TI1B OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FliTDAY, MAttCII 29, 1007. "1 CilAlNANI) PRODUCE MMET All CxobancM Clocs for ToWiiju Tridty tod luit "lt'iy. TRADING DULL, BUT OATS UP AND STRONG lck ef Dennlte Information and TMt Cables, with Henry Re- la IVaeat Market. JEW YORK - UE)EHIIL MARKET O OMAHA. March 2S, 1907. Ths various grain exchanges. Including thil Omihi eschsnse. will be clol Friday. . which is Good Friday, and also next Tues day, April 2, which la election oay. l."r..l.-.i .h nwe Will b Closed Until next Tuesday for the Easter holidays and the market will, therefore, be without for eign Inflnence until that time. Tama cables and lack of Important news Induced featureless opening of the mar kt, but prices generally held firm. Little Inters was displayed In wheat, slthougn Corn was slightly firmer and oata were rutins- strong. Reports of rain In the southwest and large receipts of wheat in the northwest caused a reactionary movement in wheiit and some pressure was brought to bear by the liquidation of lona lines. It Is be lieved that a large bear Interest has been made during the last few days on account of ths general favorable conditions for the growing crop. The heavy primary move ment continues and the export demand Is poor, clearances at seaboard being of small proportions. Shipments of wheat from Ar gentina were very light, but traders are wary of taking on long lines until weather conditions becoma more settled. Corn was strong after a firm opening and higher prices prevalld, which were followed bv a moderate reaction. The market was dull and but little support wss apparent. Plowing has begun and the general crop situation la deemed favorable. The close was firm, May options being quoted at tle asked, which was the opening price. Oats opened steady and a buying move ment soon Inaugurated carried prices He above the opening figures. Good demand was In evidence for both May end July tjrope. ss 'Offerings were light and prices advanced easily under significant buying. Ths close was steady and a gain of o wlis recorded In the May options over the close of yesterday. Primary wheat receipts were 7O2.CO0 bushels and shipments 252,000 biisheis, against receipts last year of 4S2.000 bushels and shipments of 161,000 bushels. Corn re ceipts -were 686,000 bushels and shipments 615.0i0 bushels, against receipts of 4S3.0O0 bushels and shipments of 869,000 bushels last year.' Clearances were 61,000 bushels corn, 7,000 bushels oats, and wheat and flour equal to 22s 000 bushels. London prices on wheat wers unchanged, while corn was Hd lower. Argentina wheat shipments were 2,224.000 bushels wheat, agalnat 4,024. WO bushels last week and 1.816,00 .bushels last year. Corn shipments from Argentina were 70.000 h bushels, agalnat 820,000 bushels last week ' v and 230,000 bushels one years ago, Local rang of options: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. WW--' Jl' Corn ' Mv... July... i Hept... Oata- May... July. TDT.A 41HB CUBI. 4111 twnl ' 42B .. 71B 41HVT) 40 B C9HA C5H4.A 70A 70A 4!4A 41HA 40A 4u'i,T1 4IA 41A 4op iTtn , 3SB S8'iB 70 A 41 HA 4'A 41VB 41H" ' till A asked,. B bid. Omaha Cash Frlccs. , , WHEAT-No. 8 hard. BS'ii'fiST.c: No. S hard, 68gir!Ho; No. hard, D&i2c; No. 3 spring, CUKN-No. I, 87iff38o; No. 4, 31fT35c; nd grade, 8W32c: No. J y ello w. , S&USSc ; No. f white, aitS-J0o. t .. OATS No. I mixed, 381?S8Hc: N6. 3 white, Sft3,J;' No. 4 white, Sli'i39'4c. RYE No. 1, 90o; No. , UHc Cat-lot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 12 294 167 Kansas City, 63 Minneapolis .,, 364 Omaha Duluth ,.165 Bt Louis..... 42 ( dllXsUO 'GRAIN 1 ' ANI PRoVtSIOJt Qaotatlons nf the liar Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. March FLOUR Re ceipts. 1.1, u bills.; exports. 6.1K4 bills.; mar- set nail and snout sioaoy; jviinmeM patents, 14. 1 ( rtj 4. 3i , winter mr-slghta, W A''j3 taJ: Minnesota bakers. S3 Sfxrid 70; winter extra. J2viifi.J; winter patents, Hf''u8,; winter low grades, til'W.W. Rye Hour, dull; fair to good. t3.na.so; choice to fancy, J3.fttj 1.20. WHEAT Receipts H.inl bu. ; exports, 17.9iu bu.; spot mnrket easy; No. 2 red, fUSc elevator, W.c f. o. t. afloat; No.- 1 Duluth, XI Sc t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter, ftVkC f. o. b. afloat. In reeponee to rains In the southwest and cooler weather, wheat ensed off today, closing Ho to VtO net lower. Bear preeeure was restrained, however, by a strong advance in the Ruda 1"'. cable and prices rallied fractionally in the Inst Imlf hour on coverinsr. May clewed Wc: July clowd S4c; September, kiftjfco'V, closed KnC. CORN-Receipts. 139.3o bu ; expoHs, 18, bu.; spot niurket easy; No. 2, ftiWc ele vator. 81 f. o. b. aflimt. No. 2 white. 66c; No. i yellow, 62",c f. o. b. afloat Option market whs without trivnseoth-rm, closing net unchanged. May closed 64c; July closed MNc. OATS Receipts, lW.oro bu.; exports, 6,400 bu. ; spot market steady; mixed, 26 to 82 puinln, 414c; natural white, ft) to 32 pounds. t:ave; clipped white, 2ti to 40 pounds, 4vrf HAY Steady; shipping, I7.00tj,00; good to choice. 11.6O'(il2.00. Hiil'fl hiuHv: atnte. common to choice. 19ui.crop. lrJc; 196 crop, 8'fTllc; Pacific joapt, 194 crop, Uiil4c: 1516 crop, 8iri3c. K1IEH fuy ; GalvesUm, 20 to lbs., nominal; California. 21 to 23 lbs., nominal: Texaj) dry, 24 to 80 lbs., nondnal; Central American, 244c; Bogota, 20c. LKATHEH Steady ; acid, 274S2c. IKOVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, tH WrilS 00; mens, fy.frVii'io.tm; beef hams, I24.WKU 26.00; packet beef, fl LOO'S' 11.50; city extra India mess, .3n.Oa2L00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. $10.6012.00; pickled hams, tl l.ffHi 12.00. Lard. 'firm; western rltne, !i.(Ko.10; reflneil, stndv; continent, '56; Bouth America, I10.ZD; compound, HWu SiH. Pork, steady; family. l.it $19.60; short clear, $n.5"'U'19.2S; mesa, $17.50 (ul8.2P. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2'V4C. Japan, nominal. TALLOW Uulet: city ($2 per package), 6c: country (package free). 64alc. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, SOWuSlc. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 2tf&flnr: state (Jalry. common to fine, 211i29c; renovated, com mon to extra, 10W2f.c; western factory. ommon to firsts, lS'irdKc; western Imlta- on creamery, extras, ZO-Tc: firsts, m'nac. l'HUK8U-Flnn; state, run cream, col ored and white, small, September, fancy, 15c; good to prime, 13iil4Ho; winter made. average nest, lMiC; inra, Bpiemoer isncy, lfic; October, best, 14yl44-; good to prime, li,f13.,c; inferior. HMu lZVic. EOOS-Steady; state, Punnsylvania ana eiirhv fnncv selected white. 21ft 22c; choice, 19'020c; brown and mixed extra. lc; firsts to extra firsts, 17WiHc: western rsts. 17WJZ17HC: official price, same; sec onds, 17c. POT'LTRY Live steady; western chick ens, uc; fowls. 10c; turkeys, 13c; dressed easy; western chickens, 10V4jc; turkeys, bx& 14c; fowls, ll16c. St. I.ouls General Market. ST. IOUIfl. March 28. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, 77'ii77c No, 2 hard, 7fiJ 74c; May, 74Vir744c; July, 76HW644C CORN ijower; track, wo. z casn, 43(fli;iVc; No. 2 white, 3M37c; May, 43o; July, 44c. OATS Steady; track, No. 2 cash, 4U4o; No. 2 white, 4iitp42Hc; May, 41H41Hc; July, 46c. FLOUR Steady; red winter Patents. $3.80 SSMi; extra fancy and straight, $3.233.60; clear. Koo'giLse. bnku-i imotny. quiet; n mv.w. CORNMKALr-Bteady: $2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 97c9 00. MAY Oulet: timothy. $l.0OQ19.0; prai rie, $9 00tolS.OO. IKtiN COTTON TlfciS fl.IU. BAOOINC1 10-Vic. HEMP TWINE lflo. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $16.i4. Lard, steady; prime steam, $8.70. Pry salt meats, lower; boxed extra short, $9.37: clear ribs. $.37H: short clears. $9.50. Bacon, steady; boxed extra snort, tiu.uft; clear ribs, $10.12: short clears, $10S714. POULTRY Steady ; cnickens, tic; springs, 13c; turkeys, lie; ducks, 13c;. geese, 8o. UUTTKR steady; creamery, Byanic; dairies, 21ii'i!6c. . tin 66 cans' 18 44 142 . 5 Featares rf the Tradlnsr and Ooslnoc J Prteea Dtiaral of Trade. rw r CHICAOO, March 28. Wt weather in the wheat belt had a depressing effect today on the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was a shade below the final quotation of yesterday. Corn was down Vo. Oats were c higher. Pro. visions ware unchanged to UdTC lower. The wheat market opened weak beoauB of the weather reports showing that rain had fallen' during- the night In Illinois, Missouri. Kansas - and the Ohio valley. The selling pressure was augumented by the official forecast for rain tonight In Kansas and by liberal receipts In the north west. At mod era V rally occurred during ths last half of ths day on buying by com mission houses and shorts which was based upon green bug reports, some of ths ad vluaa alalmlnv that the btur is now damag ing ths crop In Missouri. The close was steady. May wheat opened s.cac lowet at 7t,4'S ,6"c. sold between 75V&7iXc and 76e, and closed at 76Wu1Bo. Clearances of wheat and flour war eaual to 847. 800 Ou Primary receipts were 702.UUO bu., against 432,000 bu. ths corresponding day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 6a ears, against 871 cars last week and US cars a year ago. There was very little trading in corn and the market was steady all day. Re celDta wers liberal and ths hlDtitnr de mand exceedingly dull. A decline of llHc In ths price of the cash grain had a de pressing effect, on options. The close was steady. May corn opened He to H'SWc lower ' at 45'!M6c. sold up to 46o and closed at 674ti4tio. Local receipts were 244 cars, with. none, or contract grade. Oats for May delivery sold today at 43c, tne mgnesi price yet paia ior trie crop, Offerings were extremely light and the price advanced readily on limited buvlnir The bulk of trading was in the new cr,,n inmisslon houses. May opened unchanged at 4'4k3, advanced to 430 ana closed at 4lo. Local receipts were 167 cars. Provisions opened steady on a B'JJIOo ad vance In ths pries of live hogs, but later weakened on selling by local packers. Trading In general was quiet. At the close May pork was off 2So at $16.25. Lard was unchanged at $8.80. Ribs were &4f7Hc lower at is. Estimated receipts for Saturday: Wheat, nogs, re tomorrow, l.wo head. The board of trade will be cloeed. to morrow, oood Friday. The leading futures ranged ss follows,: Articles. pn. Hlch. Low. CloM.TM'r Wheat May July Sept. OfC. Corn May July Sept. Oata May July Sop!, Pork May July Lard May July Sept Ribs May Jv-'y BepL nff CV946 4eli 4fS4 It SO Is w I 96 if 8 0 7f.Sf75HVit'0-i 77S:7TUi3l4 77'l(;1 4Wl 46 I 43 r 83 7Mi 77 7b 80-i 4rl46i,(!r4G 46(ff4ft"i 4l 46H 4f'i 1 IS su I 96 10 I I T7H 4SWak 471 V, to". It 16 ia u 1 00 t 10 I 62W s su 6HnJ 4t, 424 1 4?( r'sTHa- 14 IB a w oo t 66 8 la BO I f0 0A lv 8 70 , No. t ti Cash tuotSktlons Were as follows: FiXjURtoarely eteady. winter natenta 1.10$ 40; winter straights, $3 0t;.16; spring 0; bakers. $.t8tl). WHEAT No. 8 spring. T923: No, 1 !: Now 1 red. 7S674o. pi)H(-Na j. nso; no. 1 yenow, 46e. AT No. 1 4?c; No. 8 whits. 4343Hc a wniie, Jtri-No. I sic BARI.KX Fair to choice melting, jsc. ut-tuua wo. i nsx. si. is; cto. i north. western, $1 k) Tlmo hy, prime, $4-30. Clover, contract srada $1676. , PROVISIONS hort ribs sides (loose) , tT $Vfe $6. lauss pork. pr bbl.. $lt.2TVk Pi W. Lard, per leo lbs , M SO. Short clear Vsles tboxed). HI Sf7HB lrH J The receipts and shipments of flour an (train were: Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls he.it. bu Coin. bu. ...... Oata, bu Rye, bu. I. ...... Per'ev. . bu.... . .... 40.500 .... IO.oiO ....37). mo ....tits , .... 6 4O0 .... 83.6 a.7o W.8 6.' Tl.'tU OB ths Produce exchsnga today the but V ter risrVet was s'.eady; creameries. r.'SO r'He: cires, jcii.Tc. lg. stak; st mar, tvi.ti Included, is.-: r.rst-': it,,c: prims first eV.W C'Ueess. HsMly; iUiW NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS After Bpnrt of Activity at Openinc Mgrkst Beo mei Dull god Qalel THREAT OF STRIKE DEPRESSES RAILROAIS Later Toss Is Heavy, hat Close Is Fairly Active Greet Northera Rises as Resalt ef Fever able Ceart Deetalea. NEW TORK, March 28. There was a fur ther desultory contest waged between the opposing elements In the speculation for o small part of the fltock exchange ses sion nf today. When It was demonstrated that neither side was gaining any marked sdvsntsge, the professional element which had been carrying on the contest prac tically abandoned It. After that the mar ket fell Inta a period of dullness such as has not been seen fir many weeks. The auletness was acccDted as a grate ful relief from the recent turmoil In ths market. The professional testing opera tions seemed to be largely on the short side of the market. The resistance which thane efforts encountered was attributed to the activities of the party of bankers and capitalists said to have been organized for the purpose of support Ins the market and supposed to be responstbl for the rany in Tuesday s market. When the msr ket was seen to have resained some de. gree of balance, many brokers left the street. Intending to be gone until Monday In the enjoyment of what they regarded as much-needed rest. Active operations were In progress at the subtreasury today In the working of the trejuiury's relief messjure for the money market, payments on account of redemption of government 4s nf 11107. of anticipated April Interest on ths 2s and the 4s of 1S07 and of deposits of customs revenues with the national banks wore all In progress If preparations were in progress also ror the large Interest and dividend pnyments Monday, they were bul anced by these relief forces and the money market fulled to show any reflection of them. When the stock market advanced early In the day Great Northern preferred was a conspicuous leader on account of the decision of the Minnesota supreme court on the legality of Its $80,000,000 stock lsue. There wss. however, an abrupt fall In the quota tions for the subscription rights to the new stock In the curb market. While the .--..j- w new kiock nas Deen held up bv the litigation, periods have accrued for the payment of three 10 per cent instnll ments of the subscriptions and another falls due on April 8. These Installments. If made payable all together on April 8, would- call for some $24,000,000 and might prove troublesome In the present condition ?Lii monty "'artet. There Is a general tbTna iti i nfr'fuln"s that money condl- S-v . 1 ""Prove after April 1. lD9 . nkv of Ene-a'"'l made a weak re-i- ? f2r the but 'H"counts essed kik n l exchange at Paris, which measures the pressure of outside UUiiy -Jequ remS,1t" on that center, re Fn,lh hVnV'.', poor how'nK the 2 A"0" b"i were regarded as re- nVo,l.the ere"""!, of J181 PNMura. with Reoo'oe0' me""ton for the future. Xnlr.!.1. a1lock between officials nYl. Ive" P We,ern railroads, which threatened a strike, had a depressing effect pn the market and helped to the heavv office. ,aiarK tra"nr The rnarklng up mfn' C",at the nl of the day was on a IT, L VOLUnle of transactions. The ma n-J?Bet hwr. fairly steadv Bonds were steady. Total sales rmr rncJhean1ed18orcayin,t Bales. High. Low. Clow. n . si, IDQ , l. ersl fund, exclusive of the lltt.OOO.OOO gold reserve, shows: Available ensn beiance, 8KV0ft.S.llK; gnM ""In and bullion. $124. 77, 444; rld certiflcatea, $49,344,140. eve York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March 88.-MONTTT On call, steady at 2yu'4 per oent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid and offered, t per cejil, lint lotLjiS, very dull and easier, sisty days. 'KjvH per cent; ninety days and sis months, t per cent. PRIMN MbHCANTlLU rarfcHr-flatt TfiRLINO EJCCHA NO BJ Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.R336'9 t.kXMi tar demand and at $4.7MWi 4.7X70 for slxty-dsy bills; posted rstesi $4 Sr) and $44V4; commercial bills. $4.7KVff 4.7H P1LVER Bar. 6tic; Msxlcan dollars. 60Ho BONDS Government and railroad steady, closing quotations on- bonds were as follows: . ..101 Jia n, hi ssnas... r ...l1! do 4n ctfi t" ...loiu, an 4ti rtfl t ...lHr do td wrtes f ...10e U N. onl. 4s 11 ...1l Mn. e. s 4a.. ,.130t4 Mel. Tantral 4s.. ,.13'"4I do 1 Inc. rj S. ref. la. rag in eoupon C. g. Sa, rag..., do oownofl ..... V. t. old 4a, rag do coupon 11. B. new 4a, rag. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s... do a Atchlaon gen. 4s... do adj. 4a. Atlantic C. U 4a.. Hal. Oblo 4s.... do I'M Bra R T. e. 4s... Central of Ga. Is...l4 .tn lat Ine M Inc do td Ino Chra. Ohio 4Ha.. C, B. g. a. 4a.. C, R. 1. A P. ta... do col. OS. . 7J .11(7 . aa . II . M 12 M Minn. St. U 4a. M., K. T. 4a do la N. R. R. of M. s. 4a MH !4. T. C. g. Ia ')4 100 lN. J. C. f ta lv l No. PaclSo 4a 10e HI do la 10 N. W. c. 4a l n. g. U rf.1 4a B4i t4i Penn. con. M M ;Readln (tan. 4a H aag. L. a L H. C ta.110 WS St. U A g. F. ff. 4a Tl 8t. U 8. W. . 4.. 71 tl Seaboard A. It. 4s.. 74 actX3. U . 4a.. go. Paclflo rolo. Ind. la, aar. A 49 I do lit 4a ctfa 1 Colo. Mid. 4a 44 I Bo. Railway ta 1" Colo. A so. 4a tvH Taiaa A P. la 114 IS T , St. U A W. 4s.. SI MH t'nlnn Pacific 4a 1" H 14 r g. Etral M Sa I 17 .Wabaiih la . It Weaters Md OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Active end Etendf to Etroeirer Tho TesteTdgy. HOGS CONTINUE ON THE UP GRADE Uberal Receipts el ghees) ssi Lambs, wrltk Trade Reasoaakly Active sad Prices Net lit terleJly Changed. BOUTH OMAIIA, March IB, 107. Receipts were: Omnia! Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday OlllUal Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. ... 4.f40 4.W-9 ll.KK) ... 4,41 ... $,30 6. Mi ... 6,300 Cubs ta D. A R. O. 4a..... potman' Sec. Sa. . Rrla p. I. 4a do gen. 4m. . Hocking Val. 4Va..li4 w. A U E. 4s.. Japan s1,Wla. Oantral 4s... Offered. "Bid. .1111 . T7 . 14 . M Receipts. Shipments. ic.ouo .ooo 41.1X10 M.OKO 176.000 133,00 142,000 107,000 EOGS-10. Flour, bbls Wheat, pu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu - - - , - Kansas City Grain and Provisions. . KANSAS CITY, March 8. WHEAT May, 694c; July, 7074,c; September, 72c; cash. No. 2 hard. 707V4c; No. 8. 632c; No. 2 red, 74ffc7-lVc; No. 8, G7(73o. 42c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 40Hig-10Vc; No, 3, Sac; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3, 41"4c OATH NO. wrilte, 4U4i.w;; no. t mixea. 40-Vc. choice prnlHe, Jll OCKriH.60. K X r riteany, wywic. EWG3 Firsts, 15c. BUTTER Kxtra, 29c; firsts, 26o; seconds, stc; packing, loc, Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments. ... 63,000 77,000 .. 56.0"0 12,000 Adams Brprass Anulcamatad Cobdst .. Am. o. a f..T.T;..;" Am. a r. pfo "' Am. Cotton Oil J Am. Ootton oil pf Amarlcan Expren Am. H. A U pra Amarioaa lea Am. Llnaaed Oil Am. Llnaeavl Oil ptA. Am. Locomotlva , Am. Locomotlre nfd.,,,. Am. B. A R., Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. 8 mar RaBnlns , Am. Tobaoco pld ctf Anaconda MlniJg Co...... Atchlaoo 7." .! Atchlaoo pd , Atlantlo Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio......... BaJ. A Ohio pfd.... Brooklyn Rapid Tr......i. Canadian pacific Central of N. 1 Chraapaaka A Oblo fhlearo ot. W Chlcajo A N. W C. M. A Bt. P Chicago T. A T., offeras.. Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado T. A I Colorado A So Colo. A Bo. ut pfd Colo. A lo. Id pfd Conaolidated Oaa Corn Produpta Corni Produota pfd Dolawar A Hudaon Ial., U A W lnTer A R. 0 1,(00 a4 MS Itu. M I73t 1,100 108 100 94 en 14 to II IS 40 104 Boston Stocks nnd Bonds. BOSTON, March 28 -OalI loans, (UTS per cent; time loans, 6$ 7 per cent. OfTlclal prices on stocks and bonds were: Alrhlaon adj. 4s..... n IHIngham do 4a r.. vi. a Hacia. Max. Central 4a It Icentennial ... Alihllon S7Mi Coppar Range do pfd Ufa fXly Went ... Boston A Albany feto Pranklln Boaton A Maine 164 (lrnby Ho, ion Elevated lIt Isle Royals ... Kttchburg ptd IS" Maaa. Mining Mexican Central JOV.1 Mlrhlgan rJ. Y., N. H. A H...17I iMohawk Union Pacific Hl4 Mont. C. A C. Am. Pneu. Tuba IVt Old Dominion .111 Oaceola .1M ! Parrot llVtiQulncy Amit, Bugar do pld Am. T A T Am. Woolen do pfd Ertlson Glee. Illu. Man. Electrto ... do pfd Maaa. i.' United Fruit United B, id do pfd V. 8. Btoel do pfd Adventurs Allouea .... Amalgamated Atlantic Aakad, . 14 . M .111 . II. . t4S t' 61 U, shannon Tamarack Trinity United Copper B Mining... g. Oil i."Ji7d." .mil l ian v . M Victoria . M4 Winona . I44 WolTertna . H North Butte ... . 1st Butte Coalition . bU Nevada . lsV'al. A Arliona. . 14it)Ureeoe. Con. ... II MO II 77H If IT 1M 1HV4 6 14 74 1 47 1 11 ill ' 17 104 II 7Vi 11 ts 7i I ir5 W S&4 JVi 161 Urn Four days' this week..l4.&3o 23.6X7 40.22 Pame days last week.. . .23,31 44..V.3 W.Sf'l Same days 2 weeks so..a.J43 36.471 36.8 bVuue days 3 weeks aso.. 18,81 6.6ti 81, J Same days 4 weeks aro. .18..1H7 37,466 36l Same days last year. .. .16,i3 29.411 47, OH 4 The followlnn table shows the receipts of cattlo, lMgs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for the year to dale, compared with last year: 1W1. 106. Ino. Leo. Cattle rs.u31 MO.ett Si.lDI Xofts iliap to, 4H7 8o,ul Sheep tU.iSl 441.7-1 80,41 .., CATTLH QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn-fed steers.... $5.2Pf. 70 Fair to fcrood corn-fed steers 4.6( U'i.JO Coiiiinon to fair steers i-Oom 66 Oood to choice fed cows $.8og4oO Fair to good cows and heifers 8 au-a dO Common to fair cows and hslfers., Xoou3.z6 Oood to choice stockers A feeders.. I JhulHl yair to Rood stockers and feeder.. S kii4 36 Common to fair stockers 30"j3.80 Hulls, stars, etc 2.7ij4 40 Veal calves 4Wa.M The followlrur table shows the averare price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1M7. 19u.l!M5.19O4.1903.1902.l01 London Closing! Stocks. LONDON. March 28. Closing; quotations on the lvondon stock exchange: Conaola. money .. It 11-11 N. T. Central do account la 11-11 Norfolk A W. Anaconda 11! do pfd Atchleon ll:Ontaxto A W. do pfd ? iPennaylvanla . Daltluore A Oblo.... l'Kand Mines .. Reading Southern Railway do pfd Southern Paclflo . Union Paclflo .... .... 10 1 do pfd ... 71 V. 8. Steel 400 si ino log 101 O.I'XI 11 111 lit tsoo 101 101 joj IOV 122 11B , l.ioe 13.100 , IS, MO I'M r 10O ,. 4, OUO 0 0 t IS 7 w I.SO0 40 m . IK 7 16 4 ltl II V M 80 4H Canadian Paclflo 1714a Chaa. A Ohio 41 Chicago Ot. W 1344 C, M. A St. P 1.14 DeBeera Mle Denver A R. O do pfd , Erie 24 do pfd do lat pfd IS Wabash do id pfd N do pfd .... Illlnola Central 14S Bpanlah 4a .., Ijouiavllle A N Ill Orand Trunk M., K. A T H SILVER Par, quiet, 80,d per ounce. MONEY 3Mj4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 6j6Ve Pr cent; for three months' bills, 6&6 1-16 per cent. .t.ltl ... 77 ,.. II ... V ... b ... 1 ... tl ... $1 ... 14 ... 7K ...147 ,.. II ... K ...UM ... 14 ... H ... W ... t New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK March 28. dosing quota tions on mining stocks were: Adama Con M Little Chief Murch 18. March 18. March 20. March 21. March 33. March 23. March 24. March 26. March 20. March 2i. March 2. t 47 I 6 Oil 6 041 7 08 6 6 48 1 6 10 4 B 7 191 6 17 6 08 I T S3 $ 27 ( 24, 6 1 6 18i 4 82, 7 361 r 15, 16 16 W 6 0S 4 6 J 6 0V 6 lo 6 261 6 01 4 87 7 441 03 16 24 16 6 02 7 87 16 08 6 07H) 6 15 6 061 7 24 14: 8 021 6 021 6 20 I 6 13. 7 22 I lll 87 6 13 7 28 6 12 22 26 5 101 5 17 I 6 W 6 29 6 27 e 6 16 6 13 6 15 6 21 6 13 6 18 e 6 32 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha $3.26'ui.60 Chicago 1.76UC76 hvansKs City 2..oui.k& St. Louis ....j -.. l.t"u.60 Sioux City 8.006.60 The official number of cars brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs, eneep. H sea IIoKS. $6.10(16.27 6.oii6.40 6. 7o.26 6.8S1J6.40 6.156.30 of stock C, M. & St. P. Ky. Walwih Mo. fua Ry 1 I'nion I'aclilo System 18 C. A N. W. Ry. (east). 1 C. 4 N. W. Ry. (west) 17 C, rit. P., M. O. Ky. 8 C, B. & g. (east) 3 C, li. dx (j. (west).... 50 C, 1C I. & P. (east) C., It. I. At P. (west)... 4 Illinois Central Chicago Great W'st'n 1 2 14 14 29 1 75 23 18 14 Total Receipts 102 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber Indicated: 1,000 1M 117 100 nt 175 17t 1,I"0 4 IK HO 1S4 IS I.70O 17 144 IJ.OOO 12 117 100 6 I 100 1ft 1 700 II 10 TOO 118 177 2A.C00 (P AR. O. pfd. 16. 00) Board of Trade Quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of price. re ported by Logan ft .Bryan, 113 Board 01 Trade building, was: Commodity. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Wheat- May July Corn- May July 6741 fl9HrrV 70ts170HSV4 40fli 4044yff 41Vy!S. 41VfcU.41Vi4)(414(SH A asked. B bid. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 28. W H BAT May, 77c; July, 7n44c; No. 1 hard. 8u4c; No. 1 northern, 7Wc: No. 2 northern, 77a'774c; No. S northern, 76f 76c. FTjOUK First patents, $4.164.Z6: second patents, 84.0uili4.10: first clears, $3,204(3.50; second clear $2.40tff12 W. BRAN in bulk. $17.00itfl7.26. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., March 2 .WHEAT Bteady; No 1 northern, 82.f3c: No. t northern, wanic: May, va4e asaeo. RYIU Steady; No. 1, jac PARLEY Dull; No. 2, TltVWfTJo: iarnple, 61"ii72c. CORN Easier: No. .8 caan, 4lHHZc; May, 46c asked. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. March 28. WHEAT Spot. No. 2 red western winter, steady at 6s2V,d; No. 1 California, quiet at 6 6J. Futuoes, quiet; March, nominal; May, 6e4d; July, 6s iVkd. CORN-Bpot, American mixed, new, quiet at 4s 2d: old, steady at 6u 8d. Futures, quiet; March, nominal; May, 4s 4d. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 28. EOGS Bteady and In fair demand; western fresh, 16c. at mark. CHEKSti-Flrm and In fair demand: New York full creams, fancy, 14!144.c; choice, 14VtO. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, March . CORN-Lower; No. 1 yellow and No. 3, 40c; No. 4, 88c; DO grade. 82ii35c. OATS Firm: No 1 white, 43c; No. $ white, 41u41c: No. 4 white, 4,0. RYE Firm; No. 2, 67&Joc. Daleth Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn.. March 28 WHEAT No. 1 northern, T.'Tc; No. 2 northern. 7Hc; May, 79c; July. SOHc; Beptember, 7!)c. OATb On track. 41c. Toledo fceeiT Market. TOLEDO, March 28. SEEDS Cloyer, cash, $8 60; March. $60; Apill. $8.70; October, $7.0. Timothy. $2.20. Alslke. 87 4. Wool Market. BOSTON, March 2. WOOL The feature of the wool market Is the sbsorbing in terest in the foreign wool situation. In domestlo wool only a mod rate volume of sals has, taken place. 1'iioes axe strong, however. Pulled wools are quiet on the whole. Buch territories us are offered are not ineetli.g with extensive sale. There is a demand for half-blood and not much to be hud. Domestic quotations range as fol lows: Indiana and Missouri Combing, -blood 33i4c; comblnsi, qua rter -blood, Slj 13c. Tc Scoured basis, fine 13 months, 7i74c; tine 6 to 8 uv nine, O-yTdc; fine fall clean. 660. California Bcoured basui, northern ilioice tlTij',,c; northern good, 64 W'C, middle counties, 62uSc. Oregon Scoured Ui: is, eaklein. No. 1 staple, 7jJ Toe; eustcrn No. 1 clothing, 8t7A;: valley No. 1, xnii-; Territory staple, scoured bajsls, fine, 72'gTJc; hne meiium, 6e.iu7yc; mtdiuni, 6n6c; territ' ry ordinary, scoured bsbla, 6c-i'i'Jc: fine medium, tniKc; medium, i-jo4c. Colorado and New Mexico riprlng, scoured. X. bs''; No. 1, ST. 1XUI3. March 28. W(x)I-8teady ; inialluin grades combing and clothing 34 tnix:, Iivht tine. j'M'ilc; htuivy Hue, l&albc; tub wubhed, 3ku36c. manners' Becurltlea Erie Brie let pfd Erie Id pfd General Klectrte Hocking Vallar Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper ptd Int. Pump Int Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd '.. Kanaaa CHr Bo K. C. go. pfd Loslaville A N Mviioan Central Minn. A Bt. L, M , Bt. P. A B. 8. sf St., B(. P. 4i S. g. M pfd. Mlasourl Paclflo ktlaeourl, K. A T M.. K. A T, ptd National Lead N. R. R. sf M. pfd N. Y. Central, ea-dlv N. T., O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd. North Amertoan Paclflc Mall Pennsylvania ,. People'! Gaa P., C C. A Bt. L. Preeeed Bteel car Praaaed 8. C. pfd Pua man Palaoa Car Reading Reading let pfd, offered Reading td pld Republio Bteel , Republle Bteel pfd , Hock lalsnd Oo Rock laland Co. pfd Bt. U A 8. F. id pfd..., Bt. Lou la S. W 81. L. t). W. pfd Southern Pacific Bo. Paclge pld Bo. Railway Bo. Hallway pld TonmaaM C. A I Texaa A Pacific T., Bt. L. A W T., Bt. L. A W. pfd.... Union Paolno Union PaclRc pfd D. B. evipreaa. U. B. Realty U. 8 Rubber V. 8. Rubber ptd V. B. Bteel U. 8.' Steel pfd Vs. -Cam. Chemical .... Va.-l'ro. Cbem. pi.... Wabal Wabsah pfd Walle-rargo Slipreaa ... Weetlnghovue KlectrlS . Western Union Wheeling A U K Wtaconeiu Central V la. Central ptd Nurtbern Paclflo Central Latner Central Leather pfd.... Bloee-ghefneld Bteel .... Ureal Nortnern ptd InL Metropolitan Int. Met. pm 40-H 13 UK 144 J'to t , eti tH l.ano liUj : t, a 1.5J0 8144 H M 46 HSU, 1X 8114 177 4H IKVi Tl 4H t4 Shs, 7i Ht 77 140 "St 7 17 74 ' 1V, S1 44 114 100 l"0 , I. 8O0 T1.0W . 1.8"0 . l."0 2 71 "4 14 44, IT i 71 47 XS 6TV. 4 V4 400 144V4 141 ioo ui iii" '00 -T5V "'TSve r0 100 18 400 49K l.f lit1 JOT, '" 4t4 7t 104 fxi in l.xo 11 . 4.1U4 it M0 U . l.tuo 44 '. "i.'ioo iii" . 1.4U0 lilt , 100 lb .' iiioo 'ii" 900 . 14i . M.4'10 X . 1.M0 88S4 O0 41 400 U o to . ioo iso .124. K 10 , 184 11 ..... 4 10H4 10214 1S1H 131 Tli 72S4 14 14 414 414 44 45 41 114 114 M . etive 3 lllrtj 1V4 41 at 40 140 T5 14 72 14 12U 874 4 la Alice 424 Hreere US Brunawlck Con 40 Camatock Tunnel .... Z4 Con. Cel. A Vs 04 Horn. Silver ., 140 Iron Bllver 4u0 Leadvllls Con 4 Ontario Ophtr Potoal Savage i.. A , Sierra Nevada .. Small Hopea .... Standard I .. 4 .JO) ..ill ..10 .. TS .. 41 .. U ..840 Buyers. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and cvmuany aJb Cudahy Packing Co bMl Armour 4 413 Vansant A Co 1 Carey A Uoiiton 66 Liobman & Co 13 McCreary & Carey 41 W. I. Kieuhen 16 Hill & Son 26 K. P. Lwla Huston & Co 23 Hamilton & Rothschild .. 8 L. Wolf 48 J. 1L Bulla 7 Bam Wertheimer 4 Mike Haguerty 8 Bo! Degun 1 B. Hoot Co T. B. 1 rurh ram 10 Bulllvan Bros IS L)hmer Bros IS Other Buyers 23 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3u0 l.Uttj . l.ua l.i61 - 1.1.W 800 1,278 1,4(18 l.M Foreign Financial, LONDON, March 28. Money was In good demand In the market today. Discounts were easier In anticipation of more plenti ful supplies of money after the turn of the-month. At the opening of the Stock exchange the tone was slightly nervous. In expectation of the announcement of fur ther failures, but the fears were not real lxed and prices grew firmer. Some checks were returned, but It is believed that the difficulties will be arranged.. Trading was limited, operators being unwilling to make fresh commitments before the holidays. Consols were steadily supported and hard ened. Foreigners were dull, owlnp; to the uncertainty of the French bank rate. Rio Tintos and Japanese hardened. Japanese Imperial As of 1Mo4 closed at 1G3H- Ameri cans started steady, but declined under realisations. Union Pscifio and Southern Pacific were particularly affected and re mained so until the receipt of ths New York opening prices, when, under the In fluence of American support and the fact that no further failures had been an nounced, they reacted and closed firm. The Indian secretary purchased $1,250,000 In gold, due here April 9, and tbxiO.000 due May 20. The secretary also secured an option on 8260.0UO In gold due here shortly. BERLIN! March 8.-.Tradlng on the Bourse today opened dull on the New York advices, but later the tone Improved. PARIS. March 28 Trading on the Bourse today opened dull and Inactive, but at the close prices were firmer. Russian Imperial 4s were unquoted and Russian bonds of 1904 closed at 487. The private rate ot dis count waa 8 per cent. l.o 1.800 t.KOO 100 144 41 10 44 Bank of England Statement. LONDON, March 28. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, de- tun creased 2.337.000: circulation. Increased li.t I 1,200,0): bullion, decreased 1,337.614; other H lu I securities, increased tl.2u6.0uO; other de posits decreased 630,000; public deposits, decreased 694,000; notes reserve, decreased 2,3l.0OO; government securities, un changed. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability Is 40.86 per cent, come pared with 44 per cent last week. 834b TS 14 44 44 t44 TD " 40 14 J 111 1,100 8114 100 84,800 40 T7V4 43 40 LOOS 14 .. l.J'O ..114.4O0 .. It V. "'00 4"0 71 41 "0 101 fl.S'O 44 14.700 rN 1.JO0 (4 104 l"0 14 4tlu 114 ! '"iei iii" tutt 40 I '"too ii" too rr , U.3u0 144 . 1.8U0 17 4"0 4IV4 42 V. 1UH 111 to II1 14 TI lit 84V4 44 ..... 4o 41 1M 141 44 j 1" Tl4 44H 100 83 4 tf 11 41 lV4 84 101 KS 13 U lis 144 144 1 to 11 17 11 IT 41 111 1U t r tu 11 H 42 14.100 U W. 10 1.100 14 " 4u0 47 ea Tolsl sales for tbs day, M.0u haras. Boston Copper Market. ' These quotations are furnished by Logan gt Bryan, members New York and Boston Stock exenanses, iu t"' ui nuw. Adventure ... 7, ,.,,. 14NorUi Butte blegtuu ' Doestnioa Ulack Mountain 4lsweoia Boetoa Cenaolldaled.. iin rueu. Bervloa 4 Mohawk T4 44 Kevade Consolidated. 14 . 4t .. 43 ..117 4 ttuite CssUtlea rne. servioa. pis.. (alune A Artou..lWt!ulacr r.in A Heel t& Bkannsa , PK ..., TTviTrinlty 14 United mit 11 United Slates, com 17 United States, pfd. fcl lb CuoaoUdated . Us) Victors I Winona laVtWolveiinS aCnanee ........ , Su Siplialag , 444 Greene Canines . 14 CeoUMintal Cuppar Range Delly Weet teal Butts franklin Gieene Copper Craaby Helvetia lela Royal Keeweenaw U Pittsburg. Meaearnueetts Mlcblgas Bank Clearlasjs. OMAHA, March 28 Bank clearings) for today were 41, i42,eo.nD, ana rur me corre sponding date last year 81.487 .810. 21 Traaiat) Statement. M'ASHINOTON: March 28. Today's state, lucul of the treasury beUucee la the gen ii 114 11 lie 18 104 4 4J4 4 ,.. '4 ... 4 ...180 ... U 11 ... 14 Bank of France Statement. PARIS, March 28 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes In olroulatlon. In creased 7,730,000 francs; treasury deposits. Increased 8,100,000 franca; general deposits. Increased 114,060,000 francs; gold In hand, decreased 6.260.0U0 franca; silver In hand, decreased ,5.0"0 francs; bills discounted. Increased 110,10,000 francs; advances, de creased 7,527,0u0 francs. Metal Market. KHVV YORK. March 28,-METALft-There was an advance of 6lus In the London tin market, with spot closing at -'184 16s and futures at lsi 10s. Locally the market was dull, with spot quoted at f 4ii.OfRri40.ro. Copper was lower in the Lon don market, liming about half of yester day's gain, with spot closing at 97 6s and futures at 77 6s. Ixically the market was dull und more or less nomlnul. I -tike Is quoted at 824 76nu2S.2P; electrolytic, l':i.&rf 'ij.lo. and casting at 8-3.71 ri 24. 25. Iead was lower in the KiihIIs" market, with spot quoted at 19 us ZA. Locally prices were unchanged, ranging from 81.00 to 3U.S0, according to gradea Speller was un changed at X 16s In the Loudon market and at 86.l0(&6.r4 In the local market Iron waa lower in the Kngllnh market, with standard foundry quoted at 52s Sd and Cleveland warrants at 63s 12d. Locully the market was unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at t26 .2Mr2CS6; No. t foundry northern, 8-4.7i.ti &.T5; No. 1 foundry southern. I'!'". fn.,jii,6u; No. 8 foundry south ern. 86.fa.ij'6.00. ST. U)t Id, March 28 Lead, . lower at 8.u6; spelter, steady at 81.75. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 28. COTTON Spot closed steady; middling uplands, lo.86c; middling gulf, 11 2oc; sales, 2.7UU bales. BT. liOVia March 28. COTTON-Steady ; middling. loc; sales, none; receipts. 860 bales; shipments, 6 bales; stock, 88,418 bales. LIVERPOOL, March .-COTTON-8pot, dull; prices 1 point lower; Amvr'rsn mid dling fair, tfitd; good mld-llli-g, Rd; mid dling, Vtf7d ; low middling 6.8 A good ordi nary. i.oTd; ordinary. 4.61. Ths sales of the day were i.0uu bales, of which o were for speculatiua and export, and Included 4.70 American: receipts, none. NEW OH LEAN 8, March 2.-irOTTON- Epots closed quiet; sales, 1.360 bales; low ordinary, (c nominal: ordinary, 7c nominal; good ordinary, 8o-18c; low middling, ; r...d(llln. 10 11-lec; good mlddl'ng. 118 16 middling fair. U 8-10 nomlnaj; fair. 13 -16c nomlnai; receipts, 8,24 bales; stuck, 8sl,4a2 270 Total 2,368 4,744 6.448 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were light again today, making the total for the week so far considerably under last week's llg- urea, but slid not much different from the record of a year ago. Lighter receipts seemed to have had a beneficial effect upon the market. The life and strength noted yesterday continued to day, the trade this morning being both ac tive and anywhere from fully steady to a little higher In spots. What has been said regarding the mar ket on beef steers would apply equally well to cows and heifers, which were free sell ers at good, strong prices. There were naruiy enougn stocKers or feeders In the yards this morning to really make a test of the market, but the feeling was that anything desirable would com mand good, firm prices. Representative sales: BEEK BTEERB. No. At. Pr. No. At. ft. 10 170 4 10 II 1104 4 44 I IDI 4 40 11 1130 i 00 14 411 4 40 n 1241 t 00 1004 4 40 I 1041 I 00 4 1001 4 44 24 1211 e S) 11 441 4 44 11 1214 4 u 4... 1114 4 44 81 1144 I 10 II 1144 4 44 11 lie I 10 It Ill 4 44 14 1240 I II 11 11 4 10 10 U44 I 14 trt 4 70 10 lm I II 10 1041 4 14 II Mil I 84 II 1140 4 44 ' 11 1184 I IS li 1064 4 is io ino 4 It 1141 4 10 II l!4l I II II 1188 4 40 80 14111 I 10 14 1014 4 40 4 , llll I 40 U ....1101 4 46 104 1444 1 14 cow a 1 TOO 2 8ft .....'. IOO I 44 I 140 I 4S 4 44e I H 2 Ill I 44 1 1204 4 00 104 I IS I lute 4 00 1 474 I 46 1 1014 4 00 II 441 1 40 4 1077 4 00 440 I 44 81 1041 4 04 S lose I to II luil 4 04 4 1"4T e 50 1 1175 4 04 S 1210 I M) 11 1286 4 10 4 4t I it I l'-3 4 14 Zl M I 10 14 114 4 14 . 1 1H4 I 40 1 140 4 14 I llll I TO 41 l'J 4 84 1 iff. I 70 I lt4 4 S4 1UU6 I 1 10 ,. S 4 16 14 1U60 1 10 4 1147 4 10 1 1110 40 4 1340 4 14 1 1121 44 II 1044 4 40 M 1010 I 94 1 1144 4 40 HEIFERS. 4 441 I 00 87 TBI I 14 4 170 I 14 44 U0 I OS 1 144 I 46 1 130 4 14 4 1X4 I 40 1 11U 4 14 11 42 I 80 t 776 4 81 BULLS. 1 1300 40 1 1444 T4 1 1360 4 10 1 1440 10 I 74 44 1 100 I 74 1 144 I 40 2 1u0 I 74 1 120 I 40 1 1760 I 40 1 1624 I 60 1 670 4 14 I. ...' 1610 I 44 4 lit ill CALVES. 8 171 4 10 1 .'. 110 4 IB 1 110 4 SO 1 140 4 16 8 100 6 00 8 146 4 SO 1 Z40 I 76 1 140 4 40 J Ui 4 00 t 106 I 60 FEEDERS. I in I 40 4 6T0 4 M II lbO I 40 , 10 1064 4 TO 44 4 40 41 14 4 10 t ' 4 14 II luo5 4 40 g TBO 4 IS 2? iii 4 44 STOCKERS AND FKEDEK8. 14 til I 64 14 4s 4 48 1 410 I 46 14 Ul IS T 446 4 40 14 M IS It , 7e4 4 16 11 4o4 4 40 4 630 4 10 4 1014 4 44 4 KM 4 10 13 i4 4 14 4 lit 4 14 4 1144 4 71 8 1171 4 14 li 1141 8 OS 1 460 4 la THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CHARTERED 1812 THE STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL CITY DANK. MADH IN ANSWER TO THE CALL OF THE COMPTROLLER, MARCH 22, 1907, SHOWS: GROSS DEPOSITS OF $185,028,850 NET DEPOSITS OF 147.63S.682 GOLD AND LEGAL TENDER IN VAULT 43.395.479 BEING 29V RESERVE, OR $8,500,000 ADOVE LEGAL RE QUIREMENTS. THE CAPITAL OF THE RANK IS $25,000,000 ITS SHAREHOLDERS LIABILITY 25.000,000 AND ITS SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. 22,652.808 A TOTAL OF 72,562,808 i THE NATIONAL CITY BANK DESIRES ADDITIONAL HIGH-GRADE BUSINESS. 41 17 80 17V, W t8 80 I tJV, Tl ') 40 4 10 44 124 ... 4 Ustj 64 ITT 40 4 10 IT KA 140 4 IHj II 114 ... I 10 10 141 10 I II 44 Ill ... I 10 40 144 40 4 12 46 1! ... 180 t IM ... 4 li 40 1-1 ... 4 10 II t4 40 4 12 44 474 ... 4 10 23 Ill ... 112 66 , 110 10 4 80 61 ID! 80 III 44 lot 40 I 20 41 SSI 40 I II 44 147 ... 4 J? 44 t7 ... Ill 10 144 40 8 II 4 I4T ... 4 12 45 0 ... ia 44 til ... 4 12 44. ...... .21 ... 412 hi 171 10 112 40 121 ... 4 21 II 141 ... 4 li 44 tfll ... 4 12 4 MO ... Ill 44 821 40 4 la T4 144 ... I I 41 171 110 Of?, Tl 00 Ml 4 ii II IU 80 4 tl'i . .......IM 80 4 16 Tl 124 ... 4 il 44.. 140 44 4 16 Tl 25 10 I y 54... !l 40 4 X 64 IHI 10 4 IU 61 104 ... I IS Tl 140 ... 1 42 61 40 4 IS 44 144 40 4 -1 Tl 216 140 I 84 4T I 40 4 II 44 2M ... 4 16 61 .421 40 4 22 66 H6 ... 116 Tt 44 120 12 JH ... g 16 61 1"l 140 4 21 Tl IKI ... I 16 It 840 140 4 12 14 134 ... I 88 41 114 110 4 82 64 m ... 116 41 110 ... 4 tt 48 141 ... 4 86 II 121 ... 4 12 T 218 ... I tl 11 111 ... Ill BHKKP Reoeints of sheen loolrxl m,H. liberal on paper this mornlna?. hut matter of fact the offerings on the market were really small, as twnnty-slz oars of tha number reported In were billed through lo eastern points and only halted here for feed and rest. The market was again In very fair condi tion and everything desirable sold freely i poou sicaoy prices, uooa ewes sola as high as 86.78. with a sniinkllnsr of the me dium to prstty decent kinds at around 85. 40 fc.46. A pretty decent kind of western lambs sold at 87.60tr7.60. there belnir no very rood western lambs anions- the frnah receipts. A bunch of westerns which came in mie yesterday sold Up to 87.80, the high est price ever paid for fed lambs at this market point. A little bunch of spring lambs which came in late yesterday sold at 115. Practically evrrvthlna: offered nn the market was sold by 10 oVlock In the morn Ihif. which would Indicate a fairly active market at current prices. It would be well nowever, ror snippers to still bear In mind that It Is the good to rholoe killers that raekers want, while the medium frrades of both sheep and lambs are more or less neglected every day. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, 87 -WW. 90; fair to (food lambs, 17.25 fi'7.66; rood to choice yearlings. Iamb weights, $.6075; fslr to rood yearlings, heavy weirhts. 8UOigt).50: fair to good year ling's, heavy welgh'.s. 871 9il.10; good to choice old wethers, 8t.Cnt;6.2f5; fslr to rood old wethers. 85.7C-rJi6.00; rood to cholee ewes, 86.40,e.75; fair to good ewes. $6KU.40. No. Av. Pr. 8 western geats 89 I 00 1010 western ewes 87 8 40 716 Mezloan ewes f8 6 46 13 western ewes 99 6 60 239 Colorado ewes 93 8 60 870 Colorado feeder lambs 60 T 16 1216 Nebraska-Mexican lambs ..It T 60 841 western lambs 66 7 60 228 western lambs 73 T 75 m Colorado lambs 85 7 75 16 spring Iambs 80 16.00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong! to Illgfher Hogs Fire te Tea Cents HIsTher. PHICJIOO, March tS.ATTLHl-Recetpts, 4,000 head: market strong to 10c higher! common to prime steers. 84. 2Df7.60; heifers. 3.76nV10; cows, 88.Sry7T5.00; bulls, tX.X 4 40: calves, 82.5037.26; stockers and feeders, 12.60(76 10. HOOB Receipts, 14,000 head: market fVfJ 10c higher: choice heavy shinning, 8fi.8?14rHi 8.S7H: light butchers. tA.8f!r8.40: light mixed, lervWVaS: choice light. 836rr?.40; packing. 86.7tva.S6; pigs, H.aflfl 35; bulk. t8?Wf!6S7H. BHEFT ANT) LAMTlft-Recelpts, 8.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; sheen. 840nffW.60j yearlings, 5.003'7.26; lambs, $6.00 J.0. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations osl Maple and Ksssi Prodnee). EGGU-rer das., 10a ElVli I'O'-'Lih if-Hens, lfUfco; old roost rs. 6c: turkeys, 12a; duuks, luc; young roosters, 'liiivc; geese, to. UUTTKR l'acklng stock. 19c; choice to) fancy daily, Z-wiUo, creamery, 27OA)o. HAT Choice upland, tlO-Ov; medium, 88.50; No. 1 bottom. 84.00; off grades, 8dti0ti.i0, Rye straw, JI.Ou; No. 1 alFuUa, 81L&0. 11 RAN Per ton, 818.60. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, I5.004je.50 per crate. BT RA W R ERRI ES Choice Texas, 84 quart cases, 84.00. CHAN BbRRIEfl Per bbl.. 15.604 8. 60; la bushel box, fl.8Vif2.75. APPL.fc.ti Northern Spies, Fancy Qreert Ings, per bbl., ti bu; Iowa and Missouri lieoi Lavls, 83.60: VYlnesaps, 82.U0 per box. COCOANUTS Per sack of hW lbs., Jl.BOtJ TROPICA!. FRUITS. FIGS California. bulk, oo; . 8-crowa Turkish, 14c; 4-crowu Turkish, llo; l-orown Turkish, 8o. LEMONS-Llmonlern. 800 and 860 aim. 5.3; other brands, 60o less. HANANAH-lcr medium sized bunoh, $i,Oii'Ji2.25; lumbos. 8i.5n4l8.t0. GRAPE FRUIT 6ises 64, 64 to 80, 85.60. DATES Kadaway 54c; snyers, 8c; hal lowls, 6c; new slutted walnut dates, 8-1 box, 8100. ORANGES California navels, extra fancy, 176, OJ0, 216, 2u0 sixes, li.lAi; fancy, liM, lis) sixes, 83.2&4j4.60; choice, large sixes, par box, $2.75413.00. NEW VEGETABLES. BEET8. TURNIPS AND CAHROTS-P&C dos bunches. IfvfjGOc. TOMATOEti-Florlda, 80-lb. crate. 84.59. LEAF LKTTUCK Hoi housvs, per dos. heads, 4Xc. CUCUMBER8-Per dos.. tl.60. RADlSHEd Per dos, bunches. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, 81.UOU1.2&. OLD VEGETABLES. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 81.61; 110. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 64o. SWEET POTATOEH-lUinoia, per Urge bbl., to.OU: seed sweet polaluea, per bbL. 11.85, April 1. , CABBAGE Holland seed, borne grown, per lb.; new cabbage, per lb., 8Ho. POTATOES Table stock, per bu- 60ol seed stock, 7Bo4jL10. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 76a; red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., Xc; Spanish, per crate, 8100. RIJTABAUAS About 150 Iba. to sack, 11.90. TURNIPS. CARROTS, BEBTS-Ps-) bu 76c; parsnips, per bu.. 81.00. . CUT BEEF PRICE. Ribs: No. L 15c; Mo. a, scf Uo. L to. Loins; No. L 18o; No. J, lie; No. 8. loo, Chuckt No. 1, 6o: No. i. 6o; No. 4o, Round: No. 1, 7Vc; No. 8. 7o: No. CvmZ Platei No. L 5vc; No. g. 4ot No. 8. ia. MI8CELLANEOU8. HONEY Per 84 frames. 88.50. BUUAR Qranulateu cane. In sacks. 8t HI granulated beet, In sacks, 46.11 COFFEE Roasts S, No. 880 per lb.1 No. 80, ilo per lb.; No. eg. 18o per lb.1 No! b, 15c per lb.; No. 21, Uo per lb. . CHKLdE New full cream Wisconsin' twins, Uo; new full cream briok, los whael Swiss cheese, 18c; block Swiss. 17c; Umberger, 15c; young Americas, lHa. ' CIDER New York, bu.lt barrel, ta.7Cl bar rel, 84.04. NUTS California walnuts, No. 8, soft shell, 18o; No. L soft shell, ao: Braalla. 1UVU1&C1 pecans, 194j22c; filberts, 12Vo; pea nuts, raw. kVc; roasted, hc; California al. monds, hard shell, 17Hc; Taragona, 17W;1 cocoanuts, 85.00 per 100. , CANNED U'XiOsS Corn, standard, we.,. ern, 554200V; Maine. (116. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans $1.46; standard 8-lb. cans, 81.20 Pineapples, grated, 2-lb., standard, 82.2u4jl.80; sllceU, Il.7i4f2 85; fancy Hawaiian, 2H-lb 8176; 1V- V"ii ea. livo, iniiv, 85a bunohes per do a. No. e. WESTERNS SOUTH DAKOTA. 8 eows 9o4 2 75 8 cows 878 1 85 10 cows 10O7 1 85 HOGS The reaction In hog values which set In yesterday was continued today, the market being Kxjli1c higher and active at the advance. All the early receipts changed hands In a short time, the yards being praotlcaliy cleared before 10 o'clock In the inoiniag. As will be noted frem the sales U-low ,3.2;.! wss a very popular price, whereas yesterday almost everything sold at 4-;.lnu!.l.;V Toe hoKs sold trxiay at the highest poln( touched since Thursday of last week. Bo far as can be observed thcrs Is no reason for the present sharp advance In hogs aside from the lighter receipts st ail market points. Some operators on tha mar ket are beginning to talk that last week's large receipts were the result of a scars in the country and are not likely to be continued. A few loads of hogs which came In late did not sell to such good advantage, the mar ket closing slow and weuk. The lust salsa were principally at $.2o. Kopieaenlsitlve sales: Ns. Av. Sa. Pr. Me. A. 88. Pr. 44 14 lm 6 lite 44 ta ... 6 Knnaas Clfv Live atoear Market. KANSAS CITY. March Js PATTLK Receipts. 8,000 head. Including )V0 southerns; market steady, cows and heifers weak: choice export and dressed heef steers. 86 SS ti'J.fS: fair to rood. 84.40tJi1S.2ri: western fed steers, 84.O04j6.75; stockers and feeders, 8S.75 r6.00; southern steers, 83.80rtJ4.75; southern row. IS.00160: native cows, 4noyHfi0: native heifers. $S.154J1.70; bulls, J2.80rg4.60; calves, 83.7Mr7.00. HOGS iRecelpts. Wi head: market 10rft 15c higher: top. 365: bulk of sales. 34 7rv$ .0: heavv. 36.22V 80: nackers, 38.204i1.22H; pies and lights. $6.1. 3. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts 8 rvf) head; market steadv: lambs. J7.25rfr7.70: ewes and yearllnrs, JS 266.00; western fed vearllnrs, t.0ofi.S0; western fed' sheep; JS.OO'gf.90; stockers and feeders, J3.50rgo.o0. Ttew Yrk Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, March t8 BEEVES Re. retpfe, 273 head: nothing doing today; feel. Ing dull, with 26 oars expected on tomor row's market. Dressed beef In moderate demand nf 7'fj6o for native sides. Texs beef at 6h7V8. CALVES Recelnts, 498 head; vests eteady; common to prime veals, Jfl fVfJ 10.00; drained calves' about steady- city dreesed. lorfilSo; country dressed, 8gi3Vic, with some sales at 14c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,015 hesd; shpep nominally firm; lambs. 10o higher: prime to choice lambs. J8 fKUfiN 87Vi; Jersev spring lambs, 38.00 per head. HOGS Receipts. 1.9R8 hesd: market firm; state and Pennsylvania hogs, 86.9:417.06. Exports, 58 sheep. tt. Ion Is live gtoek Market. ST. IlT'IS. March W.-CATTTE Re ceipts. 1,600 head, Including L400 Texans: market strong: native ehlnplng and export steers, J6.Tf)s 60: dressed beef anl hutcher steers 84.85f? 00; steers under 1.000 lbs., J4.r04jfi.t6: stockers and. feeders. J3 50T6 2S; cows and heifers. 8354)6.r5: canners. flUVrJ 50; bulls. J2.KM4.50; calves. 8 5"4l un; Texas and Indian steers, J2O6i&.fl0; cows and heifers. J1 9fi4.0ft. HOGS Beceirts 3 TOO hesd: market 10c hluher; plrs and lights. S.Sf.'''6 26; packers fWffl.JC; butchers and best heavy; J.25 4J6 40. SHEEP ACT LAMPS Receipts. W head; msrkct steady: native muttons, J3.2vfi.85: lamhs, J4.2&S9.00; culls and bucks, 81.5042 4. CO. I 1 1 Slonx Cltr l.lve gtoek Harkrla. SIOI'X CITY. Ia March 28. fPpeclnl Tel egram.) CATTLR Receipts. 9'X head: mar ket strong and active; beeves. Jl.oofiS.fio; cows, bulls and mixed. J3 nofN.60; stockers and feeders. J3.5!fSl.65; calves nnd year lln". X3.invfj4.sn. HOG3 Receipts. J.oro head: market 10c Ma-her. sailing at J6.157Jfi.so; bulk of sales. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts fVX) head; market steady; natives. J3.'36.8G; lambs, J4.264l9.0O. toek In Sight. Receipts of live stock st the five principal westesn marl:ets yesterrnw: fattie, Pears, Jl.7D52.60. ib.. 31.75. . naMicn. ou j , H.iir...w, v. uvecries. J2du4j'2.&0. Alaska salmon, red, 81.16; fane Chinook, flat. J2.10; fancy sockeys, flat, 11. s Sardlnss, quarter oil, 83.36; Utree-quarterg mustard. J..U0. Sweet potatoes, Jl.104yi.8ev Sauerkraut, 90c. Pumpkins, 80c4j8i.(iu, Warn beans, 1-lb., tsudjoc. Lima beans. Mb., 75cii41.35. Spinach, $1.35. Soaked peas, -lb.. 6oc; extras, 8j.JH4.ii5; fancy, J1.26J 1.86. , CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUTTS-Pmnesr are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades; qua, tatlona range from 8c to 13c for California ' fruit and from 6Ho to 10c for Orsgon. Ap ricots are firm and It la reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being; withdrawn; choice are quoted at lHo; ex. tra choice, 18Wlio; fancy, 14j20c. peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at 114 12c; extra choice, 12'yjl8c; fancy, UHeS 3V4jo; extra fancy, 13 a 15c. Raisins are firm', loose Muscatels are quoted at 4t9l seeded raisins, I'tvUo. - F1811 Pickerel. dresssd. 9c; plkeV drea.ad, 12c; white fish, dressed, srlnteif caught, 13c; trout, 12c; halibut, llo; salmon, 10c; cattish, 15c; herring, dressed, pan frosen, 6c; perch, scaled and dressed, 7oi perch, skinned, dressed, headless, 7o; crape f'loa, rvuLu, wye-, vieLiiwe, iaiiat rancy, fie; black bass, &; smelts, sweet and One. I 11c; eel, 16c; blue fish. 15c; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 8O140e. frog legs, 4oct i lobsters, green, per lb., 87o; lobsterw, boiled. ! per lb., 40o; mackereL Spanish, per lb., ltiy.1 mackerel, native, 8oo per lb. HIDES AND TALLOW Green SsPed. ' No. L loVsc; No. t 9c; bull hides. 8c; green . hides. No. 1. DVao: No. I. 7c: horse. 11 f.., 4 3.76; sheep pelu. 60cOJ1.26. Tallow, No.'. 4V4c; No- u!c- Wool. 15t223. CURED FIHH Family white fish, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs., 14.00; Norway mack, ersl. No. 1. 836.00: No. 1 828.00: herring, lm bbls., 2o0 lbs. each. .Norway, 4k. JlLOu South Omaha Hloux Cltv ... Kansas City ... Hi. Joseph .. St. Ixuls Chicago Totals 1,200 woo , S.OiO , 1 513 t.fx) 4.00 Hoirs (0 tK4) 8 CO 4.U0 3.6) H.CoO Sheen. 10,6. 0 n 6.5O0 8.. 6.00 9.0JO ..14.123 37.0JO 3.7ti lotar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK, March 28 SUGAR Ra firm; fair refining, 8Vac; centrifugal, Sd tsi, ac; moiusses sugar, 27c. Re fined, steady; No. 6, 4.f)o; No. 7, 4.36c; No. 8, 4.2O0; No. 9, 4.15e; No. 10. 4.06c; No. 11, 4c; No. 12, 3 S6c; No. 13, 3 9uc: No. 14, J.85o; . Confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A,. 8.00c; cut loaf, 6 04c; crushed. 6.40c; powdered, 4 Joe; granulated, 4.7uc; cubes, i.tba. MOLASSE8-Julet; New Orleans, open k'"- cov4 -holce. 87ff48c NEW ORLEANS, March 28 SUGAR Steady; open kettle centrifugal, SMitfHo! centrifugal whites, 4 8-lti'rJ-il.,c; centnfuglU yellow, 3"H,fi4Sc; seconds, 2'u6Hc MOLASSES Quiet ; new syrup, 334a Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, March 23,-COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points In response to steady European cables, but sagged oft under a renewal of Wall street liquidation In the absence of support. The close was quiet net unchanged to 5 points lower, hales were reported of 9.2tiO bais Includ Irg July, 6 60c; 8ptemb-r. 5.W'J46oc, I'e cemh"r. 6.6k-. bjK)t coffee: Rio, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7c; No., 4 S.intos, 8c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 112tc. nils oi'1 Hosln. OIL CITY. Pa., March 2. OIL-Osed balances, $1.73; runs, 177.013 bbls : avexaase. lli.r.f) bbls.; shipments, lit 9'. 6 bbls.; avssT. a-- 'M 714 i.hia, SAVANNAH, Ga., March 28.-OIL Tur. pel.nr.e dull. quote: A. B, C, IJ. B. J4 4.-.; H. 84 70; L, J4 76; K. 15 .40; W. O., J6 i; W. 14 85; F. Jl 4"; d. I, .'0; M, J3.36; N. ' J5.tS. Bt. Joseph l.lve Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. March 28. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.534 head: market steady: natives, J4.u6.26; cows and heifers, $2 2r(l4.tj6; stockers and feeders. J3.76a4.tti Hi GB Recxipls. 4.22o heart; market 10c higher; top, 1'j.i.",; bulk of sales. H&tl 8.27V BHKEP AND I4MB8-Reclpts. 82JSJ head; uiarkst sitaUy, lambs, luc lower. rvif. Whlekr PEORIA, 111.. March WHISKY Ot8 basis of 81 29 for finished goods. HT. UT IH. March 28 -W HI8KT Urw chansed at Jl 38. CINCINNATI. March 2H WIUBKY-s Bteady on bus's of 11.29 for spirits. CHIT AGO, .March 2i-WlUdtllftesJjr on basis of JI M for spirits.