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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
i i TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCTI 9, 1907. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whatt Htrket Continue! Emtio and Wide liuctBatioa. in 1 riwi. CaIU WtAKtR, BU f OATS IN 6000 DIM AND mm ww asv w w r mmm, Loss as to Coin Fatore OMAHA, March 27. 1907. Strength was dlplayed lo early trading, neat ruling tirmtr on account of lac of Jn in the southwest, but corn ih subject pressure, while oat were strong, mces market waa heavy " r May wheat receded lie . -wi ia market and tlie mar ' 2nd unsettled. ' There will La no seaalon of the exchange Friday, March 29, which la Oood rYlday, and other exchanges will also be closed. Wheat opened firm and prices advanced email fraction, although cab lea were lower, aa receinta were light and the weather re ports were deemed unfavorable. There la food demand for caah wheat, but the mar ket waa generally weaker and a reaction of over Ho waa attained by the beara in May option. The close was strong May option being quoted at 69Vc asked, an ad vance of 'c over the opening and Ho over the low point for the day. Corn waa dull and Drlcea declined Ho In early trad In a, but a reaction aet In and prlrea strengthened email fractions. Re celDts were moderate and cablea . were lower, the general altuatlon being favorable to a lower range In prices. Oata were In good demand and the mar ket waa quite aotlve, with alight Increases In prlrea being recorded. The cause of strength In prices waa attributed to good buying by caah houses and the market cloeed active at an advance of Ho over the cloae of yesterday. ' Prlmarr wheat receipts were 8W.400 bu. and ahlpmenta 14.000 bu., against receipts last year of 449,000 bu. and shipments of 212.000 bu. Corn receipts were 864,000 bu. and shipments 4M,0no bu., agalnat receipts of 646.000 bu. and shipments of 206,000 bu. rlt year. Clearances were tl.000 bu. of wheat, 6OS.000 bu. of corn, no oata and wheat and flour eonaj to 68,000 bu. Llveryool closed Hd lower on wheat and ;d hlit her on com. Local range of options: 4 "Hd Futures MfT. 4 4d. H()P-In Ixmdon. at Li 16etl3 10s. 4s steady; March, (Pacific coast) ld; quiet KW YORK GKHER4L MtRKET Whaat- I May... 1 July... 1 Corn I July... J. X-. A Artlclea. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloee.l Yes'y. asked. 9HB 69B W4A A 9HB 70HU 70 A 70HA TlA 7eVU 41 HB 41 HB 41A 41HA 41A 40R 40H 40A 4tAA 40H 41B 41HB 4iA 41B 41HB 41 B 41HB B 41M.B 41 A I7TB MB 8TB faB 37U I. B bid. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis , Duluth St. Louis .... Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. 12 47 ....244 .... 78 .... n TO 36 202 147 18 114 Quotations of the Day Various Com mod It lea. NFTVV YORK. March t7.-FI.OUR Re ceipts, 24,3(0 bbls ; exports, 1.471 bbls.; mar- Ret atexdy with light demand: Min nesota patents, M. lUH.iS ; winter etrslerhts, t3.2rVLr3.6u; Minnesota baker a. 3 au3 7t; winter extras. l2tf "iiG.00: winter patentsi $ 08 86; winter low grades. 22 ?! 90. Kye flrur, steady: fair to good. I3.flMj W. Choice to fancy, 854.20. v unA l-itecelpi, 4,() nu.; spot market steadv No. 2 red, l?ic, elevator; No. 2 red, Hc f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth, WHc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, stH,o, f. o. b. afloat. Conflicting crop and weather news made wheat un settled all day within a narrow range. The tendency was a little easier on the whole, In absence of support and on further rre dlctiona for rain, but near the close prlcea rallied on bug damage reports, closing partly vc net higher. May, MSte -!:. closed Mc; July, M ll-l'jS4 l-lfic, closed 847c; Bcptemhcr. fe" r, closed RSSc. CORN Receipt a, 6u.R2f bu.; exports, 138, '2 bu; Sot market barely steady; No. 2, 6Wc, elevator, and iZ-tc t. o. h. afloat; No). 2 white, 5Sc, and No. 2 yellow, 62Hc f. o. b. afloat. Option market waa without trans actions, closing unchanged; May closed 64c; July 63Ho. OATS Receipta, 124.500 bu.; spot market easy; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 464c; natural white, 80 to 33 lbs., 47iH!c; clipped white. SS to 40 lba., 4j6.iHe. HAY Steady; shipping, $7.Vg8.00; good to choice, $11.5012.00. HOPS Stead v; state, common to choice, 1906 crop, lVaMc; 1! crop, 8'dllc: Pacific coast, 19"4 crop, llil4c: 19i crop. SQUc. HIUES Steady; Ualveaton, 2.) to 26 lba., nominal; California, 21 to 26 lba., nominal: Texaa dry, 24 to 30 lba., nominal; Central AmerlcHn, 24c; Bogota, 26c. LEATH ER Steady ; acid, TV,. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family. $14 JAfi 15.00; mesa, $9 6010.00; beef hams, $J4.00'a2,!.00; packet beef, I11.0OQ 11.50; city extra India mess, $30.00'y,21.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. $10.50fl12.00; pickled nams,'aU.OO. L-erd, nrm; western prime, K.0(fr9.10; refined, steady; continent. Wit; South America, $10.26; compound, X37Msu Pork, steady; family, l.oo0 t'.'H: short clear. $17.5td 19.26: mese. $17.60 18 X. RI CE Steady; rlomeetlo, fair to extra, 2H''aV:. JPan, nominal. TALLOW liarely steady; city ($2 per package)), 6c; ctfuntrj' (packages free), 6Va 7c. CHEBPE- Firm; state full cream, col ored, small September fancy, 16c; state white, 14c; state colored, small October, best, 14M.c: state white. lSVulW; state good to prime, l.V2rl3Ho; winter made, ave raKe beat, lVic; large September, fancy, 14c; state. October best, 13ftl4c; state good to prime, 12(a131HC; Inferiors, llH 12Hc. EfrfJS Irregular; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy aelected white, 22c; brown and mixed extra, 20c; flrats to extra firsts, nvrnc; western flrats, 174?17?4e. Official prices: Seconds, 17V4c; southern, lenc POULTRY Live, easy; western chick ens. ffjri2c; fowls, lftc; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, quiet; turkeys, 1015c; fowls, laVfc filoHc NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS Early Epurt Carrlei Prioei Threg to Tite FoiaU Above Tneniaj Cle. MARKET KRIFTS BACKWARD SLOWLY CHICAGO OHAIJI AMD PROVISIOJIS Featares f the Trading; and Closln Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, March 27. More favorable weather for the growing crop had a de pressing effect today on the local wheat market, but because of the covering by shorts the tone at the cloae was steady, the final quotations on the May delivery being unchanged from yesterday. Corn waa a ahadc lower. Oata were up H Provisions were iH2Hc lower. Monument In tne wheat Pit wai bearish all day. It waa baaed upon reports from private -ources that light showers had fallen at different localities In Kansas and that the teitiDerature tnere was conainer ably below that of the last ten days. Other factors making for lower prlcea were a decline at various European markets and a contlnuanoe of good seeding weather In the northwest. The market made a mild show of firmness early in the day because of "green bug" reports, but this soon gave way and the tone was moderately weak until the last half hour, when prices be came steadier on covering by shorts. The merket closed steady. May wheat opened tafiohangedr to Ho higher, at 76Vaf6Ho, b""' .i.twett ?BHf46c and closed t,7MLO. Clear-' jj ires of w heat and - flour ware equal to "bushels. ' Primary receipts were 380, j'xD bushels, against 440. Oft) bushel for the and Chicago reported receipta of $34 cara, against tuM cars last week and 362 ears one year ago. Trading In corn was dull and prices were Inclined to sag. Receipts, which were larger than expected, and a slack demand from shippers tended to lower prices. The close was steady. May corn opened a shade higher, at SHHc, old at 44c and then declined at 4Mo. The cloae was at 4U-t6Ho- Local receipts were 2fi0 cars, with none of contract grade. Oats for May delivery were strong, but other months were Inclined to be weak. The firmness of the May option was caused by the buying of a leading bull, which led to considerable covering by shorts, w oellent weather for farm work was' re sponsible for the easier tone of the more distant features. May oats opened un changed to Ho higher, at 4l'4tf42o, sold up to KStf42H0 and cloeed at 42c. Local re ceipts were 147 cars. A Sharp advance in tne price or May and July pork was the feature of the pro visions market. Shorts and local paok ara ware eaa-er biddera for oork. because Jk,'of a 6W10e advanoe In the price -of live " hogs. At the close May pork was up 62Hc. i at I18.27H- Lard was up 20c, at $8.20. Ribs were up 20c, at $8.70. Estimated receipts' for tomorrow are: Wheat, 14 cara; 'corn, HA cars; oats, 166 oars; hogs, 22,uO0 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: St. Lonla General Market. ST. LOUIS, March 27. WHEAT Futures, Arm; cash, lower; track. No. 2 red caah. iitB'nttc; .o. x nam. Way, 74Tc; July. 7fitj'75V3. CORN Lower; track. No. 2 ensh. No. 2 white, 46c; May. 4.Tft44c; July, uAitf-nrm; iracK, No. 1 cash, 74 43Hc; 44 He. 41Htr 42c; No. 2 white, 42G'42Hc; May, 40c; July, FIUR Steady; red winter patents. $3.60 tfi3.W); extra fancy and straight, tZ.&Xu&.'M: cleiir. $2.!Tpri;.S6. S BED Timothy, dull; $.004.00. (ORNMKAL-Steady; $2.40. BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 96 7'4c. IIAY-Pull: timothy, $1S.(KKS,19.00; prai rie, $9.Oiil2.00. IION COTTON TIES $1.10. P AGO I NO HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. $1.82H. lrd, higher; prime steam, $8.70. Iry salt meats, lower; Doxed extra short, I9.37H; clear riba, $9.37H: short clears, $9.60. Bacon, lower: boxed extra short, $10.12H: clear ribs, $10.12H: short clears, $10.37H. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 11c; springs, uc; uirKeys, lie; aucKa, iac; geese, c Deellae Dae to I.ark at gappert and Decrease la Raying Orders (lose Is Irregnlar with Ket Changes Small. NEW YORK, March 27 The action of today's stock market served aa an admoni tion to many too exuberant fancies about the unreality of the recent severe experi ences which the market has undergone. The early spurt In prices which added 3 to S points to the recoveries of 3 to over 7 points In yeaterday's market had the de cided effect of cutting down the buying demand. Without this sustaining force at the higher level there was a backward drift, which did not leave much of the fairly sensational advances of the early part of the day. There was nothing In the day's news to discredit the Information which had helped yesterday a Improvement In sentiment, i he Improved conditions were recognized as still existent and the convictions still held that the extensive decline In prices had gone far to make sure the unfavorable tactor In curbing the precipitancy In the But the violence of the recovery was re- farded as taking prlcea too rapidly away rom the proper adjustment, though the process of adjustment had been somewhat overdone In the decline. The positive weak ness of several securities waa an active factor In curbing the preclpancy In the early advance. The unsupported condition of the Erles and the wide decline to a level materially lower than was touched In the weaker period of the recent selling gave clear evidence of further liquidation. I he usual sympathetic effect was produced on other Morgan stocks, especially South ern Railway, for which conditions of credit and capital needs are moat ni-nrly analog ous to those of Erie. The United States Steel stocks were also afTected, seemingly In sympathy. The companion weakness of Pennsylvania was not ao clearly sympa thetic, unless the liquidation was prompted by the drastlo provisions of the proposed railroad rate law pending In the New Jersey legislature. Reports of measures for railroad regulation by other state legisla tures alao served to keep alive the sensi. tivenesa of the financial district to this fea ture of the activities of the times. The money market showed palpable relief, which waa attributed to the measures adopted by the United States Treasury do partment. The exient of the relief which was expressed In the decline In Interest rates left some rather disquieting deduc tions of what the situation must have been without the effective relief thus afforded. The treasury's action was much dwelt upon us an earnest determination of the new head of the department to afford any relief actually called for by the situation. Not only In the disposal of the accumu lated surplus, but also in the supervisory activities of the comptroller's office has there been subject for supposed solicitude by banking authorities over possible adop tion of new policies by the Treasury de partment The question was discussed In some quarters of the market today how far the recent developments in the credit situation might have been prompted by ar rangements to conform to a stricter In terpretation of requirements of the na tional banking act than has been Insisted UfJ..nt ln fimr" aBt- Th Profit-taking iuiu w uui e io HavAnTDirp at before the cloae, when they eased slightly, ranlcularly Erie. I'nlnn Pacific, Southern aclflo and Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe were the features. Canadian Pacific mi a substantial rally. Foreigners Improved. Peruvian prefeireds were sought for. Rus sians were harder Japanese Imperial fia of 1P(4 closed at 108H- Rio Tintoe declined on Paris selling. PARIS, March 27. Trading on the Bourse wsa Inactive. Prices opened firmer on the New York. London and Berlin advices and the better Impression caused by the Moroccan situation, but closed heavier. Russian imperial 4s closed at 71.76 and Russian bonds of lit at 49. Xtw York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, March 27 MONET On call, eaaler at 3-56H per cent; ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at SH per cent; time loans, easier; sixty days. 6VU per cent; ninety days and six monlha, 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER SH per cent. STERLING KXCH A NGE Steady, with actual business In bankers bills at H.SSJi'if 4.831'5 for demand and at $4.7tifi6'a4.7S70 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.80 and $4titU; commercial bills. $4.7!H. SILVER Bar. 6tie; Mexican dollars. 610. BONDS Government steady; railroad lr-rerular. Closing quotation on bonds wera follows: V 8. rrf. is. rag 104 Japsa . M series. . So roupnn It '4 1 to 4s ctf t! 8. is. ret 1"H so etfs do ecspoa lotv do 14 Mrlts C. 8. old 4s, ret liH 1. A N. unl. 4s do coupon loi Man. e. a- 4s t. a. new 4s, rss ISO ttn. Central 4s as do coupon Am. Tooaoco 4s Tl do ta 107 Atrhiaon gen. 4s.... do ad. 4s Atlsntlc C. L. 4s.. Dal. Ohio 4s do ttts Rrk. R. T. o. 4s... Central of Oa. it... 1o 1st Inc do Id Ino do Sd Ino (Tien. Ohio 4H. . Chicago A A. Is.... TH gt lSu do 1st Ino.. Minn. St. L. T. 4S.. BUTTER Steady: dairy, 2ii&26c. EGGS Firm at 16c. Flour, bbls... , Wheat, bu.... , Corn," bu.;, Oata, bu..... creamery, 22t531Vtc; Receipts. Shipments. . . . 3,000 lO.nno ... 27.000 S5.000 .. .202,000 101,000 ...116,000 104,000 day. h'ner Prlcea was Increased by the belief that the Stock exchange authorities would decide to close the exchange from Thursday until the following Monday. The day s net changee are mostly small and rnlngle gains and losses and the closing tone was quite Irregular, a"!" 71 11e"u'ar' Active bonds were il.Ti. ln .other Umjes "ma" ' were marketed only at wide concessions from $.522,000. Lnlted States bonds were un changed on call. the New York Stock exchange: Bales. Hlfh. Low. Cloaa. C, B. sV Q. n. 4s. C, R. I. P. 4s do ool. as rrr. St St, L. t 4s.. Colo. Ind. 6a, aer. A. Colorado Mid. ss Colo A Bo. 4s Cuba 6 D. R. O. 4a Platlllers' Sec. Is Kris p. I. 4s do fen. 4s HorkhH Val. 44S.... Japan 4 Offered. "Bid. MS do Is 1 N. R. R. of M 2V N. Y. C. s. HS 100 SN. J. C. I is H No. Ptcino 4a Mi do la li N. W. e. 4a IS lO. 8. U rfdf. 4s... 71 Penn. oonr. IHs... I iRaadlni sen. 4a 14 St. Lai. M. o F, .. M .. 17k, .. n4 .. M4 .. " 4s .. ni4 ..11H ..10H .. 7() .. r74 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Deiirtb. Cattle of All Elidi Osnerall Ten CcnU Hither. FIRST ADVANCE ON HOGS THIS MONTH Liberal Receipts of Both Sheep Iimbs, with Trade Slew aad Dall Throashost Best Kinds Steady. n... 4... M .. r .. 1... so.., 44... 41... 70... 41... 71.. 71 . 74 . SI.. 7... 7.. T... II.. tl.. n.. 44.. I.. ...ft ... u ....! ...17 ...141 is io sot 40 ...r-t ...17 ...110 ....114 ...I I ...ri ...Hi ...111 ,...141 .. ...'! ... Ml ...III .. U4 1U to 40 40 0 71 .. 41 .. 71... .. II... 71... I .. Tl.., I . r... 7.. Tl . U . To, , 1.. 71. . II.. 71.. II.. .. ...17 .. tot ...US , ...ri ....M ...., ..."0 ....Jti ... ... !1 ... J"! ... n ....1-4 ... .IDT ....M ... HO ....4 ...,ITI 10 0 I 1IH I UV, I llt I US U4 I IIS I us I lis vrs I S I US t us I 1S US I Its I 1S 4 US I Its I II II I II II I II ' SOrni OMAHA. March V. 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs Sheep. Official Monday 4.240 4.6V9 11.210 Official Tuesday 4.4SW Cfflcial Wednesday S,aO .&;$ 4.400 15.243 43.& 27.4S W.647 3O.V20 $3,817 ib.m L. 8 "4 ft. b. 8. W in Saaboard A. II 8o. Pad do 4a do 1st 4s ctfa... 4S So Rallwar la..., 7 Taias P. is...., IH OT., St. L... A W. II I'nlon Paclflo 4s... IS V a. Steel Id t.a 14 -Wabaah Is 14 Weatern Md. 4a.. S W. A I E. 4s.. 101' ''Wis. Central 4s lV Is.lios . fit. 4a 77H e. 4a.. Tl L. 4a.. 74 .. KS .. II . .lvl ..114 s II 100 Three days this week..ll.7 Same days last week. .. .18.44$ Same days 1 weeks ago. .lH.40t fee. ma days $ weks sgo..l4.1ia) Same days 4 weeks ago. .14.4S7 Same days last year 11,671 The following table shows the rscelpts of rattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1907. 19"5. Inc. Dec. Cattle J76.K71 Ztf.fiOS 40,lti$ Hogs 60tS.44 641. 4 Sheep 407,167 430.0tiS 27,000 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. flood to choice corn-fed steers $5.2ofii6.70 Fair to good cornfed steers 4 8 6 .16 Common to fair steers Oood to choice fed cows Fair to good cows and heifers t'olnninn tn fair nwa ind heifers., Oood to choice stockers A reeders. fair to good stockers and feeders. Common to fair stocnere Bulls, stags, etc cai caves The following tabln anows th price of hogs st South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons . 14 .11"S . Tl . IS Boston Stocks and Boads, BOSTON, March 27 -Call loans. rr cent; time loans, A7 per cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds were: Atrhlsnn adj. 4a II iRtnfham 17s do 4s lsCal. A Hsols, 140 Mei t'entral 4a 10 Centennial K Atchlaon WJ't Copper Rants T74 Kanaa City Oral a and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 27, WHEAT May, esac; July, 71c; September, 72c; cash. No. t hard, ToHc; No. S, 6672c; No. 1 red, 74Uc: No. 1, t5?3c. CORK May, 4ae; July, 41Ho; September, 42,c: cash No. 2 mixed, 404c; No. 1, KiVic; No. 2 white, 4Zc; No. S, 41V4C OATS-No. 2 white, 42Ve; No. 2 mixed, 40V(j4i4c. HtlO-Steady: 63ii65c HAY Steady: choice timothy, $14.50815.00; cholio prairie. 11.0(Kflll.60k BUTTER Extra creamery. 29c; firsts, 26c; seconds, ic, steady; packing, llPfcc. tuu-nrsts, lbc. Articles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. jYes'y. Wheat May.. I . July... t JU1JT-. Sept.. Oata May.. July... Sept. Pork May. July. Lard May. July. Sept... Kins May.. July.. Sept.. 7M(g? 78 75J 7M 754 77Vi TTHfl'TS 77S'B'i 77 77" 784l' 7 7HSI 7Xs 1 . aOV, 0T Wal 46 45!4a(4SH 4H 46 - 46 46S 4f.S4&'u-, 40 4H 46J 46S 46i ilm2 424'51 41 v42 4r, Sl JTVa.lTmjH i tlht 87S 27 S7ViU. 37 15 88 18 17 15 $5 1A 27H 15 CS 16 85 16 27V 16 85 16 25 15 75 190 IK1 ITS 190 I 70 I 90 0L' $ 874 d- g 80 00 12 97 $10 8 1 ID 171 57 I 70 8 60 73 8 90 I 52, $87 8 66 82J I 95 t S2 8 $2 I 72 Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oata, bu Receipta. 47.000 35.0110 li,000 Shipments. 92, (HO 43,000 12,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan tt Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: Commodity. I Open.j Hlgh.j Low. I Close. Wheat May .. July .. Corn May .. July .. I I I 6 ; 68 rQ ,69(So9 69'3' 71, 4eV(m 414fl 71 41 41 71 714i71 40 4D?A 41! 41B A asked. B bid. No. I, Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3.10 Ci3.4o; winter atralghts, $3.Ctti4.15; spring intents. $3.40a.oo; soring straights, $d.0UiJ J SO bakers, $2.00180. WHEAT No. 1 spring. 7&63c; No. $, 73 Cc; No. I red, 78tf4C - COHN No. x, 4444o; No. 1 yellow. 45o. OATS No. 2. 41c; No. $ white, 42Jr43c; No. 1 white, 40rdHlVo. RYE No. 1 &c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, Mf?Oc. 8EKDU No. 1 flax, $1.14; No. 1 northwes ern. $1.11: clover, contract grades, $15.75. PROVISION8-hort ribs s.des (loose). $8 5a'-2 Mess pork, per bbl., $ 16 r. Lard, per 100 lbs., $80. Short clear Sides (boxed), $s.75900. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls..., 50.0 Wheat, bu 30.00 Corn, bu 612.7i) Oats, bu 454.6.10 Rye, bu 10K . larley, bti 1&3.7UO lOd the Produce exchange today t r market waa Arm; creamery. Oairy, luarrc. ugga, easy; at mark, caas Included, lti0'18c; flrsta, 17.'; prime flrats. lbc Cheese, weak, 133TX.c M 8O0 l.f00 2l8.1'i0 29.ii0 $ OOi) la wo the but. M-Bc ; I'eorln Grata Market. PEORIA. March 27. CORN Lower; No. 8 yellow and No. 3. 40c; No. 4, 3tc; no grade, 32tii36c. OAT8 Nominally steady; No. 2 white, 41V.c; No. $ white, 41c; No. 4 white, 4oc. rtYli-Stojdy: No. 2, C7iiGtlc. WHIBKY On baala of $1. for flnlahed goods. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, March 27. WHEAT Steady. Na 1 northern. SitySSc; No. 2 northern 79velc; May, 75-c. KYE Stead v; No. I, 6tnHc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 7ift!g73c; sample. Wai'i-C corn steudy; no. s cash. 4Ju4io; May, 40c bid. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA March 27. EGOS Easy; western fresh, 18c at mark. CHEEMU Firm and In fair demand; New York full creams, fancy, 13'U'14c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. March 27-8EEPS Clover, caah and March, $9oO; April, JS.77: October, $7.10. Alalke, $7.45. Timothy, i.a0. Oils nnd Rnsln. NEW YORK, March 17.-OILS Cotton seed, irregulur: prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 85c; prime yellow, f. o. b. mills, 45c. Petroleum, firm; refined. New York, $.J0; Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore. $8.15; ln bulk, $4.70 Turpentine, firm, 7iiq7ic. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. $4.5t4.55. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 27. OIL Tur pentine, firm at 7oc. ROSIN Firm; quotatlona: A, B, C, D. E, $4 36; F, $4 40; (1, $4.48; H, $4.70; I. $4.75; K. $5.Su; M, $6.S6: N, 5.4ti; W Q, $5.56' W W. $6.66. OIL CITY, Pa..' March 27 OIL Credit balances. $1.78. Runa. 173.34.8 bbls.; average, 127,011 bbls.' shipments, 161,198 bbls.; av erage, 152,5:2 bbls. Ulaaaapolla Oral Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 17. WHEAT May, Ho; July. 7o; No. 1 hard, oo; No. 1 northern, 7r74o; No. t tKfithern. 7T4jTI4C; No. I northern, 75v7c. rtsVL'R Firs patenta, $4 15x4. K; second patents. $4-0u4 10. flrot olesua, $3.2Uu8.5; seoirnd oleavra, ICtsusai 6a bRAN-lo bulk, if.UK31T.75, Dalatk Grata Market. DVXVTH, March 17. WirEAT On track No.-l northern, 7Ve; No. M northern, lbc; Uy. 79c: July. vc; September. 79c. OATS On track. 41c; March, 9c. LlversMl Grala aad Prerlaleaa. LIVERPOOL, March r WHEAT Spot. No. 1 red. western winter, steady at 6a sd; No. 1 California, quiet at na 1. Fu tures quiet: Marco, 4d; May, oa 4d; 1. ' N Spot, American mixed, new? easy American nuxeu, viu, juici ai Kr lures quiet: . ; i July. td. 4. f CORN-po( yS( 4a IsAi A Toffee Market. NEW YORK. March 27. COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at an ad vance of &&10 points In response to steady European cables encouraging reports from the stock market and rumors that the val orization loan had been placed to be se cured by deposits of coffee at Havre and Antwerp. Tneie was heavy selling at the advance, attributed to Important Wall street intaresta, and the market weakened soon after the opening. The close was clearly steady at a net decline of StflS f olnts. Sales were reported of 58 0 baxe. ncluding March at 6 S"c; May, 5 (Kij6. 86c; July, 5."ii6.No; September, 5.titn&6.70c: Jan uary, 5.7'u5.90c. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7c; No. 4 Santoa, 8c. Mild coffee, 9c. Adams Expraes Amalgamated Copper Am. C. A f Am. C. A r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd... American Exprsss .... Am. H. A li. pfd American les Am. Unaepd Oil Am Unssed Oil pfd.. Am. Locomotlvs Am. Locomotlrs pfd.. Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R pfd Am. Bufar Raflnlns... Am. Tobacco pfd elf. . Anaconda Mining Co., Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Una.. Baltimore A Ohio...., Baltimore A Ohio pfd. Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... Canadian PaolAo Central of N. J Chaaapsaks A Onte... Chloaso Ot. W Chicago A N. W C . at. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd.. C, C, C. A St. L... Colorado T A I Colo. A So Colo. A Bo. 1st pfd... Colo. A Bo. Id pfd.... Consolidated Gas Corn Products Corn Products pfd.... DaLawar A Hudaoa. Del., L.. A W Dan rar A R. O I) A R. O. pfd Manners' Sscurltlse Kris Erla 1st pfd Erls Id pfd Gsnsral Klectrlo ..... Hocking Valler Illlnola Csntral International Paper , Int. Papar pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd lows Cantral lows Csntral pfd Kansas Cltr So K. I'. So. pfd UiuIstIIIs A N Mexican Centra! Minn. A Bl. L. ... M . It. P. A 8. 8. M , Bt. P. A 8. 8. Missouri PaclBa .. Mlasourl, K. A T , M . K. A T. pfd National Usad , N. R. R. ot M. pfd Nsw York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A V. pfd North American Paclnc Mall Pennaylvaula Psopls's Gas P., C. C. A Bt. L Pressed Btsel Car Praawd B. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading let pfd. offered.. Reading Id ptd. offered.. kepublio Steel Republls Steel pfd Rork lsisnd Co Rock Island Co. pfd Bt. L. A 8. P. 3d pfd.,.. Bt. Loula 8. W Bt. U 8. W. pfd Southern Pacific Bo. Pacific pfd So. Hallway '.. Bo. Rallwar pfd. Tenseaass C. A I Texas A Paclnc T.. Bt. U A W T . St. L. A W. pfd I'nlon Pacific Union Fai'tno ptd V. 8. txpreas l 8. Realir V. 8. Rubber I. 8. Rubber pfd V. B. Steel II. 8. Steel pfd Va.-Caro- Chemical Va -Caro. Chem. pfd Wabash Wabaah pfd Wella-Kargo Kipress Weetlngbuuae Eleulrtc ... Weatera I'nlon Wheeling A U Wteconela Central Wis Centrsl pfd Norihsrn Psdc Central Uesiber Central Leather ptd Great Northern ptd. a, , ate gheAeld Steel Int. Metropolltaa Int. Mat, P'd Total sales tor the day, .110. 410 . l.B'O 400 400 ino 1(0 100 7. S614 7 t in" " n 1.400 41 rr.too i.ano l.lilO fPO xt.soo 4,00 600 1.800 T.too 'i.'iiio .) 600 5.000 1 l.00 14,(00 "i.ri 1.0II0 4,oo too i.ial) 800 i.t0 1,000 400 rino 6.1"0 lioo 4.000 1,400 lit lo mv, to 41 SS) i 100 t 'i's 14IH4 17 40 13 147 111 ..... TO 4 4 59 iii 14 1 171 46 H ni M 0 TO 144 M. M. pfd. too too ""mo 1.0110 1.400 (.too l,!00 xoo 1.400 700 4.100 . MoO U0 ! ii) . l.ToO ei '. iisno . l.t'O . T6.S11O . 1.400 '. '"too '10 J'O XJ1.7O0 76 7 it" 84H II 51 117 30 4 104 Va 111 71 t (T ii ss 77 it" 15 122"4 s4 tk" io 101 w SS 14'4 io' 11 77 iii lot ns 8S t 87 92 WS 96 '49 14S 171 DH 11 144 12 ..... 4 11 4 M 119 19 80 177 4M W ' 11 141 140" 74V, 17' II 14 11 60 114 49 101 1S8 71 11 2 UK iiaii 14 76 ..... 38 119 87 'si 89 159 do Dfd Ruaton A Albany Ponton A Mains.. Boston Elerated Fltchburg pfd .. Mexican Central N. T.. N. H. t'nlon Pacific Am. Pneu. Tuba. Amer. Sugar .... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen .... do ltd Edison Else. Illtt HO Maes. Electric . dn pfd Maaa. Oas .... Vnlted Fruit ... United 8. M do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouea Amalgamated ... Atlantic Asked. Bld. 91 u Daly West .1M Franklin .164 lOranbf .1 41 llale Royale .ISO Mass. Mining .... . kvt ' Michigan A H...174 Mohawk .U0V;Mont. C. A C... . 1 Old Dominion ... .lltlVh Oaceola l-J rarrot .119 2i Qulnoy Hhannon Tamarsok Trinity ijilrnltsd Copper .. it V. 8. Mining.... 68 It'tah 101 I Victoria 6u iWlnons 17 WoiTsrlns 934, North Butts 9HM Butte Coalition . Si, Nevada 61 cal. A Atiisna.. 84.OrMnb Om. .... II I ... 11 ... 17 ...110 ... 18 ... 6 ... U ... 71 ... I ... 4 ...116 ... ro ...111 ... 17 ...104 ... 17 ... 66V4 .... &2 .... 68V, .... 7 ... 8 ...160 ...85 ... 14', .... 13 187 U . 400 . 1.7iW . 4.100 600 100 100 ! is' ioo 100 . 7.7"0 100 '"ioi 6") . l.euO .181.400 ri 84 10 48 81 10 80 114 11 74 18 60 1M 14 1 19 44 12 10 'tis 111 71 11 60 i: . 1.J00 . 1.000 t o . It.liO ro o loo '." " 100 .. l.fO lo loo .. r.4o .. IH vo .. II. too .. 1.40 "0 .. l.M) 74 42 101 18 98ps r 107 m 148 V,' lov 11 17 17 S 1X 2t 1 II 61 44k 61st 74 40 100 M 16 Vi 11 1S u I4tivi 6li 11 17 17 117 1 1M 61 64 too 83 1 98 21 80 100 11 !! U 18 61 101 111 101 119U 69 68 17 9S W 94 17 4r 16 176 88 II 144 128 I 10 ,9 II 24 68 47 111 11 1 177 436 28 70 t' 22 ' at 140 76 141 74 ! T4 18 61 12 49 114 20 48 114 ISO 72 13 tl 64 41 118 76 78 72 13 11 87 17 12 89 169 100 64 84 24 II II 41 81 19 60 77 112 20 71 126 2 16 6i 160 64 100 74 40 100 ts 9 II 1' 13 21 126 lis 79 11 17 4 111 1 164 II 8J It Boston Copper Market. These quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York and Boston Stock exchanges, 112 Board of Trade: 4 Michigan 14 50 Mohawk 7 14 Nevada Consolidated. 13 II North Butts 14 tOld Dominion 46 izueceoia 116 . Si Pneu. Barries 1 169 Pneu. Service, pfd.... lt .mo ljulncr in .. llRl snnon 17 ,. 71Tamsrack 100 .. If Trinity 18 . ii I'nnea rruit iob . 17 Vnlted States, com... 61 . 11 . Vnlted Btstes, pfd... 43 . io tun uoneoiiaaisa ... DS .. Victoria I . 11 Winona 9 .. I Wolverine 140 .. 10Csnsnes 16 . iNlplaalng 11 Adventurs Allouex Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain Boaton Consolidated.. Butts Coalition Calumet A Arlxooa. Calumet AHscIa Centennial Copper Range Dally West Eaat Butts Franklin Oreens Copper .... Granby ...s Helvetia lle Rorsl Keeweenaw L. B. A Pltaburg. Maasachuaetta London Closing; Stocks. LONTXN, March 27. Closing quotations on the J.( nnon stock exchange: ay Consols, money do account , . Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore Ohio. Canadian Paclfla Ches. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C . M. A St. P.... Pebeera D. A R. O do ptd Erie do lit pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central ... Loulavllle A N 120 M., K. A T M SlkVEft-Bar. steady, 30 13-164 per ounce. MONEY 333 per cent. The rate of discount ln the open market for short bills Is 5 per cent; for three months' bills, 5 l-10ut per cent. 86 5-14 N. T. Csntral. 85 6-14 Norfolk A W.. ...12 do pfd ... M Ontario A W.. . 97 Pennsylvania . . t Raud Mines ... .,74V, Reading . 41 Southern Rail . 14 i ds pfd .126 I Southern Psclflc . 24 Union Pacific .. .30 I do pfd . 1; V. 8. Steal . I do ptd .. 63 Wabaah .41 I do pfd ..141 iRpsnlah 4s Grsnd Trunk .. ....113 .... f'7 .... II .... 88 .... 4. .... 1 .... 62 .. 11 .. "4 .. -. ..118 .. 91 .. M ..ill' .. 14 .. 16 .. .. 39 Date. 1907. U06.l.19(H.1808.liXa.1901. March 18. March 19. March 20. March 21. March 23. Murch 23. March 24. March 28. March 2ti 47: 8 48 16 10 39 6 17 24, 19 18 18 18 6 lol 6 2n 6 24 6 07 8 0 6 J0i 5 01 5 OS 5 13 5 08 6 01 6 08 6 J 04 7 06 6 221 4 98, March 27 6 U 6 27 6 1S 4 92 4 96 4 97 5 02 15 W 5 13 7 19i 7 33 I 17 7 5 7 44' 7 r 7 241 6 14 7 Z2i T 2a 6 i: 6.0(r56.16 6.0tg 20 6.tu .(MXutl.20 of stock Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES, Omaha H&VtfC .25 Chicago 1.7-Nji.7o Kanaas City 16txa6 26 St. Ixmis 1.4or 60 City I.OtXuo.75 The official number of cars brought In today by each road was Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U ses tj., M. 6z Ht. r Wabaah Mlasourl Paclflo ... U. P. System C. & N. W., east... C. & N. W., west.. C, St. P., M. & O. C B. ak Q., east... C, B. A Q., west. C H. 1. & P., eaat.. C R. I. A P.. west. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipta was as follows, each buyer purcnaalng the num ber indicated: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. is l in I 14 I 10 4 It 4 10 I It I 10 4 It 4 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I It I It ... I II ... 4 io ... 110 660 t 10 ... I 11 ... I 11 184 I live. SHEEP There was another fair run of sheep this morning. In addition to which there were a doiett loads th;t came In too late to he sold yesterday. The demand for some reason or other waa not verv uracnt and the trade was slow and decidedly iHcklng In snap during the whoie session. Buyers' orders were appsrently small and were limited to the better kinds of both sheep and lambs, which were none too plentiful, a considerable proportion con sisting of the medium kinds. Such stuff as buyers wanted generally commanded steady prices and salesmen aa a whole were describing the market ns steady on the strictly good killers, but very alow and weak on the medium grades. Among the receipts were eight cars of lambs which were weighed up lo a feeder buyer at $7.tl0. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice lambs,!j i.BS; fair to good lumbs, IT 26 ill.db: good to oholce yearlings, Inmb weights, 504jT5: filr to good vearllnirs, heavy weights. tAlfii6 50; fair to good Vfr- lings, heavy weights. tnMrfi.l0: good to 4.(ii4.0 cnoice old wetners, i.tru,-T,; rmr to good I 6tvu'4 50 I n,d wethers. JS 7itin 00; good to choice ewes, J iOoS iO 40-36.75; fair to good ewea, 6.00u.40. 2 cmu2 20 Kcprescntatlve sales: 4 2f ii4 SO No. ts western etui ewes 197 western ewes st) western ewes 2f'9 western ewes , 8ti2 western ewes 1X5 western ewes 8sS western ewes 19 western ewes 436 Mexican yearlings .... 1L' western lambs 4 western lambs 1120 western feeder lambs 6i0 western feeder lambs. 278 western feeder lambs.. 8 western lambs 107 western shorn sheep... lit western ewes 229 western ewes f'4 Mexican ewes 13ti western cull lambs 431 western ewes X$ western ewes i9d western lambs 124 western lambs 3'il westorn lambs l.KKu4 25 J .,'. no. 17504.49 4.t4.SO average f- 15 e 02 6 03 08 t 29 i tl e 5 26 ( II 6 16 t 22 6 13 6 18 I 7 1 1 2 2 3 1 .58 22 11 2 2 . 40 21 2 16 3 i 3 6 i ,24 4 21 2 , 1 8 '. " i .. a 148 82 I 39 8 Buyers Omaha Packing Co 42 Swirt and Company 6.10 Cudahy Packing Co tv!4 Armour & Co 430 Swift and Co., country.. 2jU Vansant & Co 42 Carey & Benton 24 Lobman & Co 71 MoCreaiy & Carey 161 W. I. Siepncl 99 Hill & Son 27 V. P. Lwls 66 Huston at Co 28 Hamilton & Rothschild... 113 L. F. Hubs 8 J. H. Bulla 18 Mike Haggerty 24 J. B. Root & Co 104 T. H. Inghram i 2 Sullivan Bros 6 Lehmer Bros 11 Other buyers 448 3i6 1,47 1,971 2,046 2,045 1.8a2 8i3 6o2 6o3 9,701 New York Mining; 8tocka. NEW YORK, March 27.'-Cksinf quota tions on mining stocks wera: Adams Con Alios H recce Brunawlck Con. . Comstock Tunosl Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn. Sliver Iron Silver Leadviiis Cob. ... Offered. tl .436 . 15 . 44 . 2S . 14 .loU .460 .. 4 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Potost Savage Blarrs Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .. I ,.100 ..820 .. I .. 72 .. 46 .. 16 ..111 Purchase of Government Boads. WASHINGTON. Mnrch 27. The amount of 4 per cent bonds of 1907, purchased under the offer of the secretary of the treasury of December 10, 1907, Is shown by the treasury books to have been 16.237,350; the amount redeemed under Secretary Cortelyou's circular of March 14, Is 85oii, 600, making a total of 113,794,150, which leaves the amount of these bonds still out standing 102,961,400. 1 184, tot snares. star and Molasses. NEW YORK. March 27. SUOAR-Raw. strong; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal, taj teat, 3c. molasaee auger, 2c. Re fined, ateady; No. 6. 4.30c; No. 7, 4.25c; No. S, 42oc; No. 0. 415c; No. 10. 4.06c; No. 11, 4c: No. 12. ISCc; No 13. I.9ne; No. 14. 1.85c; confectioners' A. 4.50c; mould A, 8.u6c; cut kaf, 604c; cruahed. 5.40c; powdered, 4.svc; granulated. 4 7"o: rubes. . 4.95c. HOLAf SIZS vjniet; New Orleans, open kett'e. gtn,1 to I't'. 'c.. v..',j4sc. NEW ORLEANS. Mtrch Bteady; opwn kettle r-nt rifugal. 3n:rHC; cer.ti ifUf'Ml Kites . 4 l-16'i ceir.riiugul '!.. w, .:a--!c. six-onds 2. MOf.ASi-ES-A2a.ei, now syrup, 3uj4u, rerelgn Flaaaelal. IjONDON, March Tl. Money was In fair demand in the market today. Discounts were very Arm. owing to fears of a rise In the French bank rate. On the Stock e i chang prlcea opened fairly firm, follow ing the Improvement ln New York and owing to the belief that the worst trouble Is over. Two small failures were an nounced today, but they had no effect on the market. iAter the Improvement -came more pronounced, prices ln most de triments advancing on the news of the treasury relief In New Yoik and the fa vorable British exchequer reports. The volume of business waa larger than yea terday. 7 ST'OAR I cunled ln winding up the account, t on- , i ivi. t:ape sols advanced on investment purrnaat s ; i.u paiea; scoureo, Americana opened well above parity and la Id. Punta Arenas, continued to In. prove with the sin-ption ; adjls Id. Falkland Of A el:!it dopruaa-on at noon, uuul Juat-j scoured, hoy la. stock Eiehaagt pen Friday. NEW YORK, March 17. The New York Stock exchange will remain open on Oood Friday, but will be cloaed on Saturday. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 27. WOOLr-The feature of the wool market la the absorbing In terest In the furelgn wool situation. In domeallc wool only a moderate volume if sales has taken place. Prices are strong, however. Pulled wools are quiet am the whole. Such territories as are offered ate nut meeting with extensive sale. There Is a demand (or half-blood and not much to be had. Domestic quotations range as fol lows: Indiana and Missouri Combing, -blood SiKtf 34c; combiner, quarter-blood, Jli 33c. Texaa Scoured basis, fine 12 months, 723'4c; line 8 to 8 mcntha, 6S'70c; fine fall clean, bAtijtc. California Scoured baala, northern choice t7'yttc; northern good, ui 4ji7c; middle countlea, Sijj'wk!. Oregon Scoured basis, eastern, No. 1 staple, 72f2 7bc; eastern No. 1 clothing, bc.'&Toc; valley No. 1, tiuutac; Territory staple, scoured basis, fine, 72i73c; fine medium, 65'0'iov; medium, tkVuubc; territory ordinary, scoured basis, oS'uoc; fine medium, btVuwc; medium, 6i'4jt4c. Colorado and New Mexico Spring, scoured. X. daw 70c; No. 1, C3yc. ST. LOUIS, March J7. WOOLr-Steady ; medium grades combing and clothing Wttf 28c; light fine, ti'iic ; heavy fine, ltkolac, tub wanhed, )ua LONDON. March 27. WOOD The second aeries of the wool auction sales closed to day, with firm prices ruling. Merinos were unchanged to t per cent svbove tne January series, but croes-breda were In the main unchanged. Coarse grades advanced 6 per cent and Cape of Oood Hope and Natal showed an average gain of f per cent. Dur ing the series 94. bales were taken by the home trade, 60.000 by Canadian buyers and lO.Ouo by Americana. About 6,000 bales were held over for the next aale. Today's offerings amounted to 16,9o bales. There was a good attendance and competition continued active to the close. Fine giades were well maintained, but Inferiors fell sltgktly below the recent high level. A better selection of Punta Arenas wool sold readily. Following are today a aalea in de tail: New South Wales, 2,uu bales; scoured, laid; greasy, 7dH'W Id. Queensland, l,io) bales; scoured. Is 2iifl':a; greasy, d'u,s ld Victoria, 9 "J bales; scoured. Is; greasy, 6d 4j1s3.1. South Australia, toO bales; scoured. Is2dwlsld; greaay, ;fltjlld. West Australia, l,T' bales; scoured, la 7 Totals 1,678 5,809 ' CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn ing were very light for a Wednesday: In fact the receipts for the week so far have been small compaieu wltn last week, at, though fully as large or larger than 1 year aao.- Packers all seemed to want beef cattle this morning and there was more life and snap to the trade than has been seen ln the yards for some days. Buyers' were all out ln good season and riding rapidly, so that the comparatively few loada of beef steers ln sight changed hands ln very good season In the morning. The prlcea paid were generally 10c higher than yesterday. In other words the cattle today sold about where they aid a week ago.. Cows and heifers were also free sellers and they, too, were generally 10c higher than yesterday. The receipts being light, buyers soon had everything ln sight cleaned up and the yards were deserted at an early hour for the want of more cattle to sell. Only a few stockers and feeders were of. feted and they sold very readily at strong prices. r eeaera nave commanaea nrm prices all this week and as receipts have been moderate the supply has been kept wen cteanea up. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. ' Av. Pr. No. . ' Av. Pr. 16 M! 4 10 66 1174 I 10 17 1026 4 69 18 14f4 6 it 14 8 4 M It 1261 t 10 10 894 4 It tO 1361 6 10 1 1126 4 66 1 1171 I 16 17 1189 4 70 1 13K7 I 10 16 1271 4 71 17 mi I 10 16 U20 4 76 10 1801 I 10 14 1111 4 76 10 lrei I 2 10 1040 4 76 II 1841 I M I 1072 4 76 16 1481 I 16 T 1081 4 71 41 1414 I H 10 1110 4 60 1 1100 I 26 17 1118 4 60 1 1864 I 24 14 1126 4 80 1 1429 I It 18 10O1 4 15 II 1830 I 40 17 1111 4 16 II 1311 I 44 18 ll 98 4 86 10 1 4 86 18 1276 4 M tl 1004 4 84 18 1280 4 10 II I 41 II 1146 4 96 17 1669 I 40 22 1166 I 00 cows. T 187 I 86 4 1080 I to I 681 I 41 I lost I eg 4 9-21 I 76 1 1220 I 16 11 630 I 06 1 1180 4 00 II 1004 I 16 1 1070 4 0 8 104 I 40 1 1070 4 00 17 114 I 46 I llftO 4 00 4 1K6 I 46 4 list 4 00 14 1018 I 66 I ll'.'t 4 00 T 1"21 I to 1 1i 00 I looO I 68 1 1.111 4 06 It 988 I 15 1 1143 4 08 I U'iS I 70 1 1196 4 04 I M I 75 1 1220 4 II 10 921 I 71 1 1( 46 4 10 14 1121 I SO t 1420 4 10 1 1220 I 80 HEIFERS, I V I II 14 197 I 10 1 791 I 16 16 Hi I 86 1 677 I 60 7 M I 10 1 4' I to 7 764 4 00 761 I to It 1X1 4 10 4 101 I 76 I ttt 4 U BULLS. 1 1060 I 60 i 1500 I T4 1 1"6 t 90 1 "2U I 76 1 1440 I 15 1 1440 I W 1 1190 I II 1 1W I 8 1 1280 I 60 1 07 4 1-0 CALVES. 1 400 4 64 1 100 t Ot 1 141 4 74 1 ISO I 14 1 86 I 00 1 120 4 60 1 130 6 60 1 140 I 60 1 20 I 74 1 100 t 60 1 400 6 76 1 141 I M 1 110 t 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 14 90 I M 12 171 4 M 14 til I 66 4 781 4 10 1 61I I 76 I lit 4 44 I IM 4 00 7 Til 4 60 1 115 4 to IS Ill 4 80 4 8.V) 4 10 1 1141 4 66 I 141 4 It 4 1027 4 M II 7l 4 10 10 110 4 70 11 IH 4 16 29 745 4 76 4...'. 62 4 66 II 1041 4 II Av. Pr 73 8 76 81 6 00 81 6 00 79 6 35 79 6 374 6 40 inn 5 40 106 - 6 76 15 6 00 63 7 30 92 7 50 72 7 60 71 7 60 72 7 60 83 8 00 , &9 S 00 . 101 4 00 , 84 4 90 , 84 6 40 ,63 6 26 ,99 5 50 9? 5 50 .60 7 26 .87 7 W ,88 7 86 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Higher Hoga Klt Cents Higher. CHICAGO. March r-OATTLE Receipts. 13.KO head; market for good to choice steers 10c higher, others steady; common to rime steers, HOisirf.OO; cows, t3.2Mi6.00; elfers. l3.olxu6.26: bulls. I3.4tvu4.00; calves. 2.76'67.76; stockers and feeders, 13.0014.90. HOOB Receipts. 19.000 head; market 50 higher; choice heavy shippers, !(('. 27: llKht butchers, I6.2!&6.30; choice light, tti.27 4nt.j:: packing, 16.50116.22; bulk of sales, I6.201H.25. BHEKP AND I.AM US Receipts. 13.000 head; market for sheep strong, lambs 15c lower: sheep. !'iii.60: yearlings, I6.00t& 7.16; lambs, IS.00Hj7.90. S60. bunches. per dog. No. S. Ktvr York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK, March 27.-BEEVE8 Re ceipts, 1,237 head. Market for steers, slow; top grades, steady; others, dull and 10c lower; bulls, steady; medium and fat cows, 10c lower; thin cows, steady; steers sold at $4.36116.55 per 100 lbs.; no prime heavy or choice offered ; bulls, 13.104.36; cows, $1.00 ii3.76; exports today, 1U0 cattle and 4,200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2.586 head. Market active and steady; common to prime veals, $ti.O0$(8.26; city dressed veals active at 10 16c per lb.; country dressed, 9ijl3c. HOGS Receipts, 8.165 head. Market steady; no sales reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,553 head. Market for sheep, firm; for lambs, active and Arm; sheep sold at $6.4o.00 Per 100 lbs.; culls. $3.5t'u4.00; lambs, $7.(KKu! 6.76; Jersey spring lambs, $8.00 per 100 lbs. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 27. CATTLE Receipta, 8.000 head, Including 600 south erns; market strong. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.4KifVi.26; fair to good, 4.6oa6.36; western fed steers, $4.i&1jiVW; stockers and feeders, $S.Cku6.00; southern atecrs, $4.1135.00; southern cows, $2.76i8.76; native cows, $2 6054.26; native heifers, $3.50 &4. W; bulls, $3.50(u4.25; calves, $4.(Xu7.0. HOO Receipts, 13.000 head; market Kt 7c lower. Top, $6.20; milk of sales, $0.10 i.17; heavy, $; packers, $6.10 6.17; pigs and llKhts, $n.l66.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head; market strong; lambs, $7.2fo'7.76; ewea and yearlings. 16 2Mj1.(o: western fed yearlings, IH.OXuti.k; western fed sheep, $5.00 410.90; stockers ana feeders, St. Loots Live Stork Market. 8T. LOUIS, March 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.500 head, including 1,2M head Tex ans: market 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, $5. 7.V116.6O; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.9i"t).00; steers under 1,(00 lhs., $4.0oiit6.00, stockers and feeders, $3.6'8 6.26; cows and heifers, $2 6Ti(U6.26; canmrs. $190rj2.60; bullii, $2.8f,f54.00; calves. 2.75tJ 7.75; Texas and Indian steers, $2.ef'36.ttO; cows and heifers, Il.90te4.00. HOGS Receipt1!, 8.0H0 head; market. 6c to 10c higher: pigs and lights, $tl.CXVii6.16; packers, $.".5Oi6.20; butchers and best heavy. $6.15(.25. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 1,800 head: market strong; native muttons, $3.50 i6.60; lambs, $4,8017.75; culls and bucks, $3,1044.00. Bloas City Lire Stock Markets. SIOUX CITY. March 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head; market 10c higher; stockers strong; beeves, $4. (0416. 75; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.0044 4.60; Blockers and feeders, l3.6oij4.o6; calves and yearllnga. $3,004(4 SO. HOOS Receipta, 4.800 head; market loc higher, selling at $6.0txU6.2o; bulk of sales, $6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head; market steady. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. March 17. CATTLE Receipts, 1.245 hesd; market strong to. 10c higher. Natives, $4.264i6.75; cows snd heif ers, $2.2&4t 4.75; stockera and feeders, $3.75 41 4.'i0. HOGS Receipts, 2.804 head; market 7?jl0o higher. Top, $i.22; bulk sales, $S.15(uti 2o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8.318 head; market steady to 10c lower; lamba, t7.4u4V7.86; yearlings, $6.360.75. Stock In Klght. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. South Omaha I.2" Sioux City Kansas City Bt. Joseph .. Bt. Louis .... Chicago Totals ... I.61O t.OOO .. 1.245 .. 1.500 . .18.000 ..80.645 Hogs. Sheep. 6.9O0 .V0 4.90O I.80O IJ.80O 70 2.804 I, SIX 8.0"0 1,800 19,000 13,000 64,204 81,318 rls4rf: areaav. 7Vdula lVkd. New Z.-n. although dealers were mainly oc- 1 lnd, 8,200 bales; scoured. Is; greasy, Ida1 In winding up the account. Con- la 41. Caps of Good Hope and Natal. Is 3d, greasy, bda 1.7uu bales: secure I. Island, LIOO bales; HOGS Hogs sold 7"&10c higher this morning, the first time the mat ket has scored a decided advance since March 1. The market was a little slow at first, but when once It got started the hogs soon changud hands, everything ln sight being disposed of at an early hour In tlie tnorn lntf. As will be noted from the sales be low, the bulk of all the hogs went at $.10 64 12. with a sprinkling of the Lest loads at $6.15. It will be remembered that yes terday $6.02 bought a very large portion of all the hugs, with a liberal sprinkling at $t5.0Wn.u6. After allowing for today's advance the market Is still 75c lower than It was on the first of the month and 9uc lower than the high time f the year. We. As. tk. Pr. No. Av. so. Pr. 11 Ill ... II 7t ... I 12 $1 Ill ... I M II 147 ... I 12 II Ill lit 71 1!l ... I ll 80 lit ... I II It 171 ... I lrt tl 144 ... I 10 71 I7 1st t 11 Tl 2"0 40 f W 16 134 ... I 12 tl 141 10 4 10 SB ' ... 112 41 Jit so t 1 12. r7 ... lis, II 8t I " 70 lit ... I II it a 11 in tt 8.8 u Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 27. M ETALS There was a recovery of a little over SLi of the recnt loss ln the I.onden tin market, with spot closing at 184 Is and futures st 1S2. Locally the market waa quiet. Copper was unchanged ln London, with spot closing at 15a snd futures at I-orally, however, the market continued unsettled and was more or less nominal at a rur ther slight decline. lake waa quoted at $-4 2fr.4 75: electrolytic, $.4.t"uCi .; cast ing. $24.''ii?4 no. i-si was lis 9i higher In the Kr.RMrn rr.aritrt. nt ! rs r... i r.e local market was unchanged, at liVOofJtiao, 8llter was unchanged, at 2 15s In Ion don and at K'utJW In the local market. Iron was higher In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at bl 64 and Cleveland warrants at 63s d. Locally the market wns unchanged: No. 1 foundryi northern, Is quoted at I V S'iVJo 26; No. 1 foundry, northern, $.'4 7Mr.xt.7e; No. 1 fmin dry. southern. $ tM'Ai.6t; No. I foundry, southern. $.6 tUV :6.ou. ST. IaH'IS. March 27. METAIJt-IaL steady at $6.07. Spelter, steady at I6.7&. OM .4 HA WMOLICS At.K MARKET. Condition of Trade aad QaotatloBS oat Staple and Fancy I'rodaee, EGGS Per dor, loc l.lvh. 1 u Li 1 - Hens, 10Vc; old roost era. 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, loc; young; roosters, '.(iilw; geese, 6c. BUTTER-Packing stock, lc; choice to fancy tlauy, 3ib4c; creamery, I7ti300. - HAY Choice upland, $10.00; medium, $9.50; No. 1 bottom. $a.60; ufT grades, $ OOijlAi Rye straw, $i.0u; No. 1 alfalla, $11.60. UKA.N-l'er ton, $19 50. FRl'llS. PINEAPPLES Florida, $5.0oU6.50 per crate. 8 lit A WHERRIES Choice Texas, 14 quart cases, $4.00. CKANBiiRRIES-rer bbl., $6.60fJ.M; In bushel box, $l.6vu4.75. APPLES Northern Spies, Fancy Green ings, per bbl., $3 6o, Iowa and Mlasourl Beoj Davis, $3 60: wlnesaps, $2.00 per box. COCOANL'TS Per sack of 1U0 lbs., $1.60(9 2.76. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS-Callfornla. bulk. sc; s-crowa Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish. Uo; t crown Turkish, 0. LEMONS -Llmonlera. ftoo and tCO Silt, $6.26; other brands, 60c less. BANANAS k tr medium slsed bunch, $2.oii u226; jumbos. $2.503.60. GRAPE FRL'lT-6izes 64. 64 to 80, $6 50. 1 DATErt Kadaway 5c; sayers, 6c; hal lowls, 6c; new stuffed wslnut dates, 9-t1 box, $1.06. ORANGES California navels, extra fancy, 176, 2o, 2.ltl, 2.o sizes, $4. nO; fancy, 126, 114 sizes, $3,254(3.50; choice, large sixes, per box, $2.703.00. INttW VKUtTABl.M. BEETS TURNIPS AND C AKROTB Pe dos. bunches. ItVyfiOc. TOMATOES Florida. SO-lb. crate, $4 50. LEAF LKTTUCK Hot houeo, per dot, hen il s, 45c. fill MHKHS-I'tr OOX., al.DU. RADISH Ed-Per dos. bundles, PARSLLT -Hothouse, per dos. 40c. HEAD LETTUCBJ-llouthern. tl.00dil.26. ULU V tun. 1 UL.U.U. NAVY BEANS Per bu., U.68; tl 60. DIM A BK AIMS rer ID.. tejO. SWEET POTATOEf Illinois, per large bbl., $6.oO; seed sweet potatoes, per bbu $1.86, April 1. CABUAUb Houana see a, nome grown. to per lb.; new cabbage, per lb., Zo. POTATO rJH Table slock, per bu.. SVC1 seed stock, 7Bc'J1.10. ONIu.NS- iiuniw mi own, per du (no; red or vellow, Colorado, per lb.. 2c; Spanish. per crate. $2.00. HUlaUaUAD-auoui iou lum. so MO a. $1.60. TUnMrO, lAHKUTS, B.oiS-iD DU. 76c; parsnips, per bu.. Il.oo. lui t)r.-r iiutLa, Ribs: No. L 15c; No. i. c: Uo. 1 so. I.olus: No. 1. lbc: No. 2. 18c; No. L loo. ChJck: No. L 6c; No. 2, 6c; No. I, 4a. Round: No. 1, 7c: No. li, 7c: No. 8, 4j, Plate; No. 1, ftc: mo. z. 4c: imo. 8. to. M ISC ELL AN SOU 8. HONEY Per 34 frames, $3. 60. SUGAR Granulaiwu cane. In sacks. s6 XII granulated beet, ln sacks, 86. U. COx1 at 2L a. nuasiiM iu. ss, oa per 1D.1 No. 30, 'Ho per lb.; No. 46, 19o per lb.j Nu 20, 15c per lb.; No. 21, lie per lb. CHKLbB New full cream Wisconsin twins, lie new full cream brick, 19o, wheel Swiss cheese, 18c; block Swiss, 17c; :imbeiger, 15c; young Americas, loot NUTS California walnuts, no. X, soft shell, 13c; No. L soft shell, .6c; Brazils. li)'ulhc; pecans, 19y 22c; filberts, 12c; pea nuts, raw, 8Vo; roasted, c; California al monds, hard shell, 17o; Taragona, 17C cocounuts, $5.00 per 100. CIDER New York, half barrel, $J.7C; bar rel, $v.04. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, westa em, 564idoc: Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 1-1 b. cans $1.46; standard 3-lb. cans, $1.20 Plneapplea, grutcd, 2-lb.. standard, $2.2041 2-tO; sliced. $1,764,235; fancy Hawaiian, 2-lb., $2.76; lVs lb., I1.7J. Gallon apples, fanoy, 2.6oS.O(. California apricots, $2.00. Pears, $1.752.50. Peaches, fancy. $1.7i(2.40; L. C. peaches. $2 00412.50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.1$; fanny Chinook, flat. $2.10; fancy sockeye. flat, II si. Sardines, quarter oil, tt 25; tstree-quartera mustard. $3.00. Sweet potatoes, $1.10(21.26, 6auerkraut, 90c. Pumpkins, 60c&1.00. Wax beans. 2-lb., 0041800. Lima beans, 2-lb., 7504) 11.85. Bplnach, $1.35. Soaked peas, I-lb., 60c; extras, ti.tsULl; fancy, tl.2o( ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous ot moving supplies of Immediate grades; quo tationa range from to to 13c for California, fruit and from 6o to lOo for Oregon. Ap ricots are firm and It Is reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn; choice are quoted at 18c; ex tra choice, 18 u 19c; fancy, 194120c. Peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at 114 12c; extra choice, L2'yl3c; fancy, 12 1 13cf extra fancy, Uyl&c. Raisins are firm; loose Muscatels are quoted at 849o seeded raisins, 94)Uo. FISH Pickerel. dressed, e; pike, dressed, 12a; white fish, dressed, sriotsf caught. 13c; trout, 12c; halibut, 11a; salmon, 10c; catfish. 15c; herriDg, dressed, part frozen, 6c; perch, scaled and dressed, to; perch, skinned, dressed, heedless, 7c; crap plea, round, 64j9c; crapples, large, fanoy, 15c; black bass, 26c; smelts, sweet and fine. ' ISc; eel, 16c; blue fish. 16o; red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 30 '1 40c, frog legs, 40c lobsters, green, per lb., 87c; lobsters', boiled, per lb., 40c; mackerel, Spanlah, per lb., loc mackerel, native, 800 per lb. HIDES AND TALLOW Green sald No. 1, loc; No. 2, c; bull hides. 8c; green hides. No. 1, 8c; No. 3. 7c; horse, $1.504 1.76; sheep pelts. 60c6tl.26. Tallow, No, L 4c: No. 2. S3. Wool. :M2c. CURED FISH Family whit flgh, per luarter bbl., 100 lba., $4.00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, $35.00: No. I. $28.00: herring. Is bbls., 200 lba. each. .Vorway. 4k. tlLOu Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 27.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.96c; mid dling gulf, 11.20c: no sales. ' BT. LOUIS, Mo.. March 27. COTTOlf Steady; middling, 10c; Bales, 60 bales; re ceipts, 8yi balen; shipments, 421 bales; stock. 38.771 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 27.-COTTON-Spot quiet; prices 4a6 points higher; American middling fair, 6.8til; good middling, .40d: middling, 6.9Kd; low middling, 6.66.1; good ordinary, 6.d; ordinary, 4.70d. The sales of the day were 6.000 hales, of which tut were for speculation and export and In cluded 6.600 American; receipts, K.OuO bales. Including 33, fu American. NEW ORLEANS, March r7.-COTTON Spots cloeed quiet; sales, 1,500 bales; low ordinary, 6c, nominal; ordinary, 7c, nomi nal; good ordinary, 8 16-16c; low middling, 9c; middling, 10 11-1 tic; good middling, 11 9-lCc; middling fair. 12 9-18C, nominal! fair, 13 8-lbc. nominal; receipts, 10,661 bales) stock, 299,7Gt bales. Treasury Statemeal. WASHINGTON. March 27 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150.ii00 .( gold reserve, shows: Available ensh balance, $'65,166,240; gold coin and bullion, tl24.4tl2, 614; gold certificates, 118,948,770. HARD - O - PORT Even if the hidden real Is -'discovered in the nick of time, I it means at least a severe shaking up and period ot painful anxiety. la lfa hualneaa it ia Doasible to avoid all this tvr digging uo the reefs la edvance and getting taexs out el the way. Business reefs sre disproportionate expenses, various leaks L antiousted. curnben .m and expensive methods. lack ef aystssa or loo much system and ranclcd Security, through depending too Implicitly oa surfaoe eondjliona rscurus, etaumvnta, ngurea sou rsvuna. ProgressKe firms no longer assure, they know. And the way - thsy do it is throutfh Periodical Audits by avxpert AeeountanU who are trained to dig beneath the swiace, Aa kn mediate Audit is our earnsst advice, if vow do not know for sore w bet her the euast is clsar free I torn reefs under the surface of your tntsinios. Our Service ia exceptionally r"od. We have eornplexely aqalpped orgsnlwtioo for Accounluig, Finanoial Invsatigatins, Auditing, and Svxeinatisiag along any comir-wrcuj car manufacturing hoe. We analyze our lnvesiistauans bsuslit la a practical way. Our Hlfh Steading is unquestioned our Government, Bute and Municipal Audita insure that. Our Tecs are moderate, and not to be sum pared with the valuaof the service we rands. No charge for txnsultation. Write us. INDIANA AUDIT COMPANY CasvUa hot Building, InorvapolU, Intl.