment Co.. Rooms 1 and 2 Patterson blk., Omaha. (8) M26B BOME good Omaha property to trade for land or merchandise. 110 S. 17th Bt. (3) MS21 m5 SEVERAL good stocks merchandise to ex change for land: also city Income prop erty for land. Automobiles to exchange. National Investment Co. (3) M681 Alt WRITE Townsend Realty Co.. Modale, la., who have farms, wild lands, etc, for clear town property uni merchandise. (3) M A2bx TRADES! TRADES! If you have any thing that you don't want and will trad It for something else, write us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. (3) M613 IS FOR EXCHANGE Fine onyx and quarter Bawsd oak soda fountain, coat about H,0"0, as good a new; will exchange for Omaha property or Nebraska land. AdfTrrss M 26, car Be. (8 M91! WE HAVE a 26.000 bu. small Missouri town. grain elevator In k ill sell for 87,200. Half cash, balance mortgage. Globe land & lnvetment Co., nv m i nnn 1. Pa. Uraon Blk., Omaha. Neb. (8) MBCB FINE Wesser piano, walnut case, good aa new; cost eSSO; will tske anything in tho ltn of farm Implements, horse, wagon, btiggle or anything for farm use; party leaving olty for 6o, Dak. Address B 67, caro Dee. (3) 675 10 9S ACRES of nice land, slightly roiling; can all be plowed; the soil 1 all black loam; will trade for a 2-seat automobile; must have one at a cash value price of land, $2,600; the land Is 9 m. from R. R. station, south of Dickinson, on 11. 4 M. It. R. J. W. Roger, Farnam, Neb. (3) M637 U IMPROVED farm in eastern Nebraska, all level, to trade for drug stock In some small eastern Nebraska town. Addres F 71, care Bee, South Omaha. Neb. (3)wnao 28x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR - SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $4 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tire. Addr Y 129, Bee. (4)-47$ FOR BALE Two-gtory brick and brick veneer bu ding, restaurant and general tore In connection, seven living room. In good live Iowa town; sis of building, 24xtt); price. $3,600. Lewi Baugaman, GrUwold, la. (4) Mas llx -4 FOR SALE The best paying business in a live, growing town or z,uou inhabitants: will stand Investigation. W. H. Mallett, Alamosa Nat. Bank, Alamosa. Colo. 4)-MJS llx SALOON TOR SALE IN LANDER, WTO. Proprietor s Ill-health compels him to visit Hot aprings for an Indefinite time; and he offers for sale at a sacrifice th tock, fixtures and lease of the best equipped buffet In Central Wyoming. Price. $s,O00; rent, $60 monthly. Lander Is a railroad terminus, growing rapidly and "wide open." Address for further par ticulars. J. H-r'Bharp, P. O. Box 261, Landr, Wyo. (4 MiOJ llx FOR SALE New shoe shop outfit; going to quit; first -dor chanc for good shoe maker. For particular address H , Box 134, Auburn, Neb. (4) ME90 16x FOR SALE One of the mot prosperous general store In western Iowa at SO cent on the dollar, cash; stock new and up-to-date; annual sale $45,000; stock will In voice ti.OuO to $10,000; no land deals con rldered; building for sale or rent. Ad dress Y 20, care Omaha Bee. (4)-Ml 17 WANTED Employment venlng. E 2, Be. 4)-:ai lix FOR SALE A dairy doing a business of 11. 000 per month, at a bargain. For par ticulars, Box 61, Victor, Colo. (4 M308 12x FOR SALE Hardware business, $3,000; good, clean stock: doing good busiues; good reason for selling. No trade. Ad dress E. U. Darling, South Omaha, Neb. (4)-A1312 Lot AN ELEGANT opportunity for an Intelli gent young man to take the agency for a manufacturing concern. Big earnings for t ight man. Call or writ to D. H. Hersog, 1U7 Fariiam St. (4) 176 10 HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business for sale; good business; will require $4,000 to handle aame. Writ Un 88. Nelson. Neb. (4) MJ2S FIRST-CLASS livery business; lively town; one railroad, good business; reason for selling, other business Address Y 69, Be. (O-MSW DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knltst, 707 N. Y. U. Omha. 4 4s0 ONB of th finest hotel and caf oppor tunHles in central Nebraska for sal; 10 rooms, with high class European up-to-diite cafe, in city of 8.000 people; doing fine business; complete for $4.0u0. Store building In Schuyler, Neb., to trade for Omaha residence property, $2,200. Til K Si EWAK T-I.KAV EN WORTH CO., ol N. V. Lif Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (4 MJU 11 A CARD will bring our booklet fre. All anout now to incorporate your buainaaa Open evening. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO.. 41U Nw York Lif Bldg. (4) MS63 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fin real denc In up-to-dat country town, eastern Nebraaka. No. 1 location; would consider good land In Iowa or Nebraska, no sand; not particular about Improvements. Ad dreti Y-fe. Be (4 M179 FIRST-CLASS barber hop, thre chair; only shop in town of 7vo; will bear In spection. Addres Y-J0. Be. 14 M8U IF TAKEN at one, will sell at 10 per rent discount my stock of dry good and gro ceries; finest business in town; Invoic about $7.0m; a bargain for cash; ownr has other business. Addres Y 76, car Omaha Bee. (41670 FOR BALE First-class restaurant; doing beat business tn town; will sell cheap for caib. be Wilcox. N St . South Omaha. I4S-M4T1 U ROBERT C. DRUFSFDOW A CO.. STOCK BROKERS, at New York lJfa Bldg., Omata, K tts-Att THAT OLD BOOKCASE OR THAT OLD PIANO I D BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE Or trade, livery business In Brlstow. Neb. Only business In town. Good trad. Will sell for cash on easy term or will trade for small tract of clear land. Don't make any "blue sky' propositions. Writ t P. C. Anderson, Brltow, Neb. ( M447 WP-TO-DATE cigar business In city for SHle. cheap: an Investigation will prove Us worth an a money maker; reason for selling, personal disagreement between owners. Address A 48, care Bee. (4) 282 1 2 FOR SALD Two-chair barber shop. Bar gain If taken this month. 22W Farnam St. (4) M465 13k Do You Wish to Make a Change! If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE! LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (4 A4 M7 NICELY furnished flat for ale cheap If taken at onoe. 1112 Farnam, 3d floor. (4)-21 14x 128.000 WILL BUT planing milt doing good business; both water and rail for ship ments; good site to add sawmill. James McDowell, 119 West Fourth street, Olym pta. Wash. 4)-MG36 ltix BUSINESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 26 weeks or 826 cash and clear $2f; absolute safety guaranteed by all bank. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. t4 Mlil2 JlOx ESTABLISHED foundry and plating plant requires capital to care for the rapidly growing business. Good opportunity for competent man with capital. Give par ticulars. W. Jackson, No. East Second avenue, Spokane, Wash. t4 M&40 16x IDLE MONET. Have you some? Would you like It to earn 20 per cent? Our factory Is doing this. Write for particular. P. O. Box 1S38, Spokane, Wash. (4)-Mi41 16x TO GET In or out of any bmdness write Hlldreth & William, 610. Be. (4)-M630 M9 WANTED Acreage for tomatoes for the Florence Canning factory; 3'c per bushel paid for good tomatoes). Florence Can ning factory, Florence, Neb. 'Phones Florence 1141 and . (4) MtSM 16x $8,000 Racket stock for sale, owing to 111 health. Would trade for western Ne braska land valued at $1,600 and $1,600 cash. New Stock, good trade and a money maker. Must get outdoor occupa tion. Address owner, G. B. Whltaker, Hastings, Neb. (4)-84 16x FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant com bined. J. C. Swank, Graham, Mo. (4) M703 16x 6 PEK CENT INVESTM17NT. We are offering a 6 per cent Investment, interest payable semi-annually, In one of ih Inrnd cnrnoratJr ns In this city ana state. The closest Investigation Invited. For particulars call or aildrees Root. C. Druesedow & Co., Stock Brokers. 89 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) M716 WANTED Young man with $200 cash bo manage branch office of Incorporated real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address 13 87, care Omaha Bee. fl) M717 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. - 6 244 A12 Advertising Snpplle. T)Tr,ATVrnT?T:? we have the largest line ItrjMrjJM-UililV of calendars, both DO. MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted to the advertising trade. Before placing your ordor, we Invite your Inspection at our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St., where also can be found Advertising Supplies and Novelties of every discre tion that will bring results. FONDA BROS. & CO. (61-M324 mS Bar Iron and Steel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co., Omaha. Retail bar Iron and steel at wholesale prices. Prompt delivery. Write for quotation. (6) 32S A24 Carpet Cleaning. CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Work. Mak lng over and retrying carpets. Also rug weaving. Kth and Leav. Tel. Douglas 655. (6) MU BEND your carpet to N. A. Chrlstenson aV Bon, Z2Z1 N. zoth Bt. -pnone weD. lob?. (61109 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2, 1605 Famatn St. Doug. 497. (5 4M Civil Esglseera, L. a. HICKS, SURVEYING, 439 Bd. Trade, Omaha. (5)-10$ Ml M EATHRON A JAMIESON. 808 N. Y. L. Bldg. Douglaa 7399. (5) 840 Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. 630 South 20th. Telepnon uougias .t'-v (6) M770 A30 Creamerle. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5 M179 Dentists. BAILFTT MACH, 3d floor, Paxton block. D 1085. (5) 619 Engraving. KOTERA CO., 1606 Jackson. Phona Doug. 1007. (5) M13I Florist. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (5)-4M L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. 1X.S. ' Tel. Doug. (6) 488 J. H. BATH. 1S2S Harney. Tl. Doug. IfOO. C6i-433 Fars. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. G. E. 6hukert, 313-315 B. 16th., practical furrier. 15 i an4 MS Pomaces. W. S. HEATON. basement, 1301 Farnam St.; American Hero and Wis furnaces; also tinwork; pleased to figure your work. (5) 925 A22 Gold riatlna:. Omaha Fatting Co.. 1220 Harny. Doug. 2635. (6) M242 M4 Iaeorporatora. XtER. Incorporating Co., 436 N. T. L. (8 M979 Jeweler and Watehsaakera. W. P. STILLING Watch, clock and Jew airy repairing. Room 1 and 3 Paxton lock. Phon Doug. 437. (E lit- Law and Collections. Cora l Adjusting Ass'n., 921 N. Y. L. Bldg. (5 J M8 Massage. A. GOODSON, masseur, treats tlff Joint, rheumatism, nervousness. 606 Ware Blk. TeL Douglas 64, (F Ml 411 M5 Rarseries. 6 HADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R. Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. D T-4 lae-iM A JS LARGEST and finest assortment of trees arit shrubs in the citv. Crescent Nur sery, pales ground. Sat and Farnam. '1 ton Webster Wo7. .ijUUM M7 CAN READILY DE CONVERTED INTO CASH DY B THE USE OF A SMALL WANT AD IN THE DEL BUSINESS DIRECTORY (.Continued.) Osteopnthy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. T. L. Tel Douglas 1664. (6) 47 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 8370. (5)-M747 Al DRH. 6467. RINGLER. 806 Neville. Tel. Red (& MM Photoarrnpher. C. B. TRUSSELU 115 So. 16th St. (5)-6S7 Printing. BWANftON PRINT1NO CO.. hlgi grade printing at lowest prices. 110 S. 17th Bt. Tel. Doug. 39f. (5)-242 A12 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 63.). I6r-4K BEFORE placing your 19P8 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. I-yngstad & and Capitol ave. Jorve, Printers, 16th 4SS TUB ACORN PRESS Printers of Qaullty. We make those Imitation typewritten let ters that look like the original. Price light. Tel. Doug. 991, 1218 Harney. (6) 6May 9 PI nm bin a. LYNCH BROS.-Repair work our specialty. 118 H. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477 iro M45S A27 T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric fixtures. 1i'i07 U7 Howard. Tel Doug. 743. (5)- -M7. JullO Stove Storage. KTOVFR STORED Hughes. Stove Rep. kJXWViJO Workfl. Tei. uug 7155. Co) M767 A30 STOVES stored. A. J. Hfiyne, hardware. paints and oils, 24th and Lake. Doug. 8M6. (5) M963 A30 Scrap Iron nnd Metal. WE pay highest prices for metals, scrap iron ana nones. Heturns promptly maoe. A. B. Alplrn, Omaha. (IMtflAx, CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leadlna Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 118 B. 16th St., opp. uoston more. (16) 490 MMES. Bean and Mayo. Spiritual mediums. Seances Tuesday and h Tlday evenings. Readings dally. 922 N. 16th St. Tel. Red 6088. (6) M579 A27X EDUCATIONAL sritixu teum. ArniL & BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY, ENGLISH, ELOCUTION, DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLES, Pres., Omaha, Nb. (61491 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent and Salealadlea. WANTED Experienced salesladies for cloak and suit department. B. Frederick Berger & Co., 1617 Farnam St. G) M241 WANTED At once, several experienced salesladies. See Timekeeper, main office, oa noor. The Bennett co. (7) Mtif n -Clerlenl and Ofllce. TWO gteiiogTaphera, $50.00. Stenographer and clerk. 140.00. Oliver operator. $45.00. Traveling- saleslady. $60.00. Also ronny other, call or write at once. WESTERN RRF. A BOND ASS N. INC., 6ult 721-22, N. Y. L. Bldg. 0M723 11 WANTEiD Lady bookkeeper and stenog rapher: must have experience and be ac curate In figures; state experience and salary wanted. Address M 43, care Bee, (7) 2U lOx WANTED Thoroughly experienced sten ographer. Remington machine, references requlaed. Address G 72, care Bee. (7) M6S3 13 Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam Bt. (7) M33 WANTED Machine girls. City Steam Laundry, 211 B. 11th Bt. C7) 420 GIRLS WANTED. For factory work; good wages; steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., 11th Bt. viaduct. (7) M461 A2l WANTED-Flrst-class talloresses for skirts and waists; good nay and steady position to rigni party, ijji r arnam. (7) M707 12 WANTED At once S or 8 girls for light. desirable factory work, at 1114 Jackson HI. .!) mwsj 17 Housekeeping and Domestic. WANTED A cook at 1916 Bouth 82d Ava Telephone Harney &221. (7) M126 WANTED Girl lili S. 27th. for general housework (7) M429 12x GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. 1512 Grace Bt. (7) 613 WANTED Good girl for general house work: $6 a week. 2al6 Jonea Bt. I U0)-678 10 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 8 in inmiiy. Mrs. t nas. crary, ji.m bo. 30th Ave. (7) 676 12 WANTED At once, first-class housemaid and waitress; good wages to light part v. 23-4 Harney St. (7)-679 12x WANTED Girl for general housework: must be good cook; no washing; good wages. 1H22 Davenport Bt., corner 2oth. (71-682 12x WANTED A girl for general housework. 10G8 8o. 29th Ave. (7) 686 11 Ml seel la neon a. McDOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far. (7j M312 A14 WANTED 28 experienced girls to work on coats and skirts In alteration room; good wages. 8. Frederick Berger A Co., 1617 Karnam Bt. 7) M240 WANTED Mor ladle to decorate ofa pillow at home, whole or spare time; tig money for good worker; experience unnecessary. Call forenoon. 2311 8. 13th. (7) M541 ISx WANTED Quick, two experienced chorus girls: can use one good amateur for 'Minstrel Maids" show with the Famous Robinson Amusement Co., rehearsing now; leave April 25. Call or write Mrs. Matthews. 613 N. 2oth St. (7) M726 11X HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor an Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through th country; beat selling prwpoeition vr of fered; big value for your customer, big prfll for you. Write today for particu lar and territory. E. R. McClallan. 608 B Bldg., Omaha. Neb. du a34 WANTED SCALE SALESMEN. Specialty men who are not austled with present mployment and who are in a position to furnish satisfactory reference and bond, apply The Strubler Computing bcals Co.. Elkhart. Did. t9 Mibi 13 I MEN for csnvassing; steady work; pay Wvrkly. C. F. Adams Co.. 1629 Howard (S)-il Ml AGENTS through Neb. to show sell ItoYAL Bl'CULES to farmers A horn ucrs. Ready seller Big profits. 1118 Farnam. Omaha. (9 Uioi Mf HELP WANTED MALE A teat aad Kaleamen-roatlnaed. A SALESMAN, aged over 27. for the states of Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, to handle our line of advertising signs, nov elties and citlundars; best money making advertising line on the road. We h.tve 20 men traveling and only one vacancy now. They are making right along from $W to t weekly, which is no exaggera tion. Wo have the largest line of illus trated signs In the country, which are having an Immense sale; business estab lished over twenty years. Funds ad vanced for expenses. An educated, ener getic, well diessed salesman can make tight along an average of more than 8.0 weekly. Write, giving ae and refer ences, and state experience on the road or other business experience nnd when can Itogln work. Htanford-Crowcll Co., Bole Dept., Ithaca, N. Y. (9I-M6S9 11 SOLICITORS wanted: prefer those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (9)-338 WANTED High-class salesman; A l line. I sterling Manufacturing Co., Cedar Rap id!. Ia. (9I-S66 lOx WANTED Young men to solicit real estate for sale or exchange throughout Ne braska. Salary. Coll 315 Neville Hlk., Wth and Harney. (9) M708 M10 Boy BOY WANTED Steady position. 1419 (9) 344 Douglas St., 3d floor. WANTED 3 or 4 strong boy. $1 a day. ttnoa cnance ror advancement. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. (S) M366 11 WANTED A bright, Intelligent boy. 16 years old: must be a good penman. Ad dress Lock Box 12M. (91616 10 ERRAND BOY wanted In Jobbing Jew elry nouse. Address E 70. care Bee. (9) M6i9 12 WANTED A boy. Moyer Stationery Co., -J! . ltttn bu (16) M704 12X Clerical and Ofllce. WANTED Young man to do bookkeeping. typewriting anu general onice work; good position, fair salary and good prospeot. In answering state age and past ex perience. References required. Address O 79. Be office. (9) M181 WANTED Bright young men, 25 to 35 years or age, to become life Insurance so licitor for the best Hfo Insurance com pany In the country. Apply to John Steel, 238 Bee Bldg. (9)-M261 BOOK K EEPER8- Two wholesale. 860 00. ITKnft One retail, $76.00 salesman, wholesale Jewelry, $100.00. Also numerous office clerka, stenographers, miscellaneous salesmen. WESTERN RRF. & BOND ASS'N, INC.. envi la-zz, . y. l Bldg. (9)-M722 11 Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. (91-494 WANTED Paperhanger and painters; only experienced help need apply. H. Borwlck, 111 S. Main St Co. Bluffs. (9) M3S1 BARBER wanted; first-class. Address E. E. Moore, Silver Plume, Colo. (9) M304 12x WANTED Two good tailors, at once; plenty of work, good pay, nice place to iro or write w. r. liarvev. Gregory, 8. D. (9) M262 16x WANTED Granite cutters, letterers and carver; steady Jobs, eight hours, $3 to $4 per day, open shops. Address E H. Hicks, Secretary of Granite Mfg. Ass'n of Texas, Sherman, Texas. (9)-M483 ISx WANTED Paper hanger and painter. Call at 920 Homer 8t Tel. Red 6647. (9)-07 10 ONE eoatmaker. Struts. Atlantic, Ia. C. F. (9)-M170 16x WANTED Men to learn' barber trade; th Moler System Is short and practical; wages Saturdays; tools given; busy season now; great demand for barbers; positions waiting. Call or write for catalogue, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M88 llx ICE CREAM maker wanted. Steady Jot for good man year round. Must come at once. Andrew Wood Co.. Rockwell City, Iowa. (9) M644 11 WANTED Iron molders. Grey Iron work. Highest wages; permanent position for good men. St. Louis Car Wheel Co. (9)-M822 TJ WANTED A good horeshoer and a gen eral blacksmith; stesdy work th year round. Address Fred Nlssen, Bereaford. S. D. (9) 281 20x HELPERS wanted on bulletin work. Wal ler Display Co. (9) M70i 1? PRINTER WANTED All around man capable of taking charge of mechanical end of up-to-date country shop; good wage and permanent position; refer ence and samples of work required. Address Republican, Aurora, Neb. (9) MV28 ISx Miscellaneous.. WANTED -Musicians for battleship Ne braska; cornets, trombones, baritone. Bandmaster Albaugh, Bremerton. Wash. (9) M593 22x WANTED A man familiar with creamery work to wash cans. Waterloo Creamery Co., 1617 Howaid Bt. (9 M237 llx WANTEID-) yards of good sodding done. Inquire at r3 N. Y. Life Bidg. (9) M326 WANTED First-class bicycle repair man, Lyon A Co., Grand Forks, N. D (9)-208 lOx WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, age 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, eurn $2no.00; brakemen earn $76.iiO. becnm conductora earn $150 00 Call or write at once for particulars Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 620 X. l'axton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9 M34S M6 WANTED Two or three good carpenter 86th and Woolworth. (9) 611 lOx WANTED Teamsters end yard men. Sun derland Bro., Cor. 20th and Hickory Sts. (9) 609 11 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. I HORBES, weight 1,200 lba each, wagon and harness, $1:26; one team, weight 2,500 lbs.; one team, weight 8.m0 lba.; 2 farm mares. 2113 Grant Tel. Douglas 8410. . 0D 496 FOR SALE Two good work teams and harness. 922 North 19th St. (1D-M238 llx ALL kind of horses, wagon and harness for sal on aay payments. Buy your horse now and save money every body will be buying when work open; pay for him suits your convenient.'; first pay ment when work opena Omaha Hure and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th. UD 498 GOOD team heavy mar. Av. 2815 No. 15th 11 17 SEVEN head good drivers and light wagon horsas. Ou good gentl pony. Rar 414 North lth St. (1D-M923 FOR SALE One mare, weight about 1.300; . one bay hore, weight lout l.loti; one I sorrel horse, weight about 1 1; on I cheap horso, weight about 1.0. In- autre at coal orfl on the N. fe. ner 20th and Ik. Tel. Webaior 1L (11 M&t 13 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work horaea. bought, sold and exchanged on commission. Myers, 1716 Jackson. TeL had 4 UU-lfl My2 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicle 4 oa tinned LARGE and smell horses for sale. Also wagon. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nichols. (Ill M66I RlNABOUT8. carriage and harness at greatly reduced prices. Johnson A Dan forth CO., a w. cor. 10th and Jones sts (11) Mil ONE good driver or expres horse; cheap for cah. 2815 No. 16th Ave. (Ill 4yH PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drlv alngle or double and ride. 4.1d and Center. 11)-M.' HAY-89 per ton. Wagner, WH N lth St. (ID MC9 A30X 1 team of mares, $1!. 1 team of mares with foal, $230. 1 team 4 year olds, $136. t heavy work tesma 6 odd work horses. Rear 414 North Sixteenth Street. (1D-M924 WANTED Saddle horse. Inquire l:VH Jones St. Co) jii mx FOR SALE-Woman driving or sale horee and runabout. 2227 Giant. St (11)-SI487 13 LIGHT up-to-date surrey, perfect condi tion; must sell, need the room. Adiress A C6. Bee. (ID M542 AGENTS through Neb. to show & sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers horse users. Readv sellers. Big profits. 1116 Farnam, Omaha. Ul) M364 M SADDLE horse for sale; good wind. guar, anteed sound, kind and gentle, about 7 yeat-s old. A bargain If sold at once. Address P. O. Box 283. City. (111-671 FOR 8ALE Driving horse, runabout and harness, 4318 Jackson St. (ID M631 lCx SPAN of black ponies. 66 Inches high, weight WO lbs., 6 and 7 year old; thor oughly broken single, double or saddle; reliable for women or children. Address Y 80, care Bee. (ID 072 lx AN OLD BUGGY and single harness nnd second-hand sewing machine at your own price. 142 N. 37th St. (ID M544 13x RUBBER TIRED, single-seated open buggy. 674 Bouth 27th St. Tel. Douglas 2902. I1D-M536 lox Poultry nnd Eggs. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs, Martin, 202 inuiana, jvve. lei. iiarney isua. (11) 501 SAVE EVERY CHICK The extra chick saved by feeding B. & H. IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays the cost of feed. Mfg. only by Bunnell & Had lock, 24th and Belt Line, Omaha. UD-M128 A2 HOMER pigeons; earn em snare time. Nebla Co. (ID MS11 A.TO WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pens eggs, 12 He each. W. B. Flagg. Atlantic. Ia. (11) M120 M2x Ot'R handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for it, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultrvman; 31.000 printed. Address Harris Poultrv Co., Clay Center. Neb. (11) 863 May2Sx BQUAB book free. Model Squab Co. Doug. 6664. (11) M812 A30 ROSE COMB BROWN LEGHORN EGGS. 30, $1; 100, $3. A. W. Ruth. Whiting, Ia.. (1D-MU21 A30x DITSTON'S White Wynndnttes, pure bred; eggs, $1.60 for 15; $5 for 10. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards. Florence, Neb. Tele phone Florence 1082. (11) M 466 M6 LARGEST Egg Farms keep Single Comb White Leghorns;. Eggs from fine thor oughbreds, $1.50 per 15. Lundstrom. 1302 N. 2Cth. (11) M366 13x WHITE Leghorn pullets and cockerel for sale. Choice stock. Eggs for hatching. Phone Douglas 6374. W. E. Richards, 609 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. (ll)-Mr.57 13x WHITE Plymouth Rocks, Flshel strain; eggs from high scorlns: birds. $2. per 16. J. H. Mahoney, 1611 Oftk St. (ID M666 16x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. IRISH SETTER, well hred, beautiful animal 4 yeurs old, extra large, gentle and effectlonate; $25. 2801 No. 24th St. (ID M496 13 LOST AND FOUND LOST In business part of- Omaha, lady's ring set with opals, pearl center. Re turn to Bee for $5 reward. (12) 569 lOx LOST tini.ll brown coin purse containing a sum of money. Reward. G. Stewart, Browne)! Hll (12)-Mi!.B llx LOST Steel bead rosary between 26th and California and 20in and Cass Sts., finder please return to 201 Cs Bt. and receive reward. (12) M650 12 LOST One black horse, -lght about 1,000 lbs., white star on fact, one hind foot white; light, open, ola buggy: straved Monday night. Return '.a 4118 Brown. Reward. (12) !f Wx MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Dav enport 8ts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. (18) 129 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Counoil Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 774. (18)-322 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray' Nerve Food 1111," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 503 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles. Omaha. U3)-6o4 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Balvatlon Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt. Omaha. Neb. (13)-M100 MRS. GARDELS, private confinement home; babies .cared for. 3724 N. 2th Bt. Tel. Red 210. (131220 M3x MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AD CHATTELS. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $ LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC.. OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPIOYED, without Kfleurlty or publicity, at the very lowest rates, with payments to suit your convenience; every thing strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. (14J-M836 MONEY TO IXIAN. APRJI the month we move. With spring here we find ourselves mov ing from one end of town ta the other. If you see you are running short In squar lng up your bills before evlng your old neighborhood we can HELP Yul get right with all of them pay your rent, mining man and the little Incidentals that always come In moving. We give you LOW, REA SONABLE TERMS a iulck deal and CON FIDENTIAL and PRIVATE Remember, we are 15 years established now-The ' IIAN H EAIigi 'A RTERtv" OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. (14-MTOC E. Z. MONirr TO BORROW TO PAY BACK In payment to suit your conveniens, at rates that honest people can afford to pa. Salary, chattel or any good security. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOI'O I960. Room 30, Frenrer Blk., 16th and Dodge Pts. (141-572 M7 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advanc prlvat money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You gat money same day aaked for at small coat (men evenings till 7. (I4 ot MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In S principal cities. Tol nian. room 714, New York Lif Bldg. (14) 610 BT"RTTT'RE. PIANO AND SALARY IXlANS Poi'lvely lowest rates, easiest payments. 6TANTON LOAN CO., 6ol He Bidg. 'Phon Deug. Ma- (14) 03 MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Centlaned. DR. FRIBBEXOWS MONET loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In ny amount; less than hsif raies. feu'ect privacy, immediate at. tentlon; snv terms wanted; payment sus pended when sick or cut of work.. 214 karbach Blk., tn9 South 15th Ft. (14 607 UN10X LOAN COM .'ANY, PRIVATE BANKKHS. mA Will make a special rate on collateral losns. mortgages on pcrsonnl property and, without security. Terms to suit 'l'h'ne louliui 2904. (141-M6W MS . k niATTEK s-ilnrv and storsge receipt f loans. Foley Ionn Co., 1604 Faxnnm Ht. i (14)- I for a square deal 00 to th PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chstfet tit salary loans. 623 Paxton block. 'Phon Douglas 746. (14)-&08 f FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Uian Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (H)-tH EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; nil business confidential. 14 Douglas. (141-611 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. c. 1 R-ed. 810 S. ISth. (14)-M2 OFFERED FOR RENT Dnsrdlng nnd Rooms. THE ROSE, 2o3u Harney; nice rooms with good board, also table board. (I&J-M157 Allx VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms ; caf. (U.i 614 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and ranmin, ti:-515 FAMILY rooming and boarding house. 711 Bo. dh Bt. 'Phone 439 Harney (15) Ma A13 AT Hanseom park, two neat south front rooms, with or without breakfast. Fur particulars phone Harney 1171. (16)-M2 A LARGE alcove room, east front, two closets, modern; breakfast privilege. Hi (15I-M265 ONE nicely furnished front room In Han sconi park district; board If desired and use of 'phone. Tel. Harnev 503. 3217 Pa cific St. "(15) M494 13 COMFORTABLY furnished room; strictly modern; private family; breakfaet privi lege. Address J 57, care of Be. (lu)-M357 13x BOARD and room In private family for on or two gentlemen; two preferred. "M Seward Bt. (15) iM360 13x WANTED Ijdy boarder; pleasant room, good board, splendid location on car lino. Address C 68, Bie. (15) 625 llx Fnrnlshed Itoom. SINGLE room, suitable for gentleman; a1 housekeeping suite, with kitchen. 228t Farnam, 2d floor. 'Phone Douglaa 2203. (16) M369 llx JUST OPENED The Sanitary, 1411 Chi cago St., elegantly furnished rooms, by day, week or month; nice, clean and respectable; all modern; close In. Tel. Douglas 744. (15)-M270 llx NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated outside room; house strictly moderm 24i9 Harney. (16)-616 ONE newly furnished front room, In pri vate family. 'Phone Douglas 634. 638 S. Ave. (15)-M3 PLEASANT furnished room In prlvat) family; house Is modern. 'Phone HnnwJT 2469. (16)-M311 Mix NICELY furnished front room for two gen. tlemon. 1822 Corby St. (ID) M315 12x NICE housekeeping flat of 3 rooms, clso single rooms. Reference, lfilR Chicago St (15) M'106 16x NEWLY FURNISHED room, new modern house, Hanseom park district, on car line, strictly private family. Phone Har ney 716. (151- M636 16x wrkw f "v t n'iia v rnnm nei. . ences required. 622H 8. 19th Bt. (15)-M57 15x FRONT room with alcove, modern house rlvate family, walking distance. 2537 lavenport St. (15) M581 15x -i ONE modern furnished room, 324 Park Ave., or 'phone Harney 2940. . (151-211 10 ROOM for rent. 1333 N. 25th Bt., So. Om-iha. (16) SO'.) lOx TWO front rooms, ensutte, suitable for 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas and hath. 2627 Harney. (15)-28 11 FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglas. Tel. DouglHS 6377. (15) M4:5 Mfix FINE rooms, reasonable. 60S S. 24th Ave. (15) M485 M6x FURNISHED room for gentleman In pri vate family. 1921 Leavenworth, 2d floor. (15)-M441 13 FURNISHED room. 2768 Burt St. (16)-M461 13x FTjPNISHED rooms, with board; modern coi. -enlences. 2224 Chicago. (15) M546 13 VERY durable room, walking distance. 218 S. 25th ."t. (161-559 12x PRIVATE apafment; everything latest; front room. Vhone Harney 438. (15)-668 14x ROOMS FOR RENT 9 front and 2 smaller ones; modern house; newly furnished. Southwest corner 22d ana Howard Sts. C15J 167 14x EXCELLENT modern furnish slngl room. 'Phone In house. 2574 Ham.-v Bt. (15 413 TWO nicely furnished rooms, modem, eom. pleta for light housekeeping. 2018 Daven port. (15) M716 Cx I'nfornlahed Rooms. S UNFURNISHED: also room. 2921 Mason St. 1 furnished 051839 1 ONE large front room, closet and bed room; modern; also have other rooms. fo N, Ii'th Bt. (15s-t210 lOx CENTRAL, modern, 8 deslrabl.i rooms, bath and hall, to good tenant. 2T0 N. 23d. 05) M458 TWO rooms, with alcove, for housekeeping, man and wife preferred, south front, strictly modern: telephone and bath on same floor. 2578 Harney. 06)-18 16x Housekeeping Rooms. TWO elegant rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; steam heat, gas and bath. 2627 Harney (16) 287 11 THREE-ROOM apartment, modern, newly raperrd and close; light housekeeping, hone red 63C9. 2114 Chicago. (16)-6?8 12x FOUR unfurnished rooms and bath, for light housekeeping; no children. 2M2 ( upitol Ave. (15) M7U6 14x Apartment nnd Flatn. No 6 "Winona, Dewey Ave. and 2Cth St. Seven rooms, modern throughout. See BENSON & MYERS, Tel. D74G. 318 N. Y. Lifo Bid. 05)-M6! 14 4 ROOM apartments, all modern. Just i ut 1 built, private bath. Call M19 N. 20th Bt. (16) M647 12x 2620 Woolworth Ave., E-room, modern tint 2d floor r.T. 50. 24th and Dudna Hta., B-room. new, modern. oak-tlnlshe, flats, with Janitor service anj heat furnlaned. HASTINGS at HEYDEN, 1704 Farriam Bt (16) M694 11 lloase nnd Cottage. FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace, 211 N. th Ave.: newly painted and papered; very ronvenlent; rent rea sonable. Apply at 607 N. 13th, or room 9 K. Y. LAX Bldg. 15)-M74 '1 )