Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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charter Is secured, when a new set wlH be
f) l? &0 xi? ' &
Tr, mi
eaya the
to cully Qnlta Offio Jo Scully has
l ft the health department, where he w&
milk inspector, to engagv In bunlripAn for
TraOrloksoa Bum for Anto Bill Henry
B. FreJi1cJton fld euit in the district
court Monday against Kdward Rank to re
cover I1.WC which he claims la due on an
automobile aold the defendant.
Dofr-Bays at City-Hall-These are dog
t'dayi In City Clerk Butler'a office. All
twajr long owners were lined up In the office
securing dog- licenses for the year. Nearly
1,000 have altogether been Isnued.
"Council raises Honey BUI The city
council held an ad urned meeting; Monday
morning to pass the general appropriation
ordinance. The council will alt until Tues
day afternoon as a board of equalisation.
Xppetela Collects Tees Market Alast'r
Kppoteln begun Mtnday morning to collect
market fees from persons having stalls at
t the market place. Monday morning marked
,he olticlal opening of the market for tho
, n&son.
Old Oentlemaa Breaks Kls Hip Ben
jamin Johnson, SM3 Dorcas etreet, 78 years
of age, waa feeling hla horse Monday
morning when h slipped, fell and broke
Ms right hip. lie was taken to the Omaha
General Hospital.
Orant W. R. O. Social The members of
Urant I'ost, Woman's Relief corps, are ar
ranging for an elaborate entertainment and
eoclal to be given at Bar'.ght hall Tuesday
evening "to the old soldiers of the post and
their families and friends.
.Brick Slat for W. B. Soman Plans
haVve been drawn by Architect J. H. Die
trich for a two-story brick flat, 38x40 feet,
for W. TL I Toman at Twenty-fifth avenue
nil Dodge streets. Two apartments with
trances will be built and the
rill be r.000.
Pays for Carelessness o. O. Weakly,
1811 Chicago street, left the door to his
room unlocked Saturday evening and when
he returned home after a short absence h
dlacovercd some one had taken advantage
cf his carelessness and stolen 10 In bills
and some small change.
Damage Suit Againsv Packer 1 fen ry
Adolf filed ault in tho district court Monday
agnlnr.t the Omaha Packing company ask
ing $l.f! damages fcr Injuries sustained by
him In December, l'n5, while he was work
lec at the defendant's plant. He claim
that an overhead truck fell on him. Injuring
him permanently.'
Discharges la Bankruptcy These per
sons were given their final discharges In
bankruptcy by Judge W. H. Hunger In tho
United States district court Monday morn
ing: Walter A. Eddy, Frederick Burlinglm,
Thomas IT. Newn:dn Of Omaha; John M.
Bpecht of North Platte, Anna May Johnson
of Cliadron and Riley D. Richards of Craw
ford. v
la the Divorce Kill Anna N. Olenadale
applied to tho district court Monday for a
divorce from Charlea Qlensdale on theO
ground of nonsupport. They were married
October SI, 101. Ida Mae Parker was
granted a decree of divorce from Adelbert
' Parker Monday In the district court on
the ground of nonsupport.
Kinshaw Baok Home Congressman E.
II. Hlnshaw of the Fourth Nebraska dis
trict was in Omaha Monday on hla return
from Newcastle, Ind., where he had been
called by the serious Illness of Mrs. Hln
ahaw's father. 'Thta Is my first return to
Nebraska since the adjournment of con
gress," aald Mr. Hlnshaw. ' No, I did not
f , .and Dodge si
' Jsparate entrt
"total cost will
go to Panama with the congressional com
mission, not being a member of that com
mission. I expect to return east In June
as a member of the visiting committee to
the Naval academy at Annapolis. The
hous members of that committee are Con
gressmen Dawson of Iowa, Pudgett of Ten
nessee and myself, with three members of
the senate, whose names I cannot recall
Just at this moment."
Tear and Half for Smith Charles Hmlth
who was arraigned before Judge Troup Sat
urday and pleaded not guilty to breaking
and entering, changed his plea Monday
morning to guilty and was sentenced to a
broke into the Comenlus school last month
and stole a number of little things not
worth more than 16 altogether.
Vnlon Facifio Faying Taxes Tho Union
Pacific Railroad company Monday morning
paid County and City Treasurer Fink
118,100 for 1906 and 1906 city personal taxes
Oonititation Prohibiti Disposition of Liquor
on Grounds of (hesitation.
Additional Grvasi Adjolalagr Has
Bees Leased for Golf Links
Shares of Stock Are rineed
at Ilaadred Dollars.
The stockholders of the Happy Hollow
club held a business meeting last night
In the Commercial club rooms, at which
about seventy-five were present. E. A.
Benson was chosen chairman and W. 1a
Selby secretary. The artlclea of Incor
poration, which had been prepared by the
promotion committee, were adopted. Ar-
langements have been made by the club
to purchase eleven acres In Dundee which
Is owned by Mrs. Ellfia W. Patrick for a
consideration of .ono. Tills property Is
Just south of Underwood avenue, and there
are three substantial buildings on It which
can be utilised by the club. The commit
tee that looked over the buildings says
that an expenditure of a few thousand
dollars will transform the largest bulldlnj
Into an up-to-date club house. The club
also decided to accept the proposition ot
the Dundee Realty company for the leis
Ing of a ninety-acre tract Just west of
the Patrick property, to be utlllxed tor
golf links and other field sports. The lease
will run for a term of fifteen years, the
club irettlna- It the first two years for
merely prying the taxes, and for the re
malnlng thirteen years for an annual
rental of S per cent on a valuation of SM0
per acre.
The capital stock of. the club Is $30,000,
represented by 100 shares of J100 each
The question of allowing liquor to be
sold upon the grounds of the club was
brought up and several speeches were made
for and against the proposition. Borne of
the members were In favor of malt and
vinous beverages being dispensed on the
grounds, but were opposed to spirituous
liquors. Others made speeches declaring
they did not wish to become partners In
the llauor business in however mild a
I Meeting! tke Oeeasloa
Conaratalnttoaa and Rejoicing.
I form. A resolution was offered by Harry
L7 in th7nnn, R"l against the selling of any kind of
ear and a half in the penitentiary. He ... , , .
r- i... -v, i i-.. ' i Hquor on the club grounds. A resident
of Dundee Informed the club that Dundee
Would not permit the club to sell liquor on
their grounds. Harry Reed replied that if
the matter is to be adjusted by the citizens
of Dundee there was no tue In voting on
the resolution. The resolution was carried
by a rising vote.
The directors appointed were: K. A.
The annual meeting of the McKlnley dun
was held Monday evening at the Chesa
peake cafe, with a large and enthusiastic
attendance. Tie proceedings opened with
an Informal banquet, with Vice President
Charlea Ftoster as master of ceremonies
and chairman of the meeting.
Officers for the ensuing year were elected
as follows:
President. Isldor Zleirler; vice presidents,
W. M. McKay. E. C. Hodder. Frank Wood
land; eecretary, Harry 8. Pyfne: treasurer,
John J. Ryder; directors, Charles O. Mc
Donald, Henry P. Leavltt and Prank Craw
ford. Following the election of officers brief
addresses were delivered by Judges W. O.
Sears and A. L. Sutton. Rth were full
of fervor and paid a high tribute to the
energy and work of the club ns a political
factor for the bettering of political condi
tions In Douglas county and throughout
the state.
Mr. Ryder of the banquet committee sub
mitted a report of the annual banquet of
the club showing the total receipts to have
been $883.70, from all sources. Including the
sale of tickets. All bills have been paid
and the club has a clear balance sheet,
with a anug fund In the treasury.
The report of the committee was received
and approved, and a vote of thanks was
tendered the committee for Its efficient
services and to all who contributed In
any way to the success of the banquet.
Upon the recommendation of Treasurer
Ryder, it was decided that all member
who have paid their dues, or members who
shall pay their dues of $2 within tho next
ninety days, shall be credited with the
same to April 30, 1908.
Mr. Zlegler submitted an amendment to
the constitution that the president shall
be empowered to appoint an auxiliary com
mittee to assist the banquet committee In
making arrangements and securing the
presence of notable peakcrs for the annual
banquets of the club, which arc held on
McKlnley's birthday anniversary. The
resolution went over under the rules until
the next regular meeting.
A resolution was unanimously adopted
commending the devotion of the members
of the McKlnley club who are members
of the present Nebraska legislature for
their fidelity to their pledpes ns repub
licans and for their efficient services In
that body, with special reference to N. P.
Dodge, Jr., Henry T. Clarke, Jr., and Frank
Best, active members of the McKlnley club.
with Interest. These taxes were with
held until the county cases should have' Benson, J. R. Webster, F. H. Gaines, three
been disposed Of. This leaves yet unset- year term; H. W. Yates, Jr., Euclid Mar
tied In the way of railroad, taxes only the tin, A. T. Austin, -Uvo-yesr term; Robert
1908 city personal, which are now In court. I Dempster, W. L,.' Selby, A. J. Cooley, one-
To Condemn Gathers Tract An oidl- I VT term.
nance Is to be Introduced In the council
Tuesday evenlrsr to condemn a strip of
land now owned and fenced In by John T.
Cathers on North Twentieth street, near
Locust. This tract Is needed to complete
the boulevard at that point and is the
same land over which Mr. Cathers and the
city of Omaha has had a fight In the
Dr. Zdwta B. Worrell Visits Omaha
Dr. Edwin R, Worrell of Chicago, asso
ciate eecretary for the aynods of the
The club atarts In with the following
F. H. Davis, H. W. Yates, John R.
Webster, J. F. Carpenter, Howard
Kennedy. Ralph W. Hreckenrldge, A.
T. Austin, Charlea C. Helden, E.
M. Gibson, Robert Dempster. I. W.
Carpenter, W. B. Wright, . Henry A.
Thompson, Frank H. Gilnes, Paul W.
Kuhns, George A. Hoaglnnd, H. W. Yates,
Jr., W. A. Smith, 8. S. Curtis, J. 1 Baker,
5. A. Sunderland, I,. T. Runderland. J. B.
Baum, G. W. Iiomls, F. R. Lawrence,
C. 8. Hayward, Erastus A. Benson, George
I.. Fisher, Dr. J. P. Lord, W. W.
1Iarlanrl Mwnrd I'rvl'ke S 1). RnrkaloW.
middle -west of the Presbyterian General i A. A. McClure, J. if. Beaton, Thomas A.
Assembly's permanent commltteo on torn-; Crelgh, T. E. Stevens. Dr. N. 8. Mercer,
prance, addressed the Presbyterian mm- smith? Jtmi F. Flac Dr. a! H. Hip
Isters Monday morning on this branch of) pie, t'harles E. Johannes, David Cole, Al
church work. Dr. Worrell says the church I 'reu DuHow, Dr. Henry B. Lemere. Dr.
I. .r,. w.-..v . K. C. Henry, Dr. Palmer Flnley, George
Is endeavoHng to stlmntate aeaMn the tem-Sv. sumner. Charles Marsh, W. S. Hillls.
perance cause. Dr. Frederick. W. Lake. L. M. Tlmag,
s..-nn.i . . John W. -Towle. Dr. Andrew B. Somers,
Frenaptlal Party A prenuptlal banquet ! pr w. O. Henrv, Dr. W. F. Mllroy,. W.
waa given last night at the Her Grand ' W. Johnton, Carl E. Herrint. H. P.
hotel to Dr Umer, and Mia. Van Glenm, j i"''' Ka?s.?1'Kn,Mawlnnej'" tV"c!
whose wedding Is to be solemnised next Havens. Lvman O. Perley, Charles C.
Saturday. Those participating In the affair ' Genre, J. E. George, R. Cy Peters, John
were the Misses Van Gleson, Fannie How-! ""a'l,'(, "' f,', " v Trh',ri,rrhrT"
, . . w . . , Kountxe, C I. Alleman, vv. H. uernart,
land. May Murphy. Edith Thomas, Palmer, Charles R. Wilson. Arthur H. Burnett.
Messrs. Dr. Holllster, Sidney Smith, Will J- W". Marshall, Erastus Your, F. P.
Wood. Ward Palmer, with Mmes. Van : E'rtwtdajl. Charles i N Gates. Edward E.
, . , t , Bruce, T. II. Fonda, Jr., N. Mer-
Oleson and Nathan Merr as chaperones. rlam. Frank H. Brown, C. W.
The banquet hall waa profusely decorated , Russell. K. W. Gunther, .Tames C.
With HIIcs of the valley : Chudwick. Robert H. Olmsted. Thomns H.
" iMatleis, C. D. Mclaushlin. Rome Miller,
Work on Hew Phone System The new ' T. W. Austin, De Roy Austin. Charles O.
independent Telephone company wli, begin ! TCrt a Wilf.amTc' Gffi
the construction of Its new system this ble, E. E. Kimberly, F. W. Cirmlchael.
Week. Vltrilied conduit will be laid for 1 G. H. Payne, J. H. Parrotte, Thcmas J.
underground wire.. Joseph R. Leher, & TA'
im tarnam alreet. was awarded the con- snh Polcar. Elmer E. Thomas. W. L.
tract for furnishing this conduit, which i Selbv, Franlr" H. Orvln, George H. I,e,
will amount In all to about 1.600,000 feet 1 Vllllrr. O I'r. JVimam K potter Dr.
TM. ,,, v, . , , , ' i A. W. Nnson, 8. A. Bearle, H. B. Noyes,
This will be about 13 carloads of conduit D. D. Miller. Bvron R. Hastings. Dr. Jo
altogether. The first shipment of this ma- 1 seph M. Alktn. Dr. F. E. Fltxgeral-1, Harry
terlul will arrive in Omaha during the week. 1 "JT" W.rf ' Bn(U' H'tohck.
m. . , y.'. M. Davidson, V. R. Gould, Mark J.
The telephone company has arranged fpr , road. E. D. Van Court, H. D. Reed, J. X
ii uiuer material ana excavation will be i uerigni.
begun Immediately.
tsss&ss jeratt Toil Xesna of Eiforc
inr Bandit Closinr Law.
Two Salooa Men Pay- rtnndred and
TTrenty-FlT Dollars for Prlvl
leae of Selling; Few
Drinks Sunday.
Chief Donahue advocates revoking the
licenses of saloon men who persist In Tlo
latlng the Sunday closing law.
A total sum of $125 waa paid by two
Omnha saloon keepera In police court Mon
day morning for the privilege of raising the
city's lid for a few hours on the Sabbath
morning. It waa an expenalve luxury, but
the evidence of law-breaking against the
men was strong and Police Judge Craw
ford waa Inexorable.
Michael Brunskl, proprietor of the place
at 1-14 South Thirteenth street, had the
original charge against him changed to
that of disposing of liquor on Sunday and
In the face of the array of cold arguments
against him he confessed to the Judge he
waa guilty. He was fined $100 and eoste.
John Achats, who was charged with keep
ing a disorderly house at 611 North Six
teenth atreet, where his saloon Is located,
and who tried to make his escape when the
police arrived, sprinting aeveral blocks be
fore captured by a policeman, pleaded
guilty to hla share of wrongdoing and waa
required to pay $J5 and costs.
When he heard of the finea Impoaed Chief
of Police Donahue expressed great satisfac
tion, but thought the matter should be car
ried still further and the men's licenses
"These saloon keepers ought to realize
they should positively nof sell liquor on
Sunday, and I think the proper way to Im
press thla fact upon them so there will be
no more violations Is to take their licenses
away from them. That ought to make
them take notice and obey the law In the
future," aaid the chief.
Toung Man Goes Up J. F. Emmcrt was
elected president of the Central Coal and
Coke company at the meeting of the board
of directors yesterday. Mr. Emmert Is a
young man of wide acquaintance In Omaha.
He has been, with the company four years
and waa with the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern railroad prior to that time. He
entered the employ of the company of
which he la now president In the capacity
of stenographer, worked up to be book
keeper and then to traveling representative.
A hew board of directors was also elected,
the Omaha membera of which are W. A.
Cane, E. E. Beale and J. F. Emmert.
EYE SPECIALISTS. Huteaon Optical Co.
Tot Whom
Is Life Insurance?
It i not for the rich, nor the independent, nor the
elfish. It is for the mn who recognizes responsibility ;
for the rfgn who will discriminate who will take the
money he needs for other things and put it in Life Insur
ance because he sees that the protection of his loved ones
after his departure is the greatest need of alL Such a man
is worth insuring;, and such a man should be sure of his
Life Insurance
offer such a man something; as pood as
gold : a bond of the United States could
b no better. Its policies give the maximum 'of security at
the minimum of cost. " In sixty-four years of histury it
has paid more money to beneficiaries than any other Com
pany in the world. If you have obligations ; if your life
means something to others, insurance is for you. In
vestigate the cost of absolute protection in the
Mutual Life.
' The Time to Act is NOW.
For the nw forms of policies consult out
nearest agent, or write direct to
The Mutual Ufa laauraaca Cooapany
I New York.
N. Y.
Omaha Expects to Have a Camp with
a I. arse Membership la the
Near Fatare.
The preliminary steps were taken Monday-
evening at a meeting of thirty war
veterans held at the Company L armory
for the organisation of the' Omaha camp
of United Spanish War Veterans. There
aa much anthuaiasm over the movement
shown by those present, auguring well for
a local branch of the society. William E.
Baohr, now major of the First regiment,
Nebraska National guard, was chosen
chairman of the meeting and Joseph Van
Wle secretary.
Temporary officers were elected, as fol
lows: Commander, Captain Vlckers; aenlor
vice commander, Major Baehr; Junior vice
commander, Lieutenant Nygard; chaplain.
Dr. I;nto; adjutant, Joseph Van Wla;
quartermaster, J. Wert Thompson; officer
of the day, O. Moody; officer of the guard,
IIervy W. Majors; trustees. J. C. WlLlama,
Nels A. Lundgren and E. W. Crook.
Application for a charter will be for
warded to the home office of the organisa
tion at Cleveland.
The United Spanish War Veterans Is an
amalgamation of the four societies called
the Spanish War Veterans. Spanish-American
War Veterans, Society of the Service
Men of the Spanish War and the Society
of Hespano-Amerlcan War Veterans. The
Joint organization was accomplished In
19"4, and annual reunions have been held
at St. Louie and Indianapolis. Al, per
sona who served in the army, r.avy or rrTa.
rlne corps In the Spanish-American war,
Chlneae expedition or Philippine Insurrec
tion prior to July 4, 1902, ara eligible to
membership In the amalgamated society.
The thirty men present at the Initial
meeting entered their namea on the roster,
and among them waa one of a Peking vet
eran. It waa atated at the meeting there
are &C0 men In thla territory eligible It
Join and from whom the memberahlp will
be obtained. It la urged by those interested
that all In aymputhy with the organisation
attend the next meeting, with their dis
charge papers, or communicate with the
adjutant. The next meeting will be held
as soon ss possible after receipt of the
charter and probably will be within two
weeks, notice to be given by the adjutant.
A strong effort will be made to complete
the organisation of the local camp with
a big membership, In time to participate
in the Memorial day exercises and mik
a good showing then. The officers elected
Monday evening will hold cilice until U,e
Important Chanae In Clothing; De
partment at Bennett's.
The five-year lease entered Into between
the Vollmer Clothing company for space
In the big Bennett store terminated at
midnight March, 31. Inasmuch as It was
Sunday the clothing people concluded to
move. Heavy delivery wagons nnd many
men attacked the stock shortly after dawn
and by S In the afternoon everything had
been moved out belonging to the former
clothing department.
As fast as goods went out the Bennett
company moved its huge new spring sup
plies from the fourth floor stock rooms.
lnslalledan entirely new set of handsome
heavy fixtures and show cases of latest
design, all made by the firm'a own car
penters and finished by the flrm'a own fin
ishers In the firm's own workshops. The
proprietors state that they are determined
through tho columns of the newspapers and
by a strict adherence to qualities and styles
to possess right from the start the reputaj
tlon of first-class clothiers. The installa
tion of the new department has caused
many alterations on the main floor. Busy
counters are arranged on all alslea, the
west wall has even been attacked, a new
balcony has been erected on the north side,
west, for a new soda fountain.
Coreri I. eld for Three Hondred and
April Fool Spirit Dominates
The second "get two" banquet given by
the women of the Young Women's Chris
tian association took place at their rooms
In tho I'axton block last night. It was
an overflow meeting from last Monday's
banquet and covers were laid for SOO. The
banquet and program which followed par
took of the "April fool" spirit. The table
floral decorations were beautiful calla lilies,
which, however, would not bear the In
spection of the botanist. Several women
found foreign substances In the biscuit
resembling cotton. Others found other
things, no more palatable. At each plate
was a cone-ahaped napkin, which each
guest later utlllxed for a. hat, and In each
napkin was the guest's assignment on the
program, such as a song, a story, a
conundrum or an answer to one. This
proved a most successful amusement fea
ture and was "the means of bringing out
much latent talent In the storf telling and
vocal line.
The year beginning April 1 finds the asso
ciation with 2,350 members. Between the
meeting of a Week ago and last night
there were TOO expirations, 877 renewals and
171 new members. Agnes Ward, member
ship secretary, has tendered her resignation
and Miss Lillian Loftus has been appointed
I to fill the place. Bertha Schweltser of
Toledo haa been secured as extension sec
retary and will be present at the annual
meeting ot the association next Monday
night. She Is a woman of large experience
In the Toung Women's Christian associa
tion work and the local association feels
much elated In securing her. ;
So Attractive Gordon Man Pears They
Have Been Selling Off '
Too Many.
"The high prices we have been getting for
our horses have proved so attractive I'm
afraid we have been aelllrig too close and
will be short," said Sam Hill of Gordon, as
he sat at the Merchants hotel Monday
noon. "The horses of western Nebraska
are Improving every year, due to the Im
portation of better stallions, and lots of
horses have been sold during the last year.
"It looked for a time .that last winter
was going to be severe on stock, but after
the first hard weather the conditions
changed and all stock went through the
winter with scarcely no loss. The coal
scare the Omaha papers were reporting
during the cold weather waa not warranted
by facts, for there was never a time we
could not get plenty of coal to keep warm.
Sometimes we were pretty close to the
cushion, but we pulled through all right."
Omaha and Country Institutions Show
Forth Great Wealth of
the state.
"The people of Omaha have a right to
feel proud of their bank deposits," said F.
Nelson, a prominent banker of the north
western', part of the state who lives at
Niobrara."The Omaha banka are but re
flecting the prosperity of the entire state,
however. Our bank deposits are larger
than they ever were, and the prospects
were never brighter than at present for
another most prosperous season. The small
crops are all In the ground and work has
begun for the. corn. The ground Is thor
oughly soaked from the heavy anowa we
have had during the winter and never waa
In better condition to receive the seeds and
to promise an abundant yield."
Good Coagh Medicine for Children.
The season for coughs and colds Is now
at hand and too much care cannot be used
to protect the children. A child la much
more likely to contract diphtheria or scar
let fever when he has a cold. The quicker
you cure his cold the less the risk. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy la the sole re
liance of many mothers, and few of them
who have tried It are willing to use any
other. Mrs. F. F. Sturdier of Ripley, W.
Va., says: "I have never used anything
other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for my children and It has always given
good satisfaction.' This remedy contains
no opium or other narcotic and may be
given as confidently to a child as to an
Three Dally Trains to Chicago
From Union station, Omaha. 7:66 a. m.,
6:45 p. m. and 1:35 p. m. daily. Arrive
Union station, Chicago (In, the business and
hotel district), at :S0 p. m., S:3S a. m. and
S:2S a. m., respectively. Comrortable bertha,
excellent dining car service, courteous
treatment of passengers. F. A. Nash, Gen
eral Western Agent. 1S24 Farnarn St.,
Ono Hundred and Forty Permits at
Over Third of Million
During March Building Inspector WIthnell
Issued 140 building permits, an unusually
large number for March. The estimated
cost of the buildings represented by these
permits was placed at 344,730. During
March last year only fifty-two permits were
tspued, at an estimated, outlay of 1449.300.
Two of the buildings for which permits
were granted March last year cost I1S9.000,
which explains the seeming disparity In the
figures. It Is evident from the building in
spector's records that last month waa a big
month for permits for homes.
The Correct Time
to Buy Men's Clothes
is NOW D
'TMIE Correct Clothes .for Men are "JCe-
brask'a" Clothes. They nre correct in
every detail. The styles nre the latest nnd
are standard for this spring's wear; the
quality of each grade ia unmatchable else
where. Each suit is correctly tailored and
the prices are the lowest offered by any
house in this town. You may have these
New Spring Suits in many materials such
as worsteds, silk mixed worsteds, French
velours, English cassimeres, etc. Now 13
the time to buy, them, rricos range from
$750 to $28S2
Very low round trip rates to San Francisco and Los
Angeles April 25. to May 18.
Only $50 round trip from Omaha
via direct routes; $12.50 additional via Shasta Route and
Puget Sound.
Liberal stopover privileges, diverse routes and long re
turn limit.
Standard and tourist sleepers daily via Denver with day
light ride through scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. '
Ask for free descriptive folders and make early ar-
J rangements. '
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha.
mm 'i
The value of S. S. S. as a blood purifier has been thoroughly proven by
Its forty years of successful service in the treatment of blood and skin dis
eases of every character. It is the best known and most generally used
blood inedicine on the market today, because in the forty years of its exist
ence it has not disappointed those who hava used it, and as a result of its
universal success in curing disease it has made friends EVERYWHERE.
It has been on the market for forty years, and its record in that tim
is one of which we arc justly proud it is a record of forty years of
cures. As a remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh,. Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers,
Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all diseases arising from ad
impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal. It goes
into the circulation and thoroughly cleanses it of all impurities and makes a
complete and lasting cure of these troubles and disorders. It furnishes to
weak, polluted blood, rich, health-giving and health-sustaining qualities,
and as this pure, fresh stream circulates through the system, all parts of the
body are invigorated and made 6trong and healthy. S. S. S. is the only
blood medicine on the market that can claim absolute freedom from minerals
in any form. This great medicine is the product of nature's forests and
fields, and is made from the healing, cleansing juices and extracts of roots,
herbs and barks. It is, therefore, in addition to being a certain cure for
blood troubles, an absolutely safe medicina for young or old. It is not an .
experiment to use S. S. S. ; it is a remedy with a record and one that has
proven its worth and ability by its forty years of cures. If yon need a blood
remedy begin the use of S. S. S., and write our physicians and they will send
yott a book concerning your trouble, and will give you, without charge, an
Every day, to April 30, 1907, you have
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ooma and other points in the North
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