Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1907, Page 8, Image 8
T1IE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 rrarl MIK3R MKSTTO.I. Pavls, drugs. Ftoekert sells carpets. Fin engravings at Leffert's. E1 Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Bee Schmidt'! elegant new photos. Plumbing and heating, Blxny A Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Watch repairing. O. Mautbe, 228 West Z! roadway. The Dodge Light guard are organising a bane ball team. NEW SPRING 8TTLE8 IN SPRING GOODS AT HICKS.' Ranter novelties and poet cards. C. E. Alexander, 333 B way. Spring term Western Iowa college, Mon day, April 1. Catalogue free. Latent styles and pattern In wall papeC II. Borwlck. 211 Bouth Main. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK. TO LKKFERT ABOUT IT. BUDWEI8ER BOTTLED BEER IS SERVED ONLY AT FIR8T-CLABS BARS AND CAFES. L. ROHENFEUT CO., Agt. Illlnol nut coal, delivered, 16.60 per ton; padra grate, 18 60 per ton. William Welsh. 14 North Main street. Tel. 128. Yard Eighth treat and Eleventh avenue. Tel. 977. Bee our line of Junior gasoline atove, ovens, lawn fence, poultry fence, lawn mowers, garden tool, seed of all kind In bulk, etc,, etc. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phone K0. 100-102-106 Broa1way. Come In and let ua how our spring stock ef carpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, window hades, lace curtains, range and gasoilne tove. We have one of tne largest stocks cf house furnishings In the city. D. W. Keller, 108 South Main. L. C. Hesley Is here from Waukegan, III. , on a visit to his family and looking after business matters. It has not been determined yet whether Mr. Besley's fam ily will remove this year from Council Bluff to Waukegan, but they will spend the summer there at least. x E. W. Hart, manager of trie water works company, left last evening for Chicago. Jt was stated that Mr. Hart's trip was lor the purpose of contracting for several miles of pipe for the extensions contem- filated by the company as soon as It Is n a position to do the work needed. The high school cadets will next Tues day be given a march of about seven miles Into the country by Lieutenant Carlson. Friday evening the Penn College Glee club will give an entertainment at the. high school auditorium, the proceeds to be used In defraying the expenses of the cadets' encampment In June. John Jeffries, the veteran teamster, was omc what seriously hurt In a runaway ac cident yesterday morning. Accompanied by his daughter, Mr. Lovejoy, he wa driving a spirited young horse, which be came frightened by a broken The buggv wa overturned and the occupants thrown out, Mr. Jeffries alighting on his Iiead. Mrs. Lovejoy escaped with a few brulxes and a shaking up. The accident occurred on Lower Broudway and Mr. Jeffries was removed to his home on, Ave nue N, near Twenty-fourth street. ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR. OLD TIMES 6c AND ESPINA 10c CIGARS. MA LONEY fTIGAR CO.. DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. i Real Estate Transfers. . These transfers were reported to Thfl Bee March 28 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Gale Mills and wife to Thomas Young, w Vt swVt, government lot t ancflot A 8-7-44, w d $ 6,150 Charles T. Officer and wife to 11. C. Rusch, lot 6 In sub of high school property in Council Bluff, w d.. ,if') Louis P. Judson and wife to Frank C. Rlker and Robert B. Wallace, nw4 se4 23-77-44, w d 1,500 !W. H. Kimball and wife to Hattle H. Hall, lot 2 of Auditor's sub of rot 4 of Greenwood's sub In Coun- Cll Bluffs, w d 1.000 Anna Kern and husbiind to Clyde E. Hunt, lot 8. block 2, McMahon. Cooper A Jsfferls' add to Council Bluffs, w a oau E. 8. Pardo and wife to Mary Mc Klnley, lots 7 and 8. block 11, in Everett's add to Council Bluffs, w d 600 J. D. Edmundson and wife to Hat tle H. Hall, part wVi ne4 31-75-48, w d 400 Itobert F. Smith and wlfo to Hattle II. Hall, lot 1 In Auditor's sub of lot 4 of Greenwood's sub In Coun cil Bluff, w d J00 C L. McKnlght and wife to J. M. , Allen, lots 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, block 2, In Railroad add to Council Bluffs, -W d 125 Executors of Horace Everett estate to Peter Greve, lots 13 and 14, block 3, in Sunnyslde add to Coun cil Bluffs, w d 100 Ben1amtn-Fehr Real Estate com pany to Sarah E. Btlsco, lot 9, block 29, In Ferry add to Council Bluffs, w d 76 jAlbert W. Jefferls et tl to Lemuel V. Pope, lot 3, block Jgri Omaha add to Council Bluffs, S w d 10 Arthur Nichols and wife to F. J. Day, lot 11 and 12. block 2; lots - and 10. block t; lots 7 and 8, block 4, and lots 9 and 10, block 6. In Oakfleld add to Council ttluffs, qcd 1 flenry Caple and wife to F. J. Day, lot 11 and 12, block 3, and lots 7 and 8, block 2, In Oaktleld add to Council Bluffs, qcd 1 f. J. Day and wife to J. IX Warren, lots T, 8, 11 and 12, block 2, and lots 9. 10 11 and 12. block 2. and lots 7 and 8, block 4, and lots 9 i and 10. block 6, In OakCeld add to Council Bluffs, d 1 Fifteen transfers, total '. . Ill, 481 SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER CONSTIPATION I can tell a person who la constipated n light. Their . complexion Is tty or yeiiow. i neir eee arc dull, and Xtty look and feel leepy. No wonder they do. The bow el are . a sewer. They cary away the potsonou te fuse. If they don't act the polsonou matter Is absorbed by the body, and headaches, dull nes, bad complex ion and eventually 8AVUEL BOORKN pcrtoue troubles result. There Is ao better rule for good health than that the bowels should move very jr at the same hour If possible Regu larity can be acquired by making a habit pf this. Foolish people neglect this and when chronic constipation affects them they take pills every few days to force the bowels to preform their natural fuoo- dona, as years go on tney require more And more pills. This should be stopped. Cooper's New Discovery will build up the ,etomach and cause the bowels to act Xiaturally. While taking the medicine gt ,'th habit of regularity, then gradually taking 'the medicine. Hera Is a sample of letters from those ho have tried It: Tor slxten years I have suffered from tomach and liver trouble, and (hro.ilo constipation. I had frequent headaches hod I always felt tired and worn oat. I JJieard of Cooper's New Discovery and tgaa Its use. After I had finished one ttle I was wonderfully Improved. Cob rUpatton gave way to a pleasing regu larity of the bowel and I ate better, slept (otter and felt better, than I had for hsoutha. It Is the greatest medicine I hare ver known." Samuel Booren, 1741 Mun- ? f- . ; , . . v -A y,: ,3 pay At, Scrantoo, Pa. weight each to the square ysrd. Owing to the absence from the city of Our customers who have used thorn say Councilman Wallace, chairman of the spe fSe Cooper medicines do the work. Ws chii committee entrusted with -the nego- hU them. ' Uatlona, nothing has been done further in r.HATON DRUG COMPANY, th matter of daftlng a new franchise LmM Utt ttA ranttt JtlaV. Osa W. , fo th wt,r wwU mpany ox preparing BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. STREET RAILWAY ANSWERS Company Denies that a Ten-"ant Fare to Omaha ia Unreasonable. JURISDICTION OF COMMISSION DENIED Also Asserts that West End Improve ment Clnb Has So Right to Prose rate Complaint, Kot Being a Patron of the' Road. The Omaha and Council Bluffs Strott Railway company has made answer to the petition of the West End Improvement club of this city before the Interstate Com merce commission relative to its demand that the street railway company be re quired to grunt a straight 6 cent fare be tween Ojuncll Bluffs and Omaha and to re duce its bridge tolls. The Improvement club has also amended Its petition as sug gested by the commission and has (lied a motion asking (hat the street railway ocmpany be required to set out the lease under which It Is operating the line between the two cities and to produce all of Its books, records, etc., before the commission. The street railway company In Its. answer asks that the petition of. the Improvement club be dismissed. In Its answer the street railway com pany denies the right of the club to com plain because It does not as a club pat ronise the road and ia not entitled to speak for or complain for or In behalf, or In the name of the inhabitants of' the city of Council Bluffs, or of persons or Individuals who may travel upon said street railway line. It denies that It Is subject to regu lation by the Interstate Commerce commis sion because It Is a street railway and not a commercial road. That It Is operating under a lease from the Omaha A Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company which fixes the rate of fares to be charged and it consequently has no Voice In the making, fixing or charging of faros. Further, It de nies that the rate of 10 cents between the two cities is unreasonable because the dis tance Is six miles. It contends that to re duce the fare to 6 OPnts would make It less than 1 cent a mile. It denies that It discriminates and denies that a fare of 6 cents would yield sufficient remuneration or that a fare of 10 cents ln-i Jure, or Is unreasonable, or a discrim ination or a violation of the Interstate act. Regarding Its bridge over the Missouri rives the company states It cost 2500,000 to construct and not $450,000 as represented by the Improvement club; that the Income from tolls is 130,000 a year while the ex penses are as follows: Maintenance (and repair, $6,000; taxes, $8,500; Insurance, . $500; employes, $15,000; depreciation, $5,000, F. A. SPENCER. Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace and sheet metal work, galvanized Iron cor nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting snd repairing, Green and Norfolk furnaces. Flrst-clas mechanics In all branches. Both telephones No. 690. 158 West Broad way, Council Bluffs, Ia. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L-968. Divorce Day In District Court. In the divorce suit of T. J. Hatch against Rosa B. Hatch, Judge Wheeler In district court yesterday granted the wife the de cree on her cross-petition. The husband based his suit for divorce on the allegad ground that his wife had deserted him. while the latter made statutory charges against her husband. They were marrlod In 1893 and lived together until September 80, 1904, shortly after they had removed from Oakland, Ia,, to Council Bluffs. Mrs. Hatch was given the custody of their two minor children but the question of ali mony was left undecided by the court. Mrs. Hatch claims that her husband has property, while he denies that he has and In court testified that he had lost -everything and was now working for his father for $30 a month wages. Hatch when he moved to Council Bluffs engaged in the horse business and for awhile cut quite a wide swath. In granting Mrs. Maggie Fry a divorce from Ev A. Fry, Judge Wheeler, remarked: "The only reason I hesltste In granting this divorce Is that I fear It may mean another victim." This remark from the court was prompted by the fact that the plaintiff was tho third woman who had sought and secured a divorce from Fry. Mrs. Fry charged her husband with cruel and Inhuman treatment and failure to sup port. Fry was formerly custodian of one of the local cemeteries. The marriage of the parties to the suit took place February 1L 1904. Mrs. Edith E. Tletge was granted a di vorce from Edward Tletge, to whom she was married April 16, 1K89. The plaintiff testified that In the Tletge household It was a case of "Everybody works but father," and that In order to provide for the family rhe'-was obliged to conduct a boarding house. This would have been all right, she declared, had it not been tor the class of boarders her husband brought to the place. "Why, they would drink, fight, use the awfullest Ungual and turn the lamps over In their brawls.'' -he told the court. Life became too strenuous un der such conditions, so Mrs. Tletge decided to sue for divorce. Cruel and inhuman treatment was the specified charge made by the plaintiff. Hulda R. Bentley was granted a divorce from Loran 8. Bentley on grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. A Pointer. Bring In your watch If out of order. I will make you appreciate good workman ship. Repair work la my special line, jewelry, watches, clocks, etc My prices are always reasonable. O. Mauthe, 228 Broadway. Council MectlnsT Tonight. The city council will meet tonight to take action upon the ordinance making the appropriations for the maintenance of the Mverni municipal departments for the fiscal year commencing April 1. The ordinance probably will come up for dis cussion at the meeting of the committee of the who'.e to be held this afternoon. The council this evening is also scheduled ' " ' ' . " , . , ' v . i d1"4 n1 ,or hlch llu wer opened t ine merlins mtmujr 1 1 1 a 1 1 v. iu um w . w referred to the city engineer for tabula tion and his report will be submitted this evening. It will show that E. A. Wlck ham of this city Is low bidder on all classes. Mr. WU-kham's bids this year show an Increase . over the prices for paving last year. This increase, be explslns. Is due to th ,act th tngM charges on brick have ,n UD ? cenU tT 10- or 11,119 leM 1 Pr "Quare yard, computing forty-four brick or blocks of nine pounds a schedule of rates to be Incorporated therein. , Councilman Msloney Is expected to repor on his efforts to secure assistance from outside parties, Including the street rail way company, towards the paving of Lower Broadway. Mr. Maloney will have a. further conference with the street rail way officials this morning. Mr Bnslness Has drown 33 1-t Per Cent during the last year. I mean that It shall continue to grow. Fal, and square lumb?r, with fair and square methods of buying and selling It, made It grow. I ask your aid, promising you mine. C. Hafcr Lum ber Co., Council Bluffs, Ia. Angel's Sere.iade. Beautiful Blue Danube waits, Black Hawk waits and thousands of other pieces and songs at 10 cents each at the Bourlclus Piano House, 33S Broadway, Council Bluffs. Catalogues mailed free. " Gasoline Starts Small Fire. Ignition of a can of gasoline used in cleaning clothes In "The Wardrobe," an establishment similar to "pantatorlums," located on the secorjd floor of the Wlckham block on Broadway at the head of Pearl street, gave the Are department a run about 9 o'clock yesterday and did some damage to-the woodwork ut the room besides burn ing the awning. The pan containing the gasoline was on the sill of the window, which was open. C. W. Smith, manager of the concern, had no warning until the fiurd blazed up and set fire to the curtains and some clothing near by. Former Fire Chief Nicholson saw the blaze from the street and was the first u assist In extinguishing It. In doing so his hands were more or less badly scorched. A woman tenant on the third floor as sisted In extinguishing the burning awning by pouring water from her window. Sev eral person), attracted to the scene by the fire, got the benefit of the water thrown by the woman, much to the amusement of others In the crowd. The Cement leaaon nt Hand. If you Intend doing any cement work do not fall to call on George A. Hoagland for prices on cement, sand, crushed rock, etc. Have Just unloaded 1,000 barrels of Port land cement and can make you Very at tractive prices. Garden Tool Specials, Good garden rake, 20c; steel garden hoe, 25c; steel shovels and spades, 6oc; 3-plece floral sets, 10c; extra heavy spading fork. 85c; good wheelbarrow, $1.80; garden and grass seeds, onion sets, etc., etc. We have the goods and the price. J. Zoller Mer. Co. 'Phone 320. 100-108-106, Broadway. Funeral of Jens Andersen. The funeral of the late Jens Andersen will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Masonic temple, of which he was custodian and In which he met accidental death the night of Friday, March 22. Mr. Andersen was a member of all the Masonic bodies of this city and the funeral will be In charge of the order. The services In Masonic temple will be open to the public Relnholt Andersen, brother of Jens An dersen, has arrived from Salt Lake City. Yesterday he filed application in the dis trict court to have Attorney W. 8. Balrd appointed executor of his brother's will. Mr. Balrd was appointed temporary ad ministrator of the dead man's estate. Jens Andersen's will, made about a month be fore he met death, was filed for probate yesterday. By It he leaves all of his prop erty to two sisters and one brother in Denmark. Missouri river Ice, pure, solid, the very best. Service prompt; obliging drivers. Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72. The Pottawattamie County Abstract com pany makes superior abstracts. Books In constant use for fifty-five years. 236 Pearl street. Both 'phones 37. Insurance Company Incorporates. Articles of Incorporation of the Western Mutual Life Insurance company of Coun cil Bluffs were filed for record yesterday. The company was first, organised under the name of the Iowa Security company by C. V- Atherton. who recently removed to this city from Cedar Rapids. He Is presi dent and general manager and the other officers are: Vice president, Victor E. Bender; secretary, A. W. Bannlck; treas urer. Perry Bad ol let; chief medical di rector. Dr. Donald Macrae. C. Hafer and S. T. McAtee, with the above officers, com prise the board of directors. The Incor poration Is for a period of fifty years. CENTRAL FLOUR. $1.05 PER SACK; EVERY SACK WARRANTED, CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, 'PHONES 24. Boy Has Len" Broken. Arnold Jensen, the 8-year-old son of A. C. Jensen, 216 High school avenue, a pupil at the Washington ave-nue school, attempted to climb Into the milk wagon of C. Peter son yesterday noon and suffered a fracture of the right limb above the knee as a re sult. The boy's limb wss caught In the wheel. The acr.ldn occurred on Washing ton avenue. In front of Noi 8 engine house, where the lad was carried. He was later oonveyed to his home In the police am bulance. We always look to the Interest of our customers, no matter how small a Job of wall papering may be. We see that you get the best paper and the beat work for your money. Berwick, 211 South Main street. Mnrrlna IJeensea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Jesse McKlnney, Ravenna, Neb 84 Bertha Hondrlck, Ravenna. Neb 28 W. T. Brown. Omaha ...25 Clara Jtl. Nlday, Benson, Neb 25 Oeorgo Burton, Tekamah, Neb 24 Nancy Larson, Tekamah, Neb 18 The L. A. to B. of R. T. will give their first ball at the Masonic Auditorium Mon day evening, April 1. Tickets SOc couple Extra ladles 25c. . Court at Sidney. SIDNEY. Ia., March 28. (Special.) The grand Jury, which adjourned last evening after a short session, found only one In dictment, which waa returned against "Dingle" McNew. who Is charged with adultery, the corespondent being the wife of a Rlvirton bualneas man. Calloway Holt was adjudged insane and committed to the state ho spltal at Clarlnda. Calloway la an old offender, who has passed a good share of his life In Jails and penitentiaries. He now begins his second term In the in sane asylum. His brother was shot to death In a hog pen near Hamburg some years go while stealing hogs. Church Merarer is Approved. TOLEDO, Ia.. March 28. The Iowa con ference of the United Brethren church to day ratified the proposed merger of the 1'nlted Brethren, Congregational and Meth odist Protestant churches, formulated last week by a Joint committee at Chicago. This conference Is the first body In any of the three churches to take action on the Chicago report. The vote was unanimous. Bishop Weekly of Kansas City presided. If you have anything to trad advertise ft In the For Exchang columns oC Ths lUt Want A.4 iu. I NOT i-OR TARIFF REVISION Iowa Home Votes Down the Besolation of Representative Miller. " ftW OF REPUBLICANS WITH MINORITY Ilonse Committee Reports Adversely on BUI to Pat All State Educational Institutions I niler One Bonrd of Control. (From a Staff Correspendent.) DES MOINES, March a. (Speclal.)-C. W. Milltr, representative from Bremer oounty and chairman of the uV-nocratlc state central committee, this afternoon culled up his resolution asking for an Im intdiate revision of the tariff and urging the Iowa delegation In congress to work ti r it. He insisted that he was not playing politics and that he offered the resolution In all seriousness and hoped that the re publicans would aslt In its adoption. He claimed that there was something the mat ter with Iowa as evidenced by its decreas ing population and declared that the young men were leaving the state. Continually reiterating the statement that he was not playing politics he urged the adoption of the resolution. Harding of Woodbury, a republican, gained the floor and declared that it was refreshing to learn that the gentleman from Bremer was not playing politics, that every member of the house knew that he was not in politics, but only fussing around the edges and moved that the resolution be tabled. A roll call was ordered and the resolution was tabled by a vote of 67 to 39, only a few republicans voting against tabling It. Senate Proceedings. The senate committee on appropriations reported and Introduced the bills making appropriations for the state Institutions, Including the educational Institutions. The appropriations for the latter aggregate as follows: State university, $134,000; slate col lege, $139,000; state normal school, $20,000. The senate railroad committee has de feated the bill which passed the house pro viding for a speed limit on stock trains. The senate this morning refused to concur In the house amendments to the reforma tory bill. These amendments related to the sending of prisoners convicted of heinous crimes to the reformatory at the discretion of the court. The Fort Madison people ob ject because It will reduce the population of their Institution. A conference commit tee was named. The conference committee reported cn the primary bill and the report was ordered printed In the Journal. A resolution by Gale directing the state fish and game warden to report on the cost of machinery for dredging the lakes of the state was adopted. The senate ordered the recall from the house of the bill which passed the day be fore relating to garbage disposal In certain cities. The senate passed a bill coming from the house to put a stop to the promiscuous dis tribution of drugs and medicines so that they are a menace to children. The Joint resolution frr a constitutional amendment to authorize drainage legisla tion was passed. Honse Committee Reports. The house elections committee today re ported in favor of the passage of the bill prohibited the giving of any cigars, money or other consideration for votes at a pri mary or election, and also In favor of the passage of the bill providing for a ref erendum and killed off the bill providing for fining voters who fall to vote at a pri mary election. The appropriations commit tee reported for Indefinite postponement the bill providing for consolidating the edu cational institutions under one board of regents, with a minority report in favor signed by nine members. The ways And means committee reported favorably on the bill giving the State Board of Educational Examiners authority to Is sue certificates to graduates of higher In stitutions of learning. Stw Honac Bills. In the house today bills were Introduced by Sullivan providing that cities of 60.000 population 6r over can levy a special tax for the purpose of building city halls; by Beery, authorizing the Board of Control to grant a right-of-way to an tnterurban through the state grounds at Mount Pleas ant; by Inman, relating to shorthand notes as evidence in criminal cases. House Proceedings. The house passed the bill by Harding making an appropriation for the benefit of the proposed new state tu-oerculosls sani tarium at Iowa City and for $5,000 to be spent by the State Board of Control In the The American people are as food of good beer as any other nation. It's the logical all-the-year-'round beverage tor all clsssea In tho Namo of Quality 'tis always best to ask for ATI L2) 0 uu MILWAUKEE .j0hi . It is reliably good, delidously full of "Blatz" character and as clean and pure as honest methods must always mean. The most exacting methods and up-to-date facilities have ever been a feature at this plant. Try any of these Wands whether ea draught or Is bottles wherever you sua PRIVATE STOCK WIENER EXPORT MUENCHENER Ofueha branch tux-10 tit. Corner Ilh. IBSIWIXaCOslTale. V Wis J & 11 I education of the public on the treatment of tuberculosis. Dye of Pottawattamie called up the sen ate bill by Saunders providing for a uni form system of county accounts and the bill was passed by the house without amendment and will go to the governor for M"'jrc. The Newberry VI II for pure stock food and pure grain seeds passed the house. A pardon has been recommended to the senate for Orman McPherson of Louisa county, an old soldier. Church Wants Property. Mrs. Carrie Tlllotson. the blind woman who was burned to death In her home In this city a few days ago, deeded her home, valued at $1,100, to the Reorganised Church of the Latter nay Saints on a contract that the church receive her Into Its home for the aged at Lamonl. The contract was completed and Mrs. Tlllotson was burned to death twojdays before the day on which she had planned to leave for Lamonl. A legal question has been raised as to whether the church can claim the property and her heirs have consulted lawyers to have the deed set aside. Proaram for Kpworth Assembly. Arrangements have been completed for the annual Epworth Chautauqua assembly to open at Colfax, August 1, to continue for fourteen days. The program includes Congressman Adam Bede, Rev. John Wat son. I!ev. Robert Stuart MacArthur, Bishop Samuel Fallows, Rev. William A. Sunday, Samuel Gompers, Evelyn B. Baldwin, John B. De Motte and others. Two Orders Stay Out. Among railroad men here It Is under stood that the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen will not participate If a strike Is called by the Order of Railway Train men and Order of Railway Conductors on western roads, but will remain with their trains. . Debate Corn Carnival. A meeting of the directors of the Des Moines Commercial club has been called for tomorrow noon at the Savory hotel for the purpose of determining whether or not to hold the proposed corn carnival tiers this fall. It is eatlmated that $1!,000 Will be necessary for advertising purposes. MORE PEACE DELEGATES Five Men Will Represent tnlted States at The Haauo Conference. WASHINGTON, March 28. President Roosevelt has concluded to Increase the American delegates at The Hague confer ence, a proceeding which will have no ef fect upon the disposition of the Various projects that will be considered at that gathering, because each nation represented is entitled to but one vote; but because of the complexity and Importance of the pro gram It Is felt by the president that the American delegation should be enlarged to permit of a subdivision Into committees If need be. When the anouncement was made last June of the Intention to hold a second con ference it was also stated that America would be represented by General Horace Porter, formerly ambassador to France; Joseph H. Choate, formerly ambassador to England, and Judge U. M. Rose of Little Rock, Ark., formerly president of the American Bar association. The president and Secretary Root have already selected the additional delegates, but It Is not deemed proper to announce their names In advance of formal notice that the second conference actually is to be held. For notwithstanding the fact that scarcely more than sixty days Intervene between this date and the date suggested by the government of The Netherlands as suitable for tho beginning of the congress at The Hague, possibly through some oversight, the formal invitations to the nations to participate have not been issued. This fact may cause some embarrassment to the naUons remote from En rope, which would find It difficult to select their delegations and send them to The Hague by the first of June. CANADIANS COME, TO CONFERENCE Beeond-Cluss Mall Considered by Officials at Wushlna-tnn. WASHINGTON, March 28. With a view, If possible, of arriving at a satisfactory adjustment of questions affecting second class mail matter entering Canada from the United States, representatives of the latter country were In conference today with Postmaster General Meyer,' Second Assistant Postmaster General Shallen berger and others. The action of the Canadian authorities In giving notice of their desire to withdraw from the postal convention with this coun try with respect to second-class mall mat ter was discussed. Various propositions were advanced on both sides, which It Is believed will have the effect of reaching an arrangement more acceptable to Canada, Today's conference was supplemental to one recently had with the Canadian postul officials in Ottawa by General Shallen borger. Those who came hsre on the mat ter are Postmaster General Lemleux, Dep uty Postmaster General R. M. Coulter and Mr. firfilth of the Canadian Department of Posts. PRESIDENT MAY VISIT ILLINOIS Mannfncturers Ask Him to Deliver aa Address at Springfield. WASHINGTON, March 28. President Roosevelt is giving earnest consideration to an Invitation extended him yesterday by the Illinois Manufacturers' association to talk to that body In Springfield. 111., at an early date on the railroad situation. It was snld today some members of the cabinet and Interstate Commerce commis sion who participated In last night's con ference at the White House were of the opinion that It might be well for the presi dent to attend the convention and make a statement aa to his attitude. It waa said at the White House that the president had not reached a declblon In the matter. During the day the president had a con ference with Frank B. Kellogg, counsel of the Interstate Commerce commlslon. re garding railroad matters. Appointments In Postal Service. WASHINGTON, March 28. The following Iowans were today appointed railway mall clerks: C. E. Gorman, Cedar Rapids; B. F. Fuller, Burlington; B, A. Fox, Waterloo; Harvey V. Kerr, Victor; John M. Halbut. J. F. Giles, Red Oak; Patrick K. McKay, Waucoma; Walter E. Hanford, Clarlnda. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa, Clarlnda, route 7. Joseph A. Custer, carrier (rein stated); no substitute; Garner, route 8, Scott T. Pollock, carrier; Carroll M. Foley, subsUtute. South Dakota, White Rock, route t, George G. McAloney, carrier; Julia A. McAloney, substitute. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Cath erine, Chase county, Ida L. King, vice C. D. Troxel, resigned. Wyoming, Fonta- nelle, Uinta county. Minnie F. Holden, vioa J. S. Holden, deceased. 8. C. Knupp of Vinton, Ia., and B. B. St anna rd of BUseton, & D., have been appointed clerks at Puget Sound, Wash,, naval staUon. Government Rests Hermann Case. WASHINGTON, March 28. The govern ment concluded Its case In the Hermann trial at J:0 p. m. The court was then ad journed until Monday. Red Cross Delegates. WASHINGTON, March Is. VI las Mabel T. BoardiEsta aa& Surgeon, Ovnwsi O'ReiU j. Treasures Found in Our American Forests. Viiat our ymerican forests abound in plants which possess the most valuhje medicinal virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the most; eminelyme(cal writers and teachers of this and other countries. Even, the tinrmoofcd Indians had discovered the usefulness of many native, plants bf f ore the advent of the white freely tdj ifie whites, led the latter to continue investigations until to-day we ha a rich assortment of. most valuable American mediciual roots. Pr. Pierce of rUiflalo, N. V.. believe that our Arr"'riran forest abound in medicinal roots for the cure of mot obstinate and fatal dis enes. if tve would properly investigate them. ancT in confirmation of this conviction, he points with pride to the most marvelous cures ef fected by his "Golden Medical Discovery,' which has proven itself to rx ttjc most efficient stomach tonic, liver inviroraprL hr tonic and reg ulator, and bipod cleanser known to medical science. Dyspepsia, cr indigestion torpir1 liver, functional and even valvular nrtfj other flffeCr Hons of the heart virU tf ' riiratiVe nct'on, The reason tchv Golden Medical Dis covery" cures these nd many other rr .' . . l . 1 - :..! Biiecuons, is cieany snuwn in a niwe book of extracts from the standard medical works which ia mailed frtt to any address by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., to all sending request lor the same. To aid in healing old sores, or ulcers, apply Dr. Tierce's All-Healing Salve to them while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" to purify and enrich the blood. Dr. Fierce s All - Healing Salve is cleansing and pain relieving. It de stroys the bad odors arising from sup purating, or running, sores and puts them in the best possible condition for healing. The " All-Healing Salve " is a superior dressing for all open, running, or sup purating, Sores or Uloers. i For healing open wounds, cuts and scratches it is unsurpassed. If your medicine dealer does not have the "All-Healing Salve" In stock mail 60 cents in postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will receive it by return post. In treating all open sores, or ulcers, boils, carbuncles and other swellings, it is important that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery be taken persistently to purify the blood and thereby remove the cause of the trouble. It is in the blood that the grf at battle of health has to be fought. The nicer and the sore are simply the scarlet flowers of disease, with' roots running down into the blood. These roots rr' be eradicated or the disease will break out afresh. "Golden Medical Discovery" cleanses the blood of all foul and poisonous accumulations, pushes out the dead and waste matter, and thus purifies the entire life current. Disease in the flesh must die out when it is no longer fed by foul blood. "Golden Medical Discovery" effectively cures disease in the flesh by caring its cause in the blood. Not less marvelous, in the unparal leled cures it is constantly making of woman's many peculiar affections, weaknesses ana distressing derange ments, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, as is amply attested by thousands of unsolicited testimonials contributed by grateful patients who have been cured by it of catarrhal pelvic drains, painful periods, irregularities, prolapsus of the army, will be among the American delegates to the International Red Cross congress, which will open In London, June 10. Four Other delegates will be selected by the State department, one of whom will represent the navy at the congress. TRIAL FOR MISSOURI BANKER Mayo Harvey W. Salmon, Acenaed of Grand Larceny-, Mnst . Face a Jury. WARSAW, Mo., March . An effort Is being made here to secure a jury for the case of Major Harvey W. Salmon, charged with grand larceny In connection with the failure of the Salmon A Salmon bank ef Clinton, which closed Its doors on June XI, 1906, with liabilities of tl.000,000. Major Salmon and Dr. G. T. Salmon had been prominent In business and politics In Missouri since the civil war. A month after the failure the receiver reported assets of the face value of tSSO.000 and liabilities of 11,000,000. But In these assets weru In eluded C61,000 bills receivable, nearly all al leged to be of spurious character. Invest! gatlon developed that the bank had been In a questionable condition for some time as the result of cattle deals of the Salmons and the taking by T. M. Casey, cashier, of the bank's funds to pay the debts of his father, George M. Casey, an extensive cat tle operator, who failed In 1904. Thirteen Indictments for forgery were re turned against Casey, six against Dr. Sal mon and Major Salmon for grand larceny In receiving deposits when the bank waa Insolvent and four against Dr. Solmon's son Frank, also for grand larceny. Casey pleaded guilty last year and received a sen tence of five years In the penitentiary. The Salmons are to be tried separately. TRACKS OUT IN CINCINNATI Reeedlnsr Waters of Mill Creek Leave Railroad Property In Bad Condition. CINCINNATI, March 28. The embank ment under the two main tracks ujed by the Baltimore Ohio Southwestern and the Big Four railroads, under the Eighth street viaduct early today dropped out ot sight Into ths slough left by the waters of Mill creek after the recent flood. Other roads whloh enter the Union depot In this city used these tracks or have tracks of their own alongside the embankment that has been washed away. If there Is any further cave-In these tracks will probably be useless for traffic and trains will not be able to ener their regular station. In stead, they will be compelled to stop at Brighton in the western end of the city and disembark their passengers. The Eighth street station Is also In danger of being carried away. It Is partly undermined and held In place by wire cables that were put up during the flood. An attempt Is being made to repair the Tett INDIA AND CEYLON T(Bm That name on package la an Insurance policy against tea Impurity. The sealed package In a guarantee against dust and dirt. Try It and be convinced. LIcOOED-BRADY 00, Wholes&la Agents, Omaha. race. This information, imparted i snd other displacements caused by weakness, ulceration of nterus snd kindred affections, often after many other advertised medicines and physi cians had failed. Nursing mothers snd over-burdenrd women in all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been un- -dermined and broken-down by over work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find in Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription the most potent, invigorat ing, restorative-strength-giver ewr de vised for their special benefit. f Nursing mothers will' find it especially valuable in sustaining their strength and promot ing an abundant nourishment for the child. Expectant mothers too will find it a priceless boon to prepare the sys , tern for baby's coming and rendering the ordeal comparatively painless. It can do no harm in any state, or con dition of the female system. t Delicate, nervous, weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, back ache, dragging-down distress low down in the abdomen, or from painful or ir regular monthly periods, gnawing or distressed sensation in stomach, ditiy 1 or faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagree able pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, anteversion or retroversion or other displacements of womanly organs, from weakness of parts, will, whether they , experience many or only a few of the above symptoms, find relief and a per- manent cure by using faithfully, and , fairly persistently. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. i Both the above mentioned medi cines are wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of native, medicinal roots. The processes employed in theiri manufacture were original with Dr.! Pierce, and they are carried on by skill-! ed chemists and pharmacists with the aid of apparatus and appliances specially designed and built lor this purpose.! ttoto medicines are entirely free tronv alcohol and all other harmful, habit forming drags. A full list of their in gredients ia printed on each bottle wrapper. -1 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pallets core con stipation. Constipation ia the cause of rr vny diseases. Cnre the cause and voa jenre the disease. Easy to take as candy. damage, but hundreds of car loads of sand and cinders will be necessary to fill up the embankment alreadv caved In. RUSSIAN WOMAN SENTENCED Mile.' Leontleff Is Given Fesr Tears In Prison , for Ktlunar f Frenchman. ' THTJN, Swlt aerland, March M. Mile. Tatlana Leontleff, the Russian woman, who murdered a Frenohman named Muller at ' Interlaken In September last, mistaking; him for M. Durnovo, ex minister of the Interior of Russia, waa today sentenced to four years' solitary oonflnement and - te twenty years expulsion from country. The prisoner complained that she . had been subjected to the utmost brutality by the examining magistrate and the prison wardens, who, when called to the witness stand, were unable to deny the charges. Mile. Leontleff, Is a daughter of General Leontleff, who took an active part In the Russian campaign In Manchuria and who afterwards was governor of one of the Russian provinces and Is a niece of the late General Trepoff. She is said to have ' been concerned In an unsuccessful attempt l upon the life of Trepoff In 1906, for which ' she was confined for some time In ' an asylum for the Insane. She waa released ' upon her promise to leave Russia forever and seemed then to have Joined the revo lutionary group In Switzerland. When M. Durnovo went abroad last year, Mile. Leontleff volunteered to execute upon hltn the sentence of the "flying group" of revo lutionists of which she waa a member. While several hundred persons were at a dinner In the Hotel Jungfrau, September If -last. Mile. Leontleff rose from her sent at V" a table, drew a revolver from her reticule and deliberately fired at Charles Muller, a Frenchman, vho was seated at a nearby table. The first shot Inflicted a fatal wound, the woman advanced towards the . prostrate body and fired four more shots. After her arrest It came out that MUti. Leontleff had mistaken Muller. for M. Durnovo. HONOR FOR DEAD EDITOR Members ef Dsn Rise ns Mark of Respect to Memory of Jolloa. ST. PETERSBURG, March a. The as- saaslnaton of Dr. Jollos, editor of the Russkl Vtedomostl. yesterday has stirred up such general Indignation that the re actionists did not venture to make a pro test when the crime was brought up la Parliament today. M. RodltchefT. leader of the constitutional democrats, called on the members to rise as a mark of respect for the assassinated Dr. Jollos who waa a member of the lower house of the first Parliament. The whole bouse, Including the ministers present, stood In slleooe for two minutes. (BP J it iss 1