Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 12

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- .-.-
Your Easier Dinner!!
r ou Voun
Hhono Us
Thlfr morning any time before 10
o'clock' if trrWe is anythltiK that
you will need to make your Easter
dinner a success. We will arrange
to have it delivered to you in
Faun, natural slse, . centnlnlng yolk,
down 81.00
Spun Hugar Nests. In Individual nt',
dosen 81.00.
Fpun Riiwar Nests, large stxe, at fcl.00
lmll Oilckonsv doxen 1.00
Bo 1 1 nn Hen. Six- Chickens or Y.v,i.
twcle portions 88.00
tMTKfi Rabbit. 16 portion $2.00
Doves, dosen S3. 00
MtriiUM, doten ja.00
Rabbits, dosen $1.60
Easter Lilies, dozen $3.00
Chicken Emerging from ahell,
', dozen tl.SO
Cross, dozer) , .88.00
Nesselrode Pudding, qt tt.00
Kirs Nogg. quart 'Jo
Keopolttan Urir.k. quart ouo
Po-msn. quart
Cardinal, quart
. . . . .
Champagne, quart . .
, 750
Barrels, quart.
tOc, pint. SOo. .
All kind of pure Candy, Eggs,
Italian Creams. Novelties nnd a beau
tiful dliiplay of fancy boxes; r-itii
and Paper Eggs, baskets, all tilled
with luscious and dainty Hon linns,
appropriate for Faster Olfts.
1518-23 FARNAM
" 'Phone Douglas 7.11
Delttiore Cheney
Song Recital
Tuesday. April . On sal. at the
; asuxhxoit fi.oa
" l5l6DodsSt
Tabic d'Hote Dinner,
"40c and 50c, Sunday
Table d'Hote, Dinner
!S Chesapeake Cale
: Sl'XDAY:
11:30 a. m. (o 8:00 p. in. '
1508-10 Howard Street
Music by Moulton's Orchestra.
New Bar and Chili
KXXICAS cn.i cow
cab in Aira
Attention is GItsb - to Ordsra
Beat Oat -
' 7 Orm ALL MXtlKT
111 I. M t Doarlsa 4449
X.aais' Chill Varlor VpiWri
Tfte Wew Delicatessen
We 5f rv? Strictly ,.
Home Cooking
Take Nome a loaf of Our Bread and a
Homt-Mait Mince Pic.
' ',' Douglas ST72
Tne puDiM a coraisuj luvneu
to attend a Bong and Pianola Re
cital, jclven by Frederick Jamea
Hamilton of New York, next
Wednesday afternon at 3:30, at
our Auditorium. Admission free.
Tel. Ikugla-4 162S.
Will ba found to contain everything
that Is toihsome nud delicious.
11 a- m. to 8 p.
GtXHsK Frou
The Excelsior
Week's CWiKhf AJmdt Well niUJ, but
lew Large Ihinn Icheuuled.
Popnlnr Visiting- Women Again In
spire lUiand of Stuart Aftalra
llonrr Ml.stna Beneflt t hief
Knnrtlon of Week.
What Men Dravr.
Men drew their swords for maidens fair
In old romantic days:
Men druw their cnenues now, I declare,
feuch are our modern wuyal
Tlie Social Calendar.
MONDAY 'Jul Vivo dnnelnR- party at
tluimbcru; Slower Mission can pany
at Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. James Ive
Paxton, Urpheum party for Mrs. George
W. Hrown, guest of Miss Jeanne Wnke
lield; Mrs. J. T. Myers, Itounders' club;
uhers of Lemere-Van Gleson wedding.
eltnner at Her Orand for bridal party.
TUESDAY Trilled Slates. History circle
social gRtheilng at home of Mr. Henry
Ulller; Mrs. Robert Hosier. Social Dozen
club; Mrs. K. II. Howland, Hansom
Park (.aid club; Dr. and Mrs. Klch,
dinner for Lomcre-Vnn Gleson wedding
party; American history department of
Woman's club a-id DHUvrhlers of the
American Revolution knslrgtn at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Keller; Miss Ger
trude Moorehead, tea for Mrs. Hradway
' of Chicngo and Mrs. George Y. Brown
of Portland, Ore.
WEDNESDAY Miss Ethel Tiikey, bridge
for Mrs. George W. Drown, guest of
MIbs Wakefield, and Mrj. William Hrad
way of Chicago, guest of Mips Moore-
hend; Mrs. L. J. Traynor. La Veta club;
Mrs. Charles Mets, luncheon; Mrs. D. J.
O'ltrlen. Knuntze Placa Luncheon club;
current tunics department of -Woman's
club, kensinnton tit home of Mrs. W
C'hallls; Mrs. C. K. Weller, Kountse
place Luncheon club; Mrs. C. N.
Walker, cards for member Womnn'a
auxiliary, Travelers' Protective associa
tion. Till' KPDAY Mrs. F. M. Wagner, K. K. K.
club; Mrs. Oeoras fitethmsnn. West
Karnain Kensington club; Mrs. W. C
Heaton, Orchard Hill Luncheon club;
Mrs. Elmer McManln, Fourchette club;
Mrs. Charles M.-ts, bridge luncheon;
Mrs, Thomas Orr, bridge for Mrs.
George W. -Prown.
FRIDAY Wlnileld Dnnclng club, last party
of season, at Chambers; Mrs. Evert
Smith. Krldiiy club; Mrs. William T.
Burns, Friday Bridge club; Mrs. Frank
Owen, "nt home;" Mrs. H. T. T.emlsl,
bridg.- luiKheon for Mrs. Joel T. Btewsrt.
BATt 'HCAY-Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Pollard,
Harmony club; hlKh school matinee hop
at Chambers; Lemere-Van Gleson wed
ding. Holy week was generally observed by so
ciety. None of the' few attractions offered
were able to tempt them from their in
clusion until "Madame Butterfly" camo
last Tuesday. This proved the bait that
was required to entangle tha majority of
even the most pious of the fashionable set
and divert them from religious sentiment to
an evening of pleasure. Dressed In their
finest frills and velvets they issued forth
en masse and enjoyed the .golden fruit of
a broken rulo for one evening out of the
seven at least. But this week already
dinners, theater and bridge parties are
planned to bring Mrs. George Wlllard
Brown, guest of Miss Wakefield, ngnin In
the limelight after a brief obscurity (Bused
by the restrictions of holy week. The ar
rival of another guest, Mrs. William Brad
way of Chicago, to visit Miss Gertrude
Moorehead, will occasion another round
that will aid In filling the days of her stay
to overflowing.
The post-Lenten season opens auspiciously
with the big bridge party given at Cham
bers' Monday afternoon for the benefit of
the Flower mission. Play will begin at I
oclock and continue until 4:30. Partici
pants will be privileged to choose , their
own partners for the afternoon. The affair
Is being arranged by Miss Hortnnse Clarke,
Miss Mona Klnke. Miss Ethel Tukey, Miss
Edith Thomas, Miss Hester Taylor, Miss
Florence Lewis,-Miss Elisabeth - McOonnel,
Mls Adcle Moores, Miss Gertrude Branch,
Mrs. Paul Hojgland, Mrs. Edwin Speh,
Mrs. John Weltsel and Mrs. J. A. O. Ken
nedy. Among those who will participate
in the gams are:
Edwin Swobe.
Allen B. Robinson,
Joseph Birker,
ChHrles George,
Dsn Baum,
Ham Caldwell,
Jlnymond Welsh
Theodore Hacker,
Howard Baldrlge,
James Love Paxton,
Eva Wallace,
Charles Clapp.
John N. lia'dwln.
Warren Ropers,
Ewing Brown,
J. K. Tlrotherton,
Geortre Squires,
Robert Smith,
J. H. Conell,
N. B. T'pdlke,
P. H. T'mllke,
Del Ht rot her,
R K. Welsh, '
Frank Morlarty,
L. E. Garner, ,
R. J. Pinning. -
F. P. Klrkendall.
George PrHchett.
F. R. MeConnell.
John Kuhn,
G. .r,ltt Fort,
Wtnr White.
Euclid Maxtln,
Frank Mtrtln.
Chnrles Martin. ,
C. H. Montgomery,
'Tls day still while- the gun
shlnei, but it may rain tomorrow.
Then It's up with the umbrella
and on with the Rain Coat.
To assure permanent Rain Coat
satisfaction ace that a MacCarthy
Wilson label la on tha Rain Coat.
Now that we have doubled our
floor apace, we are showing double
the number of Rain Coats that we
used to exhibit. .
Rain Coata made toVmeasu're
25 to 46. . , "
Bright, new Spring Suit. $25 to
Tailoring Co.
'Phone loug. 1808.
304-308 8. Ith St,
Near Southwest comer 16th and
Farnam Streets.
Miss Blanch Sorenson
; Art of Singing
. ms a t a jrwi l Mr
. Served at All Hours.
(Next Door to Burwood)
Open Evenings Until Close
of Theaters.
Tl. W. Arthur.
Edmund Martin,
W. J Purgess,
J. K. Dale.
Fred pierce.
Palph Jensen.
I'reston Myers.
3 Foster
George Sumner,
K. T. Lewis.
P. C. Morlarty.
Chsrles Greene,
F. N. Connor,
H:irrv Wllklns,
W. 8. Heller,
W. A Fmlth,
Frank Crawford,
Herb'tl Hngers,
H. Edwards,
Bnm Burns, jr.
Q. Wlllard Brown.
Elisabeth Congdon,
Pusnn Holdreire,
Marie Coffman,
Walty, Fremont,
Adele Moores,
Kate Moores,
Gerlrude Moorhead.
Marlon Connell.
Sabra Dow,
Katherlne Moorhead, Amy Gllmore,
Mary Hayden, Pherwood.
Clare Woodard, Geirgla Kennard
Florence Lewis, Phoebe Pmlth,
Elisabeth McConnelr, Faith Potter,
Laura Congdon, Pa j line 8henck,
Ada Klrkendall. Nellie Clabaugh,
Pleasures Post.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoag entertained
the Kountae Place Whist club Saturday
The Entre Nous Card club was enler
t.tlned Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Wll-
Ham Neva. Sixteen members were present
and the prizes were won by Mrs. 8. Neble
and Mrs. Frederiekson. .
The N. N.' club met Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. J. D. Hiss. High five
was the game played and the prizes were
won by Mrs. Hennln and Mrs. Ahlqulst.
Wlie next meeting of the club will be held
Thursday, when Mrs. I-asher will be hoet-
eBS at her home, 614 North Twenty-fourth
The Poppleton Avenue Card club was en
tertained Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Vance Lane. A dinner preceded the card
game, when the table wss exceedingly pretty
with growing pansles In a small Jardenler.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Penfdld. Mr. and Mrs. . L. H. Korty, Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Brysrm, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Blonchard. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Manchester
and Mr. : and Mrs. Vanes I-nne. The mext
meeting will be In two weeks at the horns
of Mrs. J. IL Manchester.
Mrs. John Webster was hostess Thursday
at the meeting of the Com Is club. The af
ternoon was spent at a kenslngton and
music, followed by refreshments or which
the table was beautifully decorated. A low
mound of tulips and ferns adorned the cen
ter of the tableland little chickens de
signed the" plats cards which marked the.
places of Mrs. Ben Marte, Mrs. W. K.
Swisher, Mrs. Arthur Kuhn, Mrs. John
Battlnger, Mrs. A. 8. Rockwell, Mrs. Grant
Kuhn, Mrs. W. 8. Heaton. Mrs. D. E.
Ldvejoy, Mrs. W. E. Haynes, Mrs. C. J.
Tuffleld and Mrs. George ix Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kendall entertained
the Orchard Hill Whist club Saturday
evening. Seven tables were used for the
game. The guests of the club were Mr.
and Mrs. Lavender, Mr. and Mrs. Mllo
Van Horn and Mrs. George Ostrom. The
members of the club present were: Dr.
and Mrs. MeClanahan, Mr. and Jfrs. Alder
sOn, Dr. and Mrs. Medders, Mr. and Mrs.
P. M. Conklln, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hobson,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frlcke, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Connlngham, Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker,
Dr. and Mrs. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs.
John Campbell. The next meeting will be
In two weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Hutchinson.
Social Cblt-Chat.
Mr. A. H. Rawltser and family have de
cided to make their future home in Sacra
mento, Cal.
Mis. H. Wheeler, Jr- has taken the
home rJr'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum during
their absence In the east.
Mrs, Thomas . Crusa hss returned from
the east and Is now settfed 'In their home
at 1936 South Thirty-third street.
. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnson and family
are now living at 424 South Thirty-fifth
street, the former Byron Reed home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reed are at present
sojourning in Paris. Mr. Reed has greatly
Improved In health since his trip abroad.
Judge and Mrs. Macomber of Carroll, la.,
formerly of Omaha, will return to Omaha
this week and occupy their home on Emmet
Mr. and Mrs. Authur Karbsch will move
about the middle of April from 1114 Wool
worth Ave., to the residence of Mrs.
Charles O. Scott, 4811 Cass street.
The house now occupied by Captain and
Mrs, F. B. Lawrence at 20S South Thirty
sixth street, will be the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Koenlg after the middle of
Mets , will
entertain at
luncheon Wednesday.
Frank Owen will give an Informs
reception Friday afternoon.
The Friday club will be entertained, this
week by Mrs. Everet Smith.
The K. K. K. club will be entertained
Thursday by Mrs. F. M. Wagner.
The high school will give a matinee hop
Saturday afternoon at Chambers.
The Qui Vive Dancing club will give a
party at Chambers Monday evening.
The Fourchette club will meet Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. Elmer McManls.
Mrs. Robert Doxler will entertained the
Social Doien club Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. C. Heaton will entertam the
Orchard Hill Luncheon club Thursday.
The Rounders club will be entertained
Monday evening by Mrs. J. 8. Myers.
The Harmony club will be entertained
Saturday evening by Mrs. R. D. Pollard.
Miss Cella McCaffrey Is spending Easter
vacation with friends In New .Yok City.
Mrs. C. K. Weller will entertain ths
Kounlxa place Luncheon club Wednesday.
Mrs. L. J. Traynor will be hostess Wed
nesday at the meeting of the La Veta club.
Mrs. William Tracy Burns will be hostess
Friday at the meeting of the Friday Bridge
Mrs. H. T. Lemlst will entertain at bridge
lunoheon Friday In honor of Mrs. Joel T.
Mra E. H. Howland will be hostess Tues-
dsy at the meeting of the Hanscom Park
card club. ,
. Mrs. Thomss Orr will give a bridge party
: Thursduy afternoon In honor of Mrs George
i W. Drown.
Tha West Farnam Kensington club will
I be entortslnod Thursday by Mrs. Gearce
! Spethmann.
Mrs. D. J. O'Brien will be hostess Wej
nesday at the meeting of ' the Kountze
j Flacu luncheon club.
I Mrs. A. C. Vsn Hausen and children of
Schuyler are vision Mr. a.vl Mrs. Thomus
Ilibson of 2715 Jackson street.
Mrs. Van Kuran will entertain the
Hatidcom Park Card club Tuesday evening
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood Whist
I party, which was 16 have been given Mon.
day. has been postponed until the second
Monday in April.
Miss Gertrude Moorehead will give a tea
Tuosday for -her guest, Mrs. Bradwwy of
Chlcugo, and Mrs. George W. Brown, guest
of Mies Wakefield.
' Mr. and Mrs. Jam Lova Paxton will
give an Orpheum party Monday evenii.g In
honor ef Mra. George W. Brown, guest of
Miss Jeancs Wakefield.
The final, dancing party of the WinBrld
club will be held Friday evening, April 5,
at Chambers academy. IKcanto of Its
bvlng the last party of the season dancing
Trn Cotton.
A. . flwum,
John L. Kennedy,
E. 8. Westbrook,
I. A. Hxora.
llochstetler, Charles Dundy,
Frnk McPov,
Victor Caldwell,
T J Piff.r.
Frank Burkley,
M. C. Petera,
W. H. Wyman,
Frank Judwin,
Nelson I'pdlke,
Charles plnck,
A. T Austin,
Van Court,
Arthur English,
A. V. Klnsler,
J. Foster,
Charles Hosewater.
Pyron Bmith,
Victor Kosewater, ,
Jenne Wakefield,
Marie Mnhler,
Genevieve Baldwin,
Mildred txrniax,
Ruth Moorhead.
will continue until 1 'clorkv ini supper
will be served.
Mrs. C. K. Walker of i07 Spencer street
will entertain Wednesday afternoon, at
cards for the Woman's auxiliary. Travelers'
Protective assoclstlon.
Miss Josephine A. Shulta has returned
hciiiv ftuut UtuiMillt tie;i, Cai., whera aha
hss been spending the winter the guest of
her sister, Mrs. J. 8. Hammond.
Miss ' Ethel Tukey w'lll give a bridge
party Wednesday In hdnor of Mrs. George
W. Brown and Mrs. "William Bradwaj of
Chicago, guest of Miss Gertrude Moore
head. . .
Sidney Smith, Ward Palmer, George Laler
and t)T. Ilolllster, ushers for the Lemere
Van Gleson wedding, will give a dinner
Tuesday evening at the Her Orand for ths
wedding" party.
. The I'nlted States History circle, which
includes members from the Woman's club
and the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, will entertain Tuesday afternoon at
a social gathering. The program will In
elude a recitation, "Rebecca at Sunny
Brook Farm," by Miss Minnie Hlller, a
selected solo by Miss Dennis, an Instru
mental number, "Mlgnon," by Miss Henri
etta Rees, a recitation, "At the Euchra
Party," by Mrs. George Shields, and a
vocal solo by Miss Minna Meyer.
Come and Go Gossip,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hayes are visa
ing friends In St. Joseph.
Miss Susan HoMrege will leave this week
for a brief visit In Chicago.
Mlsa Mildred Oosa Is SDcndlng her
Easter vacation with Boston friends.
Edgar B. Zabrlskie will spend his Eatr
vacation with relatives In New York. '
Mr. and Mrs. Luclan Reed of Denver are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swobe.
Miss Ella Msa Brown returned Saturday
evening from an extended visit in Kansas;
City. .
Mlsa Frances Weasels, who has been
visiting In St. Louis, Is expected home In
a few days.
Mrs. Alfred Burleigh and daughter.
Mrs. Withers of Rawlins, Wyo., have gone
to California.
Miss Irene Underwood is spending her
Easter vacation with Mrs. E. R. Perfect
of Kansas City. .
Mrs. Chester Simmons left for her home
In ' MlnnenDolls Thursday. 'after a visit
with Mrs. W. F. Denny.
' Mrs. N. W. McLood Of St. Louis Is tho
guest of Mrs. Jeannette Woodward for the
Wdodward-Rueplng wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton are expected
home Friday from Hollywood. Cal., where
they have been spending the winter.
Miss Helen Welsh of Lincoln, who has
been a guest for a few .days with Mrs,
Raymond Welsh, has returned home..
Mr. and Mrs. Gorge A. Joslyn, who have
been spending some time at Hollywood,
Cal., are expected to return home today.
W. B.'Mlllard and Barton Millard sailed
Thursday on the Carpathla for Naples
Senator Millard and Miss Millard will Join
them there.
Clement Chase, Jr.. ' Is Spending' 'his
Easter vacation in East Orange, N. J.,
as guest of one of his college friends,
William M. Stevenson.
Arthur Storx, who has been attending
the Blecs Military academy at Macon,
Mo., Is spending the Easter vacation with
his parents," Mr. and Mrs, G. Store.
Miss Chsnt, who has been the guest of
Miss Marlon Johnson for several weeks,
left Thursday for Knoxvtlle, 111., where she
will, visit school friends before returning
to her home In Spokane.
Mrs. William Bradway of Chicago arrived
Friday to be the guest of Miss Gertrude
Moorehead. Mrs. Bradway was with Miss
Moorehead and M'sa Ruth Moorehead on
their southern trip, from which-they have
Just 'returned.
Mrs. H. M. Knox and small son, John
Knox, Jr., will leave Tuesday, for Liotig
Beach. Cal. They will go by way of JCao
sas City and Visit Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
A. Mitchell for a few days and will Jln
Mr. and Mrs John 8. Knox at Long Beaoh
Wed dinars mud Ensrasrementa,
The engagement has been announced in
Lincoln of Miss Margsrt Honeywell to Mr.
Alexander Law. (
Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Edward Congdon an
nounce the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Laura, to Mr. Arthur 8. Rogers.
The engagement of Miss Elizabeth Mer
cedes Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Taylor, and Mr. Robert H.
Manley has been announce4and will take
place early In June.
The marriage of Miss Fanny Duryea and
Mr. William Furgerson Leggett will be
solemnised Tuesday at 4 o'clock at the
Gleason Presbyterian church, Brooklyn,
New York. Miss Duryea Is a daughter of
Dr. Joseph Duryea, formerly of Omah. .
The marriage of Miss Helen Woodward,
daughter of Mra Jeannette Woodward, to
Mr. L. H. Rueplng of Fon du Lao, Wis.,
will be solsranlted Wednesday evening,
April I at 8 o'clock at the home of the
bride, 1701 Park avenue. Owing to recent
bereavement In the family of the bride, the
wedding will be very quiet.
The wedding of Miss Louise Van Gleson,
daughter of Mrs. Henry Clay Van Gleson
and Dr.' Henry Bassett Lemere will be
solemnized Saturday evening at 7:45 o'clock
In the new All fiulnts church. Miss Mildred
Merrlam will be maid of honor and Mr.
Will Wood will be best man. Those who
will set as ushers are Mr. Sidney Smith,
Mr. Ward Palmer, Mr. George Laler and
Dr. Hollister. A' reception will follow ths
ceremony at the home of Mrs. Van Gleson,
ifM Davenport, street. Invitations have
been Issued only to relatives and lmmo
diata friends xit the family.
Register of Deeds Surpasses Preoe
dent for Net Earnings to
' the Count-.
Market Increase In the number of Instru
ments recorded and net receipts over ex
penditures Is reported In the quarterly re
port of Frank Bandle. county register of
deeds. Economical administration of the
ofllce Is shown by the fact that, although
the receipts for the first three months of
1907 increased 1765.90 to t,uG6.30, ths expen
ditures were only 12,616.24. as against
$2,2S9.8 in 16, which Is a net Increase In
saving to the county of 1130.66. The sur
plus in funds last year for the period In
question was considered very large when
It amounted to $9?.61, but this record mark
was surpassed during the last quarter by
a mirilus of tl.42O.0S.-
Conslderably more business wss done by
the recorder's office during the last quar
ter, as Is shown by an Increase of tX) over
that of tho corresponding quarter of 19(;
1.294 instruments being recorded during
January. Februsry and March, of IM. The
For UK
Instruments Exnendl- Net to
Raoorded. Roelpts, lu'-e County.
January f t T.'! I ??K-72
February .... 778 947 10 7S-2 SS 11.127
March 1.114 1.S47.36 7T0.W 67U 62
Totals .... :, t3.279.40 f2.23.s9 f 9D9.61
For 1J07
Instruments Expendl- Net to
Recorded. Receipts,- turvs Countv.
January ki4 lll'l.ll $ IM SS t 417.81
February .... 97 1.1 0 26 fun.aj 271 !
Urch 1 312 1.613 . 913.S3 7' 0.32
. Totals 1.2M I4.0a&.a t2.61S.24 ll.4J0.06
Instruments Expendl- Net to
KeouMe 1. It-foelpta, urea. Countv.
I.2s4 $4. $215.1:4 gl.4:V.4
1 1.64 J J
Increase.. $ 765.90 t t&. 4W.&S
DIAMONDS-Fieoser, nil and Dodgs.
Sixteenth Street Furrier Ttjt pundred and
Iwenty-'eTen Thowand. ,
Deal la Made br W. R. !!
Directly with the Owner, Edward
H. Via I a at en of New
Tork City.
The Ramge building, ene of the first and
finest office buildings of Omaha, at the
southeast corner of Fifteenth and Harney
streets, has been sold for tlz7,600 to O. E.
Shukert, the furrier, at Sit South Sixteenth
street, who will Improve the building by
the erection of a two-story addition on the
east and remodel the main building at a
cost of between $10,000 and $12,000.
The sale was msde by W. R. Homan
for the owner, Edward H. Van Ingen, of
New Tork City, who acquired the property
about live years ago through foreclosure
Frank R Ramge, who has since died,
built the five-story office building about
twenty years ago and it was then the
finest and most expensive office building In
the city. It - Is constructed of stone and
brick and well built, but was heavily en
cumbered' at the time of the death of Mr.
The building has a frontage of ISf feet
on Fifteenth street and about sixty-six feet
on Harney street, but a small lot of twenty
feet was bought by Mr, Shukert east and
directly adjacent to the main building, on
which a two-story brick addition will be
erected at a cost or 112.000. The first floor
Of the addition will be used for rental pur
poses and the second for factory purposes
and work rooms by Mr. Shukert, who will
move from his present location on Six
teenth street and occupy the comer office
In the Ramge building which was formerly
occupied by the plumbing shop of J. J.
Hanlghen. The building now occupied and
owned by Mr. Shukert will be rented.
The 'Ramge building has, heretofore, been
In the care of W. B. Melkle, but -all rentals
and other business connected with the office
building will now be controlled by W. R.
Ilane Hears Delegates (o The Hague
Will Arerpt Idea Under "
ROME, March 30.-(Speclal.) It Is under
stood here that If the motion for disarma
ment at The Hague conference be put for
ward by a great power, Germany will not
withdraw, as many suppose It might, but
will play a waiting game and endeavor to
turn the tables, as follows. It will notify
its acceptance of the idea of disarmament
on condition that certain principles be
recognised, the chief of these being that
armaments should be proportional to the
population of a country.
If this were applied to the navlee ofhe
world Great Britain would object to It, and
If the size of a mercantile flee,t wSs to be
the bapls for controlling the strength of
England's navy, the United States would
object. Thus England and America would
be In opposition to each other, which, ac
cording to the -Roman newspaper, is lust
what Germany wants to see.
If the principle of population were ap
plied to the land forces France would
protest . strongly, so It will be Germany's
aim, if disarmament is brought up for dis
cussion, to . show great seal In supporting
ths question, as It is In a. position to check
mate any serious move on the part of the
powers In the direction of submitting the
Ideas of disarmament to a practical test.
Interstate TTommeree Commission
Wants to Know About Bn si
nes of the Corporations.
WASHINGTON, March SO. At the recent
session of congress the senate adopted a
resolution directing the Interstate Com
merce commission to Inquire Into state
ments that the American. Adams', United
Ststes, Pacific and ' Wells-Fargo Express
companies or either of them are engaged
through any agents in the business of buy
ing, selling or handling on consignments,
fruits, vegetables and oysters entering Into
Interstate commerce and to report the re
sults of Us Investigation to ths senate.
Today the' Interstate Commerce commis
sion Issued an order requesting the express
companies to prepare and file '-with the
commission within thirty days from servioe
statements showing in detail how they are
engaged In the' business Indioated by- the
senate resolution. The commission- ordered
further that all commercial assoolatlona.
rnerchants, producers and . dealera Inter
ested in the proceedings have leav to ap
pear at the hearinge In the case. No time
Is set for the hearings. ...
Question Arises as to Interpretation
of RallaaT hr Interstate Con.
. . tnerre Commission.
"Some confusion seems to exist on the re
cent ruling of the Interstate Commeroe
commission as U who shall pay the extra
charges In case of freight being diverted
for ono cause or another," said a promi
nent grain man Saturday. "The shipper is
not Interested, according to the ruling, as
it la a matter for the two railroads to de
cide and the tariff rates must be paid.
"If, because of blockade, a carrler'sStraln
is detoured over the line of another car
rier, cr speolal train Is arranged for move
ment of the Interrupted traffic, the tariff
rates. If there be any for such movement,
must he applied. In the absence of such
tariff regulations . compensation should b
agreed upon." I . ,
Auditor of Public Accounts Lincoln.
Feb. 1st, 1907. It is hereby certified that
ths Delaware Fire Insurance Company of
Dover, in the statu of Delaware, bus com
piled with the insurance law of this slats
applicable to such companies and Is there
fore authorised to continue the business
of fire and lightning insurance In this
state for the curent year ending January
list, 1908.
w'tneis my hand and the seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounte the day and
year first abovs written.
E. M. 8EARLE. JR..
(Seal! Auditor of Public Accounta.
-JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy.
Real Estate, ILeivtaJsV ILoans,
Fire, Tornado and PloJe Glass Insurance
Phone Douglas 664 1517 Farntxm Street
Tailored' Sails
for women and misses
An extensive showing of new spring models
$25 and $30
: $35 and $40
Beginning with this season it is our purpose and intent
to make suits at $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 a specialty.
To that end we have gone further with the
variety of styles, fabrics and colors than any
other houe has ever gone with garments at
those prices,
Not only do we know our's to be the most diversified
and the most extensive colection to be found at the spec
ified prices, we also know our styles to be of that high
character which you would expect to find in garments that
cost again as much.
As the season advances we keep on showing
new models, so that at all times we may be cer
tain to maintain the standard that we have set.
On Monday we will present 20 new
models 0 tailored suits for women , misses
and small women at $25 $30, $35, $40..
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1907, AT 3:30 P. M.
Mr. Frederick James Hamilton
(Tenor) t
(At the Planoia and Orohestrelle.)
1 March . Selected
J (a) Heartsease Moret
(b) Graceful Dance ..Vottsler
t Flying Dutchman Overture
4 Love's Old Sweet Song
Accompanied by the Pianola.
' 6 (a) LeRameaux (Falms
. i Faura
Serenade Badlne ....
' 4 (a) Traumerel "
(b) Little Romance. Schumann
7 (a) Harlekln Bohm
(b) Dreams ..Pascal
8 Sweetest Story Stults
Accompanied by the Pianola.
Naila .....Dellbea
10 March 8 el oc ted
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-1313 Ptrnim lL
Popular Chopin Recital
Tuesday, April 9th. '07
Tickets 50c On Sale at A. Hospe Co. and
Matthews Piano Co.
The Lloyer Stationery Co.
1616 FARWAr.l ST.
Auditor of Public Accounts Lincoln,
Feb. 1st, 19o7. It is hereby certlned that
the Cosmopolitan Firs Insurance Company
of New York, In the Slat of New York,
has romplted with the insurance law of
this state applicable to such companies
and Is therefore authorised to continue
the business of Are Insurance In this state
for the current year ending January list,
l0t. -
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts ths day and
year first above written.
E. M. SEARLE. JR., -Seal
Auditor of Public Accounts.
BZKiza or oohctewtb
We have arranged to conduct
these "Concerts" every two weeks
and shall endeavor to maae them
a source of great pleasure to all
who attend.
Eact date of each ooneer ''111
be announced in advu.: . .a the
newspapers. . '
Our aim In these concerts shall
be to demonstrate the results to
be obtained with the Pianola, and
how much real enjoyment is
erithln resch of those who own
one of these truly wonderful In-,
struments. : '
That the Pianola is, the MOST
.WONDERFUL tf all plaag play
ere, and Is In- nk artistic. spber
by. Ueelf, ws believe will bw proved
te -you only by actual demwistra--tlon
of ,it. ' ! ". ' " ' V
.'At the closs of this concert' the
rierely curious; as well as tha in-
snding purchasers, are invited to
crttloally examine- and make any
Inquiries regarding, they may
wish. - ' - ;-.
will be used. Tt brings out ths
distinctly above the accompani
ment. . .
Tl. Douglas 192S
Auditor of Public Accounts Lincoln.
Feb. 1st, 1107. It Is hereby certified that
the New Jersey Firs Insurance Company
of Camden, la the state of New Jersey,
has compiled with the insurants law of
this stale applicable to such companies
and Is therefore authorised to continue
the business of fire Insurance In this stale
for tbe current year ending January list,
Witness my hsnd and the seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts the day -and
year first above written.
(Seal) Auditor of Publlo Accounts.
JCriiN L. FJKKUK, lpuiy. ,
4, '
i F
. !
J .