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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1907. 2 Telephone, Dotiglaa fclft Reach All Department Beautiful Millinery for Easter You will delight in a visit to our Millinery Department; it is a display of the beauti ful; here you will find a most pleasing collection of home, domestic and imported models, (elected with the greatest care to meet and merit the approval of our millinery trade. Beauty, taste and quality, linked with the modest prices that appeal to careful buyers. Gloves for Easter OLOVM 11 the finishing touch to th Enitfr Oown. All th varying fads of tb season and all the better make to be found here. We are sole agent In Omaha for Ttefousse'' RElAti FRENCH KID, and "Valller Satin Finish" glare kid glove. It will pay you to compare OTTB QUAVtlTMB AJTD PBXCZS. Elbow length ktd glove, either 'Tre founse" or "Valllpra" In the new tans, browns, russets, black, white and all the new Easter shades 93.00, $3.60, $4.00 to 6460 per pair, pedal. 12-button Lisle Glove with suede fin lull, a glove that would sell for 75c laat eae-.n of these we have grey nd white only, per pair lo, ' MAIN FLOOR. !6c and 40c Rllk Ribbons In fancy plaids, etc. Widths Nos. 20 to 40, .Just the kinds for trimming Easter Hats Bale Price, le Per Yard, Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street u-i-i- - i"r-- - - " - - - - 1 1 1 "-- - - - - will' be liberally used. Benator Epperson, In a-statement made to the senate today, read from a compilation of appropriation bills now before the legislature and those which have been parsed, showing the total to be S4.2SS.Z84. The finance committee has rohghly estimated the income of the state for the blennlum will be about $3,000,000. In other words, If the expenditures of the stats ' are to be kept within bounds the senate will hive to reduce the appropria tions about $1,260,000. The finance committee Is working hard on the problem and la holding sessions morning, noon and night. The senate ad journed early this afternoon until 10:10 tomorrow morning In order the give the committee a chance to get out some more appropriation bills. The salary bill will come up before the committee of the whole tomorrow and will occupy most of the dny. The senate has already killed one of the appropriation bills carrying $50,000 for a dipsomaniac building at the Lincoln asy lum, and today refused to revise It, though both McKesson and Burns of Lancaster made a fight to have the vote reconsidered. Beveral other Institutions are slated to have their requests scaled down In similar man ner. List of Appropriation. Following Is a list of bills carrying ap propriations from the general fund: It R. For What. ' Amount 67 Purchase 400 come annotated statutes ,....$ I,00 111 Kearney normal building 1A1 Machinery ball, state fair 100,000 grounds 60,000 Dear and DumD institute, new building t.......... C$ Investigating plant diseases.... 10,000 U.X J 7 VfA.n,B( schools MOM iruimug in msn W4 State farm buildings.. 180.000 SR0 Relief Thurston county.. 1.649 if Test borings oil, coal, etc rf Heating plant Peru Normal..,. JkfN Ballroad fare. Judges supreme and district court 02 Improvements state hatcheries. 310 Aid Corn Growers' association. $t Investigation animal dtHeases... 846 Bonus discovery of coal. ........ $40 Subfleh hntchlng station 4d To provide seven months' school . SKI New buildings, Beatrice Insti tute $90 Additional ground, Home for SfBulldlnir ' Norfolk hoVnitii-. '.'' as nrm toe rnena:e. . US Statue Abraham Lincoln 10,000 1 481 Building, State Historical so- clety 2S,0n . 438 Monument to General Thayer.. 1.SS0 440Falary b'll 891,680 461 Fire protection, capltol l,!00 I OF Two Illinois Girls Suffer from Scalp Trouble Another Sister Needs a . TonicFriend Suggests Cuticun ' .They Use It and Now Give MUCH PRAISE TO ALL CUTICURA REMEDIES "I must giva much pralso to all th Outicura Itanivdie. 1 used but on fake of Cuticura Eoap and on box of Cuticura Ointment, a- that wa all that was required to cur my diseaaa, I wa very much troubled with eczema, of the head, and a friend cf mine told n) to use) the Cutlrtira Remedies, which t did, and am glad to say that they eured ray eccema atirdr. Bine then wa have always kept the soap on hand at all tiiiiea.. My sister was also cured of enema cf th head by using tha Cuticura Rernedlea. Another sister bos uet Cutic-ura Keaolvant and Pills and thinks they are a splendid tonic I can not y exaotiy how long lauffered. but I think aljuut six month, alius Edith Hammer, It. D. No. I, Morrisoa. lih. Oct. a, ikki." EVERY CHILD Afflicted with Torturing Disflgurina: Humors Become an object of th most tender aoUcitude, not only becaue of it suf fering, but because of the dreadful fear thai the disfiguration Is tw be lifelong, and mar its futur happiness, nd proiperity. Henoe it beoome tha dutr of mother of such aftiioted children to aoquoint themsel ve with th purest and moat efT-tiT knut- merit available, via: warm bath with Cuuoura Soap, and gentU anointing with Cuticura Ointment, tha great bkin Cure. Cure made in Infancy and child hood are usually speedy and permanent. - rVwanis BjrtafiMd Sua IctrTMl Ti fe uw.urm !,iiiti, ...) lo Bex k e.A. n4 uw''l nx (to ). On lK tiiro ot ClKokaM -t-4 l-u.. tvs. xt 9tuj to run' u. b Md j4 Uirvtir,rut tfcwurti. Potuer ru a CSoia, riwm pin 1 In On Hiushs at (sua aa T-H. TWO S S BE ECZEMA Extra Value in Basement Dress Goods Dept. Thurs day Remnant of pretty light colored Suiting, particularly desirable for children coata and Jackets; In check and stripes. In the new spring color Great Bpeclal Tain Tkaraday. OKIAT BABQAIX TXUItSDAT Xa Extia rut Black Imported Chlf foa Brllllantlne. Beautiful high grade dress fabric In the new soft chiffon finish with an extra fine silk lustre. The newspapers can give no Idea of the beauty of this fabric or the .great-value for Thurs day's special selling BO-in. regular 61.33 Black Chiffon Brllllantlne, 3o a yard. 44-la. regular 61.10 Black BnfUsu Sicilian, To a yard. Here Is a fabrio of great value for traveling, cutlng, . separate skirts, au tomobile coat and suits. There Is nothing that sheds the dust as nicely a this particular fabrio. COMXBAJBVLY On Bargain Square in Basement. OPEN Be 3-27-07 - - - - - - - - - - 4Sft-Omc building. Mllford Bailor' and Soldiers' Home 1B.00O 467 State library building 260,000 40 Current expenses 1.W3.S10 468 Improvements Feeble-Minded institute 7.600 4fi7 Orthopedic hospital building.... JO, 10 474 Reimburse J. J. Carlln 11 47 Alsska-Paciflc-Tukon exposi tion 16,000 484 Buildings, Kearney Industrial school 40,000 4W Tubercular hospital, Hastings asylum , 25,000 490 Home for tha Friendless, addi tion 8,600 401 Building. Grand Island Sailors' and Soldiers' home. 26,000 492 Addition to hospital, Grand Island 9,600 6X4 Deficiency bill 108,97 638-Clolm bill 17,027 Total $4,160,286 'Bills passed carrying general fund appropriations fcl Incidental . expense, leglsla tore $ 4 Payment members and officers. 80.000 126 Orthopedic hospital, emergency. 3,000 Total :........$ 103,000 Orand total $4,M3,28cl Saunders Kill Lee' Bll. Through the effort of Senator Saunders H. R. 66, ty Lee, providing that members of the Fire and Police commission In Omaha shall not run for office while they are member bf the board was unceremon iously slaughtered In the senate this morn ing. The bill was Intended to prevent a repetition of the conditions that prevailed last spring when W. J. Broatch, a roam- ber of the board, wa a candidate for the republican nomination for mayor and, it I asserted, used the police department to further hi political ambitions. When the bm was brought up Gibson moved It be recommended for passage and Saunders moved It Indefinite postponement He also maris a snaech arnJnst It declaring It' was 26 00U Rot needed. The senate took him at hi word and killed It. Senator Thomaa was 4,000 not present. 'J The Knowles' bill providing railroad com 7.t4Y panle shall issue 1,000-mile mileage books lO.uoo for $20 wns recommended for psssage in Sooco tlle senute thl" rooming and the vote waa afterward reconsidered In order to amend 60,000 It to allow the use of the books by. mem , ' bors of the holder's family. The bill wa fair way to be defeated when Senator Randall made a plea for It, declaring the traveling men wanted n i though the fare Is net reduced, because 1 of Its convenience. After the reconsidera tion of the vote final action was not taken, the bll! going over for amendment. Senator Not Ready to Adjoarn. The senato by two vote this morning refused to comply with th request of the house made a day or two ago for a con ference committee to fli a day for final ad- Journment. It alo voted down a motion to ! inuennueiy postpone an senate nie now . on general file. Senator who opposed ! thes motion declared tha bouse Is up to j 'oranon or the vote by which H. R. 70 trick Intended to kill ome Important sen- w killed yesterday. It wa killed at his ate bills now in It possession. For several i because It related to local con- day th house, it I claimed, has been pass- ' dulon I" Lincoln, but he afterwards dls Ing by senate bills and acting only on j coveTed 14 Contained a provision for the election of County assessor this fall In- given It cut that they will stay In Lincoln ! all summer If necessary in order to force j I th house to act on soma of th senate bllla To appoint a committee on adjourn- I ment. thev sav. would be vdtln. awav an advantage the senate now holds. The sen ate la two days behind the house In the a k.. , 1 Will draw pay that much longer. For thl ration th. .enator ar. not as anxJou. j to get away a th house member are. ! . . . th i.w. .i. . A member .of th legislature take Issue with Warden Beemer of th tlate peniten tiary that the 'institution Is self-sustaining. In fact .this member said ths biennial re port of the warden made to th governor contradict hi own statement that H Is aelf-sustatnlng. According to the report of th warden for th blennlum there wa paid out in support of the Institution, not i.euo $160.onn in bnd for the purchase Including permanent repair, $106,K9.80 and of water works. To pass, during th same period ther wa received ' .H-,H- " ,J': Making police com into th. Institution, not counting th. ap- X'rTme..0' proprUtlon, $64,3$.S4, l.avlng th. lnstttu- I 8. F. Ill By Snckett. Allowing' mu tton Just $4t,33.M short of being on a paying ' tuai flre an1 tornado Insurance cnnpani- or .elf-.u.,a.nlg basis. Th... figure this raqK' tStWlZXti' t? member said, were taken from the report , To ps. of the warden which I now on file In th I governor', office. Bom. Mm. ago Warden;4 . iv iu. ytrmm nfum icnuins to show that the prison wa self-sustaining and wa no longer dependent upon the state . , , . . for financial assistance. Wilcox ies Ltgkt. An Incident of th. senate which should not be allowed to be forgotten or to dl. Ithout being made a matter of record happened some time ago wjth th senate and Wilcox or Thayer a th. shining fig ures. One of the numerous Insurance bill wa up and wa about to go through th. committee of th. whole without trouble. Th. gentleman from Thayer secured rec ognition. "Mr. Chairman," h. (aid. "I would Ilk for some on to explain thl MIL" Aldrlch, Epperson, King and a few other took turn at explaining. Alt sat down and again qul.t reigned. "Mr. Chairman." again said Wilcox. "I till insist that th bill ha not been explained." . . Again the senators explained and an hour or 'more was devoted to th bill. At th Conclusion, Senator WHcox said: "Mr. Chairman. I withdraw my request." New Belts for Easter You will want a pretty belt for Easter, and here Is the place to buy It; many of the novelties we show are not to be found elsewhere. Come Thursday and see them, all modestly priced. Steel studded elastic belts, colors black, white, brown and navy. Very dainty and pretty are the new tailored belts of black silk. White silk belts, beautifully em broidered girdle effects. Pretty wash belts, either plain or embroidered. "' Leather belts In black, brown, white and navy. The plain silk, also elastic belts, are much worn this season; you cant tell much by reading alout ihem, the best way Is to come and see -th prettiest Una we have ever shown. MAIN FLOOR. SATURDAY EVENINGS. - - - - - - - -ii-irtnrun.injnrLrxj-LnjLrxrLrijj'uTjVT.n.riririji Another Incident which ought to be of record occurred when Joe Burns went under the limelight In a spread eagle speech about the old soldiers. The senate was dis cussing the game bills when Burns switched at the sight of a comrade In the gallery and began to talk about the old soldiers. "How often have I seen these grand old defenders of our glorious flag, the saviors of our country, walking homeward with their empty sleeves and empty pants legs flapping In the breere." The gentleman from Lancaster' got a round of applause from a one-armed soldier In the gallery. Beside signing ' the commission bill. Governor Sheldon tonight signed H. R. $50, making the state treasurer ex-offlclo treasurer of the State university, and H. R. 366,' providing a schedule of fees for the secretary of stnte. The railroad men tonight are worried over the Aldrlch commodity freight rate bill and are Importuning members to allow the matter to go to the commission. Inas much as the bill will not become effective for ninety days, thsy argue there la no necessity for its passage. At the session tonight. Cone of Saunders, kicked on the sifting committee report and later Harrison, who I chairman of the committee, took Cone to task. Both men were willing for a scrap and started out for that purpose, but were prevented from getting together by a few members who overheard their conversation. ROIT1SK PROCEEDINGS OF SENATE Large Number of House Measure Favorably Acted On. (From a BUS Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 27.-tSpeclal.)-The Ban al today passed the following bills: H. R. 137 By E. W. Brown. Allowing mutual insurance companies to do business outside the state by epolUng witlt tb auditor a guaranty mnd of Hw,000. H. R. 2il By Gllem. Requiring ab stracters to give a surety bond of $10,000. H. R. 472 By Lee. Requiring the county comptroller's approval of all claims agalust ( m tuuu ueiure payment. H. R. i By Graft. Giving county boards the power ot eminent domain to protect county roads and bridges. H. R. 14-By Clarke. Authorising Jus tices of the peace to enter Judgment ugainut mo planum in ciise sun is aiamlssed H. R.2o4 By Graff. Providing for a mu nlclpal hlKhwav fund. for the registration it voters on prima"? dav. H. ft. 66-By B. W. Brown. Providing fo? quieting of tiUe to property when lien lapses. H. H. 10-By 13. W. Brown. Making It a felony to have possesion or custody of burglars' tools. H. R. S71 By Walsh. Making the steal ing of more than $5 worth of poultry a H. R. 113 By Cone. Memorialising con- fr to pass the national grain Inspection McKesson of Lancaster secured a recon- ,,e? of 11wln to hold over for t? 'T, f"1"' " th'r W0Uld under th blennlal election law. He then amended the cure the objectionable features "nu " wul oom UP ror P" probably tomorrow. The senate killed Walsh's bill author- Uln eounty boards to send ona of their em"' a ael(,Tte to the meeting of ftonfrn charities, the vote , . . . . In committee of the whole the senate I A . 1 ..M , .... uuii.iu.i cu ins iui owinr nil sr H. R. IT1 By Clarke. Allowing own ers of property sold under the scavenger tax law to redeem the same by paym? i.t..n. r. .f sale and costs. Indefinitely postponed. H. R. 211 By Walsh. Allowing school hoards rijrht of eminent domain In secur ing land for s-'ncl house sites. To pa. H. R. 168 By Hamer. Allowing cities h.ln..n K AAA mnA K nnn ...... B- F.,109 Bv McKesson. Providing ror rtitrZ'y'' p ponea. H. R. 118 By Cone. Joint resolution , il iVw r.!'nI!tr,rK. Pfl".". B"; I tionsi law rlMp to the Insriectton and claslnatl-n of grain. To pas H. R. 204 Bv Graff. Providing for hla-hwsv fund. To ras. H. R. 1R Bv Noyes. Roi:lnn own ers of automobiles to register them wiih "BLUE BLOOD not arlstooratic but Impure. POSTUM rooDcorrtE Makes ft r l Blood. Read "Th. Road to W. Ivlile." In o igs. the secretary of stata every year. To pass. H. R. 407 Ry Joint committee. Making primary election day the first Jy for the registration of votera. To past. ROTTUH PROtT.EDnCS OP IIOISE tankrr at Hew Bill test Over to the Senate. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March f7. Special.) The fol lowing bills were passed In the house to day: If. R By Raper of Pawnee. Appro priating $1,250 for a monument to Oeneral John M. Thsyer In Lincoln. H. R. 77 Uy Raper. Providing- that no taries public shall keep a record of their official acts. H. R. 3S-4 By Cone of Saunders. Amend ment to the Hirech law providing that railroads must furnish sidetracks to ele vator owners of a minimum rapacity of 10, 00 bushels and providing for legal action to compel this. H. R. 80 By Springer of Boott's Bluff. Providing that county superintendents In counties of 1.60ft or less shall be paid on a per diem basis. H. R. M7 By Carlin of Rock. Providing that In contests for legislative seats only the successful party shall be reimbursed for his expenses. H. R. 2)3 By Thlessen of Jefferson. Re quiring railroads to furnish scales and weigh shipments in carload lots st dlvlnlon points and providing for a state weigh master. H. R. 49-By Boudder and. White of Hall. Appropriating 19,500 fnr an addition to the hospital At the Soldiers' home at Orand Island. H. R. S45 By Redmond of Nemaha. Ap propriating $10,000 to encourage the devel opment of coal mining In the state. H. R. 42 By Blystone of Lancaster. Ap propriating $10,0"0 for a statue of Abra ham Lincoln on the capltol grounds at Lincoln. H. R. 4R1 Tlyn. P. Brown of . Lancaster. Appropriating 11,200 to furnish suitable Are protection for the capltol building. H. R. 415 By special committee. Board of pardon advisers. H. R. UK By Jenlson of Clay. Appli cants for notary public commissions must be examined by district Judge. Van Housen of Colfax moved to post pone all house bills In the hands of com mittees. Motion prevailed. By unanimous vote the house extended sympathy to Representative Quackenbush of Nemaha, who was called to hi home In Auburn by the Illness or his son, Ralph, who has scarlet fever. Mr. Quackenbush left for his home today. In the committee of the whole the house recommended for passage the following bills: H. R. 144 By Barnes of Douglas. In rresslng pay of bailiffs In Douglas county to 11.050 a year. H. R. r73 By Harrison of Otoe. Legal ising acknowledgments of notaries here tofore taken. H. R. 810-By Smith of Boone. Legalis ing the Nebraska Con Improvers' associa tion and appropriating $1,000 annually for Its support. H. K. 400 By Judiciary committee. An affidavit may be used In clearing a title to real estate. H. R. 628 By Hamer of Buffalo. Per mitting townships and vtllnges to Issue bonds for railroads on two-thirds vote. H. R. 3S7 By Quackenbush. Fixing max imum freight rates on oil. H. R. 4-By Whltham of Johnson. Where school districts contain three sec tions or less providing for adjustment of boundaries. H. R. 410 By Lee of Douglas. For fire worden In Omaha. H. R. 4&) By Farley of Hamilton. For the distribution of laws and Journals of the state. The following bltla were Indefinitely post poned. . H. R. 452 By Farley of Hamilton. Limit ing premium of surety bonds to one-quarter of 1 per cent. H. R. MO By E. W. Brown of Lan caster. The third county option bill. On motion of Clarke or Douglas H. R. It2, the house terminal tax bill, was In definitely postponed. The wolf bounty fight was renewed on a motion by Eller of Washington to advance to third reading 8. F. 242, providing that the slat should pay a bounty on wild animals when a county pays a like amount. Doran moved that the bill be Indefinitely postponed. Carlln defended the poorer counties ot the northwest most In need of wolf bounties and most unable to dupli cate the bounty paid by the state. The bill was Indefinitely postponed. This senata bill wa recalled from the senate after having once been postponed by the house. The following bill were recommriirtisd for passage by the house committee of the whole tonight: H. R. SOI By E. P. Brown of Lancnster. Raining salailes of officers and employes at the state penitentiary. H. R. 60-By Kelfer of Nuckolls. Twenty per cent reduction of express rates. H. R. 870 By Harrison of Otoe. Provid ing a county truant officer for counties of E,W or more. H. R. 422 By E. W. Brown of Lancaster. Relating to the use of affidavits as evi dence. H. R. 71 By Walah of Douglas. Permit ting lnterurban companies to engage In commercial lighting, heating and furnish ing power. H. R. 32S By Clarke of Douglas. Permit ting banks In Omaha to bid for city de. posits. H. R. S26 By Clarke of Douglns. Permit ting the cancellation of tax certificates within one year when the city bids In prop erty under the scavenger law. H. R. 349 By Quackenbush of Nemaha. Mutual fire, lightning and tornado insur ance companies may deposit securities with the state auditor for the protection of policy holders. H. R. 632 By E. W. Brown of Lancaster. Raising salary of nurse and teacher at the Home of the Friendless. H. R. 602 By Fries of Howard. Permit ting county board to make an emergency levy for bridges. H. R. 42:-By Raper of Pawnee. Prohibi tion constitutional amendment. Recom mended by a vote of K to 30. H. K. 4a By Harrison of Otoe. Twenty per cent cut on sleeping car charge. Th following bill were indefinitely post poned: H. R. 281 By Seudder of Hall. ExemDt- tng 75 per cent of waaes. H. K. 338 By Kller of Washington. Licensing patent medicine peddlers. CAUSE OF DEATH UNCERTAIN Special Policeman mt Kansas CHy May Have Shot Man front Chleago. CHICAGO, March 17. The police are In vestigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Frank Fetten, 23 years of age, who died today In a Chicago hospital. They believe Fetten waa shot in Kansas City by a special policeman employed by Swift and Company. Fetten left hl home here three week ago and March IS his father received a message from the Kansas City police say ing that young Fetten had shot himself with suicidal Intent. The young man was In St. Francis" hospital, but In such a con dition that he was unable to state the circumstances under which he was In jured. It was asserted by the Kansas City officers that Fetten and the special officer exchanged several shots and that Fetten then turned his weapon upon him self and Ared a bullet Into his head. Th wound which caused the young man's death la so situated, above the left ear, that It la declared by the doctors and by the po lice to be out ot the question for the young man to have shot himself. The coroner', physlclsn, after examining the body of Fetten, announced no powder burn were discovered near the wound, nor were there any Indications that the revol ver had been fired at close range. He as serted that the bullet that struck Fatten must hav, com from a distance. KANSAS CITY, March n.-Frank Fetten was employed by Bwlft and Company of this city on March 13 last as a machinist. On March IS Fetten went outside tbe com pany' plant for dinner and remained out after th gates of th plant had been closed. Returning h. demanded admit tance. The watchman, C. C. Hedrtek, after telling him that he could not get In, aay he fired several shots In the air In an effort to frighten Fetten away. Fetten be lieved the watchman was shooting at hlin and returned the fir. Th. watchman than began to pursue Otter, who. Hading hlia- self unable to escape, shot himself In the head. At the hospital Fetten said he be lieved the police were looking for hint and that h. armed himself for protection. SALVADOR WANTS PEACE leslea Aiken re fo4 ofiees la Btopplnat Central Ameri ca n War. WASHINGTON. March f7.-Mr. Creel, th Mexican ambassador, today confirmed the press dispatches of this morning that Salvador has expressed a desire for pesce In Central America and Is anxious to hsve Mexico exert Its good Influence In ending th war Involving Salvador, Honduras and Nlcarnjpi. This desire of Bslvador Is regarded by diplomatists aa an Indication that rhe war Is practically ended, because Honduras Is not strong enough to continue It single handed. This action of Salvador will doubtles prevent Guatemala or Costa Rir from taking any part In the support of Honduras. Mr. Creel had a conference with Mr. Cores, the Ntcaraguan minister, today and probably will confer tomororw with Secretary Root as to how Mexico and the United States can best exert their efforts to restore peace. MOBILE, Ala., March 27 A report was brought to Mobile from Trukillo, Spanish Honduras, by way of Puerto Cortes, that an attempt had been made by the Hnn duran army to seise the Norwegian steamer Buldal and an American schooner at th. first named plnce for the purpose of using them as troop ships, but that the presence of the American warships prevented It. WASHINGTON, March 27. -The State department today received the following cablegram from Philip R. Brown, secretary of the American legation at Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras: Tegucigalpa was abandoned early yes terday precipitately. It was occuplod last night by Nlcaraguans and Honduran rev olutionary forces. I assumed charge in the Interval, with the aid of the consuls, and preserved order. The Bonillan government no longer exists. COAL RATES ARE TO STAND After Conferring; with Interstate Commerce Commission Presi dent Change Their Mind. WASHINGTON, March 27.-Prompt ac tion by the Interstate Commerce commis sion has averted what might have devel oped Into a serious clash between the coal shippers and the railroads of Indiana and Illinois. March 16 the Indiana Railroad commission, the United Mine Workers and representative coal operators of Illinois and Indiana complained to the commissioners that the carriers bod glyen notice of an advance of 2 cent a ton on coal from In diana and Illinois points to Chicago. Such an advance, they pointed out, would se riously afreet both operators and miners. The question of filing a formal complaint agains the railroads was considered by the delegates with the commission. An Intimation also was made that pro- ceedlnga would be Instituted against the carriers for violation of the anti-trust law. Since that time the commission communl-j rated with the presidents of all the roads Interested, and, in the words of Chairman Knapp, "certain suggestions" were made to the railroads. . It was announced by the commission today that replies to the communications had been received from the Interested line and that the determination to make th proposed advance In the coal rate had been reconsidered and abandoned. JURY AFTER PASSHOLDERS Railroad and Express Company Man agers Called Befere Federal In qnlstrors at Cnteaga- - CHICAGO. March 27. The federal grand Jury today began an Investigation Into the workings of the new rate law and Its re lations to the Issuing of railroad passes and express company franks. Beveral of the superintendents and other general officer, of the various express com panies have been summoned to appear be fore the grand Jury on Friday and have been requested to bring with them all rec ord ahowlng the names ot persons to whom franks have been Issued since the passage of the rate law. DEATH RECORD! Colonel Edward A. Black. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. March 27. (Special.) The funeral of Colonel Edward Archibald i Slack, the pioneer newspaper man ot Wyo ming, and receiver of the Cheyenne land office, waa held from the Masonic temple yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of Masons. Elks, Grand Army, Army and Navy union, state officer and other. The Knight Templar service were observed. The floral offerings were more profuse and beautiful than any seen In a long time, while the funeral cortege wa one of the longest in the history of Cheyenne funerals. The remains of Colo- . nel Slack were laid at rest In Lakevlew j cemetery. James Henry Smith. NEW YORK, March 27. A dispatch re ceived today from Toklo announce the' death of Jame Henry Smith, one of the; wealthiest capitalists of this city. At the time ot his death Mr. Smith wa on a ' wedding tour around the World. Hi bride 1 the divorced wife of William Rhine-, lander Stewart. They were married In this city last September. Mr. Bmlth's death 'oc-i curred yesterday at Kioto, Japan. In the party with Mr. ana Mrs. smith were th. duk. and duchess of Manchester. Headache and Neuralgia from, Colds LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, th world wide cold and grip remedy, remove cause. Call for full name Look for signature E. W. Qroye. HSc. DIAMONDS-Frenzer. ISth and Dodge. ETC SPECIALISTS, Huteson Optical Co. Ik ! LuJrEBl titoo Pf IB . iVByB0W if! Am rifl-ril Said Wit to Wisdom . f "A full stomach makes mXX a light heart" TUHTI t J Said Wisdom to Wit J f I Uraeeda I iscuit ffiL J In dust tight. SvM moisture proof packages. .P NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY j HOME MONEY Persons borrowing of this Association have to do with us only until their doMi are paid, as our mortgages are non-negotiable. And then we are handling Nebraska money almost exclusively. If you borrow of us you borrow nf Nebraska peopb- nod keep your money at home. This is tho largest and strongest Pavings- Institution In the state and has an abundance of funds to loan. BEBOtrBCzs a, 100,000. Tbe Conseriativa Savings in. Loan Ass'n., , 1114 Harney Street. Geo. F. Oilmore, Pres. P, W. Kuhns, Secy, and Treas. RURAL MAIL BOX DECISION Delivery Will Be Discontinued Where They Are Not Placed by Itoadsldc. WASHINGTON, March 27,-In a decision rendered today Fourth Assistant Postmas ter General De Graw Insists upon an ad herence to the regulations requiring that boxes on rural mall routes shall be erected by the roadside so that carriers can easily obtain access to them without deviating from their routes or dismounting from their vehicles. Failure to comply, the states. Is likely to result In the tlnuance of the delivery of mail. decision dlscon- CONFERENCE WITHOUT RESULT Conductors and Trainmen Fall to Reach Agreement at Meeting: In Chicago. CHICAGO. March 27. The conference be tween representatives of the conductors and of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men and general managers of the western railroads came to an end today without any result. A Joint meeting 'of the leaders of the Order of. Railway Conductors And the trainmen will be held late today to con sider further action. Your new suit will not be ready for Easter. Better s'nd u the old one and we will make it look like a new one for 91. 50. Wagon to all parts of the city. Prompt service. The Panto rium Expert Cleaner and Iyer. 1513 Jones Street Telephone Douglas 883 This Week S our Eaater Spe cials given with 50c purchase. Try our coffee and get Eauter Bouvenir GRAND UNION TEA CO. i'M-ffi GOLD FILLINGS, $1.00 UP SILVER FILLLGS, 0 75c UP A- MATTHEWS The Painlei. Dentist Boom 4, Boshmaa Block, loth and Bourtaa Bis., Over ry aao uo. Phone Douglas til). Open evenings until o'clock. Sunday from 10 a m. to o. m. rxtsg Oa aecoaat of lU-aaalth, atAJIZX, at. BOTSOaT wUl oloa he Bax Dressing Varlor, 610 Be Bllg" ea atarday, March (0. Anyone mold ing card aleaa call la th xaaaja-ttaaa. TslntyIcttearg jljpSy LIEBIG 1 iWjli comm's fif ifeatje Cook Book 1 "5Sjjj7 Mrs, S. T. Borer i ' m "T--' i FREE I . "srlmfal l New IaeM fl ' 7 J''' 'i M I p"rtl wkh yoor 1 I 4Ki-HrsjA4rh Mris to Liehn'i K- I 1 IS'' trot ot HetOv,td., I I Yf"" ueuio" H j I 111 to I'll CRITICAL MEN MEN who are hard to please espec ially those who, for some reason or other, are dissatisfied with the tailor who made their InBt suit will find Nlooll'a cutters and tailors ready and willing to conform to those little Indi vidual desires so much appreciated by careful and fastidious dressers. Why not try Nlcoll this time? Trousers $5 to $12 Suits $20 to SS3 TAILOR WILLIAM JERREMfe' 60N8 200-11 So. IJUIi St. AMl'SBMEffT. : LI 1 (CttttCANTQN PHONE WODiuiiN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY rrH.u.. 25c CHILDREN 1. TONIGHT 1:16 PRICE8-10C. c, SOc. Burwood 8KOON1) I SEASON tkzs ArrxKirooir Tonasi THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME Matinee Saturday. Next weak:. TaMXBT. ENGLAND " AMERICA JIM PARK. FARMEH BURNS. International Wrestling Champloiuhljjw AUDITORIUM Friday, March 29th Ladlea Especially Invited. Tickets on Sale at Box Office, KRUG THEATER Tonight, 8 ilo Ifatlnea Saturday, RoLt. Sherman Oreat Play, THE VILLAGE VAGABOND Sun. Cecil Spooner In The Girl Raffles i -iffTreirw-V, fTTTWm The Public Is cordially Invited to attend recital to be given by the . Cua caden (school of Htrtnged Instru ments at our Auditorium Thurs day evening. March 28th, at 8:15 p. m. Admission free). Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-1313 Farnam Street. Tel. louglaB l2rt. fir Vf . f.,?Vt v When Meals Arc Served THE CALUMET TlJty are right, llrown, hot, Juicy SiU-nk Itoavted fowl or game that I iltlU'lOUs. I LAWRENCE BARRETT tot c,a A,t frkb;, i , With Evary Merchant'! , ' Lunch TbU Week; . THE EXCELSIOR CAFE t