Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Ice Company Beiseorporstes Artlel-s
have bn filed for the purpose of inerens
.ling the capital stock of the People's lee
' 1' und Cnhl company from IW.000 to $100,000.
Ci Soi in tae vacuity A new mem
ber fin been added to th hl(h ichool
faculty. Mia name la Renter. Ha la a ion
of Dr. H. A. Benter. Ilia data of aervlce
hka not been decided on aa hla advent only
began with Good Friday.
Differences la Yalues Soma difference
of opinion appear a to exist aa to the value
, of choice down-town real eatata and this
rendition waa aptly Illustrated Friday
nomine when W. Farnam Smith received
an offer of tao.noo for the Grossman Comer
at Seventeenth and Douglas atreeta, which
wna Indignantly refuaed, aa the owner haa
net a price of ffi,000 on tne eorner.
Sr. Foster Ooaa to Hastings Dr. Robert
Foater, ' who haa been with the Omaha
General hospital alnce the organisation of
that institution, haa received an appoint
ment for the Hastings aaylum and will
leave for that city on Monday to take up
hla new work. A aucreaaer to Dr. Foater
at the local hoepltal haa not been an
nounced. KU ef Double Track The contract waa
let Thursday to La.merea.ux and Peterson
by the Omaha, tt Southern Interurban com
pany for the trading of a mile of double
track on the Bellevue line. Thla will ex
tend the double track south about 1,000
feet and north about 4,280 feet, making the
witch, or double track two mile long.
Thla will permit of the running of two or
three ears without friction and will give a
twenty-minute service when three oars
are run.
Westminster. Issue Call Rev. W. 8.
Fulton, D. D., of Plttaburg, pastor of one
of the large Presbyterian churchea there,
haa- been called to the pulpit of Westmln-
l,er church In Omaha. He la now h
holding services each evening thla week at
that church. Thla pulpit waa made vacant
by the resignation of Dr. T. V. Moore, who
went to accept the chair -of theology In
the eemlnary at Ban Anaelmo, Cal. Dr.
Fulton haa made a etrong Impression and
la being urged to accept the call.
Delirious rrom Injuries -A. Helm, trie
, man who waa taken to the Omaha General
'hoepltal by the police Buffering from In
juries aald to have been received In a fall
from a second atory window, became de
llrloua Thureday night and waa In a low
condition Friday, being only partly con
scious. The nature of the wounda indicate
the man waa Injured In come other way
than atated, as aoitie"bf them are such aa
' ro.UlA pot have been lnflioted merely In
contUct with a flat sidewalk. Helm haa
relatives In Omaha.
aTew Garbage Deal The garbage con
tract entered Into between the oity of
Omaha and the , City Garbage company
three years ago expired Thursday evening.
This company maintained a dump at the
river near Jonea atreeta for which the
city paid $2,100 per year. Friday morning
the company started charging toll for all
matter emptied at thla dump. Health Com
tnlssloner Connell Is now In Lincoln In the
Intcresta of a bill to enable the city to en'
tar Into a garbage contract which will not
cost Omaha nor the, cltlsens any expense
for the removal of garbage.
' Xivul of Tainting Bertha Ida Woods,
colored woman, who has proved herself aa
adept at extracting money from people's
bockets without their knowledge, waa given
ninety daya In the county Jail by Judge
Crawford In police court Friday morniug
The Woman is declared to be the one who
took 131 fVm the1 pockets of an old whits
mart from Iowa who hud gone to the aid of
Bwltr white woman Of ths leww
world, . who had fainted and fallen at her
Vine xn Capitol avenue. She la said to
'have entered the house while the Strang
waa engaged .'In raatOTinnv the falntlnej
woman tn consciousness and, pretending to
help hlnv took his money and left with It
r "
Her victim waa positive In ht Identifica
tion. She la an ex-ionvlct and haa been a
heavy load on the police for some time.
'ow-wow Over Center Street Council
man Jackson of the Beventh ward held an
animated eeaiwe with City Engineer Rose
water Friday morning over the condition
of Center street from Thirty-sixth street
to the city limits. Mr. Jackson maintains
the city la losing thousands of dollars by
neglecting to repair this street, which la
surfaoed with mncadem roadway and brick
gutters. The engineer aald he was handi
capped with ahort funds nd had to repair
tHe more Important thoroughfares first.
Mr. Jackson, however, declared he would
find a way to have Center street repaired
If he and Mayor Jim had to do the work
themselves. .
Dove Mot Tet in Sight F. J. Ellison.
who has been maintaining headquarters
for the Douglas County Humana aqclety In
the city clerk's office tor some time. Friday
morning announced he would move Monday
to room 17, United States National bank
building, where his society would have per
manent offices. Mr. Ellison said there waa
no thought of abandoning the society he
has been fostering. He declared articles
of incorporation would be asked for In a
few daya. H. 8. Mann, secretary of the
Nebraska Humane society, reported that
hla society Is preparing for the season's
work. Efforts were made last week to fuse
these societies.
ft a 4
b w7 . J. r"1' V a 4
We have taken apectal pains to ii
L" nave 'everything n honor of tne
H great spring fesilvnJ.
W. Our stock of all that Is beat Is very M
X, complete and Includes: PJ
Jt Qeneise Spring Lamb and Freak Mint ti
y Trih Artichokes
Uieca Psas
Ore en Beans
' Wax Bosna
Hew Carrots
; Water Cress '
Mew Potatoes
JSW Beets
- ' Hew Bhnbars
w lifft- Plant
press Peppers.
B.ead I.taoe.
Belleme Oelery.
ut Bonse Cnonmaara aia
We offer genuine Spring Lambs by K
U 1.000 legs of Easter Lambs, lb,...10o U
Leaf Lard, pound a H
lunwyi .uiMnona -u" Hams W
J It to 14 pounds average lb..l4sH
( California Hams (sugar cured) tt
Z 'r.z'7U- 1 mcaens, Geese
wit?. " h a,r M h'1i
For' Saturday we have Secured a
!ncfudlVnV:U',y f Fr'"11 C'U"tU
lack Bass. Bm w.-i. .
aUbat, Presa Salaoa.
Cod, Treat,
tome Leaks la the County Treasary
Are Pointed Oat by aa
Contributions on timely topics are
Invited from readers of The Bee,
Communications should be written
legibly on one aide of the paper only
and accompanied by the name and ad
dreae of the writer. The name will not
be uad If the writer uki that It be
withheld. Unused communications will
not be returned. Correspondents are ad
vised to limit their letters to 0 words
or they will be subject to being out
down to that limit at the discretion of
the editor. Publication of views of
correspondents must not be taken to
commit The Bee to their endorsement.
Some Leaks te Be Plaarsred.
OMAHA, March M.-To the Editor of The
Bee: Having recently read an article In
your valuable paper regarding the sheriff's
graft and the unwarranted expenaea of
Douglas county, pleaae allow me space, aa
a oltlsen, to explain a .few Items;
The chief cause of the unwarranted ex
pense for the administration of Justice to
the county - lies principally at the city
police station. Many, cases oould be set
tied there that are - thrown over to , the
county. As an Illustration, I mention a
few eases that have come under my ob
servation. Six casea of petty stealing from
open boxcars In which the lawyers' feea
were $10; four cases of petty stealing In
rooming housea where doors had been left
open, in which the attorneys' fees were
$100, making a total of t0. Why keep
from sixty to eighty so-called vags and
susplolous characters the year around?
Every town the also of Omaha has Idle
men, but here In Omaha, when the num
ber of Inmatea of our Jails drops to about
thirty-five, ths hurry up wagon makes the
rounds of ths lodging houses, saloons, em
ployment offices and other places.
Why should officers receive fees for tes
tifying in criminal and other oases T Why
should the sheriffs be allowed fees for
transporting prisoners and other work, and
why take only one prisoner to the peni
tentiary each timet Let ths city take
care of Its own subjects and the county
do likewise. Reduce all fees, abolish graft
on feeding prisoners, arrest only those
breaking the law, give fair trials with
fewer witnesses In ths district court, and
Douglas county will save -thousands of
dojlaraeach year. FRANK IIOLfcIAN,xA
. Carpenter, 1'nionT Paclflo Shops.
Nebraska Batter andT Idaho Geld.'"
BOISE; Ua., March, .-To ths Editor of
Ths Beet Enclosed 9nd clipping from the
Idaho Dally Statesman of Boise, Ida., un
der date of March 26. Being a former resi
dent of Nebraska, It attracted my atten
tion. Very truly. . C. A. HASTINGS,
Stats Treasurer.
The clipping referred to 1st
The cowa and the' milkmaid of Idaho
have gone on a strike, to Judge by the
scarcity of butter here in the city. It
baa for some days past been almost as hard
to get good butter in Boise aa It ia to get
a good cook or servant girt who will stay,
and not get married ro a fellow with a
cigarette and a red necktie. Ranch butter
Is practically out of the market, there not
being enough of that duairable article to
tickle the palatea of half the butter caters.
There is not quite suuh a shortage of
creamery butter, but it ia not Idaho manu
facture. Idaho la sending a golden stream
of hard-earned coin to ploblan Nebraska
In rirturn for the stream of golden butter
sent out from the Grasshopper state. They
are not tog, proud down In the land of the
populist and the grasshopper and other
pests to Wear spotted boots and to drive
the old brlndlc cow in from pasture to de
spoil her of her best products.
Idaho, with all its boaated alfalfa. Its
wheat that eould make bran for all the
cows of Christendom,' its irrigated fields
that 'would raise beets and carrots and
pumpkins that would bury Nebraska and
all Ita poor relations, still buys butter from
that atate end pays the. freight with the
sweat of Ita brow. All thla, while boasting
that Idaho can beat the whole world with
both hands tied behind her back. . Why,
Nebraska, the home of the spotted cow
and the speckled hen. sells enough butter
and eggs to this state to buy almost a
whole county of Idaho every year. Ne
braska schools hold almost tl.OOO.OuO worth
of Idaho bonds, and atmut the only renson
they do not hold more of the bonds la
the fact that we dassent Issue any more
bonds without exceeding the lesal limit.
And still the Boise housekeeper weeps
and tears her huatiand'e hair and will not
be eomforted because there Is no fresh
dairy butter on the market
Mre. Welsel ef Omaha.
OMAHA. March 88.-To the Editor of The
Bee: Permit a eoi.-ectlon anent the
painter cf the beautiful spectacles presented
In ths windows of the Bennett company
The painter la not Mias Etta Welgel of
New Tork. but Mrs. Etta Welgel of Omaha.
Our people are so prone to entirely' over
look the talent In thetr own midst or at
least to underestimate It that the writer
faela thla ' Correction la due Mra Welgel.
She came to Omaha to make her home two
ysara ago, but like many other artists of
merit shs kf too modest to toot her own
horn. The work she haa executed for the
Bennett company gives Indication of a
talent that only needa the proper encour
agement to add one more to the recognised
artists who at present make thla city thetr
home. Respectfully. OMAHA.
il V VfA IX VwAAA40 JL iAhlkU. JbL il W II c V
with. Youthful Feelings
should have a- New Suit
a y
" fife'
Our Spring Suits for men are a happy combination of
style, quality and value. You can't match them in Omaha.
Suits for
Our New Spring Suits for
men will please critical
dressers. Whatever their
standard of excellence we
have suits that will meet
their severest exactions. Is
it stylet These garments are
correct in every detail. Is it
quality? They will meet their decided approval. Is it price T They are
lower than others sell them. k
These suits are made from a large number of materials, 6uch as wor
steds, silk mixed worsteds, French velours and English Cassimeres. They
are carefully tailored and will fit men
of all shapes and sizes. We offer un
usual ; values at :
i$7jo o $28 M
Suits for
Look where you will, price
where you may; you will not
be able to find boy's clothes
that equal ours in style, qual
ity or value.
Our Boys' Suits have the
"snap and go" style that
makes bright boys look
brighter. Making boys' suits that look well is an art that few manufacturers under
stand. Some do -we buy from them, hat ia the reason that we are able to show
boys' aulta that have Individuality, that fit well and always look well. These gar
ments are made ot worsteds, gorges. English cassimeres, French relours, etc. TBey
come In plain colon, light and dark
mixture, checks and orerplaids. We
hare them for ages t to 15 years. Prices
range from
Easter Shirts for Mea
A SPLENDID SHOWING of cleverly designed new
styles in Men's Shirts for EASTER and early spring a
large number of patterns to select from. Many nobby styles
and some plain ones.
In India, Madras, Penangs, Oxfords
and Woten Madras atrlpes, hair
lines, etc., attached or detached cuffa
-splendid values at 81.50
CHECKS, Plaid, Madras and Percale
EhtrU. also white, VnUa pleat and box
pleat shirts. We show 35 effects. The
best values in Omaha, $1.00
s-r;r,-.- , .; I
Easter Neckwear
WEAR that we have evfer
offered. Lustrous finish
bias plaids. Piccadilly di
agonal Tartan plaids, mo
gadore silks, new French
folds, narrow stripes, eta,
at 45.
dium and 1 narrow, solid color,
four-in-hand., 48 Inches long.
Wide graduated plaids and
fancy figures, copies of high
grade silks, splendid values
tor 25.
Easter Hats for Mea
. . ,i
VISIT OUR HAT EMPORIUM. We have the greatest
variety and the largest line of Men's Spring Hats in Omaha.
Our styles and values can not be matched elsewhere our
prices are the lowest.
"The Stetson" Best of all
good hats, No. 1 quality, for
The "Aabury" A splendid
bat, all shapes and shades, un
equaled at $2.50.
The "Lawton" All shapes
and shades Everybody likes
it. A world beater at $2.00
Lai aysaWufsSi
Cervices Held In Catholio aad Protestant
. BeMM of w orthip.
Gaaaod'a Redesaptloai Will Be R-
dred kr tk Fall Choir
TrlatUr CavthcdvaJ This
'Holy week sarvlcss have .been very s;en-
arally obaervsd by ths Catholo. Episcopal,
Methodist and Lutheran . churches of
Omaha, in form peculiar to each, as with
most of ths svangallcal churchea. These
culminated with Good Friday, wherein the
early mornlna; aervlces were observed with
more than usual imp'reaalveneas by ths
apostoUo shurcheej.
Friday evening; was given over to ep
clal service in loany of the non-CathollO
churches, appropriate to Oood Friday. At
Kountse Memorial Lutheran church Rev,
L. Qroh of Bt, Mark's Lutheran preached
on the subject of ths eruulflaloo.
An Interesting service was given at
Trinity Cathedral Friday evening, ths pro
gram being especially rich In its musical
faaturea. These embraced a rendition of
part of Qounod'a "Redemption." with Mrs.
Ran Kianlev. soDrano: Mlas Daisy Klgglns,
contralto; W. B. Wllklha, tenor; Pert Minor
who was examining htm. "Why do you
think so?'.'
Because, air, answered ins expert, in
the operations of tils brain 1 detect a good
deal of lost motion." Chlrsuro Tribune.
"The Villas Vagabond" a Drama of
Intense ' and Tear-Compell.
lasr aaallty.
K town tramp and a handsome young hero
who la hounded at the. instigation of a he
fiend for a crime he didn't commit are ths
Characters which work upon the heart
atrtngs of ths audience at th Krug theater
the rest of the week in th play "The Vil
lage Vagabond," which opened Thursday
night There are alao two women in ths
Ust of actors to provide part of th mo
tives snd to add to th Joy and complete
ness of the victory when it eomes, as, of
course, it must, in the last act. '
The parts are taken by a cast of willing
workers who taks sufficient pride in th
performance of their duties to enthuse
where th author allows his plot to drag
and grow tame. While the play Is ths
purely - melodramatic kind and contains
soma gun play, shooting is dispensed wtth
without detracting from th Intensity the
patrons of ths theater demand. Th two
big events are th arrest of th hero In
th third act and then-4ile acquittal at
th cross of th last, when he slaps Into
his own and atrains hi aweetheart to his
breast, and th villain gets his usual lemon.
Th scene of the arrest and that in th
court room offer excellent opportunities for
and George Collins, bassos. Louis ghad- forcing tear and Shaking sobs from the
enthusiasm. About (9,000 has already been
raised toward th purchase' price of the
lot for the Eagles' new home, and th ad
visory board will meet before April 1 to
close the deal. Th Eaglea expect that
within ninety days their new building will
be started.
Case Alstons; th Prisoners Iaereaaee
LoagrlasT for Sweet Liberty
One More.
The prisoners waiting in the bullpen, off
th court room In th police station were
given added yearning to be let out Friday
morning when a full developed caae of
smallpox was discovered among them. A
dusky young woman from lower Capitol
avenue was the one whoa presence so
agitated th others. Her name is Carrie
The woman with several other negro
woman had laid In Jail sines Thursday
afternoon following ths theft of flSO from
a white man, and had Juat been before
Judge Crawford to have her ease continued
until Monday. She had remained In the
the rear ot the prisoners as they went be
fore th bar, however, and her condition
was not noticed by his honor. Later ths
bailiff railed attention to her spotted face.
The health department waa called up, but
aa Dr. Connell was out of ths city and Dr.
Jensen could not be located, Dr. Qulnby
was called and h ordered the .woman
hustled to ths Emergency hospital.
-4 & As s Special w offer ( pounds
? of.Feruh, fresh. caught Is. ,S
'J Boneless Codfish, pound.,.. Bo
Seventeenth and Dougla.
TL Zoogla ser
ft Prtvat Exchaixg oonoaota ail Depta.
... v a;cKoa-r;pXv'jia
C. H. Howard la Wasted fey roll
SB, Deteetlvea to Aaswev
lor Cheek.
Th polio and detectives are hunting for
a party giving th nam of E. II. Howard,
who is accused of having possed an alleged
forged check on th Murray hotel for CW
Monday. Howard had been stopping at th
hotel for three or four daya and cava it
out that h was In ths employ of an auto
mobile company, and went out daily with
bis kit of tools, evidently as if employed
by som automobile concern. Th chok
was written on on of th checks of the
automobile people and mad payable in
Chleago. It has been returned from there
with th usual admonition that It la no
good. Howard haa dlaappeared and the
Murray hotel people have offered a .reward
for his arrest. He la described as being
about M years old with hair ths color of
a West Indies sunset ...
TE SPECIALIST Hutceon Optical Co,
duck will also assist, ths entire program
being unde the .direction of Ben Btau.ey
aa leader and organist
T. M. C. A. Holds Servlers.
At the Toung Men's Christian association
Rav. . D, Ev Jenkins, P. D-. spoks in
the evening on ths subject of "Th Death."
X preparatory service waa held at
Orac Lutheran church in ths evening,
conducted by Rev. M. L. Mellck.
Dr. E. C. Little, chalrmaa of th assembly
committee on association evangelist !e work
spoke at th Central United Presby
terian church last evening. Similar ser
vices will be held at the jrirat uerman
Presbyterian church by Rev. Julius
Westminister Presbyterian church has
ben holding aervlce every evening during
th week and Friday evening the special
services were conducted by Rev. w. a.
Fulton. D. D.. of Pittsburg. Pa., who has
been Invited her In th hop that he may
accept a' call to th vacant pulpit of tbla
church. '
With moat of th noo-Cathollc churches
th Good Friday services wers preparatory
to the foltowing Easter servioes. March U.
and from present Indications' the Easter
services of this year will surpass in elab
orateness any hitherto obsrvd In Omaha.
The florists have been practically over,
whelmed with orders for Easter lilies and
ether Easter floral decorations, and nevef
WU1 ths "Feast 'of the Resurrection" be
more grandly and tmpreaalvelyobservd In
Omaha than on Sunday next.
soft-hearted watchers, and ths applause
proclaims ths work well don. The audi
no waa not large, but very appreciative.
"The Village Vagabond" will continue until
Saturday night, with a matinee on th
lottt day. . '
Proposition of the Deliver Mea
HeJceted After Considerable
Th Eagle of Aerie No. IS held their
regular meeting last night Among th
matters brought before th session ' was
ths proposition of entering Into a oon tract
with a wild west show to com to Omaha
some time during the summer for ths ben
efit of th Eagles. The show was repre
sented by Messrs. Herslg and Irvine of
Denver snd thetr proposition was for the
Eagles to give them bonus of $2. S00 and
half of the gat receipts snd halt of the
concessions to' bring their show hers for
three days. Th proposition was discussed
pro and con at ths meeting last night and
was finally turned down.
Fifty new members wer taken in last
night, and th total new life members re
ported ty the different ocmmltteeo was 100.
Harry Zlmman, W. W. Dodg and J. T.
Starr made speeches Ust night that aroused
bs present at th opening of th April term
of th federal district court there. In which
he will present a number of Wyoming land
fraud cases for ths consideration of ths
Wyoming grand Jury.
Another Bninper Yield AU Over th
tat Predicted hy Tom
Pamela. -
"Aa far as on Is able to predict d far
In advance, It surely looks as though ws
wer to hav another great year for crops
in Nebraska," aald Tom Parmels of Platts
mouth, who haa large Interests all over the
state. "The farmers are all at work and
the supply of moisture, in .the ground la
sufficient to make the soli Just right for
spring work. The farmers ors all getting
In their spring, work earlier this year than
for a good many years, and th work at
this Urns counts . considerable. Winter
wheat never looked better than it does
this spring snd the additional acreage
gives the aaauranca of a bounteous crop
of wheat. Farmers are alao beginning to
plow for corn ahd there Is every indication,
of giving the Omaha grain market another
good boost this fall and winter."
Ceaveyed the Idea.
Th unsuccessful machinist, who had
chanced his oouupatioa and become a med
ical eapert, was glvlug his testimony In an
Important case.
"You .say th defendant, while not In
curably Insane, has a sorew loose some
where In his intellect" aai4 tu attorusy
Clerical and Depaty Marshal Staffs
Getting Ready for April .
Ttie clerical and deputy marshal forces
at the federal building are busily engaged
getting ready for the opening of th April
term of the United States district and cir
cuit courts for the Omsha division Monday.
The docket is not sxoesslvely burdened
with new casea. there being sufficient ma
terial left over from th last term to oc
cupy almoat th whole term. This Is es
pecially true of the district court docket,
which embraces a number of th land trials
that could not be reached during th No
vember term, including the Huntington,
Reld, Hoyt and Todd case. Aside from
these will be a number of minor esses for
lnf tactions of the postal laws, one or two
fraudulent pension cases and several cases
tor .selling liquor without proourlng the
requisite government license. It is not
probable that ths land cases will be reached
before the 8th or 19th of ths month. Most
of th witnesses hav been summoned for
those dates and these will include a large
number of th witnesses summoned In the
Richards and Comstock case, the trial In
th Huntington case being brought under
the same indictment.
Special Assistant Attorney General Rush
will leav for Cheyenne Sunday evening to
Gruesome ' Object Supposed to Have
Coot from Some Medical
- Collesr.
Bearing ths lower Jaw bona of a human
skull wrapped In a piece of newspaper two
boys, Henry D&hlatrom, 181! Jackson street,
and Earl Garrison, 820 South Nineteenth
street, ran breathlessly into ths police sta
tion shortly before noon Friday and ex
hibited the gruesome object to th -officers
In charge. The boys wer about H years
of ags.
Walter Johnson and Thurston Fargo,
both about 10 years of ago, they aald, found
th Jawbone lying on th eds-e of th nuif
cf a little shed In the rear of th house at
K9-i South Nineteenth street and gladly
nanaea it over to their older companions.
Ths find was that of a mala adult with
every tooth but one In plac and la good
A number of dental students and possibly
medical pupils board In the vlclnltv and '
as the relic gives Indications of th "pick
ling vat" It Is the opinion of the police that
th bona is from on of th schools and
was either placed where found as a prank
to frighten ths finder or was thrown front .
in window or soms nearby student wlo
wished to discard It
Andrew Scfieach.
Member of th county oouncil for th
County of Grey, Ontario, ami president of
ths Germania Firs Insurance company,
recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. .
I hav used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
In my family for over a year, and can say
that it has nsver failed to cur ths most
stubborn oough or cold. I can recommend
It W .my family as a sura' and safs chit,
dren's cough remedy. Andrew Bchsnck,
Ayton, Ont
A 1 f f your doctor will know It, gad will tell 70a of It
A- ff fry s Consult blra freely about our remedies.
J AL,I J Ws hs ae nmHl We rH.k . 0. ayeeO..
As now mads, Arcr's Sartapariiia docs not con
ffi fj u'a tb ,east particle of alcohol In sny form wb tt
lllKJl ver. You get ill the tonic ad alterative effects,
vitnout stimulation, when sumuient is needed,
A. p. Hubermann, 40 years at 8. E. Cor.
13th and Douglaa; to years direct dlamona
Importer; sold at Import prices.
Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters.
Social Reform.
"Let us refuse to work.'' said th agi
tator, "but remain idl In our tenement
Let us neither sell nor deliver goods. Let
the wheels of stayed and s
how quickly th Pale Lady, which is the
poetical name for siarvatlon, will lnvads
the mansions of th rich and bring them to
terma." .
"But while we are doing this," suggested
a voice, after the cheers had died away
"what s to keep the pallid female from
monkeying around our tenements?"
Tht'r being, obviously, no reply to this,
they compromised hy throwing the doubter
out-Philadelphia Ledger. '
Eclfpco Germ Proof
Tf3 rs3 r
A pressure filter, connected over the kitchen sink.
Pure, sparkling water always ready. Hundreds in use
in Omaha.
Sole Agents
Fourteenth and Farnam Street