Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 13

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Vj(torLni Ditpptrnee f FooTTt.r
Oli f??ra Minn Tewa,
tm Meay !! Cmttiftrt t
Charles Ross Cass ( Thirty
, , Three Tsars A-TkHM
H gpernlatleaa.
In an Interval of seven minutes, perhaps
Jess rhlldren are not always accurate re
garding time when ptoying 4 year-old Ho
race Marvin. Jr.. a pretty boy with aolden
tialr, dlsapeared as If he had risen to the
clouds and stayed there. For four weeks
the hunt for the child has been followed
Into evcy hamlet In ths United Btates and
Canada. And It has been prosecuted vlgor
lN ounly.
tattle Horace Marvin was playing on tha
haystack a few rods from ths house on his
father's estate. Bay Meadow farm, nine
tnllns from Dover, Del., and five miles
from Kltt's Hammock, on the Delaware
bay. The stack was alongside the bam, a
dilapidated sort of an affair. Ths rear of
the stack was not visible from the win
dows of the house. Men were near at hAnd
all the time.
Girl Absent Seven Mlnntes.
Hose Stand Inn, the 9-year-old cousin of
Horace Marvin, was playing- with him on
the haystack. Rose left Horace to call his
brother, John, who was In tha house with
. the rest of the family. Beven minutes
lapsed between the time that Rose left
Horace and the time she gave the alarm
that she could not find him on returning
to the haystack from the house. Rose first
(rave the alarm to Howard Marvin, the
crown half brother of the missing boy.
While Rose and Horace were playing
Charles Woodall and his man Butler were
loading things belonging to the vaoatlng
- '''farmer on a wagon at the barn.
Rose met Woodall and Butler driving off
when she was returning from the house
and found Horace gone. Howard Marvin
, , overtook WondaU'a wagon to see If the
Tlaslng boy had taken a ride with the va-
'eating farmer. Woodall did not drive to
' Ms temporary home at Kltt's Hammock,
but to the nearest farm of Harry Vlrdln,
Where he stored his goods temporarily.
Father's Vnta Search.
, When Rose first told Howard that Horace
could not be found, Orandmother Swift
quickly answered, "Oh, he's out there hid
ing somewhere." Grandmothers always
think that children and cats will come
jack especially at mealtime. But this did
not satisfy the father of the missing boy,
nor Howard, either. Horace was the baby.
Horace was the apple of the father's eye.
Bo the doctor started out to learn what he
could about the child. At first he called
loudly, "Horace. Come, boy; come out."
He thought the child was hiding -for fun
from his brother and cousin, but that at
the sound of the father's voice he would
come forth laughingly, to show how smart
he had been In fooling his playmates.
But there was no answer. The father
called louder. He moved along over the
farm at a good pace, calling as he went.
He circled a good part of the farm near
the house where It was open. ' He went
' flown to the marsh and looked and called
' there. Howard went toward the road lead-
The Sick Suit
. A Monologue.
DEAR me, but I'm a Blck Suit!
My Cejlar Is "Relaxed" My Impels
have the "Bulge" My Shoulders the
"Droops" and I'm a regular 8 how I
'I'm in the Condition solely because I
wasn't Cut from the Cloth or put together
as I should have been
And Instead of going to the Operating
Table and being entirely remade I'm beintf
"doped" by that old fakir. Dr. Ooose he
hot Flat Iron instead.
I know well what that Old Rasoal will
do he'll press' me here shrink me there
and stretch me Some place else and, I'll
merely look like a. Well Suit for a week or
To get Sick again the very first Moist
or Hot day that Comes along.
' For I tell you Dr. Goose's "Dope" soon
fades away.
Oh. If I had only been properly out and
made up.
If I had only been made a "Wei Suit."
Some Suits are you know Borne Suits
bare no detects In workmanship whatever.
Name themT
Sincerity Suits!
let me tell you a trade secret.
Sincerity Bults have better Care In their
. tailoring than even some of tha Highest
Grade Custom Tailoring
Take the Cutters and designers o "Sin
erlty" Suits they're the most expert In
the Country.
They Cut "Sincerity" Suits properly
hardly any other Suits are Cut anything
like as well
And then the tailors who put "Sincerity"
Bults together they're Needlework Spec
ialists who understand how easily a Suit
can be. made or marred .in the making.
These expert needle workers sew "shape"
into each "Sincerity" Suit-
Then.r after - all this Care, "Sincerity
Bults are ritldly and Carefully Inspected
and If a slight alteration Is requlredN-ome-times
It Is the suit la taken apart at the
defect and remade by expert needlework-
rs In the Bushellng department-
Each "Sincerity" Suit Is therefore a "Well
Suit" with a permanent Shape and Style.
i o nvu iur uiu aji. house s dope
that old tailoring Quack hasn't a look-In
And. although they ocet more to make.
yet they do not Cost the Wearer a Single
Cent more than the "Sickest ' Suit made.
All better-claaa, ready to use Clothe
dealers Carry "Sincerity" Suits go in some
time and look them over even If you don't
buy the label below in a Coat guarantees
Btyle, Service and Satisfaction:
Ing to Dover. He thought the child might
havs gone there, having noticed wagons
passing. Then it was thought that per
haps the little fellow had wandered off and
that he was at some neighbor's house.
There was little dinner eaten at the Marvtn
horr.e, &r,d the ilnf mm "vr!" t had ts
come of Horace."
The father had suspicions, but he did
Hot announce them at that minute. When
what he considered to be the proper mo
ment came soon afterward. Word was
sent to all the neighboring houses that the
littlest boy of the newcomer, the doctor,
had suddenly disappeared. "Had anyone
seen hint?" was the query all around. But
there wss no trace, not the slightest ray
of hope for the father, who stood ready to
head the party that was soon organised to
give the country a clean-up. About fifty
men Joined in a search that began early In
the afternoon and was not concluded either
when night fell. The country roundabout
was open and the work was easy there.
The little, streams and creeks were given a
thorough searching. Most of them were
frosen over, and it seemed almost Impos
sible for a grown person, much less a
child, to have broken the Ice and fallen In.
Even the holes In the marsh In front of the
house. It was claimed, could not have been
broken into by a child. The searchers felt
that they had done a careful Job, and It
was long after country supper hours when
they had finished. The strangest thing In
all this search, made quickly after the dis
appearance. Is that not the Slightest clew
was obtained.
Sara Br Was Kidnaped.
"My child has been kidnaped." declared
Dr. Marvin. "The child has been stolen,
undoubtedly." There was no reason ad
vanced by the father for this theory, and
he hss adhered to It light along, when
some one declared that the child's body
would be found In a sink hole.
In discussing the fact that the people at
large do not seem to recognise his boy was
a mere child. Dr. Marvin said: "I want
personally to Investigate every clue myself.
It may be the business of a detective to
ferret out crime, but he could not work
as I have worked. Horace was my baby,
and my love for him will not let me over
work or disregard a single clue. I visited
persons In Philadelphia who had written
me that they had seen my boy. In nearly
every case the boy they saw was I or 7
years old.- Although the news of his loss
has been spread throughout the country,
people do not seem to realise that Horace
la a mere baby. They believe him to be
older than he Is."
Thus was the world made acquainted
with one of the most famous cases of child
disappearance that has occurred for over
forty years. There Is a strong hint of
family disagreement or a hidden some
thing that threatens to bob up some time
or other and confront the doctor.
Motive lTeressnry to Crime.
What is the motive for the disappearance
of little Horace MarvlnT In all great
crimes, if this should be one, there must
be a reason. Was Dr. Marvin's money at
stake? Time will tell. When Dr. Horace
Marvin went from Sioux City, with a good
reputation and kind words from his neigh'
bora, he took with him about 126,000. Of
this sum he Is represented as paying out a
good portion of 7,8W for the til-fated
Woodall farm. Ha had visited Dover on
previous occasions while looking for an
eligible location. He came to be regarded
In his new locality as a man of wealth,
When a man gats $20,000 In thst section of
the country most folk think he should re.
tire.. As the doctor was all along the bay
shore In his searches, he no doubt was a
marked man In some localities.
This might furnish the theory for a kid
napping The Plnkerton detectives went
over the same ground that the Industrious
farmers did, failed to find a trace of -the
child, 'and Instantly they abandoned, the
theory of death being caused by' accident.
For a week all those on the case decided
that the child was stolen. The only. at
tributed motive lay in the facts as recited.
In the Charley Ross oase the matter was a
mystery as to motive until July 6, 1874,
when a personal appeared In the Phlla
delphla Ledger asking the father. Chris
tian K. Ross, "if he would treat for the
return of his child." If he was agreeable
he was told to reply In the Evening Star.
He did so. Eventually the kidnapers de
manded 30,000 for the return of the child.
In the Marvin case the situation has
been entirely different. No real demand for
ransom has been made. No person wanted
any sum of money excepting the usual ool-
lection of cranks who drift Into a case of
this kind.
A kidnapping theory was most largely
dealt In during the two weeks past In and
around Dovor. While at first glance It
might have seemed difficult to steal from
the woods to the haystsck, because men
were busy there and were not watching
tne cniia, the scheme Is said to be easy.
In the seven minutes Rosy was absent In
the house getting John, Horace could have
wandered Into the woods, been easily cap
tured by a person In hiding and then car
rled either to the bay shore, three-fourths
of a mile away, or some creek, where a
small boat could readily put out to a sloop
In the bay. The Woodall fishing house
and the fishing house on the beach on Bay
Meadow farm had both been used recently.
Besides, two strange men had been seen
In the vicinity.
Delaware Says "Death for All."
Every effort will be made by the state
of Delaware to recover children stolen by
kidnapers either now or at a future time.
But In no case, while he Is in power, will
Governor Lea consent to Immunity for the
abductors themselves, or any one In col
lusion with them in ' any form whatever.
Governor Lea says that ths first consid
eration should be to get the child back,
but he maintains the uncompromising at
titude that nothing must be spared to up
hold the sanctity and safety of childhood
within the borders of Delaware. Henry R.
Johnson, an authority on Delaware law,
aays an atttorney negotiating for a kid
naper Is an aoceesary after the fact, and
under the Delaware law he must suffer
the same punishment as the kidnaper.
Section t of the law says: "Every per
son who shall upon conviction be found
to be an accessory before or after the fact
of the rime set forth in sectloa 1 of this
set shall be subject to the same penalty
prescribed in said section 1." Act passed
In 1901, after Cudahy kidnaping, penalty
death or life imprisonment.
A Glaaee Backward.
On July. L 1874. Charley Ross, 4-year-old
child of Christian K. Ross, of German
town, was kidnaped by Moaher and
Douglass, two New York thieves. The
men demanded 130,000 ransom for the child,
but they failed to produce him. December
14, 1874, Mesher and Douglas were shot
and killed while robbing the home of
Judge Van Brunt, at Bay Ridge, oa the
Narrows, Just below New York City. la
September, 1876. Theodore Weatervolt.
brother-in-law of Mosbsr, was tried In the
courts of Philadelphia, charged with being
accessory after the fact In that he knew
where the child was during the time the
authorities were hunting for It. He was
sentenced to seven years In the eastern
penitentiary. He kept his mouth closed
to the end.
Charley Ross was kidnaped thirty-three
years ago. Philadelphia Ledger.
Frestdeat Receives Ball Players.
WASHINGTON. March I0.-The president
gave a reception today to the members of
the 'Tale base ball club. They were In
troduced by Gilford PlnchoD, chelf fores,
ter. After greeting each one of his callers
cordially, they asaembley in the cabinet
room where the pretldeat made a breif
Tk7 An round ts B Fiokls, Faithful,
Jssjsoi, Deceiving.
Re lr They iaew the Same Qualities
Hnmnn Belaa-s D, with relrga
mists, Fwlyandrlsta D
Twted Cnanlee Assess; Tfceaa.
"In the study of fishes," remarked a
naturalist, "their courting habits have
been somewhat neglected, but what has
been observed Is of much Interest.
"In many species of fishes the male alone
Is ornamented with bright colors or pe
culiar appendages, or else these are muoh
brighter In the male than In the female.
"Wooing the fickle female of the fish
world Is attended sometimes with serious
danger to the wooer. As the male Is nearly
always smaller thsn the female he has. In
the case of the carnivorous species, to take
enre that he does not maks himself so at
tractive to the female that she cannot
resist the temptation to absorb him Into
herself. The female pike is noted for
this propensity when the whim seizes her.
"One of the most typical and best known
examples of fish courtship is to be seen
in connection with the male stickleback,
who Is also noted for the ability he dis
plays In making a home for the eggs and
young. As the breeding season approaches
Mr. Stickleback becomes exceedingly bril
liant 'JIls eyes become a splendid green, with
peculiar metallic lustre, the throat and
belly a bright crimson, the back an ashy
green, while the whole body appears as
though It were somewhat translucent and
glowed with an Internal Incandescence.
"The female, on the contrary, has a
brown and white belly, while her eyes are
of a pale brown. After Tie has constructed
the nest, or nursery, for the eggs and
young, he goes a-wooing. At this time the
females come out of their hiding places
In the aquatic plants, and then the gay
young bachelor goes nearly mad with de
light. "He singles out one for his attentions.
' Woe betide the luckless rival who at
tempts to Interfere at this stage, as a
fight sometimes to the death Is surely on.
Should one be conquered his gallant bear
ing forsakes him, his gay colors fade away
and he attempts to hide his disgrace among
his more peaceable companions.
"Finally the coy female is persuaded and
then the newly mated oouple repair to the
nest, into which the female at once betakes
herself and therein deposits her eggs,
emerging when the operation is completed
by a hole opposite to the one by which she
entered. During the time shs is In the
nont, about six minutes, the male swims
round and round, butts and rubs his nose
against It and altogether appears to be in
a state of defiant excitement. But alack
and alas, how soon are the vows he made
to his lady love forgottenl
"No sooner has she taken her departure
than he at once seeks and woos another,
Introduces her Into the nest as he did the
first, and so on, wife after wife, until the
nest Is filled with eggs, layer upon layer.
From this time on it Is not safe for either
male or female stickleback to approach the
nest, for while vain little Mr. Stickleback
may be flcklo In love he Is a most vigilant
and heroic parent and will lay down even
his own life to preserve his little ones from
"At this stage his brilliant colors change
very much, the throat and belly becoming
of a paler red, the back more green, while
the glowing tints of the body, whloh were
so noticeable while he was courting, subside
very materially.'
"An ardent wooer of the fish world is the
little paradise fish, which was Introduced
Into this country from China some years
ago. Both sexes are gifted with extraor
dinary Ons.
"In the male the general coloring is much
more marked than in the female. During
tire breeding season the males contend for
the possession of the females and in the act
of courtship expand their Ons, which are
beautifully spotted and colored. In the same
manner as the peacock, the fish often bend
ing Itself almost into a olrcle.
"After the eggs are laid the female Is
driven away from them and-the male takes
care of the eggs and the young when
hatched. i
"In European waters Is found the drago
not (Callionymoua lyra), the male of which
is frequently called the gemeoua dragonet,
from its wondrously gemlike colors, its
body being yellow of various shades, striped
and spotted with vivid blue on the head,
and dorsal Ons being pale brown, with dark,
longitudinal bands, while the ventral, anal
and tall fins are bluish black. The female
or sordid dragonet is of a dingy reddish
brown, with dorsal On brown and the others
white, and for many years was considered
an entirely distinct species, owing to the
vast difference In color between the two
"In East Indian seas Is found the male
spangled dragonet, one of the most bril
liantly colored fishes to be found In the
world. According to one observer Its head
and body are an Indescribably mingled
harmony of many shades of brown and
blue and green, set oft with light blue
spots and pearl colored stripes; the anterior
dorsal On, which can be erected like a high
sail. Is golden yellow, studded with many
white edged blue ocelli; the tall fin is a
blend of brown and yellow, set with tur
quoise spots; the belly On is like dsrk blue
velvet sown with rows of turquoise; the
pelvic fins are like golden green satin
fringed with dark blue and spangled with
small turquoise spots, and the pectoral
fins are of a delicate lavended gray, with
serried dark brown spots.
'It has been well established by observa
tion that the males of these species do ac
tually display their charms of coloring to
attract the females and the the female can.
If she likes, make a deliberate choice fram
among her rival suitors.
Among the lower animals, when the
sexes differ In color. It Is almost always
ths male that is the more splendid. But
In Calllonymous carebares, another of the
drsgonets of Esst Indian waters, the fe
male Is more brightly colored, probably
the only known Instance of the kind among
fishes. Ths only reasonable explanation of
this great difference ts that the role of the
sexes Is reversed In courtship and that It
is the female who makes the first ad
vances, y
"Ths smooth blenny Is a polygamlst.
As the breeding season approaches' ths male
undergoes a wonderful color transforma
tion. All the gay mottllngs of yellow and
brown that usually characterise the species
give way to a uniform tint of deep, sooty
black, the large prominent lips alona re
maining nearly white, his appearance when
thus attired being particularly ferocious
and forbidding.
"When his rough nest Is rsady he goes
a-woolng and by his persuasive manner In
duces ons female after another to deposit
her eggs In his nest. Hs Is most attentive
lover to the favored one of the moment,
frequently bringing a choloe tidbit to her
while she Is on the nest After the eggs
have been deposited he becomes a most
stern guardian of them and defends thstn
with his life If necessary.
"The male of Labrua mlxtus, which
differs In color from the female of the
sm species, makes a deep hollow In the
sul of the ocean bouuta and then, en
V V W Smt Si. SJ
si :
New Gentlemen's
w :
Exactly as shown In the above Illustra
tion. Made of solid oak, qu.rter-sawed
and highly polished, has large wardrobe
sections and numerous drawers, an
Liritwcn, an nr
ticle that will be appre
ciated by well dressed
men. Specially
priced at
Terms: $2.50 Cash, $2.00 Monthly.
Art Reversible Rug
9x1 slse, large assortment, choice de-.
signs, Just the thing for t Cs Q
IMnlng and Bed Rooms, J 'JA
special price
The Peoples Store
Tiger Brussels Ru
These large rugs are 9x11 feet, and are
noted for their richness of colors, and
the beauty of their patterns. They were
selected eppeclally for our special sale,
and will he sold at f l PA
the extremely low 4' .ill
price of v
Terms: f 1.50 Cash, 92.00 Monthly.
The Peoples Store
Special Duffet
(Exactly like cut) Made of genuine
quarter-sawed oak, hand rubbed and pol
ished to a piano finish; has i top draw
ers, 1 drawer is plush lined for
J xur silver-
wore, lower compartments
have glass fronts and
ornamental woodwork,
" special sale price
, Terms: $2.00 Cash, $2.00 Monthly.
Did you get one of
those . funny Teddy
Bears for your baby?
If not, why not? Re
member, we give one
with every Oo-Cart
of $6.00 and over. We
are ahowlng the big
gest line in the
upwards from
O S G80S 8 0
deavors in his most Insinuating manner
to induce a female of the same species to
hn it with him. swimming backward
and forward between, her and the com
pleted nest and plainly exhibiting the
rr.HMit luurerneaa for her to follow, which
she finally does after the period of coyness
has passed. '
rh. m.u nf the btueeve (Pseudomugll
slgulfer) of Australia is far more handsome
than the female. Its body Is usually of a
silvery tint on the sides, the back being
somewhat greenish, but In the breeding sea
son It assumes a most brilliant coppery
gold color. Whenever a female blueej-e
is near Hie males become greatly excitod
and chase each other Incessantly, mean
while exhibiting to a greater or less extent
the beautiful coppery goal tint already
"The colors of the male common pike be
come exceedingly Intense, brilliant and iri
descent In the breeding season. Ths eel
also puts on an Intense silvery color In the
breeding season, Whloh is very noticeable,
and at one time caused naturalists to dis
tinguish It as a distinct species.
"The males of the tench, roach and perch
show a marked increase In brilliancy in the
w ...Mn At this tlm the male
I Ul OWiU ... mw "
h Atlantic salmon ts marked on the cheeks
with orange colored stripes and the body
partakes of a golden orange tinge, while
the females are dark In color and are fre
quently called blackfiBh.'
1 A AmlwhAt similar but greater change
occurs at this time in the males of the bull
trout and the char. Many of the male
gobies are more brilliantly colored) than
the females during their very much pro
longed breeding eason.' The male Rhom
hnMirhthvs asureua. in Indian seas, has its
forehead adorned on one side with aiure
blue spots, which gleam like Jewels In the
breeding season.
"Many of tha male carp put on a more
brilliant dress than usual during the breed
ing season. Ia spring and early summer
the fins, ths sides and other parts of the
body are often charged with bright pig
ment the prevailing color of which is rosy,
although in some cases it Is satin white,
orange yellowish or Jet black. In very
many species, especially in this country,
ths top of the head, the fine and often the
whole body are covered with small tuber
cles, outgrowths from the epidermis- These
gradually disappear after the breeding
"Wth some of the blennles a crest ts de
veloped In the head of the male only In
the breeding season, and ths body at the
same time beoomes more brightly oolored.
As the fsraale does not exhibit a trace of
Jt, It serves probably aa a temporary sex
w w S W W
Our Home Ontfit have been the means of bringing this about. The working mnn mnst needs renllr.o
the fact that eTerjr dollar must do lis full duty, and at no other store can he so successfully accomplish this as
at the Peoples Store. Our credit system Is of the helpful kind. It never Imposes vexing or annoying con
dltlons; it Individualize, that Is, It takes care of your particular case, helps you during times of trouble and
sickness. We want your name on our books. We want YOU to get one of our special 1IOMK OVTFITH.
A 63-pIece Gold Coin Initial Dinner Set, with your
Initial in gold, given away with every cash or credit
purchase of $100.00, or sold to you out right for
$6.76, on the extremely easy terms of f 1.00" cash and
$1.00 per month.
If you buy $100.00 worth during 1907 we will give
you a set free and credit your account with all
amounts that you have paid.
3 Room
itJ Cnmnletfl
Terms: $7.00 Cash.
3 '
The Peoples Store Special
Kitchen Cabinet
(Exactly like cut) Base has two large bins, each holding
60 pounds of flour or other meals, two good slsed drawers
for kitchen cutlery, a large bread board and a meat board.
The top has two large glass door compartments, one on
Such side of a row of four spice drawers. The cabinet Is
61 Inches high and 47 Inches wide. It occupies the space
of a kitchen table and has the room
of a cupboard. The Peoples
Ptore special price
Terms: $1.00 Cash and
Furniture Specials
Dressers, solid oak, 3 larqra
roomy drawers B CA
$12.60 values, special w.JU
Extension Tablt. golden
oak finish, $8.t C Cfk
values, special
Library Tables, solid oak or
mahogany finish, i 1 2.75
values, fi Cft
special O.JV
Rockers, golden oak finish,
wood or cobbler seats
$4.00 lvalues, jlCk
silver -
The Peoples Furniture and
ual ornament with which the male fasci
nates the female.
"Polyandry Is comparatively rare In the
animal world, but the carp, tench, bream,
minnow and capelln appear to follow the
practice regularly. 1
"The paired species of rays exhibit the
most affectionate attachment for each other
and are said to remain mated for life, and
several Instances have been reported where
when one of the couple has been captured
its mate remained in the vicinity apparently
seeking It and at the end of a couple of
days was found floating dead upon ths sur
face, having apparently died of a broken
heart They have a great affection for
their young.
"Some species call to' their mates In the
breeding season and the male alone Is able
to do this. Two species of Ophldlum are
girted with sound producing apparatus to
be so utlllxed. The Umbrlnas of European
seas make a drumming noise during the
breeding season which can be heard from a
depth of twenty fathoms, while on our own
coast the drumming noise made by the sea
drum in the breeding season is very notice
able, especially at night.
"As In, most cases the males preponder
ate, fights among the males for possession
of the females sre common. The Pacific
male salmon fight fiercely among them
selves as soon as they reach fresh water
and continue this until ths spawning beds,
in many cases hundreds of miles up the
rivers, are reached, many of them being
done to death in these battles. The
Atlantic male salmon is also very pug
nacious, two having been Known to carry
on a fight the whole day."
snow; kills wild animals
Deer aad Chamois, ramlahlag, Reck
Food ta VlUaaea !
the Alps.
GENEVA, March . (Special.) Wild
deer and chamois are being captured In the
canton ot Orisons like tame sheep.
The deep snow that has fallen In the
Alps this year has deprived the unfortunate
animals of food and they are entering the
villages In a starving state in search' of
hay. In and around the villages of Prat
tigan. Bussereln and Bharuback tha
peasants have walked up to the famished
deer and chamois, lifted them Into sledges
and taken them borne. Dosens of dead
animals have been found on the skirts
of ths villages.
Ths cantonal authorities have issued an
order prohibiting the shooting or killing
of the animals, otherwise they would be
exterminated. Sportsmen, however, are
S V- V-' V- V- W SmS
$5.0G Monthly
a highly pollution:
have a QUARTKR
to 6 feet special
price ts
tubing, has 4 coats or oaaea
enamel, finished in cream and
gold; 4-6 sise only
special price
BOc per Week.
That Should
k A A
China Closets, solid oak,
quartet'-sawed, bent glass
ends, $20.00 values, If. eft
special aU.JU
sideboards, solid oak,
French bevel mirror
17.H0 value, I? CO
Combination Book Cases,
solid oak or mahogany
finish, $18.00 I? Sft
values, special '
i ppy
Carpet Co. Established 1887.
0 G8
buying hay and having It placed in the
mountains, wherever traces of the animals
can be found In the snow.
Bpaalsh Premier Bays True Reform
is Objeet of the Cos-
MADRID, March 80. (Special.) Don An
tonio Maura, the leader of the conserva
tives In Brain, who now once more occu
pies the position of president of the council
of ministers, has been interviewed upon the
policy of the Spanish government.
"Since the restoration,' he said, "the lib
eral party has developed. In various legis
lative proposals, the whole political theory
of the left, but it Is precisely the magni
tude and Importance of democratic reforms
which makes all the more necessary, their
prompt Incorporation Into the national life.
This has not been done and has not even
been efficaciously attempted. This work re
Old Mtdh
An attractive booklet. "Hints
for Housewives"
FREE for the taking ADDRESS
rur puntuv dimtiv rn
ihl huunni
O. D. O. Dpt.
v W s v- Vw s
mi hi ' m i i i
4 Mv.ffH -rr
IZZTJLrwmsnmmnanwMpii I -BsT'w ,
Like cut Positively the grestest value we have ever
offered in a pedestal Table. Made of solid oak, wltn
nnlsh the tops are 46 Inches anil
nnin tne tor
- SAWEI) KIM of a selected grain.
M of
The bases or pedostals are octagon shaped and
and have HAND
FfcKT extend
Terms: $1.50 Cash, $2.00 per Month.
Iron Beds
(Exactly like cut) A fancy designed bed of heavy
AM4Ht A A A A A A a
j . 7
V lU A A A i
. f-
The Peoples Store
Special Bed
(Exactly like cut)
Constructed of solid
oak of a selected
grain, patent auto
matic opening, guar
anteed not to get out
of order and works
so easily that a child
can operate it. Makes
a beautiful Xaven
port for use during
the day and a soft,
comfortable bed at
night; the covering
are of imported ve
lours of selected de
signs, upholstere.1
over soft and guar
anteed springs oar
special price
nxm ga.Bo cash
quires much tfy and demands the utmost
vigilance on the part of the government
and the governing classes; It Is a labor In
trlnslcally conservative. Aa the Spanish
conservative party has never opposed the
Initiation of these reforms, as in Its pro
gram there does not exist a single word
which proclaims an Intention of annulling
them, or even of attenuating their effect;
as, moreover, this party has frequently
been distinguished by a sincere respect for
the laws, even for those promulgated by its
opponents. It follows that when the liberals
desire to differentiate themselves funda
mentally from the conservatives they do
1 ot succeed in satisfying the popular aspira
tions, but stumble, as hapepned In the esse
of the law of associations, against the be
liefs of a large majority of the Spaniards
and even against the mistrust of not a few
men of advanced ideas, who at least are
well acquainted with our national genius,
In the downfall of the liberal party, there
fore, the truth has had a powerful lnflu
1 - t
rainmu vu. A i,
So. OmabA, Neb. NJ
I v "-T