THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL C, 1907. II NO WOIL OF PRAISE Orchard St Wilhelm (Earpet fio 414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street Telephone Douglas 313 Each Saturday's special Belling brings news of the utmost interest to those who would save on their purchases. We've assembled a generous list of items that are worthy of con sideration for this popular day of specials. 20c Emory . ZZZZ 2Cc Emory Sharpener g- Sharpener 7c Saturday Special in Basement 7c Emery Knife Sharpener, like cut, 13 Inches long, large diameter, steel guard. Nothng better for keeping the kitchen knives sharp. A regular 20c value for.. 7 Rugs Kerrick Brussels Rugs 600 Rugs from cne to two yard pieces of borders used This Is an Ideal rug for a living room or bedroom. by our traveling men as samples. These rugs are f,rorm,the, b,e8t u11Ujr ?f wor8ted . -Plendld i, . M ,.,A lino of Oriental and floral patterns from which to Body Brussels, Velvets, Axmlnlsters and Wiltons, make selection. with the ends fringed so as to make a very practical f .90 Kerrick Brussels rug, 1-10x3 $ .55 rug for bedrooms, halls and doorways. These goods derrick Brussels rug. 2-6x5-6 l',15 sell regularly for $1.50 to $2.25 per yard. All on 12.'oo KerTlck Brussels' Jug' 9x9 .' J'75 sale Saturday tor, each 05e 18 00 Kerrick Brussels rug, 9x12 13!50 Lace Curtains There Is no season of the year when curtains are so beautiful as the Spring. They are dantier because they are made for Spring. Some good bargains for Saturday. 4.75 per pair buys a high class cable net curtain In new designs. Ewpecially fine, serviceable and stylish. Couch Cover Oriental stripes, fringe all around, 60 inches wide, extra heavy, each i.- $1.35 Japanese Plates Highly decorated, five and seven Inch, very pretty design. Spe cially priced for Saturday, each 25 Window Shades We make all kinds and all sizes. A good shade mounted on a good roller, each 25 An Extra Special An extra special for Saturday In the Furniture section. Just 100 rockers In this lot (like cut). They sell regularly at 16.00 each, made of solid oak, weathered finish, genuine leather seat, Mission style. Saturday we are going to of fer them at less than manufactur er's tost. Come Saturday if you want one at half regular price, Saturday only S3 rim?. IJoq BRIEF CITY NEWS. TKvm tore New roods. Clothing- for men and women, hats, shoes, furniture, crapetH, draperies, stoves. Cash or credit. Union Outfitting Co.. 1816-17-19 Farnam. Births for March During March 216 births were reported to the Board of Health. Of this number 117 were malci and ninety-nine females: there were three pairs ot twins and seven colored babies. Watch Stolen Trom Window A burglar raised a window at the home of F. W. Wlllard. 2450 South Twentieth street. Wednesday night and stole a gold watch from the house. Omaha Olrl and trtah Man Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lester announce the en gagement of their daughter, Pearle A., to Mr. H. Arthur Kenyon of Park City, Utah. The wedding will take place April 17. Steals Trom Balvatloa Army A thief, believed to be a woman, took, from the Salvation Army Rescue home. Twenty fourth and Spalding streets, Thursday, sev eral pieces of wearing apparel and- toilet articles, also eatables, nil valued at about 115. ' ' Whisky Walks Away Andrew Oster gard, saloon keeper at 190S Cuming street, reported to the police Friday ' he has missed during the month of April four cases bf whisky In quart bottles from the wine cellar of his saloon, and believes burglars have secured entrance to the place. . ' Case of Conspiracy Rusena Kocanda filed an answer In the district court Friday to the petition of Jakub . Kocanda for di vorce. In which she alleges that his di vorce proceedings ere the result of a con spiracy entered Into by him and his mother. She alleges that he drove her from their home. .She asks alimony and states that her husband earns from ill to $14 a week in the plant of the Armour packing com pany. Divorce, Alimony and Child A divorce, custody of their child and alimony were asked by, Laura Planck in a petition filed In the district court Friday against Frank Flanck. mhey were, marrrled In Omaha NovemI . ao, 1893. She alleges he; spends all his money In drink and that she Is compelled to support herself by dressmak ing. Xrug Theater Answers The Krug Theater company filed an answer Friday to the petition of William A. Nightingale, who Is seeking $1,900 damages against the company for injuries sustained by falling from a scaffolding while decorating the playhouse. The defendant alleges the in juries were the result of the plaintiff's own carelessness. Feller Waives Bxamlnstlon Joseph Feller, who was arrested on evidence fur nished Probation Officer Bernstein, charg ing improper relations with a 17-year-old girl whom he adopted when she was 1 years old, was bound over to the district court Friday morning by Judge Crawford In police court in bonds of $1,000. Feller waived examination. Chin Vao Gives Bonds Chin Pac. sub ject of the Celestial empire, has not given up hope of being allowed to remain In America. He was released from the county Jail Friday morning under a heavy bond and will take further action to resist de portation. - Officers of - - Swedish XUbrary The Swedish Library association held its fifty sixth semi-annual election of officers Thurs day evening at Its hall. These were elected: President, Peter Rosendall: vice president, Nels Pearson; secretary, John Wessman; treasurer, Charles Hanson; librarian, Her man Frlberg; trustees. Swan Wlckman, Axel W. Peterson, John Borg; sergeant-et-arms, Olaf Pearson. Xe Saney Kits the Bull's Eye Lee Haney. who is adding to the fame of the famous Colorado Midland, struck town Fri day morning without his overcoat. A premature summer out at Denver led Mr. Haney into the belief that overcoats were out of style this far east. Haney has re cently hit the bull's eye In getting out a pamphlet advertisement in the shape of the bull's eye for the Midland. It is one of the most handsome displays of Colorado beauty that has come to the surface In a long time. Horse strikes Young Woman While crossing the street at Fourteenth and Far nam streets Thursday afternoon Miss Fan- tks for m 4 ';-'; 4 . The Reliable Gpecialigtq Debt Methods of Cure We have devoted years of study to the best methods of curing diseases and weaknesses of men, spending thousands of dollars in researched, evolving a system of treatment which Is a safe cure for skin, nervous and blood dis eases and weaknesses ot men. We treat each case according to its special riulrments, and thousands today loin In thanking us for the new lease of life our skill and ability has oponed up fur thein. Come to us and we will spare you the penalties associated with diseases, weaknesses, eto. Th,. stut. miiprI Institute Is established for the. benefit of suffering ,men; for the purpose of curing the tsrribie diseases and blighting weaknesses cai powers complete, come to tne men s iru specialists ana learn your ue condition. Get the right treatment iirsi ana be safely and thoroughly cured. Are you one of the many thousands of ailing and wretched MEN and do you wish to be cured? Many bring on themselves the sands and thousands of men are prematurely old and diseased through over work, oversludy, dissipation, etc, which sap the very foundations of life, de stroy their health and strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing wnere to aiply for a cure, many of the sufferers silently suffer on, loaded with disease, lomorse and humiliation, going from bad to worse, or they experiment wltli too many "Free Treatment" and "Quick Cure" methods. We do no uol misleading prices in our annouaoements. We make no misleading ststsausats or deceptive, unbusinesslike propositions. We care men at tne lowest chargss possible for skillful and saeoesaiul serrioes. We be lieve lav fair dealings and lioaeat methods. We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, KIDNEY and BLAD DER DISEASES and all SPECIAL diseases and their com plications. . . I... f hi.;!f-'' t"i F'nlxs'lsil om Hours: I a. ra. to I p. m. Sundays, (III LQuSUIlsUUI Iu3 ."..-. ISO j, i, u you ctonut call, write. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 13C8 Farnam St., Between 13th and 44th Sts., Omaha, Neb. trS nie 13. Ward, 1EH North Seventeenth street, secretary to Dr. 8. D. Mercer, was struck by a horse which the driver was unable to control. Bhe fell to one side and suffered a slight injury to the left arm, but fur ther than being shocked she had no other 111 effects. It was not learned who owned or drove the horse. Incidentally Miss Ward lost her purse by the accident, which might have been of very serious conse quence. Tuneral of A. B. J aq tilth The funeral services of Arthur B. Jaqulth were held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the family residence, 3017 Spencer street and at 7 o'clock Friday morning the body was taken on a train to Cedar Falls, la., the former home of the Jaqulth family, for burial. The funeral sermon was conducted by Rev. J. R. Smith, pastor of Trinity Metho dist Episcopal church of which Mr. Jaqulth had been a member. Business associates of Mr. Jaqulth In the grain trade, who were also his close friends, were chosen to act as pallbearers. till Mors Malcontents Fred W. Har low charges his wife, Minnie M. Harlow, with abuse and cruelty in a petition filed In the district Court Friday asking for a divorce. They were married In Corning, la., September 2, 1884. Ida B. McKlsslok was granted a decree of divorce from John 8. McKlsslck Friday on the ground of cruelty. She was given custody of their child. They were married in Pueblo, Colo., in 1889. Albert Q. Karcher filed an answer Friday to the petition of his wife, Eda I Karcher, for a divorce. He denies her al legations of cruelty and makes statutory charges against her. Tin for Stabbing Legal proceedings growing out of the fight in front of 1821 Leavenworth street on the night of March 20, when John Frost stabbed 8. Hendricks in a serious manner, ended In polios court Friday morning when Frost was fined f 25 and costs and Hendricks and the other men who were present during the fracas and took more or leas active parts $10 and costs each. The trouble was over a woman. iHirlng the hearing Hendricks maintained absolute silence, from which it was In ferred he was greatly to blame. The police had much trouble In securing any evidence In the case, as all those arrested refused to talk, but they all talked In police court except the Injured man. Zowan Ctets la Wrong sw Thomas Mo- Coy from the state of Iowa, became con fused from the maze of streets and other mates Thursday night and Instead of going I to the horns of a friend on North Twenty i fifth avenue, he got Into the Chambers' 1 academy building and the police were sent ' for to remove him. Hence he found him self In the city jail in the morning and was , obliged to pay $1 and costs to get out. reach Trees In Bioom Former United States Marshal T. I Mathews, who Is ' now a husky farmer up near Irvlngton, ' says: "The spring thus far Is somewhat dry, but still I do not think there is any reason for anxiety. The grass Is coming j up fairly well, though somewhat short for this season. What we need Just now Is a good warm rain for a few days. I no ticed this morning as I was coming to Omaha that a peach orchard between Irvlngton and South Omaha waa la full j bloom. It was a beautiful picture and ' means a big crop If a bad frost does not . intervene within the next few weeks. We . have been having spring weather for about a month past and a vast amount of pota toes have been planted up in our bailiwick. , We always plant potatoes up there on Bt. . Patrick's day. I GRAFTER STARTS OUT YOUNG : Ten-Year-Old Boy Asks for Honey Help la Barytas; n Baby. I A boy. appearing about 10 years of age and giving his name as Weston, called on Mrs. Draper Smith Friday morning and ' asked for a subscription to help bury a , baby which died in the boy's neighborhood near. Twenty-second and Pierce streets. ' Mrs. Smith asked the boy to wait while ' she telephoned the Associated Charities, but at this suggestion the boy took to his : heels and ran away. Mrs. Smith is In clined to believe the boy Is an lmportor. The matter Is being Investigated by the Associated Charities. Goea Cosik Meotelne for Children. The season for coughs and eolds Is now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scar let fever when he has a cold. Tbe quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Cham, berlaln's Cough Remedy Is the sole re liance of many mothers, and few of them ! who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher of Ripley. -W. Vs., says; '"I have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children and It has always gives good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidant! to child as to as adult. Can so thoroughly convince yon of the merits of our Men's and Boy's Clothing as an actual personal knowledge of the goods. When you have SEEN them, especially when you have WORN them, yon will know that they are reliable in quality and correct in style, and that they are better values than any other garments in the market. The reason is that we buy from the best makers and that our buyers are EXPERTS IN CLOTHES KNOWL EDGE, that from the best they select the VERY BEST. At this time we wish to speak xf B Boys lue Serge Suits for Men and This standard material will be in particular request this season. The sorgo in these suits is exceptionally good the fabric is firm and strong and the blue is deep and clear and will not fade. Our Boys' Suits are made in double-breasted jacket styles with knee pants or knickerbockers, sizes 7 to 16, and sailor blouse or Russian blouse styles with knickerbockers, sizes 3 to 8. Our Men's Suits are made in single or double breasted style. All are splendidly tailored and perfect fitting. Let us show them to you. Prices For Boys, $225, $325, $4?5 For Men, $10, $15 aid $20 MEN'S UNDERWEAR FOR SPRING .' i i r v at Young Men's Hats We have tbe latest fad (or young men la tbe pop ular telescope shape. They are Just right to please up-to-date good dressers. IN THE "LAWTON 6HAPE, 2.00 IN THE ASBURY SHAPE, 82.00 Men 'a spring weight flat . French Balbriggan Under wear, also medium weight derby ribbed Peruvian cot ton, sateen faced, French neck, shirts and double-seated drawers, all col-; A C ors, garment JC MEN'S SHIRTS Men's new percale and madras cloth "Savoy" Shirts. Beau tiful light, medium and dark plaids and stripes, solid col ors, plain or pleated bosoms, separate and attached cuffs, .sizes 14 to 17. f Aft Price I.UU Men's medium weight natural gray merino and 16-thread balbriggan, derby ribbed with heavy sateen faced shirt and drawers, most practical garments sold for early spring wear, regular JC dollar value .. FOR SPRING Men's new spring "Savoy" Shirts, swell new patterns in dainty French madras and percales, hair stripes, plaids and dozens of beautiful ef fects, plain and pleated fronts, separate or attached cuffs, 6izes 14 to 17. Price 1.50 &";:.. $2.50 OXFORDS The Oxfords come la dorona, colt, Ooodyear welt Sewed Soles. Blucher style. These are splendid appearing, good wearing shoes, made to please men who want a good stylish shoe, fit well and are equal to Oxfords usually sold at $3.00 and $3.60 price $2.50. ANOTHER APARTMENT HOUSE Binety Thousand Dollar Buildinc to G Up on St. Mary's Are, WILL IE THREE STORIES IN HEIGHT Frank M. Wcekes Boys tbe Lot (or Eighteen Thousand Dollars from Frances Wilde, ' Owner. Specifications ars being drawn by a prom inent Omaha architect tor a three-story apartment house of novel design on the lot recently bought by Frank M. Weekes on the south side of Bt. Mary's avenue be tween Klghteenth and Nineteenth streets. The building will contain eighteen apart ments snd will cost between 180,000 and $90. 000. The lot Is known as the Francis Wilde property and was bought about six weeks ago for fl8,000 by Mr. Weekes. who has Interested local capital In the apartment house plan. The lot extends the full block between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets on Bt. Mary's avenue, having a frontage of 1S5 feet and depth of 110 feet, and Is di rectly west of the site on which the new and costly building will be erected for the Toung Women's Christian sssoclatlon. Sev eral small stores and cottages on the lot will be rased within a few weeks to make way for the new apartment house. The proposed apartment Is to extend 170 feet on Bt. Mary's avenue and will be 80 feet deep. The site Is considered Ideal for a large building of this character, aa all rooms will be on the outside, as ths build ing will face on three streeta Allowance has been made for considerable space on all sides of ths building for lawn and park ing purposes. Many Innovations In apartment house construction are planned for the Interior of the building. Every Inch of space will be utilized. Folding beds will be provided In all bedrooms which will fold up and disappear In the walls. Cabinet and buffet kitchens are planned, where the stoves, sinks and closets for utensils will swing out from their niches In the wall when In use and be placed out of sight afterward. Many other novel Improvements have been devised by the srchltect so that the apartments, which will be of three and four rooms each, may be used for light housekeeping or for nonhousekeeplng rooms. Bach apartment will have outside rooms and light from the rear will be provided by building a large court In the center of the building on the south side. It is probable that ths building will bs completed this fall and bids will be taken within a few weeks. Dolldtaf Permits. Ths following building permits have been Issued: Bhlmer & 'hae company. Seven teenth and Laird. Eighteenth and Sprague, Kixhteeniti and Laird, three !!, dwell ings: 'iitSI Emmet, tl.900 dwelling: E. A. Headley, Twenty-fifth and Bpencar, $2,fr0 dwelling: C. F. Palm, Thirty-third and Kurt. ttftuO dwelling; W. E. Efrier. HZi Franklin, 10 building; J. L. Mullrtnger. Sixteenth and Oak, t'J 5M) dwelling; Chlrag. VYtndstir laundry. 1513-151? Capitol avenue, tfru aViltlun: Oeortce Ttunnam. Thirty-sUth and ILTlmore. dwelling; 8. N. Btanchl. Twenty-svnth snd lirlsUd, two Jl 1 dwellings: Mrs. C. U. Maul, IT Lvuglaa, r.wo brick store; A. Bunk, Thir ty-fifth and Dewey avenue, (7,600 double brick dwelling; Hastings St. Heyden, 114-116-119-m--5-7 and t North Thlrtyseventh, 4,000 repairs; Mrs. L. M. Maul, rear 1712 JDouglas, loOO building. WOMAN ACCUSED OF DRINK Mrs. Symons, Thongrh Temperance Leader, Aeenseol of Slpplngr the Forbidden Neotar. Gilbert Bymons. brother of J. P. Bymons, was on the witness stand all Friday morn ing at the trial of the divorce suit of J. P. Bymons, formerly organist In Trinity ca thedral, against Marie Bymons. The wit ness Is a scholar of some note In the Epis copal Theological seminary at Gambler, Pa., and Is now the holder of a fellowship for study In Europe. His testimony was only regarding the home life of Mr. and Mrs. Bymons while he was living with them in Pennsylvania. He declared that, though she was the president of the local temperance organization, she frequently drank wine. Railway Notes and Personals. Guy Tomllson. formerly clerk In the gen eral freight department of the Burlington, has retigned to accept a position with C. B. Havens A Co. The live stock dealers of South Omaha will leave Sunday afternoon over the North western to attend the meeting of the West ern Live Stock association at Rapid City, Monday, Tueeday and Wednesday. They will then attend the meeting of the Western Htock drawers association at Bells Fourchs, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The party will number forty and will be joined by a special car of dealers from Sioux City and another from Chicago. ROME MILLER TO FIGHT ON Flan is to lik fishearin: of Outer 8nit U Miks Time. WANT DEI AY TILL NEW HOTEL IS DONE Supreme Conrt Decides with Lower .Tribnnal that Occupant Must Vacate, and that In Forty Days. According to a recent decision of the supreme court the Her Grand hotel must be vacated by Rome Miller within forty days unless an application for a rehearing of the case Is made, which would hold the matter In abeyance for several months. The decision of the superior, court affirmed that of the district court and held that Peter E. Her, the owner, was entitled to possession thereof. N Hall & Stout, attorneys for Rome Miller, when asked what further action would be taken on behalf . of Mr. Miller, said they had not had an opportunity to confer with their client since ths decision of ths supreme court, but It Is regarded certain a rehearing win be requested, which would delay the ouster proceedings until the new hotel of Mr. Miller's is completed. The controversy arose between Mr. Her and Mr. Miller about two years ago, when the lease of Mr. Miller for the Her Grand THOSE SUDDEN TWINGES. Pain Is nature's signal of distress, a warning that must not be Ignored. Those sharp twinges In the back, those stab-like pains that follow any sudden twist or turn, are simple signs of hidden danger In the kidneys. No trouble starts more easily, gains ground more rapidly, nor proves more often fatal than any disorder of the kidneys. All the outward ap pearances of health may remain until a terrible disease has taken root. It Is best to learn the duties of the kidneys, to watch for early signs of trouble, and to correct any Irregularity before Its serious stage begins. The blood goes to the kidneys In an Incessant stream, to be cleared of poi son and relieved of surplus water. This Is passed off by the kidneys In tbe urine. It Is the retention of poi son in kidney trouble that breeds fatal disease. Don't wait. .The moment you feel any uneasiness, lameness or pain la the back, the moment the urine shows Irregularity, either in Its appearance, or in the quantity or number of the passages, begin with Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has been curing kidney troubles for seventy-six years, and never yet has failed to give relief, if taken In time. It cures the kidneys, and thus cures backache, lame back, headache, dizzy spells, urinary troubles rheumatic pain, gravel, dropsy, swell ings, nervousness, languor, sciatica, and all other symptoms ot kidney troubles. Fifty thousand people hare testified to the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's a home case: OMAHA PROOF. Mrs. O. A. Earl, of 1011 Vi S. 11th St., Omaha, Neb., Bays: 'My appre ciation of Doan's Kidney Pills has In no way lessened. The statement I gave In 1899 touching on the merits of this preparation holds as good to day, seven years later, as when I first made It. For two years I was troubled with caf back, and although I tried different remedies, none brought re lief until I began the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. A short treatment cured me and there has never been a return of the trouble. I recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to a gentleman who stayed with us some time ago and complained of backache. He used them and found most satisfactory results." DOAN'S KIBNEY, PILLS tdU by mH loft. Prfct) to sent, ToetuMiLuma C, sWftto, N.Y.. ProprUters. expired and Mr. Her refused to renew ths lease, aa he had closed negotiations with two prominent hotel men to erect a new hotel on the corner at Sixteenth and How ard streets. This action left Mr. Miller out In the cold, cold world as far as the hotel busi ness In Omaha was ooncerned and he re fused to give possession after his lease had expired. -Mr. Her brought ouster pro ceedings In a Justice court and was given Judgment; but Mr. Miller sppealed the case from that court and other superior courts where Judgment was Invariably given la favor of Mr. Her. While the case was being vigorously fought in the courts Mr. Miller bought the Brunswick hotel at the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Jackson streets and ths corner lots adjoining It on ths eaat, which gave him a frontage of 198 feet on Jackson street and practically 132 feet on Sixteenth street. The Rome hotel was planned and will be completed about July 1, when Mr. Miller probably will cheerfully relinquish ths Ilef Grand property to Mr. Her. Jap Rose transparent toilet and bath soap Is made from the whitest, purest and best vegetable oils oils that you can eat. Mads by Kirk sold by all druggists and grocers. Fatal Wreck la Illinois. Dl-QUOIN, III.. April 6. The Chicago Cairo expreas train on the Illinois Central collided with a coal train near here today. The fireman of the passenger train was killed and the engineer was slightly hurt. The passengers were shaken up. but nous of them sustained Injury.