Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA junc up anti-pass bill
Office. 10 Pearl 61 Tel. 43.
Davis, drugs.
Ptockert sells carpets. S
e"1ne engravings at Lnrt's.
Bd Ronn' Tony Faust beer. '
tVe Schmidt's elrgant new photoa.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby at Bon.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking- company. Tel. 839.
Picture framing-Alexander, 888 Broad
ray. ' Watch repairing. O. Mauthe, 228 West
Latest style and pattern In wall paper,
K. Borwlck, 211 South Main.
Council Bluffs tent, Knights of the Macca
bees, will meet In regular review tonight.
Mr. and Mr. W. Runyan. 108 Park ave
nue, are home from a trip to the. Paclllo ,
Council Bluffs Court of Honor will hold
Ite regular meeting Wednesday evening af
lanlh hall. ' 1
Prise masquerade ball by KnlKhUi and
Ladles of Security Friday, April ll, Ir Mao
cabee halL Whaley's orchestra. Tenets.
It oants.
Illinois nut coaj, delivered, 16.50 pei ton;
spadra grate, I1H per ton. William Wa'sh,
It North Main street. Tel. 128. Yard ElghCa
street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. 877.
Vra. Atkins and son. Henry, and grand
awn. Dr. Thomas I.acey, will leave this
evening for Montreal and other Canadian
points, returning by way of New Orleans.
Marie, the 10-month-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude F. Walklngton, 1U8 Fifth
avenue, died Sunday evening. The funeral
was held yesterday afternoon, burial being
In St. Joseph cemetery.
The regular business meeting and ken
slngton of the Ladles' Aid society of the
First Congregational church will he held
this afternoon at the residence ot Mrs.
J. W. Bell, 214 Fifth avenue.
Building permits were Issued yesterday
to the Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate com
pany for five frame residences on Madison
uvenue, three of two stories to cost 12.600
each and two of one story, one to cost
11,100 and the other II, 7' O.
The funeral of the late F. W. Wilkin
son will be held this morning at 11 o'clock
from Cutler's undertaking rooms and in
terment will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
Neither the wife nor the daughter of the
deceased will come here for the funeral.
The women of the Associated Charities
will begin Immediately to raiso funds for
the Improvements on the property pur
chased ty the association at 807 East Pierce
street for the Creche. A committee will
solicit dealers In building material for do
nations of lumber, brick, etc. About 82,000
IS needed to pay for the labor, etc., and
this will be raised by a committee of busi
ness men who have promised to aid In
this part of the work. Arrangements are
being made to begin work on the building
at once.
Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace
and sheet metal work, galvanised Iron oor
nloe, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting
and repairing. Green and Norfolk furnacea
First-class mechanics In all branohes.
Both telephones No. 680. 168 West Broad
way, Council Bluffs, la.
The Duncan Shoe company has succeeded
the firm of Duncan A Dean and will con
tinue the business at the old stand with a
large new stock of shoes.
W. P. Bates Dies of Injuries.
William F. Bates, who was injured Sat
urday evening In the local yards of the
Northwestern railroad, died Sunday night
at the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hos
pital. The manner In which Bates waa In
jured appears to be In doubt, but his death
la said to have resulted from Internal hem
orrhage. It Is not believed that any Inquest
will be held.
Deceased was M years of age and up to
January 1 of this year had been employed
in the Union Pacific yard. He lived at
807 South Twenty-first street and .besides
hie wife Is survived by three daughters,
Mrs. Fannie Klmmel of this city, Mrs.
Carrie Lautsch of Toledo, O., and Louise,
who lived at home, and two sons, John
W. and Alonso F. Bates, both of whom
are employed at the Union Pacific transfer.
Hs Is also survived by three brothers, John
of the Council Bluffs fire department, Lon
of Denver, Colo., where he was formerly
chief of the fire department, and Ed. Bates, ',
now a resident of Seattle, Wash.
The funeral will be held Wednesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock from the family rest'
dence and burial will be In Falrvlew cem
Oointy Attorney Formally Challaores Eii
Eieht U Pract'ca in Iowa.
Jedae Oreene Refnsed Hew Trial la
Damage Rett Against Agents of
Bapp Block, Against Whom
Judgment Waa Rendered.
It Is now up to J. Brown, the saloon cru.
sader from Kansas, to show that he Is en
titled to appear as an attorney-at-law In
the district court of Pottawattamie county.
County Attorney Hess yesterday filed an
affidavit charging Brown with being In con
tempt of court and an application that
Brown be cited by the court to appear and
answer the charge.
In making his allegations County Attor
ney Hess takes the suit brought by J,
Brown, plaintiff, with J. Brown as attor
ney, to enjoin A. Loftman, a saloon keeper
of this city, from selling liquor contrary
to the mulot law. If the charge made by
Mr. Hess Is sustained Brown will be equally
In contempt of court In the sixty other in
junction suits brought In this city and the
nine similar suit filed by him In the dis
trict court at A voce-
In his affidavit County Attorney Hess
avers that Brown did unlawfully assume to
be an attorney of the district court of
Pottawattamie county and has acted as
such without authority. In further support
of his charge of contempt Mr. Hess sets
forth that Brown did on the 19th and 30th
of March of this year appear In open court
and did then and there assume to be an
officer and attorney and counsellor of said
In his affidavit Mr. Hess avers that he
has made diligent search of the records
of the court and has failed to find that the
name ot said J. Brown has ever been placed
upon the roll of attorneys entitled to prac
tice In said court, and further that he
verily believes and charges that J. Brown
is not an attorny-at-law In the state of
Iowa or elsewhere and Is not entitled to
practice In any of the courts of record In
the state of Iowa.
Judge Wheeler will be asked today by
Mr. Hess to set a data for the hearing of
the contempt charges.
Following up his notices of Injunction
suits Brown has filed his petitions In the
district court of Avoca against four saloon
keepers of Walnut and against five In
Reed Verdict Stands.
Judge Green of the district court yester
day handed down his decision overruling
the motion for a new trial In the personal
injury damage suit of Mrs. Louisa Reed
against A; A. Gaines and others, reputed
owners of the Sapp building, and much
difficulty was experienced In getting any
of the reputed owners of the building to
acknowledge they had any Interest In It.
Mra Reed secured a Judgment for 86.000
at Lake Manawa. and further thet through
the fault of the defendant company a large
portion of the land owned by the plaintiffs
has been flooded. A. G. and E. Gilbert were
formerly partners In the Ice and coal
business now carried on by the former.
Oar den Tool Specials.
Good garden rake, 20c; steel garden hoe,
95c; steel shovels and spa den, 80c; 9-plece
floral sets, 10c; extra heavy spading fork,
8t5o ; good wheelbarrow, 81.00; garden and
grass seeds, onion sets, etc., etc. We have
the goods and the price. J. Zoller Mer.
Co. 'Phone 820. 100-103-108 Broadway.
Easter Goods Just received a large ship
ment of bracelets, scarf pine, watches,
watch fobs and chains, cuff links, lings,
painted china, cut glass, clocks, silver ware.
Come In and see the latest bracelet. O.
Mauthe, 228 West Broadway.
Appointments Promptly Con Armed by
the ronncll.
At the meeting of the city council last
night Mayor Macrae announced the ap
pointment of B. M. Sargent. Hubert Tlnley
and Louis Zurmuehlen as the three mem
bers of the newly created Board of Fire
and Police commissioners. He stated that
the three members had drawn lota to de
cide who should serve for the different
terms with the result that Mr. Bargent drew
the five-year term, Mr. Zurmuehlen the
three-year term and Mr. Tlnley the one
year term.
The mayor declared that the commission
would be nonpartisan and this prompted
Councilman Fleming to remark:
"How about the political eomptexloaT"
(Mayor Macrae explained that while the
law stated that Insofar as practicable two
of the three members should be appointed
from the dominant party at the previous
municipal election, he had endeavored to
"satisfy the radical republicans of the city
council by naming two radical republicans
on the commission," but had been unable to
do so aa all the men he had approached
had declined to serve. He stated further
that he did not consider It was obligatory
on him to appoint two members from the
dominant political party.
The three commissioners will serve with
out pay and each qualified last night by
filing bonds In the sum of 85,000 each as re
quired by the new law creating them. The
city, Mayor Macrae explained, will be re
quired to furnish the commission with a
suitable room in the city and to pay the
salary of a clerk, which the commission
will appoint.
Mayor Macrae's appointments were unani
mously confirmed by the city council. The
mayor then announced the reappointment
of Major G. II. Richmond as chief of police
and city marshal and the appointment was
not only confirmed, but provoked from sev
eral member of the council a very flatter
ing acknowledgment of the efficiency of the
force during Major Richmond's term of
office. Chief Richmond returned suitable
thanks nor the bouquet aa did Mayor (Ma
crae, who stated that he felt personally re
sponsible for the appointment of Major
When It came to the election of the other
city officers Councilman Fleming suggested
that the matter be laid over for a week aa
the city solicitor had advised him that the
officers elected a year ag!o held their posi-
I tlona for the two years, the same as the
hs -trill be turned ever to the au
thorities of that county. If, however. It
Is proven that Treanor is a man without
a home, the State Board of Control will
be asked to adjudge him a state case, so
that the expense of his care. If same be
comes necessary, will not fall upon Potta
wattamie county. It Is believed that Trea
nor's condition fs due probably to alco
holism and that with proper care at St.
Bernard's hospital, where he was taken
after attempting to commit suicide, he will
regain his normal state.
(POTATOES Vary choice potatoes, BBo
per bushel. Brldensten A Smith, 14th Ave,
and Cth St. Both phones 181
To add to the building fund for the new
Creche the play, 'College Chums," will be
given on Thursday evening, April 11, at the
New theater, conducted by Miss Lillian
Fitch, the actors being from Council Bluffs
and Omaha. The women of the Asc-c'it1
Charities feel that a fine production Is
assured and ask the hearty support of our
against Oreenshlelds 4 Everest and John members of the city council. This waa not
Dorland. the Janitor, who was alleged to J the view taken by others of the councilmen
Orchestra Draws Bin; Crowd.
Broadway Methodist church held an aud
ience last night which filled the large aud
itorium to the daors, the occasion being the
concert given by the Simpson Conservatory
orchestra under the direction of Prof. D. H.
Bonus. The concert was given under the
auspices of the Ladles Aid society of the
church. The following program was ren
dered: Unfinished Symphony Schubert
Allegro Moderato
Zlgeunerweisen (Gypsy Airs) Barasate
Prof. Bonus
RomanUo overture Kelar Bela
Concert waits La Traviata Popp, Op. 878
Mr. W. E. Hullinger
Ballet from Rosamunds Schubert
Persian march Strauss
At Andernack In Rhlneland Abt
Hunting scene Bucallossl
Poet and Peasant overture Buppe
Victor talking machines at Boutlclus".
Columbia graphophones at Bourlclus'. Edi
son phonographs at Bourlclus'. Records
for all kinds of talking machines, disks
and cylinders, at Bourlclus' Piano House,
836 Broadway, Council Bluffs, where the
organ stands upon the building.
Hou'6 IniliU on Ravins- Attorneys Cut Out
of the List.
Indications Friday Will See Wlndnp
of the Session Senate Dispose
f Large Kambrr of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES. April J. (Special.) The
anti-pass bill Is being fixed, up by mutual
agreement. The senate will recede from
the amendment providing for two attor
neys or firms In each county for each
railroad to have free passes. This would
permit as many as thirty or forty attorneys
to have passes In some counties of the
state. The section of the bill relating to
the reports Is likely to be entirely re
written. The bill Is between the two
houses of the assembly.
The senate took a step this morning In
the direction of adjournment by passing
the Stookey resolution to quit next Fri
day. This means that an adjournment wll
be taken at that time If both houses are
near enough to a finish. The senate also
arranged for a sifting committee, consist
ing of Smith of Mitchell, Teterson. Dun
ham, Whipple, Mattes, Lambert and Stir
ton. The following wera bills passed In the
Making a closed season for pheasants
until llo. with the understanding that the
agricultural department Is to stock the
state with Imported birds.
Bill Increasing the monthly allowance
for supplies at the Soldiers' home from (14
to 815.
forbidding stock Insurance companies
r .
Every woman covets a
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore tha
loi of their prrlmh forms
fter marriage. The bearing
of children i often destructor
to the mother's ahapcliness.
All of this can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother' Friend before baby comes, at this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from th
use of this wonderful
EilHH SuufWfluDCSIP o
book, tellinrr oil about
this liniment, will be sent free
Tlia Bradfk'd Regulator Co., Atlanta
1 FDS(S)DddJ
conference committee, with some little show
of getting the bill through as passed by
the house.
Ilonae Committee Reports.
In the house this afternoon the committee
on appropriations reported for the passage
of the vwnnn's reformatory bill, amend
ing It to hnv'e tho reformatory at Waverly,
Instead of at Des Moines. The amend
ment Is a sort of subtle Joke on the repre
sentative from Bremer county, who lives
at Waverly. The bill Is one that the
Woman's Christian Temperance union of
the state him been working for for some
years. It Is expected that the bill will be
killed on the floor of the house.
The appropriations committee recom
mended the passage of the bill to reimburse
S. B. Humbert for work In superintending
the erection of the monument at Lookout
mountain; the Judiciary committee recom-
' Missouri rtver Ice, pure, solid, the very
best. Service prompt; obliging drivers.
Co. Btuffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L-968.
Jewelry Remodeling and Repairing at
Lefferts We do absolutely the best work
In the city, because we have the largest
equipped shop and employ only the- finest
and best skilled workmen. There Is noth
ing In the repair line we cannot do no
matter how badly broken or how many
parts missing. Bring us In a trial job
Just to show you what we can do. We feel
confident that once a customer, you will
always be a customer. All work done
promptly and prices reasonable. Lefferts,
reliable jewelers.
Tfc Cement Iratva at Hand.
If you Intend doing any cement work do
not fall to call on George A. Hoagland for
prices on cement, sand, crushed rock, etc
Have just unloaded 1,000 barrels of Port
land cement and can make you very at
tractive prices
Marriage Licenses.
Licensee to wed wera Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
E. J. Perkins, Atlantic. Ia
Lois Bradford. Atlantic, Ia
R. B. Oesman, Omaha
Delia May Btlne, Omaha
Harry Conrad, Omaha
Llndla Osman, Omaha
Ootlleb W. Beck. Council Bluffs..,
Elliubeth Jurgen, Council Bluffs.,
... 20
... Is
... 27
... 23
... SO
... 26
have been primarily responsible for the
accident In permitting a young girl who
waa loafing about the building to run the
In handing down his decision Judge Green
stated that the evidence showed that Oreen
shlelds 6k Everest were acting as agents
for the owner of the building but that It
had not been disclosed, nor could It be
ascertained, who the owner of the build
ing was. It was also shown, he stated,
that the Janitor was In the employ of and
under the control of Oreenshlelds A
' The motion of the defendant for a trans
fer to the United States court of the suit
of L. B. Nichols against the Milwaukee
railroad was overruled.
It Is likely that the motion on the part
of the atato for a continuance In the case
against Simon McOrew, Jr., charged with
forgery, will be withdrawn and the trial
had at this term. The motion was filed on
the understanding that a material witness
for the state, W. H. Carter, was absent
from the state. Information received since
by the county attorney shows that Carter
has returned to his home at Bent ley, la.
Tha following additional Jurors were
drawn yesterday on order from Judge
William Green. Kane: VS. H. Doollttle.
Kane; R. J. Peregoy, Kane: C. W. Mc
Donald. Kane; R. M. McKensle, Keg Creek;
T. J. R. Turner. Washington; C. B. How
ard. Kane; W. H. Van Brunt, Kane; J. N.
Casady. Kane; Joseph Ligget, Kane; .T. W.
Wilson, Kane: B. J. Lund, Kane; 8. E.
Kllllon, Washington; F. O. Knowles. Lewis;
D. F. Dryden, Kane; E. B. Gardner. Kane;
Frank Kllliinck. Neola; August Olrterog,
Silver Creek: R. J. Ryan, Kane; B. M.
Bargent. Kane; Forrest Smith, Kane: II. Z.
llaaa, Kane; E. J. Quick, Kane; J. Evans,
We always look to the Interest of our
customers, no matter how small a job of
wall papering may be. We see that you get
the best paper and the best work for your
money. Borwlck, 211 South Main street
St. Faal's Parish Election.
At ths annual meeting last night of St
Paul's Episcopal parish the following ves
trymen were elected:
M. F. Rohrer, H. A. Qulnn. Georrn H.
Jackson, H. W. Binder. George R. White,
V. S. Stillman, E. H. Merrtain. A. D. An
nie. H. H. Van Brunt, Perrv Badollet, L.
Everett, C. R. Tyler. Ed Canning E. II.
DoolltUe. James Leonard.
in view of the fact that the officers elected
a year ago were elected for the "ensuing
year." Fleming's motion to postpone the
election was lost
Theee were elected:
City Clerk W. F. Sam.
Street Commissioner li A. Avery.
City Physician Dr. N. J. Rice.
City Electrician J. O. Bradley.
Poll Tax Collector D. J. Whlttaker.
Custodian City Hall William Larsoc
Poundmaster Charles Burke.
Foreman of Sidewalk and Bridge Gang
James Peterson. ,
The vote on street commissioner gave
Rockwell, the former Incumbent of the po
sition, I votes to I for Avery. Jake Wash
ington got 1 vote for poundmaster. A Fel
lentreter was an applicant for poll tax col
lector, but failed to be placed In nomination.
The salary of City Electrician Bradley
waa raised from 890 to 8115 per month.
The oontrscts with E. A. Wlckham for
paving were approved and the mayor In
structed to sign them. Under class A,
Wlckham furnished a bond In the sum of
852,000 and under class B a bond In the
sum of 810,000.
The offer of O. H. Mayne and J. P.
Oreenshlelds to give 8S0 for the 102 lots
owned by the city on Lower Broadway and
to pay all the assessments for paving, curb
ing, etc, which may be made against the
property, was accepted, they being required
to give a bond.
The election of a fire chief now rests with
the new commission.
Murder in Rev Tork.
NEW YORK, April L The lifeless body
of Mrs. Marie Trepl, an Italian, was found
today lying In a hallway outside of her
apartment In Union street, Brooklyn. Her
throat waa cut and a carving knife with
which the murder was done lay beside her.
A man's hat, said to belong to her father,
Antonio Lancia, who occupied another ten
ement In the same building, was found
near by. Lancia could not be found. His
son Arthur said that Lancia and his daugh
ter quarreled today over moi ey. On learn
ing of his sister's death the boy took a big
Knue ana siariea in searcn or ma latner.
making a dividend from surplus exceeding I mended the paaoge of the bill fixing the
8 irr.,cent ,n one year. ; compensation of attorneys appointed by
MCManilS rrturi Villi nn.r wkUh ,1
districts may be established and a part of
the cost of paved highways be charged
up to property near by.
Changing time of meeting of boards of
supervisors so as to miss the holidays,
making It the second secular dav In Jan
uary and the second Monday In September
Instead of as now.
Revising the law as to state veterinary
surgeon and assistants.
Providing a method of filling school board
Revising the law as to duties of the state
executive council and secretary.
Punishing for making use of explosives
In committing burglary.
Increasing pay of state mine Inspectors
to tl.SOO a year.
Forbidding bucket shops and to punish
Bill to reimburse Des Moiives citizens for
money paid out for land for the state fair.
Bill to appropriate"0 annually for
stock breeding experiments at the State
Hill approving the plans for new buildings
at the State Normal school.
Two Sides to Appeal.
Hambleton of Mahaska la seeking to get
a bill through during the closing days of
the session which will give a chance for
an appeal to the district court from the
action of a board of review in case the
board fixes the assessment at too low n
figure. Under the present law If the board
of review leaves the amount too high the
property owner can appeal. The property
owner Is the only one who has any right
to appeal. If the figure Is too high he
will appeal and, of course, will not appeal
If It Ib too low. Hambleton In his bill pro
vides that any cltlsen could appeal. The
senate amended the bill so as to limit the
right of appeal ot the owner of the prop
erty assessed and to any state, county or
school officer affected. The bill is now in
the court as special attorneys; the com
mittee on highways reported for passage
the bill to provide for the publication and
distribution of 7.500 copies of "Dye s Uni
form System of Road Work;" the commit
tee on schools and text books reported for
passage the bill giving to county superin
tendents the enforcement of the compulsory
education laws.
Legislators Grind Away.
The senate committee on appropri
ations recommended for passage the bill
to appropriate money for the completion of
a tuberculosis hospital, also a bill to ap
propriate 212.(00 to continue the decoration
of the state capltol. The committee killed
the bill to provide for a soldiers' roster
and the optometry bill. The senate also
passed the bill to make a tax on direct
The houso defeated the bill to manufac
ture binder twine at the Anamosa peni
tentiary, the Wll lacking but three votes
of a majority. The bill to create four
agricultural high schools was defeated,
lacking but live votes of a majority. The
senate bill to prohibit corporations water
ing their stock was passed. The house
adopted the conference committee report
on the indeterminate sentence low.
New niock System.
CRESCENT, Ia., April 1. (Special.) -The
Chicago Northwestern Railroad com
pany has Installed a new signal system.
It is called the Hall system. New rules went
Into effect yesterday at noon from Missouri
Valley to Council Bluffs. By this system a
rear-end collision looks almost Impossible,
as two trains are not allowed In the same
block. The company Is doing away wit a
all night operators In small stations. Three
men are In charge from Missouri Valley to
Council Bluffs. Their duties are to see that
the lights are cared for. When a train
passes one of these blocks the danger sig
nal Is thrown on by a current of electricity,
the train forming the contact which throws
a dark signal that remains till two block
are passed. The blocks are a mile apart,
so that sa long aa the machinery Is In
working order accidents are Impossible.
Council Blnffs Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Be
April 1 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Oounoil Bluffs:
Thomas C. Martin and wife to James
W. Carse, n se4 2O-75-40, w. d I 1409
I. W. Kverson, administrator, to
Thomas C. Martin. nH sei 20-76-10,
w. d
Fred B. I-ong and wife to H. D. Weh
land. ne1 nw4 awVi 9-77-38, w. d....
David J. Traill and wife to Barclay
Jones, lot 3, block 8, Bqulres' add.,
w. d
ReheceA Jane Sager and husband to
Frank Sankey, ntO feet of sSO feet
lot 18. block 2, Noe s add.. Walnut,
w. d
Anls E. Sager to Frank Sankey, s40
reel tot 1 block Z, JNoe s add., wal
nut w. d 1,200
S. C. Stephens to Jennie S. Stephens,
lot 8 and e lot 4. block 11. Highland
Place, w. d L100 .
Henry I'leper and wife to John A.
Matzen, lots 10, 11 and 12. block 14,
Mlnden, w. d ,
Louis B. Renard and wife to Iwls
Wagner, lots 8 and 7, block 18, Cooh
ran'a add., w. d
Katherlne R. Belts and husband to
Mabel R. Baker, lots 4 and 5, block
21, BnyllFS & Palmer's add., w. d..
A. C. Keller and wife to Benjamln
Fehr Real Estate company, lot &,
block 35, Central euhrtlv., q. c. d....
Heirs of N. 11. Bowman to Elisabeth
B. Bowman, se'4 set 8-75-41, w. d..
Charles C. Jefferson arid wife to
Thomas W. Jefferson, nw4 11.76-40,
w. d J. 1
Thomas W. Jefferson and wife to
Charles C. Jefferson, s'4 ne4 4-75-40,
neK nw4 and nH ne"4 84-78-40,
w. d .. t
Jennie M. Ievl and husband to W. P.
Turner, sw4 se 8 and nH pe4 10-
75- 41, w. d 1
Elisabeth Bowman to heirs of N. H.
Bowman, sw4 se4 and nVi ne!4 10-
76- 41, w. d
Council Bluffs Savings hank to P. W.
Bushnell, lots 8 and 4, block L Bun
nell's add., w. d 1
Seventeen transfers, total 817,818
Archbishop Ryan Well.
PHILADELPHIA, April l.-nnounce-ment
was made at the cathedral today
that the health of Archbishop Ryan has
been entirely restored. The archbishop has
been suffering from a severs attack of
We mean just what we say we abso
lutely guaranteo to return your watch to
you In perfeJl condition no matter what
Aboat tha Lrnnbrr for That New
We want to figure your lumber bill, no
matter how small or how large It la We
will positively guarantee to save you money
on It Right now we have the largest stock
of lumber we ever carried. This means
the largest stock ever brought to this sec
tion. We never were In a better shape to
fill your wants than light now. Send In
your bills and we will furnish you an
..'"It-tlm-t. at once. C. Hafer Lumber Co..
v" " vn'- w Lit nr. 1 id J a. J mi
acknowledged expert In watch repairing
and so confident are we In his ability that
we give you our personal guarantee. Lef
ferts, reliable jewelers.
Another Manawa Salt.
A. G. and E. Gilbert of this city yester
day served notice of suit for 850.000 dam-
ages against the street railway company.
While the original notice does not set forth
the particulars It states that the plaintiffs
have been damaged In the amount sought
to be recovered by the defendant company
tJir"t'' "
I -Hi
Oe4 beer the Hatlea's
average whea takaa
nrlth the sneala, asds see
te the appetite sad autesr
en tfceelgeettea.
Observing" ones who hava coma to recogrn.'za
the value of good beer la tha dining-room,
drdara a pronounced preference for
Tb aromatic properties of tha bops are appetizing and the malt
la nourishing. Every Ingredient la aa boa ate part of BlaU tha
beer of age and character.
Try any ml theee brands whether aa draught er la beetles wbn
Omaha Branch,
802-10 Douglas St., Cor. 8th.
Tel. Douglas 1081.
135 Broadway, Council Bluffs, I a.
phone 202.
County Board Meeting.
The principal business before the county
supervisors at the open meeting of the
April session was the allowing of bills
and claims. 8. E. Humphrey waa re
appointed janitor of the county court house
at his former salary of H.tOO.
The following scale of wages for men
working on county roads waa agreed upon:
Laborers. 20 cents an hour; man and team,
40 centa an hour; foreman, 83 a day; en
gineer with engine, 2150 an hour, county
to supply coal and oil.
H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court,
filed a report showing he had turned over
unclaimed fees to the amount of 2182.10 to
the county treasurer, whose voucher ac
companied the report.
The report of the clerk of the court for
the quarter ending March 81 shows that he
collected In the Council Bluffs office 82,835.10
In fees. The filing fees In 1.078 cases
amounted to $1,808 60. of which 81.463 .60 rep
resented the filing fees In the appeals from
the county treasurer In the Portland Gold
Mining company tax assessments. The
fees for marriage licenses amounted to
8284. The clerk also collected 8332.80 probate
fees during the quarter.
Today's session will be occupied with
road and bridge matters.
Insanity Charge Against Treanor.
The commissioners on Insanity had before
them yesterday the case of Pete Treanor,
the railroad section band, who while suf
fering from the effects of a prolonged spree,
attempted Sunday to cut his throat with
a tin spoon while confined In the city Jail.
When arrested by the police for being
drunk Treanor claimed to be from Mis
souri Valley and this raised the question
before the commissioners as to the man's
legal residence. If it is shown that he was
a resident of Harrison county prior to com
ing to this city la the early part (if last
FORM 744
I S an excellent model
for well developed
figurei. Its closely
Stitched front subdues
abdominal prominence
and rounds the figure
into graceful lines.
Made of white im
ported coutil. Trim
med across top with
bee and ribbon. Hose
supporters at front and
Sizes 19 to 36.
Price, $2.00
NUF0RM 403
WILL fit any slen
der or average
figure. Long above
the waist which it de
fines very distinctly,
showing a perfectly
straight line down the
front of the figure.
Made of white and
drab coutU. Trimmed
with lace and ribbon.
Hose supporters front
and sides.
Sizes 18 to 30.
Price, $1.00
HI lllll I WW II llll IWWWI I I I 11 I I I III II ) IIH H.fll 'If 1 1, mill TO . ! Wt I J W H' 1 1 " ' ' " 1 1 1 ' 1 mm 1 1 1 1 II I UHI I I "l
Ao 53o!jx- 11 &
' " " -"""'"'"" ' " "Ss,V f 1 " -&Sn.
average fig
ures. Has me-
dium buit and
long hip. Mada
of white - and
drab coutil.
Hose supporters
on front and
aides. Trimmed
across top with
lace and ribbon.
Sizes 1 8 to 30
NUFORtf 447
FOR well develop
ed figures, is a
reverse gore model.
The gore lines run
backwards, a construc
tion which restrains
undue development be
low the back. Medium
high bust, long hips
and extra long back.
Made of an exoellent
quality of white coutil,
elaborately trimmed with lace
and ribbon. Hose supporters
front and sides.
Sizes 1 9 to o.
Price,$3.00 E22 H
run jiii "v
u -
. fcgasnajansa in irWi t i mM saw !
TheW.B.Reduso Corset
ra boon for Urge women the ideal garment for over
developed figures requiring special restraint. It not only
restrains the tendency to overfieshine, but it sooulds
tlia ow-devcloped proportion iota those pleasing, graceful
outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable only by slighter
figures. The particular feature of this model is the aproa
over the abdomen and hips, boned in such a at to
give the wearer absolute freedom of movement.
Reduso Stylo 750 for tall ttxU-JeuclopeJ
figum. Made of a durable coutil in white or drab. Hose
supporters f tool aad sides. Suea 22 to 36. Price, 3.
Reduso Style 760yifW nxll-dcmloixJ I
figure. Made of whke and drab coutil. Hoes supporters
boot and Mdea. Sues 24 to 36. Price, $3. j
ST7- Broadway
New Yerfc
NUF0RM 733
IS an excellent
model for average
figures. Constructed
sectionally, making
the garment fit at all
points, accentuating
the slenderness of the
waist line. Bust
moderately high, h'tpa
rather long. Made of '
an imported coutil in
white only. Trim
med with lace and
ribbon. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Sizes 1 8 to 30.
lumM. Price. $2.00
fyis fV
406 i
IS a splendid
corset for me
dium figures,
pleasingly f r e
from any bulky
effect common to
previous models
of this type. Me
dium high bust
and deep hip, end
ing in an unboned apron
extension. Made of white
and drab coutil. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Trimmed with lace and
Sizes 19 to tor
Price, $1.50
1 1