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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1907. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 616 REACHES ALL DEPARTMENTS Great Special Alter Easter Clearing Sale ol all Cfilnvoil Hpocb nnnfTc'Tlpmnnnlc VJpft flnril 5 nlfifl F.l Seldom. If ever, at any season, Remnants from the very newest and broken checks. Lengths from the same beautiful are lengths for children and misses' coats, lengths for nants of norelty serges, twills, fully and yon will wonder why lag out sale Wednesday, 8:00 a. NOTE At the same time, all remnants of cream fon Brllllantlnes, fine all wool batiste, serge, etc., at All wool RrAy atrlpe Batlte,the n oft tone of gray with pin stripe nf blue. I4 yard. In remnants, for 11.8. Bhndow check chiffon brown brll llantlnes, the new brown ill arte, beau llful silk luitre, regular II. Q quality, I yard, In remnonts, for $1.7. Tan wool taffeta check, beautiful fabric, tS In., regular 11.10 quality, In tn ground. In the new check, 6 yds. In remnant, for $3.76. New queen's gray tutting, very styl lh. 41 In., regular II 25 anility, good every day In the year, T yarda In remnant for $2.97. Fine silk and wool Bengallne, a moat charming fabric, In the new tan (hade, 4 In., regular $1.60 quel Ity. 7 yarda for I2.. . Remnanta of Cream French Serge, 6H yard In . ream aii wool t-anama, s yaroa in irmm inirrnn uatiate. m yaras in Cream Storm Serge, beautiful Quality, s yarda In remnant, for 12.91. Cream- Chiffon BrlUlantlne, 7H yarda In remnant. Bargain Square in Basement Special sale of ahort lengths of regular lHc quality, Wednesday, at per ysrd Howard Cor. Sixteenth Stmt. In this part of the house' amendments. It provides that this act shall not apply to meat products that have been Inspected by the national government. Senator Root called attention to this and declared It would prevent the condemnation of meat products after they hsd been Inspected by the national Inspectors, even though they should become putrid and unsanitary. -' ' Dlacaealon Hnns High. Aldrlch of Butler started the discussion by moving that the house amendments be hot conourred In, and Aahton moved that they b concurred In. Senator Root de clared there was an attempt to run ths amendments through without consideration and referred to the "boss lobbyist hanging over the railing." Patrick continued the , fight on the bouse amendments and msde some personal allusions to Senator Aahton. He aald the latter had always rushed to the lobbyists to And out what to do, and then started to refer to "dark-lantern methods." Senator Ash ton jumped to his feet and Interrupted Patrick In the middle of a sentence. He began by - denouncing re marks Intended te attack the Integrity Of senators and declared the remark of Sen ator Patrick was false. "I want to say that it Is a deliberate -lie,'! he declared,, disregarding the efforts of lieutenant Governor Hopewell to. eall him to order. Patrick continued hie remarks, but re frained from referring to Senator Ashton ngaln. He read a statement from former Senator W. W. Toung denouncing a catarrh cure. He also made some pointed remarks at certain lobbyists. Senator Root called the attention of Senator Ashton to ths provision of the amendments regarding meat products, and the latter said he did not know of the ex istence of such amendments, and he then consented to the matter going to a con ference committee. He made a general apology to the senate for what he had previously said, but specifically stated he would not apologfke to Senator Patrick. Soldiers' Home Appropriations. 1 Ttie principal Incident of the .afternoon session wss a discussion of the soldiers' homes appropriations. Senator Aldrlch headed a movement to cut out the appro rlatlnq for an officers' building at the Offend Island home and give It to the Mll ari home. Senator Ashton of Grand Is land ' declared there was . a movement headed by Adjutant General Culver to cripple the Grand Island Institution In favor ot the Mllford home. , Aldrlch declared the old soldiers pre ferred the Mllford home, because ths Orand ' Island borne is located on flat land, which could not be drained, and where trees will tnot grow. The committee of the whole, by 'a close vote, recommended for passage the two bills appropriating money' fon the : Grand Island Institution. ' ' ' v ' j The senate (his afternoon' reconsidered , Its action of yesterday when It killed the bill appropriating $:o,0u0 for a building at . the stats fair grounds. The bill was placed 'on the sifting Ale. The messure wss killed because a number ' ot senators said mem hers of ths Stats Board of Agriculture .aald they did not care for the smaller ap propriation after ths amount bad been out Boys' Suits at the Coys' 'II & OMAHA. NCO o fine and fresh spring fabrics. Crea m ground novelties, fabrics you bought separate skirts add chiffon brllllantlnes In the new browns, such beautiful drew to. goods cost so little. hare we remnants drees goods will be Included In the great sale. Chlf yery low prices. Old Roee tan batiste, fine all Wool, t yarda, In remnants. forll.M. Cream novelty check, pretty broken plaid, 1 yarda. In remnant for $1.69. Black and white Shepherd's Check, very popular, IVi yds., 44 In. wlda for $2.69. c " Koveltyn-hecked Batiste. In the new gray, (H yds. In remnant, for 11.71. Kavy 811k and wool Poplin, 44 In., all silk and wool, a great favorite thla season, regular $1.90 quality, S yards for $3.19. Cream novelty check, pin strips and green, forming dainty checks, 7 yds. In remnant, for $1.49. Cream Novelty Batlate, pin atrlpe of new blue, very new, 7 yards for 91.79. Pretty Wool Cream Dress Goods Wednesday remnant, for t. for 91.C9. for $2 t, for $1.9. Fin t, for $1.93. H yart for $9 7. . . . remnant e imported remnan rds In remnant, fabric, regular 11.55 K'OTHJ Hundreds ever hints of. This this season. Wash dress Ginghams. We have Just received a choice lot of fine Percales, 5c 14 In. wide. Styles very desirable, black dots, red dots, small figures, all on light ground, exceptional values, at, per yd. ... , OPEN Bee 4-1-07. below $50,000 and they were taken at their word. Monument to Thayer. Senator Randall this morning made a fight to increase the J1.JE0 appropriation for a monument to General Thayer to $6,009. He declared the . larger amount would be necessary to erect a shaft suitable to com memorate the memory of one of Nebraska's lesdlng cltlsens. He made an address In which he reviewed the work of General Thayer at some length. His amendment was voted down and the bill as originally drawn recommended to pass. ' Among the appropriation bills recom mended to pass In the seriate was the one appropriating $16,000 for a KebrSska ex hibit at the Seattle exposition. The gen eral appropriation bill was taken' up- for a short time this morning and the amount appropriated for repair and servant hire at the governor's mansion was increased from $8,000 to $4,000. The action of the committee reducing the appropriation of $26,000 for the ' experiment station at North Platte to $30,000 was reversed under an agreement that the appropriation for ths payment of wolf bounties should be cut down from' $40,000 to $30,000. While the senate this morning refused to act on the of the conference oommtttee on Anal v adjournment, it took another atep looking toward adjournment within a f sw days by indefinitely post poning all senate flies on the general Ale. Nothing but house rolls will be acted on during the remaining days of the session In the senate, i As a further indication It Is anxious for a speedy adjournment the sen ate decided to hold a night session to night. Thanks te the Governor. The senate this morning adopted the following resolution of thanks to Governor Sheldon and Mrs. Sheldon: Whereas, the chief skeeutive of this stite and his most exoellent wife, have afforded to ths members of ths senate no small degree of pleasure by their untiring (torts In keeping open house each Thurs day evening during session, to the mem bers of the legislature, their families and friends, permitting them the opportunity of meeting each other and enjoying ths hospitality and entertainment accorded to all. Therefore, be It resolved, that the thanks of the members ot the senate be tendered to Governor - and Mrs. Sheldon for ths splendid hospitality and entertainment ac corded the members of this body at the executive mansion each week during the present session. Decedent BUI Makes Big Change . The decedent bill passed by the house this afternoon. King's senate Ale, com pletely changes ths present law which has been In existence so land, and Is. In fact, a great victory for the Various women's clubs of ths state. Who hare waged such a Aght for the measure. Under the new law. If . the husband and wife have no children, the surviving partner gets a fee title to two-thirds -of the property; If one child Is born of 'the union, 'the surviving husband or wife gets one-half of the prop erty, and If two children or more result from the union the surviving husband or wife gets one-third of the property. If the husband leaves a child which Is the result of a former marriage the widow gets one fourth of ths property. The bouse and senate tonight smashed Store It never was such a pleasure to show boy 8' clothes the styles are so different the fabrics so attractive the fit so perfect and the prices -will eav you money if you're looking for really good clothes. . . " . Every newest style, every boy proof fabric, the choice of the new fashionable patterns. Clothes for all shapes and sizes of boys. JUVENILE SUITS x $3.05 to $10.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $10.00 to $22.50 Write for illustrated catalogue. : V3 IJOOtMLAa T and dainty for so little money. In dainty checks and pin stripes for the sew Easter gown. There all dress lengths Included. Rem- suitings, etc. Look at them care- . All marked for a big, quick cloa- Ahadow check Panama, just si sug gestion of novelty, It In., regular 1 1.35 quality, yards In remnant, for $1.19. New gray Butting, a great favorite this season, new blark cheok, regular $1.00 quality, V yards. In remnanC for $1.98. i 811k snd Wool Bengallne, new shade of tan, beautiful luetre, soft and clinging, 44 In., regular $1.60 quality, T yards for $2.96. i' Oray all wool Batiste, one of this seaaon's moat popular fabrics, Vi yarda. In remnant, for $1.93. Navy Ml wool taffeta, beautiful new crisp fabric, soft and clinging, H yards. In remnant, for $2.19. cream vone. regular u.oo .quam, for 15.97. mors to choose from than the paper Is to be one of the greatest sales Dress Goods Department 10c SATURDAY EVENINGS. the child-labor law to pieces and gave an opportunity to the people who pushed the bill through to cause a whole lot of arrests. Both house and senats allowed pages to work tonight who are under 14 years of age, when the bill specifically provides that children of that sge cannot work between the hours of 8 p. m. and a. m. The bill carries the emergency clause and has been signed by the governor, though no effort has been made to enforce It. A big lobby was on hand alt winter to get the bill through, but not a person Is on hand now to see that the legislature obeys the law. ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS OF SEXATK Bill Passed Rnlslnar Salaries of County Attorneys. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., April 2.-SpeoieJ.)-The senate this morning passed the bill provid ing for an increase in the salaries ot oounty attorneys, under a call of the house, the bill finally receiving seventeen votes, ;ust enough to pass It. There were 14 votes against It. The opposition-cam from sen ators In ' whose districts the advance In salary .'was made over their protest. The following bills were 'passed by tfie senate: a F. 18-By Aldrlch. Increasing he sal-. arleS of county attorneys. H. R. M7 By Jenlson. ' Appropriating 960,000 for . the establishment of ; normal training courses In high schols. H. R, 285 By Armstrong. Appropriating IX.euO for a heating plant at the Peru normal school. .- H. R. 4o Hy Brown. Appropriating $2,600 for an addition to the building for the Home for the Friendless. 8. F. 440 By Thomas. Amendments to the Omaha charter relating to the repair of paved streets snd taking away from the olty council power to regulate telephone rates. The senate also concurred In the house amendments to a F. 71, known as the de cedent bill. In committee of the whole the senate acted on these bills: H. R. 116 By Noyes. Appropriating 17,600 to Investigate Insect pests and plant diseases. To pass. . H. R. 471 By Farley. Appropriating $16,000 for a Nebraska sxhlblt at the Alaska-Tukon-Paclflc exposition. To pass. H. R. 419 'By Raper.' Appropriating 11,160 for a monument for General John l. Thayer. To pass. H. R. 461 By E. P. Brown. Appropri ating $1,100 for Are protection at the stats capltol building. To pass. H. R. 881 By Klllen. Appropriating $10,000 for a building for epileptics at the Beatrice Institute for ths Feeble Minded. To pasa. H. R. 49L By Scudder and White. Au-. proprlatlng $26,000 for an officers' build ing at the Grand IMand Soldiers' hoir. To pass. H. R. 49$ By Bcudder and White. Ap propriating 19.600 for an arimnn la ih. j Urand mi a nil Holdlers' home. To pass. I ?!.: By Kelfer. Appropriating $16,000 for an officers' building at the m"inr,i poiaier nome. to pass. H. R. Ill By Hamer. Appropriating 18a.000 for two wlnga to the Kearney Normal school. To pass. H. R. 411 By commutes on ways ami means. Appropriating $26,000 for State Historical society building. To pass. H. R. 617 By Kelfer. Relating to the ess of cash funds of state Institutions. To pass. The senate spent the evening session aiscusstng amendments to the present road laws. Five house bills relating to changes In the road laws were recom mended to pass after they had boen amended to provide that oounty commis sioners la counties not . under township organisation shall act as road ovarsoors In their respective districts and providing methods of raising road funds and dls trlbutlng them. Most ot the amendments were made by, Patrick of Sarpy county and the fight against them was led by Glover of Custer county, who declared they were In the Interests of automobll tsts. The following bills were recommended to pass: H. R. $9 By Jenlson. Msklng the poll tax 12.60 and payable in cash. H. R. 90 By Jenlson. Providing for ins oivision or counties not under town ship organisation into road districts and making the county commissioners road overseers. H. R. 91 By Jenlson. Providing for a envision or roao lunas bstween ths oounty and ths road districts. H. R. 91 By Jenlson. Fixing the pay Of road overseers at $1.60 a day. H. R, V4 By Noyes. Providing for ths uss of road drags on main traveled roaas. H. R. 101, 104 and 106 By K. P. Brown Curing defects In statutes relating to procedure In the supreme court. ROITIHE PROCEEDINGS OF MOtSE Large Knsafeer ef Senate Bills Dls- es4 04. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April t-(8peolal The house passed ths following bills: a F. Ils-By King of Polk. Memorialis ing congress to call a constitutional amend meat to provide for ths election of United Statee enuaAora by direct vote of the peo ple. 8., F. 71 and a F. 76 By King of Polk. The deoedent bill, and repealing the pres ent law. 8. F. 444 By Thompson of Buffalo. Pro viding for ltgalialog ths Issuance of bonds Issued by villages for the construction or purchase of beating end lighting plants. vltUng fraternal tnsurano anuyuWi way a. r . Me uy rtanaau or- siuaixon. r ro- have the powers of Incorporated con cerns. , 8. F. lV-By Barkett of Gege. Provid ing for the removal of derelict offlrwrn. S. F. By Thomson ef Buffalo. Ninety per cent exemption bill. S. F. 24 By Randall of Madison. Ex smptlng fraternels from taxation. H. F. M By Saunders of Douglas. Pro viding cities and villages may extend water mains. B. F. Jffi By Burns of Lancaster. Lin coln charter amendments. a F. HsBy King of Polk. Increasing supreme Judges to seven. 8. F. 249 By Byrnes of Platte. Allowing counties to choose precinct supervisors, when county la under township -organisation. The following bills were killed: B. F. 27(1 By Sackett of Gage. Providing that notes given for Insurance are non negotiable. S. F. 164 By McKesson of Lancaster. Providing state officers shall exchange coupons good at the auditor's office for a warrant, for railroad tickets. 8. F. 216 By Thomas of Douglas. Pro viding for the nomination of county com missioners by the entire county. In committee of the whole the following bills were rocornmended for passage: 8. F. 16 By. King. Corporations, except railroads ami insurance companies, maintain a st.tte agent Upon whom service can be secured. 8. F. 38o-By Clarke of Adams. For a state accountant to be appointed by the audiu-r with the approval of the governor. 8. F. 7H By Olhon. Anti-brewer bill. a F. 145 By Wilson of Pawnee. Km pow ering the auditor to license Insurance brok ers. 8. F. 47 By McKesson. Requiring aud itor to publish statement of foreign Insur ance coCTipenlea. a F. 4S By McKesson. Com poll In home Insurance companies to Ale statements of their condition with Insurance deportment. B. F. By McKesson. Prescribing fees paid by accident or sickness insurance companies. 8. F. 324 By Goodrich. Permits State Board of Education to employ a secretary. 8. F. 90-By Thomaa. Gives coroner a fee for viewing dead bodies. 8. F. 17R By Wlleey of Frontier. Relat ing to lesuam-e of school district bonds. 8. F. 287 -By Ashton cf Hall. Requiring railroad companies to furnish weights of carload shipments. 8. F. 4.19 Permits governor to appoint offi cers of soldiers! homes and Investigate the homes. . . -y , A conference committee on the pure food bill. 8. F. 64. consisting of Klllen, Clarke and Van Housen. was appointed. The report of the conference committee on H. R. 4R4 making a typographical change In bill relating to Kearney Indus trial school, was adopted. Ths house passed the following bills to night: S. F. 410 By Clark ofAdams. Pro viding for deposit of county funds out side of county. 8. F. 875 By Randall of Madison. Pro vides for banks giving guaranty bonds for security of state funds. 8. F. 114 By Phillips of Holt. Judges cannot preside in a case in which a nea,r relative Is sn attorney. In committee of the whole the follow ing bills were recommended for passage: 8. F. 98 By Root of Cass. Procedure for securing pardon or commutation ot sentence. 8. F, 946 By Blbley of Lincoln. Puts regulation of express rates under control of railway commission. Makes 26 per cent reduction in present rates. S. F. 164 By Slbldy of Lincoln. Pro- Vines ror sale or educational lands. 8. F. 107 By Backett of Gage. Fixes salary of deputies to county officers. BUSSE CARRIES CHICAGO (Continued from First Page.)' fully the ordinances passed by the City council over the veto of Mayor liunne. Mors than anything else, the vote In Chicago today means that the sentiment ot the majority of our people In the second largest city In the United States is opposed to William R. Hearst and all the ''isms" that he has sought to thrust upon the community.- It Is a clean cut victory for sane, safe and conservative Institutions. The people of Chlcaao have demonstrated that they are to be trusted with the settle- meni or iui great queeuons sucn as nave confronted them In thla election. They nave snown mat. tney cannot--be hum bugged. I was confident from tha beain- ring . that right would prevail that the good Sense, justice and fairness ot tha community would resent In a forcible man ner tha outbursts or an outalder who had his own personal ambitions entirely In view. -. The right for the Improvement of the local tractions systems has been going on for twelve years and today's election finally puts the people in sight of the ?romleed land. I shall make every effort o bring about Improved conditions as rapidly as posaime. I nave not oeen aula to take a personal part .In the campaign and regret that It at any time assumed a personal character. I do not believe either side had anything to gain by fighting or mat description. President Congratulates Cbleasro. WASHINGTON, April 1-When Informed of the election of Mj-. Busse as mayor of Chicago, President Roosevelt made this statement:. "I am exceedingly pleased at Mr. Busse'a victory. During his service as postmaster Mr. Cortelyou and I grew to feel that he possessss to a very marked degree administrative ability. I believe hs will make an excellent mayor of Chi cago and I heartily congratulate the-city." President Roosevelt also sent a telegram of congratulation to. Mayor-elect Busse, the text of jshlch was not given out . Women Officials In Kansas. KANSAS CITT. Mo., April 2. D. E. Cor nell, republican, was elscted mayor of Kan sas City, Kan., today over W. W. Ross, democrat, and John Gray, apclalist, by a plurality of about one thousand. The socialist vote was light, but ths vote for the other two tickets was unusually hsavy. Of the 16,000 Votes- cost, fully one third were the ballots of women voters, and a large majority of tha women voted for Come'l. A feature of the election was the can didacy of- Miss Plerra Farrow, republican, and Miss Avis B. Chad bourn, democrat, tor the ofliee of city treasurer. Miss Far row was sleeted. William Green, republican, was elected mayor of Topeka by a plurality of about 1,600. The entire republican ticket with the exception of one member of the1 city council was elected. Peter Ever hardy, democrat, against whom ouster proceedings by the stats authorities are pending for alleged failure to enforce the liquor ' law, was re-elected mayor of Leavenworth. Elections were held In the smaller cities of Kaunas today, ths elssues being local, Where the issue was enforcement of the prohibitory liquor law the temperance peo ple generally won, the women coming to th polls In large numbers. In Newton, Kan., a woman was elected city treasurer. Benabltcan Gnlns in Oklahoma. GUTHRIE. Okl., April t Returns from Oklahoma and Indian Territory Indicate sweeping galna for the republicans. In Guthrie the entire republican city ticket was elected by small majorities, ex-Governor C. M. Barnes being the mayoralty candidate. The democrata of Oklahoma City claim the election of practically the entire ticket. The republican tickets were successful In Enid, Shawnee, Kingfisher, Tulsa, I. T.,; Chlckasha, I. T., and Okmul gee, I. T while Law ton, Hobart and Nor man returned reduced democratic majori ties. In many towns" sentiment towards the constitution was merged with local Issues. Repablleans Wis In Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE, April l.-Justlce R. P. Marshall, republican,' appears to bs re elected to the supreme court over Henry Bcudder of Marinette. The returns sre close. Local questions were Issues In most of the city elections. Racine voted for municipal ownership of the water plant and Kenosha for munici pal ownership of ths lighting plant. . Hnmphrer Is Heapnolntesl. WASHINGTON. April t The president has re&pvolnted Brigadier General CUarloe F. Humphrey as quartermaster general to succeed hlmerlf oo the expiration ot t pressnt term. COMMISSARIAT IS CRITICISED Ooscreeiman Ralney Sari Tainted If sat is Berred t Canal Employs. CXTRA3 Ant PREPARE! PCS ViSiTCnS He Maya Usrk for Conarresstonal Party Coat jiM m Hen4 IwtMl ef BO) Cents, as 9)ts by Steward. NEW YORK. April I Congressmsn It T. Ralney of Illinois, after spending eight days In the Panama canal sone, today re turned here enthusiastic over the progress made, but most unfavorably Impressed with the management of the commissary de partment. A careful investigation of the commis sariat would, Mr. Ralney believes, bring to light a scandal "second only to the scandal of the Spanish-American war." The chief trouble, he thought, lay In the fact that meat arriving at the Isthmus well preserved, was not met at the dock, as was supposed, by refrigerator cars, but Instead was leisurely transferred In a tem perature of between SO and 90 degrees, with the result that unless. served with a strong garlic dressing or gravy It was unpal atable. Mr. Ralney said that he would prove that the lunch served to the congressional party that recently visited the Isthmus and "which was supposed to consist of ths same menu served daily to canal workers at a cost of 10 cents a man, was In reality ordered Ave days In advance and cost $1.65 -a plate. While the commissariat was sup posed to serve food at Cost, the stewards, he said, were ordered to make a profit of at least $60 to $t a week. Shoes that could be bought In the United States for $1 a pair were sold by the commissariat. the congressman declared, at $8 a pair. Beyond a poorly organised commissary department, however, Mr. Ralney . said he found nothing to criticise. Work Progressing Rapidly. "I visited the Isthmus alone," ' he said. "I Inspected that portion of the . canal Where work Is In progress and am well satisfied that the work is progressing fa vorably. The excavations are made rapidly and the removal of dirt Is remarkable. If the work Is continued at the rate now made there Is no doubt that It Will be finished In five years and the locks can be built In the same time. The organisa tion of the force In all departments, except commissary, Is thorough and friendly ri valry exists between the different gangs In the excavation work. Over 176 mllee of trackage Is In use and 600 trains move over the rood dally, making It the busiest piece of railroad In the world. "The cdmmlssarlat Is the only ground for complaint Over 100 men In all parts of the Isthmus complained to me of the food. The meat is brought down from the United States on vessels provided with refrigerators and arrives at the Isthmus In splendid condition. It Is supposed to be mot there at the docks by refrigerator cars. The heat Is between 80 and Ot) degrees. The meat Is" transferred very leisurely, and this Is where the trouble arises. Expensive Lnnc.H for Congressmen. "Recently a congressional party of fifty three visited the Isthmus and while there was Served with lunch In one of the dining halls. Ths guests were told that It was the same lunch served from day to day to the employes at a cost of 90 cents. I can prove tW th.. iuncn oraered that that lunch was ordered five days In advance and oost $1.66 per head. ' "Again, recently some members of com mercial clubs from Bt Ljuls and other cities also visited the Isthmus and were served with luncheon in- the Culebra din ing hall. They were told that the lunch, with tba exception of the cigars and wines, was the same as Is served to the employes for 10 rents a head. Why, the oyster soup alone coet SO cents a head. "Ths day President Roosevelt visited the Isthmus he was served with a 'thlrty-oent' meal. I find out that It was generally un derstood that the president would eat at one of the dining halls, so all were ready for him and had ready an unusually well served lunch. Meats la Bad Condition. "All meals are well served except the meats. The meats are not good. I have the evidence of stewards who say that mutton has to be treated with soda and water before it la cooked In order to take off the green mould. "Jackson Smith is In chsrge of the com missariat and Is crowded with work. The details are left to subordinates and are neglected. "I think an examination here In the states as to the purchase of supplies would dsvelop that there 4s graft. It is impossible to examine into the question down there. Chamberlain's Congb Favorite. edy "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy to any other for our children." savs Mr. L, J. Woodbury of Twining, Mich. "It has always done the work for us In hard colds and croup, and wa take pleasure In recommending it." REPLY FROM MR. DARR1MAN (Continued from First Psge.) to "discuss certain government matters not connected with the campaign." Her were two distinct invitations to dlacuJS two different subjects. I could see no danger in visiting him to discuss Now York politics before the election, and therefore went and discussed tho subject alone, and after the election took up the other subject for consideration with hl.n I think If what concerned me as the object of the visit had been tne govern ment's relations to the railroads the inter view would certainly not have been en tirely confined to politics. I am not responsible for what Mr. Sher man may have said to the president with reference to the conversation he had with me. All that I have to say is that I did not meet his urgent requests that I con tribute to his campaign fund, and that the statements alleged to nave been at' trlbuted to me by him were false. Tne president was assured of this fact by a mutual friend who was present at the Interview. DIAMONDS Frenser. r"t!i snd Dodge. B. of L. E. at Auditorium tonight SHI RTS MB CWFf. MAM V Tf L WMITC 4M MMCV rBftlC. m wm tmi MftTT Mtkrr ( TMf 4,VeTTT Ulk. CLUCTT. PEABODY A CO., MA Kite) 99 MIU Ciy -Sattap fails S. L Comer 1611. and Doaglss Sis. OMAHA. NED. pays 4 interest, on deposits. Limits its assets to real estate mortgages, municipal bonds, nnd -warrants. Its advantages and conveniences are already appreciated by 8,500 depositors. You, also are respectfully solicitod to make use of its facilities. 4 O lllllUMLiOl Oldest, Largest and Strongest LABOR TROUBLES MAY END Oonfertcoti Art fa Troiren st Cbioetro and t. Louis. TRAINMEN STAND OUT FOR NINE-HOUR DAY Brewery Owners Mskt Proposition to Strikers nnd t'nlons Are Con- alderlnsT Terms Fight In German Lockout. BTLLETtJf. CHICAGO. April 1 The members of the Railway Trainmen and of the Order of Hallway Conductors have decided to re sume negotiations regarding their demand for a shorter day with the managers of the railroads. CHICAGO, April I The conferences between the managers of the western rail roads and the trainmen and conductors were resumed today with Commissioner Knapp of the Interstate Commerce com mission, and Labor Commissioner Nelll act ing as peacemaker. The situation was not changed from that of last night The men have accepted the increase offered by the railroads, but still stand out for a working day of nine hours. The railroads are obdurate on this point and Insist that they have made all possi ble oonoesaions. It Is expected that the conferences will Continue for some days. ST. LOUIS, April I. The executive com mittees of the several local unions of brewery workers who are on strike mst this morning to consider the propositions made by the brewery owners, who were In conference until late last night If the controversy Is settled today It Is said the strikers will be permitted to re turn to work at once. The brewers of St. Louis announced this afternoon that all negotiations with the strikers were off and declared open shep. This action followed the denial of a request from the representatives of the striking unions for mors time to consider a compro mise wage scale submitted by the employ- rs. . '" - C. Norman Jones chairman of the com-i mlttee . representing the brewers In the con ference, made the following statement after the announcement of the brewers' decision: "The locals have refused to acoept the very fair terms we offered them and we have fulfilled our statement that we would declare an open shop. We sre advertising tor any laborers who -will wvrk for us. Ne gotiations are at an end." HAMBURG, April $. Eight English 'longshoremen were badly Injured and many others were slightly hurt In a fight last night with local looked out 'longshore men. The Englishmen were embarking for the ships In ths harbor on board ct which they had been housed In order to keep them from coming in contact with the locked out men, when a mob of German 'long shoremen fell upon them with stones. A strong force of police had to be hurried to the scene of the disturbance to rescue the Imported laborers. COLUMBUS. O., April I. In violation of the decision of the American Federation of Labor the union men employed at - the Franklin brewery to the number of sixty were called on to strike today and the first move in the fight between the American Federation of Labor and the International organisation of brewery workers began In earnest. Whether It will Immediately In volve the other Columbus breweries will de pend upon the day's developments. It was generally thought the brewerymen would relent and abide by the ruling of the fed- MADAM YALE'S BEAUTY CULTURE LECTURE TOMORROW, THURSDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 4TH, 2:30 P. M. ' BOYD'S , THEATER Ladles are requested to be seated promptly at 20, as the lecture will be gin at that time. TICKETS FREE ' Reserved seat tickets may be obtained free of charge at SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE 15th and Douglas. AND THE BOSTON STORE Drug Department. The tickets are free, but beat aeau will be given to those making a pur chase of the Tale preparation at time of ayylyliig for ticket. IMTPDECT ONDEPOSITS Savings Bank in Nebraska erntlon. If the latter carries out Its re ported intention It will start a dual organ isation and fill the places of the men who refused to continue at work. The fight Is based entirely on the ques tion of the Jurisdiction over firemen and en gineers and has been an Issue In nearly every settlement with the brewers for sev eral years. Hill Gives rinee to Ron. ST. PAUL, April t. -James J. Hill hns resigned the presidency of the Greet Northern railroad and will be chairman of the board of directors. His son, T. W. Hill, succeeds him ss the president of tho Great Northern. April showers need not dampen your enthuelam for a Spring Over-. coat. . t , , , , Here In our greatly enlarged store we are this spring showing a line of overcoatings Imported from England that have been thoroughly cravenetted In the famoug Priest ley plant. They play the dual role of Spring Overcoat and Rain Coat. $aa Is the price. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 'Phone Doug. 1808. B04-300 S. 16th St Near Southwest corner 16th and Farnam Streets. - Counts for everything In-this day and agel That's our "hobby", which ex plains the phenomenal growth we hare had .in our business. Our prices have always been' right. tl.00 Plnaud'B Silas Vegetal v.tto 75o 1711 Violet or Rose Toilet Water. at Wo H.f Hudnut's Toilet Waters (all Cwjrs) T0C fl.Cu Charles' Flesh Food 400 11.00 McArthur's Complexion Wafers, at o (1.00 Wine of Cardul e9o Beaton Drug Go. Fifteenth and Farnam" V. R Don Pelavo Havana 10c straight aire. In Drlme condition. 6o esoh, ' W ' AMUSEMENTS. g BOYD'S Vlr.. Mgra. Friday, Saturday Mat. and Nlghte- ROSE Mrs. Warre n's Profession Bun.. Mon.. Field's Minstrels. Burwood SECOND 8EASOH TOHiaST AX.X. W1EEX " ; TRILBY , . Mats. Thurs and Saturday. Next Week '' TMM IITTL1 OUT LtDt Next Monday Night 350th Perform ance, souvenir photo Charles Scho- BI5BSBI 'Phone Doug. 494. Tonight, Matinees Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Hut. Adelaide Xsrrmanai Uttle "Hip;" Xarrleoa; XOUlsa Bhawi IltM. lto Dosough, Allen Shawl Ths Zisbakaoa, gad the Klnodrome. Prices 10c, 25c. SOc. IKRUG THEATER - BC-SLC-0nW79a Matinee Today, ISo Tonight, S:is CifiClL, grOO.NKR. la) ' THE UIRJ, RAFFLES Thur. The Mummy and the Hum- mlnr Rtrd. " iSf'iiiJsrjraHg!iMsi DOYD'S THEATER THURSDAY EVEXIXG, APRIL 4, At 8 O'Clork Lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE fiy CLARENCE A, Ul SKIRK, q. 8 of St. Louis. Member of Christian Science Board of Lectureship of The First Church ot Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. ADMISSION FREE. AUDITORIUM ' ANNUAL BALL BROTHERHOOD OK LOCOMOTlvn ENGINKKKH, WEDNESDAY MUHT, APRIL 8. Tickets $1.00. Ladlee accompanying gentlemen, free. Balcony Soata tor BiecUtori, , , , .Koe h & Promptness . fj, -a f CRtlOMTOrt '-