Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
Pagss 1 to 10
Always R4
Best A". West
Esllway Manarers and Trainmen's CfSoiala
DisoMi fitnatiea Further.
Bay Emplsyeri Knit Have Kw Offer for
Iheir Consideration.
i Federal Officials Will Anira in Cbioaeo
"Ibis Moraine at 0 O'clock.
. Conciliators Will Meet Oread Master
Morrlsaey id! President Garret-
at lO O'clock Btate-
meat by I'nlon Men.
CHICAGO, March a. The attitude of the
members of the Order of Hallway Conduc
tors and the Brotherhood of Trainmen was
more toward arbitration of the differences
between them and the railroads than on
It waa reported today that Chairman
. KnaDD of the Interstate Commerce com
(VilHslon and Charles P. Nelll of the United
' States ' l.abor commission, would leave
I Washing-ton for Chicago somo time during
the day and thelabor leaders declared they
were willing to await their arrival before
taking any action. At the same time
Grand Master Morrlssey of the trainmen
and President Uarretson of the conductors
' declared that the attitude of the men In
("regard to the demands they havs made
! j upon trie railroads had not changed, nor
were they likely to change. The men are
srtlU disposed to Insist upon tholr demands
and It was declared today that they would
not abate them?
Conference Mar Be Held.
It Is posolble that another meeting be
., tween representatives of the men and the
general managers will be hold after Mwnri.
Knapp - and Nelll have reached the city.
Grand Master Morrlssey said today that
uch a meeting would bo held provided
there was anything new to discuss, but the
men had reached the final stage so far as
the last proposals of the railroads were
These have been finally rejected by the
merk. he wild, and they will n again be
considered unless now proposals go with
"We will e nothing hasty," said Grand
Master i MorWosey, "and we are fully con
sidering the rights of the public but the
attitude ot the railroads is not satisfactory
and we cannot aocept the situation as it Is.
Members of our organisation have voted
for a strike unless their demands are satis
fied and there the thing rests at present."
Both the trainmen and the conductors, as
well a the general managers committee,
held meetings today, but nothtnr tangible
enme out of either meeting. On both sides
there wits a disposition to await the arrival
Cf Chairman Knapp and Mr. Nelll.
It -was annotmoed today, waa
known that Chairman Knapp of the Inter
state Commerce commission and Charles
TP. Neill had left" Washington, that ths
first conference between those gentlemen
and Grand Master Morrlssey of the train
men and President Oarrettson of the con
ductors will be held tomorrow at 10 o'clock
In the Auditorium hotel.
Officers Start for Chicago.
WASHINGTON, March 29. Chairman
Knapp of the Interstate Commerce com
mission and Commissioner Nelll left today
for Chicago to endeavor to settle the dis
pute as to wages which has arisen between
the managers of the western railroads and
ths trainmen on their lines. Neither Chair
man Knapp nor Commissioner Nelll cared
to discuss the situation until they had in
formed themselves of ths facts through con
ferences with the railroad officials and rep
resentatives of the trainmen. They expect
to arrive in Chicago about 8 o'clock tomor
row morning.
Secret Meeting, at Daflialo.
BUFFALO, March 29. A secret conference
between delegates of the Brotherhood of
Hallway Trainmen and the Order of Rail
way Conductors, which has been in prog
ress here for two days, closed early today
after ratifying an agreement formulated at
jfndlanapolis recently to federata on all
patters In dispute with ths railroad com
'antes. ' It calls for co-operation of ths officers
of both bodies In order to present a bold
front to their employers.
"Woman Who Killed Former Congress
man from I'tah to Be Arralgaed
Heat Month.
SALT LAKE CITT, March 29.-U became
known today that for several days Harvey
Given, assistant district attorney for ths
District of Columbia, and Detective Helan
of Washington have been here gathering
evidence to be used when the trial of Mrs.
Anna M. Bradley for the killing cf former
United States Senator Arthur Brown is
called In Washington next month. What
evidence they were able to get bearing upon
the association of the man and woman is,
af course, unknown to any but themselves
as they have gone about their work so
Sfmetly that they had been here almost a
week before it became known what their
inlsblon was.
Visitors Received by Governor Msv
gooa aad Will Re Entertained by
Minister Morgan Today.
HAVANA. March 29. Th steamer
"Bluecher, with Speaker Cannon and his
congressional party on board, arrived here
this morning from Colon. The visitors
y were received by Governor Magoon at the
A P&lac tnl" afternoon. A , Cuban bud
played in the palace garden during the re
ception. Ijttor the congressmen were shown ths
city In a special street car by Governor
Nunos and Mayor Cardenas. Ex-Congressman
Hawley of Texas, entertained the
visitors at dinner tonight.
Tomorrow they will visit the Motto and
Cshinns fortresses and tomorrow nifcht
they dine with Minister Morgan.
Rrlef t'ahlnet Meeting.
WASHINGTON, March . The cabinet
meeting today was briefer than usual, ths
president having an eugagement with a
dentlat, which required hlin to leave the
White House at 12.(0 o'clock. Only six of
the nine members of ths cabinet were
present. Messrs. Taft and Metcalf being
out of the country and Attorney General
Xlonaparte absenting himself because of the
Jtood rrtli churoh holiday.
Saturday, March BO, 190T.
rut wis
7- 0
K 5 10
21 22 23
28 29 30
25 26 27
IOWA Fair Saturday.
Sunday fair and
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
5 a. m...
4 a. m...
7 a. m. ..
8 a. m...
9 a. m...
10 a. m...
11 a. in...
13 in......
1 p. m
2 p. m....
3 p. m....
4 p. m....
6 p. in.-..
5 p. m....
7 p. m
8 p. m....
( p. m....
.... 66
.... 65
.... 6H
.... f-5
.... 64
, 47
, 60
M j
48 :
The house concurs in the senate's
amendment to the state-wide primary bill,
knocking out the open primary and rotatod
ballots. The senate cuts down a number
of items in the house appropriation bills.
rage 1
Thomas bill amending -the Omaha city j
charter recommended for passage by the ;
senate in committee of the whole. An
nexation provision stricken out, but pro
vision remains which takes away from Ilia
city council the power to regulate tele
phone rates. Page 3
Manager Griffith of a hypnotic troupe
Is arrested at Fremont charged with strik
ing a hotel clerk on the head with his
cane. He is release on ball. Page 3
William Colton, republican, and Thomas
Smith, democrat, are engaged in a warm
contest for mayoralty of York, with indi
cations favoring Colton. Page 3
News of probable appointment of Henry
T. Clarke as railway commissioner re
ceived with satisfaction by legislators.
Page 3
W. J. Broatch has an interview with
the governor, but neither party to confer-
once gives out anything regarding the
visitor's resignation from the Omaha po
lice board. rage 1
The Chicago campaign reaches its warm
est part, with personalities Interesting the
I e ikers. Page 1
Fire in the Homestake mine continues
in spite of strenuous efforts of miners.
Page 8
Crocker estate attacks validity of merger
of Southern Pacific and Union Pacific in
suit in Texas 13
W. J. Bryan writes a letter to H. M.
Whitney, explaining his views on railroad
question. He says public ownership Is
the ultimate solution. Page 0
Dr. Allen McLane Hamilton, the alien
ist who said Thaw is Insane, will testify
in lunacy hearing today. The commis
sion is expected to have Its report ready
by Monday. Page 1
Trade with the orient Is increasing to
all countries hut China. ' 1 Par 1
Town kt In gVvernujsnt townsltes. in
Indian Territory wilt be offered for salo
In May. W 1
Coast states decide to co-operate with
regular army in maneuvers of artillery.
Page 13
General MacArthur la relieved from duty
at San Francisco so ha' can make his re
port on oriental affairs. Page 1
President Issues formal call for elections
in the Philippines. ' Page 1
Assistant' Attorney General Rush or
dered to Wyoming to push the prosecution
of parties who have maintained fences on
the public domain. Some big fish expected
to be caught in the net. '' Page 1
M. H. Thorpe of the United States census
bureau of Washington commends action
of Omaha Judges on the divorce situation,
into which the government is extending
an official itvjuiry. Page U
Superintendent of the city hall secures
contract for ice during the summer at
IS a ton. catching ail but one of the Al
leged local trust oft guard aad closing a
deal with that one. Page 13
Inventory of the estate of Count Crelgh
ton Is filed, and while It does not indicate
total value of estate, shows over fl. 600.070
cash In banks. Page 13
Thomas Merxlk, employed at Armour's
packing house In South Omaha, is crushed
under an elevator, his body being found
In the pit of the shaft. Page 19
Dan C. Callahan, superintendent of
Prospect HU1 cemetery, is bound over to
the district court again on new charges,
and officers of the association are Impli
cated in remarkable case of grave desecra
tion by testimony of one witness. Page 13
Farmer Burns wins two out of three
falls from James Parr, the champion
English wrestler. age
Philadelphia Americans defeat the New
York Nationals at New Orleans by a
score of T to 0. Page
Marshall B. Levy of Indianapolis wins
individual bowling championship by de
feating R. F. Matak of St. Paul, whom he
tied for first place. K
comraiBOiAX, asto rxsAJrciAX.
Live stock markets. Page IT
Stocks and bonds. Page IT
Dun's review of trade. Fags IT
Commissioner Sargent Gives Reason
for Scarcity ot White
Labor la loath.
NEW ORLEANS. March U.-A drawback
to immigration In the south is pointed ort
today by Immigration Commissioner Frank
P. Sargent, as follows:
"There is one thing the people of ths
south must learn In the handling of Immi
grants. They must pay better wages or
the foreigners will not remain with them.
The south is badly In need of agricultur
ists, but it is not possible for the farmers
and planters to keep laborers at a wage of
M cents to C a day when they can secure
U in the north."
Attachments Brlag Witnesses from
Many Points lsrMlssoarl to
Banker's Trial.
WARSAW. Mo.. March . It waa ex
pected that the Jury to try Major Harvey
W. Salmon charged with grand larceny
In connection with the failure of the Salmon
A Salmon bank, would be completed to
day and the hearing of evidence begun.
Numerous witnessess from St. Louis,
Springfield and other points In the state for
a bom attachments were issued yesterday
arrived hare today.
. Railway Igtne Lott Bieb.t of in
Bitter Personal Fight.
Honse-to-Houae Poll Shows Large
Majority for Bach Ticket legis
lators Come Home to
CHICAGO. March 29. Chicago Is experi
encing one of the bitterest mayorality cam
paigns in the history of the city. Mayor
Edward F. Dunne Is the democratic candi
date, while the republicans are seeking to
elect Fred M. Bussee, postmaster of Chi
cago. At the beginning the street railway
ordinance were the Issues, but such a bit
ter personal light has developed that the
real Issue has almost been lost sight of.
Every newspaper In the city, h4h morning i
.nit iflfirnnnn. with the exceotlon of two. !
traction ordlnarcea recently passed by the for their own purposes.
city council over Mayor Dunne's veto. Contractors are being invited by the
The interests of Mayor Dunne are being secretary of the interior to submit pro
looked after by the two newspapers of W. j posals for the construction of lateral
it Hearst and th voters are being treated j ditches under the second division
to some choice poiUctU arguments. An- of the interstate canal, North Platte Irri-
I ciom nisiory, wniio 01 n raiu w mm
nnj a great deal of it declared false, is be- ;
lnR re!rurrected anJ as a result one libel
suit as a airect reeuii. involving i,ow,uuu,
has been started and many more are threat-
ened. The workers of both parties have j
made a thorough house-to-howie canvass
ui inn eirui-c snu luuinut. .iru.o
offered which showed the election of both
candidates by large majorities.
Legislators Come Home to Vote.
Today being Good Friday there was a
lull in the campaign, but the struggle will
be renewed tomorrow with Increased force.
The legislature at Springfield hoe; adpomcd
until the day after election so that the Chi
cago members could return to their homes
and get into the fight for thoir respective
The most pretentious meeting during the
last twenty-four hours wss held last night
at the Auditorium under republican aus
pices. The chief speaker was Governnr I
Deneen, who came up from Springfield to
take an active part in the campaign for
Fred A. Busse, the republican candidate.
Lieutenant Governor Sherman, Attorney
General Stead, Mayor Becker of Milwaukee,
and Rev. J. Wesley Hill of Brooklyn also
made addresses.
All the republican speakers made much
of the attitude of William R. Hearst, who
they claim has come from New York to
"boss" the city of Chicago. Charges were
freely made that he la working for the elec
tion of Mayor Dunne in order to further
his alleged ambition for the presidency
of the United States.
Meeting of Democrats.
The democratic speakers were all local
men. They repudiated the charges brought
against Mr. Hearst with energy and de
clared that he is inspired only by the desire i
to give the city good government and an
improved street car system. All the demo
cratic orators attacked the personal
character of the republican candidate, de
claring that he is a tool of- the corpora
tions, and a man who desires the welfare
of such organisations more than he wishes
for the well being of the people ot Chicago.
The judges of the municipal courts, who
for several months have been protesting
against what they have called a too free
use of the pardoning power by Mayor
Dunne, have directed the police department
that warrants whenever possible shall be
brought under the state laws Instead of
city ordinances, in order to deprive the
mayor of ail opportunity of pardoning
convicted persons. The judges of the
municipal courts with one exception are
. Labor Leaders Take Part.
A circular was Issued today, signed by a
number of prominent labor leadens, urging
their members to vote against the street
railway ordinances, which ware passed by
the city council over the veto of Mayor
Dunne. The circular assarts that the
ordinances are drawn in the Interests of the
corporation and are against the best wel
fare of ths city. Several prominent labor
men are, however, enlisted on the side of
the republicans, and Cornelius P. Shea,
president of the teamsters' organisation,
is an active worker for the republican
Mayor Dunne today predicted that he
will be re-elected by a plurality of 30,000.
The republicans claim abput as many in
their estimate of Busse's plurality.
Both sides rested somewhat today on ac
count of its being Good Friday and the
number of meetings was greatly reduced.
The campaign is expected to be energeti
cally renewed tomorrow.
Eight Hnaered Fifty Mea la Twenty
Three Plaats la St. Loots
Qnlt Work.
ST. LOUIS1, Maica 29. In an effort to
enforce demands for Increased wages made
by members of the United Brewery Work
ers' union about 860 brewery workers
walked out of the twenty-three breweries
in St. Louis today. The strike followed a
conference between representatives of the
trewsry workers. National Secretary Kem
per of the United Brewery Workers and
rer rsentaMves of the boss brewers, during
which the boss brewers rerused to grant
the gliding scale increase demsnded of from
t to M per cent. They finally offered a
general Increase of $1 a week to each em
ploye. The offer was made too late today
stop the strike and ths walkout took
place, halting work In every St. Louis
brewery. The total membership of the
United Brewery Workers' union Is 3,000.
The demands for Increased wages, it is
stated, were based on the grounds of in
creased cost of living. The refussl to
grant the demands, it is stated, was based
on the statement that Inability to Increase
the price of beer and the Increase of from
26 to 40 per cent in ths price of materials
would not admit of a greater Increase In
wsges at this time.
In East St. Louis, 111., forty brewers in
the two breweries walked out when the; The Interior department took the position
St. Louis strike was declared. The strikers , that the proposed legislation would inter
are members of the St Louis Brewers' fere with the sale of government lands,
union. Nona of the other classes of laboi i
in either of the two breweries Is affected.
Ft rat at This Tear's Crop la Harvested
Months Ahead ot
NEW ORLEANS. March .-Rtps
peaches, gathered months ahead of time,
were picked yesterday In Plaquemine pur
lin, Loulslans. The mildest winter In
thirty years waa the cause of the early
Assistant Attorney General Rash to
Take t the Cenipalga la
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(Speciol Tele
gram.) Illegal fencing of the public domain
must be stopped. The Interior department
has Issued this ultimatum and Secretary
Garfield is taking up the work of Secretary
Hitchcock in the prosecution of every piece
of land Illegally fenced belonging to the
public domain throughout the United
states, and there Is to be no truckling over
conditions. Nebraska Is not a marker to
the illegal fencing that has been going on
in Wyo-nlng, where millions of acres have
been set apart by the men owning cattle
and sheep. There will be no let up In
bringing offenders to Justice.
Assistant Attorney General Rush has
been ordered to Wyoming to look after
matters relating to the illegal fencing of
public lands, and it is expected in Wash-
Ington that a number of very prominent
persons will be indicted hv the mnd 'iurv
nnutn projecx, in pieDraska ana Wyoming.
Contracts will be let for the construction
of 114 miles of ditches In the vicinity of j
jn,ieneii ana Scott's Bluff, Neb. Ths work I
has been divided Into small schedules In j
order to enable local contractors with ;
small equipment to submit bids. The con-
buui ij.jii vi inese aitcnes involves me ex-1
cavation of about B50,0CO cubio yards ofjpected to qualify as a witness for the do
earth and 14,000 cubic yards of loose and I fendant Later, however, his connection
solid rock. Plans, specifications and other I with the defense was severed and he was
detailed information may be obtained from subpoenaed as a witness for the state. He
officers of 'the . reclamation service at was not called by the prosecution, but was
Mitchell or at Crawford. Neb. Bids will
be opened May 21, at Mitchell.
Senator Burkett today was advised by
the pension bureau that the following Ne
braskans have been granted' pensions: G.
G. A Moss. Pawnee City; John W. Rlffe,
Sterling, $12 each; R. R. Huriel. Pawnee
City. $16.
George E. Toby of Lincoln, private sec-
retary to Senator Burkett, left Washing
ton tonight for Coldwater, Mich., his wife's j
home, and after several days' visit with
her family will proceed home with Mrs.
Arthur McFatrldge, superintendent of the
Winnebago Indian reservation schools In
Nebraska, Is In Washington to confer with
the Indian bureau upon general matters
pertaining to the conduct of these schools.
Passed Assistant Surgeon C. K. Ryder,
United States navy, has been detached
from duty at the navy recruiting station
In Omaha and ordered to duty on the bat
tleship Vermont.
Leonard D. Whittaker has been appointed
regular, and Jessie Whittaker substitute
rural carrier for route 2, at Betvldere,
Iowa rural routes ordered established
June It Harper's Ferry, Allamakee county,
route i; population, 338; families, eighty
four. New Albin, Allamakee county, route
t; population 328; families, eighty-two.
Oakvllle, Louisa county, route f' popula
tion, 164; families, forjv-one. . ' . .
Arthur W. , Kellogg has been appointed
postmaster at! Bradgate, Humboldt county,
Iowa, vice H. D. Smith, resigned. '
Upon the recommendation of Congress
man Kennedy, Dr. W. T. Harris has been
j appointed pension examining surgeon at
Keosauqua, la., vice Dr. G. A. Craig.
Lteatenant Rot Bare Keg-ro Soldiers
Are Responsible for Browns
ville Riot.
WASHINGTON. March .-Lieutenant
Greer, quartermaster and acting battalion
adjutant of the Twenty-fifth infantry on
the night of the affray at Brownsville,
was on the stand today In the investiga
tion by the senate committee on military
affairs. In the absence of Chptaln Macklln
he took command of Company C while
the shooting was In progress. He testi
fied In detail concerning the events at the
post that night.
The witness told Senator Foraker that
while h'e had believed the men of the
Twenty-fifth Infantry did the shooting, bis
mind was now open on the subject of their
guilt or Innocence. He thought the firing
came from about the center of th town
and that shotguns and revolvers were
used. He estimated that It would require
forty or fifty minutes to clean a gun so
that it would stand inspection after having
been fired. He did not believe the guns
could have been cleaned in the dark with
out showing traces of oil, if all were used,
and if not used the guna could not be
thoroughly cleaned.
During the morning session the commit
tee re-examined Walker McCurdy, formerly
quartermaster sergeant of Company B,
Twenty-fifth infantry, concerning surplus
rifles kept in the storehouses. He was
positive that hone of the arms in the
arms chest had been used in the shoot
ing. The oommittee will take a recess of
two weeks on April 8.
Government Will Offer Land la Sev
eral Sites la the Iadlaa
WASHINGTON, March 2. The commis
sioner of the general land office has issued
an announcement of the sale of town lots
in townsltes on the Kiowa, Comanche and
Apache lands, as follows: Randlett, be-
j ginning on Monday, May 18; Eschltl, be-
ginning May 23; Quanah, beginning June
3; Isadora, beginning June 13; Ahpeatone,
beginning June 23, and Koonksiachey, be
ginning July (. The sale will continue
from day to day until all the lots are
offered. Purchasers will be required to
pay one-quarter of the purchase price In
Ths fact thst the government owns these
lands was the reason for the president's
veto of a bill authorising the commutation
of homestead entries for town site purposes
i in these reservations.
Playing Cards for Prises la Private
Houses Paalshable with Month
la Jail.
AUSTIN, Tex., March 2& Governor Camp
bell today signed the bill making gambling
a felony in Texas. The bill provide a pen
itentiary sentence fur any person convicted
of gambling, a Jail penalty for the owner
of any building In which gambling devloea
j are kept and Imprisonment for thirty days
tor any person found guilty or playing
I cards In a private house fur a prut,
Thaw Lunacy Commission Will Take Teiti
nsny of the Expert Today.
Report Is Expected by Monday
Statement that Croas-Esamlna-ttoa
of Witnesses Will Not
Be Allowed.
NEW YORK, March 29. From sources
assumed to be authentic it was announced
late tonight that Dr. Allan McLane Hamil
ton, alienist, will be called to testify to
morrow before the lunacy commission
which la to determine whether Harry K.
Thaw Is mentally competent to understand
the nature of the proceedings In his trial
for the killing of Stanford White and to
rationally advise his counsel.
Dr. Hamilton, it wss stated, will appear
as a witness on the request of the com
mission and will be the only expert ex
amined. The declaration that Dr. Hamilton would
be called was a surprise, as it had been
generally understood that the commission
would not hear any expert testimony as
to ths defendant's condition of mind. Dr.
Leopold Pntzel, one of the commissioners.
it was erpected, would be relied upon to
determine any medical points involved
It was Dr. Hamilton's testimony at the
trial that precipitated the request by the
district attorney for a lunacy commission,
Originally retained by the defense. Dr.
Hamilton examined Thaw and waa ex
eventually summoned to the witness stand
by the defense.
Under examination at that time he testi
fied that Thaw waa insane when he ex
amined him in the Tombs last summer and
he believed him still Insane. Replying to
a question by Attorney Gleason for the
defense. Dr. Hamilton said he believed that
the prisoner was unable properly to advise
his counsel. District Attorney Jerome at
this point interrupted the witness and ap-
pealed to the conscience of the court to
consider whether a lunacy commission
should be appointed.
District Attorney Jerome, it had been
known, was anxious to introduce certain
witnesses before the commission, but up
to tonight there had been little likelihood
that he would be auooessful. This evening
It waa stated, the . lunacy . commission
notified the district attorney that it would
require the presence of Dr. Hamilton to
morrow. It waa also stated that Dr. Mc
Gulre, the Tomba physician and other
officials at th Tombs would be called.
Report Expeeted Monday.
The Commission in Lunacy examining
the present mental , condition of Harry
K. Thaw may finish its work to
morrow and be ready to report to
Justice Fitzgerald by Monday. The Thaw
Jury will report In court once mare at 10:30
o'clock Monday morning, and it la the hope
of the presiding Judge and the commission
that the matter of the defendant's sanity
may be disposed of by that time.
If the commission should submit a report
to the effect that Thaw fully understands
the nature of the proceedings agalnet him
and has rationally advised with hla counsel,
Justice Fltxgerald will simply direct that
the trial proceed without making publlo
the commission's findings. If the report
should be against Thaw Justice FlUgeraJd
will announce the decision from the bench
and, if he deems the prisoner's release to be
dangerous to public safety, he will sign am
order directing the confinement in some
state hospital for the insane, probably Mat-
Today being Good Friday there waa no
t.-ssion of the lunacy board and Thaw spent
a quiet day In the Tombs preparing for a
renewal of his mental test tomorrow morn
lng at 10 o'clock.
The commission yesterday Indicated that
it had reached the conclusion that its
members could decide from their own ex
aminatlon of Thaw the simple questions
placed before them by Justice Fitzgerald.
It was reported again today that neither
Thaw's own lawyers nor District Attorney
Jerome would be allowed to question Thaw
or any othsr witnesses who may be called
upon to testify at the Inquiry.
Thaw's Lawyers Saagnlae.
Thaw's attorneya are so sanguine as to
tho ontcome of the lunacy Inquiry that they
were today making plana for the resump
tion of th trial next week. It seems new
that if the trial la taken up again th
defense probably will announce that it
rests without further testimony. Dr. Allan
Mcl.ane Hamilton, th alienist who exam
ined Thaw last Juns and July, waa on th
atand when the trial was interrupted. There
la little likelihood that Dr. Hamilton will
be recalled. If Thaw Is declared to be of
sound mind today and the trial is re
sumed. It should not continue more than
three or four days. The attorneya in their
summing .up will not be allowed to refsr
In any way to the lunacy commission, for
Its appointment and proceedings are not a
part of the trial record.
During th trial ail th alienists who bad
xamlned Thaw and were called to the
stand paid a tribute to the prisoner's re
markable memory. It was this memory, it
was said, that served him In such good
stead befor the commission on Thursday
and which led Attorney Hartridge to make
th statement':
"Thaw remembered more about the trial
than I did."
Mr. Hartridge, waa with Thaw for two
houra thla afternoon and upon leaving the
prisoner frankly admitted that the present
situation pleased htm immensely.
"I havs been with Thaw for two hours,"
the attorney said, "and in my opinion he
is in good shape physically and mentally,
and will go through the remainder of the
ordeal as well as hs did through the open
ing session ot yesterday."
Defendaat la Good Ceadlttoa.
"Of course, th position is a trying one
for him. a it would be for any one, but
he has met it bravely and Is greatly en
couraged at the course ot events.
"I waa pleased to find him In such good
condition today and personally am well
satisfied with the case as it stands, and I
am confident of an outcome agreeable to
Mr. Tl aw and his attorneys."
Ths secrecy of the commission' ex
amination of Thaw, Mr. Hartridge said,
was not to be construed as a concession
to the defendant. Necessarily, matters per
taining to the original case would be
brought out at ths preeent hearing and it
would . be manifestly unsuitable to have
the proceedings made publlo whll the
trial proper was pending.
"I am in . hopes," he added, "that the
conclusion of th lunacy board will be
reached by Monday and that the trial be-
. fora tne jury can b resumsd on Tuesday.
I .
j (Continued on Sixth Pag-)
Representative of Saltnn Says Lives
Will Be Protected aad
Order Maintained.
TANGIER, Morocco, March 2. The rep
resentative of the sultan of Morocco,
Mahammed el Torres today called upon
the French minister, M. Riagult and also
on the commander of the French cruiser
Jeanne d'Aro, with both of whom he had
courteous interviews. He assured the
French minister that measures had been
token for the maintenance of order and
for the security of the Europeans in
The French cruiser La Lands, which
arrived her with the Jeanne d'Arc, left
Tangier for Masagan today In order to
transport the body of Dr. Mauchamp, ths
French citizen, whb was murdered at
Morocco City, from Maaagan to this port
OUDJA, Morocco, March 29. A column
of French troops occupied this city at 10 a.
m. today. The Moorish governor met th
French commander and gave him an assur
ance of the friendliness of the populace.
No further Incidents occurred.
Two companies of French Zouaves and a
detachment of cavalry are quartered in
Oudja. Three battalions of Infantry and a
battery of artillery are encamped outslds
the city.
PARIS, March 28. The War department
has received a dispatch from General
Dlautey saying that the occupation of
Oudja, Morocco, has been carried out ac
cording to Instructions. The governor and
a number of Moorish officers rode out to
meet the French column. The governor
told CoLunel Fellneau that he resigned him
self to the Inevitable and that ths differ
ences between tho two government would
not prevent him from maintaining the most
cordial relations with the French authori
The population of Otidjt showed much
pleasure at the arrival of the French col
umn, believing that its presence will do
much to promote security and protect com
merce, i
Government Watches Pending Tarts?
Negotiations Between the Tatted
States aad Germany.
PARIS, March 29. Government circles
here are watching with interest the tariff
negotiations between the United States and
Germany and express the hope that in the
event of any arrangement being made
France will also benefit There ar many
Indications that a reciprocity treaty would
be welcomed. Ths official view of the situ
ation is as follows:
No modifications are foreseen of the
Franco-American tariff arrangement of
1888, which has no specified limitation of
duration. It is assumed that ths condi
tions therein laid down will continue valid.
The furtherance of commercial relations
with th United States which always have
been very cordial is highly desirable.
On th other hand, members of the Amer
ican Chamber of Commerce here point out
that th arrangement of 1898 appliea th
maximum tariff to all American Imports.
K few specified articles benefit by the
minimum tariff under thla arrangement
but thee nevar emanate- from the United
States. At ths aam time the parliamentary
tariff commission her Is considering num
erous petitions claiming that Increases
ahould b mad In th dutlea on various
articles, moat of which ar American prod
Only One Fresh Dtstarsaaee Reported
fa Moldavia Yesterday Situa
tion Improves Elsewhere.
BUCHAREST, March 29. The situation
In Roumanla appears to be quieting down
but large numbers of refugees still con'
tlnue to moke their way out of the troubled
district An official report Issued, today
states that all la quiet in Moldavia, , the
only fresh disturbance reported being In
the Trltush valley in the Neamts district,
whither troops have been dispatched. The
situation in the districts of Olt, Roman,
Mehedlnts and Teleorman has 'become
somewhat threatening, but the situation
In the DolJ. Buzer and Rom n to districts
has Improved. No further disturbances
have been reported from the districts of
Bralla, Argesh and JorJ.
Th governments of Austria and Bui
garla have sent steamers to various Rou
manian ports on the Danube to convey their
respective subjects to neutral territory,
and Roumanians escaping from the dis
ordered area are also availing themselves
of thess vessels.
The refugees crossing the Danube Into
Bulgaria are mostly Greeks and Jews.
Moscow Lawyer Is Aecose of Insti
gating the Mardes- of Dr.
MOSCOW, Russia, March . A lawyer
named Alexandroff, secretary of the Mos
cow section of the League of the Russian
people, was arrested here today aa the
instigator of th murder of Dr. Jollos,
editor of the Russkl Vledomostto ot this
c'ty, who waa shot and killed March 17
by an unknown man aa he was leaving his
Th arrest was made aa a result of th
confession of a member ef th league, who
made a statement to the effect that he
was approached by M. AlexandrofTs sec
retary with a proposition to kill Dr. Jollos.
No trace of the actual murderer has been
Nothing Given Oat ay Either Regard,
lng Visitor's Resignation from
Pollen Board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 29. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Sheldon has not yet ap
pointed a new police board, and ao far as
heard from he is still waiting for that
missing resignation. Captain Broatch cam
down today and had a long talk with th
; executive, but whether he 1 th holder
j of th missing resignation, of course, can
' not be officially announced at thla time.
Neither can It be said officially that Mr.
Broatch laid down on ths governor to
keep him on the board, but It la likely
that is what hs did, but aa the governor
said nothing about It it la all guess work.
Previous to the visit of the police com
j mlsslonsr C. J. Anderson of Omaha spent
half an hour with the chief executive and
I circumstantial evidence Indicate that he
: was after one of tbeee vacant placea him
self and the Indications were at th close
of th Interview that h failed te receive
j very much ncouragsmeat
Home and "mate fasi Eill and Fend
Meainre to Governor.
Teaate Amendment Adopted by Eons
After fccme Disouision,
Messrs. Hettleton and Bariard Objects of ft
Vtry Pleasant Surprise,
Hoase Provisions Are Meeting with
Objection la Senate aad Big
Items Are Falling Fast
In Committee.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. March 29. (Special.) The
state-wide primary election bill, the pa Mag
of which waa promised to th people by
th republican, democratic and populist
parties, passed the house this afternoon
as amended by the senate and probably will
reach the governor tomorrow. The vote to
concur In the senate amendments stood 61
for to 23 against and only Dorati and Wil
son of Custer ot the republicans were
counted with th minority. When th
amendments were read In the house Jentson
of Clay moved that they be adopted, but
later withdrew hla motion when Dodge of
Douglas moved that all the amendments
be adopted with the exception of section
80, relating to th promulgation of th
party platform and the selection of a stats -committee,
and on thla question he asked
for the appointment of a conference com
mittee. Cone, of course, objected to this,
when Dodge explained that under the sen
ate amendments each county selected on
delegate to come to a stats convention in
Lincoln to formulate the platform and he
was of the opinion the delegates should
have a voice lq the convention according
to the number of votes they represented.
By crying out against the populous coun
ties the western delegates were lined up
against the Dodge motion, several saying
they voted against it because it cam from
the Omaha delegation, and It was defeated
by a vote of 44 to 40. Then the Jenlson
motion was carried after the house had be
come involved tn parliamentary scrambles,
the first and only one of the session, and
In which a half dozen members raised
points of order at once. The first point of
order to be raised was when the speaker
announced th Dodg motion had carried
because it had received 44 votes to 40.
Clark called the speaker' attention to
the rules, which require a majority of ali
votes, . or fifty-one, to concur in senate
amendmenta. Th speaker so held and de
clared th motion lost Several who voted
against the bill and a few who voted for
It offered explanation, among them being
McMuJlen, who said inasmuch as the sen
ate had cut ont the open ' feature, struck
out the rotated ballot feature, and put back
In the bill th filing fee and only a nominal
petition, "I take great pleasure In voting
aye," h concluded.
Vote on the Bill.
The vote then, on the motion to concur
tn the senate amendments, waa aa follows:
Aldtraon, Hasina, MH'Imn,
Armstrong, HfcfTUMB, Nff,
Blr4, Htrt, VoyM.
Bslrer, HtrMtr, Bpr,
brn, - Hcffarnaa, lUdmons,
Barrett Brary, )cht,
ItMt, Hill. Rlchardwn,
PirsUm. Jtnlarm, Itohrer,
Flrown, B. W., Johnion, Scodter,
Brown, E. P., Jonat, Srubart,
Ducklsy, Kl(, Stoli.
OlariM, Kllltn, Talbot,
Con KnowlM. Thlaucn,
Tvarls, ,hnr Turbr,
rxvdstt, tdar, WsUh.
f.llet, Lm, w-fms.
Oilman, LoiiaAna, VMta,
Ollom. McOllnufh, Wa-ihasi.
OrMi, Mi-MulUn. HT RpsakM U.
HagaraMfcter. Marah,
Hamar, i Masters,
Adams, Funk, Pilaw,
Benae, lint, Srhoattsar,
Bolen, Orlf, Snrdar,
Brown (Shmn), ' Howard. Van Ht,aRra.
Carlta, Hows, Vnpalcnaay,
rtorsn, Knhl, Wllaoo,
Pranoa, Maoaar, Wonhinc it.
FTtas, Murphy,
Senate' Passes the Bill.
The senate this afternoon passed the dl- "
reet primary bill by a vote of SO to 3, every
senator going on record. Though the bill
waa recommitted . at th forenoon session
for an amendment which Senator Aldrlrh
wanted to attach, the change waa not
made and the bill waa placed on Its pas
sags at the opening of the afternoon ses
sion. The three senatora who voted against
th measure were Ashton, Letts and
Hanna. Ashton and Latta are fuslonlsts
while Hanna Is a republican. Ashton ex
plained his vote in a written statement de
claring the primary would cost the state
1200,000 a year. Though voting for the bill,
Randall of Madison explained he was not
satisfied with It as he thought the state
central committee should be made up of
a member from each county instead of on
from each senatorial dlstrlot
It waa th understanding of som ot
th senators that th house would demand
a .conference committee and in that way
the amendment of Aldrloh providing for a
central committee composed of the county
chairmen would be attached there. The
house did not carry out its part of the
program, however, but accepted the senate
amendments and concurred in them.
Corporation Inquisition Killed.
The house refused to stand for S. F. (Si,
which conferred upon the state labor bu
reau authority to Investigate corporations
and look Into ths books of these concerns,
a bill which It was said Governor Shel
don heartily endorsed, and it was indefi
nitely postponed upon th recommendation
of the Judiciary commutes.
McMullen and Harvey made talks against
th bill, and though Noyea of Cass of.
fered amendments, they wer not acted
upon, and th house sustained the report
of th commute.
8. F. SUi received a similar fat. This Is
ths bill by Aldrich of Butler providing
common carriers shall, receive permission
i from the railway commission befor float
ing bonds. Elmer Brown mad th prin
cipal spseoh against th measure and h '
said no man had been befor th judiciary
oommittee to speak for th measure. Th
gentleman from Lancaster then launched
Into a speech against th author of th
bill, Aldrich, because, he said, he had lob
bled for th measure on the floor of the
house. Cone spoke for ths bill. It waa
Indefinitely postponed by a vote of 41 to 41.
Rrttletoa aad Barnard Remembered.
The house overflowed with good feeling
this morning and for th time, at least
all strife and bitter contests wer lost
sight of whll the members gave expres
sion to their feeling of respect and regard
and appreciation of Speaker Nettleton and
Chief Clark Barnard by presenting the
speaker with a beautiful stiver berry bowl