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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1907)
10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1D07. Want - ads Adverttnsnents for th wnnt-nd eolamn will It taken nntll l m. for th rl edition u4 aatll 9 9. m. for th noralif nnd Snnday adHloaa. Cneh nut utoaiiir all dra for waat-ada aad bo ndvertleement will accepted for leaa thnn IO coat for th flrst Insertion. Rate npply to either Tka Dolly or day Be. Alwny ronnt als worda to a Ilae. Combinations of Initials or nnmbera ooat oao word. CASH DATES FOR WA1T-AM. RRGI LAR CLASSIFICATIONS On ertloa, per Ilae, IO eeata. Two or nor eoneeeatlr Insertions, per line, eeata. BarJa laaortloa mad oa odd days, IO eeata per llao. f1.S4 por llao per month. PF.CIAIi CLASSIFICATIOITSIf yoor ndve-rtlsrment la laaorted aadr aay a of the elaaalflearlaaa rlvoa below. It will be cbarared at the follow!: rnteei One laaertloa, 4 eeata per llae three to alx eoneeentlv tner , Siena, S eeata par lla each Insertion jOO'Ten or more conseentt-rn laaartloa, eeata por lla each laaertloa.. BO oaita per llao per month. , BARTER AND EXCHARGB. BC8INE"! CHAltCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Exeept Aioiti, Solicitor and Salesmen. OFFERED FOR lALKl Cow, Birds, Di aad For. Horaea aad Vehicle. Poultry aad Ems. Faraltar. Plnnoa, Orgmi aad Moslcal In strument. Typewriters aad lewlic Mn ehla. Mlacellaaeoa. OFFERED FOR RENTl Fnrnlshed Room. tnfarntshed Room. Housekeeping Rooms. Boarding nod Room. WANTED TO BCT. WANTED TO RENT. ITCATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR MOTIOB. Death aad Fnnerat Not teas. Cord of Thank and Lode Notleea, I eeata par lla for one edition, morning or veulna- eoarta a Ilae for oneh addi tional edition. oadaTt eoat n llao, No ad tnka tor less thaa So cent. BRANCH OFFICES. Want-nds for Tho Bee mny bo left nt aar of tho foil owl nar druse stores one Is "roar nornor drogg-tnt" they are all branch offkao of Tho Bo and your nd will bo Inserted Just promptly and oa tho aam rate na at the main olHeo la Tho Boo building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets 1 Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Hern tick, S. A., 1402 S. 16th Bt Berht'a Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt. Hanson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmaoy, 33d and Cuming. CHUghlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bt. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military ATS. Conte, J. H., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll. 12i4-6 S. 13th St. Eastman I'harmacy, 4046 Hamilton, Khler, F. H.. 2f2 I.eavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th Bt. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug- Co., Florence,. Neb. Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green' Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenotigh, O. A., 1025 S. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. I ay den. Wm. C, 2WW Farnam St. Hanscom Park Fhar., 1601 8. 28th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 North 16th Bt. , Huff, A. 1... 2M24 Leavenworth St. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Konntie Place Pharmacy, 104 N. 24Ph. Patrick Drug Co., Ii2 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chat. E., 1324 N. 24th 6t- ' Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer' Cut Price Drug; Store, 16th and unicago. Bchaefer. August, 2031 N. lth Bt. Bchmldt, J. II., 24th and Cuming; gta. Storm rhnrmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins, Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. WEBSTER Mr. Samuel C, at 6:J0 p. m., Monday, April 1, a (ted 78 years, at resi dence, 2017 Harney street. Deceased leaves two sons, John R. and "William A. Webster, and four daughters, Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mrs. F. H. Turner, Mrs. Martha W. Chrlstlancy and Mrs. F. E. Hull. Funeral announcement later. I.INEHAN James. aged 49 years. Funeral Wednesday, April 8, at 8:30 a. m., from the residence of his sinter, Mra. Thomas Grandon, 308 North Tenth street, to Bt. Phllomena'a church, Ninth and Har ney. Interment. Bt. Mary's cemetery. South Omaha. Mr. Linehan had lived In Omaha thirty-three years and wu employed, at inn 1 nion t'acinc shops. He was the uromer or Mrs. Jeremiah Leary, Mrs. 8am' Del Hasford and Mrs. Thomas Grandon. CARD OF THANKS. we aesira in this wiv to hhtmi mif sincere thanks to the many friends of our family for their sympathy in thi hour of pereavement 01 my wit and our mother. ini. Aiuia r uenn. GU STAVE FUCH3 AND FA MILT. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following birth and death have beeu reported to the lsoard of Health dur ing the rorty-cight incurs e-nding Monday Boon: Kirihs r. A. Baker, ZJK Seward, boy; C O. Fruit, fc.07 Templeton. boy; Judd Belcher. JMa l'odne, girl; M. U. Koory, 14ut Huuth V niriwnui, gin; james Kooteeky, 1407 Bouth Fifteenth, boy; Jwmes Petrlcek, SH18 routh Fifteenth, boy; John Haeteway, FjuK isrd, twy; Herbert A. Bwiter, 43i4 Huroey, boy; C. L. Hhonip, 2uu2 North Eighteenth, girl. lxwths John Schuts, 807 South Thir teenth, &o; Hubert Hall, Fortieth and Pt-p-pleion, 66. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license hay been granted: Name and Address. Age. Gotfreld lanielson. Boyd county 2S Minnlo Nelson, Omaha 24 Huxry W. Finley, Omaha 84 Kose M. Anderson, Omaha . IS John M. Carney, Jr., Omaha 81 Utry Elisabeth Barry, Omaha il Julius FalrfWld Harmon, Omaha.. ....... 27 Nellie Louise Jllnsle, Omaha, a Earl U Blackledgn, Omaha 28 Mary Lillian Davis Paskel, Chicago 2U lanial Hoyt, Omaha. 8$ Aaus Sthneckenburg, Omaha a Frank Chernlawakl, Bouth Omaha. & Mury Btoucvlch, South Omaha M 82 karat wedding rings. Edholm, jeweler. ANNOUNCEMENTS SPRING TERM of the Omaha Commercial College (19th and Farnam), Beirlns Monday morning April 8.' COL'Ko.S Busln, Bhoithand, Type wrlilnK. Telegraphy. Civil berries, pen pi&nkhlp and Psn Art. New clasxes In all departments; splsndld time to begin. Send for free catalogue or Call nt college. JtOHKBul'uli BROS., 19th and Fsniam. () IOWA 6anltary Cleaning Co., 1918 Farnam. (D-IJ THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlo 4th and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas 17. 0 478 SVFRYTHINO FOR THE 6KWINU MA. CHINE Hay den Bros . oewing Machine Dept. "Phone Doug. SdDO. ll 1 Aio SIGN PAINTINO-V H. Coin, J8u8 Doujlaa. w ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OMAHA Dara and Iron Worke make n spe cialty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. O. Androen. Prop., 10 B. loth Bt. u in SEEDS THAT OPOW. NEED ANTT Pee that they com from THTC NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 HOWARD 0) M&WA S0 AUTOMOBILES RAMBLER 1908 model, for sale; nearly new; a bargain. Huteson optical co , zu 8. lflth Bt. (2 MT39 AUTOMOBILE to trade for hnraea: a White steamer touring car, in pra, nm ciam condition. Write me. W. B. Balduff, 1620 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (D-M9M A BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued CLEAN up-to-date stock of general mer chandise, locatea in nnsuing Mem-asa town, muat be cUspoeed of In a ahort tlm. Price tv.OOO. Will trade for land or income property. Globe Land A In vestment Co., rooms 1 and 2, Patterson Blk.. Omaha, Nab. ( afd0 EXCHANGES If you hare olty property, stocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com- flete lint, W have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our Hot la free. Bend for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (3) 47 FOR EXCHANGE Fine onyx and quarter- sawed oak; soda fountain, coat anout xa.ouu, as good as new; will exchange for Omaha property or Nobraeka land. Ad dree M t care Bee. 1) M9U FOR EXCHANGE I have J907 Franklin automobile and 106 Whit steamer, on of which I will trade for a good piece of Omaha property or Nebraska land; give full description of what you have and don't put a fancy price on It. Address M 27. care Bee. (3 011 FOR BALE OR 3CCHANQP-U-room house, close to State Normal, Klrksvllle, Mo.; rooms rent readily to students. Goo. C. Woods, Fairfield, la. (J) MTfiJ Ex WE HAVE a 26,000 bu. grain elevator In small Missouri town, will sell tor ff.zuu. Half caeh, balance mortgage. Globe Land A Investment Co., rtv-me 1 it;' 2- I'' toraon Blk., Omaha, Neb. w MBCBj WANTFTO TO EXCHANGE My light Pope-Tribune runabout for Holsman or Orient backboard. My machine not adapted to mud and heavy grades In this section. Dr. F. W. Johnson, Fullerton, Neb. ()-M384 AZlx FOR BALE OR T7l V ono nock of larm macninery aoing a gooa ousiness In a very fine farming community, -(very thing first class. Globe Land & Invest men. Cot roqnje 1 and t, fatter"" Blk., Omaha, Neb. (3) Med FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres near Orchard, Antelope county. Neb.: price 117.80 per acre. 370 acres six mile from O'Nell, Holt county. Neb., Improved; price $20 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farm for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for merchandise, or hardware. Globe I .and and Investment Co., .Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. v ay 477 IF YOU want to get In or out of business, no matter what your business Is, cr where It Is, we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to trade write us. KELLY INVEBTMENT CO.. . 220 Neville Block. (4) M896 A TRADES, ' TRADES If you have any thing that you don't want and will trade It for something else, write us; we uan match anvthlng. KELLY INVESTMENT CO: 220 Neville Block, Omaha. - (3) -M904 A6 WELL Improved farm of 160 acres located near Fessende. N. D. Price li.000. Will trade for Income property. Glob Land investment Co., room 1 .ratierson eiag., Omaha. (8) M634) TO EXCHANGE 420 acre In Illinois, 50 miles south of Chicago, for a large tract of unimproved Nebraska land; might put In some cash. Also have some good resi dence and business property In a thriving Illinois dty for trade. Also a good resi dence on Washington boulevard In Chi cago ror western tana. F. HAMILTON & CO.. MOMENCE, ILL. (S M449 A3X I OFFER two store buildings In exchange ror nrst class automobile. 1 mean Busi ness. Bend full particulars In first letter, Bert Butler, Owner, Northwood, la. (8) M821 X FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 125-barreI flour mill; large territory; yearly divi dends $6,000. Price, $40,000. This Is a money maker. Bert Butler, owner, North- wooa, jowa. (8) Mtui ox FOR EXCHANGE 240-A. Iowa Tarm; one of the best in the state; price, $100 per A.; mtg., $8,500; owner wants a good stock of mdse. 160 A., near Larlmore, N. D.; all In cul tivation; prlre, $60 per acre; mtg. $2,000, for mdse. I have good land In western Neb.', land at $10 per A; part trade. W. 8. Frank, 821 Neville Blk., Omaha, Neb. ($) M90J i SEVERAL good stocks merchandise to ex change for land; also city Income prop erty for land. Automobiles to exchange. National Investment Co. (8) M081 A1S WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who have farms, wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. 3 M A2kx LET'S SWAP! Restaurant, In good county seat, trade for 80 to 120-acre farm, city property or stock hardware. ' Half section central Nebraska land, 230 acres In cultivation, trade for general merchandise. Two good hotels (furniture and lease) for sale or trade. We have everything to trade for anything, and anything to trade for everything, any. where and many where. Grab the "live wire" and get a Bhock of prosperity. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO., 21-88 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nsb. 63 Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Neb. 711 Security Bank Bldg., Fioux City, la. 8 West Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. 808 Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. (S) M344 A3 WE8TERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property. 110 a. 17tli. (3) 604 A8 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE First-class blscksmlth and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $6 received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address Y 1-9, Bee. (4)-478 If you have a farm, horns, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (4)-6 A HALF INTEREST in hardware and Im plement business for sale; good business; will rbqulre $4,000 to handle same. Write Box SH. Nelson, Neb. (4) M323 FOR BALE Old established hardware busi ness In county seat town of 2,0u0, In east ern Nebraska. Btock Invoices $8,000, Is clean and up-to-date. Only one competi tor. Will sell or rent buildings. Wish to aell Immediately, on account of poor health. Address Y 72, care Omaha Bee. (4J-MJ23 Al FOR BALK Pump and windmill buslnesa, hand boring mtuhlne and good tools, 41 mil eUx k, handle Dempster windmills, good liK-ttibun. Reason for selling was disabled by ao. Idem. Address A. E. An drews, York, Neb. I4 Mit70 3x FOR B ALB Or trade, drug stock, south west Nebraska. Address Box i, Alexan dria, Neb. (4 M76o A&x WE BUY, sell or exchange everything. Nat Investment Co., 68 iKiuglus Hlo. k. I4j Mtt A6 FOR BALE Host coal and lee buslnea In the west doing 8J6.OOU business a year. Address Y 77, Bee. (4 M978 8x FOR BALE Business, atock and furniture n the only hotel In one of the beat towns In 8. W. Neb. Bnap. KHnn, other busi ness. Addrek but 1.3, Alma. Nth. (4- .4 Alx WANTED Employment evenings F :. Bee. !)-- 4a Want to Buy a Dog? SEVERAL ADVERTISED !N THE HEADING "COWS, BIRDS. DOGS BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DRUO stores for s4e everywhere. F. V. Knieat. 707 N. T. L.. Omaha. (4) 4W A CARD will bring our booklet free. All shout how to Incorporate your Dusiness. Cpen evenings. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO.. 4i8 New York Life Bldg. (4)-MB6S FOR SALE Blacksmith tools. In good lo cation for el. op; must te boici at once. Write to Niels HJelra. Bancroft. Neb. (4)-M637 A4x FOR SALE The best Implement and buggy business In northwestern Iowa. Andres Lock Box 64, Marcus, la. (4) M974 Sx $1,760 BUYS old established butcher shop. In southern iseDraaaa, county seal, v.u inhabitant, steam and gasoline power; bent reasons for selling. $8,200 buys HO acre Improved farm land, near two good railroad towns In Jefferson county, Nebraska; also fifteen desirable lots In Belt Lake City to traoe for land or drug stock. Big Four Land Co., Fair bury, Neb. (4) MS38 A4x FINE Abstract Business Entire plant or controlling Interest, located In a good Nebraska town; unlimited npportuntlee fer business; standing order for 100 art t tracts on additions at the present time; best of reasons for selling; price right; quick sale; might consider trade for part. Glob Land and Investment Co., No. 2 Patterson Block. 4) 481 FOR BALE Old established furniture and undertaking business In good county seat city In northeast Nebrnska; no opposition; splendid trade last year: stock Invoices about $7,000. Address Y 119, care Omaha Bee. (4J-M780 A14 FOR BALE OR RENT Only blacksmith shop In good town; good business. Ad dress L. T. Brooking, Funk, Neb. (4J-M651 FOR SALE Meat market In prospering eastern Nebraska town of 8.000; best lo cation In city; on mcin street. Address P. Karlson, Wahoo, Neb. (4) M754 6x WILL SELL n $3,000 soda. Ice cream and candy parlor for $1,200. Terms If desired. Will pay for Itself in six months. Bert Butler, Northwood, la. (4) M830 Sx FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine resi dence In up-to-date country town, eastern Nebraska, No. 1 location; would consider - good land In Iowa or Nebraska, no sand; not particular about Improvements. Ad dress Y-68. Bee (4) M87 TO BUT. sell or exchange anything call write or 'phone Peterson Bros., 623 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3157, Omaha. (4) M4B9A2 FIRST-CLABS livery business; lively town; one railroad; good business: reason for selling, other business. Address Y 69, Pee. (4)-M8S0 FIRST-CLASS barber shop, three chairs; only shop In town of 7); will bear In spection. Address Y-70. Bee. (4) M8S1 820 SHARES of the Mankers-Heavner Navi gation Co. stock, at much less than the mrkt price If sold at once. Address Box 248, Omaha, Neb. (4143 IF TAKEN nt once, will sell at 20 per cent discount my stock of dry goods and gro ceries; finest business In town; Invoice about $7,000; a bargain for cash; owner has other business. Address Y 75, care Omaha Bee. (4) 670 FOR SALE Leading newspaper and Job business In county seat town of 2,000; only one competitor In countyr rich farming country; circulation 1,600 weekly; annual receipts $6,000 or more. Write for particu lars. Address Y 78, car Bee. (4)-M381 A2z WE place classified advertisements In newspapers in the TTnlted State and Canada book at publishers' rate save you time and money book of lists free to you. Wyckoff Advertising Co., Roches ter, N. Y. (4) M772 8x GENERAL mdse. business located In Doug las, Wyo., where people have money and profits are large; good business; must sell quick; stock about $3,600; will Invoice; also cottage and store building on payments. Stock of groceries, meats and racket goods tn Council Bluffs; a good paying business; $2,200. Would take cottage In Council Bluffs as part pay. Restaurant, with soda fountain, In Red Oak, la., $600. A good one. $7,000 stock in a splendid retail store cor poration In Omaha, with position. This will bear the closest Investigation. Very profitable. PETERSON BROS., Bee Bldg. (4) M845 3 FOR SALE Only newspaper In town of 700 northeast Nebraska; good proposition; easy terms. Address Y 120, care Bee. (41 MS60 6x ROBERT C. DRT'EBEDOW ft CO., v STOCK BROKERS, 809 New York IJfe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) 482 WANTED Hustler with U.000, as partner In real estate business. Addrers O 28. Bee. (4) M933 2x FOR BALE Or trade, livery business In Bristow, Neb. Only business In town. Good trade. Will sell for cash on easy terms or will trade for small tract of clear land. Don't make any "blue sky" propositions. Write to P. C. Anderson, Bristow, Neb. (4) M447 FOR SALE Steam laundry plant at a sac rifice; splendid opportunity for good laun dryman. Muse sell. Address Y 121. care Bee. (4) MS65 7 WANTED At Holyoke, Colo., a man or a company to start and operate a brick yard; on firm now ready to give a con tract for loO.OOO brick. For further par ticulars write to LeBlanc & Bcheunemann, Hoyoke. Colo. v (41944 1 Remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw this ad In The Bee. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney. T. E. BRADY, Probata Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. (b 244 Ali Bar Iron nnd Steel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co., Omaha. Retail bar Iron and -steel at wholesale prices. Prompt delivery. Write for quotations. (5) 328 A24 Carpet leaning. CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. Mak. tug over and relaying carpets. Also rug weaving. 16th and Lea v. Tel. Douglas 65. (6) Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. t 1505 Farnam St. Doug. 6197. (61-4&4 Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. 620 Bouth 20th. Telephone Douglas iZ:. (6) M770 A30 Uressmnklng. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney ISiA. 141 N. 81st Blvd. (6 M438 A3 orlsta. . HESS V 8 WO BO DA, 1416 Farnam. (5) 48 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 12U. (5) t6 J. 11. BATH. 162S Harney. Tel. Doug. 8"00. (6 433 W. 8. HEATON. basement. 1301 Farnam Bt.; American Hero and Wise furnaces; also tin work; pleased to figure your wok (E)-92i A22 Nnraerle. SHADE tree, shrub and fruit trees. . F. R. Martin. 1Mb and Douglas, Tel. D. 733. (5 i24 A 14 BHRUHBEKY, fruit and shade trees, 21st and f aruaiu. Fbon IJ&7. (S)-MGj6 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued. Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. T. I Tel. Douglas 1604. (6 487 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6 M747 A 19 Printing. I YNfiTAn HlKh grade 1907 calendar. . ,A.m B. E. corner 16th BL and & JORVE Capitol Avs. (& 48 BWAN90N PRINTING CO., high grsde printing at lowest prices. 110 8. 17th Bt. Tel. Doug. 8969. (5) 242 A12 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas f,80. (6j-489 rinmblng. LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477 (63 M4R8 A27 Srnp Iron nnd Metal. WE pay highest prices for metals, scraS Iron and bones. Returns promptlv mnda. A. B. Alpirn, Omaha. (61-424 A24 CTflVPQ STORED Hughes. Stove Rep. D1UVLO Works. Tel. Doug. 715Y (6) M767 A30 STOVFS stored. A. J. Hayne, hard OXWVTiO WRr pnnts and oils 24th and Lake. Douglas 3616. (6) M952 A30 IncornoratloBS. MERCANTILE Incorp. Co., 624 Bee Bldg. 6fcM9J9. EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY, ENGLISH, ELOCUTION, DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOY LBS, Pres., Omaha, Neb. (61491 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. Ths Leading Palmist of Omnha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (16) 490 11MB8. Bean and Mayo. Spiritual mediums. Beancea Tuesday and Friday eVenlngs. Readings dally. 922 N. 16th St. Tel. Red 6086. (6) M579 A27x HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent nnd Salesladies. WANTED Experienced salesladies for cloak and suit department. 8. Fredrick" lierger : Co., ion turnain. () Z Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Law, edu cated and rapid; one who speaks German may be preferred. Write G 21, care of Omaha Bee. (7) M861 2x WANTED Lady cashier nnd stenographer. Ono who can make hercelt generally useful In office. Reference required. Address S 80, Bee. (7) M965 4 Factory aad Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam St. (7) M339 WANTED Machine girls. City Steam Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. (7) 420 WANTED Laundry help In all depart- inenta. Model steam Laundry Co. (7 M964 4x GIRLS WANTED. For factory work; good wages; steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., 11th Bt. viaduct. (7) M461 A27 WANTED Young lady to work In tailor shop. Apply at once. Room 830, Neville DIOCK. (7) M942 Zx Housekeeping and Domestlra. GTRL for general housework. 846 S. 18th 6t (7) M340 WANTJ5D-Glr1 for general housework good wages. 835 Iark Ave. Tel. Harney 2614. (7; M32 A2X GOOD girl for general housework. Inquire of Mra. I. BatUn, 631 South Z2d street. (7 M9t3 4z WANTED Good girl for general house' work; no washing. Mrs. R. W. Brecken- rldge, 1310 Bouth men Ave. i M36 A3 WANTED Young girl to help In house work. Z406 Poppleton Ave. (7 421 AZX GIRL for general housework; good wages. 1328 S. 30th Ave. (7 M6S3 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; three In family; $5.00 per week. Mrs. B. G. Burbank, 3826 California Bt. (7-7 1 WANTED A girl for housework; two In family. 1142 b. 31st bt. (.?) 683 lx HOUSEKEEPER, widower, three children small wages; good home to right psrty. R. C. Kycon, General Delivery, Omaha. . (7) MK78 2x WANTED A laundress for Monday and Tuesday of each week. Apply 600 Bo. 8Mh Bt. 'Phone Harney 776. (7 M987 Sx WANTED A cok. The Shrlner. K4 8. 2Cth St (7)-967 1 Mis MCDOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far, (7) M312 A14 WANTED More ladles and school girls to decorate sofa pillows at your homn dur lug your spare time; experience unneces sary; permanent worn ana gooo psy; can forenoon, zail s. 13tn Bt. (7 mnsi ex WANTED 26 experienced coat and skirt girls to work- In alteration room; good wages. S. Fredrick Berger at Co., Ihl7 Farnam St. (7) 960 2 WANTED Waist drapers and helpers. Miss Holland, 205 Paxton block.' (7) M906 $ HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big unfit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. K. McClellan, oo3 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 Oi I MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 119 Howard. ID M216 M31 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer thoee who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call ut Room 003, Bee Bldg. (9)-Mt0 A6x WANTED Salesmen to handle beat line In novelty advertising goods on the mar ket; 20 per cent commission; samples com Iact; sells to every merchant. Apply Ad vance Aluminum Co., Cleveland, O. ( MOTS Ix WANTED Hat and glove salesman, with established trade, for northern Nebraska. Address, with references, M. F. Wells, 248 Adam St., Chicago. ()- M972 I WANTED Man who has had experience on road es general salesman or crew man ager; permanent position, salary and ex penses paid. Address 8 81, Bee ofhv. (9) 847 H TRAVEL! NO SALESMEN WANTED Four men to represent ua In surrounding states. Must be business getters and sober. Position permanent, with good in come. References required. Address J 23, Bee office. (9) MStsi lx WANTED In every live town In Nebraska and Iowa, reliable men and women to handle rapid selling article, neat and easy to handle; sell on sight. Inexsprl enced agents maks from (6 to $12 per day. Apply st once for Information. Ad dress A 16, cars Bee. 1 BEE UNDER THE AND PETS x LLJ HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Boy WANTED Five boys; good wsges; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. (8) 498 WANTED A bright office bor and mailing ciem tor s large omana concern. Ad dress 8 13, Bee. (9) MiU 8x Clerical and Office. WANTED Clerk in railroad office; snlary $o0 per month. Address F. B. Southard, A. f. A. U. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9S-M450 AJx AMBITIOUS young man to learn drug bus iness, w. A. PI el, 18th and Farnam. (19) MU80 4 STEADY, sober young man for light book keeping, collecting-; one willing to make rumseir useful in plumbing shop; refer ences required W SI, Bee. 6tate salary. Address (9)MZ 4X WANTED Boys and men clerks In rail road othre. Address b . B. Bouthard, A. P. A U. P. R. R., Omaha Neb. (9)M-96B 8x WANTED Stenographer and office man. An opportunity for a young man to work up to a good position In charge of cor respondence and office force. Give age, experience and references. Address B 33, Bee office. (9) M868 WANTED A young man for filing clerk. Address In own handwriting, P 29, Bee. (9) M782 4x Factory and Trnde. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L, Omaha. (9 494 WANTED AT ONCE Dispenser for soda fountain; must be tip-to-date on mixed drinks, single and of good appearance and habits. Address W. S. Jackson, Idaho Falls, Idaho. (01-M6S5 A7x WANTED Experienced baker as heal man. Maxwells, Lincoln, Neb. (9) 896 4x WANTED First-class barber; will pay $20 per wek. Address W. A. Dodds. Gillette, Wyo. (9) M786 4x WANTED1 Sheet metal worker, young man who wants to nnlsn trade, with one year's experience or more, who can solder and double seam ty hand; good wages stendy work. York Novelty Mfg. Co., York, Neb. ( M978 3x WANTED Carriage trimmers; top build ers, on medium and good grade work; steady position and best pay; piece or day work. Write Immediately to water- loo carnage CO., Waterloo, la. I (9-M442 A3x EXPERIENCED men for swing cut-off saw, band rip and band saw. Ahernathy Furniture Co., Leavenworth, lvan. (9) M446 AS WANTED Machinist; good lath and floor hand; one ueed to repair work preferred: to a capable man a steady position and good pay. Write to Shenandoah Iron Works, Shenandoah. Ia. (9 M763 AlOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the Moler system Is short and practical; es tabllshed In twenty-two leading cities; tools given; wages Saturdays; positions waiting. Call or write fur catalogue. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam bt. . (9)-M644 Sx WANTED Iron molders. Grey Iron work. Highest wages; permanent position for good men. Bt. Louis csr wneei 10. (9 M822 13 WANTED 4 steady boys. $1 per day; steady men, $1.75; good chance for ad vancing. Omaha Box Co., iiiost Omaha. (9-68 $ Mlseellnneoa. A PARTNER In corporation wanted. Small capital. Open evenings. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO., m New York Life Bldg. (9)-MG64 WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. agea 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads: experience unneceasary, Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineera, earn $200.00; brakemen earn 176.00, Decome conductors, earn iiw.w Call or write at once for particulars Na tional Railway Training Assn. 620 X. Paxton Mock, Omana, Ntn. (9)-69S A6 2 MEN for canvassing; steady work1; pay weekly. C. b . Adam Co., ibis Howard. (9) M986 Jl ENERGETIC young man ovsr 25 years old. capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, H 290, care Bee. (!) A GOOD opening for a bustler. Open even- MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO., 426 New York Life Bldg. (9) M6C8 trlDOT T A Oa asnsan rka.ai4tte sx Anth 6t&dy worlc for right man. Wardrobe, . . (..1 1 ji n . n i, . o 2UiO rarnaiu. in. uuuh. k. uo a CLOTHING SALESMAN. SHOE SALF9MAN FURNISHING GOODS SALESMAN. REGISTER with us today for a BETTER position. We need you. You need us. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, INC., Suite 721-722 N. X. Lire Bldg. (9)-M90S 2 150 MEN wanted to work on La Prele Ditch. Teamsters, $2.25 and $2.50 per day; rock men, $2.50 per day; board, $4.50 per week. Apply to La Prele Ditch & Reservoir Co., Temple Bldg, Douglas, Wyo. (9)-M72J 1 WANTED Bmall lob of cementing done; basement floor. Call at 903 N. Y. Life Bldg., 10 to 12 or 4 to 6. (9) M326 A2 ENERGETIC young man, over 25 years 11 .... t.l Aanln k.l nV. n 1 n ... .1 till, iu)wu,c v-' vmiuiiB ,iBi. a.,.,;, wuuu with stamp and references. H 2J0. care xtee. vj obv WANTED Man In a large fire Insurance office. A man with some ambition. Want a man for otllce and outside work: good salary and bright prospects for a man with ability and pusn. Apply in own hand writing, giving at least two good local references. Address u is. care Hee WANTED A laborer, one that can drlv team, at 43d & r rancis bis. () ;iw ix JANITOR wanted, whlto preferred, for few hours janitor work dully; will furnish quartets free. Husband can take other steady employment. J-, care Bee. (9) M631 lx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. t HORSES, weight 1,200 lbs. each, wagon and harness, (126: one team, weight i.auv ids.; one team, weight I.ouu lbs.; 2 larm marea 2113 Grant. Tel Douglas 8410. (U-81 PIANO boxes and aewtng machine era tee tor sale. Cole at Gunnell Express and uvery Co. florsea boarded, in. r ur ns m. Tel. Doug. 670. 1718 Cass. TeL Doug. 4727. (Il-e78 As GOOD team heavy mares. 2811 Ne. 16th j HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and worn norses. oougnu aoia ana ocuiisu on commission, jdyersi 171 Jacason. j L Bed VML Ul 01 Al ONE good driver or express horse; cheap fur cash. 2&1 No. U'a Av. Ul Mow LARGE and small horaea for sals. Also wagon., ua Nicholas. UD M51 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Tehleleo Contlnned TWO HORSES, welfht LSOO pounds each. matched, eorrela. 612 Lnvonvo rorth. (11)M8 U HEAD Of hor. drtvera and business horses; two apan of marea, on span of young mules, clt broke. Jones' stables, 1U4 DoOss atroet. 01 128 PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drlvs single or double and ride. 4M and Center. (ID-Mi TEN head of horses and mules, 61st and Mnton St. (ll)-31 SEVEN head good drivers and light wagon horses. One good gentle pony. near 414 Nortn oixteenin pirm. (ID M923 HAY-89 per ton. Wagner, m N. 16th St. (11) MS29 A30x 1 SOME horses and mules for sale. 26.T1 tlU-674 6 Sherman Ave. DOUBLE-SEATED surrey; good single harness, almost new, for snle at 4i s. 13th. (M)-926 6x - 6 BDLS. Pepper whisky In bond for sals or trade ror stanuara-Drea con. njn a. 19th, Omaha. (ID M810 6x 1 team of mares. $196. 1 ten ni of marea with foal, $230. 1 team 4-year-olds, $135. 1 heavy work teams. 6 odd work horses. Rear 414 North Sixteenth Street. (1D-M924 FOR SALE Draft horse. Ed Knapp, 1402 Nicholas. (ID Mxao tx FOR 8A1.K Three-spring delivery wagon. u-root dux, j. ii. jonnson, szm rw. &itn 8t. (11) M8K2 2x Ponltry nntf Beg. SAVE EVERY CIIJCK The extra chirk saved br feeding B. A IL IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays the cost of feed. Mfg. only by Bunnell 4k Had- lock, 2Uh and Belt Lin, Omaha. (11) MUS A2S RHODE ISLAND. RED gu. Martin. 2803 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney imus. UD-M522 BARRKD PLYMOUTH ROCKS Eggs. 16, !.; bu. ii.du; loo, $4. Austin Faucett, Blair, Neb. (U)-Miv4 A9x START RIGHT In thoroughbred poultry; eggs prepaid, is, $l.a; loo, 84 &0; write for Langshun circular. Frank E. Townsend, Ashton, la. (U) M971 Sx OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is tree to nil who win write and ask lor It. telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poulL'yman; 80,000 printed. Address Harris poultry Co., venter, rweo. UU t jktay.ix BUFF COCHIN cockerels for sale, $1.50 eacn. r;ggs, 15 lor $1.00. Mrs. c. Keliett, Waterloo, Neb. (11) M436 Alx INCUBATORS at less than half price. Ad dress H 6. Bee. (11) 40 Zx HOMER pigeon earn 'em spare time'. Nehla CO. (11) M811 A30 RHODE ISLAND red egg settings. Ask &w Avenue r, council tsiuns. Tel. Asn 14Z3. (ID 936 JX FOR SALE Six Mandy Lee brooders,, three Cyphers, one Lee Incubator, one Hum phrey bone cutter, all Al condition. Standard Poultry Co., 2216 N. 25th St. (1D-MSS1 2x HATCHING eggs. 60c and up. from hand some thoroughbred fowls; Bantams and eggs. Brown Leghorns, large drooping combs: Plymouth Hocks, mixed Leghorns, Buff Leghorns. 918 S. 40th (Leavenworth car). (1D-M81S 6x WYANDOTTE EGG8-Partridge. silver, golden, white and buff; partridge and silver cockerels for sale; catalogue of mating and nrlce of eggs. V. G. Wnrner, Bloomfleld, la. (1D-M764 AGx SQUAB book free. Model Swab Co. Doug. 0664. (11) M812 A 30 SINGLE Comb White Leghorns are the heaviest layers. Eggs irom thorough breds, $1.60 per 16. Pullets for sale. Lund Strom, 1302 N. 26th. (1D-M901 6x EGGS for hstchlng' from prise winning White Plymouth hocks at and $:..oo per 16; a few choice cockerels for sale cheap. R. G. White, 8332 Parker. (16) M789 x PRIZE winning White Leghorn Eggs for hatching. $3 and $z per setting. vv. E. Richards, 601 W. O. W., Omaha. Tel. Doug. (374. UD M932 2x FOR SALE Incubator and eggs to sell from pure Brown Leghorn prise winning stock; Incubator capacity 75 eggs, price $10; eggs for hatching $1 for 1G. Address 4)1 8. 24th St., Council Bluffs, la. (ID 936 7x ROSE COMB BROWN LEGHORN EGGS, 80, $1; 100, $3. A. W. Kuth, Whiting, la. (11) M921 A30x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. MILCH cows, on easy terms. 48d snd Center. OD 2S4 CANARY birds,' singers, $3; females, $). 1414 Sherwood Ave. 1'hon Red 6w3. (1D-3U7 A2 FOR SALE Fin fresh family cow, with or without heifer calf. 3323 Manderson St. (11) Mo05 A4X FOR SALE Black and tan (toy size) ter rier puppies; inuruuKiiurrus. auuith Box 47. Denlsort, Ia. (11) M771 A 6x FOR SALE A very pretty Scotch Collie dog, months old, male; also a rox Ter rier dog, male, 6 months old. 2022 Charles. (ID 929 6x LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair nose glasses, between 17th and xth on in mam; reward lor return to The Bee office. (12)-677 lx LOST Gold piece that fit on nose glasses and also half the nose glasses. Reward forreturn to Bee office. 12) M9S1 4x LOST OR STOLEN Dark bay horse. I years old, 16 hands high; shows harness mark and lias short tall. A. W. Amspach, Sn. Omaha. Tel. 151. (12) M7 2 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College, 14th and Dav enport 8ts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Culls answered day or night. (134129 PRIVATE home during confinement! ba bies adopted. The Good B&maritan Sani tarium, tat i'irst Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 774. (18)-222 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerv Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-920 DR PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, 814 N. 16th; residence, tU Charles, Omaha. (13-6U ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at S&24 N. 24th Bt., Omaha. Neb. OS) M100 MONEY TO LOAN 7" ALARY AKU CHATTEL. nnwfin. 703 N. Y. T.ife Rldff.. advances private money on chattel or sal ary: easy to net: no red tape. You-get ary; easy to ; no rea tape. iuu-s money same day asked lor at srnau cut. Open evenings till 7. (14) 022 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE n4 others, without security: easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal clttsa. Tol- man. room 714 New York UM ouiidin ding. i-i22 (14. MONEY TO LOAN. APRIL the month we move. With spring here we find ourselves mov ing from one end of town to the other. If you see you are running short In squar ing up your bills before leaving your old neighborhood we can HELP YOU get right with all of them pay your rent, moving man and the little Incidentals that always come In moving. We give you LOW REA SONABLE TERMS A null k deal and CON FIDENTIAL and PRIVATE. Remember, we are 16 years established now The "IXIA M f. A IKJ L AKTKKo. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 1)9 Board of Trad Bldg. (14) M992 CHATTEL, ealary and atorig tncetpt loans. Foley Loan Co., Uw4 Farnam Bt. tlt-4 MONEY TO LOAN alary nnd Chattels Contlnned. nn PRinnENOWs MONEY loaned on furniture, ealary, rhmoa, horses. perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment supeni1d when sick or out ok WW. xv Mru. -idi K ttoum join FOR A PyUAR": DEAL GO TO TUB rilOENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or salary loans. 683 Paxton block. Phon Douglas 746. Q41-922 FURNITURE, II v stock, salary loans Duft Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block. ,14) V-y EAOI E LOAN OFFICE Reliable, modatlng; all business confident! Douglas. ' WOULD MONEY HELP Room 20, Frenier Blk., 16th and Dodse St. tilt-ess ai FURNITURE. PIANO tk SALARY LOANS. Positively lowest rates esalest payment. STANTON LOAN COMPANY, 601 Be bldg. Phon Doug. 61,68. (14) Mlt Cash in Any Amount $10 to $.m0 IX) AN ED ON FTRNITURFl riANOS. ETC.. OH N YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates, with pnvments to suit your convenience; very thing strictly confidential. lieliable Credit Co. Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. I14)-MM OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding: nnd Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: caf. (16-W1 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, nice rooms with good board, also table board. (16)-M167 Allx DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam, (16) 988 FAMILY rooming and bosrdlng hous. 7 Id Bo. 29th St. 'Phone 439 Harney. (1B)-M2C9 Alt PLEASANT front room, with bonrd, suit able for two. 123 S. 25th Ave. Telephone Douglas 8982. OS) 9 At HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first class bonrd In rrlvste house to refined couple only. 324 N. 19th St. U5-M91 Famished Rooms. NICE, clean, weli-furnlsned, well-heated outside room; house strictly modern. 29 Harney. 16-31 FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglas. Tel. Douglas 6377. (lu)-M438 A6X NEWLY furnished room for rent. 1702 N, N. 24th Bt. Phone Webster 296. 03)-M467 VERY desirable rooms, walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. . (16) M030 8x AT Hoiiscom Park, two nent south front rooms with o without breakfatt. For particulars phone Harney 1171. (15) 678 6 I MODERN rooms, furnished. 216 N. 22d. (16) M8o4 ix ELEGANTLY furnished large alcove room. large closet; al"o 2 single rooms; modern; "phone. 646 S. 24th Ave. (16) MK75 A HOUSEKEEPING and rooms, 1712 Juckson. small sleeping (151-MS74 A7x NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2419 Dodge. Call week day after 7:30 or "phone Red-72f2. (ia M914 2x IF YOTJ are looking for a nice, clean room call at 2416 Cass SL Tel. Douglas 6276. (lu) M774 Ap6 TWO large front rooms; house strictly modern; walking distance r-none nar ney 228. (15)-M7S7 x ROOM 2412 Cass St. (16) 868 Unfurnished Rooms. CENTRAL, modern, 3 desirable rooms, bath and hall, to good tenant. 120 N. 13d. (16) M468 FIVE rooms. 2212 North 19th St (15)-74 FURNI8HED rooms and board, 718 8 . 29th. 'Phone Harney 439. (16) M949 7 Apartment nnd Flats. FOR RENT Three flats of three nnd four rooms each. 29th Ave. and Douglas 6c Globe Land and Investment Co., rooms 1 and 2. Patterson Blk. (16) M129 FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; owner' residence; private front and back porches; private bath; choice location; to family of two; price $26. Address IC K 864. Omaha Bee. (15)-M844 THREE and 4-room apartment, modern, stilt a 22d Bt. (15-M635 A4X "T fl .1-lr Rat AntaK Our new plan enablea you to obtain money 4. t at rstes which honest people can afror r l to pay. We wll' make you a loan on yousf' salary, furnlturv or piano, and you csd' I psy ua hack late." In amounts to suit your I convenience. Fvenrthln confidential. t EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DODO. I960. 1 A rCH mwiei n " ' " ' 1 " ..., ......... w . , In oak, $60. 2664 Harney St. (15)-M984 7x Honsekeeplng Room. TWO pleasant front rooms furnished, with or without board; light housekeeping. 2001 Burt Bt. . (IS) M840 2x Fnrnlshed Houses nnd Flnta. TO RESPONSIBLE party, elogantlV, newly furnished 7-room bouse. West c.n.r atktrlet. VI li V 1 to tnh.P 1 Telephone Harney 1668. (16) MH14 A6x Honsea nnd Curtnajes. WE MOVE PIANO Maggard Van and Storage Co. lei. Doug. 1414. Office, 1711 Webster Bt. li 034 FOR RENT Modem -room brick houssj 116 8. 81st Bt.; $40 per month. Thonia Brennan, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. tlai-38 6-room partly modern, close In. $26. . j ii , i . . . . D-room mouero, oil cewma di. ,jv.w. 7-room, modern, Bpencer Bt. $30. -room, modern, 4oo6 Nicholas Bt., has barn, fruit, chicken house and park, lawn, two blocks from cur line. $30. TURRELL CO., 17th and Farnam. (15) M990 I WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller MueUler Piano Co., 1311-1311 Farnam. t (16 S41 rTTTQTpo in all parts of ths city. Th LlUUolliO o. V. Davis Co.. Bee Bldg. (U w OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. pack, movt store. H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-164 N. lsth. CWce, lull Farnam. Tel. Doug, loin (16) tua FOR RENT. Two eight room dwellings 2114 and Sill Woolwortli avenue, opposite Hanscom park. Modern and tn good repair. W. L. BELBY 440 Board of Trade Bldg. Phon Doug. 1610, (16 MSiM BEE us when shipping household goods ta large cities west; we can save you money. EX PR 88 MEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16' b BL Tel. Doug. lit. (16) 4s TTnTTSFS n aU part of th city. C Peter Co. Be Bldg. U3) w; FOR RENT 815 Worthlngton Place. 10 room $ -story house; modern In every par ticular; hot water heat; very desirable location; $i0 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. 1518 Dodge Bt. (16 MioJ FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace: 31 N. 2Mb Ave.; nswly painted , snd papered; very convenient; rent rea- I ' solvable. Apply st 607 N. 12th. or room Ki'A - ' N. Y. Life Bldg. (1()-M744 TO LET 3U03 California St., 10 rr.oros. hot water heat, two toilet rooms cistern Hi lar, barn, $7S per mo. Apply to E. 11. Banner, 817 First National Bunk Bldg. (15) liSJ - FOR RENT. -room modern house, new furnace, north part of city. $26. 4 rooms In apartment house, city water, gas. 1628 N. 1Mb tit . 110. C. M BACHM ANN, 436 Paxton Block. (11) 672 IN BEMI8 PARK, new 8 room house, strictly modern, $36. TeL Harnev &'S. U6r-M!u0 2S r V v4