THE OiLAHA DAILY BEEj WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1907. e,ji j.j m.jj i - rrrrmr' V-.'.Xes' t want every woman In the west to w this iratchless array of WOMEN'S Ready-to-Wcar Apparel Shown In the most elegant and Richly Appointed Salesroom in America BRANDEIS Second Floor New Slore Beautiful New Imported SulU and Stunning Copies of Ezpenslre French Attire Shown in Lavish Variety FASHIONSCAL SUITS The highest class tailored suits that can be made etyle, elegance and perfection in tailoring all new styles at Women' Sell. aJ $14.85 Women's Skirts ti $4.93 Newest colon and fabric amert- i New pleated ideas 1207 styles, est 1907 styles II OP all of them A QQ Vf -$25 w at .14.85 i special Bsswmeot tn oia store " QMAMA i H omaxai mm roon aim 8 J I 9 B Imant H Old State ' 2 Start the month right by opening an account at Courtney, a he who tra1a hare may be sure of five thlnra: rirr Courteous Treatment. eoond Full Weight! and Meaaurea. Third Prompt Service. Tourth Qooda Purchaaed are Absv lutely Pure and Wholeaome. nftn That by Trading- Here Ton Make a dally aavlng to the Family Puree, aa the Following aTZCXAXa Attest: 4S-lb. aack Excellent Flour. .. .I1.19 48-lb. aack Dollar" Flour $1.00 40-bar box of Soap 8 Jo j Qlbaon's Antl-Ly Prunea, per lb. To I Box splendid Toilet 'Soap, 6 cakea.BSe Fancy Layer Figs, per lb lo j Fancy Roll Butter, per lb BOo ! Finest full cream Cheeae In the world, per lb BOo I Cocoanuta, each ...Soj Pretaela, per lb Co; Leaf Lard, per lb 80 j Sugar Cured Oora Beef, per lb. . .4V4o j Berliner Tea Matsotha 1-lb. fancy carton, each 16o IH-lb. fancy carton, each BSo Patent Meal, per lb ...lflHo Potato Flour, per lb lOo Nnodles, per bag 15o Courtney's Lunch, assorted cakes, per pkg XOo Courtney's Marzipan Datntlea, per box 60c oisefirnisKiigs a HARDWARE DEPT. h Sells Reliable, HiK Qtst Goods si ths 5 LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN IN OMAHA I To Make Wednesday a Big Bargain 2 Day in This New Department oitr I 3 -AIG EXTOA SPECIALS I tffonrtney & Co. Seventeenth and Douglas g Tel. Douglas 647 53 Private Exchange connects all Depts. n .2 M ' m n m ' M H m u SALT and PEPPER SHAKERS ' Solid Genuine German Silver Tops non-corrosive some pressed cut glass and others all of German silver never sell at less than 15c and 20c apiece v f your choice "Wednesday only, at , p audita CEREAL and SPICE SETS Porcelain Knob Tin Cannisters, highly decorated and litho graphed each cannister labeled 12 pieces ama f"i in the set never sold before sold at less than A ff $L20-t, per eet . ... ti JrS SAUCEPAN at 19c A 5-qnart Lipped Saucepan or Preserving Kettle, white enamel insideTurquoise mottled entmel out- 1 Clr Bide never before sold at less than. 35c, at, each-. JC Uousefurnishing Dept. Basement Old Store i B4HBSrBwBwBO Special OMAHA Extra Special Dressmakers' Supplies NoUdV 10a bottle of Pure Machine OlL .THe Dressing Pins, paper. ..................... .10 60 "Del 00" Invisible Brasa Byaa, en velope .......... .... ........ .SVio 16o Draas Khlelds, slaea No. I and No. ..pair r.7Ho Un Fas tn are, white and Mask, dosen tar ................. ....... .... . 1IO0 lSo Silk Covered Feetherrtjone, white and blaok,. yard .... ISo Blaa Seam Tape, lawn and cam. brie, bolt 10 Cover Patterns New Store Aisle 6 Patterns of dainty, new designs for embroidery waist and corset covers, including all material for making and embroidery; also paper pattern- for cutting. Complete. ."Waist Patterns, special at 0c One Ounce Spoor Silk; white only, spool 6e 80c The 9eef Sewing Silk, black. white ami colors, dox... 19o 80c Brooks' Machine Cotton, extra ( spectal, dozen .IS Be' Basting , Cotton. bOO-yard spools, at. spool ......30 Ec Machine Keedlea, for all maahlouiii paper a.................. .3o I&c Hooka and Eyea. all alasa, gross at .10s 15o TaftVta Seam Binding, black and . colors. plea) .uw.7Ht Waist atd Corset 89c Corset Covers, j special at ,45c Just A Word Madam! We're sure .yotrll goon he looking for something nsw In Spring Footwear. If the best that ft . i . , i x . Sp uiuuey cau uuj wm luutreHb you. we're at your servloe. Soma women hare learned the excellence and superiority of our Bhoes bj testing them; others are learning bv hsarmay. ALL WOMEN ARB LEAHNTSQ THAT THERE'S NO STORE LIKE THIS FOR WO MEN'S SHOES $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. III IHOllI 16th and Douglas Streets I 1I05E1 TO ADVERTISE OMAHA Tweatv-rm Tkomsaad Dollars Will Es Spent bj Commercial Club. PLANS LAID FOR THE BIG CAMPAIGN j p)lmtrt BIsAeas Sertlmc Forth the Beamty mm.A RnnM af tk Clly Win Be Seat sdcaiat. ' Plans hrrolvlng' tha) expenditure of .000 for advertising Omaha, were adopted by the executive committee of tha Commercial tab at lt meeting Tuesday afternoon. The members ef Che axtvertlalng committee of Ui club ajeared before the executive emmnnfttaa) wtth the request for endorae ,unl ef the proBoattlaa to raise the large fond amd ths plan was entUusiasdoaily adopted. One ef tna first moves la ths advertising iCaiiipartgn win be the preparatlna and gen eawl dtalrlbation of 2tUM booklets, oou tajiitng many views of Omaha, aa well ass oaanasretai statlstica. In antloipaUen eT ths nsw adtei Using auheme a photog aasphsr airvsy has taken many views aud the book, will be prepared Immediately, It JM plmanad to sand the booklats broad oast, Chatough all Motions of the couxitry, where JiT would reduund to the ultimate oom jgosmiaj benefit of CUnalia. Si wfll be the most thorongbty prepared 0d earbsnatvs "beom" camiiaign ever made fr tte Connnaaxnal club and. It la believed. jUae neoeasnry funda wfll be fortbounitng. fehm need for exxsoaiva, and elab- h ssfai advcatlalDg as deecned by the mun I law if td etu) to baive beoom aa abso lute necessity If Omaha is to keep pace with other progressive cities. FlininUl Ocnadltloai Ftae. The club Is in better financial condition than far many years, as the last Indebted, ness of bonds to the extent of IT. TOO will be taken up immediately. The whole Issue, $3,700, was made about two years ago for the purpose of v rehabilitating the club rooms and the club Is now financially able to wipe out the last of the debt. The proposed bantruet to tbe members of the Nebraska, delegation to eongreaa, which was to have been held this month, has been postponed on aooount of ths Inability of the members to be present until May. In lieu of the oongresslonal banqaet it Is propoaed to hold a banquet some ttme dur ing the present month in honor of aeveral of the pioneer eltlsens of Omaha, who have been Instrumental in building up ths city. The banquet Is to be along similar lines aa that of last-week, whioh proved so suc cessful and popular that a demand has been created among the members for monthly entertainments of this chaxaoter. The executive committee elected J. P. Em mart of the Central Coal and Coke company to membership In the club. PASTRIES Our Own Daking In our pastry making there la one main object in view and that la quality. It imist be the beat, regard less of cost, if you purchase your paatrys at our counters, it is guaran teed that yoa nave ths freshest aud beat made. Hare are a few of tb delicacies fond daily la ear pastry depertmemtt Whipped Or Oheoolate gPolalxos Xsapserry Tarts Olnaamoa Bolls Ba Ba Coffee Cakes Kaple Jelly Bolls Butter Oreaaaa XAllj XrfMks Charlotte Basse Baldoffs fruit cake, three layer cakes, alt' kinds, angel and white mountain cake. Ton are welcomed to visit our store when down town shopping w bather you wish to buy or not. I) slaty Xiucheoa Served After Matinee Any of the above pastries served If desired. HOPE IN WORK OF ARMt Mtaawarf Costeji a bsssj Says Ships Will Paso Tkrwas Causal la Bleat I KA.K8AS CITT, April L Representative Edgar P. Ellis of Kansas City. Just re turned from his trip with other members of congress to the Isthmus of Panama, said In aa Interview laat night: "In eight, yeara ahipa will be going through the Panama canal. It will cost HOO.000,000, but at will build It. The army haa ge hold of It and oaa do It. I alwaya was convinced that It could aot be built by contract." !MMJFF 1518-20 Farnam Phone Dong 711 80 popedar have become btrt that lew kltnhea axe foaad whan 1 they are aot seed. Office hours. 08 to SO a. m., U0 to 1:30 p. m. Telephone Harney Us. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 2S10 Maaoa Street. Osaate, Sea. H. L. Remacrlottl, D. V. S. Deputy State aud City Veterluarlan, Food Inspector, ChUf Biiigeuii. I. C Boot. U. V. ti-, iwtai Suiaeuo. 2JE3S1? OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday: Fair. IK " "N 1 I SMS EXTRAPRDIHARYt- Our Own New Clothing Section Our Own OPEN FOR BUSINESS N. W. Corner Main Floor1 Everything Absolutely Guaranteed to Be New lot a Cent's Worth of Old Stork In It. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND ROYS HIGH-GRADE QUALITIES DOWN TO THE MINUTE STYLES First-class salesmen In every aisle and at every counter. Men's Furnishing Hats and Caps Bigest Lina of Stetson Ha.t in Town All New! Everything you could wish for in Spring and Bummer Ready-to-Wear Apparel at Just the price you wish to give. WANT SOMETHING BETTER TnAN THE ORDINARY? RUY THE RUSHMORE BRAND OF FINE CLOTHES AT BENNETT'S CORRECT FASHIONS CORRECT FIT CUT PRICES Beautiful Wash Goods AT NEXT TO NOTHING PRICES. Wash Fabrics pretty and dainty at prices in many Instances LESS THAN HALF ' NOTE Wash Goods Section now occupies almost twice Its former spac greatest opportunities for display and inspection the beat wash goods sales spot in town. 32-in. Beautiful Gingham Chambray In plain colors, blue, pink, tan, etc., every yard worth 20c '.Wednesday for 6VaC 25-inch Silk Mull, in: white and cream only This is the best quality made, limited quantity just the Q. thing for dresses, waists, etc., special C 27-inch Elegant Madras Shirtings Very neat designs, checks, figures', etc. These goods will wash nicely j? and will launder also, choice for "Wednesday. ... C SO-INCH EMBROIDERED LINEN VOILE New and beautirul salting fabric comes in white grounds, with colored or black embroidered dots, some have white dashes through the weave giving this linen suiting a very swell swagger . effect every yard worth 50 Wednesday . . !9c 25 PIECES OF DOUBLE-FOLD COTTON SUITINGS Very de sirable for tub suits. Some come in pretty ombre effects, hand some over plaids, etc; very smart and exceedingly stylish for street wear instead of 25c a yard your choice 12c A SWELL LINE of 60c Waah Fabrics for Wednesday of styles and varieties 29c and 19c great swarm YOGA SILK YOGA SILK Here's the very newest In Wash Goods the fabric is half silk. It's exceptionally silky and lustrous. Comes in tan grounds only (natu ral Pongee shade), with large plaid effects of brown, red, black, green, navy blue, etc. Comes also In stripes of contrasting colors. Styles are same as the famed Rajah that sell for $1.5.0. Destined to be a prime favorite this season and we control the sales for Omaha ., 59c The Great Sample Suit Sale !5 So many styles so many Salts In this Great Sample Suit and Coat event the Bait or coat yoa want Is Just the salt or coat well give yoa. SUITS SUITS THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAR SAMPLE SUITS FOR , TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SAMPLE SUITS FOR FORTY DOLLAR SAMPLE SUITS FOR , FIFTY DOLLAR sr. ssn SAMPLE SUITS 7 FOR COATS FIVE DOLLAR SAMPLE COATS FOR SEVEN-FIFTY SAMPLE COATS FOR TEN DOLLAR SAMPLE COATS FOR FIFTEEN DOLLAR SAMPLE COATS FOR 22.75 15.95 25.75 COATS ...3e48 ...4.75 6.95 9.50 Ladies Fancy Neckwear THE DAINTY THE CHARMING AND THE ELEGANT One thousand dosea Uey Lace Trimmed and Beaded Stock Collar the finest and most em phatic bargain offered In an age worth A -SSo to 50c Wednesday - IUC LINEN EMBROIDERED COAT SETS, worth BSc, for VENICE LACE CHEMISETTES and COAT COLLARS, in Batter and White very dainty and charming and a bargain such as ' we never could give you before worth up to $2.00. ..49c Far 39c i i Swiss Embroidered, Hemstitched and Scallop-Edged Turnover Collars a Great Line of Choice, Dependable Styles, worth 10c, for 5c "If Ju From Ben- cU'H$ Gxd." Dennett's Big Grocery tasty dosea caas Barly Jane rasa Wedaesdey at M less taaa oee. Oeaessee tufted . Xarlr Juae eas. F anrl h 1 &jv to C fcjj Cl6ae out 10C 2 M Oeaessee Sstra D Sifted Barty jaae fill, worth 52 17Vo. to close k)A out MH 2 Sweet rotate Bss oial 7t dos large l can Booth sweet Potatoes ,...100 21j3s3afia32SS The One-Mlnnte Direct Action DANGLER GAS RANGE The 0th century kitchen store Quickest and best baker. Most sat isfactory kitchen fixture any home could possess All Styles, All SUrs, AU Price From $12 to $40 Basement I i Ntw Spring Clothing Styles In Unrivaled Assortment THB RELIABLE TRB Spt cist Sate of Children's Suits and Knee Pants Knit Undemear Bargains lVr Comparison of these values with thrwe offered elsewhere will certainly con vince you that quality Is higher at the price here than any place you may search La dins' Knit Vests, with high nork and long sleeves, silk tapbd, special Wednesday 1 5 Ladles' Jersey Knit Drawers, lace trimmed, regular 39c values, Wednes day . 15c Ladles' Lisle Thread Vests, silk taped, special, at 15c Ladles' Gauze Vests, taped, special values, Wednesday 10 Ladles' Gauze Vests, good large slies, regular 10c values, Wednesday . ..5, Misses' and Children's Pants, lace trim, med, 15c value, at -5 75e Corsets, long hip model, with Hose supporters attached, Wednesday 30J Children's Knit Undervests, In all slie from 2 to 14 years, worth to 25o, at, each 10 Special Notion Sale Hundreds of Staple Notions at Half Regular Prices. Among the many mention a few: Gold Eye Needles, pkg Darning Cotton, all colors, spool. Cotton Tapes, all sizes, at, per roll.l Thimbles, at, each .-Is Horn Hair Pins, large size, at, each.l, Pearl Buttons, per dos.. 1, 600 yards Basting Thread, spool.. J Hump Hooks and Eyes le Shoe Laces, per pair ............. Dress Shields, per pair ......... .5 7-ln. Horn Combs, each ......... 5t Crochet Silks, 2 spools ...5 Linen Thread, per spool. .. ., ,2Hf Visit our 6c Lace Counter Wednesday Grocery Department Hardens', the Greatest Money-Saving Grocery, Provision, Freeh Fruit Vegetable Market in the west. 22 POUNDS BEST PURE CANE GRANULATED SUGAR ...-$1.00 Egg-o-See Breakfast Food, pkg.7fto Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, p'kg.8Hc Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg 9c Grape-Nuts, per pkg 9o The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound 6c The best White or Yellow Cornmeal, per pound lc The Beat Hand Picked Navy Beans, per pound 2 He The Best Rolled Oatmeal, per lb. 2 He OH or Mustard Sardines, per can. 3 He 2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Cern.4Hc 1-lb. pkg. Cold Water Starch 4c Bromangelon, Jellycon, Jello or D- Zerta per pkg 7c 1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch ......4c 1-lb. pkg. Baking Soda 4c Castile or Tar Soap, per cake. ... 2 He FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES, LESS THAN MARKET TRICES 2 Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 60 Fancy Head Lettuce, each ......... 60 6 bunches Fresh Onions ......60 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb... 12 Ho Fresh Peas, per quart ..60 Fresh Pie Plant, per pound . . . . . 2 Ho Quart boxes Fancy Ripe Strawberries yn Cranberries, per quart ........ .. 60 2 Bunches Fresh Parsley ......... 60 2 bunches Fresh Beets ;.6o 3 bunches Fresh Carrots .110o 2 bunches Freeh Turnips ........ 60 New Cabbage, per pound 20 Large, Juicy Lemons, per dos... '..10a Fancy Brazil Cocoanuts, each ..... 4o Fancy Cal. Figs, per pkg 2 Ho Fancy Imported Figs, per pound. 7 H SPECIAL Extra large, Fancy Sweet Highland Navel Oranges, 112 else; that retail everywhere for 60c per dozen; our price, per dozen.. 30 Two ways to Iim of iftiritlsM rooms One Intelligent way is to look through the Furnished Room col umn on the want-ad page and mark those which interest you; then go look. Most of The Bee want-ads are 'three lines" and say enough so that you can tell what is offered. The other way is to "bring the room to you" with a want-ad of your own . telling what you want This is a particularly good way if you want a room in a private family. Under tho heading Wanted to Rent, the cost is Three line ono time 10c three times 25c seven times 45c The Dee Office 17tfc ani f . "The Want-ad Corner" : I j rooms ; "1 I -'WWIUKal 0 Seeing Omaha We have the finest "Seeing; Omaha" system in the city. Runs all tie year round and starts whenever you are ready. Carries you to any point of interest in the city or South Omaha for five cents and five cents back. Do you know Omaha?, 1 I Qmsha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company I'l-MUmMl IIHt'Jifff a'15'.M'BlhlHW ., H!lHU-iffirwnawiiuis ppawafneawninniii m - BEAUTIFY VOIR mil ni' ' T I t : T HIM Mill lit LAWN WITH OUl IROX AND WIRE FENCE. ireiuses and Arbors for vines, flower guards, chairs, setees, vanes, tree guards, hitching posts, window guards, barn fixtures and chicken fence. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY, 11 outa leta atrsat. TaU agla UHL v Baad (or Catalogue.