Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Houses nasi ColUiri
FOR RF.NT OH SALB-New t-rnnm mod
ern bourn St S. So. Sth Ave. (Ii)-M7vt2x
NEW, 7 room, all modem, r-i.f. 2M and
Itrowru Tlephons Maple 2Q2. (1B i34
2 B. 3r,th Ave, t room. tC.S0. (15)-M3I1
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Parker Plk.
U& Ki
( Offices. ,
OKB isrge ctrlce room, (rrotint floor, Fd
' ' ward Crclghton Institute Uldg . 210 8.
' St. opposite city ball. Inquire building.
16 M2
FOR RENT Desk room In Pe office, city
hall building, 417 N. Zotn fci.. poutn umana.
Apply o manager. (15) 1M
FOR RENT The best located corner
ore la Omaba. Farnam and 16th
treeta. Bonrd of Trade Bldg. See P.
H. Phllben, Schllt Hotel. (15) M2;
V i R 37th St., $9.10 per month.
2- Fsrnam St.. $12.00 per month.
i'.ff, Furnmn -St., J"M per month.
UNEQUALLED f ha nee for nrtigglat In
block with grocery and ment market.
Central, with fix t urea. Rent moderate.
Bert of chance for good man In beat
Laundry rooms with 75-horse nnwer boiler
to run same. Apply 220 N. 32d St.
(15 M78
THREE splendid modern rooms on ground
floor; rent reasonable. 12 Farnam St.
.. (ir) M4w
HOT No. 18th St.. near Nicholas, rent $-X
per month. Bemla, Paxton Bik
. . Fearing.
ANCHOR and Iron fencing:
io (r foot. tu6 H. Via HL
wke fencing
Tel. Red '14.
MOVING out of town; must seU furniture
in the next S days. If you need any
thing In the line of tables, chairs, boot;
caan, beds, dresser or kitchen furniture.
It will piy you to ca.ll at !20 N. 24ia
Ft. and got a bargain. (16) MS'j 3x
CONTENTS of four-room flat for sale at
sacrifice, must acll at once. Inquire
of fiat ;. Wright bloc. 16th and Chicago
, Bts, . (1-M!4
' FOR SALE Good household furniture, very
cheap; must be sold by 6 o'clock this
evening; parties leaving town; ground
floor, 604 N. 21st. - (1) M.H7 2x
FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-room ro'un
Vug house; I'H). Inquire 1414 Sherwood
Ave. Tel. Red 6401. (lt)-30 All
ON ACCOUNT of leaving the city, will
ell the contents of my 5-rxmi flat at 10
cents on the dollar; eeerything of the
highest grade and in good condition. Ad
dress G-aiiO. care lieo. (13) M4C.J At
FCR SALE- Furnlture buslnena kt a bar
gain. Owner leaving city. 721 N. 161 h St.
T. !) M: 6
Pool itud nillnrd Table.
FOR SALE New and acond-hand billiard
and pool tables: wo lead tlia world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruiu-wlck-Balk-Collendar,
407 S. 10th St.
, - U6)-J4
Ptnnoa, Organ. Mnaleal Iastrninenta.
THE smallest piano In the west at the
Chicago Furniture Co. We also have the
highest grade eecond hand furniture at
ii a 11 prices. 1413 Dodgu St. Tel. Douglas
4887. (15) M7kl A20
PIANO mahogany case. In excellent con
dUion, cot i-tiO, for aale at J150. 432 S,
S-ith fit. 'Phone Uouelaa S!06. (16) M8S2
FOR SALE A good Emerscn upright
jutno, a a sacrifice. Apply -'413 ll nnil-
ton. . . ub) jwi
K'CAIl'E ULIXJ ' (151-
-M63 A7
ONE $25. Ill
il6l MtS7 AT
FINK uprlRlit
piano, $97. 41 N. 23d St.
(Ill) 506 Al
.tlli. Owner lauvlng city, ism Davennort.
(161 titi A3x
FOR REST values possible In high grade
plnnos, high grude tuning and repuirlng,
j-e Bush & Oerts Piano Co., 6I9 W. O. W.
ltidg. Tel. I.ioug. 6J74. (1) M777 A30
$CJ.W PIANO PJ-AYKR In perfect condl
tioit Willi Hoaortinfiit of music, for sale for
tl2.U) cuah. Apply M. S. Wulklin, cure
, Lircnara et wiincun carpel io.
(16) M737 ix
And take notice of our special Hat of
siltthtly used plunos and organs. Everyone
fully guaranteed and a genuine bargain.
76c to. )1 per week will bring on to your
Kimball, rosewood case t 78
Arlon, cottage upright loo
Chlckerinv & Sona, roeewood case 12a
Singer, mahogany case... 160
Opera Piano, oak casa 175
Voae & Sona, cabinet grand 2uo
700 Btelnway & Sona, only 860
square pianos ana organs, all makes, 16,
mna up.
Call or write' for comnlete harva I n n.t
ym move, store, tuna and repair pianos, lri
our pita no factory the only one In N-
lm and ISIS Far nam St.
Telephone Douglas 168.
Tywrltera abA win Machli
ONb Remington typewriter. No. t In good
ccndiilon, for aale cheap.
Call at Bee
W tsacllanaona.
IS0I Thomas Fier, 40-H.-P., full equipmeat;
oat 12.7). now Sl.atsa.
14 Pope Toledo, Typa T, top and full
uuiiMuent; cost H, 7W. now
1M lloo. usd bit miles: eost ll.lo. now tl.OnQ.
ij4 Keo. toft aad full atiulpuaeut; coat tl.So
I'M White Steamer; cost K.VQ, now fTOOX
Iwt Ford. 14-11. -P.; coat fl.loO. now i.Ou.
Vopw-Waverly Electric runabouts, 14" up.
1X11 ITarnani fit
KALL'I aafea Bew. Vi-hand. 1KLS Farnam,
FOR SALB-Two National cash registers,
on total a a .it,r; alao nice line cf store
fixtures, uwiw tna ana investment Co
; Patteraon Block. O) K0
B?:ND ua your rcl:
freight paid on 111)
Drua Co.. Omaha.
orders for drugs;
lota. Myer-Dilloo
LAUNCH FOR SALE A 16-foot "BpclalM
leei launcn, wun i-norn gasoline motor
and tllthig canopy top, cushion and lasv
backs, seau crossways, wx to eiplit pas
- aniigArs, draught 13 Inches, speed to $
' miles; usvt only three months: all re
pulnted acd overhauled; cost lXn, will
sell for $176, cash, at once; hurry. Write
for pnt w. II. Regriar, IS? W. 6th Bt .
, ' York. Neb. U M97S Ix
FEW bargains In JJ-lind soda fountains
monthly pamenta. Delight, 1813 Farnam.'
FOR BALE Collect lor of fioa old vlollna
. lnoludlng ses Viola and 'Cello. Vloilu
biudu, in Wttbnell Building.
(!) M7K3 AM
fcHERWlN WILLIAMS CO., beet mlxett.
Ii.nt. rlicrinuu i McConnell Drug Co.
OAKDKN and field seeds, fruit parkagea,
ba keepers' supplies. Younkerman IWd
Co.. Council blu?t. Ia. (14 2W
'"LH ?'Kr elng machine, cheap 414
N. t-d Bi. (Ul664 Al
MILIrtT ftu. A. W. Wagner. M l N 1Mb.
Miscellaneous Con t lit eed.
A CLEAN M.AOO stock of gencnl mer
chandise at Hf cents on the dollar: fine
location; will hare cl"t InMiedlnn;
owner moving away. Address Y '.'. ore
Omaha Bee. (1-S71
COAI, Good burning: t baskets 3T.c; 8 for 11.
delivered. Rosenblatt. I hone Do ig. 411.
(it)) 14
THREE aerond-hnnd tool chests and 8
coaster brake bicycles, cheap. 3"S N. I'Hh
St. , (16) 6:3 A3x
SI.OT machines, all klnfla; n'so silver rint
Ing and picture machines. .Tnrl, 712 S. ltith.
(16i M-W2 A30x
ONE Hartholrrrw peanut rooster; frond
as new; will m'! ror hfilf prlre If sold
lmr-edlnttly. Write owner. Bo ttf, Bcntla,
Neb. (1J 674 Bx
FOR SALE Jewel gasoline stove: boy's
wheel, nearly new; early Onto seed ro
tables. Inquire ilfl',7 Manderson.
(lttj M378 AS
FOR 8ALE Smith-Premier typewriter. No.
I; One condition. C. M. Hurris, Thomas
Kllpatrlck Co., drapery dept.
(1H JlWl
SNAP Rldnath'a Hl'iory of the "World
KTirvclonnet In Hrltannirn. international
Encyclopaedia; email monthly payments.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, full
leather, onlv 11. '.'.I. B. B. Roberts. Ml
Paxton Hldg., Omaha. (16) MK14 A30
FOR SALE Farm Imnlerdents and two
colonies bees and !eebtvea, llstnr, plow,
harrow, corn planter, stalk cutter, culti
vator, etc. Cnll at iSil Francis Rta.
(16) M 764 ZX
MKN'S Rambler and boys' lde";il bicycles;
Hteven a rifle. AS Incnester shotgun and
complete hunting suit, very cheap. Dlers,
1024 Webster. (16) MM1 6x
D. O. DARN'FLL, patent attorney and. ma-
cnine designer, raxion tMK. i ei. nea Tin.
(17 1AJ AU
Larson t-. Co., bock fres.
Bee Bldg.
CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed.
(18) 852
SEWING machines rented, any make. ?:io
per week or $2.00 per month. Second
hand macliinea lot sale, tiOo and no
Neb. Cycle Co.. luth and Harney
C18) K3
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by malls cut
Brlce; send for free catalogue. Myers
'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 656
P L E AT I N G Button Ituihlnfi
uveing and Cleaning, sponglnK and shrink.
Ing, only eo par yard. Send for prloo lint
u U samples.
(0 Douglas Block. . Tel. Douglas 1936.
US) 061
Dr. King, 2018 N. Xlst lit. Tel. Doug. 3ou9.
f SS AfipSwedlsh movement 410 N.
lU-a.Ok3i.vjilljln room 2. sooond noor.
Ok)-M487 AJ
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off
clothliiK; in fact, anything you do not
need; we collect, repair ana sen, at U4 N.
lith 8t.. "or cost of collectlna. to the
worthy p,or. Call 'Phone Doug. 4185 and
wagon win tali. C18) all
f A flNF.TTf 5 treatmemt and bath. Mm.
JVlAUlXIilllj 8m,u,, uj m. lilh, id floor.
U) 1
Kfi you going to New YorkT I can save
you -0 per cent on your hotel bill at a first
class downtown hotel. Address N-361, Bee7
FOR anything In the sewing machine line
go to f. iu. r loaman e Co., lait Cap. Ave.
tl J46 AU
Institute. . Ramge
tJ8J K
Now la tho time lo trim trees,-' trellises and
grape vines: also landscape gardening.
Tel. Red (466.
Res. U01 S. 25th Ave.
(18) M40 A2
OMAHA Bteam Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour pasta. 2210 Cuming. Telephone
uougins 40-1. US)
THE healing household remedy, Satin skli
cream, anoum always De nanay. z&c u
PENNELL Millinery Co., S22 N. 18th St
() 6iH June 21
Six rooms and bath, modern
south front, lawn, shade and
fruit trees. .263i Caldwell.
$0 4QQ Eight rooms, modern except
"iTW furnace, paved street, all paid.
on car line, barn. Tented for
xj. SZ17 Cuming Bt.
Nine rooms, modern, cherry,
PPle. plum and war trees:
chicken house and park, two
bams, two blocks from car
line; east front, two loti
r"xi50 each,
17th and Farnam.
(19) MSS9 t
Tho noAhwest corner. 66x132,
with 10 room, all modern
house, steam heat; barn; good
location for apartment house
or stores. Price 13,&u0..
The Byron Reed Co.,
Phone Doug. 297.
212 8. 14th.
(19) M983
Full-sised business lot. 66x133 to twenty
foot alley, on north side Farnam, east of
34th; Improved with three three-story brick
flats, paying a fair return on the invest
ment. Hsa a futura, we think. Can offer
It for a short time at 321.000.
Harrison. & Morton
Williamson Co. u- f.,
U) Mio
LATE45T and most up-to-date land and rail
way map of western Canada; send 10
cents in stamps to the publishers. 301
Kennedy Block, Portage Ave.. Winnipeg,
Manitoba. (Jo) M634 2x
FOR PALE OR TRADE for smaller house
close in, a 9-room house; full lot, close to
car mis. inquire owuer, 4u js. Cj'n.
IIS) iti Ix
FOl R-ROOM bouse for sale or trade for I
or l-rvoin nuuae. inquire 121 No. i4th 8C
(1)-M76 A 6x
t-room modern house: furnace; good
waiaa; paveu '.reei, walnut lull; $3,aoo;
easy terma
(-room all modern house; good repair. 341$
t ranaun street, erica, i.4xj; cash,
7-rooin bouae. full lot, paved street, 31.(09;
. lA casn, uaiance mommy,
U!)-MW7 Ai
BTKACTS OF Tl 1 l.i.8 are ihe safe.t
You are protected by a $!9,oOJ bond against
loa by errora You don t buy a law suit
wnn you buy a "Kert abstract. 16.4
inui.j. it 1. Lx.uxias" rai. (19)
FOR 8ALK Two modem houses and large
vara, uue cuock rionn or Haiiacom prk-
pavto street, east frmt. lot 7Bxlf). tUtat-
rvii wnriivr w:ii sen ai a DaraAln
Kooui 1 K. Y. L. Bldg
J (13-tt
1DH KKnt OK EALE-T-io-m house, large
iry rooma. freshly pupertd. Jut il-i.nid'
tiictly mod. 1 u. tlvt ier lnat C! lri
r ruoon anu i -'a 11 vir. c. K iwi
tU4 K St., South Omah. (.Ui- jo $
wants a full south front lot on I
Burt pear 17th. 66x1.12, paved
street, for 3,2M.
The Byron Reed Co.
Phone Doug. 297.
212 S. 14th.
(19) MH82 4
A WELL BUILT 9-room house at M 8. th
m St. for sale by owner. (1 Ml72x
BEND 15 CENTS for our beautiful new
photographic souvenir entitled, "The Lake
and the Land of the Last Mountain Val
ley." which Is not only a work of art, but
a book of authentic Information. With
this souvenir we also send the Utrth Cen
tury Atlas of Canada. Wm. Pearson
Co., Ltd , 3 Northern Bank Bldg., Win
nipeg, Manitoba. (20)
H0-acre farm, well Improved and only two
miles from good lowa town; amootniy
rolling lund; half In tame grass. T per
acre; encumbrance S8.OU0. Will trade
equity for clear city property, or stock
or goous.
160 acres finest kind of bottom land: no
overflow; two mUes from town of 2,5uQ
people; every acre tillable: no bulldinga.
t& per acre; encumbrance 6,0u0. Will
trade eauity for clear city property or
small stock of goods; or will tiade both
of these farms together for goods or
clear city property.
Write for full particulars.
(lit)) A4
HOMESEEKERS! Be careful. Locate
right. Investigate our famous artesian
valley. ' Sure crops, matchless climate,
Lei us write you. Miller A James. Meade,
Kan. ()) 6JO
MEXICAN HACIENDA 125,000 acres; flva
railroad stations on property; produces
annually 11 20.000 worth of corn, besides
tobacco, Jenlquen and sugar cane; 4.8u)
feet above eea level; land absolutely
frostless; store privilege rents for $16,000
per annum; the greatest proposition
price 14 per acre, gold. Charles B.
Mullaly, San Antonio, Tex.
(20)-M7B3 (x
198-ACRB farm In Howard county, Mo., to
exenange tor reniai property. .11-. n.
Chenowlth, Ml 8. 26th Ave. (20) K63 3x
WRITE1 Townsend 1 Realty Co.. Fremont
in 00. arms anu lands lor sale or trade
for clear town property or merchandise.
(0) MJnU A2UX
FOR SALE 640 acres of Improved farming
lana in Manner county, rseiirnska. lerma;
to per acre; tl,600 cash, balance nine an
nual payments; 6 per cent Interest.
(20)M86 6X
FOR SALB 100 acres land ten miles north
of Sidney, Neb., (yieyenne county. Farms
all under cultivation In vicinity; threa
miles Dalton station, on Burlington. $8.00
per acre. Address Mrs. F. A. Elms. Man.
Chester, Wash. (20) Ml Sx
IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska;
Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over
ton, Gretna, Neb. (20 M87S
Sooth Dakota.
FOR SALE! 7 Quarter sections of land In
Brown county, a, v.: win sen togemer
or separately. South Dakota-Western
Land Co., J07-8 Toy Bldg., Sioux City, la.
(20) M445 A4
LAND SNAPS-820 acres, 7 miles High
more, 114; g quarters, Hughes county.
$6,600; 240, Brookings, $29; 900 acres, im
proved stock farm, Deuel county, ' I17.
Write me for land. J. T. Nelson, Brook
ings, B. D. (20) M977 2x
Go to Texas and see wheat and alfalfa
equal to the best. Sixty cars of landseekers
passed through Kansas City In one day.
As Hie crop grow larger the prices ad
vance. Owners are expecting a big increase
In May as reports from all over the country
show that such a rush of landseekers as
was never known will be seen at that time.
Join our next big excursion April 16th and
buy early and reap the benefit. Call or
write for facts about this country becoming
noted for its productiveness and healthful
climate. Wa are exclusive agents for large
tracts In Dallam and Sherman counties.
tne cnolcest in tne panhanale.
wanted In every county
ebraska and
western Iowa. Write for terms. Uilmore
Hal Estate Co., 1419 Douglas St I'hone
Douglls 2044, Omaha, Neb.
Send for map of Texas, showing- naw
railways and location of famous Brans
Valley lands, the richest grain bolt
lands In the United States, and Where
billiards are unknown. Price, $10 09 to
$11 00 per acre. Illustrated list free.
436, ban Antonio, Tex.
(20 M69J A2
Have some rare bargains In Texaa and
New Mexico tanu. o to $7. mi an aero.
Oo arid see for yourself; low railroad
rites. For particulars address.
tot New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(') M353
MAKE Inquiry concerning Big Horn Baaln;
cneap tanas.
The Stewart Leaven
worth Co..
619 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Telephone Douglas &&o. Omaha.
(20) M9ni 7
Fnraa and Ranch Land.
FOR REN T -acre tract of land In Ben
on (without house), suitable (or garden
ing or raising potatoes. Will rent till
January for VM ir taken Iminedl
ately. Address K tst, care B.
(2U 4 x
Splendid farm, 'ill acres, for rent, six miles
from Omaha; poaseanton given at once.
Apply to 11. S. Sturgeon, 440 Board of Trade
iiiag., uiuani, nD. lei. uougias 1610.
(21) SA9m
146 ACRES one mile north of Florence.
mree-room nouao, well, windmill, water
In house, large barn. About 60 acres un-
aer cultivation. Alao good pasture.
iteniui, u per annum.
N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST.
Jl rJK..U.'M.
(211 -M910
$1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real
dence property In Omaha; lowest rates
no delay., momaa llreuiutn. Koom 1, N
x. i-Jie. UU) wn)
LOW KaT RATES Bemla, Paxton Block
(22) utl
MONEY TO LOAN-Payna In vestment Co,
im tvie
PRIVATE MO.IEY-F. D. Wead. 15 Doug.
$4t, $1.6u and $l,oO to loan at per cent
also other amounts; no delay. C G. 1 arl
berg. U N. Y. Life Bldg. (ly MWa
OARVIN BROB., ltut Farnam. I and la
per ceut loan on real eauie; no deljy.
$1.0i.(US TO LOAN oa buataeu andreI
d.oce property In Omaha; lowest rates'
po at I,. llBwnas Jrrannaa, R. 1 N Y.
Ufa. (22;-, J
W VTFfl ntf 1, and wnrante W.
Farnam Smith ft Co- U20 Farnam St.
421) 6
LOWF8T RATES Bemla, Paxton Block,
( esi
WANTED City loans. R.
C. Peters ft Co,
LOANS on Improved city property. W. M.
1 nomas. 60S First National nanK hihi.
(22 970
BUILDING loans on residence property; I
per ceat w. H. Melkle, Karage Hin.
lyoans on Real Estate. Bldg.
at 4H and 6 per cent 'Phone TVmr 4.
I WANT to bur Inside property. State
location and price In first letter. Write
D-19. care Bee. (23) M818 3
We have a customer who wants to buy In
side property. Must be cheap.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 2VX
(21) M817 1
When Writing to
Remember It takes but an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that
you saw the ad In The Bee.
WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole
ums, pffico furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts
and all kinds of tools; or will buy tha fur
niture of your house complete. Will buy
antique or manogany rurruture. Trio hlRh
est prices paid. Call the right man. Tel
3oug. 3971.
(S;-8W A17
CASH for old books.
Stacy, SI 6 9. 'Stb.
(Z6)-MW7 A6x
CASH paid fot old books. Crane-Foya Co.,
Ill a 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1221.
(26) 441
I WANT to buy a barber shop. Give full
particulars In first letter. Address J-822,
cara Bee. . (26) M467 A3
WANTED TO BUY-Fonr or live work
horses, weight about 1.200 lbs. J. I.
Kemp. 2S12 Leavenworth St. "Phone
Douglas 9S8. (26) 07 Ap3
WANTED, TO BUY Horse and Concord
buggy; will pay cash and part groceries
for same. Address N 10, Bee.
WANTED, to buy, driving horse, sound,
city broke. Tel. Douglas 1129 or Red 7S24.
2& M641 A4X
I WANT to buv large second-hand fire
proof safe, cheap. Address K 24, Bee.
(2&l MKT2 2x
W A NTED Good family
'Phone Harney 2015.
driving horse.
2o-!4 3
WANTED By 1st of May. good 8 or 10
room house In vicinity of Hanscom park.
Address K-906, care Bee. (26) M328 A2x
6-ROOM modern cottage, by man and wtfo.
Address f SO, Bee. () M9:B x
WANTED 7-room house, by April 20, mod
ern, on pavea street: win pay xw lor good
location. Address O. 8 , Sr7 W. O. W.,
City. 'Phone Douglas 1117.
(26)-M!94 ix
POSITION as cashier by young lady of
experience. Address p 928, care Bee.
(27)-611 A3x
WANTED Employment evenings. B I, Beer
(7) 626 4x
COLORED man and wife want cook'n place
ui itwivu or piivat-io wum, iriri hulb,
Peterson, 103 S. 34th St, Vest Phlladel.
phla. ......... 07 M7i2 2
WThen Writing to
Remember It takes but an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that
you saw tnis aa in ine t)e.
State of Nebraska. Office of Auditor of
Public Accounts. Lincoln, Feb. 1, 19o7. It
Is hereby certified that the Scandla Life
Insurance company of Chicago, In the state
of Illinois, hu complied with the Insurance
law of this state, applicable to such com
panies, and Is therefore authorised to con
tinue the business of life lnaurance In this
suvte for tha current year ending January
31, 1908. Summary of report hied for the
year ending December 31, 1906;
Premiums .-. $243,!S8.3
All other sources 22.7KO.14
Total '.
Paid policy holders $111.0x2.!
All other payments ' 69.H37.84
Admitted assets
Net reserve $121,303.00
Net policy claims l.obfi.i .
All other liabilities 7.579.65
Surplus beyond capital
stock and otner naDii-
ltles 4M.141.3t
Total $551684.97
Witness mv hand and tha aeal of the
auditor of publlo accounts the day and year
nrst above written.
K. M. Bl-ARLB, JR.,
Auditor of Public Accounts.
- Deputy.
Depurtineut of the Interior, Office of In
dian Affairs. Washington, I). C, February
15, 19o7. Sealed proposals, plainly marked
on the outaide of the envelope, "Proposals
for Rubber Goods, Boots and Shoes," etc.,
as the caae may be, and addressed to the
"Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing
ton, D. C" will be received at the Indian
office until 2 o'clock p. m. of ThurjJ.iy,
ADl'll 11. iMi, ana tnen opeuea, ror rurnmn
en opeuea. ror iurnitfn -
ng the Indian service wiih rubber good,
boots and shoes, hardwaie and medical
uppliea. Sen led proposals, plainly marked
on the outaide of the envelope, "Prupoaala
for Enameled Ware, Furnituie," etc., as
the caae may be, and addressed 10 the
"Commissioner of Indian A (Tails, Washing
ton, D. C," will be received at the Indian
office until 3 o'clock p. in. of Tuesday,
April It, 1MI7, and then opened, for furnish
ing the Indian service with enameled ware,
lamps, furniture, bedding, stovea, agricul
tural Implements, paints, oils, gluas, tin
ware, wagons, harneaa. leitiver. shoe find
ings, saddlery, etc., school supplies, and a
long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids
must be made out on government blanks.
Schedules giving all necessary Information
for bidders will be furnished on application
to the Indian omce. Washington. D. C;
the U. 8. Indian warehouse at New York
City, Chicago, 111.; St. l.ouls. Mo., and
Omaha, Neb. The department reserv es the
right to reject any and all bids, or any part
of any bid. F. E. LEL'PP, CommlsHloner.
of the Interior, Office of Indian
Affairs, Washington. D. C, March 37, lao7.
Bt-aW-d proposals, plainly marked on the
outaide of tha sealed envelope, "Proposal
for Live Slock," and ad Ireaaed to the
Commissioner of Indians Affairs, Washing
ton. D. C. will be received at the Indian
Omce until i o'clock p. m. of April 26, IW7,
for furnishing and delivering about -.!i.vl
heifers, Ml bulls. 72 inare and ill milch
cows, and 4 stallions, for issue to Indians
of different reservations, as per 'schedules,
detailed specifications, conditions to be ob
served by bidders, etc., which will be fur
nished on application to the Indian Office,
Washington, I). C ; the U. 8. Indian wars
houses t New York City, Chicago, ill.;
Omaha, Neb.; St. Louis, Mo., aud San
Franclsoo, Cal.; the I'. 8. Indian agents at
Standing Rock agency, Fort Yates, N. D ;
Pine Ridge agency. Lower Bruie, agnncy
I.owr Brule, 8. D.: Crow Creek agency,
Crow Creek. S. IX; Roeebud agency, Rose
bud, S. D. ; Cheyenne River agencv, Chey
enne agency. 8. I) . and the auperlntendents
of the -Santee agency. Hante. Neb., slid
Fort Peck agency. Poplar, Mont. B'.da
upon the blanks furnished are not abso
lutely essential: they may he mad In any
other form, provided the conditions are ob
served. F-r further Information apply to
F. IS. LEL'PP. Commissioner.
A $-- 3-11-13 -16-1 20
rH ( h..,.!-...! cf th? ferte
Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, V. C,
March 5. 1!7. Scaled proposal, plainly
marked on tha outside of the envelope,
Proposals for Beef. Corn." eto , the
case may b, and address to the "Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs, w antntoo,
C," will be received at the Indian office
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. April 23.
lno7, and then opened, for furnishing the
Indian service with rolled bailey, beef,
mutton, corn, salt, coffee, sugar, tea, soap,
baking powder and other groceries. Bids
must be made out on government blanks.
Schedules giving all necessary Information
for bidders will be furnished on application
to the lndlas office, Washington, D, C; the
IT. 8. Indian warehouses at New York
City, Chlcsrto, III.; St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha,
Neb., and San Francisco. Cal.; the Commis
sary of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne,
Wyo.; the guartermaster. I'. 8. A., Seattle,
Wash., and the postmasters at Tucson,
Portland, Spokane and Tacoma. The De
partment reserves the right to reject any
and all blda or any part of any bid. F. E.
Leupp, Commissioner. Al-dl8t
Cnlon Paelflo
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited HIM ill a 1:1$ pm
The China and Japan
Fast Mail a 4:1S Dm a E10 pm
Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9:30 pm
California & Ore. Ex.. .a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pm
Los Anc'lea Limited... al2K6 pm al0:46 pm
Fast Mall il liim a 6 00 pm
Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am
North Plntte Local a 3:10 am a 4 60 pm
Beatrice Local b 3:0 pm b!2:46 pin
Chicago, Rork Islan4 A PnelSe.
Chicago Limited ..a 3:16 am a T:lt am
Iowtt Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Chicago Mall 3:46 pra
Iowa Local b!2;06 pm D 9:66 pm
Chicago (t-astern Ex.).. a J pm a ia pro
Chicago (lowa Lmtd )..a 4.36 pm al2;26 pia
Rocky Mountain Limit. 7 90 am a 3:0$ am
Colo. & Cal. Express, a 1 60 pm 4:50 pm
Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm
Lincoln Kali burr and
Bellevua a $ pm al0:10 am
St Louis Express a t:30 pm a 3.-30 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a :1S am alO:J0 pro
Btanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:30 am
Chloaao Great Western.
St Paul A Minneapolis.. 3:20 pm 7:10 am
St. Paul Minneapolis. 7:46 am 110 pm
Chicago Limited i:40pra 9:00 am
Chicago Em pre 7:40 am 11:60 pm
Chicago J! a press ........ t.tu pn. a;w pra
Clileago tc Northwestern-
Cedar Rapids Pass..:... 7:0$ am a 6 0S pm
Twin City fexpreas a 7:60 am alC:l4) pm
Chicago Daylight
...a 3:00 am
...all:) am
.'..a 3:60 pm
..a, 4 32 pm
. . .a 6:60 "pni
.".'. 8V23 pm
...a 8:2S pm
11:16 pm
a 3:46 pin
a t .ii am
a 9:60 am
a 3:46 pin
a 7:20 am
Chicago Local ...
Bloux city ixicat
Carroll Local
Bloux City Local
Chicago Kxpresa
Fast Mali
Fast Mail
Twin City Limited .,
Overland Ltralleo. ....
a 3:00 pm
a am
a 7:06 am
..a 3:28 pm
a 9:31 am
al0:36 am
al0:35 am
a 6:05 pm
Llncoln-Chadron .
...a t:4u am
...b 7:40 am
...a 3:00 pm
Casper-HhonBhonl a 3:09 pm a 6:06 pm
HastlngB-Superlor b 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm
Frernont-Alblon b tm pm bUi:S0 pm
Mlasonrl PaelBa.
K. C. St St L. Expresses ttO am a 1:30 am
K. C. & St. L. Express.. all. it pm a 6:26 pm
Nebraska Local .a 2:00 pm all:40 am
Dm Moines Local a 4:16 pa
Chicago, MUwaokee Jk It. Paul,
Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:on am a 7 JO am
California and Ore. Ex.a 6:46 pm a 3:10 pm
Overland Limited a $ufc pm a 9:30 am
Pes Moines Cedar
Rapid Local b :4S am bU:0 pm
lllinola Central.
Chicago Express a(:0am a 3:tt nm
Mmn. St. Paul Kx..DI:ui a 8:16 pm
Chicago Limited ...... .m 6:00 pm a 7:30 am
Minn. Bt. Paul Ltd... 3:30 pm a 7;30 aa
Leave. Arriv.
Denver' California.... 4:10 pm 3:30 pm
rionuwean, fcfw t.M m.ov pa
Northwest Express .aU:10 pm a 7:10 am
eorasaa l tt pa
Nebraska Local 8:00 am 7:46 rim
Uncola xocal V" -- :06 am
L.inco;i ri 112:111 pra
Lincoln Local 7:30 pm
Ft. Crook Platum'th.b 2:50 pm b!0:25 am
Iplattamoutn . cow pm a $:io am
Denver Limited
7:10 ai
Bellevu Jk Pao. Juno.. s:w am pm
Chicago Special a 7:2fi am a 7:25 am
Chicago Expi-eaa .
Chicago Flyer ...
.. $ :45 pm
M nm
Dm a l x r.
lowa Local
Bt. lAiui Expreaa 4:46 pm all:30am
Kantwa City-St. Joe al0:46 pm- a ( 46 am
Kan.aa Cliy-St Joe.. ..a 9:15 am tut p
4:46 pm all:30am
Kanau viw"- wu. .......
Ch lease. St P"I. Minneapolis
Twin Cltv Passtnger...b t: am b t:W pm
Bloux City Passenger.. .a 3:00 pm all:90am
.b 6:46 pm b 3:10 am
Emerson Local
SlUonrl PaclBe.
Local via Weeping
Water .............
trails ritv Local ..
.0 : am e 6o pro
tM am a 1(0 ran
. 3:50 pm all :20 pm
Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday, o Sunday only, o Dally
except MonoajF.
...i lurhlne anarlno. and TUNISIAN. COH
gli AN n4 IONIAN, twln-icrewi. Rtmtnltxr, ear
Mlllnn re Weekly from MONTREAL, puainf dow
the plcturssque t. Lmwrnce Rlw bf tUjHiht.
. iHiiniMMl Rales: aslooa tW.M
and upwards: Mona cabin 140. OS and upwards. One
class Cabin Btastnfre. 40 so ana upwards.
ALLAN COMPANY, 174 Jacluoa Baal., Ckleaga
Sixty-Five Patron of New Yyrk
Syndicate to Appear Befere
Grand Jary.
NEW TORK, April L Assistant District
Attorney Vandlver ald today that glxty.
five subpoenas had been Issued for patrons
who have placed beta with an alleged pool
room syndicate, the three offices of which
were raided by force from tha district
i , .
attorney s onu.
Mr. Vandlver later had conference with
several officials of different banks and
id that a result be bad come into
possession of number of checks made
out by men who had lost oa the races
and who sent checks to cover their loases.
One check was for $26,000.
Daniel O'Reilly, said to be counsel far
some persons summoned, said no question
would be answered until nis clients go
before the grand jury, when his clients
would talk freely.
Physician Say Thnt Actor . Will
lltlmately Rearala HI
NEW YORK. April l.-Physlclans attend
ing Richard Mansfield today held con
sultation and decided his condition to be
Improved, according to an announcement
made by Manager Steven. The actor I
yet a very sick man, and full recovery
will take several months, but lt I the
opinion of the doctor that ultimately he
will regain his health.
Game of Chance Tabooed for Firs I
Time In History ( th
HELENA. Mont, April J.-The Griffin
antl-gambllng law, which prohibit all
games of chance, went Into effect today,
and tor the first time alnce th discovery
of gold, in W3, faro, roulette. pckr, dice,
card game of all kinds and even slot ma
chine wore tabooed? In Montana.
Wiltnr F. Errant Throws Liihton author
hip i Jnrstli? Ctnrt Law.
K4 A. Fry. .Calls ta Memory Inceptions
f Fight which Has Culminated
In the Present Session of
tha Legtalatare.
Contributions on timely topic re
Invited from reader of The Be.
Communication should be written
legibly on one side of the paper only
and accompanied by the name and ad
dress of the writer. The name will not
be urn-d U th writer uk that it be
withheld. lTnu.d communications will
not be returned Correspondents are ad
vised to limit tnxtr letters to i0 word
or they will b subject to being cut
down to that lln-it at the discretion of
the editor. Publication of views of
correspondents must not be taken to
commit The Bee to their endorsement.
IIARTINGTON. Neb.. April l.-To the
F.ditor of The Bee: I have read and heard
much of the authorship of our Juvenile
court law. The writer wa chairman of
the committee appointed by the state con
ference of charities and corrections and
had the bill In charge from Its Introduce
tlon till It became law on March 3, 1905.
I confess that I have been stunned that
any person In this state should claim the
authorship of that law. The bill which
wag Introduced Ifl the legislature of If
was copied, verbatim et literatim et punc
tum, from the statatos of Illinois at the
Instance of a lot of grafter who were
trafficking In children, for what there was
in it and the bill was amended till Its
father would not have known It. On the
avlce of the attorney general the gov
ernor vetoed It on alleged constitutional
grounds. In 19(41 the same original bill
wa Introduced t my request by Senator
Mockett, section t being added, at my own
suggestion, to meet the constitutional
scruple of hi excellency. Now, th
stenographer who copied the Illinois law
did his "work with the faithfulness of
Hebrew scribe. He even copied the black
letter catch words at the beginning of
each section (which are no part of th
statute). While the bill wa pending some
good friends of the measure from Omaha
(they have never claimed It authorship)
proposed certain amendments. I did not
and do not deem these amendment neces
sary, but, a Omaha wa more Interested
than all th state beside, I yielded, and
am glad that I did so. With the excep
tion of these slight amendments and the
sixth section, to which I have already re
ferred, the law I Chinese copy of the
law of lllinola on the same subject . That
law wa the first Juvenile court law ever
enacted on the planet. Its author was
Harvey B. riurd, professor In the law col
lege of the Northwestern university. If
any person wishes to verify these state
ment let him or her consult the Illinois
statutes In the state library at Lincoln
and compare the Illinois law with ours,
paying particular attention to catch words.
Without these statement from the writer
he Or she would come to the conclusion
that It wa tha work of verbal copyist
or caae of unconscious absorption. Your
for truth, WILBUR F. .BRYANT.
RemlnUcenee of Nebraska leaTlelatnra.
NIOBRARA. Neb., April 1. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: I have never watched the
progress of legislature more Intently than
the one about to adjourn. But how many,
many year It ha taken for the republican
party of Nebraska to follow the will of
It constituency!
Looking backward, I remember the first
meeting I had with the late Edward Rose
water. It was In the memorable Hitchcock
senatorial fight just thirty year ago. I
was mere cub, having gone down to do
ray mite for the return of Hitchcock. It
wa to help pay debt in which Senator
Hitchcock and Paddock had Joined In caus
ing the removal of the United States land
office from Dakota to Niobrara. Several
legislators and myself boarded with Major
and Mrs. Brad D. Slaughter, Brad having
began hi first service as chief clerk of the
house, and both factions of ihe republican
legislature were represented about that hos
pitable board. The Issues In those days of
40,000 republican majority were very In
tense on railroad matters. One of our
boarder was the lata Perry Selden of
Washington county, who wa a strong
Crounse follower, and he denounced the
pas as a bribe In a early a day a that.
A young man named White, who wa treas
urer of Burt county and a very ardent
friend of Mr. Rosewater, took to me be
cause of my own pronounced views of In
dependence, and Introduced me to The
Bee' founder, I explained to him that I
admired the men In general that he wa
training with snd eepeofally the eo'-se he so
strenuously advocated, and he wa most
generous In excusing my position under the
dretimtance. The anti-monopoly upris
ing In those day wa very pronounced. It
was not long for me to settle down into
my own Idea of polltlcn, and having re
lieved myself of further obligations to Sen
ator Hitchcock, I naturally drifted Into the
anti-monopoly wing of the party. The Nio
brara Pioneer under my ownerhlp was the
first journal in northern Nebraska to cham-
plon the cause of the late Senator Van
Wyck. It led to a heated warfare from
the "stalwart," who combined to smirch
me In every possible way. I bad some
pretty heavy loads to carry In the name
of reform, I must confess, but I did my
best to keep my own record reasonably
decent and routed the "sttlwarta" on sev
eral occasions. For eight years Knox
county had the distinction of going down
to state end congressional conventions with
double-header delegations, and many
amusing stories could be told of these
These battle were not so much for men
a principles, and today the stamp of those
earlx day struggles Is a part of our poli
tics. Knox county has been fO0 or SCO either
way fusion or republican and today In
Its official makeup It is mixed, with a ma
jority of county supervisors fuslonlsta It
Is difficult to figure what the next year
may bring, though surely the republican
party has done tts best, notwithstanding
the fact that our own representative failed
to remember party pledges.)
Thus It Is that the republican conscience
has, after thirty years of hard work by
The Bee, with only one republican governor
in Sll those years who came anywhere near
being his own man, been truly aroused to
duty. I do not wonder that the last rec
orded words of Mr. Rosewater, In which
he referred to Governor Sheldon as being
made of oak snd hickory yes, of Iron
wood." was so prophettc. Rather alow-
growing timber, but how It survives.
The legislature has been very liberal in
Its support of the demands made by the
people. "I want his record" was Mr. Rose
water's favorite slogan. This legislature
pretty nearly gav It. Those who have
deliberately disobeyed the platform have
their own bed to sleep In. But to on who
has watched ana waited and hoped to ee
legislature work after hi own heart, to
see one executive who ha a repoae of con
science to command the legislative branch
with such quiet, I have thought how joy
ful would Mr. Rosewater be were he still
alive to see his lust words so perfectly
Interpreted by action. ED A. FRY.
Frees In sr la the Blue raa.
LEXINGTON. Ky.. April 1. With the
thermometers registering from 1$ to 30 de
grees above sero, and U threw-f ourtha of
an inch la thlckn Cuaslderaul ra-
henslon exists that the fruit crop has been
Injured. Wheat fields -are nid thought suf-
flclently advanced to have suffered serh'U
F. A. Ilolhrook Admits fintlt In Re
straining Trade In ap
plies for Schools.
CHICAGO, April t F. A. Holhrook. re
cently Indicted by the federal grand jury a
the chief promoter of an unlawful school
furniture combination, today entered a plea
of guilty before Judge Landls In the United
States court. Sentence wa deferred.
Thirteen of the fourteen companies which
were Indicted at the same time with Hoi-,
brook, entered pleas of nolo Contendr. The
tenth company, the E. II. Stafford Manu
facturing company of Chicago, did not
plead, but Its representative will file
special demurrer and a motion will be en
tered to quash the Indictment found against
It. Hnlbrook, who was the only individual
Indicted, wa the agent In Chlcngo and
chairman of the Prudential club, which
wa said to have been organised for tha
purpose of preventing competition In tha
sale of church and school furniture In the
United State.
Th companies entering pleas of nolo
contendr were: American Seating com
pany of Chicago, A. II. Andrew . J
Co. of Chicago, Superior ' Manufacturing
company of Muskegon, Mich.; Haney
School Furniture company of Grand Rapids.
Mich.; Hudson School Furniture company
of Ixgan, W. Va.; Fcabody 8chooI Furni
ture company of North Manchester. Ind.l
Illinois Refrigerator company of Morrison,
III.; Owensboro Seating and Cabinet com
pany of Owensboro, Ky.; Minneapolis Office
and School Furniture company of Minne
apolis; Southern Seating and Cabinet com
pany of Jackson, Tenn.; Cincinnati Seating
company of Clnclnnntl, Frldmnn Seating
company of New Richmond, O.; C. H.
Vlght, Sons A Co. of Parker City, Jnrt.
It'wa expected by the attorney for th
government that the Stafford . company
would also enter plea of nolo contendr
and lt request to enter a special demurrer
was surprise. Permission to file the de
murrer and motion to quash wa granted
by the court.
Mrs. Elisabeth C. Webster.
Mrs. Elisabeth C. Webter. 78 year ot
age, died yesterday afternoon at the resi
dence of her daughter, Mrs. Chrlstlanson,
2017 Harney street. She will be buried at
Forest Lawn enmetery, the funeral services
being set for 8:30 Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Chrlstlanson. and Dr.
J. W. Conley probably will conduct them.
Mr. Webster, who had lived in Omah for
many years, was the mother of John- It
Webster, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Hall.
Mrs. Mary OHn.
Mrs. Mary E. Oltn, wife of T. D. Olln,
died yesterday afternoon at the family
home. The funeral will be held Wednesday
at 1:30 from the home, 2222 Douglas street.
Ticket Are Spilt nt Yankton.
YANKTON. S. D., April l.-(Speclal Tele
gramsThere were many split tickets at
the city election today and both parties
carried off some of the honors. The re
publicans elected: Dickson, assessor; Teat
man for Justice; SlioemaO and Binder
aldermen. Fourth and Second wards. The
democrats elected: Reedy, mayor; Buck
waiter, treasurer; Jenks, marshal, and Hob
son, alderman First and Pickett In Third
ward. The city voted for licensed saloon.
rtnoUNAL rAriAuliArrld.
C. B. Whitney of Lincoln Is at th Her
Honorable 'A. E. Cady of St. Paul Is St
the Henshaw.
Mabel Hnyward of Lincoln Is a guest at
the paxton.
Paul Lynde of Norfolk Is registered at
the Her Grand.
Tom Hughes of Nebraska City Is, stop
ping at the Millard.
C. B. French, a merchant of Kearney, is
a guest at the Henshaw.
At the Henshaw: O. W. Rapple. W.
Johnson, Axtdl; D. C. Perkins, Lincoln;
J. G. Beste. Hartington.
M. C Barrow (Kill Barlow) of Douglas,
Wyo.. editor of Bill Barlow's Budget, anti
his wife are gueeu of it H. Knlttle.
At the Millard: E. B. Stephenson: Lin
coln; C. K. LaVson, Hustings; L. L. Lean,
Fremont; W. Bl McQueen, Hay Springs.
United States District Judge Thomas C.
Munger of Lincoln Is making his head
quarters al the Millard during his stay to
At the Paxton: W. Rlbble, Beatrice; IL
E. Vandereevea and wife, Lincoln; F. R.
Truer, H. R. Lehna, Lincoln; A. R. Whit
man, Columbus.
P. C. Anderson, . K. Mixre of Brlstow,
W. P. Mohr, A. C Mohr of Spencer. W. H.
Love of Lynchl E. E. Carter of Carroll and
A. J. Walker of Falrbury are at the Mur
ray. Chief Clerk F. R. Keller of the ratlwmy
mall service has returned from St. Joseph,
Mo., where he was recently called by the
fatal illness and recent death of his
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Comstock of Mis
worth, Thomas Hughe of Nebraska City,
S. D. Kllen of Beatrice, Mrs. W. S. Mapes
of Ncrfolk and N. A. Water of Denver
are at the Millard.
At the Murray: P. C. Anderson, Brls
tow: W. P. Mohr, A. C. Mohr, Brilow
W. H. Lane, Lynch; E. E. Carter, Carroll;
J. H. Pollard. Clarke; J. M. Wharton, Lin
coln: Nets Sell. Broken Bow; J. W. Bil
Jn vv. yvTlsun,' Wood HI
Decatur; J. a! Qulnn, D,
lings, Beatrice; L. L. Arnold, Bennington;
lver; C. It. Noyes,
i. C. Wooding. Lin
A Lazy Llrer"
ITs? bs only tired liver, or h starred
liver. It would be stupid s wall u
savago thing to beat weary or surved
ban because) be lagged In his work. So
In treating the lugging, torpid liver It It
great mistake to la&h It with strong
drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but as
indication ot an Ill-nourished, enfecblod
body whose organs are weary with over
work. Start with tho stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Pus
them In working order and soe, how
quickly your liver will become Set Ira.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
ha mads many marvelous e tires of liver
trouble" by tts wonderful control of th
organs of digestion and nutrition. It re
stores the normal activity of the stomach.
Increases the secretions of the blood-mak-.
Ing glands, cloanses tha system from poi
sonous accumulations, and so relieves tht)
liver of tha burdens Imposed upon it by
ths defection of other organs.
If you bar bitter or bad taste In tho mom
log. poor or jny-ltbl appetite, coated tongues
foul breath, constipated or Irregular bonela,
feel veak. easlli tired, Okespondent, f request
bead aches, psln er dlstro(ji " small of back,
gnawing or distressed tel In stomsch,
perhaps BSUsea.sJrnrSsV4)oW "risings" ia
throat after sstlng, and VlnoAi symptoms
of weak stomsch snd torpid llr n,q rriedl
fine will relieve yoa more promptly or iu?s
y -mi p.yr. t.trr?.i.-.. r,t!y Hmn Tr.,:u.,r fp:ip
GulJ-'ii Medical Id-covery. i'trlisys unit
pari u lite abuv iTuiy loujwlll be preaeol
at on time snd yet point to torpid liver or
biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all
hot bread and blculu. griddle cakes snd
other Indigestible fuud snd take tho "Golden
Medical blacot sry regularly and stick to lm
tue until yon are vigorous and stron
Ths "Discovery" 1 non-ecret nun-sloo
kulic I s glyceric extract of native medics'
hal root with a full list of Its Ingredients
printed on earh bottle-wrapper and attested
tinder oath. It dngretlieuu are CDdonsnd
and extolled by the most eminent medical
writers of the age aud are recommended to
cure the dbteates for which it la drlsed.
Don't accept a substitute of anknown
Coca position for this noa-secret
of uowi MairuamuJi