Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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1 The Omaha Daily Bee
i Entered at Omaha postofflce eecond
;claaa matter.
,Fall Pn (without Sunday), on year...H0S
Imlly Her, and Humlay, on year 0
; Sunday Li, one yfnr 2 50
eaturoay nee, on year l ow
Dally Peo (Including Sunda)), per wek..lSfl
Dally Ho (wlihmt Sunday), per week... 1J
Evening IX (without Sunday), per week. o
Kvenlng Bee, (with Sunday), per week. ...loo
AdrtrMi complaints r-f leresularlllea In de
livery to CUy Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Baa Building.
South Omaha City Hall Hulldlng.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago I'nttv Builillna
New Yoi kl&OK Home, Ufa Insurance Bldg.
Washington cfll Fourteenth Street.
Commutllratlona relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee,, Editorial Department.
' Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to Th Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of
mall account. personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Charles C. Kosewater, Rienpral mnrniter of
The Bee Publlshlne; Company, being duly
sworn, says (hat the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Daily. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of February. 1907, was ea follow:
l , aaoeo is
J 38,810 1 33,30
I i., 30,000 20 33,30
i ..,...... 89,160 21 33,340
? s r... aa.iao st 33,30
5 t.y. 31,970 21 33,90
J 7 ., 8180 24 30,480
1 t i.; 31,980 ti 34,040
f 31,640 ' it B3,90
! 10 30,400 27 33,860
11 ... 33,370 i 33.790
' 12 81.R70 29 34,130
IS 33,890 SO 83,680
14 3340 81 80,600
a '. . 33,080
1 33,880 Total 1,008,060
IT 30,410
Leas unsold and returned copies. t,194
Net Total 69,876
Dally average .33,337
General Manager.
Subscribed In rr.y presence and sworn to
before ma this lat day of April, 1907.
(Seal) M. B. II UNGATE,
Notary Public
Sabecrlbera leaving; th elty tem
porarily ahonM Bate Tbe Be-e
mailed to them. Addreaa will b
A few April showers would come In
light handy hereabouts.
It way yet be necessary to muzzle
something beside the dogs.
Just to disabuse the public mind
Governor Sheldon bas taken bis veto
pen In band.
Railroad manngers are caring less
about the square deal than they are
about the fare deal.
Mme. Emma Karnes refused to dis
cuss ber divorce suit She does not
need the advertising.
Morocco would doubtless be glad If
France should lay claim to Ralsull and
Insist upon taking possession of him.
The simplified spelling board will
bold a banquet tonight It should be
compelled to eat some of Its words.
Louisiana reports a particularly fine
looking line of peaches this spring.
The Omaha peaches look fine all the
year round.
The Methodist church has selected
New York, Cincinnati and Kansas City
as centers of a campaign of education.
They need it. ,
That Chicago woman who wants a
divorce because ber husband is ngly
, will know better than pick out a Chi
cago man next, time.
Railroad managers probably will view
with alarm the report from Washington
that President Roosevelt bas been hart
lug his teeth repaired.
Senator Stone of Missouri thinks the
Japs want the Philippines, but the Japs
insist that Senator Stone la not doing
their thinking for them.
The local bank teller who sprained
his wrist counting money can sympa
thise with other folks who have sprained
their arms reaching for It
Mayor "Jim" has turned the old mar
ket houee building Into about every
.thing except a prise-fighting arena
arid he aiay get to that yet
Mr. Carnegie wants an end put to
stock gambling. The man who has
made a big winning often joins a cru
sade to have the game closed.
The statement that more persons die
each year from drinking milk thjn from
Indulgence In whisky probably had Its
origin In Kentucky or at Peoria.
A Connecticut man Is telling how it
feels to be electrocuted. That's one
subject ou which even Mlasourlans are
willing to accept hearsay evidence.
The New York, surgeons who bored a
hole in a man's head to make hi in talk
ought to have been, engaged In better
business. Too many" men are talking
That Lincoln paper that denounced
Omaha, as "a sponge and a hog" must
have been trying to cover up the tracks
of Lincoln wadiug into tho state appro
priations. Kentucky is about ready to charge
that the proliibltlonNt movement Is a
t'ombtnatton In restraint of trade.
Another distillery town In the state has
gone dry.
If the canine population of Omaha
can scare up such a fuss at this seaeoa
of the year, what may we not expect
when the do:r days are really upon u
licit Ai'guetl w
oalvsua a. onotv.
The west owe a debt of gratitude to
Galusha Aaron Urow. whose death at
his home in UlenwooA, IVnn., has Jnat
been announced. ITomlnent in public
life for more than half a century, as a
member of congress and In other of
ficial rapacities, his greatest atbleve
ment was hts authorship of the home
stead law which wss passed during the
last years of the civil war and re
deemed the promise held otit In the song
that cheered the nnlon soldiers In the
trying dnys of the crnclal campaigns:
Theft mar-h along, boys; feel no alarm.
For Uncle Sam la rich enough to give us
each a farm.
Mr. (Jrow was a member of congress
from Pennsylvania during the war and
devoted much of his time to a plan for
making It easier for the men engaged
In the struggle for the union to find
homes aud occupation when the war
should close. The homestead law, with
the commutation clause deducting from
the five years residence required for a
title the time ot service of tho soldier
entryman, was his work The result ex
ceeded the most sargnine expectations of
the f rattier of the measure, the veterans
of the war flocking by hundreds of thou
sands to the new states and territories
west of the Mississippi and taking up
their homesteads. The law and the
timeliness of it were potent factors In
the rapid upbuilding and development
of tho great weRt, and Mr. Grow lived
to see the complete realization of the
possibilities of the legislation of which
he was the author.
After being speaker of the house of
representatives in congress from to
Mr. Grow retired from public life,
but kept in active touch with public
affairs until when he was returned
to congress and served until 1003 whon
he again voluntarily retired. In his
latter service In congress he devoted
much of his time to legislation on edu
cational subjects and succeeded, among
other measures, in securing tho enact
ment of a law extending the franking
privilege to publications for the blind.
He belonged to the old school of public
men, rugged in his honesty, .stubborn
In defense of a position once taken and
was always a power on the side of good
in legislation.
The municipal campaign In Chicago
which culminates In an election today
has been one of the most bitterly con
tested that has been held In years.
City elections In Chicago are always
fiercely contested, but the limit in vln
dlctivenss and vituperation seems to
have been passed in the present fight
Ostensibly the contest la Over the
proper solution of the street railway
and local traction problems, the repub
licans supporting Candidate Busse on a
platform providing for granting twenty
year franchises to the street car com
panies, under certain rules calling for
a payment of percentages on their gross
earnings and reserving to tho city the
right of purchase. Mayor Dunne, the
dtmocratic candidate for re-election,
still adheres to his platform calling for
municipal ownership of the street rail
ways. While this would seem to be a clear
drawing of the issue, both parties have
been persistent in befogging the situa
tion by dragging In other questions.
Argument has given way to new styles
of billingsgate that would make the
proverbial fishwife's talk sound like a
lecture by a Sunday school teacher. As
a result, the voter has little assurance
that the election of either ticket will
give the city the efficient and honest
administration It so sadly needs. The
redeeming feature of the situation is
that the issues Involved in the cam
paign are purely local to Chicago and
that the result whatever It may be,
can have no significance affecting na
tional politics.
Cartoonists and writers of lurid fic
tion will have to go outside of Texas
hereafter to get their types of bad men.
The wavs of reform struck the state
some time' ago and has grown amaz
ingly until now every citizen of the
vast domain has been made good by
legislation. The temperance people
scored the first victory by securing the
adoption ' of local option laws under
which liquor Is now as scarce as water
In a good many counties of the state.
Then the reformers turned their atten
tion to the race track and closed all the
pool rooms In the state and drove the
bookmakers out of business. This was
promptly followed by a crusade against
gun toting, with the result that the man
who used to attract admiration and
command respect by making a walk
ing arsenal of himself is now Ignored
or scorned by everybody except the
Difficult as it Is to think of Texas
without having thoughts of guns and
pistols crowding into the picture, it is
almost Impossible to grasp the signifi
cance of the latest 'innovation, a law
absolutely prohibiting gambling. The
gambling den has been a fixed institu
tion in Texas since Ham Houston's time.
It has never been a skulker, but has oc
cupied the ground floor and the front
rooms of the best business buildings,
easy of access to the cowboy, the miner
and the sporty wayfarer. In the early
days it was the clearings house for the
caching of checks, a meeting place for clt
Isens, an open house day anil night. Locks
were never usd on the doors and the
lid was a thing unknown. Now the re
form legislature bas passed a law mak
ing gambling a felony, holding tTie
owner of the property responsible for
what gambling teunnta do and making
It worth a man's life almost for him
to lie caught promoting or Indulging In
any game of die nee. The awful fea
ture of the situation, so far as the sport
ing fraternity Is concerned. Is that
Texas eeeina to be v-ry much la fttrneHt
In the reform program, the state, county
and city officials being united In a
pledge to, secure a strict enforcement of
the laws. The Texan who can not live
without gambling and his partner, the
man who Is always "ready to shoot at
the drop of the hat" will have either
to reform or move to New York.
Governor Kheldon's first veto proves
to be of a, bill granting authority to the
mayor and city council of Omaha to
vacate streets and alleys. Tale author
ity bas been exercised chiefly for the
benefit of the railroads that have been
extending their trackage through the
wholesale district. The most objection
able part of the bill Is the provision
validating all the acts of the mayor and
council along this line since the new
charter was adopted two years ago.
While the city bas proceeded on the
theory that it bas bad . the power to va
cate these streets, the railroads appar
ently are not satisfied that their title is
clear, whereas a legislative act would
cure the defects. While there is some
demand that the city should be compen
sated for streets closed for the use of
the railroads, there has been general
acquiescence In the object of the move
which Is to give trackage to all the ter
ritory occupied by the big Jobbing
At the same time these privileges
were secured on distinct promises of
teclprocity In the way of improvements
which the roads have' more recently
manifested a disposition to withhold.
Nobody will object to the continued use
of these streets by the railroads, but
the people of Omaha will expect them
to keep faith on their side of the com
pact. If they will fulfill their obliga
tions they will have no trouble later in
securing the coveted quit Claim. The
governor's veto of the validating bill
leaves Omaha In the same strong post
tion It now holds, which would have
been lost had he approved the measure.
The veto Is convincing evidence that
Governor Sheldon has a watchful eye
out and does not propose to be caught
Most of the state legislatures having,
either adjourned or being on the eve of
adjournment tlie raHroad managers
have turned their attention from the
state capitals to the White House and
are concentrating their efforts In an at
tempt to induce the president to do
something to quiet or attempt to quiet
the anti-railroad sentiment aroused by
the adoption or . discussion of railway
bills id the1 different state legislatures.
As a result of the conferences between
the president and railway managers and
the publication of interviews with prom
inent financiers, the railroad managers
have practically united upon three
thlnaa they will urge President Roose
velt to as a means of restoring con
fidence in securities and opening the
public purse to railroad Investments.
These are: (1) A public statement
from the White House that the presi
dent will not favor making a valuation
of the railroads that will Interfere with
the present market valuation of rail
road securities; (2) Urge legislation
that Will permit pooling and co-operation
among railroads; (3) Urge federal
control of railroads and exclude the
states from the department of govern
mental activity.
This Is a complete reversal of the at
titude on the part of the railway mag
nates who were so bitter In their at
tacks upon the president charging him
with responsibility for, all of the agita
tion against existing railway methods
of operation. The change has been rap
idly affected. Mr. Jacob Schiff, the
New York banker, led the way with a
suggestion that the rail way sVppolnt a
commission to represent their Interests
before the Interstate Commerce com
mission, and to suggest a line of rail
way legislation which should secure
the sanction of the president and adop
tion by congress, leaving the state legis
latures to follow the lines thus laid
down.- Mr. Ripley of the Santa Fe, Mr.
Yoakum of the Rock Island. Mr. Me
Crea of the Pennsylvania, Mr. Bacon of
the Baltimore & Ohio and other railroad
magnates have argued along similar
lines and have been supported, in a
measure, by Chairman Knapp of the In
terstate Commerce commission, who
suggests a system offederal licenses for
railroads. Different methods have been
suggested by these experts, but they
are now all enthusiastically anxious to
accept this program or one similar to it
if the president will accept it and work
for its adoption by , congress.
There has been no change in Presi
dent Roosevelt's attitude toward the
railways. He declared In his message
to the last congress that he was op
posed to government ownership of rail
roads, but was In favor of "the govern
ment exercising such supervision as will
Insure its being conducted in the Inter
ests of the nation." Every- utterance
he has since made on the subject bas
been in harmony with that expression
of the message. The change has taken
place among the railroad managers,
who now realize that they can not go on
Indefinitely on bad terms with the
traveling, and shipping public. There
has been no agitation either by the pres
ident or by the legislatures against rail
roads, only an agitation In favor of leg
islation to correct abuses which the rail
road managers frankly admit have be
come aggravated under recent railroad
management. Nor Is the railroad claim
correct that the scarcity of capital H
due to "hostile legislation." Capital
Is senrce for all purposes owing to the
unusual deuiand for It. Railroads feel
this scarcity the more because tl.elr re
quirements are greatest, due to the ne
cessity of Increased equipment to meet
the crowing bnstnce of the country.
resident Roosevelt wls lj- Is refrain
ing from committing himself to the
program outlined by the railroad offi
cials, although it Is generally conceded
that he Is In accord with some of their
plats. Ou AafctliUig fmt mnuua Oilt
prominently as the result of the discus
sion that has been raging. The happy,
careless days of railroad Irresponsibil
ity and arrogance have gone forever,
and while there may be need of co-operation
between the government and
the railways to case tho situation and
restore confidence, a long step toward
hotter Conditions bas been made by the
acknowledgment on the part of tho rail
way magnates of the higher anthorlty
of tho law and their plaeo in the system
of things.
A reform sadly needed In Nebraska
Is some provision "for giving publicity
to laws enacted with the emergency
clause before the penalties begin to ac
crue. In other states such laws must
be published in the newspapers, but In
this state people may innocently com
mit acts that will take them to the pen
itentiary without any opportunity what
ever of finding out that they are doing
It Is now unlawful to employ any
child under 18 years of age at any re
munerative work in Nebraska except
on the farm, unless be Is supplied with
a school certificate giving bis weight
and height and the color of his hair
and eyes. Presumably, however, prose
cutions onder the new child labor law
will not begin for a few weeks.
It Is refreshing to note that the home
newspapers are keeping close tab on the
votes of their respective members of
the legislature on all Important legisla
tion. Every man who went wrong at
Lincoln will have to do a lot of tall
explaining when he gets back to his
The president has written a 2.006
word letter to Congressman Pollard
thanking him for his vote on the ship
subsidy measure. At that rate, he
ought to write a couple of books to
General Grosvenor who haa been voting
for the measure for over twenty years.
The census estimate gives Omaha
and South Omaha a combined popula
tion of a little more than 100,000. That
means that to reach the 200.000 mark
for a Greater Omaha by 1910 we must
not only consolidate the two cities, but
secure 40,000 more people besides.
The president's letter ought to square
Congressman Pollard with such of his
constituents as are opposed to ship sub
sidy appropriations. The Nebraska
congressmen who voted against ship
subsidies will have to square ' them
selves. A railroad president bas been sent to
Jail in Nevada for refusing to show the
company's books to the grand Jury. He
is behind the times in not having his
books so fixed up that the grand Jury
could not make heads or tails of them.
The mayor of one of our Nebraska
towns has appealed to the school boys
to put In their vacation time cleaning
np the streets and public places. Most
of the school boys have all they can do
wrestling with the back yard.
Chicago has had a real lively munici
pal campaign, considering the fact that
it baa been a Carter Harrisonless one.
Steadily on the Go.
Chicago Tribune.
Notwithstanding- the Wall'- street exelte
ment, prosperity appeara to bs keeping
Its lick. "Calamity" Is afar.
- Traits of Noted Grafters.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Th difference between the two big cases
of graft now on display la that the Call
fomlans have confessed while the Pennayl
vanlan are still In the haughtily silent
. Forget It.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
What Is eonaldered a conservative esti
mate puts the number of telephone calls
throughout tha country at 88.000,000 a day.
But tha man who made tha estimate falls
to tall us how many times tha Una was
Harmoar of Ideas.
Bt. tsxila Olobe-Dernocrat.
Secretary of Agriculture Wllaon eays the
prosperity of tha United Btitea cannot be
deatrevtd by Wall street flurries. The
people throughout tha country are deary ot
tha same opinion.
la AU-Honnd Phlltia t hroolal
Baltimore American.
By the atmultaneoua raising of the wages
of the laborers of his estate and the price
Of orl. Mr. Rockefeller gerterouely gives the
public a chance to be hla collaborators In
his phllanthroplo enterprise
Demands oa the Peacemaker.
Baltimore American.
President Roosevelt has been appealed to
to put a stop to the massacres In Rou
mania. But It may have been noticed
that, while- the duties of the big Inter
national policeman are constant and oner
oua, there la no .salary or offer of one to go
with the Job.
Battle Aaalast Spoils.
Plttsbur.f Dispatch.
The corporations and the New York po
litical machines are Joined lrf fighting Gov
ernor Hughea' public utilities bill. In the
last analysla the two powera are usually
revealed aa part a of one tremendous whole.
But Governor Hughes la making both to
gether do their utmost and haa got some of
them In tha preliminary atagrs of stampede.
Bare Check to Grafting;.
Portland Oregonla.i.
The hlatory of graft In Ban Francisco
shows that the aucaesa or failure of a graft
administration depends upon the character
f the man who occupies the office of prose
cuting attorney. Graft cannot be carried
on to a very corulderuble extent without
there being evidence of it eufnclent to
arouae the suspicions of an alert prosecut-
flng attorney. Ban Fraiiclsco has had graft
ing borsea almost continuously a. nee It had
municipal businesita that urTjr.lfd impor
tunity tor graft. The election of an honest
man to tha office of d'Mrlct attorney waa
what led to the proeecutlona row occupy
ing the attention of the whole clvlliaed
world. Where extensive graft prevails the
district attorney must be stupid. In4.ff-reit
r dibhonest, ',
Rlpplea oo the Carreat of I.lfe la tho
Greater New York's potloe force totals
man. SsJaries rang from TJ0 for the
Mrat year's service of a roundsman to 16,000
per annum for the ehe Inapector, and the
averag la about 12,000 a year. Members
are retired on one-half pay after twenty
five years' aervlee, and after twenty yeara'
aervlca If a veteran of tha civil war or
for permanent disability contracted on Una
Cf duty. Membera are alao protected by
civil service taw and cannot be fllsnilssej
without cause disclosed at a regular trial.
An organliatlon ao vast, ramifying tha
comple llfo of over 4,000,009 people la a
conceded power for good or evil and a
mighty difficult body to line up on a
atrnlght and narrow road. As a political
factor It Is often the making of party vic
tory. Just ruTW the force Is lined up, on
the quiet, aa Usual, agalnat a bill peinllng
in the legislature designed to grant power
to the police commissioner to handle the
members as he wills and materially relax
ing the right of dismissal. In the ftgjit
for the bill Commissioner Bingham and Lta
trlct Attorney Jerome led a raid on tha
headquarters of the police beneficiary fund
where they found records and moat of the
caah of a surplus of fx, 000 supposed to have
been raised to defeat Unfriendly legisla
tion. Tha discovery Is expected to advance
the measure. On the heels of this shake
down comes tha discovery that Commis
sioner Bingham a executive clerk, James
Li. Mock, bas been Industriously borrowing
money from members of tha force and la
said to be $.10,000 to Jhe good. Evidently
whatever side snaps the members enjoy
are barely sufficient to meet the exactions
of grafters "higher up."
A gigantic globe tower, the biggest build
ing In the world, Is In course of erection
on Coney Island. It will be 700 feet high
and 900 feet In circumference. It will have
eleven floors and 600,000 square feet of floor
On these eleven floors there will be all
sorts of things to amuse Coney's millions
of summer vlattors, but the star feature
of them all will be the revolving res
taurant and cafe, first of the kind In the
If you are facing north ' when your
oyaters are served you will be looking west
for the soup and south when the roast ar
rives. By the time the coffee and cigars
come on you will be back north again. In
half an hour yon will have traveled too
feet around a great circle, or thirty feet
a minute.
The ground floor will be an automobile
garage. Jnat 1E0 feet above the ground
will be the pedestal roof garden, 800 feet
In circumference. When you get ISO feet In
the air you will come to the aerial hippo
drome. Here there will be a continuous
four-ring circus.
The main hall and revolving cafe will
be 800 feet above the ground, circling
around the great ballroom. Another fifty
feet and you come to the palm garden in
tbe air, a third restaurant, statuary, foun
tains and cascades, a scenlo aerial railroad
and all kinds of novelties. At 600 feet you
oome to the observatory platform, fitted
with, telescopes. At 600 feet will be sta
tioned the United States weather bureau
and a wireless telegraph station.
The total land values of New York City
by Its recent census reached the enormous
figure of 15,800,000,000. This Is an increase
of StOO.OOO.OOO In 1907 over 1906, and 1906, In
turn, showed an Increase of 1480,000,000 over
Within a decade, says Moody's Magaslne,
the Increase haa been considerable over
100 per cent. New York real estate Is to
day valued at more than one-twentieth
of the entire wealth of the United States.
It la greater than the entire wealth of
many states, and even of many foreign
countries. It Is 28 per cent more than
the entire wealth of Holland, Spain, Sweden
and Norway; 60 per cent more than Swltxer.
land, Denmark or Portugal; It is one-third
that of Italy; one-fourth that of Austria
Hungary; one-fifth that of Russia, one
seventh that of Germany, one-eighth that
of France, one-tenth that of Great Britain
and Ireland. .
Every old New Yorker has his favorite
eatery that's the word because one must
be careful not to call a cafe; a restaurant.
a rathhaus or a chop house In that town.
Cvery eating house on Broadway that la
not a restaurant la a chop house. When It
is not a chop house It is a rathhaus. Oppo
site tine of the large hotels there are two
of these Institutions, literally Jaw-to-jaw.
Each flings its hated sign In the face of
the other vertically. The letters might be
Chaldean or Arabic. I wonder why one of
the hosts does not call his place a steak
house or a sauaage basar. Everybody ean.
hot " be chop eaters. Peradventure the
chop" refers to the jowl of the hungry
one. It la a subtle point. It Is peychologlo
In Its scope. Then Broadway has Its beef
steak garret and bear tunnels. Possibly the
roast dormitory will come next.
Saying he believed burglars who have
been operating in . New York City for
months had organized a trust, with funds
for defense and a corps of lawyers to aid
them to freedom, Magistrate House held
two men for trial In $10,000 ball each on a
charge of burglary. One, who was charged
with felonious assault for attacking a po
liceman with a revolver, was held In $10,
000 ball additional. Jacob Frey and Philip
Harvey were the prisoners. " They Were
arrested Saturduy afternoon In an apart,
ment houae. Before the prisoners were
arraigned a roan approached a policeman
In Morrlsanla court and told him to tell
tha magistrate he was prepared to give
$5,000 ball for each man. Magistrate Houae
quickly set . the ball at $10,000 on each
charge. The man who was willing to give
$5,000 security left tha court room In a
hurry. Magistrate Houae explained after
ward that he had aet the ball at $10,000
because of the announcement thnt the man
was ready to give $3,000 ball.
"I believe there Is what might be called a
'burglar prcof," he eald, "for It almost
always happens that when apparently ex
perienced burglars are arrested some one
mysteriously appears In eourt to furnish
bonda tor them.'
Goverameat Policy Not Opposed to
Portland Oregonlan.
Nearly all thoaa wtio have proteated
against the creation of forest reserves do
so upon the ground that auch action re
stricts hcmebuildlng. There ,1s no founda
tion fvv this objection, for two reasons
creation of a reserve doea not prevent set
tlement, and aa a rule there are very few
place a In tha reserves where any cna would
watit to make a home. Tho department haa
many times declared Its policy of remov
Inet from the limits of a reserve any lands
that are wanted Tor aettlement. This policy
was announced In the letter written by the
president when he issued the last of hia
urcclamationa. Practically tha same atti
tude waa shown in the staument made to
Senator Bourne oa Saturday, when be In
quired regarding the rights of thuse who
have already made settlements, but have
not acquired title Tha government Is not
standing In the way of any homebullder.
When opponents of forest reserves assert
that aettlement la being retarded. It might
not be a bad idea fir them to give the
names of Intending aettloro, the landa they
oealre to locate upon, and tha time when
they asked the government Id release the
lands and were refused, -
1 1 rHB
1 -
K. US)
' a
Absolutely Furo
A Cream of Tartar Powder
free from alum or phos
phatlc acid
aStcs Homo Dalting Easy
Baalaeea Seereta that Glrla Have
Faithfully Kent.
Kansas City Star.
Not long ago a Kansas City stenographer
learned that the railroad for which she was
working had determined to extend Its line.
She had a friend living In a town through
which the line was to run. A letter to him
with her savings would have enabled him
to bny at a low price the land the road
needed, and, the peculiar -nature of the
ground In that neighborhood would have
enabled him to sell at a great profit. It
would have been a business move on the
part of the girl, but she would gain her
money by the betrayal of the confidence of
her employers. She did not vonslder the
thing more than a minute and then de
cided that It would be a dishonorable thing
to do. c
Another stenographer In a large real es
tate office became aware of a deal In which
1160,000 was Involved. Certain information
she possessed would be worth thousands
to the other parties. They made a few ad
vances and hinted at rewards as high as
$5,000 for her betrayal of her firm. She In
dignantly refused and told her employers
of the scheme. It never entered the mind
of that young woman to betray her trust.
Another stenographer was offered $1,000
for copies of three letters which she had
written. A law suit In which her em
ployers were Involved might have gone
agalnat them had the opposing party been
able to secure the Information contained In
the three letters. The lawyer for the other
side laid ten $100 bills on her mother's table
and told her they were hers for the per
mission to read the letters. The girl
scorned the offer as an atetmpt to bribe
her to do a dishonorable and dishonest act.
and she never even told her employers
about It
Btaaasjera of tho Service Give Away
Their Case.
Chicago Tribune.
The American Asaoclatlon of Dining Car
Superintendents has appointed a lobbyist
to represent It at Washington, fearing that
the enforcement of the pure food laws may
prove fatal to the dining car buelneas.
That Is a partial admission of the need
of government regulation of dining cara.
Travelerahave suspected at times that
the peiiahablefoods served In dining cars,
other than fruits, were preserved by chem
icals. If there is any ground for the sus
picion It Is time the practice was atopped.
There Is nothing about the motion of a
railroad train whloh makes drugs any leas
Injurious there than In a hotel. The argu
ment that a passenger is not on a train
long enough to be Injured by the minute
quantity of preservatives which he absorbs
Is not applicable to tbe thousands of men
whose business oompels them to spend a
large part of their time in traveling. Many
commercial travelers eat more meals on
trains and In railway restaurants under
the same management than they do In
their own homes.
It la Just as easy to carry Ice in a dining
car as It Is to put It In a hotel refriger
ator. It Is not neceeBary to carry a large
stock of milk or anything else on one run,
and It la always possible to replenish the
stock If careful calculations of the amount
needed prove erroneous. A large part of
the soups and cold meats are canned, but
at the prices paid travelers are entitled to
the best quality, and under the new law It
is always possible for the dining oars to be
provided with pure food.
To gam public confidence the dining .car
superintendents ought to call back their
lobbyist and advertise on f every railway
folder and every bill of fare used the fact
that all articles served are guaranteed to
be prepared In conformity with tha laws
of the United States and are free from
anything Injurious. It will pay them much
better than to wriggle away from the law
and thereby auggest their lack of inno
cence. It doea not necessarily follow that
their gooda ore bad because they do not
want them Investigated, but they muet con
fess that it Is suaplcloue.
The world Is either growing better or
more absent-minded. Two or three New
York mllllonalrea have not visited the
aaaeaaor for the purpoae of swearing to
Senator Whyte of Maryland attributes
his vigor at $t to a diet of terrapin.
Maryland style. The terrapin la a long
lived reptile, and If It can Impart that
quality, there may be, something In It.
George T. Angell of Boston has been
elected for the fortieth time as presi
dent of the Massuchusetta Uoclety 'for
tha Prevention of Cruelty to Animate.
In 1168, with the help of a few others,
be organised the aoclety.
Dr. E. P. Oberholtser's "Life of Jay
Cooke" will shortly be brought out. The
hundreds of letters written to Cooke dur
ing J ha civil war by distinguished per
sonages then engaged In making history
are to be deposited In the library of the
Pennsylvania Historical society.
Harr Bebel, the leader of the German
soclallsta, who has been so much In evi
dence of late, la a wheelwright by trade.
Although entirely self-educated, he la one
of the finest orators and debaters In the
fatherland and, distasteful aa hts views
may be In the Ralchatag, whenever he
addresses the assembly he la certain ef
having a large and attentive audience.
a owv( a
not needed rs
i i . r
Remorseless Time Declmatlaar tho
Grand Army.
Chicago Tribune.
Another evidence that the great army of
soldiers of the civil war Is fast vanishing to
afforded by the organisation of a new
post of the Grand Army of the RepuMIO
which Is to hold Its meetings Sunday
afternoons. Because of physical Infirmities
the charter memlw-rs of "Old Glory" post
have found It hard to get out for the usual
evening meetings. So they have sought re-,
lief by the establishment of a . daytime
In mustering them 1n the past department
commander expressed his belief that this
may be the laat post of the Grand Army
to be organised. The ranks of the veterans
are being depleted rapidly by death. Each
year's summary reveals the absence of a.
host who responded at roll call the year
before. Most of the great commanders
have gone. The man who was 20 in lfW) Is
now 67. There were thousands who were
far past 20 when they rallied at the call of
Abraham Lincoln. Each year now Is bound
to show a relatively larger death rate and
It cannot be long until the Inst of the vet
erans of a great conflict Is gone.
With the passing of these who preserved
the union In Its time of distress is spring
Ing'tip a race of people who know little of
that great contest and can little appreciate
the strength of the sentiment which Is be-,
hind the Grand Army of the Republlo.
Millions of other cltlsens have no personal
relationship to the men who followed the
flag between 1861 and 1806. Not only the In
dividuals are passing away, but the era la
which they played a part. So dominant
has been the Influence of the soldier during
the last forty yeara that It will Indeed
seem strange when the bugle call fails to
secure the attention of a single veteran.
But no change of citizenship or shifting
Interest will make the world forget what
the . Grand Anny of the Republic accom
plished. The strength and glory of the
nation la its monument. There Is no regret
over things undone. The members of the
Grand Army of the Republic have tho
peculiar Joy of a happy memory of ac
complishment. The kindness and care of a -grateful
people will be theirs during the
evening of life. Their work will not be
forgotten when they are gone.
Stella In what period Is your parlor fur
nished? Bella None, except that the sofa Is
planned for an Interrogation point. New
York Sun.
She stepped off the street car backward.
Kindly persons lifted her from the pave
ment. "I declare," she said, "if it wasn't for
fear of being mistaken for one of those
bold -new women I'd get off the cars In
sensible manner after this." Philadelphia
ledger. ,
Customer (sniffing) What causes this
strong, peculiar odorT
Salesgirl There ain't any one partte'ler
smell, mister. Them's the cheeses, next
counter down. Chicago Tribune.
-'Why don't you state your Ideas In sim
ple language that everybody can compre
hend ?"
"My friend," anawered the lecturer,
"what is the use of Inviting argument?""
Washington Star.
"Did you mean," thundered the flowery
orator, "by your recent statement that my
veracity was not Impregnable to the aa
aaults of a categorical verification?"
"No, I didn't," replied the plain cltlxen.
"I Just meant you weru a liar." Philadel
phia 1'reta. .
"Henry," declared the humorist's wife,
"these jokes you clip for tha paper are
better than the onea you write."
"I can't help It, Maria. I clip the worst
I can find." Washington Herald.
"Why Is It." aharply demanded Mrs.
VIck-Scnn. "that these ensealled 'Chautau
qua attractions' arc always men?"
"Thev'ro tint ,v . .. " rtit- . i
, ..urn, , rriiiniiBir 111 I J
answered her husband. "It was at a, you remember, that I Mrat
h'm met you." Chicago Tribune.
"My but you've got a nerve on voui"
aal.l the deiulat, examining tha e'.ifferlns;
"It takes a man with a nerve to come to
a man with a pull lite vou." sighed the
patient. lialtlmore American.
"John," aald Mre. .Spendere. "I've got
lots of things I want to talk to you
' Glad to hear It," anapred her husband;
usually you want to ia:k to me about
lots of things that you haven't got."
Philadelphia Press.
Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constlttitioa. '
Don't seem Jeat like it used to seem
biace Molly went away:
The dark haa lost the rosy dream.
The au:.shiua left tha day, .
The birds don't sine; aa aweet as when
1 hey saw the roses tlr
An' look, an' HMen In tha glen
To hear the step of her.
It J"st aeema like for bird an' brook
There's never no more May;
An' that when Molly went aha took
The world an' all awayt
I Jeat act here when day's begun
An' feel the lonely place.
The sunflowers fnllerin' the sun
An' dreamln' of her face.
An' wonder why In shrub an" tree
The sweetest birds are dumb.
While all the roe look at me,
An' whlbper; "Will r.he come?"
I didn't think It would seem ao etrange
That any heart would break:
But how this world o' God s can change
Fur Jest one woman's sake!
One llttla woman "Will ahe coma?"
Tha roses, day bv dnv;
I answer not, my heart ts dumb,
time Molly want awayl
Ayer's Sarsapanlia Is not a strong drink. As
now made, there is not s drop of alcohol In It.
it i a non-alconolic tonic and alterative. Ask
your own doctor about your taking tbis medi
cine for thin, Impure blood. Follow bis ad
every time. Hs knows. Trust Dim.
km U Montil W BnihlUk I.O.iwOt.,
nil. is l l w .I" r"U.r.l u! . 1, J .