Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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f" nvo o c r"r ic n (c Tiz inj ha ttj o
UKKLfl lLnQUL,L nil if IIHL
New Store
Uk'ii ii rat-v Bsi Kr"- m
jo) 5J
In Our Beautiful and Perfectly Equipped Salesroom on the Second Floor
Fashion's Official Headquarters
We want to urge the advisability of purchasing-
your Easter hat at once. The assem
blage at Brandels Is so complete and so charm
ing In every way you will be delighted with
the variety. May we expect you Thursday?
Stunning Paris Hats
We imported a vast number of original Parts
pattern hats expressly for this opening. Most
elegant conceptions from renowned master mil
liners of Paris the height
of exclusive style and
color harmony many
specially priced,
Easter Millinery at $i0
Hundreds of these charming hats to sell at a
moderate price new poke
shapes new smartly bent
brims, new beele of Mayfalr
shapes, etc., at
If not ready to buy we
wish you to view the
Btylee anyway. )
Stylish Spring Hats at $5
Scores of new styles brought forward for Thurs
daytrimmings and colors are C
ing in these modestly priced j)
hats, at.
Spring Flowers for Trimming
A wealth of roses, in all colors, and sizes, field
flowers, heather and every correct
spring garniture large bunches, f
worth 75c regularly, at . . .
... io
Great Sale Women's Oxfords
Special women's $3 patent leather or plain ox- O C
fords all new spring styles, at I O
Women's Spring Oxfords at $2.50 Patent O . C
. colt or dull kid Cuban heels, etc, at 1
Phit EEzi Spring Shoes and Oxfords, at $3 and $3.50
tBed Cross Shoes And
" Oxford! f or : Womtn-
They bend with the
foot, most comforta
ble shoes for women.
Our. - delicious
Venetian style
chocolate, regu-,'.
lar 40c value
special Thursday
at, per pound
For Fashionable Easter Wear
Women's Suits and Demi-Costumes
The range of correct styles is
complete at Brandeis.
Silk Suits and Dresses
Adapted for Easter Wear
These Frenchy little suits are al
together charming jumper suits
and dressy foreign features new
light stripes and checks are favor
iteslace and velvet trimmings-
delightful Easter dresses
worth up to $65.00,
The Famous
"Fashionseal" Suits
are charming for Easter wear
These( are ultra stylish and splen
didly tailored all correct styles to
meet all fashionable requirements
the most artistic and dressy
ready-to-wear suits
made only the best
fabrics, at
Women's Tailored Suits
at $17.50
All new styles f o r
1907 new colors
new features VI
win yu
$35 mttm
$25 mm
We mention specially our charming French Suits, made in dainty
shades from exclusive fabrics such artistic creations were never be
fore imported. As suits for Eastertide they are perfection.
Dainty and Elegant WaistsSpecial
Women's Net Waists New
leeves- and yoke -effects "Very
dainty and quite novel,
Lingerie Waists' for Women Dain-
tiness personified and Easter
Waists that exactly suit Ji QO
their purpose, at O
Correct Easter Clothes for Men
Only three more days to pick out
that new suit in time for Easter. Don't
you feel the need of itt
Here are the Rogers-Poet, the Hirsh
Wickwire, the Stein-Block and the New
port Clothes best clothes in America
for men of refined tastes cpst half
what merchant tailored clothes cost
$1750.$i9m$2250ip $30
Men's Suits
for Easter
Good for dress or business and right up
to date in every point of style wear
better, feel better and look better than
any suit you ever saw at
Easter Suits for Boys
You'll want your boy to look his best on' Easter
dayl These suits will hold their shape and stand hard
BIO EASTER SPECIAL Extra Pair of Boys' Knick-
erbocker Pants and Cap to Match, Free with
Boys' Suit at $3.98 four new spring pat
terns, worth up to $6 entire outfit at.
Very Dressy Suits for Easter All the becoming styles
that lead in favor this season highest quality of
fabrics- 250-398-$ 5 "P ' 998
Easter Cards
on Sale, Book Department
Immense variety of post cards,
also other cards and novel
ties in chicks, rabbits,
ducks, etc., up
For Easter v.
In Stationery Department
Crepe Paper White and purple, at, per
roll 106
Paper Napkins and Lunch Seta In
lily and violet designs.
Paper Garlands -10
Taper Bells at. . QS 10S15. 25
Don, Doc Days and Hydrophobia and th
Omaha City OonnolL
Dr. Merrlajs Polats Oat th FHT
Cmtl( Raklea wltk Hot
Watkr u4 What Mar Be
Done for Safety.
Contributions on timely topics are
invito from rdr of Toe Bo.
Communication ihould be written
- Infflbly on on aid of the papr only
nd accompanied by the nam and ad
dreaa of th writer. The nam will not
b uaod If th writer ask that It be
withheld. Unuaed communication will
not b returned. Correspondents are ad
vised to limit their letters to 300 word
or they will be subject to beln out
down to that limit at th discretion of
th editor. Publication of vlewa of
correspondent must not b ' taken to
. commit Th Be to their endorsement
Masai Dogs, Doc Day sad Hyaro-
OMAHA, March X-To the Editor of Th
Be: As soon a th warm, day of sum
mer cum la many towns and clUoa, laws
ar enacted requiring that all doc found
at large Momuuled shall be killed, but a
aoon aa the frost of autumn appear, th
do(s ar permitted to roam unmusslod, un
molested. Tula muiillng of dogs In hot
weather Is supposed by many Intelligent
persona to be a protection of the people
.from th terrible disease hydrophobia. It
Is. however, a superstition bom of an Ignor
ant age and kept alive by th sgnoranc and
credulity of th mussea, for th "dog day"
of summer hav absolutely no relation to
mad dogs, or the development of hydro
phobia. ...
Blrlus, , or th Dog star, th moet bril
liant of the fixed star and th larreat In
th constellation of Canls Major, or th
Great Doc, received It name from Slrls,
on of the Egyptian appellation of the
river Nile, because It helical risln (I. e.
Just before aunt-lae) gave warning that th
overflow of th river was about to com
mence, and th so-called "dog days" of
summer aa reckoned by th ancient were
forty In number, twenty before and twenty
after the helical rising of the Dog Star.
The rising of th Dog Star was tgnorantly
supposed to b th occasion of th ex
treme heat and of th dlseaaea Incidental
to these days. It waa by mere accident
that the rising of th Dog Star coincided
with th hottest season of the year In
time and countries of the old astronomer.
The time of Its rising depends on th lati
tude of th place, and I later and later
every year In all latitude, owing to th
procession. In tune the star will rise In the
winter, and th almanac mark "dog day"
In January Instead of August
Hydrophobia la a dims of th nervous
system of man Induced by a poison from
soma member of the canine or feline race,
aa th dog, wolf, fox, jackal or cat, which
may or may not hav rame at th tlm.
Mr. Mason' biindl terrier Prince did not
develop rabies, though McCormlck died of
hydrophobia from hi bit In N4w Tork In
1874. Th licking of a sore on a woman' fac
by her lap dog caused hydrophobia, from
which the woman died, but th dog had no
rablaa. There la abundant evidence to
prove that these animal need not be mad
to cause hydrophobia. Whll th bit from
a rabid animal I more poisonous, th fact
ar that of twenty persona bitten, even by
a rabid animal, only ons develops hydro
phobia. Ilenc th reputation of th
vaunted specific for hydrophobia.
No doubt th mustllng or some dogs and
th destruction of all vagrant dog during
hot weather I meant for th people' good,
but It la quit temporary In It operation,
and during th remainder of th year leaves
th community unguarded. It thus createa
a false sense of security, and perhaps on
that account may even be Injurious. More
efficient protection would probably be af
foMd by some method which should be In
constant and regular operation throughout
th year, especially If based upon a reaaon-
O QCHOOL boy and girls need
Scott's Emulsion. G&ts
room work impair, their vitality.
Pasting from heated rooms into raw
penetrating vrirul, they often fall a prey
' to coughs and colds,
Scotl'j Emulsfon makes
healthy fat, and rich Mood to nourish
their growing bodies. It repairs and
increases their vital powers. It uMm
them to withstand the cold winds. V
in ia. m efi
abl knowledge of th disease and Its symp
tom. Th principal danger of Infection
from an animal consist In the fact that
no one can tell whether the animal be
oapable of Infecting or not, and also that
people in general do not know a rabid dog
when they see one, for they mistake other
infections, as epilepsy, etc., which are com
paratively harmless, for hydrophobia; but
th disease Itself they do not recognise,
because their diagnosis rests on their er
roneous Ideas, vis: First, that a mad dog
la only to be met with In hot weather,
whereas abundant evidence, shows more
dog go mad with rabies In winter than
In summer; second, that th rabid dog la
afraid of water and will not drink. This
Is equally erroneous, for the rabid dog Is
not afraid of water and will frequently
drink when he haa an opportunity, and will,
as dogs usually do, go Into a pond or
stream and swim about and lap the water.
Third, that th rabid dog I ferocious and
aggressive. Abundant evidence show the
rabid dog to be frequently kind and af
fectionate, especially during the early
Another frequent and serious mistake I
this: As soon as a vagrant dog has bitten
anyone he first Impulse of the bystander
Is to kill him. But when this has been
don th only possible mean of knowing
whether the animal, were really mad 1
lost and several months must elapse before
th Injured person can be relieved of anx
lety from this source. It is evident that
uch a dog should never be killed at once,
but shruld b secured and kept under ob
servation for a few days, until his symp
toms ar fully developed. In a large ma
jority of cases It would turn out that the
disease was not rabies.. The mussle is not
a protection, for the dog must be unmux
sled to be fed, and I of Itself a constant
source of annoyance and worry to the dog,
conditions, which. Ilk unktndne and
! ahiiu, m&ka vaarant doss easily develon
What, then, shall be dona? Let all
worthies dog be destroyed and th few
valuable ones that remain hav their tusks,
oanlne and Incisor teeth filed down from a
point to a flat surface so that they will
not penetrate, the unbroken skin. Thl I
easily done, doe not harm the dog nor
unfit him for any useful purpose. While
not an Infallible protection, thl Is th best
xpedlent known to scientific men at the
present time and should b adopted by our
city council rather than the useless. In
jurious and foolish method of mussling
now In us.
Monthly Publicatioi to It Devoted to tin
Uie of the EirktlsB.
AaassetneBt Mem Was! to sir tit
at TwellU sad Parma sa
A White City for Omaha Is the latest
project which 1 knocking at the door for
admission. Th promoter? through their
local representative, W. R, Homan, hav
aaked th executor of th estate of th
lata Count Crelgbton for th use of the
land at the corner of Twentieth and Far
nam street for thl enterprise.
The Idea Is to run a model amusement
place where no liquor will be eold and
which will cater especially to th women
and children. The executor hav prom
ised to give their answer next week as
oon vs their bond la accepted.
Notable Benefaction by New York
Woaas Which Will Be of
Immense Service to Mavny
On of the most notable benefactions In
the Interest of those deprived of their sight
1 th Matilda Zlegler Magaxin for the
Blind, the first number of which haa re
cently been Issued. Mrs, Matilda Ziegler,
widow of the late William Zlegler of New
Tork, 1 It founder and It 1 to be Issued
free to the blind of the United States who
can read either New Tork point or Braille
Friends of Mrs.' Zlegler have prevailed
upon her to let her nam be used In the
title of the magaxin that the world may
realise that thl great gift la from a
The magaxlne will be Issued monthly and
It Is the intention of the publishers to
make It of a character that will appeal to
the greatest number of blind rather than
to the very few literary, and yet b of
Interest to all. The suggestion of Helen
Keller that "the blind ar not specialists,
Interested only in blindness," has been well
regarded, and aside from mentioning special
work being done by them and new lines of
work being done for them, there will be as
little mention as possible of blindness. Short
stories, continued stories, the news of the
month and letters from successful blind
people, telling of various line of work In
which they have been successful, con
trlbuta to a most Interesting volume. A
musical column Is to be added later.
Prlated (. aider DlffieaUles.
An Immense amount of work was entailed
In collecting the names and addresses of
the reading blind over the country, but the
greatest problem was that of getting the
printing done until a large press required
for the work could be built, thl to take
several month at least. But no sooner
was the announcement of the project made
than the American Printing House for the
Blind at Louisville. Ky.. the largest plant
of Its kind In this country, volunteered to
do anything possible to assist. At the
same time K. E. Colby, manager for th
A Skin of ateauty a to jrever,
llx Ooursud'i Oriental
m or Magiool Beautlflor.
Rwistw Tsa, rMnplea
li.ri. u4 bhia I)uwms
aa tvsrr bicoiut
ou tb4 tit
tm CtMUirts. It
0t4K4 lu U.
nt LI yan. 4
k M kimitii wt
ta.:uK U kMf.urcl
Is po'r l J gift.
Aecpi sooeuuiw
ft n oi sjclu
im, Dr. L. A
tuvrs ft-4 to I
Af tt ttis ksut
fcs (a imiu.o
you Wdif
1U w tLta
1 r.cosisiasi
r.. m' M tba !-wt kvmful "I I a
M t ml It til IruiLili sod f lief
ta U-11, Cith.ilt Sb4 Eutp
Btate Industrial School for the Blind at
Hartford, Conn., offered the services of that
Institution, with the result that the maga
xlne can be printed In both the New York
point and Braille, the Louisville house to
print the former and the Hartford school
tha latter.
The magaxlne will not be sent to blind
students while in school, but will be sent
to them at their homes during vacation
and a number of copies sent to each school
during the school year. As the expense
of Issuing the magaxlne la necessarily great
It Is requested that anyone receiving It and
not caring for It, notify the publisher,
Walter O. Holmes, 1931 Broadway, New
York, that It may be stopped. It Is also
requested that names of reading blind, not
receiving the magaxlne, be sent to the pub
lisher. While announced that the magazlno
I free. It ha been necessary to charge a
subscription price of 10 cents a year that
It may be entered as second class matter
In the postofflce. Otherwise the postage on
each copy would be U cents, and the mail
ing alone would be Increased $8,000 a year.
Oeaesl of th Magaslae,
The magaxlne had its Inception In a letter
ent a year ago to the New York papers
by Walter Q. Holmes, a newspaper man of
Memphis, Tenn., who has a blind brother,
In which article he commented upno the
need of literature for the blind and the
fact that the great cost of books place
them out of reach of the great majority.
Mrs. Zlegler, who has a blind son, was at
tracted by the article and communicated
with Mr. Holmes, th result being the
magaxlne Just Issued. The first Issue was
about 7,000 copies, the largest edition for
the blind ever Issued. It la estimated that
It will cost Mrs. Zlegler something over f3
a year for each copy she sends out, an the
process of printing Is difficult and expen
sive. The names of about (.000 blind read
ers have been received and the magaxlne
is being sent to them. In addition to these
there are about 4,600 student norf In
schools for th blind, and more In home
for the blind and a certain number of
copies will be sent to these. Mr. Holmes,
who Is now manager of tha magaxlne, esti
mate that 1300,000 will place a circulating
library for the blind In every state In the
union, and he would like to explain his
plan to everyone Interested. The United
States mail takes book for tha blind from
a library and returns them free of charge.
itructlon to com and lay his troubles be
fore .us and we will do all In our power
for him. If it Is consolation or advice
he needs, it will be given, and if It Is finan
cial aid, we will do what we can In that
line. There is no need of a man being
out of employment In Omaha at the pres
ent. If you know of any such end them
to us. We have more calls for men than
we can' supply."
Captain 8torer left for Chicago last
night on business connected with Salvation
Army work and expect to be gone all tha
Industrial Commissioner of Burling
ton Railroad Will Attend Com.
merclal Clnb Function.
Frank H. Gaines will act a toaatmaater
at th membership banquet to be held at
6:30 Thursday evening at the Commercial
club and addresses will be made by Presi
dent C. M. Wilhelm of the club, C. 8. Montgomery-
and W. H. Manss, Industrial com
missioner for the Burlington at Chicago.
A large attendance of members of the club
I anticipated, a the vital question of ob
taining new quarters for th club la to be
given consideration.
It also Is expected that several of th
national officers of the Travelers' Pro
tective association, who will arrive In
Omaha Thursday on fraternal business,
will address the members and several
guests from out of the city have been invited.
Commission Will Take t'p Mattes
Improvement Aronnd Cut
Off Lake.
At the Maroh meeting of the Park board
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock W. I. Kler-
stead. president of the Fifth Ward Im
provement club, will urge the park com
missioners to push the proposed Cut-OfT
lake boulevard acheme. Plans for this
boulevard have been approved by the board
and the matter was allowed 'to rest daring
the winter. North Omaha cltlsens will
bring before the board the proposed bou!e-I
vara east from Kountxe park and ask that
this project be hurried along.
"This Is certainly a matter in which
every property owner In the north part of
the city Is Interested," said a north end
resident owner. ."But they do not realise
it la necessary for each and every one of
them to be present at the meeting to show
the board they are Interested. Nothing
win do as much to assure these Improve
ments as a large, attendance of Interested
property owner. The north end is lacking
In securing improvements, only because of
the indifferent attitude of realty owners
Rlvervtew recently secured . large ap
propriations from the board for the south
end and there certainly are a many In
fluential cltlxena Interested In th north
end, but they won't turn out and even make
a request of the board, like the cltlxena of
other localities do.
Bee Want Ads produce results. Try them.
DR. T. r
skut prprmnoat
m unfair io, nituHwt ink)
Ordinary Channels Abl to Care for
All the Disconsolate Wko
Corn to Army.
"I do not believe an antl-sulclde bureau
In Omaha Is necessary," said Captain
Storer of the Salvation Army last night.
"There Is hardly a week goes by but
we have despondent men and women
come to us with a more or less well de
fined Idea of committing suicide If they
do not And Immediate relief from thetr
troubles. They come to us as a last re
sort, and It Is not hard to dissuade them
from th suicide notion. All they need
Is some on to whom they can confide
their troubles, and to t cheered up.
Sometime It I a lov affair, sometimes
drink, but usually financial trouble. Men
who ar down may be started right by
simple word of consolation and advice.
"While we hav not and do not Intend
establishing an antl-sulcid bureau, yet
we waul any one coatamjlatlnx lf-da-
Cifif est (b eM. rit tm 0m awf
Pint est tt AiJsa, ring la (as few"
f - rr.- -fiii--"-'-wn rt .Mdiitti " :- kr-r'-T-a, irrrit
XikNI v.cfTrSi.. n"i
IS o
Nature' BMMt natural raosedy, Impmred by ecienr
to a H.BASANT, UAiiVr. xosmvB CVkO
for eouxUt, eoida Sad ail luttaioed surfaces of ta
Longs and Bnmrhis.1 Tube. 11m sore, wry, eouaa
worn Luiif are exhilarated; Um uioroto-bMuTuf
mucoe im cat oat; th. cause il ' Uiat Ucklln la
renxned. and th to&anwd auambiwoM tM h.)td
aad sooth d so uiat ut 1 no laaiiaauon to smugs,
Orsr IJMJtOm hotOm SaM Aaawafty
leave so reon)
And the sal Inm seeing each
so question in vis
On-a Westerly.
of to opW Caoio at
Look for tie CJ1 ca the Bottla.
I mm tt ymrt anf aad axis sasdaay
raoMdy squat to Dr. (toll's Hit-Tu
Uonay. It givas QuWknad sniisn.nt
rum in gna a wu aa aiujti ana
suits. It saitt wa loses nmig, .
. asiaa,s4rasri(dMW. " aUrlaa4 at0. C, lac, Jfa&acafe, Kjf