Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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?ix More V?itnen i limbed in fan Tnn
c'nco r fhon f eindal.
III Members of Dor 8t Oae
itkaonl4 Aereptlnaj Bribes
Detvrller Located Sear
BAN FRANCISCO, March .-No Indict
ments were returned today for graft or
bribery by the grand Jury, and only six
witnesses were examined: A. B. Cass,
president of the Home Telephone company
vt Ixs Angelas, who wm subjected to
further Inquiries an to the account of that
corporation and the fund it tK.V, said to
hava been sent to San Frr.nclsco by certain i
It Its officers for use In bribing the super-
vlaora to grant the Home company the
competitive telephone franchise In this city,
which was finally awarded, after, aa
claimed by the prosecution, approximately
175,000 In bribes had been paid to lhe super
visors by the rival tympany to Insure their
Voting against the award; J. N. Martin of
the Adams-Phllllps company of Ia An
geles, who with J. S. Torrence, It la said,
brought to San Francisco In an automobile
the $100,000 which. It Is alleged, was
paid by the Home Telephone company
for Its franchise, to the city and
175,000 to the relief fund. George BeanBton
of the bookkeeping department of the Pa
clflo States Telephone company, . who waa
further questioned as to his familiarity
with the accounts of that corporation
Insofar as they were affected by the
bribes alleged to have been paid. John
A. Mallon, atatlstlclan of the Pacific
State Telephone company: J. 8. Torrence
of Ijoa Angeles, one of the brokers who
handled the bonds and securities of the
Home company of that city and, Percy C.
Morgan of the California Mine Producers
flnoclatlcm, who waa a member of tha exec
utive committee of the Pacific States com
pany at the time of the supervisorial bribes
are alleged t : have! been paid.
When ' questioned ' at the ' close of the
grand Jury session aa to testimony ad
duoed. AssMant District Attorney Heney
said that subpoenas to appear before the
grand Jury. on Baturday were served today
on officials of the Western Bank and the
The Plan!" bAind theSuit'
-4 1
I 'HERE'S no need of being
A""alarrned about the delivery
of your Easter suit it's
ready. Get it today or tomorrow
at your clotheg dealer. It's a
great convenience, this ready-to-put-on
clothes service and it has
taken good many years to per
fect it We' ve been at it 42 years
and we've not only perfected pat
terns for Schwab Clothes so most
men can be perfectly fitted on
moment's notice, but by the enor
mous business we've established
we are enabled to give you ex
cellent grades of garments at
$10 to $2&
You'll find Scbwab Clothes ea
sale at gaea clothing dealers
everywhere. Co to the scaler
that advertises Schwab's 13
Special our original hand-rnsde
suits wild the retail price "on
the sleeve " and you'll nave no
09icullv ia gettinf properly fit
ted fur Easter. Write (or our
tew booklet. "Ths Plant Be
lund the Suit. li s Free. It
t.'la all about our nodal tailor
ing plant.
Look for this Trade-mark i
"It's Oo The Sleeve "
Schwab Clothing Co.
Makers of Honest Clothes
Cnlted States National Bank of this city.
He would not say to what they would be
expected 10 testify.
'We hope, he said, "to clean up both
the Pacific states and Home bribery mat
ters on Saturday and turn to ths Inveetlga
tlon of othor felonies next week."
lie added that all five members of the
Pacific States Telephone company execu
tive board hare been subpoenaed to comeJ
before the Inquisitorial body.
erenteea Sepervlaora rosiest.
Supervisors Charles Boxton, M. W.
Coffey, D. O.. Coleman, Sam tavla, J.
J. Furey, J. U Gallagher, C. 3. Harrlgan,
J. F. Kelly, T. F. Lonergan. Max Mam
lock, P. M. Oiishln, F. P. Nicholas, J. J.
Phillips. U. A. Hea, W. W. Sanderson. B.
I. Walsh and A. M. Wilson seventeen of
the total eighteen comprising the Super
visors' board. It la sald? have confessed to
the grand Jury what' they know about
bribes. It Is also said that the only
supervisor who has not confessed in ex
change for promise of Immunity Is George
F. Duffy. Indictments charging Vice
President Lsmls Glass of the Pacific States
Telephone company with bribery of nine
of the supervisors In the sum of 18,000 each
already have been returned, and ths state
ment may be authoritatively made that the
grand Jury la now prepared to Indict Glass
for the bribery, also of Supervisors Duffy,
Furey and Sanderson.
Detwiler la Located.
Detective Burns, who, with Assistant
District Attorney Heney has worked up
practically all of the evidence In the graft
bribery Investigation, stated tonight that
Abraham K. DetWIler, whoot the grand
Jury has Indicted on thirteen counts for
bribery of administration officials In behalf
of the Horns Telephone company, Is neither
In the east nor In the west, but Is secreted
within a few miles of Toledo, conferring
with friends as to the advisability of giving
himself up.
"My men know where Detwiler la." said
Burns, "and are prepared to produce him
aa soon as the prosecution Is ready to at
tend to his case. That will not be for a
week or ten days, I think. In the mean
time there Is no chance for the Indicted
man to get away If he should desire to
do so."
Superior Judge Lawter today Immediately
after tha arraignment of Glass on the nine
bribery counts returned agalnat him. Is
sued thirteen fresh bench warrants for the
arrest Of Detwiler and fixed bail at $10,000 on
each of them, a total required sum of
$1SO,000. When the warrants were handed
to the sheriff Judge Lawter said: "The
sheriff will Invoke the aid of the police
department for the apprehension of defend
ant," and he continued the thirteen cases
to April 4, for arraignment, the day set
for Glass to plead.
Secret Box In Schmlta Home.
Abraham Ruef was todey removed from
his prison chamber In the fashionable St.
Francis hotel to the residence formerly
owned and occupied by Mayor Schmlts.
A somewhat sensational Incident In con
nection with this former home of Schmitt's
came to light today through an announce
ment by Burns that while minutely ex
amining the premises for possible loop
holes of escape, he found, by turning back
the carpet In the chamber once occupied
by the mayor as his bedroom, a secret plush
lined chest, fitted securely with a lock.
The roof of the recess was a section of ths
floor and upon prying this up the plush
lined box was disclosed, set in between two
sills of the floor.
"It was about ZH by t feet and nearly one
foot deep," said Bums, "and probably
was used to conceal valuable or papers of
a secret nature. It was empty."
Tho grand Jury adjourned until Baturday
House Founded by Austin Corbln,
I'pable to Sleet Demands,
Closes Doors.
NEW TORK. March H.-The Corbln
Banking company today assigned for the
benefit of creditors to George C. Austin.
The two members of the company are
George 8. Edgell and Austin Corbln. Mr.
Edgell Is president and Mr. Corbln vies
president of the Manhattan Beach hotel
and Land company.
At the office of the company this state
ment was given out:
The Corbln Banklno- enmnanv la a Arm
of private bankers consisting of George 8.
rgeii ana Austin coroin. The assets ex
ceed the liabilities by over I1.0f0.000. The
principal assets consist of valuable real es
tate, which could not be sold, except at a
sacrlflce. In time to meet maturing obliga
tions. The members of the Arm deemed It
best for the creditors, therefore, that they
should make an assignment. Ths creditors
will undoubtedly be paid In full.
Ths -Corbln Banking company waa estab
lished by tha late AuBtln Corbln, sr., who
was for many years the controlling Influ
ence In the Long island Railroad company.
A petition praying that Austin Corbln and
George 8. Edgell be declared bankrupts was
filed In the United States court today.
Ths petitioners are Isabella H. Knott of
Denver, Alice Hill of Los Angeles and
Alexander J. Shamburg of New York, de
positors In the bank. Their petition Is based
on ths ground that ths making of an as
signment was In violation of the bank
ruptcy act.
Five Million Feet of Logs Lost When
lee Goes Ont of Mississippi
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. March S8.-Pully
five million feet of logs hava been lost as
a result of last night's rise In the Missis
sippi river, according to estimates made to
day. Ice broke above tha boom of the Min
neapolis boom company and aent thousands
of logs racing down the river. The water
rose rapidly, flooding some of ths houses
along ths stream.
Father of Kldaapad Boy Will
1,000 la Gold for Hla
DOVllR, Del., March . Dr. Marvin,
father of Horace Marvin, aged 4 years,
who has been missing from his home near
here for more than two weeks, today da
poalted $1.0u0 In gold with tha cashier of
a local bank, which will be paid for ths
return of the boy.
First Game Is Tomorrow.
Pa Kourke'a new team of Western league
stars will be in action for the first time
totrorrow afternoon at Vinton Street park,
when It meets the 1jee-G!ass-Andrescn
Originals, the champion seail-profesalonala
of Omaha. The men on both trams are
preparing for a victory. Pas men have
Uten working out all week and are rojidlng
to. They will be new to each other to
morrow and If the amateurs should vet tha
Ksme no feelings will be hurt, but Pa doea
noi iniena iney snail get It. ibese same
teams wtil also play bunday.
each day will be called at 1.30.
In rorrplete form la:
1'i.Un. fry First
White Second
Austin. Graham... Third
The lineup
..E. Clair
... Mullln
. Mlnlkus
.. Lawler
Thomi son
gaednrs ,
.. Plich
... C&se
.... Robin
... Gibson
. E. flair
.... Scully
... Adama
. Williams
Oasts risers in Pesos After ExoiUtoent
Ctst ths Distinguished Event
All Bat Tbree Members at tbs
Roarbe Family Are Sew Hera
Ready for tbat New
Peannat. .
"Autrey has arrived, Autrey has ar
Omaha slept In peace last night, but It
was peace purchased at a dear price the
price of long, patient waiting and of lung
power seldom ever expended In a city of
equal slxe.
"Autrey has arrived."
On every lip, In every ear was that sen
tentious proclamation fraught with such
tremendous significance. . Mayor Jim's dog
musxls edict wasn't a circumstance. The
town rung and reverberated. "Autrey has
arrived," shouted the . leather-lunged
newsboy. "Autrey has arrived," yelled
the office boy; . "Autrey has ar
rived," exclaimed the man of affairs and
the demure miss gently passed It on,
kept up until It sounded like one vast
choir chanting some sacred line "Autrey
has arrived."
But the solemnity and the sonorousness
of the occasion was broken In a Farnam
street car when a rotund form rolled into
ths pack of excited passengers worming and
squirming for a place to set a foot on the
way home. 1
"Autrey has arrived," blatted out a wide-
mouthed fan, reaching his neck half-way
along the car to Impart this precious In
formation to a friend. The rotund man
was standing between them.
"Who the h Is Autrey? Is he the
president of the United StatesT What's
the matter, has this whols d town gone
crasyT I've heard nothing for .the last
half hour but this confounded yelp about
'Autrey has arrived.' What's It all about?
What If he has arrived, who cares? Don't
drive a man crasy with your Infernal
Not another word was said about Mr.
Autrey In that ear. But down at Pa
Rourke's Smoke House In ths evening
many words were said. There was Autrey
the long-legged fielder who had walked
from Mexico City to Omaha In ten days,
defied sentinels, crossed dead lines, run
the gauntlet of International collectors and
the gamut of human experience In order
to be here for the first game Saturday.
It was one of the events of the year,
the arrival of Autrey. The Tennesseean
was In good form, showing no effects of
his long Journey save a few stone bruises
on his feet. He says they will soon dla
"I'll be out at the park tomorrow after
noon," he said, "and there when the gong
lings Saturday, I am In good form and
feel like a 2-year-old." ..
This makes Fas family nearly com
plete. Only War Sanders, Bender and
Belden are yet to come. They will be In In
a few days. " ,
Pa Enthused Over His Team.
St. Louis Thompson arrived Wednesday
and Immediately Jumped into the harness
to condition himself for the championship
race which Is soon to start at Vinton street
park. While he has. had little work this
spring, he Is In fine form. Thompson
pitched some good ball for the St. Louis
Nationals last year, winning a fair propor
tion of his games, when it Is considered
he had a tall-end team to back him up. '
Buck Franck arrived Tuesday night and
when he had had a confab with Pa, who
told him to take complete charge of the
work of the men, he knew he was to be
full captain of the team and that It was
up to him to get some work out of tha
new men.
Going to the park Wednesday morning,
Franck took charge of the players and
put them through their stunts with a vim
which showed the skilled Italian touch of
a born leader. He Is a hard worker him
self and believes In the men working hard.
"Walt till the fans get a good look at
that new Infield," aald Pa to a bunch at
the Smoke House. "There la nothing to it.
They are certainly tha goods. Nsyer has
Omaha had three such speedy men for
short, second and third as Franckf White
and Auatln. Each has a whip that Is a
corker and all are faat on their feet. They
will cover the territory as it has never
been covered before."
Pa Is right, for this new trio has Jumped
light Into the game and whan the fans see
them In action Saturday and Sunday they
ill decide the same way for themselves.
Without making the task too hard for
Austin, the fans will have a chance to
compare his work with that of Perrlng,
and It Is said by some who have watched
50 years
we have been
Good old
in the same old way,
at the same old place.
It is the same pure
whiskey with the 8ame
fine distinct flavor it
has had each year
"Since 1857"
tottled lit Bond
A. Cnckethtlmer ft Bros.
"Sine 1837"
. DUmiars mierga,ra. 4
the practice that Perrlng will soon be for
gotten. But It Is not necessary to mini
mise the wonderful work of Ferrlng In or
der to do Justice to ths new man. It's
simply this: If Austin beats Perrlng he
beats ons of ths fastest and most promis
ing men In the country. And the fans will
not complain If he only equals Perrlng.
The other flay down In Ht. Louis, BamV'W
Mertea and Ulllv Abstain picked a couple
of teams and played a game of ball. 1 he
line-up shows Hill Schlpke, second bnse
and leading off at the hat for the Ahstelne
and Frank Genins, second base and leading
off for the Mertes. Both rJoliipue ami
Oenlns live In 8t. Ixuls and had not yet
left home for their Summer's work. Bchlpko,
It is supposed, will be with Ies Moines
again and it is not known where Frank
will go, probably back to Hutchinson.
"I seriously doubt the report that George
Hsckenschmldt bus decided to come ovtr tne
waters and meet Frank Ooteh," says Jimmy
Parr, the Kngllsh champion wrestler, who
meets Farmer Burns at the Auditorium
Friday night. "I have not Been U"tch for a
couple of months and cannot, therefore,
speak authoritatively, but It Is my Im
pression the report is unfounded. I do not
believe Hack Is confident enough of him
self to be willing to go against tJotch Just
now. Sometime ago he was quoted as Buy
ing he had not learned enough about the
toe hold to meet Gotch and he could not
have learned a groat deal since.
"Speaking of that toe or foot hold, I
think that Is the greatest of all holds."
"Yes," put In Cy Perkins, "if a fellow
gets the foot and a hammerlock on you,
you might as well quit."
"A perfect foot hold is fatal without the
hammerlock." said Parr.
Parr thinks a good deal of Oscar Wasem
es a candidate for the top-notch wrestling
"He's a mighty clever fellow, I think,"
says Parr. "He Is young, strong, active
and resourceful and is bound to come."
Asked his opinion of Prof. Dwyer, the
White House trainer whom Fred Beel re
cently threw at Denver,' he said:
"He's a good, man; Just about such a
man as Wasem at present. He and Wasem
ought to make a swift match."
Wasem s victory over big Duncan Mc
Millan at Lincoln strengthens faith In the
St. Louis boy.
Parr la putting In good licks for his match
Friday night. He Is working out with
various ones at Morgan's. Thursday even
ing Pete Loch went on the mat with hlra
and stayed seven minutes..'
"He's as swift as a cyclone," said Pete.
Farmer Burns Is expected In today. He
was looked for yesterday. Interest Is at the
white heat point over the contest.
Some people say base ball Is not profit
able and that a ball player never saves a
cent. Consider these facts below and then
consider they could be enlarged on to a
vast extent:
Frank Chance, a professional for only
about nine seasons, owns 110,000 of stock In
the Chicago Nationals, practically will con
trol ths Los Angeles team this year, owns
real estate In Chicago and at his home,
Fresno, Cal., and Is Just now 30 years of
Roger Connor has houses and lots In
Waterbury that put- him In the $100,000
class without the feast doubt.
John M. Ward has recently purchased a
fine home on Long Island, has a trout pre
serve and other convenlenceB that only a
fortune of $76,000 can allow of. Mr. Ward
also has an extensive law practice that
brings him In a lucrative Income.
John J. McGraw has a fortune of at least
$100,000. McGraw makes a success at any
thing he undertakes.
Dan Brouthers, although he has left
Wapplnger Falls for ths metropolis, is
worth close on to $50,000.
Danny Richardson has the biggest dry
goods store In the Bouthern tier of coun
ties In New York state, and six figures will
about name his wealth.
Jim White has a livery stable In Buffalo
and a farm of 100 acres, and Jim does not
have to worry about a hard winter. Jim
is worth $54,000 If a cent.
Frank Bowerman owns pretty near all of
northern Michigan In epots-nd $5,000
about figures his bank roll.
Chesbro has several farms In the Berk
shires, and Griffith owns a Montana ranch.
Their wealth cannot be far away from the
$50,000 mark for each.
And as for Willie Keeler, ne Is the capi
talist of the eastern district. Wee Willie
Is worth $100,000 If be Is worth a cent.
Hanlon Is another old player who can
reach the six-figure combination when he
cuts coupons.
joe Kelley is another lucky ball player.
but Joe "filled In" tight in having a rich
Jim McOulre owns about all of Albion,
Mich., besides flour mills. . hotels and dogs
galore. Jim is worth $50,000.
l ap Anson is city clerk or rjnieago, ana
Ansa can dig up $25,000 without any trouble.
rvsnoieon jajoie annum not ie obliged to
eat snowballs, and Tuck Turner, although
not long In the business, together with John
Anderson, Has yet to apend tha nrst dollar
he has made In base ball.
John Tenney Is president of a bank In
Pennsylvania, grand treasurer of the Be
nevolent Protective Order of Kike. Its
next exalted ruler and a man of affairs.
Charley Comlskey can write out a check
for $100,000. and Charley Jones can sign his
for $50,000 If one la not looking.
There are plenty of tha younger genera
tion of players who have bank accounts,
brick houses and such, and with a few
more years wtll doubtless' be able to show
up some of the millionaire old-timers.
Boston Base Ball Player Commits
Saleida by Poison at West Badea.
WEST BADEN, Ind.. March 18 Charles
8. 8tahl, known In base ball circles aa
V ,11V 1. V.V.I1, 1,11,1- V, Bull 1C iuu n J I
his rooms at the West Baden Springs hotel
by srallowing rour ounces of carbolic acid.
He was dead when found. No cause Is
Btahl was captain of the American base
ball team of Huston and formerly lived at
Fort Wayne, Ind. Manager Taylor has
abandoned the spring practice game of the
Stahl, near the close of last aeason, sue.
ceeded 'his friend. James Collins, as man.
ager and captain of the team and had been
?lven tne combined position permanently
or the aeason. He resigned as manager
Tuesday last, saying the duties of center
fielder, captain and manager were toe
arduous. .
In Chicago yesterday Prealderh Tavlnp
of the club was quoted as denying the
rumor that Collins will succeed Btahl i
captain and manager. ,
Brass Battoas of Doe Baa, Mo., Wla
Five-Women Team Prise.
ST. LOUIS. March 28. The comnetitlon
for women under the euaplces of the Amer
ican Bowling congress took Dlaoe tonivht
on tha alleya of the Crescent link. Five-
women teams and individuals were the onlv
classes for which entries were received.
The Brass Buttons of Dos Run, Mo., with
score of 1.2, won the team chamDlon-
ship. Following are the scores of the other
teams :
Olympias, Bt. Louis 1.195
Visitors. Kl. Louis z.074
South Bides, Bt. Louis t,on
Union Bodas. St. Louis 1,947
The Individuals were divided Into two
squads. Following are tha scores made by
the first:
Mrs. Q. H. Btrathman, Bt Louis 62
Mrs. Bloom, St. Iuls 471
Mrs. Marshall,' Bt. Louis 412
Mrs. Anderson, Bt. I-oul 42S
Mrs. J. B. Oraves, Dos Run, Mo 418
Mrs. Kaufmann, Bt. Louis 411
Omaha Maa Makes Game Fight, bat Is
WILBFR. Neb.. March . (Bpeclal V-
Sports of Wllber and surrounding towns
witnessed a last ngni oeiween jars uun
leavy of Boston and Fred Blazek of
Omaha. Dunleavy scored his third knock
out In tne opening of the eighth round.
The men were evenly matched as to weight,
but Blasek s blows seemed to lack force
when he landed, (which was seldom. Dun
leavv forced the fighting from the start
and sept Blasek on the defense meat of tha
time. 1 ne main eveni was preceaea ry
two preliminaries, a four-round gi be
tween Harry 8tout and Dan Morford, both
of De Witt, and a six-round exhibition be
tween Kid Y anger ana lommy Campbell,
both of Omaha.
Maaaarer Takes Team from Field
Beeaasa Kirk ia Mot Allowed.
NBW ORLEANS, March 38. The game
between the New York Nationals and Phil
adelphia Americans here today was de
clared forfeited to Philadelphia at the end
of the first half of the first Inning. New
York was at bat, with two out, men on
sttcond and third and no runs. Manager
Mrliraw claimed I'ltcher flan of Phila
delphia balked, but Umpire Zlmmer of the
Southern league refused to allow the balk.
A wrangle followed, during which Catcher
Bresnahan of New York waa escorted from
the field by the police and McOraw waa
ordered bv the umpire to leave the field.
The New York manager tuck bis team
with him and lorreiteo tne game.
Frask Oslsolats Daele.
NEWARK. N. J.. March S -In the 128
aeund class of the championship wrestling
tuesUug of the Amateur AlhlsUo union
to the Pacific Coast
Other excursions coming
In June and July.
Full particulars on request.
here tonight, Edgar A. Frank of the
Multnomah Athletic club, Portland, Ore.,
waa outpointed in the six minutes allowed
by the rules by George 8. Deele of the
Yale Wrestling dub of New Haven. Frank
Vance of the Seattle Athletic club, Seattle,
Wash., waa thrown Id forty-seven seconds
by Fred Cooke of Newark in the 13J-pound
Team Mar Be Picked Next Week for
State College.
AMES, Ial. March 2.i-(Bpeclal.) Base
ball work at the Iowa State college la
progreaalng very finely this favorable
weather, and If tha boya all remain at
the college and train during the oomlng
Ave days vacation as they now intend to
they will be In the best of trim for the
games that are coming In a short time
after the vacation closes. The team has
not yet been picked, but will be selected
the nrst or second day after the Baater
vacation, a fact which tends to Induce all
of the men to stay at the college and
train consistently during this short re
cess. It is said that Coach Williams will
have ths men doing steady work twice a
day and have them all lined up fur their
varloua positions by tho time the vaca
tion ends. In case this plan la followed
there will be little chance for the fel
lows that do not remain and train to get a
position on the team, and ao It Is thought
that all will report for duty dally.
Coach Williams called a meeting the
other night and stated during a talk to
the fellows that the squad that would
begin the games for the college would
probably be picked April 1. The usual
talk of probable candidates Is being put
up, but as yet nothing definite can he
aald. In selecting a pitcher there are
about seven men to choose from and few
would he willing to risk a guess aa to
who will be the lucky men. About fifty
men are out all told and the positions will
all be decided after very sharp rivalry.
A fact that glvea the base ball enthua).
asts about Ames very great confidence
In the ability at the team that la chosen
to defend the diamond record of Che
school. The first games will be with
league teams, both the Marshalltown and
Cedar Rapids leaguea having been secured
for games.
The Onlmods took a spurt last night and
won three straight games from the Ha.mll
tons. Forseutt was high man for both
high game and total, with 24 and 6ft. To
night's teams are the O. D. Ka, and Dresn
ers. Scores:
1. 1 1 Total.
Rempke ..
Uggett ..
NIcoII ....
Fruah ....
155 17
........ JM6
820 834 2,601
Tracy ....
Jleaton ...
90S tilt 177
Ob the Metropolitan
alleys laer night
the Falstaffs redeemed their past reputa
tion by getting two out of three games
from the strong Colt team. Voas, Drink
water and Dudley 'did the heavy work for
the Colta, while Berger and La Vlgne had
to rull the Falstaffs to Victory. Tjnlght.
El Caudlllos vs. Omaha Bicycles. Buore:
1 I Total.
164 l'fi 43
17 170 M
211 lmi ' 6.M
2j0 I'D . M
21 lal 663
m 141 L6J7
1 I." Total.
En 236 ft4
11 1K 4M!
161 1M 464
1N0 164 4Mi
19) U , .17
fcfl 86 'l,W
Perger ...
Klauck ...
Edaeltn ...
a Vlgne
Sevea Prtaeaera Bseape.
BOTTH M-ALESTm. I. T . March
Seven prisoners overpowered thrlr guards
and escaped, from the United Slates
bars touy. wus lua.u was rwspiurwit.
AVOID vulgarity expressed in "loud"
clothing. Alfred Benjamin & Co. mako
clothes only for men of good taste
distinctive in character but never over-stcn-
: il. ! n
jmig uiu iimus oi
correct form.
The merchant in
this citv who sells
clothing bearing the Alfred Benjamin & Co.
label sells tho very' best clothing tho most
skilled tailormcn can produce.
Correct Clothes for Mem
To California via Portland! x
Same tickets as next above, bearing additional privilege of going
via Portland In one direction. Wider choice of routes.
To California
Los Angeles and San Francisco. Round-trip, first-class, sola
April 15 to May 18, also sold June 8 to 15. at same rate, Stop
overs at any Rock Island point. Choice of routes.
To North Pacific Coast:
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver. One-way tick
ets sold dally until April 80. The Rock Island offers choice of
several routes.
To California Points:
Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, etc. One-way tickets
sold dally until April 30. Oool In tourist sleepers on pnvraent
of berth rate.
7 Excursions
Great Northern Railway Not Comptllsd to
Vaks Frevisos Chbwinc
Aet Cater Wbleh Salt Was Broeght
Declared to Be la Vlelatloa
of Tersss of State
ST. PAUL, Maroh 18. The state supreme
court upheld the Great Northern railroad
In Its contention that It had the right to
Issue the 160,000,000 of stock authorised by
the board of directors some months ago
and which was enjoined by Attorney Gen
eral Young, who Claimed that the oora
pany should first come before the state
railroad and warehouse ' commission and
submit to an examination to show the
necessity and the purpose of the Issue.
This contention of the state was upheld
by Judge Hallam la the Ramsay county
district court, who ordered an Injunction
to Issue. The supreme court today reverses
that decision.
The opinion of the court waa unanimous.
Chief Justice Start delivered the opinion
of the oourt, the syllabus of which Is as
The terms and conditions upon which cor
porations may be created, the powers and
capital stock they may have, the purposes
for which they may Increase the capital
stock and ths conditions and limitations of
these are exclusively matters for lt-glala-Uve
action, which cannot be delegated.
The stats having created railway corpo
rations for publlo purposes, the legislature
has ths right to enact statutes regulating
the lrior.aa. of their capital stock. Such
regulations tend to prevent secrecy of
operation and accounts by such publlo
agencies and the lasu. and sale of fictitious
or watered stock, which Is a felony In this
In the exercise of this right the legisla
ture may enact a statute providing gener
ally for what purposes and upon what
terms, conditions and limitations an In
crease of stock may be made and confer
upon a commission the duty of supervising
any proposed Increase.
It may also delegate to the commission
the duty of finding the facts In each par
ticular case and authorise and require It,
If It finds the existence of facta that bring
the case within ths statute, to allow the
proposed Increase; otherwlee to refuse It.
Any statute, however, which attempts to
authorise the commission, In its Judgment,
to allow an Increase of capital stock for
such purposes and on such terms as It may
deem advisable or In Its discretion to re
fuse it, would be unconstitutional aa an
attempt to delegate legislative power
i powi
a ting
rjecuon zee, ri,
8., 1. rel
to In
crease or capital stock of railway corpo-
raiioua, aoea not violate article 1, section
I of tha state constitution, or article L
section 10 of the constitution of ths United
States, which forbid ths enactment of any
law Impairing ths obligation of contracts.
It does, however, violate section 1, article
111 of ths state constitution. In that It dele
gates to the commission legislative power.
The order of the county court Is, there
fore, reversed.
Hill Expected Reaslt. .
NBW TORK, March 18. "The decision of
the Minnesota court waa no more thaa we
expected." said J. J. Hill, when Informed
that the supreme oourt had upheld the
Great Northern stock issue. "For fifteen
years we have been doing the same thing,
with never any serious opposition from the
authorities of that state."
The four deferred payments en Install
ments on new Oreat Northern stock win
amount to 134,000,000 by April I next. Aa the
payment of so large a sum at this time
might create some disturbance In the
money mark.t, It Is believed that stock
holders who may And It Inconvenient to
pay the full Installments will be treated
an extension of time. '
Agent Here.
Clothing Co.
Douglas St.
JT. T, 9. A
Rock Island Lines.
1393 Varum at, Omaha, Web.
SXe WoJei
Adding Machine
Is the latest, most modern,
ip-hxuu AadiDg od .
Listing Machine on the
market. It must be seen
to be appreciated. -
Correspondence Solicited.
Trial Examination Free.
A. L. McCreary
Nebraska Agent,
I'. O, DOX 391. lilAUOli.
uet-ti by
Harness, Saddles,
and Suit Cases
Food for IE
ens servoos
mw unu in wir Dower is
work asd youthful vtgoe
sons as a result at a--..
work or mental ss.rtlon should last'
take you eat and sleep and be a saaa agela
Sherman & McCortnell Druj Co
, lata and Dodge Btau Omaha. Iteav
Tbo Twentieth Century Farmer
Bmmt Versa Paper Ssfcaerlte Hew.'
L Boiling I
i Powder J
asaa pnmpllas with th. Pur.
good Lww at wmi Btaaa. . a
T1 "