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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1907)
THLV OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AVUUj 2, 1907. -J TUESDAY IS BARGAIN DAY OMAHA WEATHER FOHECAST Tuesday: Fair. EARNINGS OF UNION PACIFIC Tllrtj-n? KtUlon Dell an Jet for Cmmot TEN PER CENT DIVIDEND WILL NOT BE. CUT la thm Trlmton mt Blk Wall tra4 erturtr wttk It Sta ares fit Flaaa elal Fmlae. A fw days afo The Bee printed Brutes quoted by high Wall street authority to how that tha Burlington frees .aaj-nlnra for tha current fiscal year at tha praaant ratio would ba 180.000.000. That him au thority any, from praaant Indloatloma, with thraa-fourdia of tha fiscal year gone, tha Union Faclflo ought to hava gross earn of rs.oce.ono or 174.000,000, with net earnlnge of not less than I. 000, 000. Ao cording to Ita estimate, thla authority aayi tha Union Paolflo ahould ahow a reel sur plus thla year aruivlant to U par oant earned on lta common atook. Tha rumor ha been circulated In finan cial circ!a that It la queetlonable whether tha Union PeoMo will continue to pay It 10 per cent dividend thl year and thla rumor has reached tha eare of many In vestor. Nobody knowa what tha Union Faaino director are coin to do until they do It. If tha dividends ware warranted laat fall by tha earning of the road they are more than warranted now, says tha Wall Street Journal. Ham EapanSa mm Maoh. 1 Ko great railroad In tha laat fiscal year has expanded Ha dividend paying capacity te . an extent equal to the expansion In dividend paying capacity of the Union Fe elflo. Man who are In a poattlon to know ay that the Idea of a out in tha dividend of the Union Paolflo la preposterous and not 'Worthy of notloa. Any atudent of values can demonstrate to hie own satisfaction that there la no mora reason to believe that the Union Paolflo will out lta 10 per cent dividend as far aa one now can see, than to believe that many other stocks which might ba named will out their ( per cent, or per cent, or T per cent dividend, add tha Journal. Few people really appreciate tha work that la being done In the Union Pacific and Southern Paclflo thla year. Soma In vestor who saruttnlsed values mora than man who live close to the Wall street tape, have acked tha Wall Street Journal whether It consider that the earning of the Haniman Una thla year are a myth. It la easy to aee why eome people ahould think the earnlnga are a myth, but there Is no doubt that they are a grim reality. Fifty Million Available. The present Indications are that when tha Union Paclflo geta down to paying lta fixed charges this year It will have earned over JM.ODO.OOO, applicable to those charges.. The earnings of the Southern Paclflo, how ever, are a different matter. Over 45 per cent of all the surplus earnlnga of the Southern Paclflo railroad belongs to tho Union Paclflo road. The Southern Paclflo this year will earn not far short of 29. 000,000 In round figures, applicable to the payment of Ita common dividends. The common dividends nt ( per oent call for lea than 110,000,000, leaving a balance which will probably be earned over com mon dividend thl year from $18,000,000 to 119,000,000. Forty-five per cent of thla figure, or fully 18,000,000, really belong to the Union Paclflo and Is controlled by thla road absolutely. Under the present conservative manage ment of the Southern Paolflc, however, the policy la to turn this surplus back Into tha road, yet it oould In case of need be turned over to Its legitimate owner, the Union Pacific: and thus considering it. It FOR TUESDAY Five Big Special Bargains In Basement Se-inc Weinerii Ma-Iras for dresses, shirt waists and children's wear regular 19c grade sold from the bolt Tuesday at, yard 5c Yard wide Plain Colored PercaU the very best grade, at, per yard . . Thousands desirable 3ic of yards of plain Lawns in all shades O 1 -i for waist lining at, per yard "..ewv Plain Chambray Ginghams and fancy woven C -Dress Ginghams actual 12ko values,yd, ....J Yellow Plaid A. JF O. Ginghams for sofa pil lows, comforts, eto leng lengths, at, per yard ic BRAIDS All kinds of braids from our great dressmaking sale eilks and mohairs in black and colors, worth up to 25c a yard, will go at, per yard 5c LACES About 50 styles of these Frenoh and German Vals, many in match sets all are new patterns on bar gain square will &SL3c-5c W L. JT JtU VrfW Be 58c 75c New Spring AQ Drcas Goods, at tJ Most charming spring ef fects in broken checks, plaids, over plaids; also oJain chiffon Panamas, hen- umon ruinc: ana inus consiaerinz 11. it ' brings the real earnings of the Union Pa- ' nettas, gram de pourde clflo well over per cent on us common , ji nnnmrvnnfa stock. The foregoing figure seem to bear i J out the statement that any talk of a cut j "J In the Union Paolflo dividends this year la , i preposterous. 1 OFFICE SWAMPED WITH RATS i G, Fr' Blaalaghana Geta Good April , Fool Joke Handed ta j . . , , Htn. Friend of Fred O. Blaalngham played a practical Joke on htm by advertising in the Sunday paper for live rat to be delivered early Monday morning to 204 New Tork Life building, when Fred O. Blaalngham would pay ( centa each for tb animated rodent. Mr. Blaalngham manages a grain office and would have about aa much ua for a live rat aa he would for a mummy or a humming bird. ' When he entered his plaoe of business Monday morning the eight of nearly a score of person sitting and standing inspired hopes for a busy day, "Tb month la starting In One, ejacu lated Blaalngham aa he ripped the March sheet off a calendar and opened hi desk. A little man with a quick step and large no waa the first to acooet Mr. Blaalng bam. "I brought some rata," remarked tha Hula man. aa be removed a newspaper and revealed a large trap In whloh war eight live rat scampering around In fright "Rats?" Interrogatively exclaimed the grain man. "I did not order any rat;" Continued Blaalngham. The last remark caused a stir of uneasi ness among the nineteen person who war eagerly watching the little man and tha grain man. The Uttla man delved Into hi ooet pocket and flashed the advertisement whloh ap peared In The Bee Sunday. Blaalngham read tha clipping and at onoa appreciated the whole thing waa a Joke. With a maJeaUc sweep of hi arm Blaalng ham told bis caller to return to their horoeaaxplelolng they had been mad the victims of a Joke. With solemn tread th twenty more or less persona with their live rata filed out of the Blaalngham office. "Rata!" remarked Blaalngham when th laat person had left th offloe. 58c appropriate for dresses & school dresses, worth 75o yard, at, yd street Genuine "HEATHERDLOOM" Lining This is the fine 40o quality every piece is stamped "Genuine Heather bloom" lengths 2 to 8 yards black and colors, at, per yard , $1.C0 Louisene Checks svt In ruin Silk Dept. $1.00 Louisene Checks in 15 different size checks, navys, browns, greens, tans and black and white combina tions, specially adapted for street suits, jumper suits, children's dresses, at, per yard . . . 49c Now Open Our Great New liouseiur'ishing and . Hardware Dept. Occupying our entire Basement OLD STORE Everything for the house hold at lowest prices ever offered in Omaha. WATCH FOR BIG SALE NEXT SATURDAY. "OLD IPEMJIM Here's a little story that may ba Interesting to BOMB PEOPLE. 99 Dr. 8. B. Hartmaa. ORIGINAL owner of the ORIGINAL PERUNA sold his for muia (recipe; to an eastern ernaiceie wno are now roaning me UUU UE.vui RuNA under the name ei katario, w nave kataruo In the old OR also bottle. Just like PERUNA waa always bottled In, and w sell It for 76c. JINE PK The reaaon Dr. Hart man sold his PERUNA RECIPE, and changed KI8 Peruna was becanse it waa decided by the Government, that it required a REVENUE LI CENSE to aell It; we have a revenue license in ail our stores and we guarantee tutcaruo 10 De me oia oniiuti rwupo ior rcnuxiA. Many people want thla medicine end w are In a position to supply you. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Omaha Corner ltth and Douglas 6ta.t Kth and Chloago Sta. gouts, Amnha Tf. W. Cor. th and N Sta. Council Bluffs 6th Ave and Main Bis. Tha druggists who don't hava to substitute. IOTHMUNCERS ON THE BENCH Two-Jndgea f Earn 5am frtaid Inderal Court. Orer Bulldiaa- Peraalta. The following building permits have been issued: Mrs. J J. PI ant Ion, Twenty-ninth and Webeter, 11500 dwelling: Henrlette P. Peters, Seventeenth and Hamilton. (1,700 dwelling: C. A. Johnson, 414 North For tieth. KE0O dwelling; Charlee Mager. ttii Miami, 13,000 dwelling; W. B. Weaver, Twenty-second and Emmet. .600 dwelling: Byron Reed company, Thirty-fifth and Dewey avenue, 6.u dwelling; Byron Reed company. Twenty-eighth and Capitol are nas, IL.0Q0 repairs on two dwelling. ono s PERFECT ' Or. Ly PERFE Toofh Pou&r C!fcus3 and beautifies the tvmlh. aad perinea tbe breath. tTsed toy people of refinement oi over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. WAUR WORKS CASE IS POSTPONED L&md Caaea Agalast Baatlaatoa, Retd, Heyt ! Ted Are let far TslsJ Best Meaday. Tha April tana of tha federal oourta for th dlstrlot of Nebraska. Omaha division, opened Monday morning with Judges W. H. Munger and T. C. Manger presiding. Court was opened In the south court room of th federal building, and both Judge oooupled seats on th bench, Th flret oaa oalled was that of Dunn against Haupt, a suit tor infringement of patent on a special device pertaining to an overhead wttch In a oarrler used In th South Omaha packing house for shifting carcasses of beef and hog after aiaughter big. Th attorney were given until Thurs day morning to prepare brief, when tha application will be definitely disposed of. The remainder of th morning session waa devoted to tha hearing of motions and der..urrer and th assignment of trial cases. Among tha attorney present at tha open ing of oourt were Judge A. Haslett, a D. Kllleo, r. L MoOlrr of Beatrloa, Matt tier ing of Plattaraouth and Congressman EL U. Hlnahaw of Palrbury. The Omaha bar was represented by many of Its leading attor neys. Prom present tndlcatlone no )ury ease will be ready for trial much before Wednes day, and the Jury will be excused from day to day until Its serrtoes are needed. Water Weeks Case. By agreement of the attorneys th case of the Water Works Company and the City of Omaha, to compel the city to take over the water work plant under the K, 000,000 appraisement, haa gone over until May. 1 At to flraoa atoa eX th dlstrlot 1 ) is : JJlM IV! Ik doings for'TUESDAY Sample Suit - Coat Sale oourt Judge T. C. Munger granted a con tinuance In the Huntington. Raid, Hoyt and Todd land oases until Monday, April I. In the matter of John Sparka against Oage oounty, suit on amount due for con struction of bridge, leave wa given th plaintiffs for ten day to fll an amended petition and the defendant tan day there after to file their 'answer. It has been agreed between tha attorneys that muoh of tha testimony whloh is now of reoord from tha Riohard and Comstock case will be aocepted from th reoord with out the necessity of going to the expense of summoning th earns witnesses ts Omaha again. The testimony refer Bar. tloularly to that of th old soldier wh were brought to Omaha from Illinois and ether remote points. Tha Indictment under which thee defendants are to be tried 1 Identical with that of tha Riohard and Comstock oase, they being Jointly Indicted with tho latter and constitute the aeoond group of defendan in that case. The matter of tha continuance of thla case will be argued before Judg T. C. Munger In th north oourt room Monday afternoon. J Free aaie.s.arees Best a, iws. " 1 is o iiej tea ifc iai l r, The Ghlrin That Shines Drifrhtest Try The Kew Wa CI1Y STEAM LAUNDRY :97 U. m street XT J TimoroH ot:n KKW YORK nuTKn W"K WKRK EXARIiED TO PURCHASE THE ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE OF MOT8KH A l)RKYFi:S, inn FIFTH AYEXlt; NEW YORK CITY, CONSIST. INO OF RIOH GRADE TAHX)R-MAI)K SUITS AND COATS AT 50 Cents on the $1 87 FINE TAILOR MADE SOTS NO TWO ALIKE Every ault a win ner. Among them are a great many ot tha popular THREE-BUTTON CUTAWAY In fine chiffon Panama and Taffeta Silk, In plain shades and tripe and checks; also the jaunty PRINCE CHAP AND PONY COAT tylea TUESDAY MORNING AT 8 A, M. $25 Suits for $35 Suits for $40 Suits for $50 Suits for MM $15.95 $22.75 $25.75 $32.75 Nt)T A SUIT IN THTc SALE IS FROM THE REGULAR STOCK Thla 1 a Bona Fide Sample Snlt Sale 8e Window Dlnplay, 108 SAMPLE COATS AX1 JACKETS FINE TAILOR-MADE, con sisting ot Covert, fancy Cheviot In stripes and checks, handsome Taf fetas in Eton, Pony and full length styles; Pongee, Cloth of Gold, and handsome braided effects. Every style, fad and fancy In this sea scon's creations $5 Coat for C.1 Cft $7.50 $10 Coats T QC $ir,JO Coats for for vPO.J $l5,r-$9,50 $4.75 r-17.75 JU8T 12 SAMPLE SUITS OF HIGH GRADE LINEN WILL MAKE 1J WOMEN HAPPY SUIT ARE WHITE AND COLORED ON SALE TUESDAY MORNING. Tuesday Rare Bargains m Silks SPECIAL EFFORTS ARE MADE TO MAKE THIS A TREMENDOUS SILK EVENT. $1.50 and $2.00 SILK GRENADINES In many pretty striped effects, on iron frame silk Grenadine cloth ; these stnped effects vary from -in. to 2-in., some . overcheqks, etc, pretty for dresses or waists. Tuesday, a yard we IMP0RTANT-$2 and $2.50 36-in. and 45-in. BLACK TAFFETA, not the common grades that sell for $1.50 but qualities of the best makers, and worth what claim; Tuesday 6 to 7 yards for suits swellest silks ever brought to Omaha on sale, yard 123 Brown Silks In Gretvi Demand WE OFFER 10 PIECES OF THE SWELLEST 27-ln. ROUGH SILKS, In brown, quality similar to Rajah Suitings exactly the shade you want; Tuesday on spe cial sale, Instead of $1 A. and $1.35 a yard, at .... OV 80-in. FAXCY PRESS SILKS In all colors, tuna kind other stores ask $1.60 and $1.26 for, Cft Tuesday, a yard , J C (Takes. only S yards for suit. T yards for dress. Watch Tuesday Evening's Ad for Grand Wash Goods Sals OSXT NEW GOODS No rem nant or old g-oods choicest at special prices. Great Dress Goods Sale Continue Tuesday 44-ln. CREAM PANAMA, very firm quality; this cloth la especially desirable for suits or separate skirts, pretty chiffon finish, every yard sells regularly for $1.25 Tuesday, yard . ...G4 30-ln. FANCY WHITE MOHAIR, In neat little designs, dots, eio., washes beautifully, for walats or sulta. worth 60c yard, at.. .34 46-ln. BATISTE, In navy blue and cream only; we offer 6 pieces of 86c quality (slightly soiled waa used for decorating, but will wash nicely), yard at...29k 46-ln. BROWN TAMISE CLOTH Proper weight for dresses, shade Is especially desirable this season every yard worth $1, on sale, ' 58 $1.60 BROWN PANAMA, best quality, 56-ln. wide, all new shades of browa, Tuesday, a T"ri 98 REMEMBER Every Day Brings Rare Bargains During This Great Sale. Interesting Sals of Ladies' Neckwear Tuesday rise lot ot Keck Length Ruohlnga, in white, pink, light blue and black, worth 60, Tuesday. . ,3J Embroidered Tab Effect Lingerie Stocks, very pretty and desirable, worth 2 60 each, for 10f Shadow Embroidered Turnover Collars, all dainty combination, worth 25c, for 12 Lot of Oriental Net Top Laoea, S to 11-ln. wide, wortn COo yard. Tuesday, a yard 121 Fresh Lot of Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, In etchings. and in sertions worth up to 2 60 yard, Tuesday, a yard t 13-lnch Embroidered Dollies, very pretty and fancy designs, worth , 10c each, for 5 About Trefousse Gloves GENUINE TREFOUSSE GLOVES ARE ON SALE IN OUR GLOVE DEPARTMENT. We are under selling competition and that's where the shoe pinches. Our abso lute, emphatic guarantee that these gloves are genuine Tre fousse gloves, goes with every sale. Frankly, we do not like the looks of that telegram, reproduced Fri day and Saturday (received both mornlngsT) It neither bears date nor place of dispatch. If It's from Trefousse. we'd call it a cable gram, and if It's a cablegram It must have cost somebody a bit of money, all because we had the au dacity to ad vert las GENUINE TREFOUSSE GLOVES AT CUT PRICES. We can show you something that's Infinitely more to the pur posewe can show you our Im port order Invoice of Feb. 21, 1907. Isn't Chat enough? M 1 Sugar for Nothing 2-1 b. can: Bennett's Breakfast J O Coffee, al ...... VUC And Three Pounds Granulated Sugar FREE GET OUR PRICES ON WALL PAPER fin fVff rTrPfMTM Unprecedented J 1 f I nit r 1 rwcr easier Sale Values THU WEUABLB TS)R J $35.00 Tailor Suits at $24.00 Your Choice of Any of Our New 535.00, Tailor quils aa nn Axtra pneciai ' day $24.90 $7.50 Covert Coat In pony, box and tight fitting styles, Tuesday. . .$4. 05 $6.00 Walking Skirts Very best styles and materials, Tuesday $2.03 Children's Spring Coats -Up to $3.00 values $1.50 Women's $1.00 and $1.25 "Wrappers Tuesday choice 49 $2.00 Ileatherbloom Underskirts in Tuesday's sale $1.00 Be Sure Mend and Our Famous Hourly Sales From O Till 10 A. M. We will sell Silk Mull. In all colors, regular price 25c; for the hour only, at, per yard 7W From 10:30 T1U 11:80 A. M. Extra large Turkish and Huckaback Towels, regular 19o values at. each 5 From 1 :30 Till 2:30 P. M. We will sell new Spring White Waist lngs, from the bolt, In checks, stripes and figures, sold everywhere for 26o per yard at, per yard 8 From 8 Tin 4 P. M. We will sell IOjQ dozen full Standard Sheets, worth E9c any place In the city, and only two pair to a cus tomer at, each 29 3 Be 8111 Tlsau, In all new effects and designs for this spring at, per yd 10d lOo Batiste. In all fast colors, In m thousand different patterns at, per yard 54 12 He and lBo Percales, In light and dark colors, 86 Inches wide and first claM roods at, per yard 104 15c India Llnon, from the bolt at. per yard 104 2 So India Llnon, from the bolt at. Per yard 15J 16c Persian Lawns, from the bolt at, per yard 104 4 9o fine bleached Damask -at, per yrd 25o Turkey Red Table Linen at, per yard 104 76c New Spring Suitings, in checks, plaids and stripes at, per yd. 494 60o French Novelties, In light colors for spring at, per yard 304 860 Henrietta, In all colors and black at, I per yard 194 Three Furnishings Goods Hour Specials From 8 Till 9 A. M. Ladies Silk and Lisle Gloves, with double finger tips, worth up to 50o pair, at 15 From 9 Till 10 A. M. Men's "Women's and Children's Hose, all sizes, regular values up to 25c; snap at, pair 5 From 10 Till 11 A. M. Men's and Boys' Shirts, regular val ues to 50o, samples and odd lots; during this hour, at, .15 ' L..TT3 o)o)(n ( DR. DRADDURY, Dcntlct, XJ 1504 PAR NAM ST., OMAHA. Phone Douglas 1766 Extracting 05o Mf "TOTWV We snake a specialty Porcelain Fffle. .$1 up I TL ot Iutml Wl Crowns S3.60 up Vv . S. pUUw. Painless work Is) Bridge Work.S2.BO up VvJjT VSSY0 0Prtiot' Work Plates... . . . .fa.OO up ' I f r guaranteed 10 rears. I m A BAKING DISH would make a nio Weddlns GHft. Any brtda would like one. It would ba a nice giu for your wife as well, or perhaps she would rather have a Chafing Dish. Spend a tew nuou in oar mioro. lok tor uit namey S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street NATURE SHAPED SHOES Children's feet grow rapid ly at certain ages, and there is always danger of distorted feet from the effect of wear ing ill-fitting shoes. We fit children's feet with shoes that look well and at the same time keep them HAPPY, HEALTHY AND COMFORTABLE It never pays to buy "cheap shoes" for children. If you'll let us shoe the little folks, we'll guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. They are . strictly hand sewed soles no nails to hurt the feet they come in either button or lace. Sizes-5 to 8 S1.75 KSizes-S to U....S2.00 Sizes-ll-ft to 2. . . .$2.50 Young "Women's sizes 2 to 6 $3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnsm St. 2 LINCOLN SANITARIUM Specially equipped for nost Thorough Medical and Surgical Treatment and care of A cats and Cbronio Dlaeasea Natural Mineral Water Baths (Sulpho-Baline waters ttosaeaelng curative piopertlea supplied from our own springe.) Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver, Heart. Stomach and Skin Diseases. . O. KVKRETT, Managing Physician. LINCOLN. NEB. OF IMPORTANCE To the Individual and to the Busi ness Concern Is the opening of a Bank Account, because IT SHOULD BE for a lifetime! A Bank'a Capital, Surplus. Resour ces, Officers and Directors, must all be considered when the Question of SAFETY arises. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKf. es tabllshed in 186S, respectfully refers you to Its recent sworn statement or to any depositor. DEPOSITS, gll.OOB, 841. 63. First National Bank OMAHA. NED. GOOD DENTISTRY Is the kind you get If you hare yosr teeth fixed at Taft's. We use only the beat materials, and every dentist ts a Kraduate and ex perlenced In all kinds of work, rulings 76o up. $5.00 Crowns TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS KIT Douilu Street. BAILEY . MACII DENTISTS Thirl rioer, Paxton Blx. Mijhest Grade Dentistry. THEY'RE ALWAYS RIGHT Made of the BEST HAVANA lOtkACXJO. V. XL lUce UercaaUle Cigar Co, Maawfactawefs aU, Iawate.