Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Sunday Bee
No filthy Sanaatlon
Dcst A". West
i HE
Traniatlantio Lines I'st Carry Faople
Aorou Water for Nominal Sam.
Ciaih Fouibla with intent Associates in
Oppoiition for Trade.
Germau Interested in Tlana af Propoied
Visit to fouth.
At Theater f Herr Bonn Emperoi
Takes Occasion to Compliment
Manager oa Attitude
Toward Press.
BERLIN, April . (Special.) The quea
tlon Is everywhere being asked as to
Whether there 1 to be a renewal of the
Korth Atlantic rate war In the not far dis
tant future. Such an eventuality aroma by
too means distant of realization In the light
Of statements contained In the annual re
port of the Hamburg-American company.
Since the lone: continued conflict f a few
years ego, which resulted In the carriage
of passenger across the Atlantic at almost
nominal fares, the position of the Cunard
company haa been one of practical Inde
pendence. The previously exiting agree
ments have never been renewed, despite
the efforts of the combine, acting In co-operation
with the German lines, to re-establish
them. Tie Cunard company has ad
hered to the agreement In principle, but It
la claimed that when this Is said It Is about
all that can be said. Moreover, the Cunard
company's close relatione with the Austro
Hungarian government In regard to the
carriage of emigrants from the Mediter
ranean have always been a source of an
noyance to the German linei, while the
"all-British" company's share of the Scan
dinavian emigrant traffic Is not a little be
trudged In Teutonic shipping circles.
Shipping authorities say that It Is, of
course, possible that the Hamburg-American
and Nord Deutscher Lloyd companies
have outlined an expensive campaign, but
the results of the lost paswenger war are
declared to have been so disastrous to
everybody concerned that there are those
who regard Its repetition as highly Improb
able. In that contest the Cunard company
Is always supposed to have come off the
best, but now what appears to be a con
tingency Is a fight In which the Interests
of the combine proper and the Cunard
company would be Identical. The peculiar
ity of the position would be that the com
bine would be guaranteeing by agreement
6 per cent dividends on certain proportions
of the shares of the two great German lines
with which It was In conflict. This would
appear to be such sn obviously absurd sit
uation that It almost seems to predispose
of the idua that matters will be carried to
Kxpedltloa to South Pole.
The proposed scheme for a Belgian expe
dition tc,the south pole la making steady
.progress towards realization and though
things Belgian arc gonerally not given a
great deal of attention In Berlin unusual
Intorest is being taken In this particular
expedition. The committee in charge has
already - been formed and it Includes M.
Lecomte and Herr Aretowsky. who were
members of the first UelglsM expedition to
the antarctic regions. Steps have even been
taken towards having a suitable ship built
and the committee Intend having1 a vessel
so fitted as to be used for any further ex
peditions, either to the north or the south
pole. The only problem which has not been
solved Is the very important one of funds.
According to the statements made to Ber
lin scientists Interested, the committee
needs 2uu,000, and It hopes to be able to se
cure that amount without too much trouble
or delay.
Emperor Dislikes Press.
The German emperor is revealing once
more his strong antipathy to the newspaper
press which he has demonstrated on many
previous occasions.
Ths latest opportunity occurred in con
nection with a visit which his majesty paid
to the Berliner theater, now conducted by
the actor Ferdinand Bonn. As a theatrical
manager Herr Bonn has been unanimously
condemned by the dramatic critics of every
newspaper In the capital. Before he as
sumed managerial duties Herr Bonn was a
popular actor and he now keenly resents
vrr criticism ana proclaims open hos
tility to the newspapers and all connected
with them. Just at present Herr Bonn's
adaptation of "The Hojnd of the Basker
Vllles ' U being given nightly and he haa
worked Into the text several veiled attacks
on the newspapers.
After ths performance the other evening
the emperor summoned Herr Bonn to his
box and said: "I odmlrs In particular the
courage wherewith you have dared to ex
press certain truths In this play. I now
understand what opposition you have been
obliged to overcome here."
The Tageblatt, referring to the Imperial
utterance, writes: "In our opinion the em
peror's allusion to certain courageous truths
can ony mean the veiled attacks which
Herr Bonn directs sgalnst the newspaper
press In his play. We, however, retain our
opinion that the crlth-lsm to which Herr
Bonn is obliged to submit Is fully Justified
by the kind of dramatic art which he cul
tivates at his theater."
It la clear that In this case the emperor
adopted not only an attitude hostile to ths
newspapers, but an attitude diametrically
opposed to the opinion prevailing In intel
lectual circles In Berlin.
Statue of W illiam of Orange.
The statue of William III of Orange,
which the German emperor has presented
to King Edward of England Is a bronie
figure nine feet In height. It will be shipped
to Englaud In June, when sn exact dupli
cate will be erected on the terrace of the
Royal Palace in Berlin. According to Herr
Helnrleh. Bsucke, ths sculptor who is mak
ing both the figures, the emperor decided
to send the statue to England aftr seeing
the sculptor's rough sketch. "What a cap
ital present that would miks for England!"
be exclaimed Ills nmje--iy's original Inten
tion was to send a miniature statue as a
private present to King Edward, but the
Idea was given up In favor of a full-eiied
figure which according to the words of ths
kaiser's written Instructions Is intended
"fur the English nation."
A miniature model of ths statue was
presented to Queen Wllhelmlna on her last
Spaniard to Be Csrutoal.
ROUE, April 1 It was announced today
that the seventh cardinal to be created
at the consistory to ke held April IS will
be Moaslgnor Agulrre jr Garcia, blahop of
Burgos, opsin.
Sunder, April T, 1K7.
r2 13
, 25 26 27
28 2b
Sunday and Monday.
FORECAST Kelt IOWA Showers Sun
day. Monday fair.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg. Hour. Peg.
6 a. m 36 1 p. m 36
a. m 3ft 2 p. m S7
7 a. m 35 8 p. m 87
8 a. m Sfi 4 p. m 3
a. m 34 6 p. m K
10 a. m 34 6 p. m 39
11 a. m 36 7 p. m 40
U m 36
Session of Nebraska legislature finally
adjourns after noon. X, Page 1
Thaw's counsel Is said to be divided.
In opinion as to methods to be pursued
when court reassembles. Some members
would Introduce more testimony. Others
would argue immediately. Z, Page S
"Next friends" of Mrs. Eddy file new
suit at Concord for statement of her af
fairs, x, Fags 5
Steamer Virginia reaches New Tork In
battered condition after experience H
storm. X, Page S
Annual gathering of Reorganized Church
of Latter Day Saints now being held at
Lanionl, la, XX, Page 3
President Roosevelt receives many let
ters containing additional details of plans
to defeat his policies. X, Page 3
United States and Mexico decide that
time Is ripe to offer to mediate to bring
about peace in Central America. A
merger of the Ave republics is Informally
proposed. X, Pags 1 j
Ambassador Bryce of Great Britain ad- j
dresses Chicago Commercial club on rela
tions of city to state. I, Page 8
Officials of ship building company at
Lorain, O., say they will refuse any offer
to arbitrate strike controversy. X, Page C
Fifth district club women conclude an
Interesting session at Holdrege.
X. Page 3
Thirty grain dealers meet at Nebraska
City and will endeavor to find a wsy of
compelling railroads to furnish cars whoii
gialn Is contracted for In elevators.
X, Page 3
Nebraska teachers' conventions end at
Beatrice and Fremont. X, Page 3
Joslah Reed, who was injured by ex
plosion at village lighting plant at Syra
cuse, gete verdict for 14,600. X, Page 3
Grading for Omaha & Nebraska Central
interurban road will begin early In May.
X. Page 3
Several workmen are killed In riot at
Lodz and scurvy attacks residents of
famine districts. X, Pago
Douglas County Bar association . holds
memorial meeting In honor of Judge Jo
seph II. Blair, Charles E. Morgan and
Frank Heller.. XX, Page 4
Hearing of the application for injunction
to prevent the city from vacating Thir
tieth street which Is occupied by grain
terminals Is put over by district court
until Saturday, April IS. X, Page 8
Former State Senator T. C. Wolcott,
former Land Ofllce Register J. C. Petty
Jchn and Patrick J. King of Chicago aro
among the Indicted men to be tried at
the present term of federal court.
X, Page 4
Extension of the Milwaukee to the Pa
cific coast opens new field for Omaha Job
bers In Montana and other parts of north
west. XX. Pags 6
City legal department will file a de
murrer to the application of the Humane
society for an Injunction to the mayor'
dog muzzle proclamation. X, Page 8
A number of lnterstlng announce
ments of engagements are made during
the week. Others are expected.
XX, Page 8
St. Louis National and American base
ball clubs tie In race for city champion
ship. V, Page 1
Omaha bowlers complete most success
ful season since leagues were organized.
T, Page 1
Local base ball amateurs preparing for
a lively season. , Page 1
The announcement of a building for Six
teenth and Harney, to be occupied by a
new retail firm, Is accepted by real es-
! tate men as an Indication of local growth.
XX, Pags 5
Building permits throughout the country
for March show a slight falling off, as
cribed to tight money and high prices for
material. II, Page B
Live stock markets. TX, Page T
Grain markets. TX, Page 7
Stocks and bonds. TX, Pags T
Condition of Omaha's trade. TX, Page 5
In the Magazine Section of this number
will be found a brief biography of Judge
' Oustave Anderson; the personnel of the
: new Omaha Board of Fire and Police Com
1 mlssloners; Miss MacA.inur's Work
i Among the Working Women; Life on a
! Railroad Thirty Years Ago and Now; Gos
' s'.p of Plays and Players; Musical Note
, and Comment. BU Pages
. Homi sEonojr.
I In the Home Section of this number will
j be found Buster Brown; the Busy Bees'
Own Pags; Carpenter's Interview with an
Exiled Queen; Why Roumanian Peasants
; Are In Revolt; Rome Novelties in Women's
Coats; Woman In Various Aspects; Fash
I lonable Portrait Painting; New Tork and
' ths Woman's Institutes; Bill Bunk.
Sis Pages
No Decision In the Harrlmaa Case
I Is Expected for Some
I - Time.
! WASHINGTON. Ap'rll t -Chairman
i Knapp of the Interstate Commerce com
I mission said today that the commission
; would be In no hurry about rendering a
decision In the Harrlman cases, ths argu
ments In which were concluded yesterday.
lie said that ths record was very volumi
nous and the matters Involved of great Im
portance. The commission therefore would
proceed deliberately.
When ths decision of the commission
finally Is reachsd It will be announced to
the public, but ths Indications are that It
will be some time before any definite action
Is tassa.
auN mon rut
I 2
7 8 9
H 15 ;
21 2
Common wealth Pnrpotes to Build Eereral
Vessels for It Own Defense.
Government Hopes to Create Large Chip
, Yar3s in the tenth.
Frenoh In renter Unable to Conrinoe People
of Hit Power.
New Sooth Wales Vndertakes to
Bring; tnder Cultivation Larsjre
Tract of Land In Arid
MELBOURNE. April 6 (Special.) Ef
forts are being made to establish the ship
building Industry In Australia on a scale
which will enable the commonwealth to
build its own battleships. Eight coastal
destroyers and four first class torpedo
boats are now projected at a cost of $3,
600,000, and while one vessl of each class
will be built In England, It Is hoped that
the remainder may be constructed In Aus
tralia itself.
In a memorandum to shipbuilders in the
commonwealth on the subject, the acting
minister for defense says: "These pro
posals are designed to attain a measure of
self dependence In the provision of war
vessels. Briefly the department desires to
know If anything Is lacking to make this
much desired end attainable. The price Is
a sufficient one (In England) to ensure
large profits to builders. What Is there to
prevent Australian builders with the ad
vantage of position, and of acting In pur
suance of a policy desired by the govern
ment from supplying these vessels? Tour
views regarding the employment of any of
our workmen In workshops at home In
order to gain experience while pattern
boats are being built will also be accept
able. Builders In England have expressed
themselves as very willing to employ Aus
tralian workmen with this end In view."
Dlscnsslns; Rabbit Peat.
The Australian authorities are not yet by
any means satisfied of the harmlessness of
the virus which the French professor, Dr.
Danysz, sought to Introduce into the com
monwealth for the extermination of rab
bits, one of the worst pests with which
the farmers have to deal. It will be re
membered that when Dr. Danysz arrived
In Australia with his case of microbes at
the request of a large body of pastorallsts
the bacilli were promptly Impounded by the
government scientist and the professor had
some difficulty in getting permission to
carry out the experiments. Dr. Danysx's
contention Is that his virus sets up in rab
bits a contagious disease which is atal to
them, but that It Is entirely harmless to
other animals and to mankind. If he can
prove that he will be free to deal with, be
rabbit pest, . but the authorities say they
do not Intend to run any risks. Since Dr.
Danysz was allowed to land Dr. Tldswell,
mlcrobologlst ' to, the Sydney Board of
Health has been carrying out a series of
tests with the virus In his laboratory; for
though sentence of banishment to Brough.
ton Island was first passed upon the French
professor the federal government Inter
vened, and required the tests to bs con
ducted In the first place, at all events,
within the four walls of a government
laboratory. Dr. Tldswell has since been
very active, but the effect of the virus has
to be tried on so many animals that It Is
estimated that It will require fully two
years to settle the question.
So far the experiments appear to have
borne out the claims of Dr. Danysz, for no
animals except rabbits have yet been dis
turbed by the Introduction of the virus
Into their bodies through the ordinary chan
nels. But there is this weakness, .that
fatal results have followed from direct In
oculation, and the mosquito which Is found
practically everywhere In Australia la
known to possess powers of Inoculation.
In a report on the subject Dr. Tldswell
says that In his Judgment there are many
more observations needed before the Danysi
virus can be pronounced safe for distribu
tion broadcast over the land, and two
scientific commissioners have been Io kin
Into the matter for the government of
South Australia remark, In a report of their
own, perhaps a little unkindly: "Dr.
Danysz claims that his virus Is Innocuous
so far as mankind is concerned. As a
scientist he should be prepared to demon
strate the fact, and we would therefore
suggest that he allow himself to be In.
oculated with it In order to prove the value
of his belief." However, these commis
sioners have recommended that the pro.
fessor should now bs allowed to proceed
to Broughton Island to carry out further
trials, still under the supervision of the
authorities, and that haa been done.
Irrigation Scheme.
A report has recently been submitted to
the New South Wsles Parliament by the
Parliament standing committee on publlo
works, recommending the adoption of an
Irrigation scheme of great magnitude,
which, when carried Into effect will make
available for profitable cultivation very
large areas Of fertile country In ths In
terior of ths state. On either side of the
Murrumbtdgee river (one of the two great
tributaries of ths Murray) are situated
hundreds of thousands of acres of excel
lent land, admirably adapted - for every
variety of agriculture, but any very great
spread of settlement has hitherto been
hampered by the snarslty of the rainfall.
The proposal la for the construction of a
dam across the Murrumbtdgee river at
Barren Jack, about three miles below the
confluence of the river with the Goodradlg
bee where there Is a deep granite gorge.
The Parliamentary committee havs now
definitely recommended that this dam be
constructed at a cost of 17,600,000, and that
It be at least 100 feet In height and there Is
every reason to believe that the New South
Wales Parliament will give Immediate ef
fect to ths recommendation.
Peres Without Flash No Smoke Is
Desired (or Army ana
BERNE, April 1 (Special ) rt is stated
that the British government Is In treaty for
i the purchase of a smokeless powder which
! Is also flaahlesa. Invented by a Swiss chem
ist and successfully tested.
I To the military and naval service the Im
portance of such an explosive will strongly
appeal, aa the use of an explosive that
I gives no v irl bis Cash means impossibility of
loceXfea of guns and aUps during action.
Baron KlknrM Tells How Trait Is
Formed In Youth of
TOKIO, April . (Special.) Baron Kl
kuchl, former Japanese minister of educa
tion nt Toklo, In s.n Interesting lecture
made many Interesting statements of the
manner in which boys and girls of Japan
are trained In patriotism how It Is In
grnlned In their hearts so that It has be
come part of their life.
They are taught the fundamental charac
ter of the empire the relation between the
Imperial house and the people. It was the
pride of the people of Japan that their
emperors were all of one dynasty, and
that their country had never been con
quered by foreign foe. The emperors had
always regarded the sorrows and sufferings
of the. people as their own, and It was a
saying among the Japanese that "the em
perors have suffered before the people and
rejoiced after the people."
Baron Klkuchl gave two Instances to
sho the feeling which animated the
Samurai In feudal times, when the princi
pal virtues of the fighting race consisted
of loyalty to the lord and devotion and
self-sacrifice In his service. One lord was
Insulted by the master of the ceremonies
in such a way that the former tried to
kill the latter on the spot, and failing In
this, had to pay the penalty by dying by
his own hand. Forty-seven of the retain
ers swore to avenge the wrong of their
lord. They bound themselves to secrecy
and after much self-sacriflc killed the mas
ter of the ceremonies and presented them
selves at the tomb of their lord. They then
got their reward an honorable death by
hari-kari. Their tombs, In one of the
suburbs of Toklo, were visited by num
bers of people, and the burning Incense and
flowers placed on them proved that the
spirit of Samurai still existed. The second
story was that of a young lady acting as
governess to a young lord, whose uncle
tried to make way with him In order to put
a son In his place. The wife of a minister
made a present of a cake to the young
lord, but the little son of the governess, 8
or 10 years old, attending to the Instruc
tions of his mother, rushed forward, seized
the cake and ate it. The wife of the min
ister, fearful that the pol(on would be
discovered In the cake, killed the govern
ess' son before the mother's eyes. The
mother showed not one tear, knowing that
the death of her son had saved the young
lord. The minister's wife was deceived
by this unnatural fortitude, and thinking
that the young lord was Impersonating
her child revealed the plot. The evil
schemes of the uncle were thus frustrated.
Basntos Make Feast When Pests
Arrive and Do Not Seem to
JOHANNESBURG. April S. (Special.)
Clouds of locusts visited the Transvaal in
the past season and all the ingenuity of
the farmers and government officials haa
been put into devising means of getting rid
of the plague. The natives seem to have
taken the thing much mr-i quietly and
philosophically. Mr. Otto Henntng.. the
government veterinary officer In Basutoland,
Interviewed concerning the native way of
dealing with the locusts, said: ,
"Those . destructive creature do not
seem to have done very much dam
age to the natives' crops during ths last
season, and wherever they did put in their
appearance the P,asuto were not Idle In
seeing their opportunity of taking back a
fair equivalent of the damage done by
catching and drying large numbers of the
Insects. It meant exchanging bread for
meat In my opinion a most suitable and
effective method of dealing with the locust
plague and well worth copying elsewhere.
It Is not even Impracticable where the peo
ple themselves do not look upon locusts as
fit articles for food, for the domestic ani
mals, from the fowl upward, and Including
the horse, are by no meana fastidious In
this respect. They can not only live, but
even thrive and fatten on them In times of
scarcity of food. Ground up and mixed
with bran they would form a most nourish
ing substance of considerable market
Swedish Explorer Telia of Cnknowit
Plateau Through Which Many
Rivers Flow.
CALCUTTA, April . (Special.) Sven
Hedin, the Swedish explorer, has succeeded
In getting through a report. In which he
says, under a Shlgatse date line:
"The country between Ngangts-tso and
the Brahmaputra Is one of the most Inter
eating portions of Thibet. The plateau
stretching to the south, hitherto unknown,
Is n a of the highest on the earth. The
watershed between the Ngangtse-tso and
the Brahmaputra Is situated further north
than haa bean believed, and the country
consists of the most complicated labyrinth
of ranges and ramifications of rivers. Big
rivers flow from this district to the
Brahmaputra. At Shlgatse there are great
villages, with temples and gardens low
down on the north side at the river,"
From Stanagbo the explorer traveled by
boat. The river was full of floating Ice,
and there was a constant stream of boats
with pilgrims on their way to the festival
at Tashi Lempo. Dr. Sven Hedln met with
a very hearty welcome. The Tashl Lama,
who was there, overwhelmed him with
kindness, giving him presents of caravans
and provisions and allowing him to sketch
and photograph everywhere. He describes
the TashJ Lama as a most wonderful and
sympathetic man.
Colonel Miller on Way to
Service Talks of Work
at Madrid.
MADRID. April 6. (Speclal.)-Colonel Mfl-
1 ler. the Swiss officer who has been ip-
j pointed chief of the Morocco police, has
j Just arrived here and has had a long Inter
view vim ine ministers or loreurn anairs
and war. He also has been entertained
for a day at the Clrculo Helretlro by the
Swiss colony, which Is numerous here.
Asked his views regarding the organiza
tion of the police force he said that ths
responsibility of his position obliged Mm
to maintain a' strict secrecy. He added
that in any event he could only form an
opinion after a careful study of affairs on
ths spot. Ths regulations for ths fores
were being drawn up by ths French and
Bpanlsh officers who were already in Tan
gier. These officers Included men who
knew the country well, and Colonel Miller
I was convinced that their decisions would
be of a very useful and practical character.
"Our mission," bs said. "Is simply to pro-
tsct the forelgnera In the porta and thus
j ts preveut renewal of ail previous dls
1 orders."
Tina Bipa for Attempting to End Wax in
Central America.
Neither is Willing: ta Go Beyond Making.
Earnest Bepreientationa,
Ministers from All Central American Na
tions Except Nicaraeaa Ara F resent
Proposal to Draft Compact that Will
Make Disturbances Less Fre
quent In Future New
Minister Talks.
WASHINGTON. April 6. Secretary Root
and Mexican Ambassador Creel today de
cided that the time was ripe for con
certed action to terminate hostilities In
Central America If that result could be
accomplished by moral suasion and ear
nest representations, beyond which point
neither the United States nor Mexico Is
willing to go.
A series of conferences was held today
at the State department between the In
terested parties. A notable fact was the
absence of the Nlcaraguan minister, Se
nor Corea. It was suggested that the pur
pose of the conference to frame an agree
ment for the future settlement of all dis
putes between Central American coun
tries and to submit this to'Nlcarngua and
request Its adhesion, falling which that
country would find Itself standing alone
among the Central American states and
without their sympathy. It Is believed
that a few days will bring about Impor
tant developments and that either peace
will be declared or a general war will
follow between Nicaragua on one side and
the remaining four states on the other.
The appearance In Washington of
a minister from Salvador with large
powers, believed also to be author
ized to epeak for Honduras, seemed
to afford the opportunity for diplomatic
action here. Therefore the conferences
were begun at the State department be
tween these Interested parties, which It Is
stated by the participants probably will
lead to a peaceful settlement of troubles,
and, moreover, one that will endure longer
than the few months that frequently mark
the life of these Central American com
pacts. The basis for the agreement is yet
to be defined In Its details. Indeed, It was
stated that beyond the agreement among
the partlea to the conference that the time
had now come for action by them, the
plan had not been perfected.
New Minister Talks of Menrer.
The war between Honduras and Nica
ragua, according to Frederlco MeJIa, the
new Salvadorean minister to the United
States, will likely be settled without em
broiling other Central American republics.
Senor MeJIa said: '
"It is highly to the Interests of the re
publics of Salvador, Coata Rica and Guate
mala that peace ahould be brought about
aa soon aa possible In order to avoid the
chance that the war may be extended into
their respective domains.
"To that end the representatives of these
countries here will do sll they can. Mean
while those countries have found It ex
pedient to mobilize troops on their re
spective frontiers. When I left home Sal
vador had about 2.600 men on the border,
though it would bs possible to Increase
that number to 25.000.
'Even though Salvador, Costa Rica and
Guatemala are not directly engaged In the
war, they necessarily suffer as long aa the
war continues. Their commerce is de
stroyed to a large extent. Business must
be dormant for the time being. Communi
cation must be interrupted. The people
are thrown into unreat.
People Tired of War.
"The conservative people of Central
America are tired of these wars which
havs continued for half a century. They
realize that if all the money that has been
spent for slaughter and the satisfaction
of the selfish ambitions of some individ
uals during that time had been turned to
the building of good roads, schools and
other Instrumentalities of civilization, Cen
tral America would probably compromise
a united, prosperous and happy nation to
day. Those means of communication that
havs been established already have
brought the people of the countries Into
closer relations, but the time haa not yet
come when when It would be possible to
amalgamate them Into one confederacy,
either by force or convention. The nation
would again break up as a result of the
Insufficient meana ofputting down numer
ous Insurrections. But within ten years
ths time may come when such a plan
would be entirely feasible."
Puerto Cortes Captured.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, April a. Puerto
Cortez, on the north coast of Honduras, has
been occupied by Nlcaraguan trorps, ac
cording to reliable advices received here.
With the exception of the seaport of Am
apala, where President Bonllla Is sur
rounded by his enem es, th revolutionists of
Jionduras, in connection with the forces of
Nicaragua, are in possession of practically
all Honduran territory.
C. 8. Darrow Says Bank of America
Waa Wrecked la Tea
CHICAGO, April 6. In the trial of
former Judge Abner Smith and other offi
cials of ths defunct Bank of America In
the criminal court Clarence 8. Darrow,
who waa a stockholder and depositor, testi
fied today that the bank was looted by
F. E- Creelman and Abner Smith within
ten days from the date on which It opened
for business.
Mr. Darrow also testified to having
warned Jerome V. Pierce agalnat Smith
and Creelman and of bis having demanded
that Smith be forced out of the bank. Ha
also stated that ha had told Smith per
sonally to "get out" and that Smith had
refused to do so.
Five Whites and Two Negroes Killed
by Tornado Near
L.UVERNE, Ala., April J. Seven persona,
five white and two colored, were killed by
ths tornado, which paswd through this
county yestsrdsy. The dead:
JAM Ed KNOWLES and his sun
lll'uH FARRFR acid his two children.
Mrs. Faxrer was asriously hart. Several
persona In varieua localities war hurt
San Francisco Grand Jury Looking;
Into This Phase of the Last
Municipal Flsht.
SAN FRANCISCO. April Contributions
to municipal campaign funds of 1906 were
Investigated by the grand Jury today.
Among the witnesses called were James V.
Kelly of Los Angeles, Chief County Tax
Collector George Berarer, Secretary Ixmls
Levy of the Board of Public Works, Super
visor John J. Furey, State Snator Frank
Markey and Fairfax H. Wheelan.
LiUls Levy wos questioned at length to
determine the source of the, fund used to
defray the expenses of the publlo reception
given to Mayor BchmJtx In December, 1908,
upon his return from Europe. Levy testi
fied that $4,500 was raised for that purpose
among municipal employes, "each one con
tributing about la." He said that the
money was collected by George Borger,
John McGlynn and Supervisor Furey. un
der the direction of the Metrojolltan
league, a political organization; that it was
turned over to himself, and that he In turn
gave It to President Duffy of the Board of
Public Works; that Duffy disbursed the
nincy and that the accounts were audited
by a committee composed of Berger, Super
visors Ferry, Duffy, Rna and Coleman, and
T. F. Woodward and Max Fennman.
"Is It not a fact," asked Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Honey, "that those munlcl-
i pal employes you' speak of contributed to
! the fund because they feared that If they
i refused to do so they would lose their
! Jobs 7"
"Well," replied Levy, "they were all hu
man, you know."
"Did either Sheriff O'Neill or Coroner
Walsh contribute to the reception fund?"
. was another question.
"They may have," replied the witness). "I
j do not know."
I Before he entered the Jury room Fairfax
! Wheelan Issued to the press a long type
; written statement denying that the Son
Francisco Republican league, of which he
was chsirman, accepted any sum of money
from Individuals or corporations In the 1905
campaign with the understanding that by
such acceptance the league was bound as
to Its policy or obligated to suppcu-t the can
didacy of any person, either before or after
Former Montana Senator Rescued as
He Was Being Washed
I'nder Ice.
TRINIDAD. Colo., April tt.-While former
United States Senator W. A. Clark of
Montana was crossing a river twenty miles
west of Trinidad yesterday his carriage
j broke through the Ice and was upset. The
: senator was plunged Into the stream and
was rescued by other members of the party
as he was being washed under ths Ice. Mr.
! Clark Is confined to his bed In his private
car today In the care of a physician. He
haa a severe cold, but no serious results
are expected.
The senator wss hurriedly taken to a
ranch five miles away and when he ar
rived there hla clothing had frozen. After
being furnished with dry clothing the party
proceeded to Weston, eight miles distant,
where the senator's private car was wait
ing. Ths senator, who ia accompanied by
hla . wife and daughter, will resume hla
trip to Los Angeles this afternoon. - -
Senator Clark was on a tour of inspec
tion of his coal properties when the acci
dent happened.
Tonight Senator Clark had completely
recovered from the effects of ths shock
sustained by reason of his unfortunats ex
perience, and. accompanied by the other
members of his party, resumed his Journey,
! traveling in his speolal car over the Santa
Fe. While en route to Los Angeles Sena-
tor Clark will take the opportunity to In
; spect his property at Jerome, Aria., and
Gallup, N. M.
Bodies of Man and Woman Are
Found la Trees Near
NEW ORLEANS, April 6.-Fully twenty
five persons dead and more than twice that
number seriously injured were results of
yesterday's tornado which swept through
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Less
than half of those killed were white per
sona Among the last bodies found were
those of a man and a woman In trees at
Alexandria, La.
The experience of being caught by the
tornado In the middle of the Mississippi
river On a stern wheel packet la described
by Louis Knopp, who was aboard the
steamer Betsy Ann.
"The smokestack and stags plank were
blown away In a Jiffy," said Mr. Knopp.
"and the boat began tossing from side to
side like a cradle. . I'm a pretty strong
man, but the wind was so terrific at one
time that it waa all I could do to keep
hold on the railing of the boat. At the
same time I waa dodging flying timbers
and broken glass. The pilot turned the
boat's bow towaid the bank and managed
to drive its nose into the levee, but by this
time the upper works of the steamer were
barely able to stand alone.'
The women passengers were safely
landed on the levee with the aid of a
German Ambassador Will Visit
Fatherland and Will Talk .
Tariff Treaty.
WASHINGTON. April 1-Baron von
Sternberg, the German ambassador, called
at the State department today to say
good bye to the officials before departing
on a short visit to his ancestral estate In
Saxony. He expects to sail with the
baroness April t. 1
Negotiations for a new agreement to con
tinue In force ths present rates for duty
on American Imports Into Germany have
proceeded so far as to warrant the state
ment that the finishing tourhea can bs
added in Berlin, probably during the am
bassador'a stay there, and certainly, before
the expiration In June of the existing Ger
man decree on that aubject.
Two Members of Crew Go Dewa
with the Vessel Near
TOLEDO, O., April . A report reached
the police today to the effect that two men
had been drowned in the bay through the
capsizing of a fishing boat. Ths night
watchman at ths Casino resort reported
seeing a skiff in which two men were busy
pulling nets, overturn and disappear. No
tracs of men or boat could be found. A
heavy sea waa running on ths bay today.
Managers of fuah companies ara ""fir's ta
throw auy 11 tit on the report
Hons Winds Up at Half Taut One, but
Senate Etnet on for Boar.
Appropriations Amount to Over Three and
t Half Millions.
Governor, However, Etill Has the Final
Ehot at Them.
Enacted More Important Legislation
Than Any of Its Predecessors, but
People Must Remain Awnke to
Hold What They -Gained.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April . (Special.) "Tha
legislature haa accomplished a vast
amount of good work, but whether It will
be lasting or not depends upon whether
the people remain wide awake to look
after their own Interests. Bhould ths next
legislature be controlled by the corpora
tions, the good work done by this aesslon
msy all be undone. It may be that In
some details some of the laws enacted
will have to be revised later, but that waa
to have been expected when ao much of
Importance had to be done. Thla aesslon
may mark the beginning of a new era,
all dependent upon whether the people
keep on the watch. It haa, I believe, for
ever ended the secret caucus for the or
ganization of the house. Thla legislature
set the precedent and likely never again
will the membere of the house go back
to the old way of organizing."
The above la the way Speaker Nettleton
spoke of the session of the Nebraska legis
lature which has Just closed. It waa
feared by some of the speaker's friends
that the strain Incident to being the pre
siding officer and having so much respon
sibility placed upon him would be so great
that his health would be seriously Im
paired, but no such thing resulted. With
the exception of being tired, the speaker
said this -morning he felt aa well as he
ever did, and he looks It.
"I have always been a republican," said
the speaker, "but when I waa elected I
speaker I tried to remember that I was a
Nehraskan and to forget republicans and
democrats and populists." That tha
speaker did thla waa attested by every
member, all of whom have spoken of tha
fairness with which he haa preaided.
Total of Appropriations.
The bills carrying; epproprlaUone passed
by the legislature, nww in the hands of
the governor and not acted upon, amount
to $4491, 191.90 against the general fund,
while billa approved carry appropriatlona
amounting to I116.W9.42, making a grand
total of $S,90a,Hl.SZ. against tha general
fund only. The estimated income for tha
biennium la 13.476,370, a aum lera than tha
total appropriations, which means that
some appropriations . will have to bo
siloed. The deficiency claims bill carried
an - appropriation, amounting; to (117,681.11;
the claims bill, 28.420.7S; tha current ex
pense bUl, $1,94780, and tha salary bill,
By someone's carelessness tha emergency
clause was not attached to the general ap
propriation bill and unless some way la '
found to get It attached, the state officers
will not bo able to use thla money until
July 4, while the employes of state Institu
tions will also work on credit until that
date. The engrossed bill has the emergency
clause and the bill was passed with the
emergency clause. The governor, however,
has no power to attach the "get-the-money-qulck"
Senate Last to Adjourn.
Probably no Nebraska legislature arer
had a more trying time going out of ex
istence and Into history. Since Thursday
at 11 o'clock both houses struggled In
the death throes and It was exsctly 1:36
before Speaker Nettleton knocked the house
end In the head and ceased the agony, and
It was t:45 before President Saunders be
tween bites on a ham sandwich mumbled
that the senate stood adjourned alne die.
That 1 the upper body lived and wiggled
after the lower body had ceased to. exist
wss due to the discovery of a couple of
mistakes In the enrolled appropriation bill
which had to be corrected after the house
quit business. Two Items had been left
out In the rush Incident to the final finish.
One was, appropriating 127.000 belonging to
tha cash fund of the State university la
the use of the university, money now In
the tressury. and the other was a tS.000
Item for furnishing ths executive mansion.
These were discovered when the bill was
taken to the governor's office and ha
promptly refused to accept the measure,
and It waa sent back for correction. It
took some tall figuring to aee how to do
the business, as the house quit even "be-
fore the committee had reported back that
the bills had been delivered to ths chief '
executive. The engrossed bill, however,
showed that the Items were In the bill and
that they were left out of the enrolled
bill by mistake. The clerks were ordsred
to maka the corrections and ths sonata
waited, In session and able to do business.
Very few members waited over until thla
morning, but there were enough to appoint
on committees to carry ir.essages front one
bouse to ths ether and to ths governor and
that was all that were nseded. Noyea of
Cass, McCullough of Gage and Kelfer of
Nuckolls Informed the senate there waa
nothing more doing in ths house and
Byrnes of Platte and McKesson of Lan
caster acted as the notW5ctlon committee
from the senate that the end was In sight
Farley of Hamilton, Barrett of Buffalo and
Shubert of Richardson acted as the mem
bers of the house to wait on ths governor
In conjunction wlih Root of Cass snd
Saunders of Douglas. Thorns of Nuckolls
was a member of this commutes but ha
didn't wait to aee tha end.
Lock Horns Over Dates.
Oovernor Sheldon and officers of ths
house snd senate nearly went to tha mat
over the date placed on bills delivered to
the executive. So far as the legislature la
concerned time stopped at Thursday noon
and every bill passed and algned by the
legislature bears date of April 4. Bills
received yesterday and todsy by Oovernor
Sheldon of course bors this date, but tha
flvs daya after ths session adjourna to
pass on measures, bills delivered today
could only be considered for thres days,
lis holds the bills must bs In his posses
sion the full five days In which he has to
consider tbm. Ths upshot waa the gov
rnor has received the bills on April I
and ( and it la so shown on ths bills,
while tha records sliow they left ths house
and senate on April 4. The presumption la
that ths bills had a rocky road to travel
and ware delayed la transmission. A-