14 THE OMAHA DAILY ' BEE: RATUKDAY,' MARCH 30, 1907. The Omaha Daily Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSETWATKR. VICTOR nOBPWATEK. TOJITOR. Entered t Omaha postofflce aa eeoond class matter. TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. P"lly Ben (without Sunday), om year. .MO" I'allr fare and Sunday, on yanr t CM Sunday lirti, ooe year - 1W Saturday Bee, cne year IM bKLIVEJlKD BT CARRIER. Pally Bee (Including Sunday), per we..lRJ Ially He (without Sunday), per week... .100 Evenlna; Bee (without Bunday), per week. to Kvenln Bee (with Sunday), per week lOo Address complaints of Irrsaularttles In de livery to City Circulation Department offices. Omaha The Be Bulldln. South Omaha City Hall Bulldlm. Council Bluff a 10 Pearl Street. Chlcaao-1640 tTnity Uulldlnr. N"w Vork-UOS Home Ufa Injurant Bid. washing-ton U Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Commnlratlons relating to newa and ed itorial matter (hould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit sy draft, express or postal order, nvi hU f n T k a nA rnmnltlT, ny 2-cent ituiM received In nayment of mail account. Personal checks, except on Omaha er eaalern exchange, not accepted. . THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CTRCCTATION. Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, as; Charles C. Roeewater. a-eneral manaaer sworn, says that ths actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Mnrnlnn, Evening and Sunday Pes printed during ths monm or reDruary. 19m. was as louow 1 Sl.SOO If 11.9B0 17 S0.380 II S2.S30 1 2,00 3fl.fi SO 1 83,470 3,4G0 39,060 ti a,eao 33,089 81,860 IT 88,050 It 33.130 I Sl.SM I S0.100 4. si.aao 31.M0 ( il.70 T sa.iao ai.Mo aa,iao 1 30,480 11... tl,760 It 81370 13 340 14 ai.540 It I13M Total 89,730 Less unsold and returned copies. t,73 Net total 686.957 Dally average 3177 CHARX&8 C ROSE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thin 1st day of March, 1KC. ISesJ) . M. B. HUNQATB, Notary Publlo. WHE!f OCT or TO WW. Subscribers leaving the city tern, orarlly ahoald nar The Be nailed t them. Address will be ehaaged as often as reqaeeted. Straws In the millinery shops show which way the Easter money blows.' Mayor Jlni will now edify the public with a proclamation entitled "Sic 'em, Towaer.', The tariff on golf balls has been re duced. The tariff on high balls remains unchanged. This sort of weather ought to glad den the heart of the most fastidious Easter bonnet The powers are sending representa tive to Tangier to witness the tanning of Morocco by France. It Is again being proved In Omaha that for excitement the next thing to a good dog fight Is a good fight over dogs. The price of liquid air has been in creased to 2 cents a gallon, but the hot variety is cheaper and more plentiful than ever. A Wall street stock that will expand Instead of shrinking when water Is poured on It would be highly popular with the speculators. Editor Hitchcock's paper is still boosting for Greater Omaha in its edi torial columns and knocking against It in Its news columns. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Hearst are both supporting the democratic candidate for mayor in Chicago and the republicans feel greatly encouraged. I After Secretary Taft' has examined Into affairs In Cuba he doubtless will make a choice between cockflghting and revolutions as a sport for the natives. The industrial commissioner of the Burlington seems to be at variance with the tax commissioner of the Burlington on the subject of Omaha as a sponge. The United States is not ready to In tervene in the Honduras-Nicaragua war. The Missouri mule involved in the controversy probably Is taking care of himself. The railroads are getting ready to fight the 2-oent fare law in Missouri and Arkansas. The Nebraska 2-cent fare law may as well begin to get In training. ' While Secretary of the Interior Gar Held Is declaring that fences must come down most of the politicians are prepar ing to spend the summer in building up their fences. The child labor law Is assured of a place in the next edition of the Ne braska statutes. It remains to be seen. however, whether it will be a live one or a dead letter. Ilarry Thaw might deliver a solar plexus blow to that Insanity Inquiry by suowing that he haa taken no part In the railway rate debate and has cot told the president how to dig the Tanama canal, i . , It Is explained that the New York so ciety man who was arrested for driving his automobile at twenty miles an hour drew his punishment for retarding the progress of the automobiles that were following him. John Barrett director of the Burvau of American Republics, paid M a min ute for the privilege of talking to a Washington audience. It might help soma to establish a tariff like that for the volable guntlemen who are trylup to condnct a government by oratory. THI TIRMIIfAL TAX LAW. Py the approving signature of Oov ernor Sheldon the bill for the municipal taxation of railroad property within cities, towns and villages has become a law, and while It will not become operative before the tax levy a year hence, It may be assumed that this long and stubbornly-fought contest U at an end. It Is pouBlble, of course, that the railroads might attempt to nulliry the new law by appealing to the courts on technicalities, but the chances are, in view of their disastrous experience with the recent railroad tax cases, that they will accept the situation and make the best of It As a matter of fact the terminal tax law as enacted goes to the extreme of fairness toward the railroads without deviating from the principle that the lailroad property within the corporate limits' of cities, towns and villages should be assessed for local taxes on the same basis as other property. The law provides for assessment by the lo cal assessor of all the tangible property within his Jurisdiction, subject to re view by the State Board of Assessment and Equalisation, with the addition of a mileage distribution of the franchise and rolling stock values as fixed by the state board. There could be no question as to the location of the tangible property and Its subjection to taxation where It Is lo cated, but there are various ways In which the franchise values can be fig ured. The franchise may be regarded as attaching separately to the property In each administrative subdivision. It may be regarded as distributed over the entire area In the same ratio as the value of the tangible property. It may be regarded as extending over the entire area and attaching equally to every mile of the rond. The first theory is most favorable to the larger cities and towns, the last most favorable to the railroads and the smaller villages. The bill as originally Introduced was drawn on the basis of the first theory; aa finally passed It accepted the theory of the equal distribution of franchise values according to mileage. Under these circumstances, while the people are to be particularly congratu lated on achieving a great victory, the railroads have no ground whatever to complain. The law will redress a long standing grievance and stop a serious abuse of railroad tax shirking, but it will not deprive any other Jurisdiction within the state of any revenue from railroad taxes now enjoyed, and will without question disappoint all the dis mal forebodings assiduously spread by the railroad tax agents. To whom be longs the credit for this Important re form Is a subject that will receive further attention in these columns. BtSATOR BAILEY S LATEST BREAK. Joseph Weldon Bailey,, senator of the United States from Texas, admittedly Is one of . the greatest constitutional lawyers in the nation, a splendid de bater and orator and one of the hardeet working men In the national congress, but apparently he has a faculty amount ing almost to genius for flying off on mental tangents that land him in ridicu lous plights. When he first went to congress he achieved considerable noto riety by refusing to wear a dress suit but time and environment weaned him from that foolish position and his abil ity as a debater and parliamentarian won him the leadership of the minority in the house, a leadership that he came near carrying with him to the senate. Then came the charges of his alleged connection with the Standard Oil com pany, resulting in a nasty investiga tion by a committee of the Texas leg islature, in which Bailey fairly eclipsed Senator Tillman's record In coining new epithets and hurling them at his op ponents. He Is out now with an entirely new Illustration of his strange mental makeup. In an address to his fellow citizens, quoted by a friendly organ, the Fort Worth Record, Senator Bailey said: I know that I can never be president of this nation, but that Is not true because of anything that they (his enemies) have said or done; it Is true because of things I have said and done. (A voice: "You have too much confederate blood in your veins.") Ah, that Is true, my dear Sen ator Kellle. In my modest home over there hang three pictures, the picture of Thomas Jefferson, the picture of John C. Calhoun, and the third, the lineal descendant and successor of both, Jefferson Davis. (Wild applause and cheers.) I know, and I know It as well as any man who lives know It, that no man of my generation will ever be elected president of these I'nlted States with a portrait of Jefferson Davis hanging in his home. But, so help me God, my countrymen, I would not take that por trait down for the presidency of this na tlon. (Wild continued applause.) I have no sectional prejudices; I have never found It In my heart to bate ths soldier who wore the federal uniform; my grandfather was a union soldier; ha fought In the same battles with my father, who wore ths confederate gray; we have no sectional prejudice at our house, but we do have sectional devotion. I do not teach my boys that their great-grandfather was wrong, but I do teach them that their grandfather, who wore ths gray, ' was eternally right (Wild applausa and cheers.) The distinguished Texan's pride in his father Is commendable, but It might cause' him some difficulty to explain la this year 1007, how the revered an cestor was "eternally right" in his cham ploushlp of slavery, state's rights and all the issues that were proved wrong by the civil war and the verdict Justl fled by the events of the last forty years. It Is possible, too, that the na tlon would not elect a man to the pres idency who has the picture of Jefferson Davis proudly displayed on his parlor walls, but there Is a better reason than that why Senator Bailey can not be elected. The country may overlook the Jefferson Davis picture, but it will re tain a mental Impression of a life-size Minting of nenry Clay Pierce, Standard Oil magnate, whose clone friendship and ',uslue relations with Senator Bailey I are a matter of record. Senator Bailey's presidential boom has been dona In oil. RIGHTS OF BAIL WAT rASSKKOIBS. It would appear to be time to call a halt la this agitation about reforms needed In the method of operating American railroads. The Berlin corres pondent of the New York Evening Post has offered the back-breaking straw In the suggestion the compartment system for passengers on European railroads should be adopted in this country. In discussing the advantage of the Ger man railway system this correspondent says: Their compartment system, made for sli people, is, to my way of thinking, better than our American way. No one of the six occupying a compartment can do any thing to which any one of the other five objects, such as raising a window or smok ing a pipe. Printed rules are hung up In each compartment and ths conductor, who is a government .official, sees that they are obeyed. No strain on the Imagination Is neces sary to frame a mental picture of what would happen In one of those compart ments built for six on American railways If the occupants were a Bible agent afraid of drafts, a cowboy who could not ride in comfort unless his feet were hanging out the window, a cigar sales man trying to use up his samples, an Ir ascible gentleman who has Just sworn off, a dandy afraid of germs and a good. honest old farmer who has removed bis shoes. In place of the conductor, who In Germany sees that the rules are obeyed, a section of the regular army would have to be assigned to each com partment on an American railway to keep the peace. The American passenger has followed with some approval the suggestions for the improvement of traveling facilities on the railways, but he'll get off when the compartment car Is installed. OLOWINO REPOBTS FROM PANAMA. The country at large will hope (hat the members of congress who have Just returned from their Junket to the Pan ama canal zone have Justification for the enthusiastic and encouraging re ports they are making on the progress of the work on the great lnteroceanlc waterway. Since the Inception of the enterprise the army of fault-finders has been perniciously active In calling atten tion to defects in the canal digging sys tem and have succeeded, in spite of offi cial reports, in creating the Impression that little has been done la the advance ment of the project other than making tremendous excavation In the federal treasury. This impression has been strengthened by the administration's difficulties with its chief engineers. Wal lace, Shonts, Stevens and other high grade and high-priced civilian engineers who have been placed In charge of the work, have succumbed to the attrac tions of better positions with private enterprises and the personnel of the canal management has , been changed very frequently. With each change has come charges of a lack of system in di recting the real work of canal digging. The visit of the congressional delega tion seems to have dispelled all appre hensions ajid quieted all misgivings as to the real conditions on the canal gone. Congressman Scott of Kansas declares that the canal will be completed within five years and other members of the delegation are almost as enthusiastic. All agree that the depressing reports that have been in circulation are with out proper foundation and that remark able substantial progress is being made In canal construction. All of the pre liminary work In the way of sanitation and the construction of accommodations for workmen has been disposed of and all energies are now centered to dirt throwing. The congressmen found an army of 36,000 men at work under san itary conditions not surpassed in any city of the United States, with the en tire future work of construction blocked out and scheduled for completion at a cost far below the usual estimates. Allowing a reasonable discount for the enthusiasm of the congressional party over the time needed for the com pletion of the canal, the country will re joice that tho dream of centuries, the ambition which cost De Leseeps his life and the French republic countless mil lions of dollars, will find an early real isation as the result of the expenditure of American brains and money. TBE APHlL D1V1DKKD8. The day may .almost be counted lost whose low descending sun does not shine upon some table of statistics or statement of facts that adds to the em barrassment of the railroad managers and high financiers who are trying to convince the public that the crest of the prosperity wave has passed and that the whistles have sounded the down- brakes signal On the heels of the latest partial panic In Wall street stocks, with the corporation managers' assertion that it was due to the "hostile attitude of the country toward railroads," comes the announcement from ' official sources in Wall street that record-breaking divi dend disbursements for April will be made this year by all classes of cor porations industrials, steam railroads and street railroads. The grand total will be rso.onO.OOO, aa against $Uu,400, 000 in April last year. Steam railroads lead the list with dividends aggregating $36,447,0113, as compared with $30,0J18,. 780 for. the same period In 1006. Va rious causes are assigned for this In crease In dividends to railway stock holders, but the New York Journal of Commerce summarizes all causes In the statement that "this la the natural sequenca of the great prosperity en Joyed by tha country." Detailed statements of tha dividend to be paid show that practically every railroad in the country will participate In the Increased disbursements to stock holders, 'indicating that the' bettered condition in railway circles is general and not loraL The Union Pacific will pay the largest dividends of any rail road In the nation. It will disburse, next Tuesday, f9,773,0rS to the holders of Its common stock and 1,W1.,T5H1 to the owners of Union Pacific preferred. This is an increase of over $4,000,0t0 in dividends to holders of common stock, as compared with last year's dis bursements. The Canadian Tactile has Increased Its dividends on common stock by $l,2rOl000 over last year. On the other side of the continent the New York Central will give Its stock holders this year f2,6W,230, as com pared with 1,0T3,125 disbursed In divi dends Inst April. These cltntlons are but sample of the general Increases by the railroads of the entire country. In the face of snch statistics, and with confessions by the railroad man agers that they are unable to improve transportation facilities rapidly enough to properly care for the traffic offered, the country will be a little stubborn in Its refusal to get scared over pessimistic reports about Its condition. Seventeen of the eighteen members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have confessed to receiving bribes. The other member probably has a physi cian's certificate that he Was unable to be present when the loot was divided. Iowa Is inquiring nbont terminal tax ation in Nebraska. A whole lot of state will wake up to the fact before long that they have been giving the railroads special privileges in the way of shirking municipal tax burdens. A young brother of Count Castellnne says he want to become an 'American citlsen. The announcement that he is different from Boni In every respect re moves all objection to his coming over and applying for naturalization. The Philadelphia Record calls atten tion to the fact that the states that re turn the biggest republican majorities have the most rural free delivery routes. Naturally. The people of those states do most of the reading. Germany is threatening to divert Its trade from the United States to Canada, but Germany ought to know that Im ported beer Is a little rich for the sim ple taste of Canadians. That New York man who fell 155 feet and suffered nothing but a severe cold will know enough, to put on his muffler and ear tabs when he wants to take 1 another fall like th?.t. i Preliminary Training;. New York Post. Germany's pactlctna with srtlllerv inimt balloons high up In the air may be pre liminary training for the approaching con test with the disarmament cranks In Th. Hague conference. I Oness Aaraln. Kansas City Timesi Now, if President Roosevelt could United States senator to prison merely be cause pi personal prejudice, does anybody suppose that Foraker and Tillman would be going around as chipper as they are? ., Hnetllnsr for tbe Hurrahs. 1 Chicago Recnrd-Herel.1. Foraker says he doesn't want nnv nnittirai honors from the people of Ohio without tneir hearty approval. He will not it down, however, and wait for others to work up the approval. Misery Loves Company, Philadelphia Ledger. As nearly as can be ascertained, the San Francisco supervisors received 113,500 each In bribes, In sums ranging from $500 to (6.000, these representing the mites Ruef allowed them from the several corruption funds. However, enough went this way to pay for furnishing a capltol. Back to First Principles. Cleveland Plain-Dealer. i The alluring posters that were designed to set forth the attractions of the United States navy will no longer hold the at tention of the passer by. The government has given up billboard advertising and will hereafter use the columns of the news papers to exploit the delights of naval life. The lntffr Oat of Order. Cincinnati Enquirer, The health officers st Colon ' have been giving Speaker Cannon soma points on par liamentary law. Indeed, they have "ruled him out of order." But Mr. Cannon's cigar stm points defiantly at an angle of forty-fiva degrees, toward the sky. and his hat rests still gracefully on his ear. Our "uncle" can be relied upon to pull through on his splendid audacity. The Railroad Boarto New York. Tribune. In all seriousness, "hostile legislation" explains too much. The bogie will soon become a laughing stock if It Is paraded so often. No one deplores really hostile legislation against the railroads more than does ths Tribune, and no one haa been prompter to condemn It. but we think the current explanation of almost everything under the sun has been badly overworked. The true explanation, that money rates the world over are unfavorable to Increased outlay, Is one which railroads need not be ashamed or afraid to give the public. It is not good business to pay too much for your money. Everybody can un derstand that. PRESIDE JIT AND PEOPLE. Slgniacaat Maalfratatlon of Cordial Relatione. Leslie's Weekly. It Is doubtful it any other president has ever established such cordial relations with all the people, young and old. as President Roosevelt. Tbe ' affectionate expressions constantly heard not only regarding the presldeot, but In reference to every mem ber of bis family, are unusual and extra ordinary. The recent illness of his yount son, Archie, stimulated remarkable Inter est, especially among children, everywhere, and In every American home the White House bulletins regarding the progress of ths disease were watched for anxiously, and a general song of praise was sung when Archie Roosevelt was reported to be "out of danger." Whatever the severest critics of the president may say-and he haa a number of them none can deny that he keeps closely In touch with ths people, and that be has their sympathy and sup. port,, regardless of polltlral considerations, to an extent without parallel In American history. Realising this fact as the president does, he must feel tbe great weight of re sponsibility he now carries. It Is a heavier burder than any other of the world great est Tylers U called upon't- "Jt. , OTHER LAND THAI Ot'RS. Despotlntn has warrant for lamentation In the death of Constantlns Petrovitch Pobledonostseff, exprocurator-general of the Holy Synod of Russia. Socond only to the csar In power and Influence he dominated the Internal policies of Runsla more completely than any other official of tha government. Entering the service of the empire In 1846 at ths age of Is his ability and loyalty were rewarded by ad vancement, step by step until he became a member of the council of state In 1S72 Eight years later he was appointed pro curator general of ths Holy Synod, a position he held with Inflexible authority until 1906. Probably no post In Russia could have given Pobledonosteff greater scope for molding"- public policies. Ths Holy Synod Is one of the four great ex ecutive councils of the empire. It haa absolute control of ecclesiastical affairs, and by reason of the close union of church and state exercises surpassing Influence In the government. Ths procurator-general Is the representative of the csar in the Holy Synod, and of the church in tha cabinet. Pobledonostseff was legal adviser to the metropolitan of the church and for years past had the power of appointment of archbishops, bishops and priests. Thus he had complete control of the ecclesiasti cal machinery of the empire and swayed It as his will dictated. A man of ex traordinary ability, a Jurist of conceded eminence. Intense In Ms fealty to auto cratic government, he concentrated all ths resource of his skill and power in sup pressing all movements of a republican tendency. Only one faint glimmer of liberty lights his record of tyranny. He favored the emancipation of the serfs, roblledonostseff pursued his policy of re pression without dlsspmbllng. He made no concession or compromise. Every brand of reformer, from terrorists to constitutional ist, looked alike to him and he struck at and struck down each with as little ceremony as the convlence of the Cossacks would permit. The limit to his resistance, as well as his power came when the Japanese winged the Russian eagles on the plains of Manchuria, Not the least notable feature of Poblledonostseff's life Is that he reached the patriarchs.! age of four score and died a natural death. Recent events In the Transvaal are signi ficant and tend to show that the soul of Paul Kroger Is marching on. The first Parliament of the colony under the new constitution met in the hall in Pretoria in which the late president of the Boer re publlo presided for so many years over the sittings of the upper Volksraad of that day, and the stage settings were the same. Premier Botha, the Boer chieftain, occupied the center of the stage, a staunch repre sentative of the old order In tha new setting. A singular scene waa enacted when the matter of electing a speaker came up. Mr. Hoffmayer took the chair and proceeded to explain the method of electing a speaker. He was Interrupted with the shout, "Speak Dutch," and this was followed by loud applause. Accord ingly he finished his explanation m Dutch. Oeneral Botha, nominated General Beyer for speaker and the leader of the pro gressive party nominated Mr. Stocken. stroem, - whose name sufficiently Indioates his origin. He was put forward In the hope of dividing the ministerialists, but the. premier's nominee was elected, and he re turned thanks in English. Then he ad adjnumed the house In Dutch amid cries of "Speak English," from the opposition. On the uppermost question before Parlia ment, the Chinese question, there was no confusion of tongues. With emphatic unanimity the ministerial measures for ex cluding Asiatics were approved at the first session. The disposition of the Chlnest Im ported two years ago to work la the mines Is a matter for future action. South Afri can whites are just as determined as Aus tralians and Californlans in the opposition of coolie labor. . The school teachers of Prance, or rather the big body of radicals among them, have been carrying on an agitation for some time In order to secure the right of or ganizing themselves into a trade union. No government, hitherto, has given them the least encouragement in this ambition, but they have continued to Indulge In sanguine expectations, owing to the recent develop ment of socialistic influences. The other day an association of Seine school teachers appeared at the Labor exchange In Paris, Intending to Install themselves In ons of the rooms that had been put at their dis posal by the managing committee. The prefect of the Seine gave orders that they should not be admitted. Thereupon they demanded an Interview with M. Clemen ceau, who left them In no doubt aa to his position. The trade union law of 18S4, he said, did not apply to school teachers, though he admitted the legitimacy of cer tain kinds of formal association among civil servants. The government, he added, was preparing a bill on the subject. But before allowing the school teachers' dele gates to depart he again declared that It was Impossible to permit members of their profession to Join a political organisation whose object was not only to upset ths government, but to overturn the existing social order. "Tou will not easily find a ministry," he said, "which will consent to hand over the government to a trade union bureaucracy." The whole subject la likely to be threshed out In tha Chamber before long. Consul O. A. Bucklln, jr., of Glauchau re ports that another effort la now being mads In that district of Germany to raise wages and shorten hours of work, concerning which he writes: The workers In the knitting ' machine needle factories have been having fre quent meetings, and have resolved to pre sent : to their employers, through a com mittee therefor, a demand for a nine-hour day, a 20 per cent Increase and a 25 per cent additional hourly wage for overtime work. The comparatively small number of workers originally affected has been In creased by a considerable number of bed and table oover workers Joining ths move ment. This Is significant aa carrying out among the smaller bands of wage-workers ths gen eral movement for higher wages which has been going on In this region for several years. Increasing prosperity has mads the movement generally successful, while In creased cost of living has made It neces sary. Strikes are now seldom resorted to, contracts between laborers and employers In many cases specifically providing that disputes shall be left to arrangement by conference or arbitration. Some exporters claim that the Increased wages are making It more difficult tor them to send their goods to America. Those goods which at the former cost of produc tion left a meager profit when sold In ths American market can not now be dUposed of there, but new markets must be found where lower tariff rates or higher prices will enable them to realise more from ths goods. The sending of mors and mors textile machinery to tbe United States for opera tion there hss been another result of Inter est. Almost all of the machinery exported from this district to the United States Is for weaving or knitting, and though not large In amount has nevertheless a sign!-Hi-ant bearing, considering Its rapid In crease. In 1MM it amounted to $3,11; In lie 6, 12,811 and In Ths export ing from here of at least a part of this machinery may be accounted for from ths fact that men who have gone from her to the United States to secure better bust. tit mm conditions prefer the machinery to which they bavs been accustomed. POLITICAL DRIFT. The quaqthy of political mud In the air of Chicago rivals the Justly celebrated smoke smudge of the lake city. Grover Cleveland Is striving to lead the democratic mule from the short grsss of government ownership Into the tall grass of tariff revision. The man who fathered the llck-the-edltor bill In the Pennsylvania legislature took to ths woods when Invited to give a practical demonstration of Its Intent. Seventy-five out of 113 republican mem bers of ths Michigan legislature whose votes have been polled favor the renomlna tlon of President Roosevelt The best of weather prophets must con cede the prise for prophecy to ths Ohio man who declares Bryan will carry every state In the union next year. - Bachelor maids of Fort Dodge, la., pass up the suggestion to "sit down" on the city authorities. Intimating that ths Job Is one for a commission In lunaoy. That Massachusetts man who Is 101 years old and has voted ths democratic ticket all his life ought to come In for some con sideration from the Carnegie hero commis sion. One of the graft revelations In ths Penn sylvania state capltol Investigations is that lacquer waa sold to ths state as gold plate and raid for as such. This Is a specimen of the gold brick business, of which so much la continually heard In Pennsylvania politics. Kentucky Is getting aboard the water wagon. It Is announced 'that prohibition Is spreading over ths -famous home of tha bourbon, human and distilled, and that out of 11 counties nearly a hundred have taken advantage of the local option law and gone dry. and 'others are going tha sans Way, and It Is predicted that In a year only the counties containing cities will be wet In connection with the inquiry Into the furnishing of the palace of graft of Penn sylvania former Governor Pennypacker warned the inquisitors that "celerity should be contempered with sunctatlon." Where upon ths stunned inquisitors dug up a resolution draw by Pennypacker and adopted by the capltol commissioners whereby tha huge Job was logrolled to a favorite. . , Activities of Roosevelt. Kansas City Star. This remarkable man has probably writ ten mors books, and better ones, than ths average litterateur contributes In a life time. He haa chopped up more wood and kindling than half a doten wood sawyers who do nothing elss In their lives. Ha has shot more bears and broken more bronchos than many a Rocky Mountain hunter or western cowboy. He has written more and longer and more essential state papers than any two or three presidents befors him. He haa informed himself and en lightened the public on a greater variety of special features of the national de velopment than most other men have even considered or asked questions about. He has made more addresses and political speeches than any man living except Mr. Bryan, and In the Interstices of his very busy moments hs haa earned a world's peace prise, carried on a fairly volumi nous correspondence, settled Industrial strikes, "called down" federal Judges and acted as confessor to Harrlman and Morgan and - the others. Rip Case for Eye) Inspectors. St Louis Republic President Jim Hill haa the blues again. and insists that he sees a red light on the flnanc h.. track. Let It be hoped that In this instance, ha is color blind. Am Eiste "u n att v-r a aAaw uui we extend Sunday is epoch in If vou 1 1 Easter Sunday we can put you in order in a very short time, and you will be as well dressed as any man, even though he be a custom man, Our Suits and Overcoats of this spring's offering are the acme of perfect tion in style and fit Our Hat Department has all the new blocks and colors, in both soft and stiff shapes. You should have a new hat for Easter, It is here, Our showing of High Grade Shirts and Neckwear for Easter is the finest in the city. You will need a new Waistcoat, They are here in an endless variety, And our Children's Department is showing everything that is new and up-to-date for the little fellows. Browmng, King l Co R. 8. WILCOX, Manager. TomumM''iiMmmmm-jm M' ttiinMnmianissniswiiinMuuusssm sp .isunMssw wiisi ij. ,w HAPPINEGO 10 A H ADIT CULTIVATE IT AMD Use' Sheridan oa. CLEAN, HOT AND LASTING. BEST WYOMING COAL $7.00 VICTOR WHITE COAL CO., 1635 F.rnam-Tel. Dona. 127 LAIGIIISG GAS. "Po you are going to lecture?" "Yes," answered Senator Hurghum. "not that I oare for the money, but It Is a pleas ure to get away from your stony-faced colleagues In oongrpss and face an audi ence that really wants to hear you talk." Washington Star. Tha lawyrrs Trere contending that their client was sane. "Your Honor," said the spokesman, "dldn t he bounce one of uaT WellT" Then the decision of the tribunal was awiiltrd with confidence. Philadelphia Ledger. "I believe the rarest financial course Is a temperance one." "Yes, but how can you follow such a course when money Is tight 7" Baltimore American. Relshaiiar saw the writing on the walL It s only unwritten law that goes," ha remarked airily. Keing fully up to date, he had no fear. New York Sun. "Is the grass beginning to get green on your Iswnt" "Some." "How muchT" "About as green ns the question you asked." Milwaukee Sentinel. Mendelssohn was writing his "Spring Song." "Hut how about the words?" objected a friend. "Why bother with them?" retorted the great composer. "Everybody Is all stuffed up with lnfluenia In spring." Washington Herald. "Here's another battleship talked of." "Ah! What displacement?" "Ten million dollars." Puck. Come!" cried the mother of the peevish little bull pup, "you can't mend matters by whining, can you?" "I guess not," sniffed the little pup. "Then," said his mother, "If not, whins not." Philadelphia Press. "The cards say that your destinies are controlled by a large blonde lady." "Humph! that's no news. It's our red headed cook." Baltimore American. "Hottest March I ever saw," growled ths pedestrian. "Huh," snorted a veteran who had over heard, " 'tlsn't a marker to Sherman S march to the sea." Philadelphia Ledger. TAKING IT EAST. ' S. B. Klser In the Record-Herald. I never borrow trouble Or sit around and sigh Because our coal and taxes. And groceries are high. I never have to worry If strikers stop the wheels; My dreams are always peaceful And I enjoy my meals. I do not rise at sun-up, I never have to Slav Or prastlce self-denial. Or look for ways to save. I hunt for hew enjoyments When old ones cease to please. Obeying no man's orders, I live a life of ease. My dear old, fond old father Goes tolling day by day. Accumulating money. And piling it away. His brow Is deeply furrowed. His eyes are growing dim; His clothes are old and rusty, But they will do for him. Hs never tastes such dainties 1 As tempt ray appetite; In adding to his riches He finds his one delight. He has no time to travel. His weary back is bent; He always stops to ponder Before hs spends a cent Why should I aver worry Or ever have a care? Before me there Is lying A future that Is fair. My dear old father's piling Up money, rain or shins; He cannot live forever. Some day It will be mine. .'GFcettajf t: ,4 j ii .uud cii.iv au uua an Easter greeting. Easter Spruce up. Easter should mark a new your wardrobe. are not readv for