Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    w. 1
he Omaha Sunday Bee
ntrs sectiqh
rAQH 1 TO 10
ftubeorlba Tor
Best & West
Frtaett Court Eeaon Sirpasses in Bril
liancy Those of Many Yean.
Kin? of Saxony Visits Fortueal and Spain
at Emperor! lehest.
Germany Sen New Opportunity fot Kail
road Tiafflo in Turkey.
Official O reran of Clerical Ptrtr Suys
Party Will Not Okitrart Lesrlalu
tlea, but j Chancellor U
No Friend.
EERL1N, March 30-(Spclal.)-It Is
many years since the court season In Ber
lln wn ao brilliant as In the present year
of grace. The fact that the crown prince
la established In his palace In Berlin and
ably seconds the kaiser In the giving of
court entertainments has brought fresh ani
tnatlon Into the social life of the German
ifipltal. Entertainment succeeds, enter
tallvnent at the royal csstle and the custo
olamV of the royal treasure. In (rold and sil
ver, re kept busy bringing It out and
pftckliv It away again.
The. I kin- of Saxony's visit to Portugal
and. Spain Is being followed In the various
Eupean chancelleries with close attention
ana not a little curiosity. For the last five
J'ars King Edward has devoted himself
And with the greatest success to drawing
together the Latin race Into a solid blork.
Berlin has been watching the growth of
this formidable Latin league under the
hegemony of Britain with ever-increasing
anxiety. It has been slowly and carefully
built up by King Edward without haste
.and .without shock of any kind. He has
contented himself with merely directing
the natural affinities and attractions of the
various nations In their natural channels.
The united fleets of Britain. France, Italy,
Spain and Portugal, with all cf their colo
nies and foreign possessions placed at each
other's disposal as coaling stations and
revlctuallng bases, represents a maritime
power such as the world has never seen.
t Militarily tho same holds good.
Emperor Tries to Balk Plan.
The first attempt to break up the com
bination was the kaiser's Morocco policy.
M. Tardleu'a article, written at the request
t of the Quay d'Orsay and with material
supplied by the French minister of foreign
' affairs, shows the desperate attempts made
' by Germany to checkmate .Britain and
France. And bow comes the tour of King
Fried rich August of .Saxony. Of all of the
sovereigns of the German confederation he
Is the on on closest terms with the kaiser.
The recent exchange of cordial telegrams
apropos of the result of the recent elec
tions Is a proof of this. There was a time
, when the aged grand duke of Baden was
' 1he kaiser's most trusted confidant,-but
. . for four years past there has been an es-
' trangement
- t Another reason for choosing the kins of
feax.ony.for this exmfidential mission la the
ract that he Is a Cathollo sovereign. '
only one of any importance In derm
Saxony la an ultra Protestant counuy. .
which possesses a Catholic reigning houso. I
Its Isolation In the kingdom seems to have
made It all the more bigoted. As a Cath
olic his majesty will be more welcome to
Don Carlos and Don Alfonso than almost
any sovereign who might have been se
lected for the mission. The only drawback
Is perhaps a want of diplomatic talent on
the part of the emissary of the kaiser. But
In all probability nobody ever beard of
King Friedrlch August shining by his tact
or adroitness. He has the reputation of
being one of the moBt enthusiastic nlmrods
In his dominions and spares nothing with
fur or feathers.
Water for a Desert.
. Dr., one iof the best authorities
mi Asiatic 'ltiraey. writes mm
,-f as an adequate system of Irrigation has
been laid down in Mesopotamia It will be
come the granery of the east and the rail
way, which will Intersect it will become
one of the greatest arteries of oriental
trade and traffic. In combination with the
railway project ia one for the settlements
of large districts of fertile country with
colonists from congested districts of Ger
many. A committee has been got together
for the purpose of mapping out districts In
northern Mesopotamia, in which the
--nJlmatlo conditions are favorable for
lJ -Juropeans, and where wheat and ' maize,
, "J'' cotton and tobacco and subtropical fruits
will flourish. The experiences of German
. colonists in Palestine show that with
ordinary cars and foresight the German
farmer Is likely to do well In this land of
promise. The Koumanlan government has
even assisted the kaiser's government In
laying a cable from the port of Kustendl
on th Black sea to Constantinople. A
rapid Una of steamers runs from Kustendjl
to the Turkish capital with connections to
Egypt and the Byrian coast. German
engineers are darwlng plans for a great
bridge, which will span the Boaphorus at
Its narrowest part at the spot where
- Dai-tut, 600 years before the Christian era
began his famous bridge of boats across
the strait a
Spurious Nolea Paid.
In March 18SS, It was accidentally dis
covered that an official In the German
State Printing works had taken advantage
of his position of trust to carry out an
extensive forgery of bank notes. The total
amount of the false Issues was estimated
t at $136,000. A number of notes were found
at the residence of the mistress of the
forger. Confiscation of his property af
forded some compensation for the loss. The
culprit, whose name was Gruenthal com
mitted suicide, while the proceedings
against him were In progress. The matter
' ,' Was then thought to be done with, but
the annual report of the Imperial bank
shows that previous to the discovery of the
,V A forgery spurious notes to the extent of
more than I'.W.w must have been already
presented, paid snd destroyed. It has only
been possible to ascertain this fact by the
return to the bank of notes for a much
larger denomination than were known ta
have been iseued tit the legitimate manner.
Trouble la Reichstag.
Apparently It la to be war to the knife
between Prince von Bulow and the center.
At tha outset or me session u waa re
ported that the Catholics had omitted to
eomply wlh the customary formality of
.jh leaving cards on ths chancellor and had
decided to seep muui iruiu uh iKiiinmcir
lary entertilnmenta. The chance of r
conrlilatluti during the opening debate w
always calculated with, and tha speech by
Hwr Fehrenhach, was regarded by maoy
as an overture by the offended party.
(CvqUuu4 ea aJond i'sV
Sunday, March SI, JIHT.
turn MOM
m sr
15 16
22 23
20 21
K, 25 26 27 28 29 30
IOWA Fair Sunday. Monday fair and
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg. Hour. Deg.
6 a. m i8 1 p. m
6 a. in 37 S p. m
7 a. m SI 1 p. m
8 a. m S7 4 p. m
f a. m Kt S p. m
10 a. m 40 8 p. m 44
11 a. m 41 7 p. m 44
12 m 38
Every pledge made by the republican
state platform save one has been re
deemed by the legislature. That one is
the passage of a pure food bill, and It Is
well on Its way. The house spent Its
time yesterday principally on tho bill to
allow street railway companies to own
the stock and bonds of lnterurhau lines.
Friends of the measure saved It by se
curing an adjournment. In the senate
the anti-lobby bill, as amended by the
committee, was passed without tha
emergency clause. The senate also took
some further Blices off the house appro
priation bill.' It is reported that a com
bination headed by McKesson and Burns
of Lancaster county Is being formed In
the senate to restore many of the appro
priations killed by the committee.
X. Tags 1
House passes senate bill amending the
South Omaha charter containing provision
for Issuance of (50,000 in bonds for com
pletion of sewer system. L, Page t
Attorney general informs the governor
there is no legal objection to Henry T.
Clarke. Jr., filling position of railway
commissioner by appointment of the gov
ernor. X. Page 3
After examining Thaw and several wit
nesses, Including Delmas, the lunacy com
mission' adjourns its hearing until Tues
day. X, Pafa 8
Railroads announce Intention of testing
validity of Nebraska S-cent fare law.
X. Page 4
Conference between conductors and
trainmen and railroad managers at Chi
cago reaches no result. X, Page 8
Report that friction may prevent suc
cess of .Trie Hague conference is em
phatically denied. Some nations object
to discussion of limitation of armament
and the Drago doctrine. IX, Page 8
Director of Pacific Statea Telephone
company says his company Is paying Abe
Ruef 11,200 a month. X, Page 1
Land department, field and office force
reorganised at direction of the presiden
Divisions are enlarged and each chief la
held directly responsible for performance
of all work In hia territory. X, Page X
Present court season at Berlin the most
brilliant for many years. X, Page 1
August 25 a cross will be dedicated at
Fantenay In memory of the Irish brigade.
.. X, Page X
Roumanian troops defeat peasants by
use of grapeshot. I. Page 4
Board of County Commissioners lets
contract for the grading with macadam
of eleven miles oi country road, to be
completed by September 1, 190T.
, X. Page B
Omaha hardware dealer says he Is reap
ing a rich harvest selling dog muzxles
as a "result of the proclamation by. the
mayor. X, Page T
Philadelphia capltalista open negotla
tione for the southeast corner of Six
teenth and Harney streets as the site of
a ten-story hotel. XX, Pag
Three Injunctions, one against Omaha
ccuncil and mayor. Involving opening of
Thirtieth street, and two against South
Omaha officials go over. X, Page T
Omaha churches arrange elaborate ser
vices for Sunday, morning and evening.
In observance of Easter. X, Page 8
G. E. Shukert pays I1J7.500 for the
Ramge block at Fifteenth and Harney
atreets.' XX, Page
American bowling tournament. Just
ended at St. Louis, will be remembered
for the warm weather, low scores and
poor accommodations for visitors.
XX, Page 8
Topeka may not be Included in tha
Western league circuit for 1907, owing
to the attitude of the Western association
membership. The deal is up to them.
XX. Page
comtxmcB aid htdustkt.
Real estate dealers report unusual activ
ity In pmaha and give a number of big
deals as aubstantlal evidence, of their as
sertions. XX. Page 8
Omaha Jobbers are busy In all lines with
their spring trade and show substantial
gains over business of a year ago.
III. Page T
Grain and produce markets. XXX, Page T
Live stock markets. XXX, Page 7
In the Insurance Section of this number
will be found "Lessons of the San Fran
cisco Disaster," "Life Insurance and the
New Laws." "The Growth of Security In
surance," "Omaha as an Insurance Cen
ter," "Tribute Paid by West to East,"
"Problems for Builders." "Insurance for
Wage Earners," Concrete aa a Building
Material," "Toe Tear's Business of Life
Companies- In Nebraska" and other mat
ter of special Interest to insurers and In
sured. High Pages
In the Homo Section of this number will
be found Buster Brown, the Busy Bees'
Own Page, Carpenter's Letter on French
Colonisation In Africa. Queer Belgian
Fishermen, Some isoies on rasnion.
Woman In Home and Business Life, tha
Struggle for Woman Suffrage In England,
Monkeys for Pets, Bill Bunk's Wonderful
Yarns. Pages
M aq as car i) BEcrriosT.
Ia ths Msgastne Section of this number
will be found a short biography of Edwin
Haney, pioneer baggage master and
Union depot master for tha Union Pacific;
Weidensall's Letter from Spain, Peddling
a BattUablp. F.&ster Musio in the Omaha
Chutches, Sultan of Turkey in His PaUce
Priin. Uoealp of Plays and Players, iia
slcal Note and Comment, How the Mate
rial fur Automobile Is Chosan, With tie
Collage Athletes. . fcUx Pa
t the Irish Eriirade U to Be
Unveiled in AutneV
Too Uanj Pica Baited in Town for
Eealth of People.
snaBBsasaaasBft w
firmi Fined for Falsely Labeling Goods as
from loteeal
Father Deals DeTlla of the Carmelite
Order, Kaowa la America,
Takes Ip Work la
DUBLIN, March S0-8peclal) August 28
has been selected as the date for the
ceremony at Fontenoy when the memorial
to the Irish Brigade will be unveiled. The
lettters from the burgomaster of Fonte
noy and Dr. Desmons, who has been as
active in Tournal over this revival of
Irish relationship with the homes of the
Wild Geese as If he were an Irish consul.
show the Interest that is being taken locally
in the memorial. Fontenoy has from the
beginning been Insistent upon. Its claims to
the custody of the monument, and Is ap
parently proud of the decision which has
reoognJsed those claim. Indeed Fontenoy,
though a continental town, has many of the
features of a little homely Irish village,
and It is believed that the Celtic Cross
will not be out of place on the little vil
lage green.
The evidence given before the Belfast
health commission Is extremely Interest
ing. Some years ago the "Dally Chronicle,"
in connection with an epldemlo In the Ulster
capital, published a series of articles sug
gesting that Belfast from the Insanitary,
Jerry building point of view was easily
first of all towns In these countries. At Uie
commission Dr. Ballllle, the superintending
health officer, stated that the city had a
piggery for every day in the year, with
2,770 pigs. He declares that there are too
few sanitary Inspectors, and that sanitary
work Is not adequately carried out. For a
new city the death rate of Belfast is ab
normal partly from consumption, and
partly and more especially from Infantile
mortality. The peculiar feature of Bel
fast, however, which differentiates it from
Dublin Is that the greater part of It has
been built very rapidly, and during the last
lialf century. The growth of the linen
trade first, a&d . then the tremendous de
velopment of the shipbuilding Industry,
had both, no doubt, a very bad effect on
the building trade from the point of view
of hyglenio and scientific house construc
tion. False Label Brlngrs Fine.
The Irish Industrial Development asso
ciation is being heartily congratulated
upon a successful prosecution conducted In
London under the merchandise marks act.
A well known London firm. It appears,
Messrs. C. and A. Daniels, were prosecuted
for the sole of stuff "falsely Indicated to be
Donegal tweed, contrary to the provision
of the merchandise marks aot, 1887; and
also did unlawfully and with intention to
defraud sell such tweed to the said Mrs.
Sheen an, to which- had been applied the
fale trade description whereby the ssld
goods were falsely Indicated to be Done
gal tweed." The facts In the case were
never In reality disputed. The prosecuted
firm announced a great winter clearance
sole in which they advertised Donegal
tweed at greatly reduced rates. Mrs. Mary
Shechan, to whom much credit Is due and
who waa specially complimented by the
magistrate on her evidence, purchased thne
yards of the stuff. The assistant assured
her that It was all wool and a great bar
gain. But there was some little difficulty
when aha requented that "Donegal" should
be marked on the receipt for the satis
faction of an Imaginary lady for whom the
purchase purported to be made. The stuff
when examined was found to have no wool
at all but to be composed of half cotton
and half shoddy. The startling element of
novelty was Introduced into the case when
the subordinate In question, Mr. Govettc,
was put Into the box. He boldly claimed
to have invented the word "Donegal," aa
an attractive prefix to the word tweed. The
defense, though Ingenious, proved a failure,
tha firm being fined $10.
Carmelite Goes to Aostralla.
When It became known a few weeks
ago that Rev. Denis Devlin of the Car
melite oiiurch was about to leive hla native
city for Australia In connection with the
mission of the Carmelite order In that far
off land thoee who had been connected
with him felt iho announcement keenly.
Though of a miring disposition Fathor
Devlin has become exceedingly popular.
He is comparatively a young man and has
done a good deal of missionary work, both
throughout Ireland and In America, and
was the sub-prior of the community in
Dublin. His connection with the associa
tion attached to the church brought him In
contact with a large body of both women
and meix and they were determined that
hla leaving should be made the occasion
of a demonstration of a marked character.
Accordingly he wan presented with a very
handsome solid silver chalice and paten,
richly gilt, and exquisitely engraved with
Celtlo Interlaced work.
Poo pi j who do not understand the very
useful position occupied by the court of
conscience are Inclined to sner at that an
cient Institution. It might be well for them
to read the report of the committee of the
Dublin Mercantile association, limited,
which states that "following tho announce
ment cf the honorable the recorder of Dub
lin that In actions under $10 no costs would
be a'lowed agamot the defendant, your
commiree decided rather than penalise the
members by continuing to sue in his lord
ship's court, to transfer all this mass of
business to tha court of conscience." Thle,
It appears, has already been dona and with
the greatest success. Out of three hundred
and sixty actions no leas than two hun
dred and thirty have been successful,
while In fifty-five cases tha summonses
Issued could not be served.
Cabinet Crisis at The Hum.
THE HAGUE, March 80.-In consequence
of tha failure of all attempts to form a
conservative cabinet In succession to the
De Meester ministry, which resigned Feb
ruary 13, Queen Wllhelmina has asksd the
ministers who resigned to continue In of
floe. This seems to be the probable solu
tion, though It Is sxpected that tha war
I ;r.!n!?ter. General H. P. Staal, whoae pro.
j uoeals for reduction of the exuenditur.
on the militia were rejected by the lower
bouse of Parliament snd led to the cab
inet's resignation, wUl give uj big port-
Army Paymaster Mishandled
Family, Who Think Him
Possessed of Devil.
BERLIN, March 3o-(8peclal) An extraor
dinary, occurence which took place in
Berlin recently has again aroused the gen
eral public against Gesundbctor, the Uer
msn equivalent cf "the peculiar people."
A fearful din in the flat of Chief Pay
master Sngnwe of the Third regiment of
the foot guards, which is situated In the
Reichenberger straase, attracted a large
concourse of neighbors, who after some
trouble discovered that his family were
employed In exorcising a devil which they
believed had token possession of him. The
persons so engaged were his wife and two
sons and two daughters, the youngest of
whom was sixteen years of age. They
were apparently seeking to destroy the
demon by hurling furniture at it after hav
ing successfully chased It out of the body
of the unfortunate paymaster by beating
him till he was within an Inch of his life.
With some difficulty Paymastor Bagawe
was rewcued from his awkward predica
ment, but the frenzied family succoeded
In locking the door of tho flat, and then
threatened to throw themselves down Into
the street. The fire brigade was summoned
In haste and spread out a life saving sheet
over the pavement to catch them If they
should fall. Just at this point, however,
the door was broken in and the demented
family were secured and removed to, an
It appears that Paymaster ftwawe had
been seriously lit and his wife had taken
it much to heart. After vainly trying to
discover an efficacious cure for him she
got Into connection with the faith healers
and fell completely under their Influence.
She also Induced her children to Join tha
sect, and In the case, of all five religious
mania of a very acute type would seem
to have developed Itself simultaneously.
Paymaster Sagawo Is seriously Injured and
his home Is literally broken to pieces as a
result of the family's devil hunt.
Effort Will Be Made to Take Manage,
ments Ont of Party
CAPE TOWN, March 80. (Speclal.)-Cape
Colony Is suffering from munlclpalixation,
or to be more accurate, from nationalization.
All the railways belong to the government
and the appointment of a commission to
consider the advisability "of effecting some
change In the future managment of rail
ways and of providing some means of ob
taining In the future the Impartial con
sideration of and report upon any pro
posed scheme of railway construction,"
Indicates that the colony has found some
flaws In the system.
Party expediency has often faken a
guiding hand In railway administration.'
Local Interests rather titan financial con
siderations have often governed the laying
of new tracka and It is often asserted that
there are a number of nonpaylng tracks,
which owe their origin entirely to political
"deals." The Granff-Reinet line has' never
even paid Its working expenses and has
cost the taxpayers several hundred thou
sands of dollars annually since Its con
struction. At the present time It Is ex
tremely difficult to ensure tha Impartial
consideration of any railway scheme or
railway expenditure. - AH that was felt
as long ago as 1893, when a select com
mittee was formed to make inquiries on
lines similar o those to which the new
commission Is to turn Its attention. Mr.
Merriman sought at that time to secure
the appointment of a permanent advisory
board, but from one cause or another the
proposal fell throujrK It Is understood that
the first duty of the commission, which
the government has now appointed will be
to endeavor to formulate a scheme, which
will disassociate the railways from party
English Company Will Hot Closo
Works Without Contest la
tho Courts.
VIENNA, March SO. (Special). The Aus
trian government appears to be In no end
j of trouble aa a result of the controversy
over the coal pits and the celebrated
As recently reported, the government re
solved to close several coal pits ta the
Falkcnau district near Carlsbad for the
purpose of protecting the celebrated springs
to which the working of the mines might
prove detrimental. Part of these mines
belonsj to an English company, which has
decided to bring an action against the gov
ernment in the courts of Eger and Brux.
Ths company regards the action taken by
the government aa Injurious to Its own en
terprise, and Intends to do everything poo
Bible to obtain the limitation or cancella
tion of the measures adopted by the au
thorities. The directors have Instructed
their lawyer to bring forward a claim for
$100,000,000, at which figure they value tha
coal still unworked In the pits.
Germany Is Interested la Matter, as
Many Jarenlles Are Com
mitting Calrlde.
BERLIN. March 30. (Special.) The sui
cide of two school boys, Rudolf Wlesner,
aged 1, and Waldemar Draber, aged 15, in
a railway car between Breslau and Llssa,
once more draws public attention to tha
appalling number of cases of Juvenile Ger
mans who commit self destruction. '
Both boys left letters explaining that they
were tired of life and despaired of attain
ing happiness. They wrote that the out
look appeared so gloomy that they were
convinced that life was not worth the liv
ing. One of the principal causes of the In
creasing number of Juvenile suicides ap
pears to be the way In which the children
are systematically overworked in ths
Australian Farmer Bees Them Mounting-
a Feuc to Esenpe
High Water.
MELBOURNE. March 3U (8pacial) A
new characteristic of the rabbit la alarm
ing the Australian farmer. A landowner
i at Albury announces that he has actually
! seen rabbits climbing over "rabbit proof"
I wire fence netting.- The animals were mas
lug their escape from ground Inundated by
htMivy ralre, and according to the story cf
j the witneaa they scaled the wire on the
posts, and so easily surmounted the en
closure. Thousands cf miles of wire-net fenclnj
may prove useless if rabbits have Wrnsd
to ClllUSj
Field and Cffioe Force Beorranised' at
Direction of President.
Chiefs Invested with More Authority and
SnperriseTy Fowerst
Each Direotly Retpobsible for 111 Work in
fiis Territory.
Districts la Nebraska, Wyoming and
Rapid City, S. I)., la Chart of
W. E. Posh, with Head
quarters at Cheyenne,
WASHINGTON, March . In accordance
with orders Issued by the president and the
secretary of the Interior, the commissioner
general of the land office has taken up the
work of reorganizing the field and office
force under his control. In order to secure
greater efficiency In the field work of the
special agents, the commissioner has found
It advisable to redislrict the publlo land
territory, changing the lines so that for the
most part the field divisions have been
enlarged, thus giving greater territory to
the several chiefs.
The chiefs of divisions have been Invested
with more authority and greater supervis
ory powers than heretofore. Special agents
will be detailed to the chiefs from time to
time and placed directly under the direc
tion of the chiefs of the several divisions
In the field, each chief being held responsi
ble for the efficient perform an oe of all work
In his division. The chief will also be re
quired to call for reports respecting the
conduct of local offices and the offices of
the surveyors general In their respective di
visions. Pnrpose of the Chansre.
The method thus adopted It Is hoped will
bring the field force more compactly to
gether and will enable the agents to ap
preciate that they have as their chief one
directly in authority to whom they can
appeal for Instructions, support and ad
vice. It Is also believed the method will
place the chief of the field division In such
a position that he can organise and direct
from his local headquarters the work of
investigation throughout his entire divi
sion. It has also been the purpose of this
rearrangement to make it possible to sa
crease tha number of agents employed In
the several districts In which the field
work Is of the most Important character
and In which close Investigation Is neces
sary to be carried on to prevent fraud and
Hlegal entries, and dispose of suspended
cases ss rapidly as possible. It la also the
purpose of the commissioner to so detail
and concentrate the force as to keep the
department advised of - tha principal land
frauds and Illegal efforts to acquire mie
to tha tha. public lands and secure evi
dence to convlet those guilty of such of
fense, cKpeclal attention Being given to
coal and timber entries.
Chiefs of Divisions.
Tha field divisions and. assignments of
chiefs .follows:
Field Division No. 1 All land districts
In Oregon, Edward W. Dixon, Portland,
No. t All land districts In California
and Nevada, Louis R. Glavla, Oakland.
Ntn 1 Tjinrt districts In Washington and
i Idaho, F. N. Goodwin, Spokane, Wash.
Mo. 4 All land districts in Montana,
Trills T. Rhnrn Helena. Mont.
No. 6 All land districts In Utah and Col
orado, M. D. McErney, Denver, Colo.
No. fi All land districts in Arisona and
New Mexico, F. C. Desenaerr, eanta e,
K. M.
No. 7 All land districts in Wyoming and
Nebraska and Rapid City, In South Da
kota. W. E. Pugh, Cheyenne, Wyo.
No. k All land dlslriots In Minnesota,
Michigan and Wisconsin, S. J. Colter, Du
luth, Minn.
No. 9 AH land districts In Alabama, Ar
kansas, Florida, Iwistana, Mississippi
and Missouri, B. W. Williams, New Or
No. 10 All lsnd districts in North and
South Dakota, except Rapid City, George C.
Hunt, Fargo. N. D.
District of Alaska, H. K. Love, Juneau,
Federal Judge In Montana Mnkes
Ruling- of Importance to Cer
tain Owners.
ST. PAtTL, March 80. A special to the
Dispatch from Helena, Mont, says: Federal
Judge Hunt today modified the order
whereby tha St. Louis Mining company
will be able to resume operations on a
rich gold vein which has been In dispute
between It and the Montana company.
The St Louis concern brought suit against
the latter and secured Judgment for $192,000
for unlawful extraction, and It was to
argue the appeal In this action that former
Senator Brown of Utah went to Washing
ton, only to be shot and killed by Mrs.
Bradley last year. The vein adjoins the
Drumlummon property, which a Helena
man sold to tha Rothschilds of London for
$16,000,000 cash. It was under this pur
chase that the Montana company claimed
title to the disputed vein.
Convicted Insurance Maa Beats
Sheriff to the Office of the
MINNEAPOLIS. March 80.-Dr. J. F.
Force, former president of the Northwest
ern Life Insurance company, beat the
sheriff to prison today. Early In the week
the state suprems court affirmed the trial
court's sentence of Force to three and a
half years for grand larceny from the
company. Dr. Force was ften in Cali
fornia. Today tha sheriff received this tele
gram from him:
"Meet me at 11 a. m. Saturday at ward
en'a office, Stillwater."
Ths sheriff found Dr. Force there await
ing commitment
Pennsylvania IJnes Wll Not Accept
Low Pnssenger Rate With
out a Lawsuit.
PHILADELPHIA, March SO. If Governor
Stuart approves the 2-cent, railroad fare bill.
which has passed tha senate and house and
which Is now In the bis hands, the Penn-
sylvanU and tha Reading railways will be- '
gtn action to test the constitutionality of j
the act.
While the measure Is not to become ef- ;
fectiva until September Su. it has ben de- 1
! terniined by the rsllrads in question not i
'to await that time, but to have the matter1
J Judicially determined in the meautliua by
jibe aufueue oourt X tha sWUa,
Rock Island Said to Bo Pur
chaser of Month Omaha
It Is reported with consldersble assurance
by South Omaha real estate dealers that a
large land deal Is In process of consumma
tion in the city. P. C. Crandall, one of
the real estate men and a man In a good
position for securing Information, an
nounced yesterday that he knew positively
that the Rock Island, under the corpora
tion name of the Chicago, Omaha & Denver
railroad, had secured Options on large hold
ings of lund on this side of the Missouri
river opposite O street. Part of the land
la from the Kountse estate and comprises
over twenty-two acres. Henry L. Hamil
ton, having charge of the matter of secur.
tng the right-of-way In South Omaha, has
options standing good until August 1 not
only on the tract mentioned, but several
others along the river, and as far aa the
Burlington right-of-way. One of these
tracts has been secured from A. J. McGee.
The corporation Is said to be formed under
the laws of New Jersey and It Is the object
to ereot the long-promised bridge at South
Omaha. A shade of doubt Is expressed In
certain circles since the Rock Island al
ready has a long time lease with the Union
Pacific, on which it pays $15,000 annually
for the use of the Omaha bridge.
It is further declared, with quite aa much
posltlveness, that the same company has
an option on thirty-seven aorea at Thirty
sixth and Q streets, South Omaha, known
as the Cossldy tract. This tract Is prac
tically level and would be easily developed
Into a alte for trackage. Several courses
have been surveyed during the last three
months. One Is reported to go directly
through the city at O street and the other
connects with the Rock Island depot at
Albright. The latter presents fewer topo
graphical difficulties.
Senate In veattsrntlon of Discharge of
Negro Troops Takes New
WASHINGTON, March SO. The Browns-
vrill In.m.Hira Mnn inAnv wltK T .111 1 H a n t
Harrf 8. Greir of the Twenty-fifth In
fantry on the stand before the senate com
mittee on military affairs dealt largely with
the opinions held by the white officers as
to the guilt or innocense of the former
negro soldiers.
The lieutenant said that he had been
convinced of the negroe s guilt by the find
ing of Springfield rifle shells and bandoliers
In the streets of Brownsville on the morn
ing of August 14. He did not approve of
the course taken by the Inspectors' depart
ment of the army In trying to ascertain
the guilt or Innocense of the, however,
and after an ultimatum by General Garllng-
ton that the men would be discharged
without honor unless they produced the
guilty men, the attitude of the men caused
him to doubt whether they were guilty.
Lieutenant Qrier concluded that the men
were lnnocen because tha effect of this
ultimatum upon the negroes. He was of
the opinion that all the old and tried sol
diers had done everything they could to
determine if any of tha men were Involved
in the shooting.
The witness Indorsed the first plans
adopted by Major Penrose for tha discovery
of the guilty parties, which was that re
strictions upon the soldiers be removed and
that they be permitted to forget that they
were being prosecuted In tha hope that
the negroes then might begin talking
among themselves. Lieutenant Grier was
opposed to the threat to discharge ths sol
diers unless they confessed.
After examining several witnesses for
the purpose of identifying guns charged to
Company B, Twenty-fifth Infantry, which
are affected by. the report of experts, the
committee adjourned until Monday.
Telegraph Company Advances Pay of
Chief Operators and Clerks
Beginning Monday.
NEW YORK. March SO. William H.
Baker, vice president and general manager
of the Postal Cable Telegraph company,
announces an Increase In the wages of the
company's chief operators and clerks. The
wages will be graduated according to the
length of service, efficiency and responsi
bility of the position. The Increase Is to
taks effect April 1. This is in addition to
the 10 per cent Increase given to the op
erators, traffic chiefs, wire chiefs, assistant
chief operators, chief operators and man
agers on March 1.
Manager Williams of Omaha made this
statement last night:
The Postal Telegraph and Cable com
pany announce an Increase In the wages of
lis chief operators and clerks. The Increase
In each case will be graded according to
the length of service, efficiency and respon
sibility of the position. The Increase is to
tpke effect April L This U m addition to
the 10 per cent Increase which was given
to the operators, traffio chiefs, wire chiefs.
assistant chief operators and managers on
March L"
Miss Nellie M. Wood of Boston Writes
225 Words a Minute for Fif
teen Minutes.
BOSTON, Mass., March SO. What was
claimed to be a world's championship con
test In stenography and typewriting was
the closing feature of the Eastern Commer.
cial Teachers' association convention here
here today. Miss Nellie M. Wood of Boston
won first place In stenography and Miss
Rose L. Frits of New Tork successfully de-
I fended her title to the championship In
j typewriting. Miss Wood attained a speed
of 236 words a minute for fifteen minutes
with twenty-two errors. C. P. Gehman of
, Denver, Colo., took second place and Fred
Ireland of Washington, one of the stenog
raphers In the house of representatives,
was third. Uchlman and Ireland wrote
IS words a minute. The former made
twenty-eight errors and the latter thirty.
Boy Hesembllas; Kidnaped Child Left
in Boarding House at Bar.
llneTton, Ia,
BURLINGTON. Ia., March 80. A 4-year-old
boy, closely resembling ths pictures of
Horace Marvin, kidnaped from Kltts Hum
mock, Del., Is being held here by Mrs.
Fannie Harmer. Three or four weeks ago
a man Ot.u woman named Jones brought
ths child, which they claimed was their
own, to Mrs. Harmer' boarding house. The
man left for Chicago In a few days and In
a week ths woman followed him, leaving
ths chim, saying she would return. They
have been gutio two weeks and IM word
ca tie feoeived from Uieu,
Republican Bute Platform Bedesmed by It
Representatives" in Leiilature(
Measure Well on Its Way, Although It
IroTiiioni Are Uncertain,
Aldtich Sees His Herisontal Cut Go fc
Governor for Aotion.
Jenlaon Mensure Amended nud Sent
Through After Senators Are
Rounded lp and Made
to Vote.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March SO. (Special.) Savt
one, every pledge In the republican statt
platform has been kept by the republican
legislature. That one Is the pure food bill,
which has been recommended for passags
in the house as amended by the commute!
of the whole, and It has already passed ths
senate. It is likely a big fight will coma
when the bill gets back to the senate, for
the senators are opposed to the amend
ments tacked on by the house. Unless the
house recedes the senate may kill tha bill.
The governor got the primary election bill
this evening. He had already signed tha
anti-pass bill and the house has concurred
In the senate amendments to the anti-lobby
bill. In fact, Saturday evening when tha
legislature adjourned It had everything well
In hand, and were It not for the appro
priation bills which tho senate Is now work
ing on there would be little to do of stats
Interest, though measures of local Impor
tance to many communities are still pend
ing. Both house and senate are talking
of adjourning the middle of the week.
The house today passed the Aldrlch
maximum freight rate bill, which reduces
freight charges 18 per cent on certain com
modities and passed the Harrison bill, re
ducing Pullman car ratios 30 per cent This
bill received only 51 vbtea, due to the un
tiring energy of Tom Benton, tha Pullman
lobbyist. For awhile the bill was defeated,
It requiring several calls of the house be
fore It finally received the sanction of a
bare majority.
Interurban Bill Causes Debate.
The real fight today In the house came
over the bill by Thomas, 8. F. fB, provid
ing that street railway companies may
own stock In Interurban companies and
that ths latter may own the atock of street
railway companies. While a majority of
the Douglas and Lancaster delegations were
for the bill, the members from out In tha
state were decidedly opposed to it because
they argued It would give to tha Omaha .
& Council Bluffs Street Railway company ,
a monopoly on the Interurban business, and
further, It did not require physical connec
tion between competing lines which may '
want to get Into the same town or city.
As a result no action waa taken on the
measure, but when It again comes up In
the committee of the whole, amendments
covering these points and requiring tha
company to get permission of tha State
Railway commission to Issue bond will be
offered by Cone of Saunders.
Noycs of Csss voiced the first objectlona
to the bill. Marsh of Seward and Cone
followed him. Lee. Best and Walsh stood
up for the measure aa It la now, as did
E. W. Brown of Lancaster. But as It waa
very evident that tha bill would have been
killed If allowed to go to a vote the housn
adopted a motion by Clarke of Douglas to
report progress and ask leave to sit again.
Tha house kept up a steady grind nearly
all day on bills on third reading. It re
quired a call of the house on several meas
ures to get sufficient votes to pass the bills.
This frightened some of the members, so
a motion was adopted that if any member
went home before the session adjourned
he should be sent for and brought hack by
the sergeant-at-arms unless be had been
excused by the house.
Anti-Lobby Bill Passes mate.
The senate substitute for the Jenlaon
anti-lobby bill waa passed this morning by
the senate after the emergency clause had
been stricken out. The bill requires all
paid lobbyists to register with the secretary
of state and places rather stringent re
strictions on the method by which they
may work. The bill. H. R. 18. was re
called by the senate at the request of
Governor Sheldon after It had been In
definitely postponed, and was amended by
the Judiciary committee by the substitu
tion of practically a new bill. When tha
first vote was taken on the measure there
was a marked absence, of senators from
their sests. They were brought In under
a call of the house, tha senate waiting
several minutes for the sergeant-at-arms
to find Senator Thomas, who was the last
one to show up. The first vole was taken
on the bill with the emergency clause and
was as follows:
W llson 21.
H olb rook.
Akhton, Glover,
liuck, Goodrich,
Burns, Gculd,
Ciarke. Hanna.
Thorns U.
As It requires twenty-two votes te carry
I the emergency clause the bill with this
I clause failed to carry. The vote on tha
i bill without tha emergency clause waa aa
; Manns,
I Holbrook,
I Nays
1 Buck,
i Hums
I At.-n
Thome .
CuttlnaT Away Appropriations.
The senate committee on finance, ways
and means In reports to the senate today
slashed house appropriations amounting
to $120,000. The Institutions affected by ths
cuts are as follows:
Feeble Minded Institution at Beatrice for
buildings cut from $'11,000 to $30,000, tha
money to be expended fur a building for
j eplleptlo patients; appropriations for a mon.
umem CO jturnuaui Lanui'iu vii tu iiiiiu
capltol grounds to cost $10,Ouo, the appro
priation of $10,000 for a bounty for discov
ering coal; the $J9.0u0 appropriation for
making test borings for coal and oil were
cut entirely; the appropriation fur two
wings for the Normal school building at
Kearney was cut from tlJO.CH.0 to Ptt.W,
the appropriation of ti.QuO for a tubercu
losis bbsyilai at Uie XiasUUsa aaulUiA Was