The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 241. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1907-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. 1- I 1) A i i (7 ,1 1 If ) n ST'llKE IS IMMINENT Condnoton and Trainmen B eject Offer to Arbitrate Diipito. ANOTHER ULTIMATUM TO RAILROADS Unit Hake Ttrmi with Men or Walkout Vill Follow. F.RcMiN ALSO ASKING FOR RAISE Tbeir Negotiation for an AiTaice Further Complicates Situation. KNPP AND NEILl ARE, COMING Chairman of Interstate Commerce tommlinloa and Labor (omnili sloner Will Try to Effect Settlement. CHICAGO. March 2S. The controversy over a wage scale between the general mu agers of the western railroads and (heir employe In the train service cannot be arbitrated. The only way in which a trlke can be averted la for the officials of the roads to make terms with the men. This Is the ultimatum Issued by the repre sentative of the two unions Involved In the difficulty after a meeting tonight to consider the action of the railroads In ask ing the federal government to try to bring about a settlement by mediation, . along the lines provided by the Erdmann act. The arbitration move of the general managers was considered at considerable length by the union representatives, but the proposi tion was Anally rejected and a resolution passed refusing to arbitrate the wage scala question. Firemen Also Make Demands. The general managers tonight admitted for the nrat time that the situation was grave. The crisis was Intensified by tha fact that no compromise had been effected with th representatives of the 1R.0UO loco motive firemen, who are here negotiating for higher wages and an eight-hour day. Another conference was held today between the General Managers' association and a committee representing the firemen., but nothing In the way of a settlement was ac complished. . Secretary Blason Thompson of the General Managers' association said tonight: Wa are waiting to see what the govern ment will do. We do not expect to hear di rectly In answer to our request that the whole difficulty should be arbitrated along the lines euggeateci in me uamnnn act. ifved'reTe'.'ve'wT.Prfroln 'hiVtlTuSl the eovernment has been asked to take hand In the matter that they will look at the matter In a different light and will be willing to submit the question to arbitra tion. Wt are not looking for trouble, but we heva made all the concessions we can afford under the present conditions and the sooner the men become reconciled to this the better It wKl be for averyone con cerned. Knapp and Nelll Comlag. : WASHINGTON, March 28. Chairman ' Martin A. Knapp of tha Interstate Com merce commission and Charles F. Nelll, commissioner of labor, will leave hers to morrow noon for Chicago, where they will hold a conference with representatives of conductora and trainmen and officials of western railroads entering Chicago in re gard to tha dispute over the question of wages which threatens to result in a dis astrous strike unless a satisfactory adjust ment la effected, , Chairman Kna'ppp said tonight that tha visit of" himself and Mr. Weill will bo In the direction of mediation and conciliation. The request for these efforts at mediation and conciliation cams from the railroads. "it tbsrefora beoomes our duty under the law," said Chairman Knapp, "to put our selves in communication with the parties and endeavor to bring about a settlement. If we fall In that effort, then It la our duty to endeavor to Induce the parties to enter Into an arbitration." Statement by Mr. Morrlssey. When informed tonight that Chairman Knapp of the Interstate Commerce com mission and Charles P. Nelll. commissioner of labor, were coming to Chicago to en deavor to effect a settlement of tha trouble, P. H. Morrlssey, grand master of tha Brotherhood of (Railway Trainmen, said: Tha committee representing the men will hear and consider suggestions from gov ernmental sources, still, action will not be delayed unreasonably awaiting their Inter vention. We are not unmindful of the pub He's right In the matter and we are not going to do anything hastily. One thing is certain, however, and that is the men will Dot accept the last proposition of the gen eral managers. If the government officials lrfTV n P VVmlca prevail upon tne railway omcnua to our nemanas everyming win d ilmlcably adjusted, out unless this is done a strike. I don't see what can prevent PROMOTION OF IXDl'STRIAL PEACE Trnatees of Fand Fonnded by Roose velt Meet and Oraaalse. WASHINGTON. March 28.-Five of the seven trustees of the Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Peace authorised by recent act of congress to take over and administer tha W0.000 Nobel peace prise awarded to President Roosevelt, and which forms the nucleus of a fund, the Income from which Is to be used In bringing to gther In Washington representatives of capital and labor with a view to arriving at a better understanding between em ployers and employee, met today and per fected a permanent organisation,. Those present were Secretaries Straus and Wilson, former Mayor Seth Low of New York, and Thomas O. Iush of Utrmlngham. Ala., rep resenting the general public, and Marvin Hughltt, president of the Chicago & North western, representing capital'. The ab sentees were Chief J u mice Fuller and John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America. Chief Justice Fullr was elected president. Beth Low treasurer and John Mitchell secretary. . Those selected to be members of "the Industrial peace committee" of nine, re - quired by tha act. are as follows: On tha part of the public. Archbishop Ire - land. Maroua N. Marks of New York anA JKslph M. Rasley of New York; on the part of tha employers, E. H. Gary, chairman finance committee United States Steel cor poration; Lucius Tuttle. president Boston 4k Maine railroad, and J. Ounby Jordan of Columbus, Oa.; on the part of the em ployes. Samuel Gompers, president of tho American Federation of Labor; Danlof Keefe, president of the Longshoremen's asaodatkia, and Warren 8. Stone, president International Brotherhood of Loconkotlre Engineers. Tboir duty Is to receive from the trus tee tha Income derived from' tha fund and s It In furtherance of tha purposes ot the organltatloti; ti arrange fur annual xxiferonoes in WciVntton of rapreaonta ttvea of capital and labor; to receive sug gnstloaa for the subjects t be dismissed at suob. oocferexioaa and arrange for the aVMutluiMd on oood Paaaj SUMMARY OF THE BEE Friday, March SO, lftOT. 1907 tun oa ' 3 4 10 II March 1907 rm sat rue wis I 5 6 8 12 13 M I? ,ssN 17 18 19 20 21 H, 25 26 27 2k aiO THE WSATEIB. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Fair in West, rain In east portion Friday and cooler. Saturday fair. FORECAST FOR IOWA Rain Friday; Saturday fair. 'temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. ieg. Hour. Deg 6 a, m 42 1 p. m 60 a. m.. 2 p. m 7 a. m 8 a. rn 9 a, m 10 a. m U 44 4 63 63 8 p. m.... 4 p. m.... 5 p. m.... 6 p. m.... 7 p. m.... 8 p. in.... p. m.... 11 a. m. 12 m 61 x.soxsx.atxye. Nebraska legislators do a good day's work In redeeming pledges. Governor signs terminal tax bill; anti-pass bill Is passed and goes to the governor; house recommends pure food bill for passage after amending It to meet the objections of retailers; senate puts In a good day trimming appropriations sent over from the house, cutting off over quarter of a million dollars. Page 1 Robert Cowell will resign as railroad commissioner and Governor Sheldon will appoint Representative Henry T. Clarke, Jr., of Omaha to the vacancy thus created on the board. This action was determined on at Lincoln yesterday. 'age 1 kTSBlAIXA. Former County Judge Hender of Saline county Is sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for embezzlement of $3.3.15 from estate of Hermit Smith. He will appeal. Page 3 DOMESTIC. Secretary Garfield denies request of governor of Wyoming that order for re moval of Illegal fences be suspended dur ing campaign to eradicate scab. All fences must be down by April 1. Page 1 Twenty-six persons killed and hundred Injured In wreck on Southern Pacific near Colton, Cal. Fags 1 Conductors and trainmen reject offer of general managers to arbitrate wage controversy and again threaten to strike. Chairman Knapp and Labor Commis sioner Nelll will start for Chicago today to try to effect a settlement. Page 1 Harry K. Thaw was questioned for two ' h" mbr ' commission. xii atiiorneyi axe pie&aeu wun Biiowing he made. Tag's a Fan Francisco grand Jury examines six more witnesses In connection with tele phone scandal. Seventeen of the eigh teen members of the Board of Super visors confess receiving bribes under promise of Immunity. Fags 4 The Chicago city campaign la warm and tha street car companies offer higher wagea to men If certain ordinances are passed. 'atre X H. H. Schwarti of Sioux Falls wtTl have charge of special attorneys In land cases. Page 1 WASXXVOTOV. Omaha's 190S population la 124,167; Lin coln. 48,212; South Omaha, 88,766, ac cording to census office estimates. Omaha has gained five places In rank of largest cities since 1900. Page 1 PIsTAJf CXAXi. Minnesota supreme court decides the Northern Pacific can Increase Ha capital stock without permission of State Rail way commission. Page 4 Grain markets. Fags t Live stock marketa. Page Stocks and bonds. . Paga , Z.OOAX. The Park board orders the city en gineer to draw plans and make blue prints of the tract around Cut-Off lake for tha proposed park. Pair 8 Law may be Invoked to determine tha legality of the action of Mayor Dahlman lh ordering dogs muaxled after April I. Paga T Travelers' Protecttce association flying squadron, consisting of President Thad H. Howe of Chicago and other national offioera, visits Omaha on Its crusade for upbuilding the membership of the order. Page t Business Men's association gets after tha master plumbers for not hiring the plumbers Imported by the association to take the place of union plumbers locked out. Recruits who arrived after the set tlement threaten damage suits. Paga 6 Stinging blow to Oslerlsm Is dealt In the criminal division of the district court when throe men over 70 years of age are selected for Jury service. Page Wall street paper says the Burlington's gross earnings this year should be 180, 000,000 or mora, and that they are mora expansive than earnings of any other granger road, Paga T POBT. Jack Dunleavy of Boston knocks out Fred Blasek of Omaha In eighth round at Wllber, Neb. Page 4 Autrey arrives, making the Rourke fam ily nearly complete. Only Bender, Belden and Saunders are yet to come. First game Is played tomorrow. Pago 4 FIVE YEARS F0R BIG CANAL Congressmen Scott of Kansas Fore . sees 44 air It Work oa the Panama Waterway. KANSAS CITT, March S3. Repreaentatlve ! Charles K. Scott of lola, Kan., one of the party of congressmen recently returned from trlD to th atona. ald here last )nlgnt: I "The PPl oa the hmus believe that itha pnraa canal can nd w finished ,n bout flv ye4r" U' P'auslble. I don't : say that the work will be done within that length of time, but at tha rate the digging Is being carried on now I believe It will not take a longer time than five year a" JENNIE BURCH FOUND INSANE New York Girl Wat Killed Infant la Her, Charge Will Bo S. to Mattowan. CARMEL. N. T.. March S.-The grand Jury found Jennie Burch not guilty on ac count' of being Insane. It Is believed that this verdict will result In her committal U the Mattewan asylum for criminally Insane. Jennie lliirch, who Is but U years of age, was tried for the murder by pol sonlcg of a child named Wlnship. It was shown Mlu Buroh was sufforlng Horn a mental nutUif Which duUed hr undar t Uudlna. IWESTC-S1X DEAD IN WRECK Fait Train on Fonthern Pacific Snni Iato Open Switch at Col ton, CaL r'i . 'NDRED PERSONS ARE INJURED of Victim Are Itallaa- Bond ? '0, B" '-" Twi Americans Among; tha Killed. COLTON, Cal., March 28. A disastrous wreck on the Southern Pacific occurred one and one-half miles east of this town shortly after 4 o'clock this afternoon when west bound train No. 9, from New Orleans for San Francisco, ran Into an open switch while going at the rate of forty miles an hour and ten of the fourteen coaches were derailed with frightful results. Twenty-six persona are known to have been killed and the final lint will total much higher than this number. The Injured numbered about 100, many of whom are seriously Injured and will die. The wrecked coaches were hurled In every direction. Four of them were smashed Into splinters. Most of the dead were Ital ians from New York and New Orleans going to San Francisco. They occupied the smoker and day coachoa. Bodies Badly ' Mangled. The dead were terribly mangled. Thir teen of them were taken to an undertaking establishment at Colton by 8 o'clock and eight additional bodies could be aeen under neath one of the overturned and demolished cars. This car could not be raised until a derrick was brought from Los Angeles, sixty miles away. The injured were carried to this city in vehlclre of all sorts and the Colton hos pital was quickly filled to Its capacity. Many were then taken to the Presbyterian church and to private residence In the vicinity. But two Americans are known to have been killed, although several of those among the Injured will undoubtedly die within the next few hours. George L. Sharp of Munice, Ind., was Instantly killed. The baggageman of the train whose name had not been ascertained waa also killed. Engineer Clarence E. Warmlngton and Fireinan Victor Crebb both Jumped, but failed to ."el clear and were caught In tha wreckage, ,'hey were both terribly burned and scaldeo Tohn Qoldera, the train con ductor, was n the Pullman section of the train and ewaptd Injury. Out of about eighty Pullman passengers there were buv. two who sustained serious Injury. The three Piillman coaches and the diner, which wre on tho rear of the train, did not leave the track. "The occupants of these cars were practically unharmed. The Florence Roberts Theatrical company oc cupied one coach which waa hurled from the track and both ends of It cnurhed In by Impact against the other cars. But two members of Miss Roberta' company out of a total of twenty-two people, were Injured. Miss. Roberta herself escaped en tirely unhurt 1 . Fireman Lenves Switch Open. The derailment of tha train waa caused by tha crew of a switch angina lekvlng a switch open at this poin. It is' said that the angina panned through the . switch a few minutes before the Overland appeared. A switchman named Morrison waa in the yards. After the' switch angina had passed onto another track the engineer asked tha fireman If he had rethrown the awltch. The fireman recalled that ha had neglected to do so, and the engineer whistled fran tically for Morrison to close It The signal waa not given in time, aa Morrison did not reach tha switch before tha Overland had plunged through and been derailed. Tha train, which was due In Los An geles at 7:80, waa nearly twelve hours be hind time. At the time of the disaster It was running at a high rate of speed in an attempt to make up time. There waa absolutely no warning of the Impend ing catastrophe. The engineer saw the signal of the open awltch when but a few rods distant from It and had no time to sound even a whistle of warning, much leea to reverse the engine or set the brakes. He called to his fireman to Jump, and they both leaped from the engine. Tha engine left tha track, turned over on its side and plowed a great distance along the' right of way. Tare Conches Teleseoned. The broken wreckage of the day coaches and smoker, filled with the bodies of the dead and Injured, were hurled all about Helpless passengers Imprisoned In the wreckage called frantically for help. By a miracle the train waa not set on fire. Three of tha passengers who had escaped set at once about the work of rescue. Dosena were pulled and lifted from the wreckage and laid beside the track until vehicles arrived to convey them to tha hospitals. The Italians in the day coach and smoker met a horrible fata. Wholly without warn ing the Impact came, and tha three for ward cars ware completely telescoped and hurled to one aide. Tha helpless passen gers were terribly torn and cut to pieces. Death came to a score of them Instantly. Many were dismembered and Impaled upon plecea of tha wrecked cara. Tha Southern Pacific headquarters In Los Angeles waa notified Immediately after the wreck, but it was som time before the relief train left for Colton. In the mean time assistance had coma from San Bernardino and Riverside, a few miles away. Scenery and Pro n riles Lost. NEW YORK. March 28 The Florence Roberts Theatrical company of twenty per sons waa aboard the Southern Pacific train wrecked near Colton, CaL, today. None w- Injured or at least not seriously, but tha sceitery and properties carried were de stroyed. The company, which Is touring tha west, left Phoenix. Aria.,. yesterday for San Fran cisco where an engagement was to have been opened Monday. SCHWARTZ TO HAVE CHARGE i nth Dakota Mas la Head ( Special Attoraeys la Land Cases. DENVER, Maroh a.-Judge M. C. B'lrke, special ottsUtant attorney In charge ot tha prosecution of the coal, timber and land frauda, now located In Denver, today re ceived a telegram from Secretary ot tha In terior Garflnid oonflrminc the appointment of H. H, BchwarU of bioux Falls. 8. I., ons of tha special assistants to the attorney general, located al Helena, Mont, to ba chief ot division P of tha general land office. Division P oompriaes all tha special agents of tha goneral land office, operating In the western publlo land stale and territories and Includes practically tha entire field forces of the general land office. It Is be lieved that this entire special sorvica faros is to be Uoroughi 'WJaraaizad GOVERNMENT J?ESTS ITS CASE niasrer Hermann Will Pearla His Defense Monday Proieratlta Oeeaple4 lerts Wreki. WASHINGTON. March S8.-The case of the government against Blnger Hermann for destroying public records was practi cally closed today with the seventh, week of the trial. The defense will open Mon day. Irvln Rlttenhaus, a land office clerk de tailed to aid the government attorneys In land fraud cases, testified. In his official capacity, he was In Portland, Ore., In 1904. While at dinner In a restaurant with Chris Muller, also a government employe, he testified, Blnger Hermann laid a hand on the head of each, expressed pleasure and surprise at seeing them In "his native state," and then proceeded to question them closely, first as to what waa done with the waste paper thrown away In the office of the commissioner and then whether Rlttenhaus had retained the note books In which he had on several oc casions taken the notations of the de fendant Rlttenhaus testified he told Her mann he kept all his note books, and Mul ler told him the waste paper was sold un der contra ot and was carried away every week or two. Mr. Hermann was particu larly anxious, according to the witness, to ascertain from Muller what had been done with the pages whloh had been torn from his letter books and thrown Into tha waste basket. John W. Rowland, chief clerk In tha sur veyor general's office In Portland, told of making maps of the Blue Mountain dis trict for the--Mays-Jones-Smith combina tion. The mHps were ordered In the pres ence of Mr. Hermann In the office of the surveyor general In Portland, In 1901. In 1902, Mays accused Rowland of "giving the Blue Mountain snap away," but objection by tie defense prevented the witness from giving any further details of thla conversation. TOO EARLY FOR INTERVENTION t'nlted states and Mexico Decide Not to Intervene In Central America AfTmlrs Now. WASHINGTON, March 28. The moment has not yet arrived when America and Mexico can intervene to stop the spread of war In Central America. This waa the decision arrived at aa the result of a con ference between Secretary Root and Am bassador Creel at the state department to day. The secretary alHo had the benefit of the advice received by the diplomatic rep resentatives of the Central American states from their Own governments. The absence of definite Information from the seat of trouble Is embarrasMng to the officials who are deslrlous of bringing about peace. It is feared the collapse of the Bonilla government In Honduras and the conse quent installation of the provisional gov ernment In accord with that ot Nicaragua will result in a combined attack by them upon other Central American republics. The apprehension of such a movement has greatly alarmed all of tha other states. It la said that there la no 'disposition on the part ot this government to take tha part of policeman toward those sister .republics, but It would . welcome any proper oppor tunity to restore peace. Tha State department received a dispatch from United States Minister Merry at Costa Rica, Nicaragua, reporting that Amapala, Honduras, In being bombarded. Amapala la the chief Hondurajt port on the Pacific aide and President Bonilla of Honduras Is reported to have fled to that port, which waa formerly one ot his strongholds. Some time ago It waa reported Nicaragua haul aent a gunboat to storm Amapala. Several of the Central American minis ters received dispatches today concerning the new Honduran provisional government. Aa yet affairs are in charge of a Junta composed of General Maximo Rosaiee, A. Bustillo and Miguel Davlla. Mr. Bustlllo Is a prominent lawyer and Mr. Davlla la a wealthy planter and business man. BUTTE MINERS' AGREEMENT SlIdlnaT Scnle, Bnaed on Price Copper, Is Accepted by Men. of BUTTEX Mont., March 28. By a large majority the Butta Miners' union accepts the agreement made by Its executive com mittee and the operating companies of Butte. The vote waa taken yesterday, but the count was not completed until today. The new sliding scale provides for $4 per day when electrolytic copper Is above 18 cents per pound, and $3.60 per day when It Is below that figure. Shaft men will re ceive 84.50 or 84 per day, according to grade. The agreement Is for five years. ' The smelter men of Butte will vote today on a similar sliding scale proposition and the smelter men of Great Falls will vote tomorrow. PROBE FOR S0ME SALOONS Illinois Legislature Will Investigate Conditions at Hlfhwood Before Acting' on Bills. SPRINGFIELD, 111., March 28. After a heated discussion tha lower house of the legislature adopted a resolution directing a special committee to Investigate the so called "dives" in the village of High wood, adjoining Fort Sheridan. The cause of the discussion was a favor, able report on a bill wiping out all saloons In tha village and of a batch of communi cations from residents for and against the proposed measure. The secretary of war recently appealed to the Illinois authorities for suppression of saloons adjoining the Fort Sheridan reservation. FOREIGNERS 'UNDER SUSPICION Men Discharged by the Pennsylvania Rallmad Company May Have Canard Wreekt, PITTSBURG. March 28.-everal Italians who live near tha line of the Pennsylvania railroad between Stewart and Wllmerdlng are said to ba under suspicion ot knowing something about the two recent wrecks of fast trains near those points. A number of foreigners who worked on the railroad as section hands were dis charged a few weeka ago. It is reported that they showed much anger when told of their dismissal and that threats were made, although the section foreman thought nothing ot thla at the tima Moatgomery Street Ctrs Stop. MONTGOMERY, Ala.. March tS -On ac count of a strike, the traction company has given up efforts to operate street cars. The strike began yesterday afternoon and of 160 men employed as motormen and conductors only seveu remain with the company. Efforts made by tha mayor to have the differences settled by a board of arbitra tion, failed, tha general manager declaring his company would "stand pat." It is an nounced that ninety atriks breakers from J NEBRASKA CITIES CROWING Estimated Population in 1906 fhowi Sic Gain Since Census. GREATER OMAHA N EARING COVETED MARK Omaha, Lincoln and doath Omaha Each Show Greater Ratio of Increase Than .few York, Chicago or St. Lonls. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 28.-8pecial Tele gram.) Omaha now ranks thirtieth among the cltlea of the United States In popula tion, as compared with Its position of thirty-fifth In 1900. This Is based on a special bulletin Issued today from the census office, which gives the population of the United mates as 98,- 182,240, Inclusive of Alaska and the Insular possessions. The estimated population for Continental United States for 1908 Is 83,941, 610. This la an Increase for th year of 1,3B7,S15 and alnce 1900 of 7,96,935. Computed on the basis of this estimate the density of population of Continental United States In 1906 was 18 persons per square mile, aa compared with 26 persons In 1900. If the density of population were equal to that of Rhode Island we should have 1.3R8,113,140 Inhabitants, which la al most equal to the population of the world at the present tima Twenty to Forty Per Ceat Bla-a-er. According to the figures Just made publlo the 1906 population of the three largest cities of Nebraska, compared with the pop ulation or the WOO census, Is estimated aa follows: 1M ITO. Increase. 102,566 21 Omaha 1J4.1OT Lincoln 48,233 South Omaha S8,7ii5 40,169 2i 26.001 41 The estimated population of Omaha shows an Increase of 8.803 over 1906. South Omaha shows an increase of 1,794 over 19. Lin coln shows an increase of 1,858 over 1906. The Increase since the federal census of 1900 In Omaha's population has been 2t,S12. The five leading cities and their estimated population are as follows: . . , 1906. i9no. Increase. New York 4.113,046 3.437,202 19 H!ff. LV 1.049,185 1.698.675 20 Philadelphia 1,441,735 l,2!3,fi!7 11 St. Louis 649.820 575,238 13 Brtn 602,278 660,892 7 Flnrnres by States. The report presents the population re turns for 1906 of the fourteen states mak ing an Interdecennlal enumeration, to gether with the estimate of population of these states for 1904 and 1906 and of the re maining states and territories for 1904, 1906 and 1906. The states taking a census In 1906 are Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Massachu setts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York. North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming. In 'Michigan the census Is taken In the years ending with a "4." The population returns for these states was 26,263,877, an Increase since 1900 of 1,901,672, or 7.8 per cent For the remaining states and , territories the population for 1906, aa determined by the method of estimating adopted by the bu reau of tha census, waa 66,283,060, an ln ; crease, over 1900 of 4.374,040, or 1.4 per cent The population of the fourteen statea mak ing an enumeration. It estimated In the same manner, would be 26.204,762, a differ ence ot only 0.2 per cent from the actual returns. Tha population of continental United States In 1905, as obtained by adding -to the returns of the states which took a cen sus In that year the estimated population of tha remaining states and territories. Is 82.676,193, an Increase over 1900 of t.579,620, or 8.7 per cent Rapid Growth of Cities. Tho rapid growth of urban population Is noteworthy. . The total estimated popula tion of Incorporated placea having 8,000 or more Inhabitants, exclusive of Ban Fran cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., Is 28,466,6?4 for 1906, an Increase over 1900 of 3,912,188, or 16.9 per cent while the estimated popu lation of the United States, exclusive of these cltlea, showed an Increase of 4,480,008, or only 8.8 per cent. Elghty-elght cities are given a popula tion of 60,000 or over, as compared with aeventy-elght In 1900. Of these Omaha ranks as thirtieth in place of thirty-fifth alx years ago, and Dea Molnea ranks fifty, fourth In place of sixtieth six years ago. Tha state ahowlng the greatest ratio of Increase In Incorporated towns Is North Dakota, which haa gained 68.6 per cent, the number of such placea having: increased from seventy-five to 124. In tha number of Incorporated placea of less than 1,000 In habitants Iowa leads, having 606. In comparing the Increase In population In places of 80.000 Inhabitants and upward in 1906, the highest percentages of Increase are In North Dakota and South Dakota. The elghty-etght cltlea, with an estimated population of 60,000 or over, had a total estimated population In 1906 of 19,771.167, an increase of' 2,766,863, or 16.S per cent over that reported at tha twelfth census. Standing; Rock Graslng Leases. Bids were opened at tha office of tha Indian commissioner today for graslng leases upon tha Standing Rock Indian res ervation, located In North and South Dakota, Involving the leasing of l,017,6tX acres of land. There are four pastures, numbered one to four, to be leased sub ject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The leases will run for five years, from June 1. 1907. Pasture No.' 1 contains 96,000 acres, and William H. Dye of Indianapolis bid 4V4 cents per acre for tha privilege of graslng on that tract Walter S. Parkina of Mlnden, N. D., also bid on pasture No. 1 t eents per acre. He also bid 3 cents per acre on pasture No. 4, and cents for three-fourths or half of pasture No. 4. Pasture No. 4 con tains 116,480 acres. Pasture No. 1 contains 660,080 acres, and Oscar J. Frances of Chicago bid t 4-10 cents per acre. Richard, C. Lake, also of Chicago, bid t 1-10 cents per acre on pasture No. 2. W. I. Walter, Council Bluffs, bid 4 cents per acre for the east half of pasture No. 3, which contains 316,000 acrea Mr. Walter I m.. m a .ur.mem.mtal hid In which h. ! a .. . - - ., , V tl CI ay v vvli i.ep saas sv. I w aw I""- aVr. 1, I A not awarded tha privilege of tha former pasture. Crelatlttoa Recognised as Law School. At a meeting of the executive commit tee of the Association of American Law Schools, held at Oeorge Washington uni versity In this city today, It waa decided to recommend for membership Crelghton university of Omaha Many other appli cations' from different law schools were considered, but this was the only appli cant to receive favorable action, and there la little doubt that tha association will accept the committee's recommenda tion at Its annual meeting In Portland, Me.. August 2a Aoecos Pound of Lincoln la at tha eThora- CLARKE TO SUCCEED COWELL Chanae to Re Made In Railroad Cem anlsalon by Reals-nation and Appointment. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 18. (Special Telegram.) Robert Cowell of Omaha, who was elected to the long term aa railroad commissioner last fall, has finally notified Governor Shel don of his Intention to resign. Mr. Cowell hsd a long conference with Governor Shel don today, during which he explained his position. Mr. Cowell cau not give his whole time to the work of the commission aa the law requires, and so declines the sen-Ice. Ills resignation will be mailed to the governor shortly. It Is understood that Hon. Henry T. Clarke, Jr.. of Omaha, the energetic mem ber of the Douglas county delegation In the house, will be appointed to the posi tion made vacant by Mr. Cowell's resigna tion. Mr. Clarke has been unusually active In his effort to secure the passage of all the bills promised by the republican plat form, and has taken an especial Interest In the terminal tax law, which has Just been signed by the governor. It Is fh recognition of his services In the redemp tion of platform pledges that he Is selected. His appointment good lawyers contend, will carry with It the entire term of four years, for which Mr. Cowell was elected. Mr. Clarke will resign from the legislature and enter at once upon the work of or ganisation of the commission as soon as his appointment Is announced.. The secretary of state today received from the officials at Des Moines a request for an Immediate copy of tha Nebraska terminal tax law. It la understood here that the Iowa authorities are becoming very much Interested In the legislation on the topic. CHICAGO CAMPAIGN WARM Republicans nnd Democrats Are Hold ing Many Meetings and Ex citement Is Hlsh. CHICAGO. March 28. The mayoralty campaign now on In this city has become one of the most Intense political contests that Chicago haa seen in recent years. Both the adherents of Mayor Dunne, who Is seeking re-election, and of Frederick A. Brusse, the republican candidate, have al lowed themselves In their enthusiasm to In dulge In bitter personalities and charges and countercharges have been made with great energy. Improved street car facilities throughout the city Is the main Issue. Both republicans and democrats are agreed that this la desirable, but there la a radical dlf. ference aa to the best means of obtaining the result. The democrats pin their faith to the doctrine of municipal ownership as advocated by Dunne and the republicans stand behind tha ordinance recently passed by the city council over the mayor's veto which declare In favor of Immediate Im provement of the street car systems, with the municipal ownership further In the background than la deemed desirable by Mayor Dunne and his following. , The fight ao far has been extremely warm and tha heat Is likely to Increase between now and election day, next Tuesday. Many meetings are being held. The management of the Chicago ' City Railway company today announced if the ordlnaces passed by' tha council are ap proved by the voters next Tuesday an In crease over the present rate of wagea of 4 centa per hour during the first six months of the employment of 1 per cent per hour during the second six months and S cents for all time thereafter would be granted by the company. PROCTOR KILLS HIMSELF Head of Bin Cincinnati Concern Dies of Self-Innlcted Ballet Woand. CINCINNATI. March 2S.-Wllllam A. Proctor, president of the Proctor 4V Gamble Co., and son of one of the firm's founders, died today from a bullet wound aelf-ln- tlicted at his home in Glendale, a suburb of this city. Corone" Cameron began an investigation of the circumstances of the shooting and In the meanlnne refused to make any state ment except to say that Mr. Proctor had died from a bullet wound. Mr. Proctor was widely known In business circles and waa a prominent laymen In the Protestant Epis copal church, to the Institutions of which he was a liberal giver. His wealth was estimated at many mil lions, most of which has. been made by himself. He was noted for the co-operative scheme for a division of profits with em ployes which he had designed for his com pany. LOCOMOTIVE JBOILER BURSTS Engineer Missing and Three Men In jured sa Lake . Shora Branch Llae. TOUNGSTOWN. O.. March 28.-A locomo tive attached, to an ore train on the Pitts burg. Youngstown Ashtabula road, a branch ot the Lake Shore line, exploded at Lockwood. thirty miles southeast of here, today. Tha engineer, H. E. Watson of Mahoninglown. Pa., cannot be found and It la thought that he waa blown to pieces. Fireman F. F. Bancroft of Ashtabula, Brakeman Cury of Mahonlngtown and a tramp were badly hurt When the engine boiler blew up tha loco motive and twelve cars of ore went down an embankment. The engine was demol ished. ELECTION FRAUD IN HELENA Eight Men Charged with Unlawful Practices at Republican Primaries. HELENA, Mont, March 28. Eight resi dents of Helena were arrested today charged with unlawful practices during the republican primaries Tuesday night it ba- lug alleged that three of them attempted w """"" meir iwu- luU tor cartaln aldermanlo candidates. ..Among tha Among tha eight are Patrick L. Duffy, a candidats for the legislature on tha demo cratic ticket last fall; Edward Jeslck and K. C. Hoffman, all well known cltlsens. TWO ANGL0-S6X0N CARDINALS Report that The Vk ill Bs t reated at Coaslstory to lis Held Lats la Year ROME, March 28 A most reliable author ity declared positively today that there Is no possibility of the creation of an Anglo Baxon cardinal at tha consistory to be held April 15, but that tha nomination of an American and an English cardinal at the conatstory to ba held tha end tha yaar lis almost certain TERMINAL BILL LAW Oorernor Siena Veasire Ccmpelllnc Bail road te Fat Taxes. ANTI-PASS BILL G0LS TO GOVERNOR House Tack i on Coma AmenimtnU in Whioh fenata Conoun. FAVORABLE REPORT ON PURE FOOD BILL House Cammittee Maket Soma Amandmaoti to Satisfy Merchant. SENATE STARTS PRUNING APPROPRIATIONS Over Quarter Million Already Lopped front the Measures Sent Over from the House aad Work to Go On. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 2t. (Special Telegram.) The house passed the senate anti-pass bill with amendmenta which were agreed to by the senate; passed one bill cutting down the commission to be charged for selling live stock; another for cutting down the price to be charged by the stock yards for feed stud; recommended the senate pure food bill for passage after amending It to suit the wholesale and retail merchants and the dairymen of the state, while the senate started in to keep the "economy" pledge In the platform by cutting a deep gash In ap propriations voted by the house. To cap a good day's work on platform measures the governor signed the terminal tax bill. The committee amendments to 8. F. M, the pure food bill, were adopted by tho house 'this afternoon practically without any discussion, the only break in the smooth running of the committee report being Cone's motion to Insert the word "net" In referring to the weight of packages to ba stamped on the outside. This, however, was voted down and the rest waa merely a matter of Klllen of Gage movlnaj to adopt committee amendmonta and taking tha vote. The amendments reported by the committee were to section 8, relating to tha misbranding of packages and another to Include the recommendations of tho dairymen-New Clnnae In Bill. Instead of section 8 as passed by the sen ate, upon the recommendation of the whole sale and many retail merchants the follow ing was inserted: Section 8. That the term 'mlsbranded," aa used herein, shall apply to all drugs, or articles of food, or articles which enter Into tha composition of food, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such articles, or the Ingredients or substances conts'-ied therein which shall be false or mlsleat'l-ig In any particular, and to any food or drug product which Is falsely branded aa to the stnte, territory, or country In which It ia mnnufactured or produced. That for the purpose of this act- an article shall .also ba deemed to be mis branded. In case of drugs: First. If it be an imitation of or offered for sale under the name ot another axUnlr. ' Second. 1f the contents of the package . as originally put up shall have been re moved, In whole or In part, and other contenta ahall have been placed In such package, or If the package fall to bear a statement on the labeli of the quantity or proportion of any alcohol, morphine, opium, cocaine, heroin, alpha or beta eucalne, chloroform, cannabis lndloa, chloral, hydrate or acetanllide, or any derivative or preparation of any auch sub stances contained therein. Provided, that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to apply to the com pounding of family or domestic recipes; the dispensing of prescriptions written by regularly licensed practicing physicians, . Veterinary surgeons and dentists and kept on file by the dispensing pharmacist, nor to such drugs aa are recognised In the United States pharmacopoeia, and whlcU are sold under the name by which they are so recognized. In the case of food: First. If it be an Imitation of or offered for sale under the distinctive name of an other article. Second. If It be labeled or branded ao as to decleve or mislead the purchaser, or purport to be a foreign product when not so, or If the contents of tha package aa originally put up shall have been removed In whole or In part and other contenta shall have been placed In such package, or if It fall to bear a statement on th label of the Quantity or proportion of any morphine, opium, cncalne, heroin, alpha or beta eucalne, chloroform, cannabla In dlca, chloral hydrate, or acetanllide, or any derivative or preparation of any auch aub stances contained therein. No Short Wright. Third. If In package form, and the con tents are , stated In terms of weight or measure, they are not plainly and cor rectly stated on the outside of the pack age. Fourth. If the package containing It or Its label shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding the Ingredients or tha substances contained therein, which state ment, design or device shall be false or misleading In any particular; provided, that an article of food which does not contain any added polMonous or deleterious In gredients shall not be deemed to be adul terated or mlsbranded in tha following canes: First. In the case of mixtures or com pounds which may be now or from time to lime hereafter known as articles of food, under their own distinctive names, and not an imitation ot or offered for sals under the distinctive name of another artlole, If the name be accompanied on the same label or brand with a statement of the place wiiere paid article haa been manufactured or produced. Second. In the case of articles labeled, branded or tagged so as to plainly indi cate that thuy are compounds, imitations or blends, and the word "compound," 1m-. llatlon" or "blend," as the case may be. Is plainly staled on the package In which it Is offered for sale; provMed, that the term blend as used herein shall be con strued to mean a mixture of like sub stances, not excluding harmless coloring or flavoring Ingredients or used for tha purpoae of coluring end flavoring only. And provUlKd further, that nothing In this act shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary foods which contain no un wholesome added ingredient to disclose their trade formulas, except Insofar as the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulterations or misbranding. As soon aa the bill Is passed by ths house it will be returned to the senate for concurrence In the house amendments. Aa the house was so unanimous for the amend ments it is thought the senate will take the bill aa It la returned to It Cone Agalaat Antl-Pnss BUI. Tha senate antl-pasa bill went through the house aa amended by the committee of tha whole the other day without any trouble. Cone of Saunders being the only man voting In the negative. Cona explained that he was for the house bill and would not vole for the senate bill aa amended. When the live stock commission bill, a measure to cut down the fees charged by live stock commission men, came up for third reading In the house, Clarke of IXiug las moved that It be Indefinitely postponed. Clarko male a lengthy argument In favor of Ms motion, explaining that he himself waa quite a shipper of live atock and waa satisfied with tbs small commission charged him for disposing of his stock. Ha ex plained also that he had not' gotten busy on thla bill lc the committee of tha whole because ha waa interested In a maasura of Jjuucb creator IukkUmi U him tan rlg )