TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: -WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1907. 3 CHEAP, EFFECTIVE PALATABLE. A "P FT HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Tht Analysis shows that the richness of Ape nta Water in natural saline aperients fenders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgative. READ TIIE LABEL A WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. ALSO SPARKLING APENTA (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED), IN SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use. Sole Exporters : THE APOLLINARI3 CO.. Ltd., Loodoo A. B. JAQUITII KILLS SELF rrcmimnt Grain Van Qeei t Eonotia Place ace Endi Lie. ILL Hi ALT H HI G;VlS AS THE CAUSE Lira-res Two Notes In Which He Speaks of Falllns; Condition and Asks . Brother-ln-Law to Pro tect Family. . Arthur B. Jaqulth, president of the Ex change Grain company, 32ft Board bf Trade building, and vice president of the Ne braska Underwriters Insurance company, was found lying dead In a deserted portion of Kountze Place In the old exposition ground, with a self-inflicted bullet wound through Ms heart, about 6 o'clock Tuesday morn ing. The body was discovered by W. S. Jtowe, 3818 North Twentieth street, and Arthur Davis, 2W5 insas avenue, two youths who passed on a nearby footpath. The police 'and coroner were notified and the .body taken to Brailey & Dorrance's undertaking rooma A 3S-callbre revolver with one shell exploded was found lying beside the body. Mr. Jaqulth lived at 2017 Spencer street. He left his office late Mondayafternoon fat company with his business partner, O. E. ) dames, and appeared to be in his usual health and mental condition. No mention was made to Mr. Barnes of an Intention to takj his life nor was any In timation given to any members of his , family. He went to Union station early1 Monday evening to meet hia sister, Mrs. George Lowe, and her husband, who live at Cedar Rapids, la., and came from Fremont, spending the evening In their company nnd playing with h.a children. During the evening he appeared to be laboring under rm for tof mental stress, but not auch as' to excise comment. ' Writes the I'nual Notes. ' Mr. Jaqulth remained up after the other : members of the family had retired and 'wrote two notes to his brother-in-law. Mr. 1 Lowe. Informing him of his Intention to commit suicide. One of the notes was writ tan, on heavy paper and said: "Do I not leave until I return. I want you to care for my ' wife and ' . Vfn." The second , note was written on wire's stationery and read: .."Dear George:. .Owing to my 111 , health, I cannot bear to remain-with you any longer. .' I want you to: take care of my ' ftvlfe and children." i J? The '"spot 'Where tbe two boy a found the rtody fain the portbeast corner of the pajk about alxty feet from an artesian' well, Jt waa lying partly concealed by a clump bf bushes. The spot was evidently selected ; for Us distance from any residences, the fiearist being a full block away. So far as learned no, one In the neighborhood heard , any shot fired during the night '. It Is believed Mr. Jaqulth took his life ' before midnight, from the condition of the ' body when found. The park la about five .' blocka from hia home and he evidently had .gone directly there and after selecting a spot waited until no one was In sight. , , Charter Member of Exchange. . Besides being president of the Exchange ' Grain company, of which G. E. Barnes la secretary and treasurer, Mr. Jaqulth waa : also a charter member of the Omaha Grain exchange, a director of the exchange nnd chairman of the membership commit tee, one of the most Important committees of the exchange. He was a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. As a member Of the local grain exchange he was a very i active trader and a great volume of busi ness waa done by his firm, which waa In : eorporated several years ago. The business ' affairs of the firm are In first-class shape ' and will be continued for the present by ; Mr. Barnes, although It Is possible the corporate name may be changed after set tlement. For twenty years Mr. Jaqulth was as sociated with Frank H. Peavey of Mlnne ' spoils in the gralrl business and resided in Minneapolis and 81oux City when rep resenting the Peavy. elevatora. He was general manager of the Peavey business In Omaha, which waa then transacted through tbe Omaha JSlevator - company, but his health failed about seven years ago and he was ent by Mr. Peavey for a trip around the world and waa gone a year, being suc ceeded as manager of the Omaha Elevator company by Edward P. Peck. One of the Prim Movers. When the Omaha Grain Exchange was organised In 19US he took a prominent part In the movement and was a charter mem ber, being elected to a position on the directorate, to which he was re-elected re cently. His wide acquaintance for the last ' twenty-five years among grain dealers brought him an Immense commission busi ness. Ills business obligations were Invariably ' met promptly and he handled a number of ' large deals, chief among which was an at Before Taldng ' Beecbam'e Pills, the man or woman who is disturbed by in digestion, sluggish bowels, bil Jusn,e. 'ck headache, bad bxood, d uzi neas, or loss of sleep i in a bad way. These conditions should be remedied. After a few dote of MeeciamS $illd there is a quick improvement ia the general health. Slight ail tneuts may develop into more serious affairs, unless promptly taken in hand. Use Beecham'e Pill when yon feel out of con dition and you will have no cause to complain that - You Feel Worn and Old old iTsrynkef In Bozos iT tempted corner of corn In Jajy and August, 1906. He sustained a loss of many thou sands of dollars as a result. . His falling health dated from the break In the corner of corn und has suffered In termittently since that time. His life was Insured for nearly $00,000, most of which was In the form of paid up Insurance and his financial and business standing waa of the best. In the insurance business. Mr. Jaqulth was connected with W. C. Sunderland, M. F. Funkhouser and W. H. Ahmanaon. He la survived by a widow, a son aged about 22 years, and two daughters, aged 17 and 10 yeara, respectively. He was about BO years old. Trlbnte from Associates. Whereas, Death has suddenly taken from us Mr. Arthur H. Jaqulth, who has been a member of this exchange since its Incep tion; therefore, be It Resolved, By the members in this meeting assembled that in the death of Mr. Jaqulth we have suKtaJned the loss of a member whose ability has always been exerted for the best Interests of this exchange and who has been a potent factor In making Its history. Be It further Resolved, That in his death we mourn the loss ctf a faithful official and good citi zen and a personal friend of all the mem bers, officers and employee of the exchange. Be it further RrBoIved, That we extend to the bereaved relatives our sincere sympathy In their sor row and that we tender them our good offi ces and aid In every possible manner In their affliction. Be It further Resolved, That these resolutkmn be made a matter of record with the exchange and that the secretary Be directed to send a copy to the family of Mr. Jaqu.th and to the press of the city of Omaha. These resolutions were adopted at an In formal meeting Tuesday afternoon of mem bers of the Omaha Grain exchange In the exchange hall, K. P. Peck at the Omaha Elevator company presiding. The resolutions were drawn at, the re quest of several members and were ordered to be made a matter of record In the ex change and a copy sent to the bereaved ! family. Eulogies were delivered by Mr. Peck and several members of. the exchange and It was urged that members use their Influence with the press against sensational treat ment of a case in which there is nothing sensational. Denials were made that finan cial difficulties were a possible motive for Mr. Jaqulth taking his life, aa he had had no trades pending on the local exchange or at Chicago for some time. John A. Kuhn and J.. W. Holmqulst were appointed a committee to secure and send an appropriate floral design .representative of . the members of the exchange and It was requested that all members attend the funeral services. If possible. On motion of Nathan Merrlam of Merriam A Holmqulst, It was decided to- close the exchange at' noon cm" the day of the fu neral,' If poaaible, and such recommendation Was' made to the board of directors. B. of L. E. at Auditorium tonight. DIAMONDS- Frenzer. 13th an. Dodge. FORECAST OFTHE WEATHER Fair Todny nnd Tomorrow In Ne braskaShowers nnd Warmer In. Iowa Todny. WASHINGTON, April 2. -Forecast of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Wednesday and Thursday. For Iowa and MissourV-Showers, with rlFlng temperature Wednesday; Thursday fair. For Wyoming Wednesday showers and cooler; Thursday fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, April 2. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907. 1906. 1906. 1904. Maximum temperature.... 61 66 64 49 Minimum temperature.... 48 42 34 32 Mean temperature 64 64 69 40 Precipitation 00 .00 .08 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature.... 46 Excess for the day 8 Total excess since March 1 , 259 Normal precipitation ., 08 Inch Deficiency for the day 08 Inch Precipitation since March 1 29 Inch Deficiency since March 1 1.37 Inches Kxeess for cor. period In 1906. ..... M Inch Deficiency for cor. period ki 1906. . .88 Inch Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and Stats Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. - 7 p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy 44 62 ' .00 Cheyenne, cloudy 68 Chicago, clear 62 62 66 60 70 46 68 62 74 61 66 68 ' 0 60 64 Davenport, cloudy... 64 Denver, cloudy 66 Havre, clear... 44 Helena, cloudy 64 Kansas City, part cloudy... 60 North Platte, clear 68 Omaha, part cloudy 66 Rapid City, cloudy 62 tit. Louis, cloudy 64 St. Paul, clear , 68 Salt Lake City, raining 64 Valentine, clear 62 Wllllaton. clear. 40 44 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. After Talcing Beechain'a Pills a man or woman feels like a new person. They quickly dispel acute at tacks of indigestion, act natur ally on the bowels, rerulate the bile, stimulate the kidneys, re lieve headache and bring ro- iresaing sleep. are a natural laxative, a fine tonic, a blood purifier. Their beneficial effects are thorough and lasting. Being purely veg etable their use occasions no reaction. Their message is health; their as a blessing. Taken when there is need their mission is to make - You Feel Fresh 2i Young loo. nud lie, LICENSE CAINS IN NEBRASKA Oitiei and Towns End Add nil fprlvc n?!tniciptl Cn.LM p&iT2e RESULTS SHOW MUCH SCRATCHING Voting- In Most Instances Is uletly Condneted nnd Party Questions Are Kept Entirely In Background. Elections were held yesterday In all the Incorporated cities and towns of Nebraska except Omaha and Lincoln, the special charter cities. South Omaha, also a spe clal charter city, elected two republicans to the board of education. Only In rare cases were party lines drawn, and where the lines were drawn at all between demo crats and republicans the success was vary ing, neither side gaining any material ad vantage. The question of license or no license waa the chief point at Issue, and the returns seem to show that a large num ber of towns of the state have shown i desire to admit the saloon, this being es pecially true of the larger towns. Republi cans won at Fremont, Beatrice, Blair, Tecumseh, Alliance and McCook. Demo crate carried Schuyler, Columbus, Ashland, North Platte and Grand Island, though In Schuyler four republicans, Including mayor. were successful. Warm Contest at Benson. BENSON, Neb., April 2,-(Speclal Tele a;ram.)-The election today for city of ficers was a warm one. There were two ticket In the field, the citizens, headed by Mayor Howard, who was up for re-election and won out. The remainder of the ticket was mixed. Both parties declare In favor of Sunday closing and the Issue was largely one of personal favoritism. The following Is the result: Mayor, Howard, citizens, 215; Long, law and order, 142; treasurer, Wulf, on both tickets, 247; clerk, Johnson, citizens, 170 Stlger, law and order, 177; police Judge, Killer, citizens, 196; Carter, law and order, 161; engineer, Snell, citizens, 206; Hauck, law and order, 137; oouncllmen. First ward Charles, 86; Anderson, 4; Borinson, 112 Second ward. Klser, 91; Peterson, 88; Clark, 97; Board of Education, Armstrong, 149 Gustafson, 139; Hartson, 132; Haver, 123 Hoffman, 168, citizens; Klngan, both tickets, 246; Christiansen, 133; Morrison, 183; Haw kins, 209; Rice, 179; Brown, 172. LONG PINE, Neb., April 2. (Special Tel egram.) The local Temperance and Im provement club, after a bitterly fought campaign, received at the election polls to day the most decisive defeat It has ever received. The high license candidates, W B. Dickson, W. H. Mason and W. B, Dougherty, were elected by a majority of fifty votes. This Is the largest majority that high license ever polled in Long Pine, and this majority was polled In spite of tns heavy personal abuse that was heaped upon the high Ilcenso candidates by the temperance party. This has been the most bitter campaign ever witnessed In Long Pine. Blnlr Still "Wet." BLAIR, Neb;, April 2. (Special Tele gram.) The candidates on the high license ticket won out today with Honorable W, D. Haller for mayor with a majority of 64 over Dr. C. R. Mead, the "dry" ticket candidate. Tl 'a the third attempt of the antt-saloci. tuple to make Blair a dry town. The contest, while a quiet one, was closely contested and the result was surprise to both sides. The council for the next year will- stand, in all probability, to t in favor of high license. Mr. Haller will now, serve . his tenth term aa mayor of Blair with a record that none can question. In the Second' ward the candidates for council, Gearhart. Mehrens and Charles RobertBon, tied and the council will de cide the vote. Jamea EvMaher and Dr. C. Rl Mead, the anti-license candidate for mayor, were re-elected as members of the Board of Education. Chris Schmidt, city treasurer, was re-elected, as was also Wallle McAllen, city clerk, with W. H. Hill, city engineer. The city election a year ago with the referendum as an Is sue, was so bitterly contested and so much pressure was brought to bear on the ad ministration that all chairs, tables and partitions were taken out of the saloons and standing room only has been the pro gram for the last year. The temperance people declare their intention of trying the Issue another time and will not give up until Blair Is a dry town. BELLEVUE, Neb., April 2. (Special Tel egram.) Four members of the village board were elected, as follows: W. E. Leonard, Wesley Chadd. two-year term r Guy. C. Reed, J. D. Crothers, for one year. It la a no license board. WEST POINT. Neb., April 2. (Special.) For many years West Point has not had an election so quiet as that of today. No contest whatever took place, the, ticket of the people's party being endorsed by the citizens' party. The following are the elected officers: Mayor, F. D. Hunker; clerk, C. C. Malchow; treasurer, (R. F. Kerkow; police Judge, D. J. Crellin; en gineer, G. A. Heller; for councilmen. First ward. Henry Ickman; Second ward, W. H. Splllner; Third ward, Elmer Peterson; for members of the Board of Education, P. M. Moodle and A. E. Krause. A Hght vote was polled. FLORENCE. Neb., April 1 (Special.) Today's election resulted: Mayor, John Simpson, republican; clerk, M. B. Thomp son, republican; treasurer, J. B. Brisbin, democrat; police Judge, J. K. Lowry, re publican; councilmen, South ward, George Sorensen, democrat; North ward, Hugh Buttle, republican. (Inlet nt Grand Island. GRAND ISLAND, April 1 (Special.) Today's election was one of the most quiet in the history of the city. There was no opposition to the present incumbent for mayor, city clerk, water commissioner or for three of the members of the council. A contest for police Judge and treasurer resulted, there being three candidates for each, but little Interest was taken In the result, no Issues being Involved. A special election for the county has been called on May 28th, on the single question as to. whether the county should sell the old court house square atrn upset price of 113,000. The question has been up three or four times before, and once at a special election, but it has always failed to carry the necessary two-thirds vote. The upset price upon the former occasions has In variably been $10,000. The price of the property, located In one of the best resi dence sections, has Increased and the vot ers have thus lost nothing In not selling. The block waa originally donated by the Union Pacific for court house purposes. The court house baa been since located on another site. LEXINGTON, Neb., April 8.-(Speclal Telegram.) The business administration ticket swept every ward In this city today. Stewart for mayor had 116 majority. This means saloons again, after three years without them. TECUMSEH. Neb., April 1 (Special Tel egram.) Honorable William Ernst was elected mayor here today and the license Issue carried by fifteen majority. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., April .-(Special Telegram.) The city election passed off quietly and the following were elected: Councilmen: First ward. M. Bauer, demo crat; Second ward, O. C. Morton, demo crat; Third ward. Dr. J. D. Houston, dem ocrat; Fourth ward, J. II. Hubanka, demo crat; members Board of Education; Dr. J. K. Bloomlngdale, republican; M. M. Vaughan, republican, and William Ken nedy, democrat. Repanllcnns Carry Fremont. FREMONT, Neb., April t-(Special TeSe- gmm.) The rer'Jb!!?an ey ticket was elected today with one solitary exception. J. C. Rogers, democrat, defeating the re publican representative, Knowles, for councilman from the First ward by two votes. The following were elected: Mayor, George F. Wols; treasurer, J. C. Cleland; no opposition; clerk, S. F. Stiles; police Judge, J. C. Cook; councilman, First ward, J. C. Rogers; Second ward, A. J. Eddy; Third ward. A. W. Murphy; Fourth ward, Herman Beckman; members of school board, I. P. Page, republican; D. V. Stephen, democrat, no opposition. AINSWORTH. Neb.. April 3.-(8peclal Telegram.) The weather was pleasant hero today and the election passed off quietly. The Issue was license of no license and li cense carried by fifteen majority. OAKLAND. Neb., April 2. (Special Tele gram.) The city election here today passed off quietly, there being only one ticket In the field. A full vote was cast. The only Issue was license or no license and license won by a majority of 21. TEKAMAH, Neb., April 2. (Special.) The city election passed off quietly today, resulting In the election of the follow ing: Mayor, John A. Slnghaus; council man, First ward. W. R. Beum; Second ward. A. L. Litel; city clerk, M. S. Mc Orew; city treasurer, D. W. Oreenllef; city engineer, W. E. Pratt; member of Board of Education, M. D. Wlllert and H. H. Smith. The proposition "sgainst license" carried by a majority of thirty one. SCHUYLER, Neb.. April 2. (Special Telegram.) The city and school election today resulted In electing four repub licans and six democrats. Mayor Rathsack was elected for a second term, carrying all three wards with a large majority. All other offices were close, excepting city clerk. For this Woods, also for. second term, was elected, carrying all wards. Following Is the vote: For mayor, Wil liam Rathsack, republican, 803; J. A. Pence, democrat, 148; for city clerk, Jesse Woods, republican, 318; J. L. Johnson, democrat, 129; for city treasurer, A. Mc Rae, democrat, 240; William J. Hlgglns. republican, 203; for police Judge, L. C. Smith, democrat, 263; V. W. Sutherland, republican, 186; for councilman. First ward, Charles Williams, republican, 98; F. Hughes, democrat, 68; Second ward, E. Waide, republican, 87; J. W. Burkard, democrat, 68; Third ward, William Lunne berg, democrat, 77: John Sulc, republican, 58; for Board of Education, H. C. Wright, democrat. 246; F. W. ShOnka, democrat, 247; 8. Fuhrman, republican, 168; F. J. Chollette, republican, 146. OSCEOLA, Neb., April 2. (Special.) The election for city officers was more quiet this year than ever before. Hereto fore there have been two tickets in the field. This year, the village having be come a city, only one set of officers was nominated. They are: Mayor, J. D. Hart man; city clerk, Frank D. Mills; olty treasurer, N. L. Nelson; city engineer, A. A. Gray; police Judge, W. H. Weeden; councilmen, First ward, E. L. Marquis and A. A. Toung; Second ward. Grant T. Ray and G. L. Emminger. - ' COLUMBUS, Neb., April 2. (Special.) There was only one ticket In the field, the democratic, as follows: G. W. Phil lips, mayor; William Becker, clerk; G. B. Splece, treasurer; R. L. Rosslter, engineer; councilman. First ward, Sam Gass, Jr.; Second ward, Steve Ryan; Third ward, George Wlllard; Board . of Education, Henry Lubker and Dr. El H. Nauman. Dr. Nauman Is the only, republican on the ticket. CENTRAL CITY, April t-(8peclal Tel egram.) In the city election here today the square deal tloket won by a landslide. The following ticket was elected: Mayor, M. V. Scott; clerk, W. W. Woicqtt; treasurer, I. A. Traver; police Judge, A. F. Jewell; engineer, O. Angler; councilmen. First ward, A. B. Ross; Second ward, E. H. Krassman; Third ward, J. B. White. The vote was the largest ever cast In the city. . Beatrice Is Republican. BEATRICE, Neb., April 2,-(Speclal Tel egram.) In the city election held here to day C. L. Reed, republican, was elected mayop over Captain Aahby, democrat The republicans made a clean sweep except in the Second and Third wards. M. M. Folk was elected alderman In the Third ward; W. L Hall and Jamea Baer won over M. L. Harper In the Second ward. A light vote was polled. BLUE SPRINGS, Neb., April 2. (Special Telegram.) A. Pattln, democrat, was elected mayor. The remainder of the re publican ticket was elected. WYMORE, Neb., April 2.-(Speclat Tele gram.) Dr. H. A. Gavin, democrat, won over John Taylor, republican, fo rmayor. The republican ticket was elected except In the Second ward, D. A. Lasher winning for alderman. The license question waa the Issue and the "wets" won. ARAPAHOE, Neb., April 2. (Special Tel egramsThe municipal election held here today resulted in a. tie vote on mayor, each candidate receiving 128 votes. As the "wets" carried the First ward and the ' drys" the Second, lots will 'be drawn to determine whether Arapahoe Is license or prohibition for the coming year. As this is the first election under city regulations, two aldermen were elected from each ward. The ."wets"' elected the treasurer and the antls the balance of the city ticket. Many votes were challenged and one arrest was made, with many more In prospect, for alleged Illegal voting. BEAVER CITY, Neb., April 1 (Special Telegram.) The citizens' J or temperance ticket waa elected today, with the excep tion of two councilmen in 'the, Third ward, which makes the board a tie on the saloon Issue. LOUISVILLE, Ntb.. AprU 1 (Special Telegram.) The main Issue In the election held here today waa wet or dry, which re sulted In a complete victory by twenty-two majority for the dry side. Those elected were J. P. Ellis, Charles Vanscoyoc, George Rand and B. J. Fulton. WATERLOO, Neb.. April 2. (Special Tel egram.) F. L. Brown and H. B. Waldron were elected village trustees today, and the vote on saloon or no saloon was 66 against and 27 for. HERMAN, Neb., April 1 (Special.) The village election passed off quietly. The saloon question was not an Issue at all. Only about 60 votes were cast. There was only two candidates for members of the village board. ASHLAND, Neb.. April 2.-(Bpeclal Tele gram.) The election In this city today was characterised by lack of Issues. As the result of much scratching a mixed ticket A Non-intoxicating Liquid Food cap of hot well-made POSTUM Try it for breakfast but boil It 15 minutes.;- " "THERE'S A REASON." Remember, We Fill eACkis! Orders lOth THE Man Who Knows Wears Prinoton Clothes. Do You? As (rood name as good clothes as can be made ready-to-wear bears the name of "Princeton" Miller made. If you can get better made or better fitting or more stylish garments for the same money, or more, we'd like to know where. We court comparison with other makes, as the readiest way to convince you of Its superiority. Beautiful Spring Suits from 9(10.00 to SriO.OO- LASISr BIZiK OOATB The Isrgeat ana most complete stock In Omaha. Long loose Coats, pleated and cli culnr bark SOS, 918.S0, 913-60, and $11.60 Pony Coats Military styles, 915.00 and 99.90 Bilk Stone Speelal for Wednesday $17.80, $18.00, $19.60, $9.90, $7.9$ and 94.S5 Bhort XVoose Coats With fancy em broidered capes, finest quality silk, double box, pleated backs, very f'Hl, at 913-30 IHTABTTB and OHLOBEH'l WI1B Hew Spring Bwlss Mousselllae Bon nets, BOo, 76o, 91.00, nod $1.99 Bew Spring Bilk Bonnets, SSo, 48o and SSO Infant's BHUiantine Coats, washable, 99.89, 93.60, 94.60 and 94 99 Infant's Pique Coats, 98o $1.25, 91.75 and . 9a.ss Dutch Dresses In navy bun and light blues, white trimmings, all one piece, slips over head, the very latest, at Boo Children's new hats, wash dresies and Coats, Peter Pan, Buster Brown dresses, up to 3 yrs.. In light and dark ginghams, ea Soo Dresses Ages to 14 years. In all colors, ginghams, percales, llnn ducks, 93.95, 9L60, S8o and .... BOo B7 Z CI A I. I.ook for Our Oreat Z,ace Bale Thursday Pongee Bilk Another chance at that great silk value, natural and cream color, full 86 In. wide, the ideal fabric for shirt waists and summer drenses regular value 11.00 Wed nesday only yard 69o was elected, as follows: Mayor, J. J. Yowell, citizen's party; treasurer, E. A. Wiggenhorn, Jr., republican; city clerk, W. H. Blair, republican; councilman. First ward, V. L. Martin, citizens' party; coun cilman, Second ward, H. Q. Shedd, .repub lican; councilman. Second ward, J. Singer, by petition. Mixed Results at North Platte. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., April 2. (Spe cial Telegram.) The returns Indicate fewer straight party votes here than ever before. Straight party votes were the exception, although the largest vote was polled of any city election In years. The election was quiet. Nicholas McCabe, dem ocratic nominee for mayor, was re-elected by a vote of 341 for him, 1S1 for Ora E. Elder, republican, and 145 for James Bel ton, petition candidate. While the city Is nominally republican, Belton drew votes from Elder, but the two did not have as many votes as McCabe. Andrew Yost, republican, was elected city clerk over Edgar Schiller by a vote of 321 to 315. Rob ert Shuman and D. W. Baker were re elected city treasurer and police Judge, re spectively, without opposition. Hershey Welch was elected city engineer over Paul G. Meyers by a vote of 330 to 311. The following were ' elected councilmen: William Stack, democrat, from the First ward; E. R. Goodman, republican, from the Second ward; Colonel Hupfer, demo crat, from the Third ward. The vote on school board members . has not been counted yet. ' HOLDREGE. Neb., April 2. (Special Telegram.) The city election today was a quiet affair, the Issue being license or no license. A light vote was cast, but the en tire high license ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 81 on councilman to 14S for city clerk. C. A. Callaway, who served as mayor a year ago, was again elected by 120 majority. j OAKDALB, Neb., April 2. (Special Tele-I gram.) The citizens' ticket won In the i election here today by a majority of sev- enteen. This Insures license In Oakdale for the next two years. I ALBION, Neb., April 2. (Special. Tele-! gram.) Saloons won today by a majority . of five. I ALLIANCE, Neb.. April 2. (Special Tel egram.) In one of the hardest contested city elections held In this city for many years C. C. Smith, an old-time engineer on the Burlington, was elected mayor by a large majority. AINSWORTH, Neb.. April 2.-(Speclal Telegram.) The election today resulted In victory for the saloons. j BASSETT, Neb., April 1 (Special Tele- gram.) The issue In the village election here today was license, and the license element elected two of the trustees and the anti-saloon element elected one. The new board will be four to one In favor of license. The contest was spirited all day and about every vote In the village waa cast. Municipal Ownership Loses. SIDNEY, Neb., April . (Special Tele gram.) A great deal of Interest was man ifested here today In the village election. There were two petition tickets In the field, one favoring municipal ownership of water works and the other against The voting began early and at the close of the polls 283 votes were recorded. It waa the largest vote ever polled here. The . oppo sition candidates Jamea J. Mcintosh, pres. ldent of the American bank. Swan Dedrlck and Charles M. Wright, were successful. They also favor high license. The weather waa Ideal. M'COOK, Neb., April 1 (Special Tele gram.) One of the hottest city elections In years resulted in a citizens' ticket vic tory here today. Dr. C. L. Fahnestock, mayor; Frank Real, citizens', councilman; C. E- Eld red, republican, councilman; H. N. Conover. citizens', city clerk; A. C. Ebert, republican and citizens', city treas urer; C. W. Kelley, republican, city en gineer. TOBIAS, Neb., 'April t Special Tele gram.) Tobias will be a prohibition town for the coming year. TABLE ROCK, Neb., April 1 (Special Telegram.) Table Rock voted against li cense today. AUBURN, Neb., Aiw". 2. (Special Tele gram.) Auburn today declared for license and municipal ownership. C LARKS, Neb., April 1 (Special Tele gram.) The "no license" party waa suc cessful at today's election. FRANK BRINK GOES TO ASYLl'M Family Makes No Objection to Yonnst Man's Removal to Norfolk. PONCA. Neb.. April 2. (Special.) Frank Brink will leave this week for Norfolk, where he will be placed In the state Insane hospital. On Information filed by Oliver Newton, brother of the late Bessie New ton, whom Brink is accused of having killed In a fit of Jealousy, Brink, who last week was acquitted In court of the charge of murder, was arraigned before the In sanity commissioners. No resistance was offered by relatives of Brink, and upon the trial testimony of the experts from Sioux City to the effect that Brink beyond a doubt Is Insane, the young man waa com mitted to the hospital. Tbs commission Is composed of Dr. J. M. O'Connell, C. A. Kingsbury and County Clerk Hurley. Brink la still at the home of bis parents. I l VI' We HOWARD A Oreat Black Prenoh Tolls Bargain Wednesday we put on sale 26 pieces of fine French- voiles, In black only, that are the regular $1.26 quality new and crisp for only, yard 8 At the Wash (roods Counters New Post Llnene Suitings, 16c It's a Dig value. We have but one case to sell, In colors and white, splendid quality, 86 In. wide, Wednesday, only yard 15o Chiffon Crepe tessle A new wash fsbrlc of extra fine sheer grade, nothing daintier or prettier on the market. Checked and triped pat terns and evening shades, most exquisite for the season's wesr special, Wednesday, yard 8 So Baosat Bilk A material more durable than an all silk fnbrlo and con tains all the luxurious uialltles the season's latest shades and pat terns, Wednesday, yard BOo Hosiery Bargains I always buy my children's hose here, says a lady, ' I fret such splendid values you will testify like that if you will bey your hose here. Boys' and Girls' Stockings 74 o An other big case strong and sturdy, for romping boys and girls 10c values. Wednesday, nt palr....THo Ladles' Stocking, 7V0 Big new case ladies' plain black 10c stockings, it pair 7Ho Curtain Swisses, Bo Bargain table of pretty white dotted Curtain Swisses special for Wednesday, yard ,.8o 900 pleees BllkoUnes Bright new Bllkoltnes, In hundreds of styles and colorings, two specials Wednesday, yard 100 and 13Ho Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brink, who reside about half a mile outside of Ponca. He seemed brighter and more active since the trial, and relatives profess to believe he will soon recover his mental balance. FOl'R BOYS SWIM AND ONE 19 DEAD X Brnlse on Little Fellow's Lip Bugs-eats Possibility of Fool Play. CLEARWATER, Neb., April 2.(8peclal Telegram.) Little Clarence Roth, aged 7, went swimming with three companions named Gorta, Ratlebaugh and Lamb, yes terday afternoon. The trio returned at night without young Roth. Pressed for ex planation, the Gorie lad, late at night, led the searchers to the water's edge, at first to the wrong spot, then to- a point where the body, at midnight, was found In very shallow water. A bruise on the lad's Hp may tell a story. . "I didn't do It," declared young Ratle baugh and Lamb. A coroner's Inquest has not been held. No arrests were made. Roth's father Is a Saloon keeper. .Young Gorie, aged 12, Is a widow's son bearing none too good a name. POWELL WINS IN LINCOLN PRIMARY Candidate for Strict Enforcement of . Excise Law. . LINCOLN, i April 2.-(Speclal Telegram.) The second primary to nominate an ex ciseman to run on the republican ticket held today, resulted in a victory for U. O. Powell, the present exciseman, over Joe Wolfe. The latter was the -candidate of the liberal element and Powell, while not a prohibitionist In any sense, had the back ing of the element which stands for strict enforcement of the laws relating to saloons and for high license. J. C. Harpham Is the other republican candidate. He was nominated at the first primary and Is at present a member of the board. Presbyterian Women at Plnttsmooth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., April 2. (Spe cial.) About 100 delegates arrived in this city today to attend the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Women's Presby terian Missionary society, whose sessions will be held in the First Methodist Epis copal church, and the meeting of the Ne braska City Presbytery, which will be held In the Flrrt Presbyterian church, where the Joint meetings will also be held. At a Joint meeting this evening the re tiring moderator, Rev. A. R. Des Jardlon, Ph. D., of Pawnee City delivered a very able sermon, after which the members of the local missionary society gave a cordial reception and served "punch" to their guests. - The entire, forenoon Wednesday will be devoted to business, the nomination of TetMg INDIA AND CEYLON Gome from the best tea gardens of jhe world and reaches yotrr table with Its native purity and delirious flavor. If you have never naed Tetley's you have never tried the best tea grown. lIcCOEO BRADY CO, Wholesale Agents, Omaha, NO. 2 i Leaves Omaha .' 6:00 p. m. Arrives Chicago 8:00 a. m. Union Depot connections in Chicago for DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, BOSTON and intermediate points; also for INDIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, NASH VILLE, MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS and intermediate points. AGENTS for Steamship Lines. Tickets and information at City Ticket Office 1402 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Samuel Ilorth, District Passenger Agent Prompt - Deliveries to All Paris of the City FREE In the. Daylight Grocery FREE 60 lbs. Peerless Daylight Flour $1.80 1 lb. Tetley's Tea 6o 1 lb. ca of high grade coffee. .. .26c 9S.10 And 6 lbs. best granulated sugar, and 1 bar Rose Toilet foap with the above combination given free. Purchaser can have choice of 60c tea or 25o coffee. Come and visit our new, pure, clean, sanitary grocery on Jrd floor, and you will be convinced that our loca tion Is the best place to get your table necessities. But If you cannot come, phone 981 Douglas. Quick ser vice to all parts of the city. Tetley's expert tea demonstrator In this department, will welcome you with a delicious cup, free of charge. 12 bars good laundry soap 25e 10 os. m peeoea Itaisens ior....iun No. 1 Creamery nuner, id.. .30c Flower and Vegetable Seeds, 8 pkgs. for 100 Dahlia Bulbs, assorted colors. four for Onion Sets, quart 10c, 8 for :6o . . .26c We carry a nice line of fresh fruits and vegetables, received every morn ing. Hems, Bacon, Lard, Smoked Tongue, Boiled Ham, etc. BABEMEXTT BABOAXBT BOo Corset Cover Bmbrolaery, 19o Big lot of nainsook corset cover emhroldery. 18 In. wide. In short lengths, 1 to S yards and worth 8c to 60o yard, all go Wednesday, at, yard .., 19o commissioners to the assembly '' and the selection of and the naming of a city for holding the next meeting. During the business session Wednesday afternoon there v111 be one Judicial case to be dis posed of. In which one of the members will be tried and perhaps expelled from the church, and one young man will be examined for licensure to the gospel min istry. Business at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., April 2. (Special.) The directors of the Beatrice Commer cial clubheld their regular monthly meet ing last evening, and upon recommenda tion of H. J. Dobbs arranged to have the roads improved outside the corporate limits of the city. The Evangelical Luth. eran church of the synod of Iowa and other states submitted a proposition with reference to building a college here, and the secretary waa Instructed to sugget an offer that the city might be ablo to make If In line with what the church might require. A report was submitted showing that the Insurance companies are willing to deduct 5 centa off the rate upon business property If the occupation tax Is removed. The matter of the proper observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the city of Beatrice, which occurs In a few months, was referred to the commit tee on advertising. The annual meeting of the Beatrice Commercial olub will be .held the first Monday In May. Bara-lars Arrested After Ctinse. FRIEND, Neb., April l-(BpectaJ.)-Whfle Myer Hansen, "a farmer living north of town, was attending church on Sunday his residence waa broken into and thoroughly ransacked. About $3 In cash, two suits of clothes, a suit case and some other articles were taken. It waa soon discovered that the probable thieves were hiding In some bushes in his pasture. On ascertaining they had been discovered, they abandoned the property after cutting an overcoat into four pieces, and struck out northward. , A constable at Beaver Crossing arrested them and they were returned to Friend yester day. They give their names as E. M. Mor gan and George Conroy. The preliminary examination has been set for Thursday. ' FIck Returns to Gretna, PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April 8. (Spe cial.) Louis Flgg and family, who have been living on an Island between this city and Omaha for a number of years, have returned to their old home near Gretna, where he gained considerable notoriety by claiming that he: had received a call from the Lord to preach the gospel.: -Ha succeeded in acquiring quite a number of followers, but meeting with much oppo- (Continued on Eighth Page.) s A Good Train for Chicago ILLIHOIS C01TRAL