Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, ArKFL, 2, IWJ7. o " i in sii ua . ii ' ' iis isa f 1 A . DOCS HAVE CHANCE FOR LIFE Unmiuled Canisei Will Not Be Ghot by Folios in Streets. : MAYOR 9AHLMAN MODIFIES HIS POLICY sTTls Harrcittr la the lB.tcrprata.4lB Plc4 on Letter br Chief of Police to Ilia CoptsJos. the "Ths king- of Franca marched up hill and then marched down again." "Doff en Da hi man." remarked a wit at the cltjr hall when he learned that the mayor had, through the chief of police, decided "that no dogs be killed on Ilia treeta except thoie that have been dln Med by being run over by street cara or vehicle and are not able to move away." Thla Injunction la contained In a letter from the chief to his men on tho dog tnuzzle situation, which, Is viewed by those on the other side of the feuco aa a tacit suronder on the part of Our Jim, the mayor. Yesterday Dr. Georjra L.. Miller, presi dent of the Nebraska Humane society, gave It out cold in cold type where the mayor could read It that If the mayor persisted In his avowed determination to muaile dogs he would have the privilege M defending hla action In court, and on top of this the humane society gave It out that It was about to meet, and of course that had an ominous effect. Altogether, the mayor. It Is said, thought he could decern the handwriting on the wall and. While the aoclety met and derided It would take no aggressive action, but would back Up its president In whatever he did, proc lamation No. 2 was written. Proclamation Ho. G. This proclamation, which la from the Chief to his captains, la couched In these terms : OMAHA., Neb., April 1. Captains Mos : tyn and Dunn, Gentlemen:, Hereto please find copv of proclamation Issued by his honor, the mayor, In regard to muzzling of dogs, taking effect April & and continu ing ninety days. f wish to have you Instruct all police officers that they must be very careful and cautious about the killing of dogs running at large without muscles. I would advise that no dogs be killed on the atreeta except those that have been disabled by being run over by street cars Or vehicles and are not able to move away. In that case the dog should be kllld and put out of his misery. But where It la possible to take the dog to lomi vacant spot away from the slfht of women and children to be shot. It should be done. In no rase should an officer take a chance by shooting at a dog run ning on the street. Where dogs are run ning on the streets I wish to have thorn tnuke every effort to find who owns the dogs and notify them that they must keep the i dogs on their premises or musr.le them. It Is not the Intention of the mayor, himself or myself thst dops kept on premises of their owners shall be compelled to wear muzzles. The pur pose of this order is to keep dogs from tunning at large and barking at teams, Heycles or vehicles of all kinds, which talght cause some horses to frighten and run away, thereby endangering the lives Of occupants of the vehicles. There eeems to be an Impression (hat the police officers have been Instructed to shoot dogs found on the streets anywhere Without muzzles. This Is out of the question, as It would be more dangerous Tor the officers to be shooting dogs on the atreeta than the dogs would be, even . though they might be presumed to be Ink or In condition that If they should bite anyona It might cause serious trouble. Therefore. I wish you to thoroughly Im press ft upon the minds of the officers . i e ?$ Physical Culture Exhibition Persons whose di:t is com posed of most wholesome foods are comparatively free from dis ease and are active mentally and physically. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY . 1F is wholesome, nourishing, and cleanly. Made from the whole wheat berry. w 10 cents a package. For tale by all Grocers that they must not shoot at any dog on the street. In all cases where the officers know of dogs running at large without muzzles or aoiiarentlv without anv owner, they should notify the poundmaster and have the dog catchers try to get them, or. If the omcer can eaten tne dogs, turn thorn over to the poundmaster, thereby avoid Ing the necessity of the officer disposing 01 tne dog. Kespectruuy, J. J. DONAHUE, Chief of Police Will Back I'p Dr. Miller. At the humans aoclety meeting were these: Dr. Miller, Herbert Spencer Mann, Rev. Kewton M. Mann, Key. John Wil Hams, Luclen Stephens, Miss Joy Higglns and Edgar H. Scott, 'attorney for the so ciety. The society discussed the subject pro and con, but decided that It would resort to no aggressive action, but would support Dr. Miller In whatever steps be took to keep muzzles off the dogs. Pr. Miller reiterated his determination to carry the thing to the last dltc'n In order to prevent the mayor from carrying Into effect his order. The order of the chief to his captains Is considered in no other light than tacit surrender by the mayor, and so the friends of the dogs are resting on their oars, confident In the belief that the com edy Is at an end. And another Dahlmon determination Is broken. Dr. Miller prooeeded with his deter mination to fight the case to the extent yesterday of setting an attorney to work drawing up a complaint to filo agatnit his honor, the mayor, In due time. The mayor received letters Monday morn ing on the dog muzzling subject. From Chicago he was Informed that dogs at large must be muzzled the year round, but own ers may take them on public thorough fares If In leash. The city clerk of Minneapolis reported that a muzzling ordinance was put Into operation there January 1, and wrote that during January and February of this year 800 dogs In Minneapolis were shot. In Mil waukee an ordinance was passed, but humane societies and women succeeded in making the ordinance Inoperative. FIRE SUPPOSED INCENDIARY Flames that Burn Fohlits Buildiniln Pouth Omaha Traced to Intent. LOSS OF FIFTEEN THOUSANi DOLLARS Combining Scientific and Artistic Principles. v5 MADAME YALE'S BEAUTY CULTURE LECTURE A Matinee for Vomen and Girls Madame Tale cordially invites the ladles of Omaha to attend her Beauty Cuituro aiatlnee at Doyd'c Theater Next Thursday, April 4th at 1:30 p. IC As aa authority on Woman's Br ity and Physical Culture Mine. Vale stands alons M her greatness. Her own physical per fections portray In tones more convincing than words the quality of her remedies and methods perfect In face, figure and general mannerism, she Is an Inspiring idcture for women to Imitate and profit by her example and teachings. The Yale System provides for the removal of all blemishes and defects ta fai-e or figure that mar beauty. If a woman is too stout or too thin. Mme. Yale hu exeriiaea and nietli oda for bringing about t!is desired rhangtt. bli will tall In her lecture how women atid girls may Increase in beauty snd be come physically perfect. In Justine to themselves all women fchould learn the Sonnmlo lot' 10 of the famous' Yale sys tem, the ouiy successful means known of transforming human ugliness Into youth ful IwsMiuf beauty. Tloksts for Mine. Tales lecture, good for reesrved seats, may be had free of charge Ly applying for them at the Drug Ixiwrtmeiit of the Bob ion titore also Buharfer's Cut Price Dm Store. Fifteenth u d DuiUilaa Sts. Tho U.t seats, however, are given to Uue who make a purchase of any of Mme. Yale's Rameille at the time v4 applying for tickets. In order to obtali choice seats tU kets should be secured early In advance of lecture. Tickets are now ready. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE 15th and Douglas. AND THE BOSTON STORE Drug Department. BRIDE QUITS OCTOGENARIAN Woman Gets Property and Leaves Husband Fifty-Three Tears Her Senior. According to reports from Niobrara It appears that when the aged Leonard Welgand of that place took unto himself for wife "Matty Douglas of Oakland" the cards were stacked against Dan Cupid. This marriage was performed in Omaha not over a fortnight ago, and now ft Is heralded from that little town upon the breezy frontier of western Nebraska that the bride la gone and the venerable bene, diet Is again alone. But that Is not all the story. It Is a atory with a degree of sameness to It. Leonard Welgand la 88 years of age; Matty Douglas gave her age as 82. When the couple went to Rev. C. W. Savidse to be married he objected to marrying them because of the great disparity In their ages. But the woman- Insisted and the minister thought best to yield. The old man told me he was In San Francisco when the earthquake wiped out that city," said Rev. Mr. 8avidge, "and he thought If he could survive a cataclysm like that he was able to get married. I told him I thought maybe It would have been better If the Lord had called Mm right off to heaven there and then." But that sweet, ardent love which the bride protested for her venerable Romeo seems to have been early satiated, for the Niobrara report says she Is with him no more, and he is doing what he can toward recovering title to certain property which went to her as the result of an agreement executed soon after their marriage. The- children of the old. gentleman are said to be greatly Incensed over this epi sode. In which they think their father waa Imposed on. Ha had been traveling for six or seven years and happened to be In San Francisco when tho disaster happened a year ago. It aeems be met the woman there. The woman la unknown to any of the eld gentleman's family, as la alao the ract amount of hla fortune which she waa successful In securing. FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair as4 Colder 1st Nebraska aad Soath Dakota Today j Iaeroaatac Cloodlaeaa Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, April 1. Forecast of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday! For Nebraska 'and South Dakota Fair and colder Tuesday; Wednesday, Increas ing cloudiness. For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, partly cloudy. For Colorado Fair In east, shocvers In west portion Tuesday and Wednesday. For Wyoming Showere Tuesday; Wednes day, fair and colder. For Kansas Fair Tuesday, colder In west portion; Wednesday, partly 'cloudy. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April 1. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of ths last thre years: wn. ifn. i,6. um. Maximum temperature.... 64 M 79 M Minimum temperature.... 87 81 47 U Mean temperature E0 45 68 45 f reclpltauon 00 .00 .00 .0i), Temperature and precipitation departures iram iua nurmu at unmnt since Alarm 1 and oomparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature 41 bxct'Ss Tor tne day Total excess since March 1 tjj Nurmal precipitation OS Inch Ienclency for the day Inch Precipitation since March 1 29 Inch Dsticlrni-jr since March 1 l.fc) inches F.xcees for cor. period In V.o.4 17 inch Deficiency for cor. period In .kg Inch Reports frosa Stations at T P. M. Station and Stats Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. T p. m. Temp. fall Bismarck, clear 48 is .uo Cheyenna. cloudy AO i no Chicago, clear ft 8 .40 Iavsnport. part cloudy 44 4 oo Tienver, oloudr M 70 n Havre, part cloudy it 4ft 't Helena, clear U 54 T Huron, part cloudy lis 72 00 Kansas tlty. rleer M fli North Platte, cloudy M 7 Omaha, cloudy ) hi P. upld City, cloudy H 78 On St. Iouia, clear 41 44 j.i St Paul, part cloudy 4K 50 i halt Uake City, cloudy 6s (A ",Vi Valentine, ptirt cloudv 72 S) .X) T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WU.fcH, lxK:ai forecaster. Total Valaa of fttraetaro Is Doable that and Isisrsses Aosoants Only to Tea Tboaeaad. The Sehllta building, valued at $30,000. at Twenty-seventh and Q streets. South Omaha, was damaged Sunday night to the extent of 1:5. WO by fire supposed to have been of Incendiary origin. The Bra started at the rear of the K. C. shoe store, one of the three stores badly damaged by the firs. The fire was discovered at 8 a. m. and was under control within the hour. Insurance on the damaged building was pla'oed at $10,000. Max Allison's grocery store waa gutted, while Joe Hoffman's cigar store and pool room suffered a like fate. The K. C. shoe atore, conducted by N. Selvera, was Insured for W.GOO. The rear of Barney Cogan's saloon, west of the Schlltz building, waa scorched. Fire Chief Qarratt believed the fire the result of incendiarism, because there waa no known cause for fire to break out where It did. The police have the case In hand and are making a careful Investiga tion of the affair. The upstairs of the Schllts building la occupied by the American District Tele graph company and several families, all of whom were routed out In night garments. The Armour fire department responded and assisted In the work of saving several small stores and lodging houses west of the Schlits building. The walls of tha building and upper floor were not seriously damaged. Short Session of Connrll. The city council held a brief session last night and the principal Item of Interest was the allowing of the regular monthly pay roll. All of the salaries and general bills. Including the pay of the registrars for their sorvlcea In Saturday's revision of registration, were allowed. James Hall asked for permission to use O street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty sixth streets. He wished to enclose the street for a May carnival, which Is now being planned. He Is trying to secure the patronage of the Eagles or the Ancient Order of United Workmen, or both. His request was referred to the' committee on viaducts, streets and alleya. The floors of fire hall No. 1 were ordered recaulked. The lumber appears to have shrunken and the floors were no longer tight. PIumber"a licensee were granted to George Briggs and George Parks. Ordinance No. 1633. being the ordinance controlling tha building Inspector In the matter of the Inspection of plumbing and the requlrsments of the city In this re- anect from the licensed plumbers, was passed on third reading. This comprised the entire budget for the evening and tha council adjourned for one week. Democrats Are Deeperato. It Is rumored that all kinds of plane are to be resorted to during tho school election today to reduce the republican vote. It Is apparent tha democratic candidates are uslnr every means In their power. Some purported labor organisation Is sold to hnvo Issued a circular against N. K. uarter, charging him with being opposed to the interests of labor. It is In line wtih other plans being attempted. It charges C. W. Knight with being a nonunion man during the strike. The fact of the matter to that the democrats are demoralised In their own camp. Many of the prominent demo crats will not support their own ticket. The two candidates have not worked In harmony for a moment during the cam paign, nor would they If elected to the board. Corrlgan claims that the democrats are united, but Llnlghan denies that ha has anything to do with Corrlgan'a cam paign. Dog Catcher. GettlnaT Ready. Joe Blaha has risen Ilka a specter on the horizon of canine delights. He announced himself aa a candidate for reappointment as city dog catcher yesterday. His ap pointment waa announced by the mayor and the same confirmed by the council In last night's session of the council. Last year he received as compensation for his services $062.95 from the dog fund. In the two months of the season he killed about 600 dogs, representing the excess of tha city's supply. Out of these he made considerable additional profit by selling the pelta and by rendering out the oil. Ha claims to seek a partner, who will help hlm Increase tne capacity 01 ma rmmwun worka. He aold something like fifty gal lons of oil and maintained that tha profit In the manufacture waa large. He esti mates that he reaUxed $1,000 from hla posi tion. Several Inquiries were made for dog taga, but they have not been Issued yst. One trttle girl waa In tha first thing yeaterday morning for tag No. 1 for her pet. It will ba- reserved for her. It Is reported that the Omaha dog catcher made a raid over the Una yesterday and killed and captured another. Thla caused a decided stir among canine lovers along tha Una and accounts for part of tha early demand for dog taga. Tha neighbor will be lying In ambush for the Omana man hereafter. In South Omaha tha new tags must be secured before May 1. Reno too of ffebraakane. A latter was received from David An derson by one of his South Omaha friends. "Uncle Dave" Is at present In Loa Angeles, Cal. Writing under date of March 87 he says: "Yesterday a reunion of the Ne braakans was celebrated In thla Queen city of tha Paotflo coaat. Over 800 ex-cltixena of Nebraska assembled at Bast Park lake to express good fellowship and Joy by open air meetings and greetings of a most hearty and grateful kind. The day was one of the most salubrious of a positively per fect climate. March Is a delight at Los Angeles, while It la one or tha moat flla agreeable of the year In many eastern statea It. was a source of great pleasure to us to meet so large a contingent from Bouth Omaha who reside here. Among the number were Harry Dennis and wife, Mrs. Dave Shank and daughter. George L Dare, the Mlasea Berqulst. James Welley. W. A. Bennett, William Holland, Dan McPhall, Mr. and Mrs. Coe and many others. The affair reflected to my mind the general spirit of ten years ago, when these people were Influential In South Omaha. Mrs. An derson and I are enjoying excellent health. We expect to return to South Omaha about April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Gary are at present at San Jose," Made City Goaslo. John Mortensen. 1509 Monroe street, re ports the birth of a girl. Sol S. Goldstrom left yesterday for a three months' tour of Hurope. Fred Melcher. son of C. A. Melcher, Is reported seriously 111 at the Melcher resi dence. Mrs. Lucy Smith Eads was abls to attand Faster services at the church where she Is orranlat Sunday. The Rnsrd of Education held a brief sf.f.i.jh lat night and only a Itvr routine bills were allowed. A. W. Weppner. purchnser for Pehwartx chlld Sulzberger of Chicago, was in tha city yesterday visiting friends. The women of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. Frank Severk. 1R1 North Twenty-seventh street, Wednesday after noon. The Maccabees will give a smoker and entertainment Wednesday evening. State Commander L. M. Thomas of Lincoln will be present. William Burns leaves tonight on a trip to F.urope. He will be gone several months. Most of the time will be apent In tha British Isles. Trie Board of Fire and Prdlce commis sioners meet this evening. Police officer will be elected. Two saloon cases will be up for settlement. The list of unfortunates before Judge King yentarday contained the names of Owen O'Malley, Chick Sullivan, Thomas Ranee and Thomaa Grck. ' John Kennedy, who has been suffering for two months or more from the effects of an attack of pneumonia, was able to be on the streets yemorday. Postmaster C L. Howe announced that the sftle of postttce for the month of March amounted to tt.'eo.iO. This Is $1,700 Increase over the same month In 1906. The death of Frank Leltner, aged 78 years, occurred at o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Kudrna. Eighteenth and O streets. The funeral hafl not been arranged. The saloon of Patrick Hannlgan, thirty ninth and Q streets, wos entered Sunday rilnht throUKh a rear window and 140 taken from the cash register. No trace ot the perpetrators has been discovered. During the month of March fifty-three hlrths were reported, of which twenty seven were males and twenty-six females. Thlrtv-nve deaths occurred last month. Thirteen were females and twenty-two were males. The piling for the spillway of the Mud creek main sewer has been driven, ready to support the concrete. The piles were needed on accoun'. of the soft ground of the river bank. The work on tha sewer will begin In a lew days. The muslca'.e s.nd play of the Alumni association at the hlrh school auditorium was very largely attended last night. The Boyd School for Acting furnished the drama, a farce comedy entitled "The Three Miss Blddels." GRAIN RATES NOT ADVANCED Schedules Will Stay Where They Are ou Bastboand Traffic Oat of Omaha, No naw developments have arisen In tha grain situation. The reported raise in rate which was contained In the Washington dispatches Saturday waa a mistake, for tha railroads have agreed with the Omaha Grain exchange not to raise tho rates on eastborund grain until July 1. This was asked, aa many contracta were out for the movement of grain and thla delay would give the roads time to clean up on most of the grain of the west. By that time It was figured more cars would be available for the movement of grain. About a year ago a general reduotton was made In hauling grain of IVi cents. This was supposed to represent the extra money the railroads had been charging and then refunding In the shape of elevation charges. The raise In rates now contem plated will advance the price to what It was before the elevation agitation started. AX OU) and WELL-TRIED REMEDY roa ovsa sixty tsars terns, vnaiowi ooTHisra mn bmtm SMS far mwmt SIXTY TSARS by MIL LIONS of MOTHKHS tor CUlLliHtN WHU.8 1k.klHI.NO WITH rEHt ST StlX M. IT LMlHti Ik ChlUl. SOFT INS lk 01. MS. AL LAYS All PAIN. CLUES WIND COUU. u U uw t rmlr lor ijlAhaHoEA. Sol4 bf SruASWs In vrr pAtt i tW earls, fee sars aas AAA, lar MHieWINSLOW'S bOGTUI.NG SVIiLp Chtcagro Amtrlessi Win. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 1. Tha Chi cago American league club defeated the local American association team here today by a score of 8 to 2. Indianapolis scored Its only runs on errors by the visitors. Elerve-Racking Backache. Warner's Safe Curs absolutely and per manently cures all diseases of the Kid neys, Liver, Bladder, Blood, Urinary Or gans and Rhumatlsm and Diabetes. Warner's Safe Cure has lasting effect. X trial bottle of thla, the greatest kidney cure, sent abaolutely free to every reader of The Omaha, Dally Bea. Mr. M. D. Jennlng, of Benton Harbor, Mich., hnrt his back while teaming. He thus describes his recovery by use of Warner'a Safe Cure: "A few years ago while teaming In Colo rado I hurt tny back and could not get any relief. I did not believe In patent medicines, but as the last resort, after read lag one of Warner's Safe Cure ad vertisements, I thought -I would try one bottle. It helped me so much, I bought six more bottlrs, and now I have a sound back and have not taken any medicine for three or four years. M, D. JEN NINO, Benton Harbor, Mich." CURES KIDNEY DISEASE ( When th klaners Ar dlsAMd ths urlo Aala Is sot cAnid off, ads this aauaoa Gout, Laiqi bf o, KAAumAtitm of UiA Joints, KhAUGutlsm Al la UukIh Hheumatlkja of ths HArt, RbAamAtlAm Terywher. In Drigtit'a cIaaasa th bowela are oft an oonitl paira Aud tin liver tursld. Wtniri Bnf Fills iiuickl; rallATo this conalUos, And o III attsr floct is cxperlancd. WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is put up In two sizes and Is sold by all druggists, or direct, at 60 CENTS and $1.00 A BOT TLE. Refuse substitutes " containing harmful drugs which injure the system. To convlno every sufferer from disease of the Kidneys, Liver, Blad der and Blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE wlli cure, a trial bottle will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Rochester, N. Y., and mention having sen this liberal offer In Ths Omaha Daily Bse. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by tha publishers. Our doctors will send medical booklet containing descriptions of symp toms and treatment of each disease, and many convincing testimonials, free to everyone. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Fingers roughened by ncdlowork catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured entiele, and reitorei tho linger to their nmturtl beauty. 1, CKOCEKS AND DRUGGISTS aVAtvat GaistXTXStT sVsTCMOai maoa compass. 07 aToxtb ITta at, Oaaaaa. )A One of the Important Duties of Physicians and j uiu f? vuiiiiui mvvi VIA iuu VVVJAAVI is to learn us to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful aa to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the nam of the Company hu become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good. health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which hat won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. ' This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known nnder the name ol Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known .to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects ajwaya note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for-Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup, of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of whioh is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England. New York, N. Y. To be well posted on current events is more than half of a liberal education. The Omaha Bee will keep you posted; you oan rely on what it says; you know its opin ions are sincere. It is a clean paper that , you may safely allow your children to read. The Omaha Evening Bee A clean and reliable newspaper for the home. 1c por copy 6c per week Delivered I Within everybody's reach reaches everybody. j Save Money i Win Your Independence It's the simplest matter in the world to save monev oro- vided you do not dispise the small sums. The wise man looks to the future and saves a part however smalli of his earnings each month placing it where interest ac cumulations provide a steady increase. Are You Wishing You ESad Money? Quit Wishing and Save the Small Sums that's the best method to gain a substantial bank account and one sure to win. A aSmigs HDasnUt Free aft. Tlhe See fffieeaaao No conditions whatever attached to this offer except that you fill out and bring to us the below receipt. ' v IT YOU HAVE THE BACKBONE TO START WITH SMALL SAVINGS THIS PROPOSITION WILL INTEREST YOU Ilayden Bros.' Bank is the place f nr your savings accounts because it has 1 JJ ? 1 1 A 1 s m ... a larger pjuu-up man any savings DaiiK in the state and the greatest amount of cash assets for liabilities. Hay den Bros. Bankers RECEIVED OP Tho Omaha Dally Dee One Bsvlnrs Bank, No. I agree to begin Only on Coupon will b accepted ft tn amy pernm. a systematic effort to save, and when It contains on dollar or mo.-s I will present it to llAiDK.V UKOS. BANKK11S, where it Is to be unlocked and contents placed to nr credit. I am then to receive an order (FKEK) on The Omaha Dally Bee, having- a face value of CO cents. The order to be exchangeable for Want Ad Advertising In all classifications except Heal Estate. Blgced Address 1 "'1 III' 1 tut