Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Hmj Wh'rl in Proreu Sinoe the Lenten
f'euon ted.
Marrlasre and Glrla In Miirrleae la
Ocenprln- Marh Time aad Still
Oilier Thin Arr (.rlllnc
Dae AHeotlou.
Tf mp(tlo.
Mister Sun, you He tessln', teasin',
Coaxln' me Inra wok;
TTo're inducerm-nta nimbly pleiuiin',
Ah d JuiT to ehirk.
Btu' dom hot ray on ma head,
Callln' me to Una iiiHttHcl,
J a-drawln' me away,
W liar d.-m cat-tails nou an' away.
Mlnter Bun, dere's no use teasin',
C'ayn't afford to quit;
All ul talk o' llshln' aon,
Doan' ntrtke me a bit.
Wha' jro' aayT De nelia bltln'.
An' deye full o' game an' lightln',
Jre hoi' on dere, Miirtcr Sun,
Ileckon now ma work la dono.
The Social Calendar.
If ONDAY Temple Israel Blsterhocd whist
TLftSDAYMra. J. P. O'Brien, Social
Dosen club; Mrs. T. w. Ward, kenalng
ton for members of the household eco
nomics of Women's club; Vlalting- Nuishs
association, dance at Chambei s' ; Miss
Henrietta Kees, Informal tta lor he. fU '-,
Miss Iulse Kuhl of Kanejs City.
WKDNE8DAY Mrs. David Baum, bridge
party; Uerkey-C'ayot wedding. 1 o'clock;
Mrs. E. to. Thomaa and Mrs. T. I
Combs, Round Dosm club at the home of
Mm. Combs; Mrs. F. M. Wagner, K. K. K,
THURSDAY Thurnton Rifles dnnoe at
Chambers'; theater party by Marchlon-
nette club at Hurwood; Mrs. u. vaow,
Central Whist club; Mrs. David Baum,
bridge party; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Winn.
Orchard Hill High Klve club.
FRIDAY Mrs. Hasbrouck, O. C. C. Lunch
eon club; Mrs. Frank H. Owen, reception;
Mrs. E. V. Smith, sr., Friday club at
home of Mrs. J. D. Foster; Mrs. E. 8.
Westbrook, Original Bridge club.
SATURDAY Mrs. Hamlin, Kountze
flare Luncheon club; Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Scrlbner, Harmony club.
Society Is again revelling In the free and
Unrestricted Joy of social pleasures, taking
them up where they left them on Ash
Wednesday only with more ardor' after
the protracted season, when the halo of
quiet had to hang over the heads of many.
They are again making acquaintance of
the old world. He la like a merry old
fiddle who at . once furnishes them with
tnuslo for the dance of gaiety and urges
them Into the giddy whirl of pleasant
amusements. Spring marked by the de
parture of the Lenten season seems to be
the critical time for the fun-loving ele
ment to Imitate "Salome," who discarded
her seven veils and emerged 111 the fluffy
raiment of spring. The first real outing
of the season was participated In by forty
of the younger set last Wednesday, when
they took their lunch baskets and went
out to Mlnne Lusa pumping station at
Florence, where they enjoyed a delicious
upper, picnic style, and then spent the
remainder of the evening dancing. 6ther
particularly enjoyable affairs of the week
Were the large reception given Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. George A.
Joslyn In honor of Mrs. H. W. Pe.nnock,
Who leaves very soon for Portland, Ore.,
to make her future home, and the bridge
party given Friday evening by Miss Ger
trude Moorehead in honor of Mrs. Brown
Of Portland, Ore. The luncheon given on
Friday by Mrs. H. T. Lemist for Mrs.
Joel Stuart was also an elaborate affair.
Weddings and Esgagcraest,
Mr. and Mrs 8. L. Wiley have announced
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Katherlne, to Dr. William L. Shearer.
Miss Juliet Norrls, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Norrls, whoso engagement has
been announced to Mr. Louis Levy will be
at home to their friends today at 527 South
Twenty-second street.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lester have
Announced the engagement of their daugh
ter, Ml.s Pearl A. Lester, to Mr. H. Arthur
Kenyon of Park City, Utah. The weddlns
will take place April 17.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Oman have an
nounced the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Clara Van Oman, to Dr. Warren
Arthur Dennis of St. Paul. Minn. The wed
ding will take place In June.
Invitations have been Issued for the wed
ding of Miss Kathleen Annette Gerkey,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Gerkey,
and Mr. William L. Csyot of Kansas City,
Which will bo solemnized Wednesday at
1 o'clock at St. Peter s church. A recep
tion will follow the ceremony at the home
Of tho bride's parents. 3021 Marcy street.
Mr. and Mrs. Cayot will take an extended
wedding Journey to Europe, after which
they will mukc their homo In Ktnss City.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson unnounce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Bernadlne Johnson, to Mr. William J.
Monaghan. The wedding will take placa
April 20, at tho home of the bride's parents,
and will be a very quiet one. Only the
Hear friends and relatives are Invited. Mr.
end Mrx. Monaghan will be at home ta
their friends after May 15, at 2710 Capitol
The announcement Is made of the engage
ment of MIfs Mary Litodhcud Br.-i lley ol
H West End avenue, New York, daughter
Of the late Herbert N. IlruJley and gran'X
daughter of tha late Chspluln Edgar Brod
head. U. 8. A., to Mr. WlUUin Kepnei
Grove of 448 Central Park, Wush. Tin
marriage will occur on TuesJny evening,
April a, at :3o o'clock In All Angles'
church. West End avenue and liishty-Mrst
Street. Both Miss Bradley and Mr. Grove
wste formerly from Denver, Colo., where
they were members of the youneor so.
clety set.
It Is more than mere suspicion that links
the names of two cf the young people or
society. The of this strlkhig
brunette In Europe fur the lant two yesr
and the young man's departure from the
lty for bus.oss ressoni, lu tlu. wes.oni
part of the utute, hus vet covered up ,
Interesting romance of several years' stanl
Ing and which will be revealed to their
friends in the near future In the form of
as engagement. The mm in iiuestl jri In,
recenfly returned to Omaha and la en'
gaged In the lumber busings.
The wedding of M;s s.ivilla J Klr-tr
Saughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oil u i. a I! ',. :
King, and Mr. D.'.n c. Bradford will b'.
solemnised ut hich no; n today in the nur-
ltlfa Of t Vim IP1 ral .
.... . .... .,,,1,,! i ijicr on Twenty
ninth und Harney sticet. Hi v. J y
Conley will read the marilae lines. Th re
will be no attendant! and only tne' im
mediate families and Mr. and Mra. F
Kennedy will be present. Thu bride will
wear her go-away gown, which is of cream
brown broadcloth with Eton Jacket heavily
braided. A brown straw hat with diovp.
Ing plumes to the shulder in tha lack
completes this attractive costume. Mr nrd
Mrs. Bradford will leave linmedkuely fj,
their wedding tr.p, which will inclu u' New
York and otoor eastern points of l-iterest
They will return about May i WUl lhty
Will occupy their new home at Sou h
Thirty-seventh, street,
The wedding of MVs Louise Van Gle
son. daughter of Mrify Henry Cl iy Van
Uleson, and Dr. Henryliasaett timers.
Which was solemnized tturday evening
at All Saints' church, has' the distinction
f being tha first In this Vrtlntle. little
ckurch. Groan and white WeVe the deco
rative appointments of tha chuVeh; whin
tallps wre used ou the alter and chancel
and quantities of palms and ferns In con.
t'leuous places. Promptly at the ap
pointed hour, ?:4t, to the strains of the
Lohengrin wedding march, played by
Mr. Slmms, the bridal party entered the
church, preceded by the ushers, Sidney
Smith snd Ward i'almer, Dr. Mmllaier
and George Laler. Miss Mildred Morrlam
came next as maid of honor, gowned In
pink radium silk, trimmed with princes
lace, and carried bridesmaid roses. Fol
lowing came the bride, with her mother,
and a charming picture she made In a
handsome all-over val lace gown, mada
empire effect. Hor long white tulle veil
hung in graceful folds to the hem of her
gown and was held in place by a wreath
of lilies of the valley and she carried a
shower bouquet of the same flowers. On
the arm was noticed a beautiful bracelet
set with pearls and rubles, a gift of the
groom. The exquisite gown of black
chiffon velvet inset with white embroid
ered chiffon and Jet worn by Mrs. Van
Qleson blended perfectly with that of the
bride's and made a most picturesque
combination. The bridal party were met
at the alter by the groom and his best
man, William Wood, the marriage linos
being read by Rev. T. J. Mackay. Imme.
diately after the ceremony those present
at the churcli rode out to the home of
Mrs. Van Qleson, 4814 Davenport street,
where an Informal reception was held.
Here the rooms were decorated in green
and white, except In the parlor, where Dr
and Mrs. Lemere received the felicitations
of their friends, and this was abloom with
pink roses and pink-shaded lights, with
a background of elevated palms for the
receiving line. Those assisting at tha
reception were: Mrs. Charles O'Neil
Rich, Mrs. W. L. Selby, Mrs. R. C. Pat
terson, Miss Tlndcll, Miss Elizabeth Tin
doll, Miss Margaret Barr, Miss Edith An
derson, Miss Alice Marshall and Mlsi
Elizabeth Thomas. Dr. and Mrs. Lemere
left the same evening for a wedding Jour
ney, expecting to be home by April 17.
They will live at 4818 Davenport street
Coming; Events.
Mrs. Frank S. Owen will give a large
reception Friday afternoon.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood will give a
whist party Monday afternoon.
The O. C. C. Luncheon club will be en
tertained Friday by Mrs. Hasbrouck.
Tha Visiting Nurses association will give
a dance Tuesday evening at Chambers.
Mrs. David Baum will give the first of
two bridge parties Wednesday afternoon. '
Mrs. David Baum will give the second
of two bridge parties Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bcribner will en
tertain the Harmony club Saturday even
ing. Mr. J. P. O'Brien will be hostess Tues
day afternoon at the meeting of the Social
Dozen club.
Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will be hostess
Friday at the meeting of the Original
Bridge club.
Mrs, E. V. Smith, sr., will entertain the
Friday club this week at the home of
Mrs. J. D. Foster.
The members of the Marchlonette club
will give a matinee party Thursday after
noon at the Burwood.
The second social dance of the B. T. A.
Social club will be held Sunday evening
at the Metropolitan hall.
Mrs. F. M. Wagner will entertain tho
members of the K. K. K. club at a ken
slngton Wednesday afternoon, i
MlM Henrietta Rees will give an In
formal tea Tuesday afternoon In honor of
her guest, Miss Louise Ruhl of Kansas
Mrs. E. E. Thomas and Mrs. T. L.
Combs will entertain the Round Dozen club
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
The Thurston Rifles will give a dance
Thursday evening at Chambers. This Is
to be a special party and the decorations
will be vary elaborate.
The members of the household economics
department of the Omaha Woman's club
will give a kenslngton Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. T. W. Ward, 2121 Wirt
The meeting of the Kountze Place Lun
cheon club which was to have been last
Wednesday was postponed on account of
the death of Mr. A. B. Jaqulth. Mrs. Lee
Hamlin will be hosteBs of the club next
The women of Holy Family court No. 699,
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, ex
tend an Invitation to sister Foresters' and
friends to attend a card social on Wednes
day evening, April 17, at Fraternal hall.
Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Prizes
and refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wlrth will enter
tain the last meeting of tho Orchard Hill
High Five olub Thursday evening. Prizes
have not been given at each meeting of
thu club, but the high scores for the season
have been kept and the prizes for this
will be awarded at the next meeting.
Omaha Council, Knights of Columbus,
have completed arrangements for an
Kaster party to be given at the Metropol
itan club Wednesday evening. Admittance
Is limited to tho knights and their lady
guests. Dancing and cards will be the
umujementn for the evening. Supper will
fallow In the banquet room.
Come nnil Go Dosslp.
Mine Llta Rohrbough hus returned from
a southern trip.
Miss Canfield was the guest of Mrs. J. L.
Chllds this week.
Miss Mildred Goss Is spending her spring
vucatlon In Boston.
Mr. Samunl A. Orchard has returned
from San Antonio, Tex,
Mra. S. Goetz left this week for a visit
with r lathes In Cincinnati.
Mr. end Mrs. L. E M tchell of Sioux City
ni vlnltinj In Omaha.
Mrs. H. P. Jeasen has returned from
six weeks' ."ojovrn In Florida,
Miss Mf.rion Haller has returned to St.
Mary's school at Knoxvllle, 111.
Mr. C. F. WMler Is enjoying a trip ta
Deliver, Colombo Springs and Chape, Wyo.
Mrs. John Sargent of Kansas City Is the
truest of her mother, l!n. K. C. MeiShane
Miss Mildred Lomax and Miss Mjrle
ITohler left S ituidiy afieruoon for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ere ex
verted to return Monday from Rook Ledge,
Mrs. N. W. McLeod of St. Louis will be
The guest of Mrs. Jtannelte Woodward til's
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bi.'.well, who are at
Hollywood, Cal., will return home this
v. e k.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. I.enr.nrJ of New
York are the truest 0f Mr. and Mr. J. 11.
Miss Curlta Curtis leaves Thursday for
Norfolk Vu.. to spend two months with
Mrsv Tom Krott.
M.". Canne!, who has been the guest of
Mrs. John Ba d win, hus returned to her
home in New York.
Mrs. J. A. ReiJ, who has been visiting
Mrs. J. M. Vct.'iilf, has returned to her
i:o:oe In Portland, Ore.
M'.ns Louise Ruhl of Kanais City arrives
WeUi.csCuy. tj be the guest of Miss Hen
rietta P.ees for !J weeks.
Ml Nannie Page, who Is a student at
Ogontz, is spending her Caster vacation
with friends In New York.
Mr. snd Mrs. John W. Robblns and Miss
May Wymsn havs returned from Califor
nia, where they have spent the winter.
Miss Mary Rogers, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Rogers, returned home Friday
from a four months' stsy In Callfronla.
Mra William P-radway of Chicago, who
was expected to be tha guest of Miss Oer
tru'le Mxirehead, has postponed her visit
until after the Moorehead-Wallla wsddlng,
when she will meet Miss Moorehead In
Chicago, who will be en routa horns from
Grand Rapids, and accompany ber home.
Miss Genevlev Glover, who has been
teaching at York, Is spending Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Glover.
Mi. Sitinuel and Mr. Dent Siuugiiler ure
spending the'r spring vacation with their
parents. Major and Mrs. Brad Slaughter.
Mr. and Mrs L. L. Vnrney and little
daughter, Dorothy, will leave for Kansas
City this week, where they will make their
future home.
Miss Gertrude White, who Is attending
Wellesley college, la spending lier spring
vacation In New Rochelle, New York and
Pri.iceton, N. J
Mies Lltta Rohrbough returned Thursday
- . V, ' Jn vlaUln With
, " . " . "" . , ' ..,,01 aducaUon among women regarding their
friends at Columbia, Mo.; Qulncy, 111., ana " ,
,., . actual position under tha laws of the states
Miss Agnes Burkley, who has been spend-
ing her Easter vacat'lon with her parents.
has returned to the Sacred Heart academy
at Lake Forest, 111.
Mrs. Fred Cuscaden and small daugh
ter. Gertrude, who have been the gnests
of friends In Omaha, have returned to their
horns In ErlcVson, Neb.
Miss Edna Sweeley has' returned to the
De Pauw university, Greencastle, Ind.. after
spending three weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Sweeley, 8123 Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Schlangen of Wy-
more, Neb., who have been visiting their
aunt. Mrs. S. Carson Lowrey, of 1&10 St.
Mary's avenue, have returned to their
- Pleasnres Past.
Tha Ideal Pleasure club was very pleas'
antly entertained Thursday afternoon by
Mra. M. Theodore at her home, 2408 Pop-
pleton avenue. High five was the game
of the afternoon ana me prizes were won
by Mrs. Jennie Gross, Mrs. M. Horwlch
and Mrs. E. H. tilery of Milwaukee.
Three tables were used for the game.
Miss Catherine- M. Lyche gave a linen
shower Wednesday at her home in honor
of Miss Vea I. Hemming, who Is to be
married In May to Mr. Walter O. Lyman.
The rooms were effectively decorated In
tones of pink and white. Many beautiful
pieces of )lnen were received by the bride-
to-be. A feature of the afternoon was a
guessing contest, at which the prise was
won by Miss Ellen Edman.
Mrs, J. II. Harris entertained Saturday
afternoon In honor of her guest, Mrs. E.
H. Ullery of Milwaukee. The rooms had
pretty trimmings of pink carnations, pink
shaded candles and ferns. Three tables
were used for the card game. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. E. H. Liiery, Mrs. S. Su
garman, Mrs. M. Horwlch, Mrs. Melchlor,
Mrs. T. Riseman, Mrs. L. Harding, Mrs.
A. Harris, Mrs. Alshuler of South Omaha,
Mrs. Sam Churnlss of St. Joseph, Mo and
Mra. Churnlss of Council Bluffs.
Miss Jessie Barnes assisted by Miss Helen
Cott gave an Informal party Friday even
ing In honor of the Misses Sherden. Thoso
present were the Misses Sherden, Miss
Lyndall Jacobs, Miss Shirley Freeman, Miss
Frances Metz, Miss Jeanette Miller, Miss
Ethel Sawyer, Miss Ethel Doran, Miss
Barnes, Mr. Reuben Reed, Mr. Kenneth
Hermon, Mr. Clark Denny, Mr. George
Brown, Mr. Lee Hunter, Mr. Sherman Mc
Caffery, Mr. Harry Freeman, Mr. Lowell
Gregg, Mr. Earle Haney, Mr. Ralph Mont
gomery and Mr. Thomas Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pollard entertained
the Harmony club Saturday evening.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Ev
Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Din
ning,, Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, Judge and
Mrs. W. H. Munger, Mr. and Mrs. Selby,
Mr., and Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Scrlbner, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Mr.
and Mrs. John Robblns, Mr. and Mrs. H. tlon coungej, 4nii how 'many women have
N. Wood, Mr. and Ufa. Van Court, Mr. held such positions?
and Mrs. D. V. Shoales and Mr. and Mrs. 26- Are they allowed to be appointed
Ralph Breckinridge. The next meeting ' n0arStpucSstomary for the courts to ap
wlll be Saturday at the home of Mr. and point Women receivers or masters in chan
Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner. eery?
. ,w(K , 4V, . - . ., 18. Has any woman been appointed re-
The sixth In the series of dancing parties ! ceiver , anj; case where the fees were
given by the Thurston Rifles during the j larger than $1?
winter Is to be given next Thursday even- 29. Are any women on the boards of
ing at Chambers' academy. The parties
have proved to be a happy thought when
a plan for the development of the social
side of mllltla membership was arranged j
last fall, and, with the close of the Lenten '
season, It Is expected the party of Thurs-
itav evenfnir will he nna nf lh yvirtct aim. i
,,,, . ,v,. . T, ... . , .
cessful of the series. It will be the last of
the dances for the soldier boys but one.
Refreshments will be served. To enter-
tain their men friends only, the boys of
"L" company have arranged a stag party
for Monday evening, .April IB, at the ar-
mory, Fourteentn ana Dodge streets.
There will be varied refreshments, smok
ing, music and other forms of entertain
ment. Fourteenth and Dodge streets.
Social Chit-Chat.
Mrs. Martha Heth and Mr. Stockton Heth
have taken rooms at Mrs. Hawes' on St.
Mary's avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Johnson are now
settled In the residence of Mrs. Byron
Reed at 124 South Thirty-fifth street.
San Frnnelseo Is Sinking Tremendous
Strides In Its Campaign of
Itesnrreetlon. .
Reports of the present condition of San
Francisco, which reach Omaha by various
routes, are all encouraging to the rapid
upbuilding of that city, as they Indicate
great activity in new buildings and the
cleaning awsy of the de'irls. The record
of the hulldtng Inspector shows that per
mits have been Issued for the building of
$S.OX).000 worth of new structures since
the fire. During the month of March 800
.i inn.fu. n.ra rirAvA . i
at rt.100,000. The bank clearings for March
show an In-rease over the same month
last year, which was before the fire. The
records show bank clearings amounting to
Jlir.OOO.CiOO, against $183.(iOO.rOO for last year.
Several large buildings have been started,
one of which Is the Phelan building on
.viarxec mrwi, which vwm cos,c over .r,. : mt gratifying development In breadth of
CO. The F.:r.p:rliim. opposite the Flo:)d j work.
building on Market otrea. also his been Mrs. J. J. Seerley of B'lrllngton. presi
started and Will bo occurred by the Em- ; rft.rrh?,
porium company. ire rairmom will be
opened April IS, snniversary of the fire,
and will have three floors completed for
To I. dles Only.
Tho wish to be beautiful is predominant
in every woman, and none can say she does
not care whether she Is beautiful or not.
Dr. T. Felix Gouraud s Oriental Cream, or
Magical Beautlner, elicits a clear, trans
parent complexion, free from tan, freckles,
or moth patches, and xso cIos!y imitating
nature as to defy defection. It has the
highest medical testimony as well as pro
fessional celebrities, and on Us own merits
it has become one of the largest and a
popular spcclulty In the trade. Fred T.
Hopkins, sole proprietor. 37 Great Jones
street, New York. For sale by all drug
gists and fancy goods dealers throughout
the United States, Cansdas and Europe.
Current Topics Program.
The current topics department of the
Omaha Woman'a club will meet nt 2 p. m.
Tuesdny at the club rooms. Dr. Towne will
talk on birds. Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker
on New Mexico missions. Mrs. E. Oehrle
on cruelty to animals In packing houses
and Mrs. Mary O. Andrews on some live
topic, while Miss Pauline Schenk njill sing
a solo.
Announcements, weddlr.g stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magazine
binding, 'phone Doug. A. X. Rout, Iua.
Campaign of Education Undertaken by the
Wcmn Generally.
Detailed Information as to the Exact
Status of Woman In the Several
Statt-a la Sought for
Club women havs commenced a campaign
in which they live. Tha Ignorance of women
Krally rega. ding their standing under
; -
and In many stales amazing, Injustice done
them. Those who have posted themselves
re coavtneed that educatU-n alona Is nec-
easary to correct th.s Injustice, and the plan
Is to bet in with the women, that they may
In turn pass It alorw. Mrs. Catherine
Waugh McCullough of Chicago, an experi
enced attorney, has complied a list of ques
tion to b looked up and answered in club
meetings. In several states the suffrage
association have made the investigation
nd koked up the answers that the ln-
formation may be the more readily d.saem-
inated in communities where access to such
Information Is not easily available. In sev
eral of the larger cities recently mass
meetings of women, and of men, too, have
been called for the consideration of these
matters, as suggested by Mrs. McCullough
. nt of question, which follows:
l. Has a married woman the rlghf to her
iisuni ifoi
2. Does she own her clothes?
8. Can sha moke contracts or enter Into
partnerships without the consent of her
4. Are her rights In his real estate equal
to his rights In her real estate?
5. Has he any control over the rents of
her real estate?
6. What share has the wife In the lncrese
cf property accumulated by their Joint ef-
torts alter marriage, or does the nusoand
.usually take his surplus In his own name?
7. Is there any statute securing to the
wife any proportion of the family ineyime
subject to her own control without her hus
band's dictation?
8. Is the wife responsible oy law for the
support of the children 'X the husband does
not support) them?
9. Has she a right to share In the chil
dren's earnings?
10. Is the father liable for the err"
of wfe ch ld lf u ls for nme nectfaajT
or which he disapproves;
It. Is he liable for his expenses for neces
12. Does she Inherit from her husband as
much as he would Inherit from her?
13. Does she Inherit equally with her hus
band the property of a deceased child?
14. Is the wife entitled to a share In the
control of the children, so that her wihes
may guide In the choice of church, school,
clothing, medicine and work?
15. Is the wife entitled to a voice In the
choice of a family home?
16. Are the public schools from the lower
grade to the state university open to girls
on the same terms as to beys?
17. Are women represented on the board
of control of these various schools? Are
women, employed In the higher positions in
these schools?
18. Do tho salaries paid the women aver
age as high as the salaries paid the men?
If not, what ratio do they bear to the sal
aries paid men?
19. Are women teachers as well paid as
are men Janitors?
20. Are any of the county superinten
dents of schools women?
21. For what school officers may women
vote? How many others are there?
22. Are the professional schools open to
23. Are women admitted to the bar?
24. Have women ever been elected city
attorney, state's attorney. Judge or Justice
of the peace?
25. Are women eligible to appointive po
sitions such as deputy county clerk, dep
uty clerk of the court, deputy sheriff, as
' Xn Crhya'ns'nitndUtnunr8sT
employed In the state and county chari
table Institutions haying tha custody of
women and girls?
81. In how many state institutions are
insane women under the control of male
physicians or nurses?
82. Are instances occurring In asylums
' where Insane women are giving birth to
, children? If so, has this been brought to
I the attention of the governor and the
press of the state?
83. How many women physicians are on
the Mate board of health and city boards
: of health?
34. Are women eligible to any elective
I po,r"?T'.L " "?L. wn.a" v..,.
oo. huw rj me pauper tniiuifn Ul ine
state carea ror in poornouses or in ram-
ily homes? If the latter, how often are
they officially visited?
SS. Are there any women keepers of
poorhouses, or wardens in penitentiaries,
or matrons In police stations?
87. Do your laws prohibit the employ
ment of children under 16 years of age In
38. Do they prohibit night work of women
and girls?
39. Dots your law provide sanitary regu
lations for factories and shops where
women are employed, or prescribe hours
of labor? '
40. What Is the "age of consent"?
41. What Is the minimum punishment
for rape?
42. What Is the punishment for bas
tardy? 43. Is seduction counted a crime or
44. What punishment does your statute
provide for the sale or giving away of In
decent literature and pictures?
. v no may marry ana at what age?
j "t181. punishment Is provided In case of
WU5 urari null (
47. How many causes does your statute
recognize as ground for divorce?
48. Are they the same in the case of
both wife and husband?
Coming; low Biennial.
Mrs. Harriet Seward Hard of Cedar
! Falls, chairman of the press committee
j ot the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs,
sends out the following:
The seventh biennial of Iowa Federation
of Woman's Clubs will be held In Oska
lonsa. May 16-17, and gives promise of
Offering fine things for the uplift und In
spiration of the cluh women of the state
Durli.g recent years there has been a
, phenomenal growth In membership and a
IndetntlgVnle In ber efforts to promote
broader lines of endeavor, to reach out
riom self-culture to civic Improvement
and municipal betterment.
With the assistance of her efficient offi
cial board a most educative and sustentive
rrogram has been arranged for this ap
proaching biennial. The variety of sub
jects to be discussed is In keeping with
the diversified club movement of iho day,
and each one will be presented by one of
Its most enlightened and enthusiastic ex
ponents. No one can fall to be aroused to new
activities and enlarged Interests who fol
lows with keen mind and unfettered sym
pathies the excellent addresses that will
be presented at this gotherlng.
Futhermore. Oskaloosa, already noted
for its liberal hos-nltalltles, offers enter
tainment for all who are entitled to rep-,
resentation. As one enthusiastic dun
women from the entertaining city said,
"Oskaloosa knows how to do things, and
does them." A gir.d recommendation for
club, city or citizen.
.Committees have been appointed for
each department of the convention s needs,
snd It only remains with the individual
club membership to give Its hearty sup
port and pretence, and the seventh bien
nial of th Iowa Federat'nn ,of Women's
Clubs wilt pass Into history as one of
grat achievement.
The press rommlttee will publish dur
ing the Intervening weeks matters of in
terest concerning the speakers who will
appear on the program anil subjects cf
general Interest pertaining to the success
cf the biennial.
DIAMONDn KYenzer, istt: wr.d Dodge.
DfaMONPS-Franiar. ltth an Ooda.
Our Suit Collection is the most comprehensive ever
seen in this city.
. The enormous business we enjoyed last season
warranted us in going in on a much grander scale than
any other house in Omaha, and it is becoming a well
known fact that the best and most noted makers are
beginning to look to this reliable exclusive cloak and
suit house as their best customers in the middle west
for their real smart creations.
We have planned for this week special offerings in
Suits at
$25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00
These Suits come in a great variety of smart new models, pony
Jackets, ponyet, new eton and plain tailored styles. They are
perfectly tallowed garments and have that custom made appear
ance about them a feature you'll not find In other suits at this
price we have these suits in all
cluding special sizes to fit small
are no suits like them to be
New models of finest chiffon, panama, fancy fabrics and Voile
in black and all Spring colors, made In all the new eton or Jacket
styles with the new full pleated skirts.
Values $40.00, special $30.00.
In this large and varied collection you 'will find all the new
effects now in vogue 4n voiles and silks for dress wear, also the
strictly tailored euits for street wear of panamas or fancy ma
terials. Values $45.0O, special $33.00.
Five new and beautiful models will be added to our
stock of fine dress Suits Monday. They are made of
finest French Vollo in black and all spring colors, silk
lined throughout.
Values $55.00, special $10.00.
.Hundreds of genuine Antique pieces to select from, at about 75c on the dollar,
for a few days only.
E. TAMINOSIAN, who, owing to ill health, has given up his Chicago store
for a while, is here with the largest and most beautiful assortment of Persian Ruga
and carpets ever exhibited in Omaha. Those who are interested in Oriental Rugs
6hould grasp this opportunity at once and secure the best bargains ever known in
rug buying.
405 S. 15th St. Ramge Block
A Delicious Veni
....cian Bon-Bon....
Caramel's Fourres are the most
exquisite and beautiful Bon Bons
ever Introduced in Omaha. It's
delicate satin coating encloses a 2
center of unusual aenciousness.
They are an ideal after-dinner
confection and should have a place
on your Bldeboard. Ask to see
them. We have a variety of pop
ular flavors.
Price, per pound 80 1
j 1518-20 Farnam Street
Curllaa Curia to Stay.
To every lady purchasing- a bottle cf
Curllne we will Rive a free ahampno anil
curl the hair. Mflke an engagement by
"phone. Douglas 7379.
MB.3. M. . PIECE,
Hall Dressing- and Manicuring; Parlor,
438 B Building-.
1516 Dodge St
Table (Mote Dinner,
40c and 50c, Sunday
sizes for women and misses, in
women. There
found anywhere
If So, How Much Is It Played? Very Little, No Doubt.
Why not take advantage of this oppor
tunity to purchase m Pianola at a pi-U
We Are Offering at CUT PRICES the FoUowing:
AKRIOIiA, waa $105, now 9125. I'lANOLA, was 9250, now 9 1 80.
AEKIOLA, was 9185, now 9125. PIAMOLA, waa 9250, now 9105.
PIANOLA, was 9250, now 9125. PIANOLA, was 9250, now 9175.
METROSTVLE PIANOLA, was 9300, now 9200.
MKTROSTVLK PIANOLA, was 9300. now 9200.
APPOLLOKTTE, with 10 Kolls of Music, 975
SIMPLEX with 100 Rolls of Music, gj125
PLAYOLA-PIANO, wltb 25 Kolls of Music, 9350
All of these instruments are in first-clasa condition (but slightly
used), having been taken in exchange for tha more expensive Pianola-Pianos.
10 Down and $5 a Month Places One in YOUR HOME.
Would you like one of these instruments? Permit us to urge
that you make no delay in calling, for at the above prices we cer
tainly will not have them for a long time. If it so happens that you
cannot call immediately, write us, or call us by phone and we will,
should you desire, reserve an instrument for you.
1311-1313 FARNAM ST. tbi nnur.i as 10.
New Bur and Chili
Bpacial Attention Is Given to Orders
Sent Oat
tie S. 14th St. Doatfas 4449
Ladies' Chill Parlor Upeialre
has dined wieely lf ha eats at
Our patron know that our bill of far
caunut be uryuX
Beautiful skirts made in the new tailored styles in
cluding the newest ideas in full pleated and gored
models of fancy materials, chiffon, taffetas, panamas,
French voiles and mohairs. Prices range, $7.50,
$10.00, $12.50, $13.75 and $15.00.
-- - - -
Table d'llote Dinner
Tb Chesapeake Cale
11:30 a. m. lo 8:00 p. m.
1508-10 Howard Street
Music by Moulton's Orchestra.
11 A. M. to I P. M.