Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie Omaha Daily Bee.
Entered it Omaha pvatofnc a eoind
iImhi mat tar.
Daily n-a (without Sunday), one year. .WW
Daily boa and Sunday, on year JO
iunday Hee, ona year I60
laturday bee. una year
Oally He (Including Sunday), pet week..l5e
Dally )ee (without Sunday), par week....lOo
Evening Pea (without Sunday), per week, to
Evenli.g hf (with Sunday), pel" week... .10
Address complaint of Irregularities In d
Ivery to City Circulation Department
Omatia The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Uulldlng.
Council muffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 Cnity Hulldlrig. M
New York KOs Horn Ufa Insurance Bids.
Washington &)1 Fourteenth Street.
Communication renting to newt and ed
itorial matner ahnuld ba addreaaed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit hv draft, express or postal order.
. payable to Tha Bee Publishing Company.
Onry a-rent stamps received In payment or
mull account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
Itate of Nebraska, Douglaa County, :
Charlea C Roaewater, general manager
Bf The Bee Publishing company, nelng duly
worn, inn that the actual number of run
ind complete coplee of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Pee printed during tha
month of February. 1907, waa as followa:
1 31,600 1 31,980
1 31,880 17 30,590
80,100 it 3.eao
4 31,630 1 32,080
I 31,680 10 38.680
31,670 21 33,470
7 88,130 21 36,400
1 31,660 21 32,060
... 38,130 14......
'.0 30.480 2 5 38,080
tl 31,760 It 31,060
It 31.670 27 38,060
1 31340 IS 33430
it 31,640 '
It ;.. 31,850 Total 896,730
Ueaa unsold and returned ooplee... 9,763
Net total , ;.. 886.957
Dally average 31,677
Oeneral Manager.
Subscribed In my preaence and (worn to
before ma this lt day of March, 1807.
(Seal) M. B. H UNGATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving; tha city tern
pararlly hnld fcav The Be
mailed to tkent. Addr will ba
changed a often, aia raitit4.
Canine talk in Omaha: "Is my muz
tie on straight?"
Ueportg from the south are that the
birds and base ball ttams have started
If bridge whist Is a disease, as now
claimed, the doctors ought to begin cut
ting it out
The Maeh trust has managed to
cratch a $300,000 surplus out of its
business for the last year.
Of course Mr. Hearst has left the
democratic party. It was all he could
do after trying unsuccessfully to take
It with him.
Perhaps Walter Molse feels offended
that he was not asked by the governor
to procure that missing police board
resignation for him. .
Quarantine officials at Colon showed
Speaker Cannon some of the disadvan
tages of- standing pat when a man
wants to get ahead.
South Omaha Is plastered all over
with injunctions, but no injunction bus
been issued yet to prevent the people
voting for consolidation with Omaha.
Boston reports the catch of the first
mackerel of the season. The "fresh
mackerel" on Jhe restaurant menu card
can not, then, be more than a year old.
. According to Mayor "Jim's" decree
no fashionable up-to-date Omaha dog
will be in style without a new Easter
muzzle of the latest make and pattern.
Pennsylvania's act in unveiling a
Itatue to Commodore Barry as "the
father of the American navy" looks like
a direct slap at Richmond Pearson Hob
son. Railroad managers appear to tear
they will be placed in the mollycoddle
class if they do not put up, a fight
against state laws reducing transporta
tion rates.
"There is business in the northwest
for all the rnllroada that may build into
the territory," says James J. Hill. This
Is no newg to the nation, outside, of
Wall street
Former Senator Burton pretends that
he refused a pardon offered him by
President Roosevelt - Burton has cer
tainly reformed if he is able to refuse
anything offered him.
The latest tip Is that President Roose
velt wants Mr. Cortelyou to succeed
him. 'Mr. Cortelyou has occupied about
all the positions at the cabinet table
except the head of it ' 1
The state senate has three times re
fused even to confer with the bouse
about adjournment. Apparently our
Nebraska law-makers are for once anx
ious to give full measure.
Platform pledges are practically all
redeemed with the exception of the pri
mary election law and the enactmeut
of the primary election law is now only
a question of adjusting details.
When the trainmen on the Panama
railway learned that they . were ex
ported to carry Secretary Taft across
the Isthmus and back, they promptly
demanded an increase of waes.
A dixpute Is raging duwu in Texas
is to who should have the honor of In
troducing Colonel Bryan when he
makes his address to the assembled leg
islators. Strangely enough, no one is
urging the name of Senator Bailey.
While red e iiilnjj the platform, pli-dtie
rueinlMTH of the legislature of all pnr
xleg should rvnieuilKT that they are
(ommlited to a policy of close economy
In the appropriations for state luatltu
tions and departments of government.
The republican platform holds out an
assurance for "raising only such rev
enue as is needed to meet the current
expenses of our state government under
the most rigid economy," and the demo
cratic platform promises, "such relief
from tax burdens as may be possible
by economy In state government and
equalization of assessments."
Brought down to brass tacks, the
amount of money which must be raised
by the state levy depends entirely upon
the amount of money appropriated by
the legislature. vIt is not the rate of
the levy, but the amount of money ap
propriated that must be figured on. The
law now fixes a maxiaium of 5 mills for
the state general fund, with no require
ment, however, that the maximum be
levied, and, in fact, the rate Is now
and has been less than the 5-mlll maxi
mum. If the revenue available under exist
ing limits were Insufficient to meet abso
lutely needed requisitions the change
of the tax limit would be Justified, but
whether the tax limit is raised or not,
every appropriation should be kept
down to strict requirements of each
case and the State Board of Assessment
left free to reduce the levy as fnr below
the maximum as conditions will per
mit Ordinarily a growing state, enjoying
bountiful prosperity, would be expected
to respond reasonably to the demnnd for
larger appropriations, but Nebraska Is
still burdened with a floating bbt
largely In excess of what the constltu
tion allows and It will tnke two or three
years yet before this debt will be paid
off. While trying to get out from under
this burden of debt, it Is Important that
no new overlaps be created and no ex
travagances or luxuries be Indulged.
The Navy department at Washington
has finally learned, although the
process has been tardy, that the news
paper is the best advertising medium.
The department has decided to ab.n-
dou billboard advertising and discon-1
tlnue the huge colored posters that have
been plastered over vacant walls
throughout the country for several
years. The department has decided
wisely that it can best reach the class
of young men wanted for naval service
through' the space in the newspapers.
Since the enlargement of the navy
after the Spanish-American war there
has been a constant demand for recruits
for that branch of the government serv
ice. Difficulty has been experienced in
securing men sufficient to equip prop
erly the new battleships with crews
and the department has beeu using
resplendent designs pf a marvelous ship
on a wonderful ocean to attract the at
tention and arouse the enthusiasm of
possible seamen, but with results far
from satisfactory. The recruits se
cured by this method have been, as a
rule, the shiftless young fellows at
tracted by such gaudy displays' and
they have been failures In the navy
service. The department wants high
grade young men and has now con
cluded that It will find them among the
readers of newspapers.
The Navy department Is to be con
gratulated upon Its accession to the
ranks of intelligent advertisers.
Experts viewing the political field
and forecasting the line-up for next
year's presidential campaign may not
be able to see any democratic candidate
available except Mr. Bryan, but notice
is being served by a venerable, although
vigorous, gentleman down at Princeton
that there is a decided lack of unan
imity in the party on the issue to -be
labeled as "paraiii'iiutt" In the coming
contest Mr. Bryan, shrewdly witch
ing the developments in the word war
over transportation problems, has. taken
courage and renewed his talk of "ulti
mate federal ownership of railroads,"
the suggestion of which by him on his
return from his tour of the world gave
the democratic party of the nation a
cold bath, from vrhloh many of its mem
bers have not yet felt the glow of re
action. Mr. Bryan apparently' feels that
the public sentiment aroused by the
doings at Washington and in state leg
islatures in the way of railway rate
laws, is ripe for a drift to his govern
ment ownership idea. But Grover
Cleveland has taken advantage of the
opportunity to file a minority report.
Mr. Cleveland contends that the dem
ocrats, if they wish again to secure con
trol of government affairs and get back
Into the good graces of the people,
should lose no time In "bringing to the
front the issue of tariff reform and fo
cusing the attention of the country upon
It" He is confident , that a-campaign
on this issue will "clarify the at mo"
phere, solidify the friends of democracy
and bring victory." Mr. Cleveland's
declaration serves notice that the dem
ocrats will have their regular quadrl
ennlal fight for an issue, with the fac
tions divided aa seriously on that prop
osition as they have been in the past.
The party always has had difficulty In
keeping an Issue alive until it became
a 4-year-old. Mr. Cleveland has been
almost alone In keeping that issue alive
for his party while the rank and file
were following Mr. Bryan Into the free
silver, anti-imperialism and other
camps. Today Mr. Cleveland" has the
supiMirt of John Sharp Williams and a
few minor leaders who want the tariff
Issue revived and pushed forward n
the next tattle, but si majority of the
party will doubtless elect to follow Mr.
Bryan It; bis determination to make
railway ownership the puramount Issue.
Democrats Inclined to follow the ad
vice of the sage of lYinocron must real
ize the disadvantage under which the
party" Is lolnuing and appreciate the sig
nificance of a recent statenieut of Mr.
Bryan thHt President Roosevelt had
stolen his raiment The people, without
rernrd in partTj rmdnratanil anil sympa
thise with the attitude of' President
Roosevelt and the republican adminis
tration o'n the railway questions and are
In no danger of being drawn to the
democratic support by anything on Mr.
Bryan'i railroad program. Mr. Cleve
land rs not alone In concluding that an
attempt by the democrats to make the
railroad issue paramount In the next
campaign would simply mean an In
vitation to another slaughter.
The American public, at first satiated
and then nauseated with details of the
Thaw trial, will find refreshing relief
In contracting the conduct of- that case
with the trial of Rayner, Just convicted
and sentenced to death for the murder
of a merchant prince in London. '
The Rayner case was most sensa
tional and 'Contained as much material
for the development of emotional as
pects as have been shown in the Thaw
trial. Hlnta of a "double life" on the
part of the victim, mystery asto'the
connections of the murderer, a train of
scandal that threatened to Involve
members of high society and all the
elements7 of a melodramatic perform
ance In court were at hand, but the
presiding Judge refused to allow their
admission as evidence. Two hours were
consumed In securing a Jury and all the
testimony was submitted In one day.
The Jury was out nine hours and
prompt Imposition of the death penalty
followed the return of a verdict 'of
guilty.- There was no appeal to'or hint
of the "unwritten law," no baring of
the life secrets of the 'parties to tlie
crime, no flock of high-priced alienists
with purchased opinion, nothing but a
strict adherence to the business of as
certaining the facts In the case. Since
the decision there hns been no hint that
justice miscarried.
The different modes of administering
the law here and abroad are noticed In
the statistics of crime. There were
twenty-four homicides In London last
year,, as compared with 1.10 In Chicago,
hleh has less than half the population
aivl about half the area of London.
Mulders are rare in England, number
ing less than 1.000 a year, as compared
with over 8,000 annunjly in this coun
try. England uses swift, certain and
unrelenting methods In the prosecution
of homicides. The American system of
prosecution is defective, inadequate and
j Radical changes In the plan of gov
ernment in Iowa cities are made possi
ble by the law Just passed almost with
out opposition by the legislature at Des
Moines. The law applies to cities of
25,000, and while it was urged particu
larly by Dea Moines and became known
as "The Des Moines bill," it la avail
able also in the cities of Des Moines,
Dubuque, Davenport, Council Bluffs,
Sioux City,' Cedar Rapids and Burling
ton. The measure provides for abol
ishment of the municipal machinery as
now constituted and substitutes for It
government by commissioners, follow
ing thea plan originally adopted in the
District of Columbia and afterwards
successfully Inaugurated at Galveston.
The new Iowa law provides, in brief,
for a mayor and four councllmen-at-large,
chosen at an election In which no
party designations are made on the bal
lot. These five officials are to exercise
all powers and dutiea now held by the
mayor, city council, Board of Public
Works, Tark commission, assessor, au
ditor, treasurer, engineer and other ad
ministrative and executive officers of
the city. The functions of the city gov
ernment are divided into five branches,
with one of the five officials at the bead
of each. Changes In the assignment
may be made at any time by a major
ity rote. All meetings of the council
must be open to the public and all mo
tions be made in writing. All fran
chise ordinances must be submitted to
a vote of the people. All ordinances
appropriating money must be on file
with the city clerk at least one week
before final passage. All city employes
are to be under civil service regula
tions. Itemized reports of expenses
shall be made monthly and copies fur
nished the dally papers and placed on
file in the public library. Any ordi
nance petitioned for by 5 per cent of
the voters must be passed by the couu
cil within thirty days or submitted to
a vote of the people. The question, of
adopting this plan of municipal gov
ernment, or the abandonment of It after
once adopted, may be decided by a vote
of the people of tho city, on petition of
10 per cent of the voters.
For the problem )t good city govern
ment the Iowa law Is the. most radical
plan offered for its solution. Many pro
visions of the measure will appeal
strongly to friends of good government
everywhere.' It goes tq the limit for an
absolute elimination of the party ma
chine in municipal affairs and for cen
tralization of both authority and re
sponsibility. ' 8uccess will depend
largely upon the wisdom of the voters
in drafting high grade officials for the
Initial operation Des Moines Is al
ready preparing to try the experiment,
and the result will be watched with
keenest interest everywhere. If the
plan works as well In practice aa It
appears In theory by eliminating many
of the causes of. present widespread
dissatisfaction with existing forms of
municipal government. It will furnish
an example for widespread Imitation.
Admiral and Mrs. Dewey" are moving
from the bouse that waa given to the
hero of Manila by the American peo
ple. Theyvhave lived in the place long
enough to satisfy the demands of pa
triotism and are going Into their own
home, which Is well located, roomy and
comfortable, three attractions absent
from the Rhode Island avenue house.
That changeling must still be occupy
ing Mayor "Jlm'g" office in the city
halL That Is self-evident from His
Honor's latest proclamation, declaring
a ninety-day embargo on unmuzzled
dogs. This proclamation reads as If It
were written by a Methodist preacher
Instead of by a broncho-busting rope
thrower.' - If it had been composed by
the real "Jim" it would have read
something like this:
Every do la entitled to have his day, but
he must not' be allowed to Interfere with
the game. Some of my pal have reported
several cases where a worthless cur hns
chewed up the cards and gotten away with
the chips. We won't stand for this sort of
work any longer. Another thing against
the dog Is that ha sometimes breeds fleaa.
Muasle up.
Incidentally it is whispered that dog
niuzr.les are for sale at the usual prices
at several places where Mayor "Jim"
Is held In high esteem.
A bill to lar members of the Omnha
Board of Fire and Police Commission
ers from becoming candidates for
other offices while serving In that
capacity has been ' killed on a state
ment by Senator Saunders that with
the prospective change in the per
sonnel -of the board It will not be
needed. The bill was drawn to pre
sent a repetition of such perversions of
the fire and police departments in the
irterest of political aspirations of police
loard members, as we have had several
times, and whether needed or not for
the next board, it would have bad a
salutary and-reassuring effect.
The first session of the federal court
since the enactment of the new Judlclnl
division law has Just been held at Nor
folk. No cases being on the docket for
trial there, the judge and court officers
merely went through the forms of open
lug and closing sufficient to furnish a
basis for charging up mileage and fees.
The Judicial division bill is duly vindi
cated, i
-' Aspirants for the republican presi
dential nomination all agree that Mr.
Roosevelt may participate in the pre
liminary canlpalgn If he wishes to do
so. The announcement will be appre
ciated by the president, who Is always
bashful about taking a hand in affairs
without first getting permission.
The press of the country is commend
ing the supreme court's decision pro
hibiting the use of the American flag
a an advertisement for a brewery.
However, the" history of American con-
quests In the Philippines and Porto Rico
shows that beer beats' the constitution
In following he flag.
President W'lnchel! of the Rock
Island railroad gays that there are COO
bills pending In fourteen state legisla
tures In which his company is inter
ested. Nebraska, then, must be below
its proper proportion.
Mr. Harriman says he would be per
fectly willing to sit beside the president
and give, him advice. It would be more
to the point if Mr. Harriman would be
willing to sit beside the president and
take advice.
Western bankers seem to have felt
the effects of the Wall street panic only
to the extent of being asked to loan
money at high rates of Interest to help
the high financiers out of the muddle.
Senator Rayner of Maryland 6ays the
"day of bosses with the democratic
party is over." The one alluring at
traction of the democratic party is that
every member of It is his own boss.
Conductor Paur of Pittsburg Is de
manding 15,000 salary for next year.
The conductors on the lines west of
Pittsburg want an increase, also, but
are more modest In their demands.
Cheer I pi
Washington Herald.
The railroad presidents should cheer up.
Only a short time now and everybody will
be abusing the umpires.
Plajtnar Old Favorites.
Washington Star.
The Orover Cleveland presidential chat
always comes along at the same time of
year when the flab story begins to loom up.
Fodder for All Xeeda.
Chicago News.
Never fear but that the breakfast food
manufacturers will rise to the occasion and
furnish the public with different brands
warranted to make a man mollycoddle or a
prlte fighter, according to the package ha
Abuse Makes Hearts Grow Fonder.
. Boston Transcript.
; It Is hinted that Secretary-Taft Is taking
long chances In leaving the United States
and permitting hla boom, to take care of It
self; but Mr. Bryan's boom waa much
largerwhlle he as out of the country than
It Is now.
Fornlahed tho Fuel.
' Baltimore American.
The president of the Santa, Fa railroad
charges the public hostility to the railroad
to President Roosevelt, and says that the
president started a brush fire that do
ve loped Into a conflagration. He neglects
to mention tha fact, though, that the rail
roads supplied the kindling.
g reo Mil Thooarhta Ar Beat.
Philadelphia Record.
Second thoughts are beat. Attorney Oen
eral Bonaparte has modified his sweep
ing opinion as to tha administration of
tha Immigration laws aa affecting stata
encouraged Immigration. Secretary' Tuft
haa set aside his draatlo application of the
eight-hour law aa affecting work on gov
ernment dredges. Tha captains, cooks,
deckhands, pilots and engineers may con
form their hours to their work. The eight
hour law will only apply to mechanics and
laborers. The taak of bending the indus
try and the polity of the republic to suit
the demands of the labor unions and the
natlvlm la full of uuforeseeo difficulties.
nipple the Cnrrel f t.lfe In the
Whatever may be the actual mental con
dition of Harry K. Thaw In ona rwi'l
he doea not differ from a multitude of peo
ple to whom a hint cf lunacy would be a
mortal Insult. Thaw's bump of supersti
tion la well dnvHoped. A ci tTonitent of
the Pittsburg Dispatch relates that when
a crank from Chloago wrote to him that
he would be freed on BU Patrick's day he
looked forward to March 17 with much anx
iety only to ba doomed to disappointment.
Another writer advised Thaw (o carry hla
gray ulster every time he entered the court
room because tho garment was a talisman
and would bring good luck. That the pris
oner followed the advice of the writer there
Is no doubt, because, the other day, when
the temperature reached SO In the court
room he left the Tomb carrying the heavy
overcoat under his arm. Another man ad
vised Thaw by letter to allow his hair to
grow until the Jiwy had rendered a verdict.
Perhnpa that Is the reason hie long, dark
brown" hair needs trimming and Is so un
kempt. Prisoners, nftor they have been con
fined In the Tombs, or any other prison, for
that patter, for a length of time naturally
growl superstitious. Thaw, however, devel
oped that fnlllng years ago and, it Is sold,
often visited phrenologists and clairvoyants
and frequently heeded their advice. Dur
ing his Incarceration In the city prison a
number of fortune-tellers and spiritualists
have endeavored to secure an audience
with him. Thnw carries a rabbit's foot In
his vest pocket every time he enters the
court room. This waa sent him from Vir
ginia by a pickaninny who wrote that It
ved a negro from the gallows.
Six New York and Brooklyn breweries
have been consolidated with a stock and
bond capitalization of $19,600,000, of which
tl7.2TiO.000 will be Issued. The assets of
all the companies 8a computed by ac
countnnta are a little under IS.OOO.OCa The
profits of the companies lsst year were
almost $1.000,i0. But profits of .over 12 per
cent do not look good except to the man
who Is getting them and It Is thought
more modest to make the capital larger
and tho dividends smaller. B!x per cent
on the bonds to be Issued would take
$4f5,OP0 of the profits and leave $590,000 on
the basis of la-i year's business for divi
dends on $10,500,000 of shares. The net
profit per barrel of beer, after charging
of all expenses, bad debts, cost of manage
ment, salurles and depreciation, waa 92
cents In 1904, $1.03 In 1906 and $1.06 last
James Rellly, tho village blacksmith, was
recently elected president of North Pel
ham, a Manhattan suburb, after a pictur
esque campaign as an Independent. He had
been Ignored ' by both parties, In aplte of
the fact that his administration had been
the most economical In tne history of the
village. Bo he decided to run again for
vindication, and between shoeing horses
and setting carriage Urea he succeeded in
calling enough citizens Into his shop to
algn a petition enabling him to get his
name" on the official ballot. When ques
tioned as to the emblem he desired to run
under, the blacksmith said: "The old anvil
has always been good enough for me. 1
guess Jt la good enough now." Accord
ingly "James Rellly, blacksmith. Indepen
dent candidate for president," was printed
under the anvil. Both republicans and dem
ocrats thought they had htm beaten this
time, but - when the votes cam to be
counted Rellly had a majority of thirty-five.
On election morning aa the commuters,
eager to catch their trains for New York,
rushed up to the polling place to cast
their ballots, they were met by the black
smith, who said to eaoh one: "I want you
to think of Jim Rellly, and If a bird's eye
view of his administration doean't aatlsfy
you that he Is entitled to re-election, I
ask ' you to vote against him.'
Twenty Idola from the Congo district of
Africa, where a few months ago they were
worahlped by savages, are part of a col
lection of curiosities just presented to the
American Museum of Natural History by
three trustees of the institution. The col
lection, which embraces 1,100 specimens,
was obtained from Richard Douglas, who
returned recently from Africa, and la the
largest of Its kind In America. It is espe
cially valuable, as It ahowa many similari
ties between the Industrial art of African
tribes on the one aide and that of the
North American Indiana and the ancient
Mexican on the other. The Congo collec
tion of war knives, clubs and spears and
war shields alone forms a notable ethno
logical exhibit
Three boys were convicted in th court
of general sessions the other day for rob
bery. On of them was an alumnus of the
Elm Ira reformatory. In announcing the
verdict the foreman said that tha Jurors
recommended extreme mercy for the El
mira graduate. The judge thought a mis
take had been made and asked tha fore
man about It.
"No," said the foreman, "the jurors feel
that the boy was led to commit this rob
bery by- the two othera."
The judge had the boy arraigned.
"Did your companions lead you Into com
mitting this robbery?" he asked.
"Not on your life," said the boy.
Everybody laughed. Including most of the
Juror a ' Two Of them looked very sheep
ish, and It turned out that they were the
ones who insisted pn the recommendation
with the verdict, otherwise they would not
have voted for conviction.
Judge Roaalaky of general sessions, who
rose to the bench from the streets of the
East Side, where ha sold newspapers and
Incidentally learned the waya of all Eaat
eiders, good and bad, and who, since he
became Judge, has been very severe with
criminals convicted In his court, was robbed
recently. Burglars entered hi home, at
64 Rlvlngton street, and took $600 worth
of Jewelry.
Men who have a mania for playing nlckel-In-the-alot
machlnea ahould buy a money
saving clock recently invented by a New
York man. In order to wind It, th owner
must drop In a nickel. If h keeps the
clock going, he roust save at leaat X cents
a week. The Slot machine fiend might
carry the Idea further by providing a slot
attachment on the front door which would
compel him to drop a .quarter every time
he cam home after 11 o'clock at night.
Th Railway Millennium.
Chicago Chronicle.
Mr. Browne, first vice president of th
New York Central railway. Is credited
with having aald that th whole duty of
railways and of th people I comprised In
securing frank publicity and openness in
all transaction by either railways or peo
ple which may affect th other and the
maintenance of absolute equality in rate
and all business between them, with spe
cial privileges to none. This appear to
be Impeccable aa doctrine and It only re
mains to translate It Into practice to bring
promise of a kind of railway millennium.
Tempter aad Tempted. i
Portland Oregonlan.
Which la worse morally, th briber or
th man whom he bribea? Waa Kve more
guilty than Satan? Th common judgment
of mankind always haa boen that th guilt
of th tempter exceeds that of the victim
whom he beguile and rulna. Ruef la
black enough, but th corporation mag
nates who used him aa a mere Instrument
to disseminate corruption ar so much
blacker that be look Ilk driven amw be
side the. in.
Temperament Fnrtor In th l ire
of Orent Men.
Washington Post.
Ian Maclaren cite Beaconsfleld and
Oladstnn aa example to show that men
devoid of a sense of humor succeed In
political life more frequently than those
blessed with that attribute. We mt
so certain that the career of the rivals
he mentions are conclusive of the ques
tion. Disraeli was a very succeessful man.
At his birth the race to which he belonged
was disfranchised In England, despised;
but he became the leader of British aristoc
racy, was more than once prime minister
of the rniplr. perhaps the hlrhcst clvlo
station fh the world, and at the close of
the Congress' of Berlin, he wa the first
personality then In existence. And all this
despite of the fact that he had the most
biting wit of hi generation. Gladstone
was th greater orator, Beaconsfleld th
greater man; Gladstone Was the better
man, - Beaconsfleld the more capable states
man. Marlborough and Peterborough would
erve much better to illustrate the Idea
Ian Maclaren advances. One was always
grave, the other always gay. Marlborough
sought nothing but the promotion of his
own fortunes; Peterborough's only ambi
tion was to astonish the world. It Is
likely that Peterborough would have gained
Blenheim; It la only possible that Marl
borough would have taker! Barcelona.
Pitt and Sheridan ar two example one
the gravest statesman, and the other the
wittiest, of a great generation. Pitt
reached th pinnacle of success; Sheridan
quaffed the lees of failure, disappointment,
debt, and penury, and yet Sheridan was
the more Intellectual man of the two, with
Infinitely the more brilliant genius.
Thomas B. Reed and William McKlnley
were two other examples. Reed saw the
ridiculous In everything; McKlnley saw
It In nothing. Reed could have found a
joke in a broomstick, like Swift; a surgi
cal operation could not have Injected a
Joke Into the serious mind of McKlnley.
Though Reod was by far the greater man.
he failed to reach the presidency.- which
hunted McKlnley up and billeted Itself
upon him.
Proctor Knott had no superior as a
Jurist In any congress of which h waa
a member. Hla speech on the fourteenth
amendment waa one of the most powerful
constitutional arguments ever delivered In
a deliberative body, and extorted from
Jeremiah 8. Black extravagant encomluma,
but who recalla It? Whereas his Duluth
speech waa read with shouts of delight In
London, In Paris, In Rome, In Contantlno
ple, in Calcutta,' and whereever the Eng
lish tongue or translation of It has pene
trated. Government Is a fetich, and was before
Roman augurs laughed In one another'
facea aa they met in the street
Your solemn ass Is made for govern
ment, as a rule.
Colonel O. O. Munaon, a state senator of
Wlaconsln, la also Governor Davidson's
private secretary. He has not drawn a
dollar of hla pay aa senator, returning the
whole amount to the treasury.
It seems that a careful Investigation of
conditions at the Chicago aubtreasury has
officially convinced the government that
that $173,000 la missing. But that doean't
appear to help the situation much.
According to a dispatch from Reading,
Penn., to the Philadelphia Record, the
"Ladlea Auxiliary of Modern Woodmen,"
in session at the Berks county metropolis,
"consumed a mil of aauaage." Thl per
formance deserves consideration as an en.
durance test.
At the sixth annual contest of the Inter
national Oratorical association of Illinois,
Miguel Nlcdaeo, who represented the Stata
Normal school at Bloomington, was given
first prlxe. He will represent th normal
schools of Illinois, at the annual Interstate
contest to be held next May' at Emporia,
Fanny J. Crosby, the blind hymn writer,
celebrated her 87th blrthuay on Sunday in
Bridgeport, Conn Miss Crosby received
many presents and congratulatory mes
sage from all parts of the country. She
says that the way to keep young is to be
cheerful, keep working and love mankind.
She declare that she does not feel much
above 40 and that she has not missed her
dinner In a year.
Justice James Fitzgerald, who Is now
presiding over the Thaw trial In New York,
is one of the Irishmen who, with none of
the advantages of birth, have forced them
selves, by hard work and shrewdness, to
places of honor and responsibility. He ha
accomplished many reform In the contract
labor system of the New York state prison,
and was responsible for the establishment
of the state labor bureau, which collects
and publishes statistic with regard to the
industrial conditions of New York. ,
Expense of Government.
San Francisco Chronicle.
The coat of government comes high In
this country. If all th money collected In
the form of taxes is assumed to be used
for that purpose, Americans In 1902 paid
$1,T09.136,WO to have their affairs managed
for them. It la a vast sum and It ex
penditure should bring better results than
it does.
Th greatest ever made. Cut out this advertisement and bring It to our
tore, or aend It to us, by mall, together with $10 and we will send to your
home at one our handsome "Cramer" Piano, worth $260, for U0, with nn
stool and scarf. Try it 30 day in your home, hav your friends try It and
if at the end of $0 day you ar not atlsfled. that it is a better Piano than
you can get elsewhere for $260, you can return it to u and we will glv
you back your money. If you find after trying it 30 day It 1 th Piano you
want, you then can pay u $6 more and continue to pay $ monthly until th
VERY SPECIAL PRICE that w make you on this beautiful Instrument is
paid in full. W extend thl offer to all reader of thl paper, no matter
whether you llv In Omaha or a hundred mile away. AU w want to
know la that you will deal fairly with us, aa w shall deal honestly and
fairly with you. Don't fall to call or write at once. If you don't aend th
110 almply aay "Send me your plan of selling Pianos" and Catalogue Will
he aent to you at once. free, postpaid. If our great Introduction offer of our
new style Cramer Piano 1 not plain to you, a acatch of your pen will get it.
on a postal card or letter.
A. HdSpO CO. l515 Douglas St.
m on- raici fxajio xoun VATiaa $ro coantxsaioxa.
Spring Announcement 1907
We ara now displaying a most
Complete line of foreign novelties tor
spring and summer wear..
Your early Id spec tion Is invited,
as it will afford an opportunity of
choosing from a large number of ex
clusive styles.
We Import In "Single suit
length," and a suit cannot be dupli
cated. An order placed now may be de
livered at your convenience.
auno basis op inorKiTV.
Million for Distribution In Qaarterly
Minneapolis Journal. '
Following the big decline In stocks that
hava carried prices down successively day
after day, cornea the statement of th
April dividend disbursements of the great
railroad and industrhi! corporations. Th
total will exceed $SO.ono,onO and will break
all records for a similar period.
Here Is a thing to look at with satis
faction. We have seen price of stock
decline heavily and have heard of Immense
losses Incurred. But these wer losses '
of the profits represented by th selling;
prices In a high market. On the basis of
what they produce stocks ar worth today
more than they were a year ago. In April,
th total In dividends was $A,iO,000.
Th Increase will be close to' $13,600,000.
That much more money will go out to
holders of stocks than went out to th
same holdeis a year ago.
The Industrials will Increase their divi
dend payments by about $5,500,000, tha rail
ways by $7,600,000 and the street rail- ,
way by $370,000. These figures ar ap
proximate and will be slightly modified
when reports In detail ar all In.
Thl does not look as If there were any
real suffering among the holders of stocks.
It Is a good thing to remember at this tlm.
Th true measure of the value of a security
Is What It produce, rather than what It
may be selling for In a speculative market, '
On that basis of measurement prosperity
and not recession would appear to b in
dicated by the figure.
"You'd consider Booior a well preserved
man of 80, wouldn't you?"
"Preserved? He' pickled I" Chicago Tri
bune. j Stella Have they family plate?
' Jack No, but they hav a cousin who
once touched th home plate. New York
Sun. ...
He It always make ma 'feel sad wbaa
I play the piano.
Bhe Ah. In ympathy with your aud
yence, I suppose. Philadelphia Inquirer.
"But Georgle, you promised you'd b a
good boy."
"Well, you see. mamma, I was Just tryln
to :naka true what you told Aunt Matilda."
"What did I tell Aunt Matilda?"
"You told her I waa a promlsln' child."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"You got a raise In pay, didn't you?"
"Yes, but It didn't do m any good." 1
"Why not?"
"I talk In my sleep, and my wife found
out about It." Cleveland Leader.
"I'm quit positive," aald Mis Lovelorn,
"that he love me a great deal"
"How do you know?" demanded Miss
"O! I can tell by hla sigh whenever"
"Now, don't fool yourself. You can't
gauge the depth of a man's love by IU
Igha." Phlladelph -ss.
"I only writ win e spirit move m,
remarked the attic poet.
"But suppose the spirit doesn't move you
for a long time," suggested th worshiper
at the shrine of genius "
' In that caae the landlady doe," replied
the poet sadly. Philadelphia Record.
"Yea, ma'am," th oonviot waa saying)
"I'm here Jlst for tryln' to flatter a rich,
"The idea!" exclaimed hi prison visitor.
"Yea, ma'am. I Jlst tried to Imitate his
signature on a check." Philadelphia Pre.
"I ahnuld think monarch had very
gloomy lives."
"Why so?"
"Because when they start In, it Is with
a hall all around, followed by a reign." '
Baltimore American.
Confidential Friend Didn't the Idea eve
occur to you that you ought to use a part
of your wealth in endowing a school fog
journalism? Wealthy Politician (with exceeding bit
terness) No! The idea has occurred to tn
a thousand times that I'd Ilk to endow a
school for the suppression of JournaJiaral
Chicago Tribune. ' , . '',
AlfTIClPATIOH. . ......
Houston Post.
Ah, Easter day.
How we pine for you
And the drop-stltch nose
And the peek-a-boo,
And the bonnet, too.
That our wives will wear.
And the homely, plain.
And scanty far
That will be for u
Till we've paid for that
Entrancing, lovely,
Be-blossomed hat. '
Ah, well for men
That they take no car
Of the thing they eat
Or the thing they weart
If they did give thought
To the things they use
There would be no
Beautiful peek-a-bon.
If they gave a thought
To themselves or clothed
There would be no
Teaay drop-stltch hose.
There would be no bonnetg
To shade the eye
Of the wives and maidens
Wo love and prlxe.
No baby ribbon
In ahoulder bows,
Hats, peek-a-boos,
Or dainty hoae;
How aweet! How grand I
How aweet again
la the fine unaulflahneaa
Of menl
The mala bird has
The gaudy coat.
The sweetest song
Trill from his throat;
Male animals ar
Fairer far,
'TIs a known fact,
Than the female are;
Men turn all
Nature' waya askew,
Oh, womanhood,
To be good to you.
Piano Offer
317 South 15th St