Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APHID 2, 1007. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cat and Whsst rpa Btr???, ' et Deohrt Later. EXCHANGE CLOSED TULSDKY FOR HOLIDAY tteperts of ranker Orw Bag ' HrfM Caase Advaae la WkMl, eblch WrmUeas Later on Denial. Com, bu Ei fro 110 ion Uats. bu 3J6.VO 141. 60 hye, bu 11. KM) Larley, bu 97,?) 246.) On the I'roduo exchange today the but ter nS-kef W atariv; ffMMmsH dalrl.s. Au27c. K."gga, essy; at merit, cn Included. lH'': nrs.. 14c, prim firsts, 16Hc. Chctm, itrad)', 1.1'uloc SEW YORK (IEHIIAL MARKET OMAHA. April 1. 1907. . imfnmi PI li wiv ii'i ...... ..... tire miinn took a sharp upwara urn in sympathy with the Krfulla displayed in jtbHt. Osts led lo the bull movement and IV o red an advance of Vc on tne clows oi f7turday. A reaction followed, however, 'which carried price generally be.ow tne opening and the market continued netvoua to th close. JYheat opened higher on receipt of more dir.nage report by green bug. Receipt War heavy and . rain were reported In the aouthweRt, with generally tavorabla weather condition, but a decrease waa le ported In the visible aupply and the reoui tence of green bug report caused a higher market. The subsequent reaction, which wiped out nearly all gain. J sused by denial of the bug report and nervous and erratic market resulted, it reported that the bug had advanced Into the field of Nebraska, but confirma tion was lacking. The weather condition 4 continue to be. the controlling factor In tho market, which promises to be feverish lor lomt time. The close ws firm at an advance of rko over tti closing price ot Saturday for May options. Corn waa steady and offering were light. Th market weakened - sympathy wltn the reaction In wheat, but change were Within a narrow range. . . Good buying and light offering cf oat feeulted In higher price. May option pened at 42c bid, an advance of He over tho cloeo of Saturday, but the market broke n scattered eelllng to below the opening prices. Trading was lively, but little sup- ro.-t wss offered In the downward move lent srd the cU se was weak. , , ... Primary wheat receipt were 1.067.000 bushels and shipments 220,000 bushels, against receipt last year of 821.000 bushel of mi .dim bushels. Corn re ceipts were l,fl&,000 bushel and shipment fTLOOO buhels. against receipt lsst year ut 610.000 bushel and shipments of 438,000 bushels. . . Clmrances were 434.000 bushel com, 8,000 bushel oat, and wheat and Hour equal to t00,00 bushel. . . M The Liverpool exchange was Closed for the Eter holiday. ' t , . The worlls wheat shipment for the last Week were 9,466.000 bushel, againat 8,6i6,0O0. rushel last year. Corn shipments were X.00t bushels, against 2,840,000 bushels last 'H The visible wheat supply decreased 865.O00 bushel to 47.21S.000 bushels, against a up- ply of 4, 48.000 bunnls last year. mo corn aupply decreased b.iu.ia Dusneis v 12,213,000 buahels, against 11,881.000 bushe s last year. A decrease of 126,000 buhel was recorded In the visible supply of oats. Which Is 10.503,000 bushel, sgalnst 21,832,000 bushels lat year. The exchange closed Thursday, which Is election day throughout the coun try. k. Local range of options: Articles ! Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.1 Bafy. WheatI Alay.. July., Corn May.. July. , Sept., Oats- May... July.. I I I 70W 70B 70B1 71HB 71'bJ 71HB 41UA 41V4 A!4TA 41AI 41BI 4074A, itAi 41A 41A 4IBI 42HB 41'A SSVBI 38'B S84A! I 70HB 713B HA 41A 41t4A I tSfrBl 69A 41V.A 41A 41 WA 41T.B 88V4B A asked. B bid. . Omaha Cash rlees. WHEAT No. t hard. 68tt-ft69He; No. J hard. tTOi7e; No. 4 hard, M'u3c; No. 1 '(Mat WW: No. 4. :. jrade; 21c: yellow, 8886V,c; No. OAtS-NoT mixed. J8fl38c; No. I white, o'3'40; No. 4 white. SSHtiSSVo. . RIB-No. t c: No. S, 58Vc Carlot Receipt. Wheat, Corn. Oats. C-Woago 14 299 W kansa City 140 147 54 .Minneapolis ,-O'S . . , Tmluth ..'a . CHICAGO ? CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Prlrea o Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 1. Oreen bug reports and unavorablo weather for the growlnsl rop caused firmness tolay In -the wheat market,' the May delivery closing at a net gain of H4)1o. Corn aud oats were each off Wo. Prwvlalona were 7VkO to. JOlOHo '"AoactlTe demand for wheat, especially for the May option, caused reports of am ln creased area affocted by the reen bug and by statements -ct damage by frost In In i.n. Aiwnut the middle of the day the nuu-kst eased off because of the report of a crop expert, which m&de the oondltlon of wheat on April 1, 88.1. oompared with 2 lor the aia-repodlng day last year. Thi report seemed to dispel some of the fear rrttiurf trt renorta of creen bug damage. The market rallied again near the close on buying by shorts. The close waa steady. May wheat opened unchanged to o higher at 7tte to 70So, sold up to WAa and then declined to 76a The cs waa at 7&'t lt)o. Clearanoes of wheat and flour were equal to 7,2uO bu. The amount on pasaage Increased 4J4.0X) bu.. and the visible supply increased 740, OuU bu. Primary receipts were 067,0(10 bu,, against 821,000 bu. for the same day lat year. Minneapolis, Puluth and Chicago reported receipt of 746 care, aga'nst 44 ours last week and Ull oars one year ago. Trading In the com pit waa very quiet and tigs tone of the market was easy. Scattered liquidation by local loners and eoma selling by receiving houses was In evidence. Large primary mcelpta, poor ahlpprng demand and the possibility of liberal local receipts by Wednesday had a depressing effect. The Ce was easy. May corn opened un changed at 4to sold at 464o and them de clined to 464 o. Final quotations were at ao'to. Local receipts were 2M cars, with two on tract grade. Ma.y oat at the opening said at 4340, the tMsheet price of the season. The advance Was caused by the covering by shorts, who were smarmed at the congested condition ut the market. Prices eased off later on soil ing by elavator Interests. The deferred fu tures were also sold freely because of re-pts-ta Uia.t seeding Is progrensBlng rapidly. Hay evened a shade to ViSo hlgDer at 4.10 to 4Jio, sold 0(1 to 430 and closd at 4)ini iirtio. Local receipts were lh oars. Provisions) were Arm because of a lOrrVtte advance In the price ot live hog. Offer ings came mainly from longs. At the close May pork wss up 10c at 814 . Lard was up ' 7 Ho at Kiba were lwfi.Vc higher at t UUt tlmated receipts for Wadneeday: Wheat n carat; corn, M4 cars; oats, 802 oars; hoea. ir tornorrow. K.ouO head. The Board of Trade will ba closed Tuea- day. eieotW.o day. The leading futures ranged a follews: ttaotallons of the Day oa Tarleas Commodities. NEW YORK. April 1 FLOUrWRe cdpts, I6.e7 bols.i exports, 4.474 tsjls market strauy with light Inquiry, Minns suia pstenis, t4.10w 4.t; winter stralgnts, iS5360; Minnesota bakers, lif 2.60; winter extras, 82I0W8.00; winter patents,'; winter low grades, i )n Hye dour, dull; fair to good, 11.666 2.80; choice to fancy, !. .. CORNMKAL Steady: fine white and yel low, DV'; coarse. tl.Osal-10; kiln dried, U.K,lil2.1a. WHEAT Receipts, 182,000 bu.; exports, 2 D64 bu. Bpot market ateady; No. 2 red, !2Sc, elevator; No. 2 red, 81 c. f. 0. b., alloat; No. 1 northern, ljuluth, e. 1. o. b.. afloat; No. i hard winter. 7Vc, f. o. b., afloat. Between further bug damage new from Oklahoma and low temperatures In the southwest, wheat was generally firm all day, although quiet. A bearish snow report caused moderate selling pressure In the last hour, but there wa a rally near th close, final 1 !' showing H OHc net rle. May, 85V 085 7-1 c. closed at t6c; July, 8 5 V, a Sec, closed at 86o; September closed at 86Hc I'uHW Receipt, 166,950 bu.; export, 69.689 bu. Spot markot steaJy: No. 2, 66c. elevator, and 62c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 64 Mr and No. 2 yellow, f. o. b., nflost. Option market was without trans actions, rinsing net unchanged. "A i 8 Kceipt, 228.000 bu.; exports, 200 bu, Ppot market steady; mixed oats, to 2 pounds, 4Hc; natural white, 30 to 28 pounds, 47(3 49c; clipped white. 26 to 40 pound, 48962HO. H Kr'v. shipping, 70 80c; good to choice, 21.10111.15. HurS Bteaiiv; state, common to choice, 196. 184Mc; 11H5. ftfllc; Pacific coast, 1906, lift 14c; isl higYio. HIDES Quiet; Central America, 24 He; Bogota, 2V. T wtMKR Stesdv; acid. 27Vtig9e. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 214.60 16.00; mess, 89 60010 00: beef h-us 'l dOiff ?6.00: packet. 810.5Oril.O; city, extra India mess, 820 00 21.00. Cut rreHts, steady; pickled bellies, 810 SO 12.00; pickled hams, f 1 1 .60 12 00. Lard, firm: western prime, 89. 10ft 9 20; refined, steady; continent, 29.60; South America, 19.50; compound, 28.87 H Q 8 62 4. Pork, firm: family, 219.00; short Clear, 217.75 19 25: mess, 217.60 18.25. TALLOW Quiet; city, Ho; country, RICE Dull; domestic, fair to extra, 24 l'ic; Japanese, nominal. Hl'TTEJl Steady; street price, extra creamery, 20H'331c: official prices, cream ery, common to extra, 2&330c; state dairy, common to finest, 21fc29c; renovated, com mon to extra, 166 2Rc; western factory, com mon to firsts, 19'5Ro; waetorn Imitation crenmery. extras, 8r77c; firsts, 28!B24c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, col ored and white, small September fancy, 15c; October best, 14fr'14Hc; good to prime, l.WUHc; winter made, average best, 124c; October best. 14i??"14H: good to prime, 12 lSWe; Inferior. lim&.12Ho. EOGS Irregular; state, Pennsylvnnla and nearby fancy selected white, 19HB2op; choice. lHlc; firsts to extra firsts. 17 18c: western firsts, 1617c; seconds, 16 16HC. hi oar Raw steady; fair refining. 8 koi centrifugal, 96 test, 2c; molasses sugar, 2Tc. Refined steady; crushed, 6.40o; pow dered, 1.80c; granulated. 4.70o. St. Iowls General Market. ST. LOUIS. April 1 WHEAT-IT! gher: track, No. 2 red eweh, 7tS4G77Hc-i No. 2 hard. iwumr; my, lomv 10 'c; Juiy, fito.ic, CORN Lower ; track, No. 2 cash, 434 43c; No. I white, 45c; May, t$o; July, 444444So. OATS Weak; track. No. 2 cash. 41c No. 2 white, 42ff42Hc; May. flHe; July, 364c r wiUK-Lnin: red winter patents. 3 so; extra fancy and straight. 23.208.60: clear. 82.tttff2.86. SEED.-Tlmothy, steady, 3.COBH.00. CORNMKAL Steady, 2140. BRAN Easy; sacked, east track, 29070. HAT-teady; timothy, 215.0019.00; prairie, p0.0Ofil3.00. IRON COTTON TIES-TLIO. BAOOINO lOSo. HEMP TWINK 10c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher;" Jobbing. 216.92H. Lard, higher; prime steam. ti-KMdf 8.774. Dry meats j(boxed). flrrn; extra shortsr 89 63ft:' clear ribs, 2S.62H; short clears,' 89.75. Bacon '(boxed), firm; extra Shorts, 210.60; clear ribs, 110.50; short Clears, 10 6S , POULTRT-Steady; chickens, lie; spring. 13Vio; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 12o; geese. 7Hc. . BUTTER Steady; creamery. 23331 Vfco; dairy, Hfi3tlc, EGOS Firm at 14c. ' Reorlpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 14 0iX lLOO Wheat bu.... 61.000 61.0O0 Corn, bu n.OT0 144.000 OaU, bu O,0u0 86,000 SEW YORK STOCKS ANDBOaNDS IfirVtt Cpett H'.ilit, liiThVi oa rr cf C Serine, from Abroad Tomorrcw. NIT LOSSES FROM LOW Lr.VEL OF FRIDAY Oreat Iferthera Preferred a Drag oa the Market Beeaaae of Call far Paymente oa Hew Issae. NKJW TORK, April 1. The New York market operated again to day without Lon don to erve as an index of the foreign atti tude. There was a time today when this seemed to arouse misgiving ovor the ex tent to which price were being carried away from the leel when London last traded in our securities on Thursday last. The rebound of Friday was materially ex tended by the gains which were added to day. The resumption of trading in London tomorrow Is awaited with Interest to see what view will be taken of the rapidity of the recovery here. The drop In Canadian Paoiflo at the OTr Ing here waa largely due to stock supplied from foreign sources, as the extent of the short Interest In that stock reviewed n Fri day last made It In eager demand SU11. The demand from the shorts promptly reas serted its Influence on the stock and It re bounded violently. The fact that Friday's rebound In that stock waa sufficient to bring out large offerings of foreign holdings sug- fiested a possibility of what might happen n the general list when London resumes tomorrow and led to the general reaction after the opening, wiping out practically all of the gains and establishing some striking losses from the low level of last Fridoy. The movement of Great Northern preferred also acted as a damper on the early strength of the market. The heaviness of this stock seemed to be connected with the official notification by the company that tne original terms of payment of si beer p tlono to the new stork would be unchanged by the delay In the Issue caused by the liti gation to enjoin It. This would call for the payment of four 10 per cent Installments, amounting to aome 84.000,000 on April 9. The subscription lights were dealt In bn the Btock exchange for the first time today and declined to a lower level than was touched on the curb when the judicial decision In favor of the cy-moany waa first announced. Anothr factor In the early reaction was the knowledge that a formal announce ment was Inunlnent from President Roose velt on the subject of governmental policy towards the railroads. Humors first current on the Stock exchange were that the expected statement was to be In effect a reiteration of former views and an expressed de termination to continue In them. This ver slon caused a distinct halt in the rise in prices, but thg rise was actively renewed when reports got abroad that emphasHs was to be laid by the executive of disapproval of any project that would Invalidate rail road securities. Decided relief was felt tn-er the Improved money situation and with the first of April fairly passed It was believed that relaxation would follow In the money market. Rates lor time loans were marked down de cisively. The sub-treasury report showing a gain by the banks since Friday of nearly 86,000,000 demonstrated that the effect of the treasury relief makeeures were not to to be at n fined to the bank statement of last week. Another decisively strengthen ing Influence on the market wits the better prospect reported of a settlement without a strike of the claims of western railroad employes for higher wages and a reduced working day. Moet of the day s gains were retained to the last, although the closing tone was rather feverish. tjrnas were firm. Total sales par value, Il.9a4.ai0.. United States 2s coupon declined 7 jj-ai tun I 4.1 fl CHI I Number of unA New York Stock exchange: " " Bslss. HIh.-bow. Close. r.2.RC.nrs: gold coin end bullion, 11,742.2; gold certificates, l2.Jl)i.m Xew York Meaey Market. NEW TORK, April l.-MONET ON CALL SWiij, SVtf'l csr.t; ruling r.te, clolng hid, 8: offered st 8. Time loans, soft; sixty djiys. &Va; ninety days, &; six months, ..Vj per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-664 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong with actual business In bsnker' bills at 84. 8.1-6 ti4.S70 for demand and at 84.794 7910 for Ixty-dsy bills; posted rates, 2480 and 4.H'i; commercial bills, 34 79. SILVER Bar, 6CSc; Mexican dollars, 60c. BONDS -Government, easy; railroad, Arm. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: I'. 8. rf at. do eoupos 11. g. Is. m So eoupsn U. S. old 4a, rf .. do coupon , U. 0. b.v 4t, reg.. do coupon Am. Tobaoeo 4s.... do Is AtchlMxi gsa. 4a.. do tdj. Atlantlo C. L. 4s... Ll.l. Ohio 41.... do J4 P'S. R. T. o. 4a.... Cent nil of Oa. (a. do 1st Ina "do M Ino do Id Inc Ches. ft Ohio 4Ha.. c, B q. n. 4a..., C. R. L A P. 4a.... do col. ba CTC. . U g. 4a.. Colo. Ind. Ra, aar. A. Colorado Mid. 4a Colo, ft So. 4s Cuba D. ft R. O. 4a..., mannara1 See. 6a... Rtia p. 1. 4a do fan. 4a Hock. Val. 4a.. .1IM .1"4 AMI, .ro .W4 .1J"H . 13V4 .104 i . n . tnii . si . n . i . .lie . W . re Japs , Id sartas. do 4a (tfs o 4Sa rtfa 4o Id aarlaa t, ft N. anl. 4s.... Man. e. g. 4a Mn Central 4s.... do 1st Inc Minn Oil A". I A LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Etrsssr U Tsa Ctsti Eisttr tad Active, HOGS OPEN HIGHER, BUT CLOSE LOWER Large Hast . of Sheep and La sabs, vltk Price Weak Tea Ceats Lewer oa All Klade. ft Pt. U 4a M Ka to " iije l0ii- t to M , K. ft T. 4a do S T. C. g. Im... S. 3. C. g. la.. No. Paolgc 4a do la S. ft W. . 4a n. 8. L. rfdg 4a.. Pasn. eonT. Ia.... Raadln gen. 4ft M at. u ft I, m. t. ts. no .inewilst U ft S. T. rg. 4s II . 12 (St. L 8 W. 4a.... 71V . 1C"IISsaoniir4 A. U 4s.. 71 kJVa go. paclflo 4a 7v' do IK 4a ctfa 114 M iSo. Rallwar M....10H4 7 Texaa ft P. la 14 Vi'jT . t. It. ft W. 4a. T ilnlon Pactftc 4a 101 K If 8. Staal M 4a.... M U Wabaah la 110 H do dan. B 0 11 Wcitarn Ui. 4s 14 10l lW. ft L. . 4s.... 14 MTt(Wla. Cantral 4a kVj EStJnterest. Bid. Offered. Ex-In terest and offered. fEx-lnterest and bid. - Boston Storks aad Bonds. BOSTON. April l.-Call loans. per cent; time loans. 6ff6H per cenL Official closing quotations were: Atchison ad, 4a ... II iRingham do 4s 17 Tal. ft Hecla. Mex. Central 4a 81 H Centennial Atchison ? do pM m Boston ft Albany... m Flonton ft Maine 140 no.ton EleTMed 140 Fltrhburg pld 1 Mexican Central 114 N. Y.. N. H. ft H...174 fnlon Psolflo 1JIH Amer. Pnau. Tube.. 7H Amtr. Sugar IK1 do Pfd ' IX Am. T. ft T 1111 Amer. Woo Inn do pfd Copper hangs Hair Wast Franklin Isle RoralS .... u. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. C. Old Dominion Parrot guincr ghannon iTamarack m.1Trlnltr H Vnlted Copper Fdlion Bloc. Illtt 2ns IV. 8. Mining. Mass. Elactiie 17H I'. 8. Oil Masa. Oas t'nlted Fruit ....... I'nltcd 8. M do pfd V. 6. Steal do pfd Adrantur Allouei Amalgamated Atlantic Asked. Bid. . M"4 Utah .KWSiiVictona , IS jWlnona ,. 17 W'olTarlns ....... . M4 North Butts ..... ,. W4 Bulla Coalition . .. IH Ntrada . (I Cal. ft Arltona.. 94 Arltona Com. ... . UVa'Oraana Con .. M .. i .. t .. it .. 20 .. 81 .. .. IS .. ao .. IUj .. M .. ..m .. liH ..Hi ... n ,.. II ... K ... 10 ... 61 H ... I ... I4 ,..140 ... r ... 11 ... us ,..iii ... y.w ... 844 March 26. March !7. March 28. March 29. March SO. March 81. April 1... Boston Copper Market.' These quotations are furnished by Logan Sc Bryan, members New York and Boston Btock exenanges, z jjoara oi neaun: Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Ijow. Close. I Bafy. ' What ' May .July Bept. lieo. Corn May July rU.t.t Oats My July Spt ork May July -trd A May ft July Rls May July Bept. 'TSH-pat 81 0 W7 ali 1 41i46,(u ' Wi F4 16 rrU 16 ITVa I0?4 14 TT 0Ws 7S!76S', Wi 7SH Tv,"" i T;t',4t Tsrsi 7v SI I slSl ' 81H 404 ' 16 45 16 46 o?Hl t 15 m4 tzi 4Pi V 4o44i 46'l i 41V. 4?S'4?HrV.!42TT4 sa 2: r'.?i, I m 16 S7V,I 16 40 16 87M:I 16 46 00 14 20 8 7S or in 2-:s 8 8 8 8 97V4,1 Ov I 0C4 M 16 80 16 25 I 96 9 tri IS 8 70 6 6 Kansas City Grain aad Prorlilosi. KANSAS CITT, April 1. WHEAT May, 69c; July, Tic; September, 7Sc; cash. No. 2 hard, 70H'ff78i4c; No. 2 red. 66Vs72V,c; No. s reu, liiiioo; no. s, octf , dc CORN May, 40c July, Uo; September, 42V,c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 40c; No. 2, WH &c; No, 2 white, 41c: No. 8, 4Off40Ho. OATS No. 2 white. No. t mixed, ilo. RYE Steadv. 62 0 66a. HAY Steady: choice tlmothv. 114.100 1626; choloe prairie, 211. 00O11.80. EGGS Easy; firsts, ISo per dosen. BUTTER Creamery, 29o; packing, lio. ReoelDts. ShTnments. Wheat, bn 146.000 62.000 Corn, bu ....147,000 66,000 Oat, bu 84.0QO . 11,000 Closing quotations at Kansas City, as fur bished by Logan oV Byron, I Board ot Trade: l 47 Adams glxsrsas Asnalgamatae Copper ln.XW Am. c ft F ioo Am. C ft F. pfd ioo in, loUMI Ull Am. Cotton Oil pfd.... American Capraaa Am. H. ft U pfd American Ice Am. Litnsaae Oil Am. IJnml Oil pfd... Am. Lecemotlve Am. L pfd., ax-dlr... Am. g. ft R am. s. ft a. pf t.loo 104 nn. buht nanning... 4,700 114 Am.. Tooaoeo. era on m.t. 4oe M W "4 14 W0 M ! r 10 100 ttO 110 lot 100 tt II I1U 100 77 77 TT too II II 13 100 2 It 81 100 4 tl 14 106 M 40 .111 us m t.luO IIH 104 104 4,700 11 114 13' H.ooe. 4 W.tOO 3 100 M 1,700 10 6. TOO M4 eewj ro 4 1 4 lot 97 10 S7 W.SOO Mt M Et tn.too i jr? in 1T 1400 41 40 . 41 . 4O0 14 II 13 2.0(0 160 147 149 80,400 114 UI 114 . too too 8, Too 1,700 t0 00 lCr 11 16 It 40 41 r 71 4 H 10 44 I 10 71 M 44 44 Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. aose. Wheat May July Corn May July sai' rat' 41i TO 72 ! 4fH "H 9 71HT134B 40V4 40V4 41-41iSB B bid A asked. . Tlslble Sapply of Grata. . NEW TORK. April 1. The visible supply of grain Saturday, March 30. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat. 47 2O7.000 bu.; decrease. 646.000 bu. Corn, U.P77.O00 bu.; decrease, bu. Oats, 9.2M.O0O bu. ; decrease, 134,000 bu. Rye. 411.000 bu.; decrease 102.000 bu. barley, 2,840,000 bu.; increase, 109,000 bu. Pearla Market. PEORIA. April 1. CORN Dull and easy; No. 2 yellow and No. 8. JiUHc; No. 4, tec; ne grade, t'Silc OATS Higher; No. 2 white. 42c; No. I white, 41Vc; No. 4 white, Ma. RYE-6teady;.No. 2. 67i9tKc. WHISKY-On the basts of for fin ished goods. 1,000 1 12.1 1U 1,000 18 II It 100 11 71 71 U0 114 111 114 441 400 80 80 0 Tl 4.000 11 4 TO 84.7UO 16 14 X J.OOO 40 t l to 40 U 00 14 14 144 144 144 144 14 14 14 Adrentur Allouei Atlantis Blniham Black Mountain Boaton Cons.... Bulla Coalition Calumet ft Calumet ft Centennial .... Copper Range Dally Waat ., Eaat Butt . . . Franklin ..... Oraena Coppar Qranbjr Halratl Isle Royal ... Junction L. 8. ft Mass .. 8 Michigan U Mohawk If Nevada Cons... 20 N. Butts I Old Dominion t Oacaola 87 Pncu. Rarvlce . Arlions.KI Pntu. Benrle Hecla. ..170 Uulncy 14 Rhannon . 41 Tamarack . 15 Trinity . 11 United Fruit' . . 10 V. 8. Common. .16 V. 8. pfd .121 Utah Cons . I Victoria . tl Winona wolverine Pittsburg... 21 Can. I Nip.. n 14 II M US 1 Ft 4.. 17 ......121 II 114 10 ,....JM4 H ...... 44 41 140 .. .. 10 II New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, April 1. Closing quotation on mining stocks were: too lOD '"ioo 1.400 I.4U0 14 17 "ii 14 14 64 Tl 81 'ii 14 81 II pfd. 14 14 14 It si S,M0 111 111 11 10 tl tl 11 100 4 41 4 tuO 10T 104 104 KIO 111 131 10 4,400 7t 14 78 t.tiio ii n KO 44 49 44 2.100 40 41 141, i'ioo iii iii m SOD II II ! n) 11 77 71 so Philadelphia Prodsct Market.' PHILADELPHIA. April 1. EGOS Steady and li fair demand; western fresh. 18c at mark. CHEESE Firm and In fslr demand; Ny York full creams, fancy, 14 A 14 c; New York full cream i, choice, 14 Wc No. 1 Cash quotations were ss follows: FLOVR Wieady; winter patenu. IllivjJ 1 4o: stralghla UV-1 spring patent, i U 43L6u; ktralgbia, il.uval.30; bskets, i.uO j ). WHEAT No. I spring. affWc; K0, pring, ?liilc: No. 8 rfi THft7I"ie. CufiV-No. i. 44e: No. 2 yellow, 4fA4c CATsv No. 2. 4V; No t white. 4StlHrc; 2'o 8 white, 4oVyu4JC RYE No. 2, !. HA HI.KY talr to choice malting. 63ftnc. Btb-lti No. 1 flax. 1118; No 1 north Western. 81. BO. Prime timothy, 64.30. Clover. Contract grades. 1:6 60. PHOVI(il")Nt Short ribs sides flooae). - peiSTV. Mee pork, per bhl., :4.ViJ9il;ti . Lard, per Yt) lbs . 8 S"i .:' Short clear 4 au1 (boxed), 8s.K7 V 12v. llowlii4j were tn receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Heoelpts. Shipments. "our. bbls M f 17 i) Mlaaeapells Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 1. WHEAT May. TSi;; July. TS'$inc; No. 1 hard, im9l; No. 1 northern. Isvii?i0i4jc; No. 2 northern, 7o..Wv: No. 1 northern. T57c. FIOl.'H First pst'nts. 24.157ti.40; second patents. 84.orij4 10' lt clears, 3.2sa.50; aecotid clears, H4tXff! 60. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. April 1. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. I nortliern. KtiMc; No. I northern. 7MiMe: May. Tlie. aed. BAPIEY Steady; No. 2, 7?Vr7Se; sam ple. MfTJo. CRN-Lower; No. I cash, lUglHo; May, 4f.c, bid. Dnlath Grata Market. DT'LITH. April 1 WHEAT No. 1 northern. Wie; No. 2 northern. 7Se; May, S?Se; Julv, HHc; September. He, OAl-On track. 4lc; April. 4wo. Tolede leed Market. TOLEDO. O.. April 1. SEEDS Clover, eash, 830; April. 16.40; October, 34 60. Alsiks, prime, 7.4i. Timothy, prime, 12.20. Anaconda Aiming. Oo., Atcniaon Atchlaoa pfd , Atlantis Coaat Lin........, BaHlmora ft Ohio Bal. ft Oblo pfd Brooklyn Rapid TT Canadian Pacific Centra) of Maw Jersey Chaaapeak ft Ohio......... Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft M. W C. M. A 8t. P Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C. C. C ft Bt. L. Colorado I. ft I Colorado ft 8o Colo. fa. let pti Colo, ft Bo. 3d pfd. Cossolldstad Oas Corn Products Corn Products pfd Delaware ft Hudson........ Da)., L ft W... DaOTer ft Klo oranas D. ft R. O. pfd Dtatlllsrs Saourttlsa Brts Brla 1st pfd Brl 14 pfd Osneral E lactrts Illinois Cantral InUmatlenal Paper Int. Paper ptd Int. Punu Int. Pump pfd.... Iowa Cantral lows Central Pfd Kansas City go K. C. 8s. Pfd LoaliTllla ft N Maxima Cantral Minn, ft St. Lt M . 8t. P. ft 8. 8. M M it. P. ft 6. 8. M. Missouri Paelna M., K. A T M , X. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. ot M. bM...., New York Central. N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W , Norfolk A W. pf4 North Amertoaa Pacl Mall PannaylTasla Paopls's Oa ............ P., C, C. A Bt. L..... prassed Steal Oar Prae4 8. C. pf Pullman Falao Car..,. Rowling Reading 1st pfd, yftani Reading Id pfd.... Rapuhlla Staet Repablls Stael pfd Rock Island 00 Rock Iilaal Co. pfd... huobar Oooda pra t. u a r id pfd. 81. Loula 8. W St. L 8. W. pfd Bo. Pacific, ex-dl go. Pact 8o pfd. Bo. hallway Bo. Railway pfd.. Tennssase S. ft 1. Teaaa ft PaclOa T.. Bt. L ft W T , Bt. U ft W. pfd... Union Paclne ... Union PaclSo pfd.. V. 8. Eipraa U. a Realty U, 8. Rubber V. 8. RubbaT P'd C. 8. Btsol.... U. g. gtaat ptd Va.-Cnro. Chemical ... V--Caro. Cham. ptd... Waueah Wabaah pfd Walla-Fargo Btpraaa .. Waat'.nghouaa sMteirts W astern Uslos Wheeling ft L a Wla. Central Pf Northars Paclno Cantral L-elh" Leather pfd ... Oreat Northara pi.... Int. MairopollUS Int. M-t. P'd.. .......... !... gteal ... Total sales tor ths day. 1.026,6u0 shares. Ooverasneat Balaaea kwet. 'WASHJNOTON. April 1 -The crmpara Uve statement of tha government receipt c,Br.dituree for March. 1907, shows to?ajT recelpU to have been 8o4,m.9il aii the expenditures 343.6C'2.0U7, leaving a !r.?T L mi month of 3119 M6. The 16- ...175 ...160 ... 46 v. i7 r..ioo-' ...150 ' ...406 ... 6 LHtls Chief Ontario .... Ophtr Pot oil Bavire Sierra t'aa" Small Hopes .. Btandard ; . 6 ..too ,.XM . 11 ,. Tt ,. 44 ,. U .160 Tt 14 16 W 1X9 114 M II 4k 4 34 U5' ... l 400 111 11 141 1.400 T4 100 tt . 41.100 1H . 1,400 . II Its) - too It ....144,to 104 lot 8. too 3.400 3.100 11 II It 34 II 81 NEW Cottoa Market. TOhK. April 1 COTTON Spot clreed quiet, middllii. upland. 10t6c; mid dung guir. li !c; sai. 4tuu bale NEW ORLEANS. April 1. IxjTTON Spot closed quiet; sales 1.7X bales; low or dinary. 3 IS-lie. nominal; ordinary, 6 16-14c, nominal; good ordlnarv. gc; low mid dllr.g, 9 7-l' : middling. 1'c; good middling, l'V: inlildllng fair, 120, nominal; fair, l.i'V. nominal. Receipts, 1,204 bales; stock, 147 4nl bale. ST. 11 18. April 1. COTTON 8Uayi ml'1d!lng. 10 11-lo. salea, b bales: rwoeipta, 1 077 bavles: slilvtueuta. U feaiss; stua. 26 3tD j tt,7t bales. 104 H too 8I.10 61 11 100 114 .. 6 t"0 l TOO 12 4O0 141 .. l.l I .. I 37 .. 1.4W II ..laa.luO UDS in .. 3U0 14 14 tl 77 114 81 1l 140 M ' 41 104 14 94 14 St 31 44 It u ! 41 7V HI 13 1 14t 14 34 41 IK Bt 100 "0 T i0 4 ae lot 46 KO 17 UtiV N JO ina 77 .4 41 ten lot M 14 tT ni la l Adams Con. Alice Breeoe Brunswick Con. . Ccmitock Tunnel (oa. tal. a vs.. Horn Silver ...... Iron Silver Leadvllla Con. ... - Statement of Pnblle Debt. WASHINGTON. April 1. The rrumthly statemt nt cf the public debt shows that at the close of business March 80, 1907, the total debt, less cash In the treasury, amounted to 89i4.10o.no6, which was a decrease as com pared with March 1, of 311.53s.asg. Tho debt Is recapitulated as follows: Interest bearing debt. tyu8.8Mt: debt on which interest has ceased since maturity. tl,uU6,3G6; debt bearing no interest, j 1, 646,642. Total. fl.211.974.&n&. This amount, however, does riot Include 31,130,146,1) in certificates am treasury notes outstanding?, which are offset by an equal amount at cash which Is held for their redemption. (The cash In the treasury Is given as fol lows: Gold reserve. 2130.000.000: trust funds. 21,130,146,8u9; general funds, 81S0, 630.54S; In na tional bank depositories. 31&,236.679; In treas ury of Phllllptnes, nusi.ivi. Total, 31.648, 790,810. Against which there are demand Ilablil ttas outstanding amounting to 31.24S.922.r-i which leaves a cash balance on hand c 2402,868,002. Evaporated Apples aad Tr1ed Fralts. NEW YORK. April l-EVAPO RATED APPLES Steadier, with holders of strictly prime fruit asking higher prices; fancy are quoted at 8c, choice at 7c, prima at 6V.O 6Hc and poor to fair at SHWUc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes show no improvement on spot. In aplt of bullish reports from tn ooast. rnoes rsng from 8c to ISo for California fruit and from 6Wo to 10o for Oregon. Apricots are In light supply and prices are firm, with choice ?uoted at 18c, extra choice at leHr?19c and ancy at l30c. Peaches are quiet and barely steady, with choice quoted at 11 ? liHo. extra cnoice at lai'So. fancy at 12' ts13c and extra fancy at lS(nl5o. Raisins are rather quiet, demand telng from hand to mouth, but prices are firmly held. Loose muscatel are quoted at eyiuc, seeded raisins at 7qiuo and London layers a 31.6U42l.6U Metal Market. NEW TORK. April l.-METALS With the London market closed, metals were quiet today, and with the except lou of tin were generally unchanged, j in was higher, with spot quoted at 40.'fl-t0.62J. an ad vance of a little over 20 points on the aver age. Conner continued dull and more nr less nominal, with lake quoted at 824.764? 26.25. electrolytlo at 8H4.2WJT.S.OO and casting si P'S ''.. topper exports Tor tli month of March were 3,006 tons. Lead wa quiet and unchanged at 34 00ft6.20. accord lng to shipment. Spelter was dull at 3n.&f3 6.90. Iron wss unchanged. No. 1 northern foundry being quoted at 35 PT.'S?6.26, No. northern foundry at 324.2f.4J2R.78, No. southern foundry at 221. 00 26. 50 and No. southern foundry at 3a.OOi?60O. BT. LOUIS, April 1. METALS Lead, quiet, po.uB. opener, quiet, to. fo. lo lMl H4I W too 1 14 14 It 1.10 1,1V ei 14.1 3.400 U 30 U 11 l Bt 110 147 31 il 0 90J00 141 1M 140 1.10 36 t l.luO to & 40 SU0 34 U 34 j, fur h nine months the preswnt i wear Is over 3il MJ.ti0. One year tha sirplu was a uu.e .ea ta.n s,yM- surplus for surpli flscal a0 the oompared with March, 1906, the eus totns reZTpti Tshow sn Inoreaee of 8l,X..f0. InTenalrVv.nue an Increase of owttH ftW and miscellaneous a surplus of 3192.0M). The expendlturea for last month are trvsr 83.Ouu.O0O Vees thai for March, 1K06. Bask Clearlaas. OMAHA, April L Bank clearings for to day wre 31 iv.',iO 07 and for tlis correspond ing date last year 8UH6.E3.17. Tnsisry Itatesneat. WASHINGTON. April 1 Today's state ment of the treasury balances tn th gen eral fund, exclusive of ti.a if0 OuO.uCO gold leeerta, sh Available ia baUuoe. 8,7'iO 4.XK9 4.16 6.162 6.736 26.00 11.210 10.444 11.1.13 SOUTH OMAHA. April 1, 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclal Monday 4,0 i I Same day laat week.... 4.246 i Same day 2 weeks ago.. 6.3b3 I Mini dav 3 weeks asro.. 6.4ia Same day 4 weeks ago.. 3.33 Same day last year 2.787 The followlnw tnhl shows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for ins year to uate, compared wun lest year. 1907. 1906. Inc. leo, Cattle 2S4.00 247.434 26,612 ...... Hogs 623.249 6,6.97 Sheep 610.167 465,277 44.799 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn-fed teera....26.2fi'g'6.i6 air to good corn-fed steers .nc ji. Common to fair steer 4.0tiv4.66 Good to choice fed cow'tri.w Fair to good oows and heifers.... 3.0V(f8 26 Fair to choice stotkers Ik feeders.. 4.4t"u6.0 Fair to good stockers snd feeders.. 3."a'4.40 tVmnion to fair stockers 8 Of.;: so Hulls, stags, etc 3 7&f4 40 Vsal calves 4.0O660 Ths followlns tabu rtia,re the average price of hogs at Soutn Omana tor th last several uUiys. with companions: Date. 1907. 19O6.1906.1904.1903.!1905.1901, March 22.1 6 16V March 24. March 26. 6 07H 6 wVs, 6 11 6 6 30Vi 6 39 a 27V 25 6 011 4 97) T 44 6 06 6 241 6 08 I 02 1 37 6 06 6 16 6 06) 7 24 6 14 6 131 7 6 20, 27 6 IX 6 261 6 10 t 17 6 2 6 f 6 14 301 6 09 5 07 6 26 6 14, 4 W 7 i 6 121 7 IW 6 96 6 7 21 6 06 7 2S 6 97 0 141 V DO I M " ' I T li 6 1& 6 04j 7 29 6 6o 07 ( 16 I 22 6 13 6 18 S 22 6 23 ( 24 I 18 Sunday. RANGE) OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. Omaha 86.40fc6.60 Chicago 1.&IHU6.80 6.80H6.76 Kansas City 2.76y 80 6.7o(jti.6 St. Louis 1 "n.&0 .00ig.70 Sioux City I.00ii6.66 6.86t6.0 tJA i ix.t! Trier was a lair aionaay s run of cattle, not far from ju cars being on tie. Under the Influence of a good local de mand and encouraging reports from other selling points the market opened early and fairly active, with prices on beef steers generally strong to loo higher. The pro portion of fat cattle on sals waa not very Urge, so that the most of ths offerings changed hands In good season at the ad' vance noted. Cow and heifers were In fair supply; still the offerings were not large enough to be at all burdensome. The demand, as was ths case with beef steers, was good and the market fairly active, pretty much everything changing hands in good season. The prices paid were strong to loe nigner than laat week's close. There were oulte a good many stockers and feeders on sale, but there was also a good demand, anything In ths way of de sirable cattle commanding strong price. The bulk of the offerings changed hands In good sesson In the forenoon. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. tl II... II I II in 33 8 13 , 14 ID.'.'.'.'.'.'. It. '.'.'.'.'.'. It A. Pr. ..1171 4 34 .. HI 4 40 ..1000 4 40 .. 411 4 46 .. Ill 4 46 ..1041 4 71 ..lost 4 10 ..1010 4 N ..1181 4 tv ..1117 4 K No, II.... II.... 30.... . 3.... 6.... II ... 80.... II.... 67.... 11.... COWS. A. Pr. 1103 4 It 1171 3 00 1177 4 00 1173 8 00 11M t 00 1140 t It 1107 t tt IK. 4 I IS 1410 3 3S ...N1K1 I 63 . i . . ... 10. 1007 8 10 HIT 4 00 ISO 4 00 Ill 4 SO 110 4 1 J17J 4 14 ......1047 4 10 1061 4 18 Ml 4 II 1100 4 1 1060 4 It ...... till 4 sri 4 30 Ml 4 30 1081 4 14 10U 4 14 1K1 4 1 list 4 It 1040 4 90 ......1041 4 Bt 1123 4 34 1318 4 23 ...1M0 8 43 II. ... H 8 10 4.... ... IM III tt..., ... 110 I tt 14..., ... 144 8 tt I... ...ion 3 80 4... ...lost I 40 10... ...11.21 8 60 10... ... 140 8 66 31... ...110 8 tt ... T71 I 10 ...Hit 4 TO ...101T 3 70 11 1161 3 71 II K'4 Tl 1 S4 8 14 1 1160 3 71 1 1240 3 71 10. '. 1040 I 71 31 1001 8 3 14 1101 8 40 11 424 1 10 HEIFERS. 8 8 8 00 41 ITI I 64 1 460 8 00 17 410 8 44 4.... 670 I 10 1 660 4 00 6 Ill 111 3 470 4 00 4 421 I 10 t 1140 4 34 6 424 8 16 4 to 4 It BULLS. 1 US0 3 N 1 1600 8 16 8 1610 8 40 1 1761 t et 1 1340 3 40 8 1640 I 70 1 1300 8 40 1 iOOO 3 14 1 140 8 40 8 1110 4 00 CALVES. l im 4 oo t m t to 121 4 H 1 160 I 10 1 100 3 30 4 IM t 10 t 4 00 4 110 to 170 00 1 110 t 60 a MM 4 00 4... 160 4 40 1 10 4 31 3 16 4 40 1 170 4 60 8 :.. 150 4 60 BTOCKKK8 AN U . FEEDERS. 3t western ewe 114 '.'4 Colorado ewes l'! t Colorado ewes lot 2i6 western lambs 80 9 western lambs "0 4 fftlrtr I ii , , . oa LM Colorado lambs 94 44J western ewee 96 western ewes 443 Western ewes. 830 western ewes... 216 western ewaa 314 western lmts 418 western lambs 269 western lambs 96 10 117 118 T5 7 76 t o I 66 I 66 u 7 S I t 4 60 40 6 66 4 6 7 60 7 60 7 to pi I i CHICAGO LIVID STOCK MARKET Cattle Tea Ceats Hlgker Hogs Tea te Fifteen Ceats Hlgker. CHTCAOO inril 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 21.000 head; market 10c higher, common to prime steers, 4.00i.OO; cows, 33 251.00; heifers, 8 3 0041 6.36; bulls, S40 4 40; calves. 31767.76; stockers and feeders, 38.00(15.00. MtiP Kecelpts. 20.000 heaa; maraei h fJ16o higher: choice heavy shippers, 3.77 Vi C 6.80; light butchers. $6.1 1 6.88H; choice light, 6.804f6.82 Vai pack ing, 38.26 4j 6.77 V ; bulk of salsa, 26.75 0 6.90. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipt. 26,000 heed; market slow and weak: sheep. 34n6.60; yearlings. 86.2607.26; lambs, $6.00810. New York Live gteck Market. NEW TflHV. Anrll 1. REEVES Re ceipt, 1.S92 head; steers more active and lOiffUe higher, some sales 26c higher; bull and cows steady to 10c higher bulla, 23.60'i 4 26; cows. $1.7(45.1S. Latest Liverpool ca bles quoted live cattle steady at lfVj4il2A,n per lb., dressed weight. London cable Suot live cattle eteedy at UHl&c per lb, ressed weight, and refrigerator beef firm at 9V4o per lb. Export were 400 cattle and l,6on quarter of beef. CALVES-Receipts. 6.411 head: lower; an sold; common to prime veals, 6.(alfs5.60: soma eariv set es st sh.tmts.uu: runs, m.'x'u 4.60; few barnyard and fed calves, is.&frc 4.ou: dressed calves lower; city uresson reals easier at S!3e ner lb.: country dresssd lower at 6 rill io. HOGS Receipts, 12,oi head: higher; Btat and Pennsylvania hogs, 87.3ffr7.36. untii' aa! LAM1s- iteceims. t.iis head: sheen weak: larr.tis KviflSc lower: sneep, 34.0US4.dO; lambs. 37 753.6b. St. Lools Live Stock Market. BT. LOVIS, Mo., April 1. CATTLE Re celpts. 8.5U0 head. Including 1,060 Texans market loo higher. Native shipping and ex port steers, to.4tru.Ru; aresstm peer ana butcher steers. I4.ku6.: steers under l.noO pounds, t4.0Uiii4.66: stackers and feeders, 3.1.60 6.26; cowa and heifers. 32.6ryut.26; cannnrs, 9WZ.60: bulls. 32.6641-4.60: calves. 33.Mfc7.00 'ex as and Indian steer. 32.ftiil5.60: cowa and heifers. 81.90iu4.O0. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market lfV 20o higher. Pig and lights. 31.0wS.66 packers, 34.164i6.66; butchers and best heavy, 86.Tru..70. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.200 head; market steady. Native mutton 33.26tftS.00; lambs, $4.0i3.00; culls and bucks. . IWBt.UU. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 1. CATTLE Recelpts. W.000 head. Including 1.700 south erne; market strong to 10c higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers. 35.8S'cF.): fair to good, 34.6nrfr6.26; western fed steers. 34.ssiits.iio: stockers and feeders, I4.O04j6.ui); .Mill. .Iv. A,nAB.a , HM.f Al -n. .,.. " ' " '., ....... i. m , . . ' , w., a , 1, w w n. 33.OOS4.28; native cows, 317(VS4.60; native heifers, tt.6&-'g4.70; bulls, 83.204.60; calves, 83.6olr7.00. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 hesd; market 6fEf7Ho nigner. Top, .; uuik, ..4fVU-oo; neavy. 36.47V.a PO; peckers, $6.46&6.66; pigs and lights, 36.3647660. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Rscelpte. 8.000 head: market strong. Iamhg, 87.407.0: ewes snd yerllnrs. 36.8fV56.00: western ferl yearlings, 86.0i(U6.90; western fed sheep, 85.00 li.uo; stockers and feeders, 3S.6O?jj.50. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo., April 1. CATTLE rteceipts, nead; market steady to strong. Natives. 84.26w6.26: cows and helf ers, $2.2634.06; stockers and feeders, 33.75 tc4.6f). HOG8 Receipts, 4.270 head: market 64J10e higher. Top. $6.56; bulk. 36.60an.62. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.23S head; sheep lOfTZOe higher. Lambs. 37 Soii 7.s: yeri"-- tt3'(.ou; wethers, 36.0U(; ewes, 3J.4uryo.7B. Host nv , Ire Stock MsrteU SIOUX CITT. Ia.. April L (Special Tele gram.! ca i i i-io Keceipta x-buu neaa market 10c higher: beeves. M-Xi&SB: cows bulls and mixed, 160034.60; stockers and feeders. 33.fMj4.75; calves and yearlings, M.00-4.20. HtxiS Receipts, 1.800 head; market 61 Oo nigner, selling at Vi iMaW, duik oi sales, 3.4U'04.4o. Stock la Sight. Receipts of stock at the six principal western martlets yesteraay: Cattle. South Omaha 4.300 Sioux City 2,600 Vane-s City 10.000 Bt. Joseph 2,613 St. Louis 8,800 Chicago 22.000 l-lb., 7V-4JTJ 86. Spinach. 81 . Snaked pees, lb.. t; extras, s'.ieava.aei fancy, gl.Zwf CALIFORNIA PRIED FRTTtTS Prunes are somswhet nneettled by freer OfTertnr iiunl vr.a ....a, t; ..a srm Omiioui of moving upplle of Immediate grades; quo tsilons rang from to to lo for California fruit and from 6r to K0 for Oregon. Ap ricots sre firm snd tt la reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn: cnoi-w an siuoiaa st ic; ex tra choice, 18V4ai9c; fancy, aHj30e. peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at 1)3 12c; extra choice. 12vlSo; fancy, 12,j IJHc; extra fanoy, Uibc. Ralslr.s are firm; loose Muscatels are quoted at Hic; Seeded raisins, 9jj llo. H1UF8 ANO lALfcOW-CnWB Sal'ed, No. 1. l'"c: No. t. 9c: bull hides, let sreen k. , J V I .1. r. X. . Tl . r, r . . . l 8 76; sheen felt. 60c31 26. Tallow, No. I IHjc: No. i lKV Wool. EffSa. FISli Pickerel. dressed. t. plka areesea, lio ; woite rsn, a ressed, winter csught, 13c: trout. 11c; halibut, 11c; salmon. 10-:; catnsn, itc; nerring. dressed, pan frozen. 6c: perch, scaled and dressed. 7c- perch, sklnnsd. dressed, heedless, 7c; crap fles, round, ku9c; crappies, large, fancy, tc; black baas, 26c; smelts, sweet and fine. lie; eel, inc; oiu nsn. ioo; rsd snapper, lie; roe shad, per pair, 80tl40oi frog Ipsa, 0ej loostors, green, per io., lo; loostsrw, boiled. fr lb., 40c; mackerel, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native, 86n per lb- CURED FISH Family white fish, nee usrter bbl.. 100 lbs.. 84.00: Norway mack. ereU No. 1, 83u 00: No. X 328.00: herring, la bbls., !oa Iba each, .Vnrway. 4k. 811.0a Waal Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aorll 1. WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 26iq2Sc; light fine, 20'fftc; heavy fine, 16018c; tub washed, lOtVSsc. .. 41T 4 40 .. 464 4 44 ..301 4 41 ..Tli III .. 40 4 40 ..124 4 40 .. 403 4 63 .. T 4 T .. ISO 4 T6 .. Ill 4 30 .. I4 4 16 ..luW 4 90 .... 14 4 64) .... 461 4 M .... 414 4 40 .... IM IN ....1114 4 40 ....1173 4 33 14 TOO 3 0 II. I 417 3 40 44 30 Ml I It 1 II 161 I SO M 4 411 4 00 46 3 tit 4 10 IT 13 tit 4 It 14 14 471 4 3S 41 13 196 4 M 34 I 4at 4 10 111 10 4S3 4 40 II II 171 4 40 1 3 466 4 40 FEEDERS. 14 411 4 00 31 18 173 4 M 10. 34 IH 18 t 1 471 4 IB 1 14 Itl 4 46 II It I7T 4 60 It 80 41 4 60 WESTERNS. IDAHO. M steers. ...1001 4 60 9 cows KS t 20 10 feeders.. 876 4 40 HOGS Hogs opened loo higher than last week's close, ths early sale being largely at 8.47H4 50, a againat 36.27r3.40 on Saturday. The demand, however, at tho price wa limited, some of the heaviest packers holding back and not trying to do anything on that basis. After about half the hogs had been sold and ths more urgent orders filled ths packers who had been hold ing back had things more nearly their owq way, with the result that on the late mar ket tt was hard to get over 16.46 for any thing. Representsttve sales: ' Na. At. Bh. Pr. No. At. Ik. Pr. Tl 1st 40 4 40 tt tn . to 4T av. ... . . .aai in a tv ,i Oils aad Hasla. NEW TORK, April I OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, f. o. h. mills, 3oUjJ7c; prune yeuow, r. o. D. mini; 4Ho- Petrol. bum mi.m A -uAn4 W.v V L. ,o n. ... uot, .twif. fliiru, . ' - " lull, n. AT, rilll- adelphla and Baltimore, 88 16; Philadelphia ana naunnore, in duik, i v. .Turpentine, ROSIN Stesdyt strained, eommot to goon, m w24.oa. OIL C1T7, Pa.. April 1 OTL-redlt bal ancea -3178. Runs. 871.673 bills.: average. ui, no, num. ; snipmenia. iij ddis.; ay. erase. Ifv3.667 bbls.. SAVANNAH. Oa.. April L-OILTurrn. tine, steady; 67o. .ROSIN Firm; quote: A, B, C, D, B, 14 20: F, 34.26: G, 34.30; I, 340: K, 36.16; M, 85.20; N.. 86.26; W O. 86.40; W Wri5.6w. ConVe Market. NEW TORK, AprU 1. COFFT2K Fu tures opened steady st unchanged price There were no European cables to Influence sentiment. Braatllan markets ware un changed, and trading hare was quiet. Prices were slightly Influenced by small orders. In th absence of general business, snd ths market closed steady at a net advance of 6 points to a decline of 6 points. Sales were reported of 33. OM) bags. Including May at 8.7W8.ajc: July. 66c; September, 8 6uo; De. comber. i.66c; March. 6.7ia6.7&c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 7c; No. 4 Samoa 3c Mild, dull; Cordova, tfllMa laisr aad Molaaee. NEW YORK, AprU 1. BUG AR Raw, flrrn; fair refining. e; centrifugal, ti test. 864,0. Molasses sugar, 3o; raflned, steady. MOLASSES Quiet New Orleans, good to choice, 87f4lo. NEW ORllEANS. April l-JUOAR Steady; open kettle, centrifugal, 39 3o; eentrtfugal whit, 4 3-14 0 4 W'S centrifugal yellow, 3Hw4Ha aeoetida, I3a180. At. ...137 ...111 ...M ...1.0 ...121 ...141 ...121 ...111 ...lul ...341 ...III ...lot ...1T 40 I 47 30 4 47 4 41 ,.. I to 30 6 to .. to ... I to ... 4 to .. 4 40 ... 8 60 40 I 10 ... 3 40 ... 4 40 40 4 40 141 140 tO .344 ... I 10 ...o ... i to ..lul ... 4 6 ..111 ... It ..141 IH IM ..136 ... I W ..140 ... IM ..3s 44 6 10 ..It 30 6 80 164 ... 4 41 II.... TO (4 40 4 46 tl TT 3:3 ... 146 11.... 17 tal 1 I 46 60.... 40 374 ... 4 46 tt 11 364 ... 144 TO...., tt IM ... 4 46 43 Tt UI 40 4 4t 44 T4 314 ... 4 41 Tl.... 11 321 40 I 47 10 41 !4T ... 4 47 71 ... 64 ll ... 3 47 41.... 4t ... 4 41 34.... tl 143 30 4 47 44.... 47 2.1 ... t 47 48.... 17 224 ... 4 47 44 M S.-4 ... 147 IT.... 44 ISO ... I 47 34...., 37 14! 10 I 47 44 0 124 60 47 It.... 13 171 ... 4 47 10.... 11 lit ... 4 47" 76 ... STAGS. 1 J7 30 8 30 1.... i tto to 4 te SHEEP--Recelpts of sheep this morning were very large, 106 cars being reported. In other word, there were about 25,000 head of sheep and lambs. Ths receipts consisted largely of lamb and owes, thers being faw yearlings or wethers among the arrlvala Chioago also reported a liberal run, with quite a little sprinkling at down th river market points. As a result of th large receipts and the reported break at eastern points ths market here eased off. Ths prices looked anywhere from weak to loo lower than last week's close. Still In spits of the large receipts and the weaker mar ket, the trade, though not exacly active, wa In a good healtby condition and a con siderable proportion of the offerings changed hands In reasonabls season. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lumbs, 7.fcdr7.0; fair to good lambs, 17.28 (frf.66; good to cholc yearling, lamb weight. 8e6oQ75; fitr to good yearllugs, heavy walghts, to. l'"&4 V; fair to good yesr-line-a. htavr weixtivs. SC'16.10: eood to ohoice old wethers, ta.6v 2t; fair to good old wethers. 10 7.-41 sou; guoo to choice ewee, 35 41. 7o; fair to good ewe. 36.006.10. Representative sales: No. At. luo Colorado ewee , 97 t0 Colorado ewee 64 6-uJ ( oloraiio eae , 1"1 1:U Colorado ewe 1 : V4 CVloiiuiO ewe 1 1 lt'7 rsta iwtt 1 : 4 A weiia sees 1-4 Pr, M 26 t tti I 6 w 6 v Total .46.112 Hog. Sheep. t,700 2.600 1,800 7.000 8,000 1.470 7.283 6.000 1.200 20,000 28,000 89.970 46.033 . Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. 111.. April 1. BITTER Firm at 80c; sales for the week, 647,600 lbs. BOOM TOWN DOWN EAST Bay Staters Imblde Westera Ideas aad Start the Circulation la Oas Town. It Is not only In th west that towns spring up tn th night. For years the little town of South Hanson, Mass., has lain dormant, unambitious and nearly decadent- It has consisted mostly of unbroken forest land, with a house here and there. A year ago It woke suddenly, and there are In dication that In a few month It will ba a well developed city. Thomas Lawson, A. C. Burrage and two or three other prominent men are directly responsible fbr the sudden awakening, but th discovery that South Hanson pest could be turned into a gas to drive engines Is Indirectly responsible. Sammy's Neck, a barren stretch of land. Is now th most Important locality In the town, for it la there th power plant has been erected, aad from that sourc th town will dcrivs all Its activities. Factorleg have sprung up which will be set going just as soon as the power plant gets down to business. One la a large porcelain factory, and another is a tin foil factory. Sttll another will b occupied by an electrical firm. And at another th cement bricks are made from which all th new bulldlnge have been constructed. Near the brickyard a gigantic water tower has been erected, from which th factorleg will get their supply of water. Th tower I of such a height that an enormous pres sure will be exerted. A new street has been laid out, with houses going up thickly on tt, and the one sparsely settled Pleasant street now atrly bristles with neat homes, wher th operatives of th factories will live. A hotel, which wilt accommodat several hun dred persons, hag been erected, and be tween th hotel and the porcelain factory a Is being constructed. All these changes have taken place wlthtn a year, and the conser people of the old Bay Stat are fp'-' Vng at these western methods right 'leart of Mas sachusetts. This boom t i will probably ' b known as Burrage and not as South Hanson. New Tork Tribune. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Caadltloa of Trad aad Qsotatloas a ntanle and Faaey Produce. enna x , LIVE POULTH'V-Hens. lOHot old roost. ers. 6c: turksys, 12c; ducks, lira; young roosters, tiic; geese. 60. BUTTER Packing stock, 19c; cholc to isncy dairy, 1244240; creamery, vuhijmo. HAT Choloe upland, 310.00; medium. 34.50 No. 1 bottom, 16.00; off grades. 86 00tr.sO Kys straw, tf.w; No. 1 auaita. 310.00. BRAN-Psr ton. 819 60. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 2S.O0iS.80 par Crate. STRAWBERRIES Cholc Ttxas, 34 quart cases. 34.00. CRANBERRIr-S-Per bbl., 84.KKS.50; in bushel box, 31.&OU3.76. I APPLES Northern Soles. Fancy Green Ings, per bbl.. Ii8.n0: Iowa and Missouri Ben Lav Is, 32.60; Wlnesaps, 82.00 per box, COCOANUTll Per sack of luO lbs., SLGCj) 3.76. TRC PtCAL FRUITS. FIOS California, bulk. 4Wi! g-crowa Turkish. 14c; 4-trown Turkish. 11c; sVarowa Turkish, so. LEMONS-Limonlcrsv 300 and 366 sisa 30.00; ouier oranot. ouo lesa. BANANAS Far medium slsed bunch. c.ofo- 2: in moos, tz.oofjs ao. GRAPE FRUIT-tMie 64 to 80. 15.60. DATES Kada way. Be: sayers. 80: hat lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, t-i box. n.oo. ORANGES California navel, extra fancy 176, 200. 216, 200 sizes. 13 76, fancy, 126. 169 sizes. 23.25; choice, large Sixes, per box, 32.7L&3.00. NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTB-Pet dog. bunches. 46fi60c. TOMATOES Florida. 20-Ib. crats. 84 60. LEAF LETTUCE Hot bouso, psr dog hsads, 46c t'L'CI'M HERB Psr dog., 81.60. RADISHES Per doa. bunches, sSo. PARSLET Hothouse, psr doa buocbsa 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dog, 31.00a 1.26. OLD VEGETABLFS. NAVT BEANS Per ku.. 31. ot; No. 1 310. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6H0. SWiEET POTATOES Illinois, per larca bbl., 36.00; Wisconsin Rural and Burbanks, 65c per bu.: seed swset potatoes, per bbl., 31.86, April 1. CABBAQE Holland seed, home grows, lo per lb.; new cabbage, per lb., 2Ho. POTATOE Tabls stock, per bu., 00c; seed stock, 7I.cfcll.00. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 76o; red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, tl 90. RUTABAGAS About 160 lb, to sack. TURNIPS, CARROTS. BEETsT Pr ha, 76c; parsnips, per bu., 81.00. CUT BEEF PRICE. Ribs: No. 1, 16c; No, s, ra; Uo. 1 3a Loin: No. L 16; ho. 2. 12c; No. f, Iva. Chjck: No. 60; No. 2, 8c; No. t, 4a, Round; No. 1. 7e; No. 2. 7o: No. 8. w. puts: No. L 6M,o: Na. k. toi No. 1 4a MIBtElXANS'.'B. HON ET Per 34 frame. 31 MX SUGAR Oranulaiwt can. In saeka. 88.311 granulated best, la Back. K U. ' COr Vk-a-Hoasls2, No. Mo pa , No. 2A 210 per lb. No. lio imt Iu. ul tt. 16e per lb.; No. H, 13 per lb. CHEI.oB New full cisam Wlsoonla twin, l'c; nw full creaia brick, iroi wheel Svlss cheese, Uc; blouk i 17e; '.Itnbergar. lau; Tounf Americas, lao " CII'kR-Nsw Ifuik, baif barrel. bar. rel. 8"' NUTS-Callfornla walnuts. No. , soft shell, llo; No. A, ft, ac; Li-aa.ia, la413o; pecAns, l,.-c; tiiUsita, IV vy. p. nuts, raw, rotated, 8o; Calif uinla si- snonda hard shsil. i:'o; Taragona, 17Uo; gO"ont;ts. 36OO ir loo. CANNh-D GOoLii t orn. standard, wesu srn, 6uiwmj; Mtlue, (1. 16. Tomatoes, 3-lb. can 1 46; SLStidaid 3-lb. cans, 31. 'Jl ftneatpple. gistd, 2-ll., Btsddard, 62 a..!il 30; s.iteo. l.7 a i fant-y imwsiian, l b., 2176; iv to . Si 7. Gsilon ar"ies, futicy. $2.-Ji.) f slif .i tiia Si-iicois, 4- i. hears, ji.lfcj i k h fsi.y, 8J.7I.-3 8.40; L. C. pmi-i,. m):M. A.. a saiiiiOB. red, H.15; j,,,. , I him-., fut ti 10; fancy sotaeyw. Cat. )i rl f-al.'.J.eS. l"'lUr Wl, 11 Wt4-duf. ,,u.'J. 1- Sweet putst&4 f : 1 . r .uiut. 9ou. PurnpailiS, 6, . ,1 vM: Vi A loi.. 10 -V!w- Lltr.a Laai., Now Is th time to msks your wants known through The Be Want Ad peg. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The National Land company to Ephrlam W. Llaon, lots 28 to 48, Kelley's addition 3 itl Sam to Ellery R. Hume, lots 1 and 2 and othsr lots, Kelley's addi tion I7J Same to same, lot 8, Kelley's addi tion 1 Thomas Q. Breneman and wife to Arthur B. Adams et al n38 feet of lot 1, block 83, Florence 1,200 Robert O. Fink, county treaauror, to Fred Sullivan, lot 82, Nslson's addition Sams to Carolina Krause, lots 1 and 2, block 8, Mayne'a addition.. ...... Same to E. R. Hume, lots 1, 4 and 9, Miller's subdivision .Same to same, lot 17, block 8, Or chard Hill Same to sams, lot 11, block I, Hill- -side addition No. 1 E. R. Hume to Jennie V. Bovell, same 1 Josephine H. Weldenfeller to Annie C. Obert. lot 8, block 10, Summit addition 1,700 Northwestern National bank to Ernest Weiss, lot 14. block I, Jotter's addition to South Omaha. 1,400 Harry A. Tukey to Emll Fleschsr, lot 8, Tukey's subdivision (00 Anna Kettnacker and husband to John Ho (T men, part lots 7 and 8. block 14, Improvement Associa tion addition 1,800 Henry Realty company to Common wealth Trust company, lot 8, "block B, Horbach's subdivision, and other lots.... 1 Rev. Richard Scannell to St. Ce celia's church, nl91V4 feet of lots 18 and 19, block I, Park Place 1 A. G. Edwards and wlfs to E. C. Hodder, lots I and 10, block 8. Thornburg 1 Frits E. and Menso B. Darling to Marshal S. Newklrk, nlO feet of lot 4, block 63, South Omaha. , . . L. M. Bowers and wife to Nors E. Melvln. lot 10, block 4, Bower's addition , E. R. Hume and wife to Belle H. Dunham, lots 14 and 15. block 3, Monmouth Park : George Dewey and wife to William H. Gates, lot 11. block 24, Kountte Place '. , . . F. W. Cermtchael to Louis A. Hitchcock, lot 11 and 12. block 98, Dundee Place..... Robert O. Fink, county treasurer to ' Charles Ladd Thomas, lots t, 4, 6 and 7, block 116. Florence Same to asms, lot 20, block It, Orchard Hill Sam to same, 40 feet of lot 11 and n20 feet of lot 14, block 9. Lincoln Plaoe , Same to same lot I to 7, Middle Sams to same lots It to 17 and lot i ana xo. block tin. ursnd view. ...... Same to same, lota 18 and It, block 2, Roster's addition Same to same, lot 8, block 85, Florenoe , Mke Morley and wife to Edward Glstn, s40 feet and nl20 feet of lot 9, Barker's Allotment , . 121 Mary S. Atkins to .Harry L. Mitchell, lot t and w7 feet of lot 6, block 7. Jerome Park.... 1,800 winiam sawyer ana wire to lennl custiing, 4.000 204) to t.000 MOO iVi of lot 2. block 26. South Omaha 160 Emma Sawyer and husband to Den nis cusning. nH of lot I, block 26, South Omaha 108 Sarsh H Dunham to Martin Dun ham, wSt feet and aH of lot 22. block 6, Kountse dc . Ruth' addi tion 1 John W. McDonald, hertff. to Edward W. Human, blocks 161 and 162. Florenoe 1.711 Edward W. Homaa to Myron L, Learned, same 1 W. Far nam Fmlth to -Agnes J. Webb, e86 feet and w70 feet of lots l and I, block 8, Kinicom Place , 4.000 Jsme A. Hurban and wlfs to Francis K. FlUrerald, 6t feet of lot 1 and 2. How' addition.. 1.T68 City of Omaha to Georg Forgan, trip adjoining lot 1. OrifTla as Smith's addition Northwestern Mutual Life Insur, sncs company to Jacob Katie man snd M. Tatel. w97 fest of lots 28 and 29. block t. Kou&t-.e A Ruths sdflitlon 7.009 ftabert O. p'nk, country treasurer, to Maine B. MCVmibs, ski f.-et f lot 4. block , HorbAub' fc--..l a Jin loo Total