16 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RATUKDAY, ATRTL 6, 1907. H M M .1, ' H 3 H n 1 .5 n M H n H H M M U M n li m : a 2 ; ) n n M J t H W M iV ! I Hn OrS .rui.-m M n J" i (1(9 2 ' I H Mm. LOW iHiaWST in Elbow Lengths New arrivals of women's high quality Real Kid Gloves just received direct from our own Paris office. At our complete and perfectly equipped Qlove Department we will sell the popular 12-button length Real Kid Gloves, in black, white, gray and tan, leading i1 AO French makes a very special bargain at M " nor rmr ..:.' Women's 16-Button Elbow Length Gloves These are Glace Suede Mousquetaire Gloves, (p Qk Q in the elbow lengths, black, white and lead- J O ing spring shades, all highest quality, at pr. .-:3 Women's Siik Gloves in Elbow Lengths In the black, white or gray, very best quality, including Kayser's Silk Gloves three 49 95 special prices for Saturday, at "" I m I WOMEN'S SHORT FABRIC GLOVEG These are all silk finished, in two-clasp styles, regularly worth up to 75c a pair, blacks only, at, pair HANDKERCHIEF SALE A New York importer's samples of very fine Swiss Em broidered and Lace Edged Handkerchiefs many worth 25o each this lot includes pa A f fiCh i t: US I Women's, Men's and Children's Hosiery Three" big bargain squares of this Hosiery plain blacks and fancy colors, some are lisle thread, plain and lace ef fectsabout 50 styles Saturday Q Q j jj Q 2 ( Q IN i LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR Women's Spring Under vests, ribbon and lace trimmed, made of fine cotton, swlss and ribbed llsl In three big lota very special at I each Women's Umbrella Pants and Tights, lace trimmed, all sizes,, at . each . , , Misses' and children's Vests and Pants Gauze Vest with long or short sleeves, ankle and knee if' length Pants, all sizes up to 84, regular 26c Quality, at , Children's Nazareth Style Knit Waists, good quality, all sizes, special at each , 5c-IQc-25c (9c 15 c 01c i 50c Boston Ferns at 8aturday morning we will sell a large natural Boston Fern, that retails at 60c, at 5 n M loll I H BIG SPECIAL SALES IKTO Bargain Squares Fiiied With Extra Specials Ladles' and children's Handkerchiefs, em broidered and trim med and rasj openwors: effects, 10c values. Men's fancy col ored bordered large SlM Handker-, chiefs.. Sweaters and Caps Clven Away PRII With Teddy Bears Genuine Imported Bears with .voices, at lowest prices In Omaha. Saturday we will give away tree with each bear a knitted sweater or a cap. Prices, 75c S 2.50 Ladles Trimmed Spring Hata Ladles' Un trlmmed Spring Hats 9Qc 39c Ladles'-Men's Purses and pocketbooks, and warranted all solid leather. 10c Ladles' 811k Belts. In all colore, with handsome buckles, worth up to 60c, go at only . . . . Ladles' Waists, In white and colored, worth up to 11.60, at 50c-69c Big new lot of Tape: Girdles, witn hose sup porters at-. t ached 29c Ladies' J Bo Wash Neckwear . . . Ladles' Wash Col lars at . . . 61c 2ic Children's. Hose, all sizes, Men's spring weight Underwear, Bhlrts and Drawers, 76o val ues, at 25c-35M5c Aa extra, good Const, ail sises, double .Hose Sup porters . . . Kabo. War ner's and American Lady Carsets 49c 90c Men's 50c Lisle "Web Suspenders at Men's and boys Neg ligee Shirts, light and dark patterns, E 0cent J) (h A SALE OF FANCY LIKENS CM EARZAIM SQUARES. 1.1 BASEMENT 10o Xlemitltched Dollies at . each ,.... 60c Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares each 75c Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares . each ..5c 25c 39c 85c Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares each 1 Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares each $1.60 Hemstitched Scarfs 49c 59c nn and Square- MljA - ;i 1 A r: . 1 . v i i ft SPECIAL IN FU0NISE31N DEPAHTMET Men's 75c Suspenders Large Variety to Choose from mmk if You Will Have an Opportunity to Duy Rfl eon's Such as You Have Been Used to Paying $15.00 and Q18.00 for SALE PRICE We Have the Clothes Special Pants Values S5H AT a AT AT AT 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street FOR MEDIUM-PRICED MILLIIIERY THAT YOU WILL DUY ur CwQiliitriery Shop rioted for Stylish, Pretty, Up-to-date Merchan dise at Popular Prices Extraordinary Values Saturday 1000 EXCLUSIVE DRESS HATO HUNDREDS OF INDIVIDUAL PRETTY STREET HATS INVESTIGATE IT PAYS -1508 Douelas St.-GET PRICES To the Man Who Appreci ates Good Clothes 1 1YH TMK KEUABLtt STORE For the Man V Who Carts tor Price the best at the Price y I sU- iy il l mm 1m II Lk I I K 'Jll i i x - e -i si 111 . V ' II is only good enough for the aver age man. It's not so much a question of how much as how good." That's the reason wo make a specialty of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Hand Tailored Clothing; they're guaranteed by both the makers and ourselves and perfect satis faction is assured. Strictly all wool fabrics used in these garmentsstyle right, made right and price right. Men's Suits $12.50 to $32.50 Cravenelfe Coals EscaL'cLi! 3.au to md.uu Top Coats at $10 to $20 You'll always find them just right. ( Young Men's Suits Sizes 13 to 17 years, the most complota assortment shown in Omaha, at $5.00, $6.50 up to $18.00. Children's Knee Pant Suits Every imaginable style and' material at $1.95, $2.50, $3.50 Up to $7.50. $1.00 Sofa Pillows, Wc A fine assortment of summer Sofa Pillows, just the thing for hammocks, settos, etc., worth to $1.00, limit of two to a customer, liCkf Saturday at 50c Back Combs Only 15c These goods are not perfect, but have only very minute imperfections, a great snap at Saturday's 1 Rf price IC Side Combs at the same price. WAVOEKl IK BELT BUCKLES We are showing a nice line of Oold rilled and mered Finished Buckles. We also have a nobby, tea' line of Hat Pins, and Swastika Stick Pins, Brooches, Buttons, Hat Pins, Spoons every one ougnt to nave one of these rood lu'k pieces. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street. GIRLS' AND BOYS' SHOE HEADQUARTERS There Is no otfcei place" you can I KU u " - of high grade, long wearing late style, shoes for boy's and girl's as you will find at this store. $1.50 52.00 are a special feature with us. we have them for boys and girls of any age. We have others up to the finest dress shoes and low prices on all. FRY SHOE CO. Ill iiom tCth and Douglts Strttts mm ANVSMtRT BUT . I Wish to Call Your Attention to SHIRTS At $1.00 I am showing the largest line in the city. At $1.50 a line of exclusive patterns. At $2.00 and $2.50 an ele gant line. ALBERf CA0N Shlruhaker & Men's Furnisher 1323 FARNAM ST. Office hours. 8 00 to 8 30 m.. 12: to l.J p. m. Telephone Hamer OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SSIO Htioi Street. Araaba, Keb. II I Ramacclottl, D. V. 8.. Deputr State and City Vetetinaiisn. Kood Inspector, t'Mtf Surrfon, D. C. Bcolt. U. V Uu ptui fturaeou. -a- K? ty w Special for Saturday Ladies' Gun Metal and Patent Colt Oxfords $2.50 Ladies Vici Pat. Tip Oxford . $2.00 Misses' Slippers, 11 V2 to 2 .....$1.50 Child's Slippers, 8y2 to 11 $1.25 Small Size Slippers, 6 to 8 $1.00 T. B. NORRIS Ask for Green Trading Stamps S as-i.- U,, W 1817 DOUGLAS STREET r Via, s am OMIXA'8 rill TOO CESTXa 1 : K I Boys Steel 1 Shod I S Shoes j The kind that outwear two pairs of the ordinary boys' shoes. It's poor economy to buy cheap shoes fcr the boy. Our "steel shod" boys' shoes have stood the test for years. No better shoe can be made for boys' wear than this one. Every pair guaranteed to outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. Boys' sixes, 3Vs to 6tt $2.50 Youth's sizes, 1 to I... $2.25 Little Gents' sties, 10 to 13 Vs. at $2.00 ' One good pair of boys' shoes Is ft better than three pairs of poor ones. . Saturday is boys' day at our store. lLook Over This Listfl I and Figure it Out m. ureaitxaai o&cuu, v U Pl Pork Loins at. lb Uo fc. From I p. ra. to 4 p. m. we will sell t5 i BOO lbs. Lamb Btew, from breast M B anfl shoulder, at, lb Ho B M 48-lb. sack Excellent Flour 91.1S Lj K l-lb. sack "Dollar" Flour Sl.00 (a One boa Laundry Soap Bo U Gibson's Health Prunes, lb o U Box splendid Toilet Soap (six cakes K to a box) a5 b U Fanev Layer Figs at, lb 14o m ; Fancy Roll Country Butter, lb... hoc kj New Tork Cream Cheese, best In the 3 world, at. lb 80o H Cocoanuts, each 3o Sj Pretzels, lb & b Fig Bars, lb , ..IBs f rrarknlls. lb 150 "A Leaf Lard at, lb o .. ra. 1.. ,.- 1-1B. lancy carvuii, bulu iog Ztt-lb. fancy carton, each BSo Week-End Liquor Sale Maryland Rye (full Drexcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. i7 Is? ! Hlsrh Grade j Q quart) 11.00 $ I 'if Old Atherton Rys (10 years old), full ! M quart SL85 ij j tjj Cedar Brook (formerly MacBrler's 5 Bour Mash Bourbon), full qt. . tl.00 Q ! S I French Cognac Bourbon.. $1.25 ! H Choice Table Wines, Port, Bherry h !1 si ftn Ki 0 Private Exchane connects all Depts. p SeveAteenth and Douglas Tel. So of las S4T BAILEY . MACI1 DENTISTS Third Floor, Ptxtoa 01ck. Highest Craic Dcntiatry. SHEFFIELD PLATE..- "We hare Jnst recelred some choice pieces In this famous sllrer plated ware. Large waiters, meat trays, covered vegetable dishes. Meat dishes with well and tree. They make elegant wedding gifts. Have a look anyway. i GOOD DENTISTRY Is the kind you get It you have your teeth fixed at Taft's. We use only the best materials, and every dentist Is a graduate and ex perienced la all kinds of work. Killings 7 Bo up. Crowns 16.00 TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1817 Douelas etreet. Oalr Oat Dollar Tsar. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DELLEVUE COLLEGE aCAtitMY Au actrMliua bili .buul prpns tut litvu. or u, otu.r coU.k. ur uulvruj. KoitMVL 8 Hool Kl.iu.utAry a4 4aaM4 CUNfctrt VATiKl It.oif ot BllUtS, BUSO, ls VlOIlD, .IttCUtlOH .1.4 fcft. OMAHA CoNSacTlor. airU Mas sa BMrtlaa m taltvBF- rw Kusara UmuiauA. Irnsi4sat sVikswrwa. UMa aufe J ( 1