18 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. Want " ads jUtrrtlimriili for the vraat-ad eolnnaae will he (ka 11 m. for far the nnralic aad Bandar edltloaa. Oaah mailt toapaar a" nrdere far ti(-4i aad adTertleensent will ha aeeewted far leea faaa 1 eeata far the first Insertion. IU(ri apply o either Tba Pally or iiiif Bra. Always raaat six ward fa a liar. Cemblnatloas of laltlaU ar anaaaera eoaat as aaa ward. CAH RATES FOR WART-ADS. Rr.ni'AR CLASSIFICATIO Oaa la ertloa, er liar, 10) cents. Twa at mare ronseentlro Insertions, Una, e tfiti. Rah Insertion made oa add days, to seats ar llaa. oer llaa par ntata . SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS If year advertisement la Inserted ander any of tka elnssldeatleas 1t below. It will ba charged m tba foil owl a rates i Oaa laaertloa, 4 cents pee llaei three ta alx eonaeeatlvn laeer tloaa, B eeata par llaa rach Inaertloai even or mora eoneecntlve Ineertlooe, t eeata par llaa each laaertlon. BO teats par Una par month. BARTER ADD EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Exeewt A(ti, Solicitors and Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SALEl Cows. Birds, Don and Pets. Harsaa and TebJclca. Penltry and E(fi, Faraltnra. Pianos', Orsjane aad Moslcal In etramenta. Typewriters Bad Sewing Mn ealnea. Mleeellaaeoae. OFFERED FOR REHTl Faralahed Rooma. Unfarnlahed Rooma. Hoaaekeeplna; Rooma. Boardlnar aad Rooma. WAITED TO BIY. WAITED TO RENT, i SITt'ATlONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Deatb aad Faaeral Notleea, Cards of Tba a k a and Lodge Notleea. T eenta per line for oaa edition, naorntnaT or eventna"! S eeata m Mae for each addi tional edltloa. Saaday, lO eeata llaa. No ad taken for leaa tbaa Su eeata. BRANCH OFFICES. Waat-ada for Tba Bee may be left at any of tba following Omar stores oaa la "yoar tvarnor drnvslat" tbey are all branch onieee at The Boo aad yonr ad will ba taaerted Jaat aa promptly aad oa the aania rates aa at the main office la The Bee building;, Seventeenth and Farnam streets! Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck. 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St. Becht's Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. lie ml a Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming-. Caughltn, C. R., th and Pierce Bt. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crtaaay Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cartnak, Emtl, 1204-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2i02 lycavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 218 N. 25th SL Freytag, John J., 114 N. 24th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. I Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Parle Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, G". A., 1025 B. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden. Wm. C. 2S30 Farnam Bt. Han acorn Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th Ave. Hoist John, 624 North 16th Bt. Huff, A. L., St9?4 Leavenworth St. King, H. B., 2238 Farnam Bt. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. Ithrop, Chaa. EL, 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug- Store, 16th and Chicago. Bchaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming St. Storm rharmacy, 16th and Martha 8ts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming1. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Oraoe Bts. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bts. DEATHS AXD- FUNERAL JI OTIC Eg. FUCHS-Anna F., March 28, aged 81 years, beloved wife of Gustave A. Fuchs. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence, 2462 South Twen tieth street. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Friends invited. RECTOR James 8., age 46 years, $ months and 23 days, died at family residence, 2618 St. Mary's avenue, Friday, March 23, at I a. m. Funeral Sunday from residence at 2 p. m. to St. Peter's church, at 2:30 p. m. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Friends Invited. CARD OF THASKS We wish to thsnk our many friends and neighbors for their. kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of nur wife and mother and for the many floral offerings. r HENRY DiRE FOLD, . H. H. DREFOLD, MRS. W. J. WAKEFIELD, a F. DREFOLD. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths wmre re ported to the Board of Health during- the twenty-four hours ending Friday noon: Births Alexander Ureenberg, 419 South Tenth, girl; F. O. Wyatt, 40S Bancroft, boy. Deaths Anna F. Fuel. a. 462 South Twen tieth, id; Addle Hlbbs, 8412 Evana. 1 nvutith Barah Anna McCoy, fcat Wirt, 6; Baby Agnee Orlffln, Bt. Joseph' hospital, 14 months; Mary A. McCarm, 22 Sherman avenue, 46; Sarah E. Longacre, 1206 PaciQo, HARRIAGK LICKHSE9. The following- - marrtag licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Aa-e. George L. Mangaon, Kansas City 28 Aaeiia ti. nrown. ueniaon, la. 24 Thomas C. Baker, South Omaha 26 Mignou Mereoitu, Omaha M tl karat wedding- rings. Edholm, Jeweler, ANNOUNCEMENTS IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1S1I Farnam, tD 47J THE CITY GARBAGE CO., ofllce 4th and leavsnworm cis. lei. Liougia 1387. U-47J 8IGN PAINTING a H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. U tit OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maks a aoo- cutlty of tire aacapea, shutters, doors and sate, u. Anaiecn, rrop., ivi a. linn St. l 475 SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED AN YT Bwe that they oome from THE NEBRASKA Siut-D CO.. unwARi) 1208-io-u Jouea bt. (1 MWM) A3U IVERYTHINO FOR THE 6EWING HA. ClllNii Hayden Bros., Sewing Machine lpt. 'Phone uoug. -J0. (1 140 AM AUTOMOBILES 1AUBLKR. lJi model, for sale: nearly w; a bargain, liuleeon Optical Co , 111 8. lith bt. U MT3 BARTER AND EXCHANGE CLEAN up-to-date stock of general mer chandise, located in hustling Nebraska ., town, must be dlp"d of In a short time. TloS .um. Y "1 iru iiar ana l . . v fii. TaM A In. , veetnient Co., notuM X SOMA X l"atteron BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continual.) LET'S KWAPI Restaurant. In good county int, trade fir mi to l-acre (arm, city property or stock hardware. Half section central Nebraska land, 230 acres In cultivation, trade for general merchandise. Two good hotels (furniture and lease) for sale or trade. V.'e have UiinK to ttoue for anything, and anything to trade for everything, any. where and many where. Grab the "UTS wire" snd get a shock of prosperity. CONTINENTAL RF.ALTT CO., 21-M IT. B. Nat l Bank Pldg ., Omaha, Neb. 63 Brownell Plk., Lincoln, Neb. 711 Security Bank Bldg., ux City, la, $ West Ninth St., Kanaaa City, Mo. ) Exchange Bldg, Denver, Colo. (J) M344 AI EXCH ANOK8 If you have city property, atoc.ka of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com- . plete Hat. We have propertlea and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free, Pend for It at once. Globe I .and and Investment Co., Tatter son Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (S 478 EXCHANGE. , . 1 ACRES unimproved, all good, black soil. In Cheyenne county, Nebraska, for good small cottage. , " . Gn grocery store In Council Bluffa, la.. $2,200; can take part trade. 10 scree good farm land In South Dakota, $4,800 for Omaha property. 1.240 seres Holt county, Nebraska, Im proved; price tig. oo per acre clear, tor Omaha property or small farm. Small houae and lot for good vacant lot. Good modern residence, walking distance In Oman. tt,. for improved W or Good printing establishment, with building, everything up to. date, $5.onp; can take good Nebraska land, stock of drugs, gro ceries or millinery stock or other gooJ FpnPvacant property in Omaha for good Income property. ' 190 acres good eastern Nebraska Improved Innd for elevator snd coal business. . If you have anything for sale or 'jane list It with us. We have lists of over w offices throughout the United States and we can say, If you will price your prPy right. It will surprise you how soon we can move It. PETERSON BROS.. Phone D-J167. m$ WE HAVE A 26.000 bu. grain ';vto small Missouri town, will "ell for $7.znw. Half cash, balance mortgage. Globe lAna Investment Co.. rnw 1 11 7 terson Blk.. Omaha, Neb. T3 MK HARDWARE and furniture stock tor sale in western Iowa. Will trade for good quarter section of land in South Da kota, Fnulk county preferred. Invoice about $4.W0. Address V-276. WELL Improved farm of 160 acres located near Feesende, N. D. Price $3,000. Will trails for income property. Globe Ijna & Investment Co., room 1 Patterson Biog., Omaha. (3)-MW SEVERAL good stocks merchandise to ex change for land; also city income prop erty for land. Automobiles to exchange. National Investment Co. (3) M581 Al FOR EXCHANGE 160 seres near Orchard. Antelope county, Neb.: price tng Vf acr.. S20 acres six miles from O Nell, Holt county, Neb., Improved; price $20 per acre. Will exchsnge either or both of above farms for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties in Omaha to exchange for merchandise, or hardware. Glob Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who have farms, wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. (3) M A26x WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property. 110 8. - 17th. (3-60 AS EXCHANGE. Store building in Waco, York county, Nebraska, and three residences In same town, to trade for Omaha city property. What have you to trade for themT Total valuation, $7,000. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO., 619 N. Y, L.1I6 Hiag., Omaha, Nob. (3) M249 M WANTED TO EXCHANGE My light lope-Trioune runaooui lor iiuiiu Orient buckboard. My machine not adapted to mud and heavy grades In this section. Dr. F. W. Johnson, Fullerton, Neb. (3) M384 Ax TO EXCHANGE 420 acres In Illinois. 50 miles south or Chlcsgo. ror a large imci of unimproved Nebraska land; might put In some cash. Also havs some good resi dence and business property In a thriving Illinois city for trade. Also a good resi dence on Washington boulevard In Chl niffo for western land. F. HAMILTON ft CO.. MOMENCE, ILL. t3) MtU A3X FOR 8AL-K OR Tnri?- $6 0"0 'tuck of rarm macninery aoine; a wu uiwiurM In a very fine farming community, -ivery-thlng first class. Globe Land A Invest men, Co.t roQnui 1 and 2, uttersn Blk., Omaha, Neb. (3)-M601 BUSINESS CHANCES ron RALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 4 to w received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address x 12, Bee. (4)-478 If you have a farm, home, business or property tnat you want to sen or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb. (4)-620 At HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business ror sale; good business; will require $4,000 to handle same. Write Box is, nelson, meo. . i) ua IF YOU want to get In or out of business. no matter what your business Is, or where it Is. we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit, ll you nave anything to trade write us. KDLLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. (4) M241 SO FOR SALE Old established hardware busi ness in county seat town or 2,000, in east ern Nebraska. Stock Invoices $8,000, hi clean and UD-to-date. Only one comnetl tor. Will sell or rent buildings. Wish to sell Immediately, on account ot poor beaitn. Address x it, cars omana Bee. (4 U231 Al FOR SALE Or trade, drug stock, south west Nebraska. Address Box 22, Alexan dria, Neb. (4) M766 A6x WE BUY, sell or exchange everything. Mat. investment jo., oi uougiaa hiock. IA Mo!M At FOR SALE Business, stock and furniture in the Only hotel In one of the beat towns in 8. W. Neb. Bnap. Reason, other busi ness. Address box 129, Alma, rxeb. (4-M2&8 AJx DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V, Knlest, 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (4 480 K CARD will bring our booklet free. All anout now to incorporate your business. i pen eveninKS. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO.. 428 New York Life Bldg. (4) M061 1 FINE territory and 120 aooounts at Grande. Oregon, for good sewing ma chine man. Address Binger sewing Ma chine Co., Baker City, Oregon. (40-640 81 FOR BALE Blacksmith tools. In good lo cation for shop; rnuat be sold at once. Write to Mlela Mjelm. Bancroft Neb. (4) M837 A4x U.7&0 BUYS old established butcher short. in southern Nebraska, county soat, 6.0 lnnaoiuuita, steam ana gasoline power; oesi reasons lor selling. $3.2u0 buys 80 aores improved farm land. near two good railroad towna In Jefferson county, Nebraska; also fifteen desirable lota In Suit Lake City to trade for land or drug stock. Big Four Land Co.. Fair- bury, Neb. (4) Miil A4x FOR BALE OR RENT Only blacksmith shop in gooa town; good businesa Ad dress L. T. Brooking, Funk, Neb. (t MtSl FINK Arm tract uuainesa Knttre plant or controlling Intercut, located In a good Nebraska town; unlimited opportuntiee for business: standing order for K0 ab stracts on additions st the present time; ix-ai ui rMh"ii iui t.iiiiia price rignt: quick sale: mlht ctinslder trade for part Glebe Land and In veal men t Co., No j Patterson Block. (4) kl $20 8HAREU of the Mankera-Heavner Navl. gallon to. BtCRk. at much leas than the market price l( sold at Olive. Addreas Hux Ml, uuiana, rieaa W-i A Doctor or a Dentist Ofton Sells His Business Through BEE BUSINESS CHANCE ADS. n BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WANTED Employment evenlnga E X Bee. 14) 26 4x ROBERT C. IR t " Ff K DOW ds CO., STOCK BROKERS, 800 New York IJfe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4 va FOR BALE Or trade, ltvery business In Brlstow, Neb. Only business In town. Good trade. Will sell for csah on easy terms or will trade for small tract of clear land. Don't make any "blue sky" Jiropoaltlons. Write to P. C. Anderson, Jrlstow, Neb. (4) M447 HARDWARE and furinture stock for sale, central Iowa, 86 cents on the dollar; cheap rent; no real eetate. Must be sold la) the next few days. A bargain. No trades, but will take good paper. Involoe about $3,600. Address Y 276, care Bee. 4-M161 10 FOR SALE $4,000 good, clean mercantile stock, railroad division town and ranch and stock surrounding : monthly sales $2,000 now, better In summer and fall; reason for selling, other nteresta; will give Interested party salao" to work while seeing if my proposition suits. Ad dress Box 114. Lima, Mont. (4) hi:' 30 FOR BALE Leading newspaper and job business in county seat town or i.ouo; only ons competitor In county; rich farming country; circulation 1,600 weekly; annual receipts $5,000 or more. Write for particu lars. Address Y 73, care Bee. (4)-M381 A2x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A fine resi dence In up-to-date country town, eastern Nebraska, No. 1 location; would consider good land in Iowa or Nebraska, no sand; not particular about Improvements. Ad dress Y-68, Bee. (4) M879 INVESTMENTS. Attention, Investors! An old established business firm In this section that Is mak ing good money at present and has al ways done so in the past, offers for sale a limited amount of guaranteed 6 per cent preferred stock that Is nonassess able and no taxes; Interest payable semi annually: par value, $100 per share. This Is a good opportunity for either a small or large investor. The most rigid Investi gation Invited. If Interested address F 619, Omaha Bee. (4) M463 30 TO BUY, sell or exchange anything call, write or phone Peterson Bros., 523 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas S167, Omaha. (41-M459 A2 FIRST-CLASS livery business; lively town; one railroad; good business; renson ror selling, other business. Address Y 69, Bee. (4) M880 FIRST-CLASS barber shop, three chairs; oniy snop in town or 7W; will bear in spection. Address Y-70. Bee. (4) M881 FOR BALE Twochalr barber shop. Ad dress Y71, care Bee. (4) M231 WANTED. TO BUY. Combined galvanic and faradic battery. Aaaresa L. 924, care Bee. (4)-tjU six IF TAKEN at once, will sell at JO per cent discount my stock or dry goods and gro ceries; finest business In town; Invoice about $7,0u0; a bargain for cash: owner has other business. Address Y 76, care Omaha Bee. (4) 670 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 600 Bee Bldg. 16) 244 AU Bar Iron and Steel. PENNSYLVANIA Iron and Steel Co., umaha. Retail bar Iron and steel at wholesale prices. Prompt delivery. Write for quotations. (6) 323 A24 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 8197. (5)-4 DressmaklaaT. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 141 IM. Slat Blvd. (5) M438 A3 Florists. HESS BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (5) 488 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ljXtO. (6) 488 J. H.' BATH, 1828 Harney. Tel. Doug. SO00. (6) 433 Fnraaees. W. S. HEATON, basement, 1301 Farnam St.; American Hero and Wise furnaces; also tinwork; pleased to figure your work. (6) 925 A22 Narserles, SHADE trees, shrubs and fruit trees. F. R. Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. D. 7362. (5.P-S24 A28 Oateep-athy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. ijougiaa IS&Ai (6) 4,87 Dr. Bowser, ovsr 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 8370. (5) M747 A19 Pension Attorneys. , HOWARD BAXTON, Att'y, 921 N.Y.L. BMg. (6)183 M29 Printing. I YNOSTAH HI8"h grads 1907 calendars. . ,Am r 8. E. corner 16th Bt. and JORVE Capitol Avs. (EO 488 BWANBON PRINTING CO., high grade printing at lowest prices. 110 S. 17th Bt. Tel. Doug. 1869. (5) 242 All JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 63M. Cbr 4 Plamblna. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. Ill N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1477 C5 M468 ACT Srap Iron aad Metal. WE pay highest "prices for metals, scrap Iron and bones. Returns promptly mnda. A. B. Alptrn. Omaha. (6 824 A24 Shrabbery. SHRUBBERY, fruit and shade trees, 21st and Farnam. Phone Webster 8367. (5 M9j6 4 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omsha. Revelations of past and f-Jture described. Parlors 111 8. 18th St., Opp. Boston Store. I (16) 4K0 MMES. Bean and Mayo. Spiritual medluma. Beancea Tuesday and Friday, evenings. ' Readings dally. 9CJ N. 16th Bt. Tel. Red SUM. 6 M57 AT7k EDUCATIONAL SPRING TERM. APRIL 8. BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY, ENGLISH, ELOCUTION DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLE 8, Pres., Omaha. Nab. (6 tut SPRING TERM of the Omaha Comerclal College 1TH AND FARNAM. Opens Monday, April 8. Courses: Business, Shorthand, Typewrit ing. Telegraph. Civil Service and pen manship. CATALOGUE FREE. CO-ttt HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced salestsdles for cloak and suit department. B. Fredrick Berger A Co., 1617 Farnam. . (7 663 81 Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhlrt Company, SV24 Farnam Bt. (7) M339 WANTED Machine girls. City steam Laundry, 211 B. 11th Bt. C7V-420 QIRL8 WANTED For factory work. Good wages. Steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co.( 11th Su via duct. () M461 A27 Iloasekeeptnar and Donteatlce. WANTED Girl for general housework: references required; good wages. 3H02 Lincoln Blvd. (7) M68 WANTED-Competent girl for second work. Reference required. Mrs. C. J. Greene, SS28 Harney bt. 7 -MM1 81 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Tel. Harney 211.1 4S01 Davenport St. (7) M258 80 WANTED A cook. 8610 Farnam St. (7)-814 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 833 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 2614. (7) M329 A2x GIRL for general housework. 846 8. 18th Bt. !) M340 GIRLD wanted for general house work; B"--"l T " WT-n IU Ul'inUTlfni llfip. J.lir,. ITIU- Brlde, 112 North 2Uth St. (7)-6ti8 80x GIRL wnuted; young girl to assist In house worx ana care or baby; good wages; ref erences required. 112 North 26th St. (7-66S 1(x WANTED Good girl for general house work, no washing. Mrs. R. W. Brecken ridge, 1310 South 30th. Ave. (7) M386 Al WANTED Young girl to help In house work. 2400 Poppleton Ave. (7) 421-Apr2x GIRL for general housework ;good wages 1338 8. 30th Ave. (7) M633 1 lllseellaneaas. SHORTHAND TEACHER. Gregg, $50. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $J6. STENOGRAPHER. Fox, $40. STENOGRAPHER, Oliver, $35. STENOGRAPHED AND BOOKKEEPER, $60. BOOKKEEPER, $C6. RETAIL CLERK, $25 to $30. If you want a position at once or In the near future, you should see us without delay, or write for complete list of va cancies. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASH'N, INC., Suite 840-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) 661 30 McDOWELL dressmaking senno. 13 Far. (7 M212 A14 WANTED 28 experienced coat and skirt girls to work in alteration room; good wages. S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam St. (7) 418 81 HELP WANTED MALE Aarenta, Solicitors and Salesmen. AGENTS wanted o drive through ths country; bept selling proposition ever of fered; big value foe your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan. 80$ tiee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. t W4 t MEN for canvassing; steady work; par weekly. C F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard (0-M216 Mil SOLICITOR and delivery man wanted. Maione Coffee Co.. 2111 Cuming St. (9) M471 SOx Boys. . WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. S)-1T BRIGHT, strong boy to do general work around store; state age. Address A' 914, Bee, (9) 413 29x WANTED Experienced office boy; per manent position. Apply loth and Farnam. Boebe & Kunyon Furniture Co. 9) 578 28 Clerical and Office. WANTED A young man about 20 years old to help around office and shipping room. Address D 917 Bee. (9j 431-2&X WANTED Clerk in railroad office, salary $60 per month. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M460 A3x WANTED 2 experienced dress goods sales men. Apply before 10 a. m. to A. D. Brandels. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. Cli 626 11 Factory and Trade. POSITIONB for drag men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. i. L., Omaha. l9 890 WANTED Men to do furniture unholster ing and general furniture repairs; also young man In shade department, at 1111 ler, Stewart & Beaton. 413-16-17 S. ICth St. (9)-M68 31X WANTED AT ONCE Diswanser for soda fountaiu, must be up-ta-dale on mixed drinks, single and of good appearance and habits. Address W. 8. Jackson, Idaho Falls. Ida. ( M086 A7x WANTED A competent ad and Job man. Address The Tribune, MoCook, Neb. (9) MotfO 81 WANTED Cracker peelers, roller men and machine men, steady work. Loose-Wiles Cracker ot Candy Co., Kansas City, Mo. (9 M669 81 WANTED Blacksmith; no horseshoeing. Geo. Colling Sou. York, Neb. 9)-M749 11 WANTED First-class barber; will pay $20 per week. Address W. A. Dodda, Gillette, Wyo. 9)-M78 4x WANTED Carriage trimmers; top build ers, on medium and good grade work; steady position and best pay; piece or ri 1 1 v i-nru Writ lmm.f1i.lMlv in U'.r.n. loo Carriage Co., Waterloo, ti. ia (9)-MU2 Alx EXPERIENCED men for swing cut-off gas, band rip and band saw, Abernathy Furniture Co., Leavenworth, Kan. t9)-M448 Al WANTED At once, good harness maker. Omsha Harness Co., 11$ 8. 13th St. (9S-M470 30 WANTED Two machine men, I boys, 1 box makers, 1 lumber handlers. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9) t:t YOUNG man, with some experience at aoda fountain, w. A. i iei, utn and mrnam. (9) oo SI WANTED Men to learn barber trade; ths Moler system Is short and practical; es tablished in twenty-two leading cities; tools given; wagea Saturdays; positions waiting. Call or write for catalogue, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M644 Ix Mis M STENOGRAPHERS, H0. $ 8TENOOR A PH KRd, $40. BOOKKEEPER. $75. BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER. $76. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. $00. SALESMAN. City, $76. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN AND COR- iKEHPONDENT, $126. OFFICE CLERK, young man, $50. APfiiBTANl MANAGER, retail business, tin to $100. ' The above positions are open for Immediate consideration. You should see us or write for complete list of vacancies and particulars. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, ING. Suite t842 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9 A16d 30 WANTED Yoong man to receive freight and work In stock room. Apply st once. F. W. Woolwortn Co.t 114-18 & lUth St. Ui-eiw lux J HELP WANTED MALE Mteeellesreoae Contlaaed. WANTED, for the ti. B. Matins corps, men between ages of 13 and 36; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full In formation spply in person or by letter te Recruiting Office, old Nat'l Bank Bldg., Cor. 12th and Farnam BU., Omaha, Neb. (9) M5il MJl WANTED BOUND YOUNG MEN, ages 11 to 36, for firemen and brakeman on lead ing railroad: experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100 00 per month, become engineers, earn $300.00; brakeman earn $76.00, become conductors, earn $150.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 820 X. Paxton Mock. Omaha, Neb. (9)-69R A WANTED First-class soda dispenser for downtown drug store. Address with refer ences, giving experience, etc. Druehl St Franken, Bait Lake City, Utah. (9) M332 Alx FIRST-CLAB8 man preeaer at once. Steady work for right man. Wardrobe, 2016 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1723. (9) S06 Al A GOOD opening for a hustler. Open even ings. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO., 426 New York Life Bldg. (8) MGC8 WANTED Small Job of cementing done; basement floor. Call at 903 N. Y. Life Bldg., 10 to 12 or 4 to 6. (9) M3M A2 ENERGETIC young man. over 26 years old, capable of earning high salary, bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp- and references. H 2!o, care Bee. (9) S GOOD Janitor wanted, white or colored; references required. D. J. O'Brien Co., 1202 Howard St. (8) M694 11 WANTED Man with team, for furniture wagon. Apply 10th and Farnam, Beebe & Runyon Furniture Co. (9) M645 31 HUSTLERS wanted, everywhere, $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Outdoor Advertis ing Co., Chicago. (9) M(H2 11 X A PARTNER In corporation wanted. Small capital. Open evenings. MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO., 428 New York Life Bldg. (9)-MSfi4 WANTED Two men. Boston lunch. 1612 Farnam Bt. ( Mfi 1 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED A man and wife, without chil dren, who have had experience with poul try, on my farm. Apply before 10 a. m. A- D. Brandels, at J. L. Brandeis Sons. (10) M448 30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. I HORSES,' weight 1,200 lbs. each, wagon snd harness, $126; one team, weight 2,60$ lbs.; one team, weight 1,000 lbs.; 1 farm mares. 2111 Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410. (U 913 ALL kinds of horses, wagons and harness for sale on easy payments. Buy your horse now and save money everybody will be buying when work opens; pay for him as suits your convenience; first pay ment when work opens. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th. OD-M59S PIANO boxes and sewing machine orates for sale. Cole Qunnell Express and Livery Co. Horses boarded. ltoA Far nam. Tel. Doug. 370. 1713 Cass. TsL Doug. 4727. (11 673 A3 GOOD team heavy mares. 2116 No. 16th Ave. (11 M803 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work horses, bought, sold and exchanged on commission. Myersj 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 3691 (U-01 A3 ONE good driver or express horse; cheap for cash. 2813 No. 15th Ave. (11) M607 FIVE heavy work teams, weighing from 1,200-to 1.600; three odd horses; six good drivers, weighing from 1,000 to 1.150. Rear 414 No. 161.1. (11) M608 LARGE and small horses for sale. Also wagons. Rosenblatt, 1223 Nicholas. (11) M651 IS HEAD of horsfca, drivers and businesa horses; two span of mares, one span of young mules, city broke. Jones' stables, 1114 Dodge street. Oil 123 ONE big pair of work hefrsas; $Tj0 takes them today. Myers. 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 3691 (11) 234 30x PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or double and ride. 43d and Center. (11) MJ68 RIDING pony, Jersey cow and chickens. 143 N. 17th. (11) M272 SOx TEN head of horses and mules, 61st and Vinton St. (11) 301 BIG young team, weight 3,000 lbs., 2613 Leavenworth. Tel. Douglas 988. (11) M68 FOR BALE On account of leaving city, I will sell my fine fast driving mare, cheap. Buggy and harness, too. If desired. Ad dress K 7, Bee. (11) M667 1 FOR BALE The best carriage horse In Omaha; one depot wagon, Drummond make; one two-seated surrey and one double harness, Coralah make. Apply Phil Aarona, Brandels Store. OU M684 1 HAY 39 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. (11) M62 A30x Poultry and Bggi, SAVE EVERY CHICK The extra chick saved by feeding B. A H. IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays ths cost of feed, Mfg. only by Bunnell 4k Had lock, 24th and Belt Line, Omaha. (11 M12s A2S RHODE ISLAND RED egaS. Martin, 3801 Indiana, Ave. Tel. Harney ISuS. tu) usa OUR handsome illustrated poultry book la free to all who will write and ask for It, telling where they aaw this ad. A valuable book for every poultry man; JO.OuO printed. Addreas Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (11) 861 May22x BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS-Eggs, IS, $1.; 30, $1.60; 100. $4. Austin Faucett. Blair, Nab. U1)-MU AUx WHITE Plymouth Rocks Ten choice, thoroughbred cockerela, $1.50 to $2 each; few pena eggs, $1.26 per setting; satisfac tion guaranteed. Mrs. Frank Brown, Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, (ID-Ma tlx BETTINGS from full-blooded Brown Leg horn chickens. $1.00. 1401 N. 17th. (11) a tlx BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs, from pens headed by id cock and 2d cockerel at the big Tri-Clty show; $1 per IS, $5 per 30. 'Phone Red 6470. F. C. Ahlqulat. 2762 Mere dith Ave., Omaha, Neb. (ID M93 10 EX3GS from hlh-grade. single-comb Whits Leghorns, $1.50 for 16. Regular "egg nia cliiuea." Lundstrom, 13u2 N. 26th. (1D-M1M SOx BUFF COCHIN cockerels for sale. $1 M each. Egs. IS for $1.00. Mia. C. Kellett, Waterloo, Neb. (11) M436 Alx INCUBATORS at less than half price. Ad dress H 5, Bee. OD 40 2x Caws, Blrda, Decs and Pets. MILCH cows, on easy torma. 43d and Center. fll Ui CANARY blrda, singer a. $3; femalea. fL 1414 Sherwood Ave. 'phone Red (11) 31 Al FOR BALE Fine freeh family cow. with o without heifer calf. 31 -3 Manderaon St. Ul)-Mtl4 A4x FRE811 Jeraey' cow for sale. 4010 Parker tU UtJ-MM IX LOST AND FOUND LOST Black mars, white spots on head; weight l.ooo lbe ; last seen near Haarmann fckle faeiory on Bo. th Bt. Rerard for nformstlon or return to Joe Pavlik, 1R11 Q St., Bo. Omaha. (12) 311 Six LORT-Genfs watch on 1th or Farnam streets. Return and receive reward. Ad- "" Bos 7, Colon, Neb. (12)-41S 29x LOST Tuesday night, blue roan mare, heavy with foal; weight about 1.250 lbs.; 3 years old; reward for Information. 'Phone Harney 22 ."8. Res. 4736 Seward St., city. (12) MS61 30x LOBT Ladles' eveglasses. Return to E1h trto Ight office. New York life Bldg., and get reward. (12) 612 Six SATCHEL containing fruit catalogues, etc, Reward. 2201 Douglas. E. I Emery. I (12) Mti Six LOST Pocketbock, on Farnam St.. between 2?d and 17th; reward for return to Hee office. (12) 47 Sox MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creigbton Medical College, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profersors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 28 First Ave., Council Bluffs. I a. Tel. 774. (13) 322 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 973 DR. PRIE8, specialist, diseases of women, 30 years' practice In confinements. Office, 114 N. ICth; residence, 34 Charles, Omaha, (13)-l ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the 8alvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24th Bt., Omaha, Neb. (13)-M100 43-DAY blood remedy, the great blood f purifier: aold only at Gladlsh rharmacy, 2th and Dodge St.. Omaha. OS) MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advancea private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to g-et; no red tape. You get money aa me day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14V-922 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life building. (ll-332 DR. PRIBBETNOW S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 114 Karbach Blk.. 103 South 16th St. tl4 4rn CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam HL U4)-30 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or salary loans. 613 Paxton block. 'Phone Douglas 746. 04 823 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 3, Barker block. U4) 32s EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating: all business confidential. 1S01 Douglas. U4)-925 WOULD MONEY HELP YOUT Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates which honest people can- afford to pay. We wll' make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us bsck late," In amounts to suit your convenience. Everything confidential. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 1960. Room 20, Frenzer Blk., 16th. and Dodge Bts. (14) 608 A7 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. V. Reed. 110 8. 18th. (14)-374 FURNITURE, PIANO SALARY LOANS. Positively loweat rates easiest payments. 8TANTON LOAN COMPANY, 601 Bee bldg. Phone Doug. 866ft (14 Ml 68 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cafe, U6)-831 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, nice rooms with good board, alao table board. (1S)-M157 Allx DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. OS) 933 FAMILY rooming and boarding house. 718 So, 29th St. 'Phone 439 Harney. 06)-M2fi9 All GOOD board and rooms, private family. 2317 N. 34th. (16V-813 2 A LARGE alcove room, east front, two closets, modern; breakfast privilege. 116 N. 26th Bt. (15K-M251 SO FIRST-CLASS board and room. 508 a 24th Ave. 06) M269 30 LIGHT, airy rooms, with first-class home table, at 2324 Harney. (16) M449 31 BOARD AND ROOM Good location and home cooking. 2580 Harney. (16) M664 lx Varnished Roo NICE, clean, well-furnlsned, well-heated outside room; house strictly modern. ?4i9 Harney. 16-832 THREE large modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms in best location. 422 N. th Bt. (16)-4)13 29 ONE furnished front room, south snd east exposure, with privilege of bath and tele phone. 704 N. 33d St. (16)-3U Six GOOD sleeping rooms. 2214 N. 20th. (16)-14 2x TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent. (01 a 18th BL Tel. Red 6261. (16)-263 SOx FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglas. Tsl. Douglas 6377. (15) M43S A6x NEWLY furnlshsd room for rent. 1701 N. 14th St. Phoue Webster 296. (15)-M467 3 EXCELLENT steam heated, modern rooms, for gentlemen. Good board If desired. "The Boston." 107 8. 17th Bt. (15) M671 lx VERY desirable rooms, walking distance. 218 8. 26th St. (15 MtklO 3x Untarnished Rooms. CENTRAL, modern, 1 desirable rooma, bath and hall, to good tenant. 220 N. 13d. (16)-M4ti8 FIVE rooms. 2211 North 19th BL (15) 674 Apartments and Flats. " FOR RENT Three flats of three and four rooms each. 29th Ave. and Douglas St. Globe Land and Investment Co., rooms 1 snd 3, Patterson Blk. (15) M129 FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; owner's residence; privets front and back porches; private bath; choice location: to family of two; price J&. Address K K 864. Omaha Bee. (16 M844 T0 N. 16TH BT- flat, 3 rooms. $. 33d and Capitol Ave., 8-rm. flats, all mod ern, finest in Omaha, $60 and $46. 1124-1126, 3 rms , all modern brick flats, $40. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st FL N. Y. L. Bldg.. Tel. Doug. 1781. (16) THREE and 4-room apartment, modern. 81 8. 22d BL (Us-M636 A4x Faralahed Hoases aad Flats. ' FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT For six months, new brick 7-rooni house, good location and well furnished. Ad dress Poatofflce Box (15) M9u Hoaaea aad Cartatgea. WB MOVB PIANVfr-Margard Van and Storage Co. Tel Doug, ltiaj. Ofllce, nil W abater Bt. (U-4tt4 joil Clark St., 4 rooms, owner pays water rent; $16. $lr; Davenport Bt., 7 rooms, modern; $?, isl 6outh 2Mh St., rooma, modrn; $-iS. 3u.O Burt Bt., 9 rooms, modern; KING WALT feUOM.. Barker Blk. ClAr A44J) U OFFERED FOR RENT lleaaee aad Cottnaree Contlnoed. FOR RENT Modern -room hrlck honI & 8. Slat Ht.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennsn, room L, N. Y. Life Bldg. (lo)-3S WE DO expert piano moving at lowest f pricea. J el. Doucias I'.jd. rchmnller 4b v llueillar llano Co., 1311-1311 larnnm. Ui) 41 VACATED April 23d. 8-room modern cot tage. 634 8. 2th Ave., Inquire premises. (Id) M596 Six -room modem house, 2210 Seward ft. Cell Tel. Red 4.68. (16-M9 Al linTmKS ,n Prts of the city. Tha - -" uavii - u.. iee rtmg. (15) 3 OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move. store, H. H. roods; storehouse IU'O-24 N. I Win. Ofllce. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1VA I (15) M I ' BEE us when shipping household goods t . v Isrge elites west ; we can save you money.t V. tXl'RESSMEN'S DELIVER! CO., 314 N. ' 16h St. Tel. Doug. 1196. (L5-4i HOUSES ,n ,rt" th Iiyuouk) c peters Co.. Bee Bid R (U 3I FOR RENT 815 Worthlngton Plaoe, 10 room 1-atory linuse; modern In every par ticular; hot water heat; very desirable location; $. per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge Bt. (16) MS6? FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnacor 211 N. 2Sth Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent rea sonable. Apply st 807 N. 19th, or room 90t N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M764 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Plk. (15) 939 NEW, 7 rooms, all modern, $28.00, 23d and Brown. Telephone Maple 26S2. (16) 4.14 652 & 2tith Ave., 8 rooms, $32,60. (15) M341 FOR RENT. 8-room modem house, new furnace, north part of city, $JR. 4 rooms In apartment house, city water, gas. 1523 N. IKth St., $10. C. M. HACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. (15)-672 C-ROOM cottage, modem except furAce. located In boat residence section of Auith Omaha, beautiful lawn, large shade trees, front and back of house; everything In good repair. Inquire K2 North 22d St., South Omaha. Rent, f-'0 per month. (16) MG68 1 Offices, ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bid., 210 8. 18tri. ' . St., opposite city hall. Inquire building VH FOR RENT Desk room In Bee ofllce, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 Stores. FOR RENT The best located corner store In Omaha, Farnam and 16th W 1 streets. Rnard of Trade Rid a- Real P. . H. Phllben, Schllts Hotel. (15) M2i ' UNEQUALLED chance for druggist In block with grocery and meat market. Central, with fixtures. Rent moderate. Best of chance for good man In best neighborhood. Laundry rooms with 75-horse power boiler to run same. Apply 220 N. 23d St. (15) M783 THREE splendid modem rooms on ground floor; rent reasonable. 1822 Farnam Rt. (15)-M49 709 S. 27tb St., $9.00 per month. 2S08 Farnam St., $l?.fi0 per month. 29t Famam St., $20.00 per month. N. P. DODGE CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. (15) -41 S OFFERED FOR SALE Fenclna. ANCHOR and Iron fencing: wire fencing So per foot 205 N. 17th Bt Tel. Red 814. (16) MS48 Farnltara. CONTENTS of four-room flat for sale at a. ,avinii:n muni wit m uiiiv. lllluiro of fist 3. Wright block. Mth and Chi. a so BIS. tiaj Mil MAHOGANY and oak furniture of eleht room house, a bargain If sold at ono-'. Call evenings or Sunday. 4 H. itttu Ave. (It) M-23S-10 FOR BALE Furniture of a lo-room room ing house, $200. Inquire 1414 Sherwood Ave. Tel. Red 66C3. (16)-3G8 Al ON ACCOUNT of leaving 1 8 city, will sell the contents of my 6-room flat at 10 cents on the dollar; everything of the highest grade and in good condition. Ad dress G-920, care Bee. (16) M461 At AUCTION SALE Friday morning, 10 a. m., furniture, carpeta, stoves, crockery, etc., must be closed out to the highest bidder. 721 N. 16ti St - (!)- 28 FOR SALE A bargain, furniture for 8 room flat; lease If desired; flat No. 4, Davldge block. 18th and Farnam. (16)-M649. lx Pool and Blltard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard -and pooi tables: we lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns- wlck-Balks-Collendar. 407 a 10th Bt. I uaj 44 Pianos, Organs, Maslaal Instruments. THE smallest piano In the west at tha Chicago f urniture to. we also have the highest grade second hand furniture at small prices. 1413 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 4887. (18)-M7a A30 PIANO, mahogany caae, In excellent con dition, cost $360. for sale at $150. 431 a 24th St 'Phone Douglas S2oS. (10) Moll FOR SALE A good Emerson UDrlsht . piano, at a sacniice. Apply Z4ix it am ion. tio aau 8TBGER PIANO CHEAP FOR CAH. tit' AI CAUUK liL-LKi. (16) MS3D AT TWO ORGANS ONE $5, one r. Ill (16) M37 A7 MCAUUE num. FREE MUSIC LESSONS NO MONEY DOWN $1.00 PER WEEK Are the special Inducements to Easts piano buyers at our store thla week. Aside from our matchleaa stock of Blelnway, Bteger, Emsraon, Hardman and It other atandard makea quoted at a heavy reduction from eastern prices, we offer the folowlng unprecedented bargalna in allghtiy uaad inatrumcntat UPRIGHT PIANOS Kimball, burl walnut finish $ 50.09 Kimball, rosewood case 75.00 Arion. cottage size 90.00 New England, mahogany case..,.. 100 00 Hallett nc Cumaton grand 110. Co Chlrkerlng & Bona 126.00 Binger, mahogany caae 150.08 Onera clano, oak case 11 fad Norwood, mahogany caae 176 00 Vose & Sons 200.00 $600.00 Sfeinway, good condition.. 100.03 SQUARE PIANOS AND ORGANS All makes to select from, $15, $25, $13 snd up. Every instrument fully guaran teed. Call or write for complete bargain list it, . e- . terms, dvc 10 ti.iu Weekly. New piajiua lur rani, t ana up. vve mov store, tune and repair pianos. Tele SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1111-111$ FARNAM BT.. OMAHA. (18) M25S FINE upright piano, $37. 415 N. 23d Bt (to) tea Al SACRIFICE FINE UPRIGHT PIANO. $125. Owner leaving city, lsis Davent.ort. (16) a Alx Typewriters aad lawlag Hatalatt.. ONE Remington typewriter. No. lit good conaiuon, tor esiv sueap. jau at b otfloe. 04 -ai A I Sj BLICKENSDERFER typertter. good as new; snap. u. u. noueris. Ml raxton new; 1 bluok. U0)-U1I iu FOR SALE Fine Binger sewing machine. Cheap. 4J5 N. 234 Bt. (16) 43i-i FINE $100 typewriur, nearly new, rv. i'SAlca. UW-Aiiaat Aa ti ) a k i -