Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1907, Image 1
The Omaha Daily VOL. XXXVI NO. OMAIIA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, ATOIL 3, 1907 TWETjVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE rrv XTrrct Bee i 1i 'V J it f if i I (: PRESIDENT AROUSED . fcurpcrtad Etstmpnt ef E. H. Harrimaa rmpktickJlj Den if 4 at U hit Hotiae, ALLEGED STORY OF NEW YORK POLITICS Bead of the Union Faeifio Takes Friend lots Hia Confidence. REFLECTION CAST ON SECRETARY ROOT Members af Casine. Flamed Far 8eme Deals in Eih Finance. CHIEF EXECUTIVE DICTATES STATEMENTS tHatler Handled la Letter to rni;r nm ghermnn ! Year, bot Trath of Statement Wu Denied. Washington, April 2. President Rnoe- Velt today emphatically dpnlPd the state ments contained In a letter published this morning purporting to have hcn written by E. II. Harrlman to Sidney Webster of New Tork, In the latter part of December, 1906. In Mr. Harrlman's letter the state ment la made that at the request of Presi dent Roosevelt he (Harrlman) assisted In raising a fund of $250,000 to be used In car rying New 'York for the republican party. The statement the president chumc terlzes as a "deliberate and willful 'un truth by tight It should tie characterized by an even shorter and more ugly word. I never requested Mr. Harrlman to raise a dollar for the presidential campaign of lSoi." Ths president's denial was contained In a brief statement and copies of letters written to Representative Sherman of New Tork, The letters are dated October S and October IX 190S, respectively. Statement Dictated. Ths president, after furnishing the let ters to the press, dictated the following statement: "After writing then letters to Congress man Sherman the president was assured that Mr. Harrlman had not made the statements which Mr. Sherman credited mm with making. Inasmuch as the same statements appear, in the major part. In ths letter of Mr. Harrlman, now published, the president deems It proper that the let ters h sent Congressman Sherman last October shall now themselves be mado public." ' In the first letter reference is made to a conversation between Mr. Harrlman and Air. Sherman, which was repeated to the president. In which Mr. Harrlman Is said to have given as a reason for his personal dislike of the president, partly the latter's determination to have the railroads super vised and partly the alleged fact that after promising Mr. Harrlman to appoint Benator Depew embassador to France, he, the president, failed to do It. It appears from the conversation repeated to the presl- - dent that Mr. Sherman bad gone to Mr. Harrlman to ask him for a contribution ...SasMta. ?ampalrj-..1 -," ..,., '. , Havrrima Asked Kstoi. ' The , President says that Harrlman also Urged V, Vi to promise to make Mr. Depew ambassador because this would help Gov ernor OHell by pleasing certain big financial "Hares ts. The president said he Informed IrJh Harrlman that he did not believe It would be possible to sppolnt Mr. Depew and f Jrthenncre expressed his surprise at Ms (Harrlman)' saying that the men rep resenting the financial Interests of New . Tork wished the appointment, made, Inas much as a number of them had written, asking that the place ba given to Mr. Hyde, Mr. Harrlman on learning Mr. Hyde was a candidate hastily said that be did not wish to be understood as antagonising him. The president, it appears, was unwilling to appoint either Depew or Hyde as am bassador, and also left unchanged his recommendations to congress concerning the Interstate commerce law, notwithstand ing suggestions and criticisms by Mr. Har rlman of the president's course in that re gard, as expressed In certain letters whioh Mr. Harrlman wrote to the president. What Caaaed the Denial. NEW TORK, April 1-vA. sensaUon was created here today by the publication of a letter written in December, 16. and ad dressed to Sidney Webster of New Tork, and signed "E. H. Harrlman," Sidney Webster la a lawyer and a writer on political subjects. His wife is a slater Of 8tuyvesant Fish, who lost tha presi dency of the Illinois Central railroad a few months ago after antagonising Mr. Harrl man. FoUowtng Is the letter: "Mr. Sidney Webster, New Tork Dear ' Sir: I am glad to see that you are In town and hope soon to have an opportunity of taliUng matters over with you. i "t had printed copies of ths testimony sent you, In hopes that you would, after reading them, give me some Idea of where I stand, for I confess that I feel somewhat at sea In the whole insurance matter. The trouble originated in allowing myself to be drawn into other people's affairs and partly from a desire to help them and at their ' request. I seem to be like the fellow who got In between the man and his wife In their quarrel. "As to my political Instincts, to which you refer In your letter of Deoember U, . ItJSoa I am quit sure I have none, and m at all prominent In the political situation is entirely due to President Kooeevelt and k....... ... , . . ,,. , I becau of my lng an active part in) the autumn of 1, at his request, and bis , taking advantage of conditions then created to further his own Interesta If it had .. r ca "led T out. been a prwtiiedltated ilun. ru Cask Badly Seeded. "About a week before the election In the autumn of 1JW4 when it looked certain that the state ticket would go democratic and was doubtful as to Roosevelt him self, he, the president, sent me a request to go to Washington to confer with him upon the political conditions ln New Tork state. I complied, and be told me he un derstood the campaign could not be suc cessfully carried on without sufficient money and asked if I would help them in raising the neoessary funds, as the na tional committee, under contral of Chair man Cortelyou. had utterly failed of ob taining them and there was a large amount due from them to the New York state committee. "I explained to him that I thought the difficulty here was mainly caused by the upstate leaders being unwilling to support Ipew for re-election as United States senator; that if he, Depew. could be taken rsre of In some other way I thought mat ters could be adjusted and the d'.ffurent contending elements ln the party brought into alliance again. We talked over what (Continued on Fourth Page.) SUMMARY OF TUE DEE W4nHdar, Anrll 8, 1POT. 1007 SUM MON APRIL ma WIO TUB v..:va l 2 3 4csvv G 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 26 27 28 29 30 ' $ " TEE WEATHER. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Fair Wednesday and Thursday. ' FORECAST FOR IUWA Showers with rising temperature Wednesday. Thursday fair. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 4H l p. m 69 6 a. m 48 2 p. m 63 7 a. m 48 3 p. m 61 8 a. m 60 4 p. m 56 a. m 52 6 p. m 5 10 a. m 6.1 p. m 57 11 a. in 58 7 p. m M 12 m 60 8 p. m M 9 p. m 54 LraXSZutTTTE. The house at Lincoln yesterday In com mittee of the whole recommended for passage the Gibson bill that Is Intended to prevent brewers from engaging In the saloon business. VagK 1 The senate at Lincoln refuses to oon cur In the house amendments to the pure food bill, and the measure was vent to a conference committee. During the do bate Senator Ash ton called Senator Pat-, rick a liar and refused to apologize to him, although apologizing to thy senato. Fare 1 The house accepts the conference re port fixing the day for final adjournment at noon Thursday. The senate takes no action on the matter, but postpones in definitely all senate flies on general file. Page 1 WA8KUrOTOsT. President Roosevelt denounces state ment made In letter written by Mr. Harrl man as untrue and makes public corre spondence between him and the head of the Union Pacific railroad In answer to a letter written by Mr. Harrlman In 1000 and made public Tuesday. The letter of Mr. Harrlman states that he was drawn Into politics by Mr. Roosevelt, who asked him to raise money for the campaign In New Tork. Fags 1 DOMESTIC. Congressman Rainey of Illinois charges that tainted meats are served to Panama canal employes. Fags 9 Frederick A. Busse, republican candi date. Is elected mayor of Chicago by a plurality of about 15,000. The majority in favor of traction ordinance Is about 40,000. Fags 1 Experts declare Harry Thaw Insane, while other witnesses before commission say he seems rational. Fags 1 Conferencs may end labor troubles on western railroads and with St. Louis brewers. ( Fage S The Homestake mine Is closed while employes fight fire. Fage 1 Elections in Nebraska towns show slight gains for license. ' Fage 3 Clarence Roth, Aged .7. went swimming near Clearwater with three older 'com panions. At midnight be Is found dead ln shallow water with a bruised Hp. Fags S Z.OOAX. Arthur B. Jaqulth, president of the Ex change Grain company, vice president of the Nebraska Underwriters association and one of the founders of the Omaha Grain exchange, takes his life with a plstoL 111 health Is the cause of the suicide. Fage 9 A. H. Waterhouee, principal of the Omaha High school. Is arraigned by mem bers of the Board of Education as the wrong man for the place he occupies. Fare T Fire is set to the restaurant of John M. Flxa, 1518 Dodge street, where the safe is robbed of over 1500 during the night Fafa 7 The Commercial club takes steps to pro vide (26,000 with which to advertise Omaha during the year. Fage 19 KrOBT. C. D. Plank of Denver and Charles Holy worth of Juniata tie for first place at opening day of Interstate Gun club tour nament at Aurora, Neb. Faga 4 St. Louis Nationals win third game In contest for city ohamplonshlp. Fage 4) rurAxciAx ajtd roiraoncuXh Live stook markets Fage Grain markets Fage Stocks and bonds Fag SALMON ASKS NEW TRIAL Formes' TMlsaoarl Banker Serlonsly Objects te Serving Time for Graa4l Lavoany. WARSAW, Mo., April 1 A motion for a new trial will be filed here today m the case of Major Harvey W. Salmon, found guilty last night of grand larceny In con- I aid not so understand u rrom tne invi nectlon with . .ensat.onal failure In 1905 j -"lYElX on the as of the private bank of Salmou at Salmon, ,Bruon that he did not ask me to contrlb and whoee punishment waa fixed at three . ute "for the presidential oompaign" nor years ln the penitentiary. " " The banking house of Salmon Salmon of Clinton waa one of the largest and roost successful financial Institutions In central UIrLUri "i Major Salmon and Dr. O. T. Salmon were prominent In the affairs of the state since the civil war, ""J" r "J" h,r " r, Balmon and his son. Frank Salmon . . . .(...(!.- . i " '"v . : yet mj inu wu m vnai bo uuiimr ,u I that on which M.Jor Salmon waa convicted. I v MaJ ' ne sunerea a tnousana tunes more wnen he heard of the bank failure and of his friend, losing monar than he did from the verdict rendered last night. jt jury was secureo. toaay to try Frank Y. Salmon, a nephew of Malor Salmon, who waa also Indicted on a charge of grand larceny la receiving deposits when the bank was in a failing condition. j time was la well known to every one. rtAftirDreCMall CTII I ii mi That the national committee did owe the CONunbdbMAN STILL IN JAIL ! l"le ci.mmmee. and that the stale com- j mlttee was In financial straits, is nolorl . . j cue. I was not a political manager. I Fn-vrwt teutelna Mast Wait Cntll aaa asked to go to Washington by tho tirm.mA Jnrr Ant. i. president ln the Interests of the slate jary Acts la ticket. I could help to raiae money. That Cava. ' I did help ln this regard, that 1 did 1 funds Immediately upon my return from BATON ROUGE, man George Favrot La.. April l-Congress- after several months ln Jail, during which a grand Jury Indicted a arand lurv Inrll.. htm for murder culminating with the final ., ... . , . . ., hlng of this Indictment by the supreme quas court yesterday, must now remain In di-Imhi for several more weeks until another grand inrv nan r,n.n and j t nrw- Jury can reopen and act upon the whole matter again. Congressman Favrot shot and k"Ud Dr. R. H. Aldrlch, alleging that the physician had cet asoerslous upon Mrs. FavroL REPLT FROM MR. UARRIMAN ' Ailway Va?nate Beiteratea ftatemeat Made in Letter to Mr. Webater. NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT QUOTED Rays lie Was Invited to White Hons and Assisted State Com mluee at Executive's Request. NEW TORK, April 2.-E. H. Harrlman late tonight gave out the following state ment In response to the statement made public by President Roosevelt at Wash ington today: Ftr r.any years I have maintained an In tinit te confidential correspondence with my frlen-1, Mr. Kidney Webster. W hat I wroto to hl.n and what he wrote me was, of course, intended for our eyes alone. In the course of a letter which he wrote me in December, 1W6, he warned me against be ing drawn Into politics and questioned whether 1 had any political or party In stinct. This drew from me the reply to Mr. Webster's Inquiry which, In a sub stantially correct form, has been stolen and published. This letter wns written on January 2, lij6, at a time when no one could doubt a cordiality of my relations with the president. About ten days ago I was told that a discharged stenographer was trying to sell to some newspaper a reproduction from his notes of one of my Drlvale letters. I could hardly believe that any matter so obtained would be accepted or published, yet I mado f.VvrL mt lt-.v'1,e,VI leaJne! clared Thaw throughout the trial had acted late yesterday afternoon that a Now Yora , , . , . . , . newspaper had a transcript of these notes, I ln rational manner, had rationally advised I notllled the publisher at once of the facts, j his counsel ln their hearing and fully un and urged upon his attention the gross out- derstood and amreclated evervthlna- con rage that the publication of It under encH circumstances would Involve. While de ploring, of course, that the sacredness of a private correspondence should thus be violated, I cannot withdraw anything In the letter. Invitations from President. I have read the president's statement: I am most anxious to treat him and his i other utterances with consideration due to I the hiKh ottloe which he holds. Meverthe less 1 feel bound to call attention to cer tain things ln regard to which he does me Injustice. in his letter to Mr. Sherman he clearly seeks to convey the Impression that the personal Interview with him in the fall of l4 was of my seeking and not his. He says: His (Harrlman s) and my letters now before me ln the fall ol 1904 run as follows: On my return from spending the summer ln Europe on September aith he wrote me statlng that If 1 thought It desirable he d V" "'J. I'l'i" 0II delegate to the republican national con vention, having voted for my nomination.)' On September 23 I answered his letter saying: 'At present there Is nothing for me to see you about, though there were one or two points ln my letter of acceptance which I would like to have discussed with you before putting It out.' " Let me present the facts. On June 29, 1904. the president wrote me the following ir-iitrr, wuicn r.e uoes not inciuae in me me ln Europe: (Personal.) JurDeaT thank you for your letter. As soon as you come home, I shall want to see you. The fight will doubtless be hot then. It has been a real pleasure to see you this year. Very truly yours, In reolv to this I wrote him M , i ,ri from Europe the letter of September 28, McLane Hamilton, who said he made four the opening sentences of which he ellml- j examinations of Harry Thaw, the last In nuted in his publication: T.., , . .. ' . , "NEW YORK. Sept. SB, 1904-Dear Mr. JuIy' 1906' He concluded then that Thaw President: I was very glad to reoelve your was suffering from, chronic delusional in noto of June 29 last while I was ln Europe, sanity or Darirnln kn4 ailll held ' that I am now getting matters that accumu- : f"'7 ' PI " ne'a lated during my, absence somewhat cleared I bllef' On crosa examination, Dr., Hamil up, and U yoi- tiflok it deeliable -writ -(T' ton admitted he had not examined the ds. to see yon at any time either now or latei .' It seems to me that the situation could not be ln better shape. Yours sincerely, "To the President. Washington, D. C' Then followed He. n?,l. from the White House, both from the ores- ldent and his secretary, urging me to go v "' was via vvtwuri Vs iuv i coi nnt wroie; 'In view of the trouble over the State ticket uv New York, I should much like to have a few words with you. Do you think you can get down here within a few days, and take either lunoh or dinner with me." On October 14 he wrote: "My Dear Mr. Harrlman: A suggestion has come to me In a roundabout way that you do not think It wise to come to see j me in these closlna; weeks of the oamrmlim. 1 but that you are reluctant to refuse Inas much as I have asked you." A funeral ln my family prevented a prompt response to the president's repeated Invitation, but finally, about October 20, I was able to go to Washington and see him. There Is some difference of recol lection as to what transpired at that Inter view. state Politics Discussed. Fortunately, the president himself, la his "strictly personal" letter to me of No vember 80, throws some light upon what did take place. He says: "If you remember, when you were down here, both you and I were so Interested ln certain of the New York political de velopments that I hardly, if at all, touohed on governmental matters." Again ln the same letter he says: "As a matter of fact, as you will re member, when you did come down to see me, you and I were both so engaged ln the New York political situation that we talked of little else." The invitation of October 10 bade me to the White House to have a few words with the president "ln view of the trouble over the state ticket ln New York." I had replied on October 13: "I am giving a very large part of my time to connecting the trouble here, and Intend to do so If any effort on . my part can accomplish It. I will take occasion the first of next week to run down to see you, and I think by that time the conditions will be very much Improved." Whether I was seeking his aid to secure the adherence of the state of New York to the state ticket, or he waa seeking mine Is proved or disproved by this corre spondence, and I' cheerfully submit to the publlo whether the Inference clearly eug seated by the president Is the proper one. 1 fr "his personal benertt." I don't deny 1 liila al a tii n t nne Ibi it m fr mil AitnslstAtil ; with the asaertlons I made In the Webster ' letter respecting the Interview. Therein I . distinctly said: "The president sent me a ! rpoM ?oXlT.?n ' state. I eomnlied. .d he tnM m. h ; derstood the campaign could not be sue-' ctfully carried on without sufficient money, and asked If I would help thern In, ralBln, tna neceMllry funS as the na-1 1 I . ,.. , rt . 7 ."""V 1 , , - ei - uumu committee, u natr i iiairrnan uortel- '" Jad utterly faill of obtaining them i m''rfew Tnrk,T.rmm,n if that means anvthlna- whatever. It ! must he that he was urging me to help - York state and not : the. I campaign, except so far as the success of j me state ticaei in New York would con- i "",u" nnuunai ticaei Helps Raise Moaey. What the condition of the finances of the New York state committee and of the national republican committee at that : tne interview un tne president, is un- J to'-MTl-rW.w 'wl't h IhrasiSent covered a wide range of subjects, con- ! nected with I he New York state cam nerled witn ine INew lurk statu inm- 1 pa". and I did not pretend to go over the whole matter In the W ebster Tetter, j The president's letter of October 14. and Ms comment thereon, are Interesting, in ,"'t e"r sungestea tnat i might I '"' there was some danger In my VUll- lng him during the closing weeks of the ranipulgn. and suggested that If I thought so the visit be postponed until after election, whea he wouid ask mi tContlniied a j,n,i il Prsrt i THAW HEARING NEARS END Lsssey Commission Will Report te Conrt Taeralay Mornlsn, NEW TORK. April 2. It was announced tonight, after a session which lasted from 10:30 o'clock this morning until 6 JO p. m. that the lunacy commission inquiry Into the present mental state of Harry K. Thaw will conclude Its labors tomorrow and re port Its conclusions to Justice Fitzgerald before the hour set for the Thaw Jury to report In court on Thursday morning. There will be a brief public session tomor row to hear the testimony of an alienist offered by District Attorney Jerome and then will follow a private mental and phy sical examination of the defendant. Only the members of the commission and the of ficial stenographer will be present at Thaw's last ordeal, attorneys for the de fense and the district attorney being barred. The announcement that the commission desired to renew Its private examination of Thaw at the end of a day of many witnesses waa in tho nature of a com plete surprise. The decision probably was due to the conflicting character of the tes timony heard today. It was another battle of alienists. Those engaged by the district attorney declared Thaw absolutely In capable of understanding his condition, of realizing the nature of the charge against him, or of rationally conferring with coun sel, while those engaged by the defense de- nected with the trial. Thaw's Writings Cited. The experts for the prosecution admitted i they had reached their conclusions as to Thaw's present state of mental unsound- ness from distant ol lAprvntlnna nf him In fri, mnrt j ,, ....,.. ,. , . he 1court room and from writings alleged to have emanated from him during the trial. Among tho latter were twenty-four pages of newspaper clippings and memo randa written by Thaw as suggestions to his chief attorney, Delphln M. Delmaa, for his summing up address to the Jury. Mr. Jerome's experts declared these writings were those of un Insane man. The experts !f0r , a ,Tt. , w,. i - ti- ,ror "je 0 ,re"te f UrJ Wf o utfly nothing In the writings upon which to pre- dlcate an opinion of montal unsoundness. Mr- Delmaa himself took the stand and declared many of Thaw's suggestions were most valuable and that he Intended to In corporate some of them ln his summing up address. The alienists for the defense in testifying declared they had the advantage of con stant personal examinations of the defend and while the prosecution's witnesses had not. The Tombs physician, two chaplains of the city prison, several guards and a pro t-k the stand and testified ( tnat Thaw in prison had acted and spoken like rational man. Dr. Hamilton Testifies. The commission decided today to admit ln8 mucn mocussea testimony or ur. Allan 1 fnfIonj reoentlv. The dofond-nf. .,.i foughv against Dr. Hamilton's testimony to the very last. Failing In the plea of I Professional privileges as bar, they I argued that his examinations of the de- j fendant were too remote to be of any value at this time. The commission decided to allow the testimony. Members of the commission cross-examined several of the district attorney's alienists at length. Inquiring as to the con sistency of thalr testimony now that Thaw Is Insane and has been for several years, as against their testimony at the trial, when In answer to a hypothetical ques tion, they declared Thaw knew the nature and quality of his act when he shot and killed Stanford White and knew the act was wrong. Dr. Austin Flint declared Thaw was Insane from the alienist's point of view when the homicide occurred, but was not insane In tho language of the law, Mr. Jerome's experts, one aftor another, agreed that Thaw Is a paranoiac and that his case Is Incurable. Dr. Flint gave a new touch to the form of Insanity from which It Is alleged Thaw Is suffering, by declaring that his former paranolacal delusions of persecution are rapidly changing Into "delusions of grandeur." v STANDARD OIL LOSES POINT Jndge Liandla Overrules Motion to Take Chicago Case from Jury, CHICAGO. April t Judge Landla In the United States district court today overruled the motion of the Standard OH company that the case brought against them charg ing the illegal taking of rebates be dis missed. The dismissal of the case was based on the ground that the government had failed to make out the case outlined in ths Indlotments. The court refused to accept this view and ordered the trial to proceed. la announcing his decision Judge Landls aald: "It Is the view of the court that the I defendant Is presumed t ... to have known the lttwrul rate' .bec" " Is presumed to have i known the law forbidding the use of any rate that Is not the published rate. Under L IT "CQ h ana guide himself eceordlngly. " fen f in regara to tne contention of the de- se that the Chicago & Alton had no right to carry freight from Whiting, Ind.. , trt Rt Tiflf vh.n Urn ., . . ; not ' w 1 cover the antira dinUnce between thota ! the Urt rU,ed Alton rail- , r"a "a niea witn tne Interstate Com merce commission copies of tariffs giving through rate, between the point- named. 1 thu" howlng that such an agreement must have been made. ruriri the afternoon stnn the Inw yere fnr the prn he1 t Ktter of the srsruTrert. aril It w s(tM tonUrht. e en hv the grave rn me nt pSSMeV, that a -st wbmt cwnM n tm ln"'-tniint mm K rt'le nn bv tne Prtll- .Tlldew Txn'ts rtrr.fl tie fwl hm vnm mi owrtaln nnlnts and lrtlmte1 fhst Wrwn 10 and y counts would be stricken iTt. The ptItv clnw.1 ceuspii fnr thl. as Inffcatpd br the motlocs favored the ennrt. were wrone oer n Timber averred In frtv-thre cMints. - r' movements shown In many and no other counts, w roravrnmlir la Mlaneanta. PT. Paul. Anrll i The conference enm tnlt'e comrfieed of members of both hnuxes cf the state legislator, which met with he representatives of the rallroaia yeater dav for the purnose of formulating a com promises on the X-eent fAre hill and on rTimiipltv rates rentirted t the lee1 lMtnre thin sftmnin thnt Ilia M.r.Hal. T I or c'mr"r"-ite be r-cted and that a un mi i a IUSSE CARRIES CHICAGO fiepnblioan Candidata for Major Deoted bj riaralitT of About Th rUen Thousand. LARGE MAJORITY FOR TRACTION ORDINANCE Proposition for Recoastrnetloa of Street Railway Llaea with Option to Parchaee Wins by Thirty Three Thousand. CHICAGO, April , 1 Chicago's postmas ter, Frederick A. Busse, the republican candidate, waa elected mayor of the city today, having a plurality of 13.121 votes over Mayor Edward F. Dunne. The total number of votes cast for Mr. Busse were 164,83 and for Mr. Dunne 161.718. The pro hibition candidate polled 5,875 votes and the socialist 13,459. Two years ago when Mayor Dunne was elected to office he polled 163.109 votes and John M. Harlan, the republican candidate, lag.STl. The socialist vote the same year was over 40,000, and today's vote waa a great dls appolntement to the leaders of that party. The new mayor will have the city coun cil with him. but It Is very close, as the make-up of this body shows thirty. five republicans, thirty-four democrats and one Independent democrat. The ordinances settling the street car question were carried by a good majority. The total vote on this question waa 105,846 for and 132,720 against. According to the latest returns at mid night the only democrat outside of alder men elected was John E. Trager. demo cratic candidate for city treasurer. Issue ln the Campalajn. The Issues In the campaign have been largely based upon tho improvement of the local traction system. Both parties were agreed that present conditions were Intol erable, but differed as to the best method to be employed In revising them. The dem ocratic party, headed by Mayor Dunne, stood for municipal ownership through con demnation of the street car properties. If the result could not be obtained ln any other way. The republican party favored ordinances which were recently pasted by a democratic city council over the veto of Mayor Dunne. These ordinances provided for twenty year franchises for the street car company, the city retaining the right to purchase the systems for $30,000,000 plus the amount to be spent for Immediate re habilitation of the lines; six months no tice being necessary of the city's Intention to acquire the property. The ordinances also provide for universal transfers throughout the city, a 6-cent fare and 55 per cent of the net revenue of the com panies to be paid to the city. Larger Majority for Ordinances. The fight for and against the adoption of these ordinances has been exceedingly bitter. They were carried today by a ma jority of about 40.000 votes. The vote toda showed a decided reversal of public opinion on the question of municipal ownership compared with the Inst mayoralty cam paign two years ago. At that time Dunne received 163,189 votes, as against 138.671 for John M. Harlan, the republican leader. The prohibition ticket received I.IM votes and the sooialMs 28.14. This year thi republican- vote was fclofte to 165.000 and that of the democrats close' to 148,000. The prohibition vote runs slightly " above that of two years ago, while the socialist vote fen off heavily, being more than 12.000 less than that of the last city election. Campaign a Bitter One. The campaign has been the most vicious the city has ever known. Charges and counter charges have been hurled back and forth, the personal lives of the candidates have been held up to the public and throughout the entire campaign speakers on both sides have Indulged night after night In tirades filled with Invectives and abuse. The disagreeable features of the oampalgn which became so pronounced In its latter part commenced when Mayor Dunne circulated a petition for a referen dum vote on the traction proposition at the present election. He and his followers announced that they had secured 151,000 signers to this petition, 80,000 being neces sary to place the matter before the voters. Charges were made by the republicans that thousands of these names had been forged and that the list had been padded In every conceivable fashion. These assertions were vehemently denied by the democrats and the followers of Mayor Dunne who were in favor of Immediate municipal ownership. From this time to the end of the campaign the feeling became more bitter and more intense. Hearst Active In Fltrht. William Randolph Hearst came personally from New Tork to take part ln the cam paign and brought with him his ablest car. toonlsts and editorial writers. His papers weree the only publications in the city supporting .Mayor Dunne, all others being for Busse and the ordinance. The fight be tween the editorial departments became so energetic that the actual Issues of the campaign were for some time completely lost sight of. Th papers favoring Busse made much of the party cry that Chicago was able to manage Its own interesta with out instruction from New Tork. The Hearst papers claimed throughout the cam paign that Mayor Dunne waa acting tor the best interests of Chicago, and that It was therefore their duty to support him. ' The first returns received, indicated that Busse would be elected by about 25,000 plurality over Dunne. Later these figures were out down and Busse apparently lost ground throughout the night, retaining all the time, towever, a strong and sure plur ality. Dunne Abandons Hope Early. Mayor Dunne abandoned hope within two hours after the polls had closed. He re ceived the returns at his home surrounded by his family and a few friends. He ap peared to be greatly affected by the result and said: "It looks as though the money power has overwhelmed us. but our cause Is not lost. Municipal ownership and gov ernmental ownership will win ln the end. This election has merely acted as a check. It will retard us for a while, but the movement will go on and will ln the end be successful." . Corporation counsel James Hamilton Lewis, who baa been a staunch supporter of Mayor Dunne, said: "The result came because a combined re publican party was led by able captains against what developed to be a distracted and divided democracy." Statement by Basee. Mr. Busse. who has for some Urns bean postmaster of the city, was confined to his home during the campaign because of Injuries received in a recent wreck on the Pennsylvania railroad. When the result was beyond a!i doubt he gave out a state ment as follows: I, of course, am greatly dellgted at the success of the republican ticket. It shows that the people of this city are ln favor of Immediate Improvement of our street car systems and that they endorsed (Continued ou SeuuDd Paa.) NEW MOVE JN EDDY CASE Head of Christian clear Church Places Her Property In Haada l of Trustees. CONCORD. N. H.. April t A molloti for leave to Intervene, Involving the substitu tion of duly appointed trustees as plaintiffs ln place erf the "next friends," wss the answer of Mrs. Mary Baker O. Kddy, founder of the Christian Science rrllglon, mado through her counsel in the suit brought to compel an accounting of her property. By a deed of trust Mrs. Eddy transferred practically her entire estate to three trus tees, Henry M. Baker of Bow. Archibald McLellon of Boston and Joslah Ev Femald of Concord. It Is now claimed Mrs. Eddy cannot be compelled to appear In court In connection with the pending litigation. The trustees are empowered to prosecute and defend, for the benefit of the estate of Mrs. Eddy, any suits at law or In equity, whether now pending or that may afterwards be brought with reference to any matter ln which she may personally be Interested. With the ex ception of Mr. McLellan the trustees are not believers in the Christian Science doc trine. Tho next step In the litigation will come when counsel for both parties to the suit will agree upon a date for hearing on the mntlon filed today. Frank S. Streeter, personal counnel for Mrs. Eddy and her trustees, said: "The creation of a trust to take charge of and care for all her property and busi ness affairs was contemplated by Mrs. Eddy before she had any knowledge that the equity suit was begun or contemplated and she had consulted me with reference thereto. "As to the stilt Itself, If as claimed, it waa begun for the sole purpose of protect ing Mrs. Eddy'e property Interests, 'the next friends' should feel relieved from any anxiety." Henry M. Baker, chairman of the trus tees, ln behalf of hlmnelf and his assocla atea. said: "Mrs. Eddy has relieved herself of the care of her estate that she may devote her time and thought without Interruption to the advancing cause she represents. Her trustees accepted the trust several weeks ago and will iot hesitate to protect and de fend the estate entrusted to them. If noed be, against plaintiffs and defendants In the pending .suit." TRIAL OF ABE RUEF BEGINS Day Spent In Examining; One Tales man and He Is Challenged by Both Sides. SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. A legal bat tle that promises to last for weeks and Is expected to be ln a measure pivotal for all the criminal proceedings growing out of the grand Jury'B bribery investigation was begun In earnest today when Abra ham Ruef. San Francisco's Indicted po litical boss, was placed on trial in Judge Dunne's department of the superior court on the charge of extorting large sums of monoy from local French restaurant keep ers, under threat that unless paid he and Mayor Schmita would prevent the renewal of their liquor licenses by tha commis sion. - When court adjourned at the , end of the afternoon session, one talesman had been examined, and waa under challenge by both sides, and a second waa under ex emlnatlon by the defense. The first Is J. R. Bradstreet, a weather strip manu facturer. Herman W. Johnson, as special for the prosecution, and Henry Ach, of counsel for Ruef, conducted the examina tion of talesmen. The case chosen for trial first is that In which the Delmonlco restaurant Is In volved. It was selected by the prosecution as likely to present the strongest evidence against Ruef on these minor charges of graft. Before the grand Jury, Maifantla, the principal proprietor of the restaurant, testified that he had paid Ruef 11,175 and promised an additional payment of $1,000 one year later because of fear. This fear Is regarded by the prosecution as the basis of the extortion, whereas the defense will contend that the fear was not of Ruef, but of the conditions that existed, and that Ruef was retained to combat the probable loss of license, of which the owners of the restaurant stoor ln fear. SENORA ZELAYA POPULAR Wife of Nlearasjnnn President Hailed s Florence Klghtlusral of Central America. WASHINGTON, April 2. Senora Zelaya. the wife of President Zelaya of Nicaragua, has made herself the Idol of the Nicaraguan army by her active service at the head of the Red Cross In recent battles between the Hondurans and Nlcaraguans, according to James Deltrlck, a mining engineer with Interests ln Honduras and Nicaragua, who called at the State department today to discuss the Central Amerloan troubles. "Senora Zelaya rode more than 150 miles on muleback to reach the scene of the military operations," said Mr. Deltrlck, "and she personally assisted In caring for the sick and wounded of both the Hon durean and Nicaraguan armies. The people of the republlo have always devoted to her, but her popularity Is now 'unpre cedented and she Is greeted as a second Florence Nightingale." ( VERDICT IN COLTON WRECK Switching Crew, Engineer at Trnln and Southern Paelflc Railroad Are Responsible. , COLTON, CalV April I The verdict of the coroner's Jury summoned to Investigate the wreck at Colton, last Thursday In which twenty-three persons lost their lives, and nearly 100 more were Injured, was re turned this evening. The foreman of the switching crew and his assistants are sad dled with the responsibility of the wreck through criminal negligence; the engineer of the wrecked Overland train Is declared guilty of negligence through running too fast, and the Southern Pacific Is censured for operating the fragile cars In which many of the Italian Immigrants war killed. LUMBERMEN TURN TO BOATS Louisiana Mill Men Will Ship Output hy Water t (ha Monk. NEW ORLEANS, April t Car shortage has caused a movement for water trans portation smong Louisiana lumbermen. It was announced today that about 2.0UO.0O0 feet of lumber is now preparing for ship ment on the Mississippi river to points as far north as Cairo, Ilia The state is honeycombed with water- ways capable of floating the barges upon which It la proposed to transport tha luui iRY BILL COES Gibsen ifeanure Recommended fot Fanaca by Home After Debate. i DOUGLAS COUNTY MLMBLRS FIGHT BILL Effort to Defeat Froposed Law Fails When Vote Cornea. HOUSE SETS DAY FOR ADJOURNMENT Accepts Eeport of Ccnferenoe Committee FixiDf ThnradaT at Boon. SENATE DEADLOCKS ON PURE FOOD BILL Declines to Concur In House Amend, ments nnd Sends Matter Over to Conference After Warm Debate. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 2. (Special.) After a most stubborn fight Gibson's bill to pre vent brewers from having an Interest ln saloons and to vacate buildings In whio-'l they are conducting saloons through a sec-, ond pcrty was recommended for passage ln the house this afternoon. Dodge made an effort to get the house not to concur In the committee of the whole report, but he was unsuccessful and he again tried to get the bill recommitted for the purpose of agreeing to some amendment by which Douglas county could be exempted, or the brewers given time In which to dispose of their saloon properties. But this motion was voted down, 29 to 42. Dodge explained that one brewer owned $3(0,000 worth of property at Sixteenth and Harney streets and this property would have to be sold at a sacrifice, while there were probably 250 saloon buildings In Omaha owned by brewers. But his arguments and the ar guments of Leeder, Lee, Tucker, Harvey, Welsh and Hainer fell on deaf ears. Both Dodge and Walsh said Gibson had Intro duced the bill purely to get even with the brewers of South Omaha, and Dodge Insisted that such an Injustice should not be worked upon property owners because one man ln the heat of anger had thrown 1 na bill to get even. Walsh assured tha house Gibson did not want the bill to pass, but this had no effect, for the house did. Jenlson and Hart and others, Including Hagemelster, were for the bill, and their Idea, as they expressed It, was to divorce the brewers from the local saloon busi ness and drive them out of politics. Leeder's Futile Appeal. The fight occupied most of the after noon, and during the talk Leeder, who has kept quiet during the entire session. except when his beloved fire department was an Issue, talking for the house to ba fair and Just, said: "Be fair, you tem perance people; don't be like some say your Lord's prayer with your eyes shut because you are afraid to look God In the face." The members laughed, but it didn't catch any votes. Following la the vote on the motion t recommit: ; Teas BMft Beat, Bljrrtoaa, Bncklsr. Coax, Voif, El ler, Funk. Ullnua, (litem. Nays Adams. Armstrong. Balrd, Baker, Barrett, Bolen, Brown (Shron), Carlla. Davla, Do ran. Duncan, Tartar, Franca, V Graft, Oraen, Itajrha. Hamar, ftlchardeoa, . Harrey, Srudilar, HeRtrnan, Bmlth, Hill. Btalnauar, how,, Talbot, Kuhl, " Tucker, UrMullen, Walah, Murpnr. Worthing, hankel, Orelg. Neff, Hacemeleter, Norec, Hanaen, Bapar, Hart, Redstone, Henry, Rohrer, Jnhneon, gchnattsar, Klllen, Snrder, Lahnara Stalder, Klna. Stoii, Loiednn. Van Houses, slacker, Weeme, Mareh, White, Meatera, Whltbani, Metifer, Mr. Bpaakar 4. One of the very important hills passed by the house this morning was the proposed constitutional amendment by King of Polk Increasing the number of suprems Judges and changing the pay of both supreme and district Judges. The bill provides there shall be seven supreme Judges. Of thee three are to be elected at the' 1909 election and three at the 1911 election, while in 1908 there is to be a chief Justice chosen. The terms of office shnll be six years and the Judge whose term expires ln 1914 shall be chief Justice until the chief Justice elected. In 1909 the governor, under tha bill. Is to appoint two Judges, and in 191t he is to appoint two more. The Judges of the supreme court are to be paid $4,500 a year and are to live where the court Is located. Judges of th district court are to receive $S,0U0 a year. The house killed Senator Sackett'e pet measure this afternoon when it failed to give fifty-one votes In favor of the bill to make notes given for Insurance pre miums non-negotiable. Considerable work had been done for and against the bill, and It was a close fight, though friends of the measure were not numerous enough to get It through. Another pet measure that the house stamped the life out of waa McXesson'o bill to have the state officers furnished with coupons which they were to exchange for railroad tickets when going out on state business. These coupons were to be given In exchange for warrants at the auditor's office. McKesson meant the bill to be a check on the state officers, but It didn't get through. He may make an effort to have It reconsidered. Date for Adjournment. Ths house adopted the report of the con ference committee on adjournment, the day being fixed at II o'clock noon Thursday, and then paid William J. Bryan a compli ment by agreeing not to hold a meeting Wednesday night so the fuslonlsts could avail themselves of an Invitation to be th) guests of Mr. Bryan that evening. Pare Food 11111 Deadlock. The two houses of the legislature are la a fair way to deadlock over the adoption of the house amendments to the pure food bill which la the only one of the platform pledges not yet acted upon finally. The senate this morning after a sensational debate. In which Benator Aahton of Hall county, pale with anger, branded a state ment made by Patrick of Sarpy county as a "deliberate lie," refused to concur in the house amendments to the bill and Senators Root. Patrick and Aldrlch were named as a conference committee on tha bill. All three members of this committee have been leaders In the right fur a very stringent food bill and there Is no ques tion but that they will fight the house amendments to a finish. One of the principal amendments at tached by the house is to section S of the bill, and It was turned down by the sen ate two or three weeks ago after a hard fight. Another amendment, ln the opinion of some of the senators, will take sway from ths state all supervision over meat products from the packing houses and tha suuata committee will light for a "''-"jr-