Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Encliss ChuipUn wets la Early 6e m to
Train Bit
Bath Meat Are Determined Win
Twg of tha Moat Hrranly
Matched on tho raddwo
Looking u (It u fiddle, Jimmy Put.
champion wrostlsr of England and ona of
tha vary best tn tha world, arrived In
Omaha Wednesday morning for bla match
with Farmer Burnt at tha Auditorium Fri
day night
"I came In a couple daya early." aaya
Parr, "so aa to gt In good form before
the match."
On hie formnr vlait here Parr got In town
the unit day of the match, whloh waa won
by Burna. Parr waa tired from traveling
and thla la what he aought to avoid by
coming early tfcls time, ao that be and tho
fane who watch the match may get the
benefit of bla beet condition. He will rest
ail Wednesday and work out a Morgan's
Thuraday and Friday.
No two men In the country are more
evenly matched than Burna and Parr.
They are both old men on the mat, one 44,
the other Mj have skill, strength, apeed and
endurance and their going against each
other la aboot like Greek meeting Greek.
Each man la desperately determined to win
In Friday's match. Should Parr win be and
Fred Beel wUl be pitted against each other
at the Auditorium before warm weather;
If Burns wins that will end the season here.
Parr Is scheduled to meet Charley Hacken
schmldt In Knosvllle April 1 He and Hack
have never met.
Parr and French Ootch are great personal
friends and mutual admirers.
"He's a fins gentleman," said Parr, "and
a wonderful wrestler. I always enjoy meet
ing him I mean In a social way." And the
Jolly Englishman gave a characteristic
twinkle of his sharp, dark eye.
Parr, hlnisr-lf, is a man who cultivates the
social side of life. He Is a great traveler
and never travels but hs has his camera
with him to aid In Impressing the scenes
and events on his mind.
Parr took a drive around Omaha Wednes
day, taking his camera with him to snap
some views. He spun up and down Central
Here Is a man who believes firmly In the
power of the press and the potency of news
paper advertising. Speaking of the methods
employed In advertising wrestling matches
and other athletlo events, he said:
"One line In a newspaper Is better than
all your bill posters, show windows, pla
cards or anything else. For effective ad
vertising give me the newspaper ad. Tou
ask why Is newspaper advertising the moat
effective T Simply because people read the
newspapers today as they never did before.
They have 'got the habit,' so to speak; they
look for these things in the paper. It's part
of every legitimate business to advertise."
In all the excitement of the coming of
the Coming Champs It should be borne In
mind that the publlo will be given an op
portunity to see them work out Saturday
and Sunday afternoons In games with the
Lee-Qlass-Andreesen team. Since , the
memory of man runneth not to the con
trary. It has been the custom for the pro
fessionals to open their season In Omaha
with the best amateur team, and the Lere-Glaaa-Andreesen
team has claimed that dis
tinction for sometime, and consequently
has been It. The hardware men have been
practicing hard for the coming fray and
say they need the game as a good opener
for a victorious season. Pa says he doesn't
Intend to let the amateurs take the opening
game. Amateurs are hard Indians early In
tha ssason. for they are ambitious and
play with lots of steam, while the profes
sionals are more apt to hold themselves
In reserve and not take any chances on
throwing an arm out of gear. Saturday Is
the opening day and Vinton street park
the place,
Omaha anglers are somewhat disappointed
that they will not be able to fish at Cut Off
lake Sunday, but Deputy Game Warden
Plerson took the matter up with Head
Game Warden George Carter and he has
ruled such things must not be and there
will be no fishing at the lake until Mon
day. Tha length and else of some of the
fish which have been seen at the lake Is
Through a mistake the 1:36 trotting stake
race Was omitted from the raoe program
for the state fair which was published in
tt any t tss or style asad.
Lee as good behind ss In treat.
As excellent duality Inside as cat.
Standard of bat value that's
YouH know it
next time by the
label on the bottle-
Maryland's J J
Purest Whiskey
V aestary eem 0
I 111 ! 1 1 I , few.
5c Easter
Egg Dye
We will sell tha old reliable Fleck's
Easier beg Lye 100 colors and designs,
so; harmless easy to use.
Shaman & I,!cConns!l Drug Co.
Corns Blsteeata oad Dodge.
Ootng to have another good drug store,
awtber Sixteenth and Harney.
last Bun day's Bee. Tha purse for thla la
RE I rum wins
Omika Bowler Gets flftS la Individual
Class at It. Loots.
(TV. LOTT", Mo.. Vsrch 7!. (Spertal TJ
esxsm.) The seventn annual tuurumuieul
Of the American Howling eonsreee closed
bere late thJe afternoon when the final
r:ames were rolled. In the two-men and
ndivldual events for ths first time since
U.e congress was formed there Is a tls
for the championship In one of the events,
R. F. Matak of Bt. Paul and Marshall T.
Levey of Indianapolis being tried for premier
honors In the Individuals with 624. They
have been telegraphed for to come and roll
off the tie, but neither baa as yet re
plied. In the doubles the new champions are E.
O. Rlchter and D. M. Klgley of Lnnlevul.
with 1,163, while the Furniture Cttys of
Grand Kaplds take the place so long held
by Chicago aggregations as title holders In
the five-men event, with S.77S.
The bfst work In the minor events today
was accomplished by H. Huntoon of Minne
apolis In the singles, where he went Into
a tie for eighth place with Mat tie Ijuecker
of Chicago. In the doubles Neofus and
Wooley, also of Minneapolis, were high
with 1,087.
Chicago got $1,790 In the five-men, $1,171
In the doubles and $867 in the singles.
Their total winnings amounted to $3,K!.
In the minor events St. l'aul and Minne
apolis were next with $, while Indian
apolis, $000; Cleveland, 1619; Cincinnati, $42E;
Detroit. $.180; Pittsburg, $348; Omaha, $230,
and Toledo, $-ue, followed In the order
H. Beselln led the Nebraskans In the In
dividual event- with 612 for fifth place,
getting $126. F. Hengele got 577 for forty
third plaoe and 1.36. C. Francisco, fo6 for
eighty-first place and 115, and H. Hprague,
Sis for 112th place and $10. Only two Omaha
pairs landed In the prise list, W. Bmnke
and T. Neale getting 1,106 for $30 and J.
Klouck and J. Ilerger 1,101 for forty-eighth
place and $3.
The bowling In the two-men team class
ended this afternoon. Following are the
ten highest scores made during the tour
nament: El G. Rlchter and E, Begley, Louis
ville 1.14
J. and Q. Schmidt, Bt. Louis 1,13
C. Knoll and C. Prouty, Cleveland l.lte
M. J. Clarke and A. Wengler, Chicago. 1,156
E. Tschlrret and C. Faulhaber, Tol
edo, O ,...1,166
R. Alfod and Al Toemmel. Chicago 1,158
P. Wolfe and Charles Collier, Chicago. .1,152
H. J. Rochford and M. Bates, Brad
dock, Pa 1,151
Oebhard and Mennlnger, Detroit, Mich. 1,149
G. Han go it and K. Peterson, Chicago. ..1,148
The standing of the Individuals for the
tournament fiillow:
Matak. St. Paul 624
I-evy, Indianapolis 624
Steven, St. Joseph, Mo 619
C. Keeter, Indianapolis 617
H. Beeolln. Omaha 614
L. Vandersyde, Chicago 611
E. Zimmerman, Doerun, Mo 60S
Luecker, Chicago ft)6
H. Huntoon, Minneapolis 606
Nlehoff. Cincinnati 605
No new records were established during
the present tournament and the scores were
fienerally dpIow those made at Louisville
ast year. Bowlers attribute the poor show
ing to the unseasonable hot weather which
has prevailed for the last week. The tour
nament started March 16 and the alleys
have been used morning, afternoon and
night since.
Tonight and tomorrow morning and aft
ernoon the tournament alleys at the Cres
cent rink will be turned over to such con
testants In the national competition as
wish to engage In match games. Several
challenges, involving considerable money
In side bets, have already been Issued and
Tomorrow night competition for the
women's national championships In the In
dividual, double and five-men team dosses
will start. It Is expected that from tha
small number of entries that the oham
plonshlps will be decided In one night,
Philadelphia Americans Defeated at
New Orleans, 4 to 8.
NEW ORI.BANS, March 27. In their
first game together since the world's cham
pionship series of 1905. the New York Na
tionals and the Philadelphia Americana
met here today. New York won, 4 to 3.
Score by Innings. R.H B.
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 7 )
Philadelphia ...0 0010001 18 i i
Batteries: McOlnnlty, Ames and Bresna
han; Combes and Powers.
St. Loala Maa Throws Duncan Me.
Mlllaa at Lincoln.
LINCOLN. March 17.-In straight falls,
at catch-as-catch-can wrestling, Oscar
Wasera of St. Louis tonight defeated Dun
can A. McMillan of Seattle. MoMUlan had
The O'Brien's Monte Crlstos, not to be
outdone by the Black Kats. took all three
games from the Life Malts on the Metro
politan alleys last night, although the
handicap figured in all three games.
1. i t
Kay 167 139 156
niatnes isg
Griffith 1S7
Clark 1T4
Fagerberg 174
Handicap 76
Totals 934 84$
Waleni lftj jeo
Sutton 1M 169
iselson 132
Lehman 201
Seaman 1M
828 2.608
Totals , 879
779 J,ttW
Partly Cloady la Nebraska and Sonth
WASHINGTON. March 27. Forecast of
the weather for Thuraday and Friday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas
Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday.
For Iowa Fair Thursday; Friday, fair
and warmer.
For Missouri Fair Thursday, cooler In
ast and nuth portions; Friday, fair and
warmer in west portion.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Thursday
and Friday; rain or snow Thursday In
southwest portion.
For Wyoming and Montana. Partly
cloudy Thursday and Friday.
Local Heeord.
OMAHA. March 27. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
J'ears: 1007. 190. 1. 1&04.
Maximum temperature.... M M 82 43
Minimum temperature.... 86 $4 M S
Mean temperature 47 86 69 80
Precipitation 00 .00 T .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omsha since March 1
and comparison with the latt two years:
normal temperature
Excess for the day
Tumi excess since March 1......
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total DrecfDltatton since Marrh 1
Deficiency since March 1 .99 Inch
Excess for cor. period, 1906 .53 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1905 ' .U Inch
Heporta front Motions at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max.
c-f Weather. T p. m. Temp.
Bismarck, part cloudy 28 28
tneyene.o, riouay 42 48
jnicar.o, clouuy
Davenport, part cloudy
Ienver, part cloudy....
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, cloudy .,
nuron, ci?ar
Kansas City, part cloudy
North Platte, cier,
Omaha, cloudy
Rapid City, clear ,
Bt. Louis, cloudy...
St. Paul, clear
Salt Luke City, clear
Valentine, part cloudy....
i inaicaiva trace or precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Wkl Foreoaster.
.. 48
.. 62
.. 60
.. 88
08 Inch
06 Inch
.24 Inch
fall. T
Mas. wuhlow8 sooTgna sTYmirr
bn hn4 tor inr SIXTY fKlSS kr MIL,
U'JNH of koTHBK lor CH11.HKICN WttlLg
lh.tlHl.Sil WITH FERf l'T SVJCl CIS. IT
...,iHt in. CHILD, SOI-TICNS U ULMi, al.
Lays ti Pain, ctaic wind roue, tat u is
t- i rv-a..- t fur blAHhHOKA. 'ji4 by aruftfitt
Id rr part CS ri4- O oere a4 uk l
UULUi3l!,l UJ
5 ft 9. 1?
a n
ft (3
J L Jl3 J u
to Industrial policy-holders. The company announces that every person insured in the Metropolitan under a Whole Life Indus
trial policy who is now 75 yean of age or over IS RELIEVED OF FURTHER PAYMENT OF WEEKLY PREMIUMS, and a
similar concession will be made to all persons now insured under Whole Life policies who will reach age 75 during 1907, as soon
as they arrive at that age.
This concession takes effect as of January 1, 1907, and all premiums paid in advance of that date on any policy such AS
WE REFER TO WILL BE RETURNED TO THE POLICY-HOLDER. This action of the Company in granting
is without precedent in the insurance business, and we believe the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is the only Company that
has granted such 'a concession. This will cost in increase of re serve and in remission of premiums this year.
To appreciate the generous treatment accorded to its policy-holders by the Metropolitan Life, it must be remembered that
already during THIS YEAR it has announced and is paying OVER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in voluntary contributions
to Industrial policy-holders, over and above all obligations expressed or implied in their policies, by a cash dividend upon all Whole
Life Industrial policies over five years old, by mortuary dividends (that is, voluntary additions to the face of the policies when
they become claims) applicable to all death claims incurred during the year where policies at the date of. death have been in force
over five years, and by paying as endowments Whole Life policies on which premiums have been paid for 15 years when insured
reaches age 80.
This makes a total of OVER THREE MILLIONS THIS YEAR allowed to Industrial policy-holders, over and
above the contract obligations, and OVR THIRTEEN MILLIONS during the past twelve years.
If this announcement of a free policy affects any reader of this advertisement, and if his case has not yet been attended to,
we ask him to speak to the agent who collects his premiums and the agent will attend to forwarding the policy to the Home
New Tables with large increases of benefits in Industrial policies have been adopted. The payment of premiums on all new Industrial Life rjolicies
will cease at age 75. Reductions have been made in the premiums charged for most of the forms of Ordinary policies.
The Company Wrote More Insurance Than Any Other Company
in the World.
The Company Gained More Insurance in Force Than Any Other
Company in the World.
In Its Ordinary Department the Company Wrote More Paid-for
Business Than Any Other Company Save One.
It Gained More Ordinary Business Than Any Other Comnanv
Save One.
Its Expense Ratio Was Largely Reduced and Was the Lowest In Fifteen Years
Former Jutioe Beucu m Member of Tbw
Lunacy Commission.
First Session Will Be Held This
Afternoaa Jury Is Kxensed Intll
Monday Tkaw In Good
NEW YORK. March 27.-Aftsr the Jury
which has been trying I Larry K. Thaw (or
more than two months past waa excused
today until next Monday morning and tho
members of the lunacy commission named
to Inquire Into Thaw's present state of
mind had been sworn In there came the
suddsn announcement that former Supreme
Court Justice O'Brien, tha chairman of the
commission, had resigned. In a lsttsr to
Justice Fltsgerald Justice O'Brien stated
that upon reflection he waa forced because
of the oondltlon of his health and profes
sional engagements previously entered Into
to decline to serve as a member of the
Justice Fltsgerald Immediately made a
new order appointing David McClure, a
well known attorney of this city and a
member of former Police Commissioner Mc
Adoo's advisory commlttse of oltlsens, to
All the vacancy. Mr? McClure met the
other members this afternoon and was
chosen chairman. Later he announced that
the first session of the commission will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, at
which time ths commission's Inquiry In
general will be open, although there will
be executive sessions from time to time.
Commissioners Sworn In.
The announcement of Justice O'Brien's
resignation came as a complete surprise.
When the Jury reported this morning at
10 o'clock Justice Fltsgerald was engaged
In his chambers with the members of ths
commission appointsd yesterday. These
were former Justloe O'Brien, former Dis
trict Attorney Peter B. Oiney and Dr. Put
set. Justlos Fltsgerald administered ths
oath to ths commissioners and talked with
them In oonnectlon with the oase and their
duties. The Interview lastsd for more than
an hour and then Justloe Fltsgerald con
vened court. Harry Thaw was brought In
and found all ths members of his family
awaiting htm. He looked exceedingly well
physically. Justlre Fltsgerald in discharg
ing the Jury until next Monday warned
them to be careful not to discuss ths case
in any way or read any newspaper ac
counts. In directing the Jury to report next Mon
day Justice Fltsgerald did not expect that
the commission would be ready to render
an opinion by that time. The Jury will
probably be called Into court every few
daya. in order that It may be kept Intact
Inanlry -Will Be Pressed.
Following the proceedings In court Justice
Fltsgerald had another conference with the
three commissioners originally selected and
when they left the criminal court's build
ing at ths luncheon hour It was expected
they would reassemble at I p. m. At that
hour Dr. Putael and Mr. OLney appeared.
Mr. McClure arrived soon aftsrward.
Boon came ths announcement of Judge
O'Brien's resignation and the appointment
of Mr. McClure as his successor. Ths com.
mission hopee to get under way without
any delay whatsoever and will press ths
Inquiry to ths speediest possible conclusion.
klnson near Salt Wells two weeks ago, had
his preliminary hearing yesterday, and the
motion of his attorneys to dismiss the case
was sustained. The evidence showed that
Wilkinson was beating his way, and, after
being ordered from the train, shot at
Wright, who returned the Are.
Railroad ' Equipment Finds Happy
Surprise In Getting; Onto Old
Farmer's Premises.
District Attorney Ooss tells a story of
the recent hunting expedition enjoyed by
the federal court officials up near Grand
Island last week.
"We had our headquarters In an old box
car that had been very nicely fixed up
near the river by Its owner for a hunting
lodge," said Mr. Ooss. "It was warm and
comfortable Inside, with suitable bunks at
one end and, being thirty feet long, was
divided off into sleeping, eating and loafing
compartments and was about the most con
venient thing you could Imagine.
"The party that owned It told us how
he happened to get the car. It had been
ordered sent to the scrap pile for kindling
wood, but he managed to buy It for M.
and decided to have It hauled down near
the river for a hunting lodge. It was
quite a distance from the railway to where
he wanted to place the car. On the way
down. In order to make a short cut, the
car would necessarily have to be hauled
across the farm of an old German. When
they went over to ask the old fellow If
they could haul the heavy car across his
placs they were a little dubious about get
ting permission. But the old fellow was in
a kindly mood and said: 'Veil, I guess yes.
Tou vellers can haul dot car all over my
place. Ach Hlmmel, yoost to tink dot I
should live to see der day ven a railroad
car vould run across my blace, and I can
look out my vlndow and see dot oar right
dere all de time I hartly peleef Id.' "
(her ire Aaalnst Cn-sartor nismlsaed.
ROCK SPRINGS. . Wyo.. March 17. (Spe
cial. VL. H. Wright, the I'nlon Parlflc
conductor, who shot and killed W. H. WU-
Internal Revenue Collections.
WASHINGTON, March 27.-The monthly
statement of the collections of Internal
revenue shows that for the month of Feb
ruary, lafi. the total receipts were t.36o.
Sfti, an increase as compared with February.
lu, of
Tuesday Zetitinsrtos Cltb Entertained by
Mn. William H. Butts.
Mme. Butterfly Enlivens Fashionables
Evening- Performance Notable
Event of Week, but Occa
sions Few Parties.
' I. 1 1- l . .1 . . J AT I V
ii uciihijui iiio who mm iului ua
exquisite pleasure. It costs
but half the price of foreign
Champagnes, as there is no
duty or ship freight to pay on
Cook's Imperial Extra Dry.
Sen J Everytuker
This evening's performance of ' Madam
Butterfly" at the Boyd will call society
out almost enmaase. All the lower boxes
have been engaged for parties and there
will be a few parties down In the house.
Dr. H. B. Lemere has engaged boxes B
and C and his party will Include Misses
Van Gelson, Hess Palmer, Edith Thomas,
Henrietta Rees, Fannie Howland, Mildred
Merrlam, Mrs. Van Oeison, Messrs. Ward
Palmer, Sidney Smith, Natham Merrlam.
George Lalder, William Wood and Dr.
Mrs. John C. Cowln will entertain Mrs.
Cruse and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene
in Box F.
Mr. and Mrs. Freman P. Kirkendall will
occupy box D, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
H. Baldrlge, Mr. Glen Wharton and M sa
Klrdendall as their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler will have Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Hitchcock and Judge and
Mrs. D. M. Vlnsonhaler as their guests, a
dinner to precede the performance.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess will have aa
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly
and Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman.
Afternoon Affairs.
Mrs. M. J. Matthews was hostess Wednes
day at the meeting of the G. C. Luncheon
club. A novel feature was the plate cards,
which were little Easter bonnets. Those
present as guests of the club were: Mrs.
Morris McKay and Mrs. Summerland of
Cleveland, O. The members present were:
Mrs. Andrew Traynor, Mrs. Thomas Allen,
Mrs. a B. Stevens, Mrs. Swlsler, Mrs.
Pyke, Mrs. Robert Neely and Mrs. Mat
thews. Mrs. Willard H. Butts wss hostess this
week at the meeting of the Tuesday Ken
sington club. Those present were: Mrs.
Raymond Coles, Miss Goodman. Mrs. H. O.
Jackson, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Hatfield and
Mrs. Stuart McDalrmld. The next meet
ing will be In twe weeks at the home of
Mrs. Joseph Polcar, 161S Park avenue.
The Visiting Nurses' association gave
one of Its series of dances Tuesday evening
at Chambers'. The party was unusually
well attended and the evening greatly en
Joyed. Miss Rosenthal entertained tha Pleasure
club Tuesday afternoon.
Prospective and Personal.
The engagement has been announced at
IJneuln of Miss Margaret Honeywell to
Mr. Alexander Law. Miss Honeywell will
be remembered as one of Omaha s popular
visitors. She has been ths guest at differ
ent times of Miss Ethel Tukey. Mrs. Ed
win Spth and Mra. Paul Hoaglund.
It. and Mrs. Rich will give a dinner
Tuesday evening for the Lamere-Van Gel
son wedding party.
Miss Lena Rchfeld will ba hostess at the
meeting c-f the A. O. T. Bowling- club
Thursday. The guests of the club will be
Htu Sloman of Detroit, Miss Hadra of
Syracuse, N. T Miss For man of California
and Miss Kats of Baltimore.
t'ome and Go Gossip.
Mrs. Harry 11 rise h of Des Moines Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Louis Rotbchild.
Miss Marie Butts W recovering from an
operation for appendicitis and will But. tie
able to return to school at National Park
seminary, Washington.
Mrs. Ashby Cleveland passed through
Omaha Wednesday, spending several hours
here al the station with her friends before
leaving for her home in Salt Lake City.
Miss Vera Fink, who Is attending the
University of Nebraska, arrived Wednes
day to spend the Easter vacation with her
aunt, .trs. F. C. Tym, 1134 South Thirty
first street.
Mr. Arthur Cooley has returned from a
trip to Cuba
Prof, and Mrs. Frederick Clements of the
botanical department of the State univer
sity are gruests for the week of Mra Cle
ment's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Schwartx, 911 South Twentieth street.
Miss Coralie Meyer, a student at the
State university, arrived Wednesday to
spend the Easter vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Meyer.
Miss Mamie Shrum arrived home Wednes
day from the State university to spend
Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. Shrum, 2622 Charles street.
Mrs. Green of Lincoln la visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. A. Q. Beeaon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rogers will leave
Thursday for a stay of several weeks at
Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peek returned Sat
urday from a month's visit In the South.
Bnlldlnar Permits.
The following building permits have been
Issued: Frank Jecha, Thirteenth and Dor
cas, tl,600 dwelling; A. W. Clark. 1412 Har
ney, $1,000 alterations; Oscar Henry Morri
son, Forty-eighth and Poppleton, 1500 dwell
ing; C. L. Armstrong. Thirtieth and Tay.
lor, 12.000 dwelling; 11. W. Dunn. Thirtieth
and Taylor, $2,0u0 dwelling.
Mayor Issues State Paper Decreeing;
that Dora Shall Be
Mayor Dahlman Wednesday afternoon is
sued his proclamation ordering that all
dogs running at large be muxsled from
April 6 to July 5. Mayor Jim's pronuncla
mento reads as follows:
To the Cltlsens of Omaha: A large num.
ber of our cltlxena are alarmed over tha
"mad dog scare" now prevailing cli our
city. My attention has been called to sev
eral Inxtances wnere people have been
bitten by dogs recently. While these par
ticular dogs may not be affected with
rallies, yet It leaves a certain amount of
unrent and doubt In the minds of those
directly Interested. Under the law I am
empowered as chief exeoutive to issue an
order that all dogs within the city of
Omaha shall be muxsled.
I therefore direct that for the next ninety
days, beginning April 6, 1907, and ending
July 6, 1907. all dogs of either sex within
the city limits of Omaha shall be mua
sled, and any dog found unmuxxled outside
of the premises of the owner of said dog
shall be at once killed by the police or
by those in charge of the dog pound.
Efforts to ascertain what, if any special
brand, of mussles must be bought have not
been successful.
f lill
A f llaU
IV Will V
to write for our big THE a UICitLJS catalogue
showing the most complete line of
BELO W any other manufacturer or dealer in the world.
no HOT flUY A ntnynr ir from
or on ssr Sis r Urwu. until you hare received our complete Free Cata
logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade
bicycle old patterns snd latent models, snd lesrn of our remsrkable l.OW
1'KICICS and wonderful new offers mads possible by selling from factory
direct to rider with no middlemen's profits.
WT Wf 0 APPROVAL without m ttnt dtpotii, Pay the Freight snd
allow 10 Days Free XrUl snd maks other liberal terms which oo other
"fj'f . ,h worl? wlU do- You wia ,e,rn everything snd get much vaU
sola information by simply wrilinir ns a ooaLal.
1 We need a tldm Ammn0 in every town snd can offer aa opportunity
t to make money to suitaUs young men who apply at once.
4-aAN .l -V fsOVJ
r7t,waj Prlom 4
tO K f ns Ma t
o Mroduom
Wo Will Sell
You m Sample
Pair fop Only
OR tiUlt
ii wONT let
U OUT THE aifl
Result of IS years experience in tire
tnakintr. No danoar from THORNS. CAC
TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. I I ??"ee the thick rmbber troed
Serious punctures, likt intentional knife cuts, can. ) f and 1'--u-
be vulcanized like any other tire. J o prevent rim cutting, This
Twe Hundred Thousand taJrs so Is actual US. Over JJ rt"JS, 'J
tevsnty-eys Thousand Mir told last Tsr. U ZlsTZlLlii!"0
petOmppOlll Made la all (rises. It taMvely end easy riding very durable snd lined inside
; r --v n -"7 -- - i wuica closes up small punctures
without allowing ths sir to escape. Wi hsve hundreds of letters from aati.ncd cuatouers atatmv
that their Urea hare only been pumped upoace or twice w a whole season. They weigh do more thaS
aa ordinary tire, the puncture restating qualities being given by several layers of thin auVci.ll.
prepared f.lricoa the tread. That "Holding Back" aeuaatlon commoriTy filtVn7a riding Tin Mphaft
or soft rosds is overcome by the patent '"et Weave" Uead which prevents sll sil from being
aTrtJUtTCateru uui urtwrrn iiisr 11 1 si suu tu s vu uaia vrtlUlUllDV 1 1 Biir-tum TKa l.
tirea a per pair, but for sdvertiaing purposes we are making a .pecial factor, price to the rider
of only So per pair. All orders shipped seme day letter is received; W e ship C O.U oa TaODrovaJL
You do not pay a cent until you have summed aud found them strictly ss represented
We will allow a enah dtsoount of J per cent (thereby makiug the Dries 4.64 Der cairl If m.A
'"'l Wi1H "-Tenclos. this AiTv,VM JSiliS&
plated braaa hand pump and two aampaoa metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal
puncture cloaera to by used in cass of intentional knife cuts or heavy gaahe.l. Tires to be returned
at OLK espenae U for sny reason they ars not eaiiafactory on ekaimuetlon
We are perfectly reliable and money sent to as is as safe ss iu a bans. Aak your Postmaster
Banker. &preaa or freight Agent or ths Editor of this paper ahout ulT IJ youordeVs p!fr of
thea tires. ou will Snd that thev will rid ui run f7.7- ... V.7.-J TiZ? ,.uI'l ? r. "J
" J - ' - - " w. w, w sail j yt ww ST. BUW (Oelt VOU Will DC frO WCll fi
that whea you want s bicycle vou will give us your order. Ws wsnt you to send as a small
order at once, hence this remarkable Ur oiler.
f OASTm If! A "-l-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and reps'
'V 1-"; everything in ths bicycle line re aoldby us at halfU
prices charged by desisrs sad repair men. Writs for our big HUN UK catal.Hrue.
DO HOT WAIT , ul tofu- rnietn. or butikq
j , J hicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until yoa know the new sad
wonderful oSers we are making. It only costs s postal te learn everything. Write It MOW.
LE1D CYCLE CCsI?m, Dspt. C25B CillCilCD, ILL
small tnal
Irs, and