Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1907, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Conference Eetwetn Trainmen and Van
srer Adjcnrni Without Actios.
He Bay. It it Uo to Railroads to Preyent
CSJ Walkout.
Tot f Men to Enforoe Demanoa Wu
Almost Unanimous,
iMtvurr mi .association say i-m.
ploye Will Soon See Tlutl .Offer
of CohIm is Pair nd
Will Aeeept It.
CHICAGO. March 17. The 45,000 trainmen
of th western railroads seem nearer a
strike tonight than at any Urns since the
negotiations with the general managers
for an Increase In wages and a shorter
workday were started two months ago.
The oonferenc today between the repre
sentatives of the men and the railroad
offlolaJa lasted four hours, but was a fall
ure so far as bringing about a solution of
ths trouble Is concerned.
The railroads offered the men Increases
of T per cent to passenger conductors and
10 per cent to the minor employes. Including
brakemen, firemen, baggagemen and allied
workers. The men had demanded an In
crease of 11 per cent and a nine-hour
workday, and when the officials declared
their offer was the best that could be made
the conferenoe ended, as the men by a
referendum vot taken last week had de
cided net to accept anything short of
their original demands. .
Vnlea Mm la Ponf ere-noe.
Immediately after the conferenoe broke
up the representatives of the men got to
gether to consider the advisability of calling
a strike In order to bring the railroads to
terms. Just what decision was reached
Is not known tonight, as the union men de
clined to discuss what had taken place
at the meeting. They were a unit, however,
In declaring a peaceable settlement of the
controversy can only be reached by the
general managers offering concessions. An
other meeting of the union men has been
scheduled for tomorrow morning and the
general belief Is tonight that a strike will
be called within the next forty-eight hours
unless the railroad officials request an
other ! conference to try and settle the
matter without resorting to a fight.
Morrlssey Expects Strike.
P. M. Morrlssey, chief of ths trainmen's
organisation said:
We have been Instructed by the men we
represent to call a strike unlets the offer
of the roads was (satisfactory to us. The
vote by which this attitude was reached
carried the strike proposition by a tre
mendous majority. We are not satisfied
t nd the men are not satisfied. We are not
going to ask for any more conferences with
, the general managers. It Is up to these
Tentlemen now to prevent the men quit
Ing work, and the only way they cn do
this Is to accede to our demands.
A. B. Garrettnon, chief of ths conductors.
also declared . that no further conferences
would be held with the general managers.
General Monasters Hopeful.
The railroad officials are not quite so
pessimistic over ths situation. When the
men were declaring a strike was lnevltame,
Secretary Blaaon Thompson- of the Gen
eral Managers' association saldt
We have not yet given up hope of a
peaceable adjustment of the difficulty. We
have conceded a great deal to the men al
ready and it would seem to be but a matter
of a short time until the union officials will
see their way clear to accepting the general
managers' proposition. I am of the opinion
that tha conferenoe which resulted In noth
ing to day will be resumed again within the
next two aays ana mi aouia sun ui u
agreement will be reached.
Convicted Army OflMr Ask Clrenlt
Court of Appeals for Wrtt of
Habeas Corpus.
ST. LOUia, Mo.. March 27. A petition for
a writ of habeas corpus was filed today In
the United States circuit court of appeal
on behalf of George W. Klrkman, formerly
captain in tha Twenty-fifth United States
Infantry, who now Is serving a two-year
sentence In ths penitentiary at Fort leav
en worth, Kan. In this petition Klrkman
alleges that his detention Is unlawful.
According to the petition Klrkman was
tried by ocurt martial during June, 1906,
on a charge of unbecoming conduct, con'
vleted, dismissed from the service and sen
tenced to two years Id the penitentiary
Ills original petition for a writ of habeas
corpus was heard by United States District
Judge Pollock of Kansas, who denied the
petition. Ths action Is against R. W. Mo-
CUaghry, warden of the penitentiary.
la Companies sad Imperial Govern
meat Co-Operate Against Men
Who Would Bepndlato.
BAN FRANCISCO. March 27.-Th Call
says that the local six Chinese companies,
with the endorsement of the Chinese con
sul general, have issued a notice calling a
meeting at which the claims of American
and Chinese firms against Chinese firms
which repudiated their Indebtedness after
the big fire In April last are to be pre
sented. These claims are to be plaoed In tha
hands of the six companies at ths Instance
of tha Chinese government, and, where In-
sursnof lias beeu collected by the debtors
who havs refuaed payment of the claims
against thm, the relatives of the debtor
are to be captured In China, It is said, and
thrown Into prison, to be held until the
debtor has met bis financial obligations.
Hugh G. Ihsag Dismissed for Taklasi
Pnrt in OrgnnlaMloa of the
LC3 ANGELES, Cal.. March 27. Hugh
a. Shaug of this city has been dismissed
. from th railway mall aervlce for ol
part In the organisation of the Brother
hood of Railway Mall Clerks. A. H.
Stephens, superintendent of th railway
mail service of the Paclflo coast, says: ,
"Tb anion of th department In tha
(' ug case Indlcatea that ths department
will not tolerate tbs brotherhood."
Mr. Stephens will leave April $ for Waah.
IngUia to attend tae convention of super
intendents of the railway mall service.
It is also said that C. U Hobbs and
Marcus L. Shaug, officers of the brother
hood In Ban Franclco, are to b dismissed
for lhir part In th movement.
Thursday, Mink SS UOT.
ua skm
rvi wto -
6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 10
10 20 21 22 23
Ht 25 20 27 28 29 30
ni wxATKxm.
cloudy Thursday and Friday.
Friday fair and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
1 p. m f3
2 p. m 61
8 p. m 6
4 p. m 67
6 p. m 68
p. in 64
7 p. m 68
8 p. m 67
9 p. m 64
6 a. m.
a. m.
7 a. m.
8 a. m.
a. m.
10 a. m.
11 a. m.
U m....
. 7
. 3t
. 36
. 86
. 87
. 89
. 42
The house at Lincoln spent much time
yesterday debating the matter of com
munities voting bonds to aid railroads. It
was Anally determined to recommend the
bill for passage and allow each county to
do as It deems fit. The senate has the
house appropriation bills before It and
faces the task of reducing the measures by
more than a million and a quarter In order
to bring them within the estimated In-"
come of the state for the blennlum. The
senate refuses to name a committee to
confer with the house on a day for ad
journment, saying the house is anxious to
get away and leave a lot of senate bills
unacted upon. Fags 1
The senate today Indefinitely postponed
the bill to tax real estate mortgages and
put the single tax theory of Governor Shel
don Into practice. The house today passed
two railroad bills, both originating In the
house, one compelling roads to furnish
sidetracks to elevator owners, another re
quiring them to furnish scales and weigh
shipments In carload lots at division points,
and providing for a state weighmaster.
rags a
Lobbyists representing state Institutions
at Lincoln are trying to secure an amend
ment that will Increase the amount of tax
lovled for the general fund by the state
from 6 to 4 mills. This In order to hold
some extravagant appropriations In favor
of the Institutions. Pag 1
The trial of Kennlson of Scott's Bluh.
for the killing of Sam D. Cox Is proceed
ing, the Judge having overruled a motion
for a change of venue and a continuance.
Pag 3
Frank Brink, acquitted at Ponca of
charge of murder of his sweetheart, may
not go to Insane asylum. His father sug
gests Instead home treatment with com
petent private physician. Pag 3
Fremont labor unions protest against
contractors being permitted to employ
cheap foreign labor on paving Jobs.
. Page
Trainmen and general managers on
western rallrorls fall to reach agree
ment on wage question and strike seems
probable within two days. Pag 1
Pennsylvania railroad officials offer re
ward for arrest of persons who r Al
leged to have wrecked two trains.
Pegs 1
Explosion of dynamite tn a car at At
lanta, Ga., kills two and Injures others.
Pag X
Chicago federal grand Jury calls for
list of persons holding railroad passes
and express franks. Pag 1
Mrs. Sarah Emery of Ottumwa, aged O,
pours gasoline Into pot, mistaking It for
vinegar, and dies from burns she receives.
rags 3
Judge Morgan J. O'Brien resigns as mem.
ber of Thaw lunacy commission and Is suc
ceeded by David McClure. The commission.
era were sworn In and the Inquiry will be
gin this afternoon at I o'clock. Pag 4
poanxcm. (
France send two warships to Tangier
and punitive expedition starts from Al
gter to Oudja to enforo oolleotlon of
cltlms against Morocco. The action of
Franc will not bo opposed by Germany.
Pag 1
Dr. Jollos, editor of a Mosoow liberal
newspaper, la assassinated. , Pag 1
King of Roumanla promises reform In
tax and agrarian laws. Disorders con
tinue. Pag 3
Salvador asks Intervention of Mexico
to stop war In Central America. Pag X
Andrew Carnegie approves attitude of
president on railroad question. Pag
Permits have been Issued for 1,888,000
horses and cattle and 4,836,000 sheep and
goats to grace on national forest reserve
during 1907. Page 3
Tax Commissioner Pollard of the Bur
lington admits terminal tax law will give
to small as well as large communities
more revenue from railroads than under
present law, Pag T
South Omaha men see growing senti
ment for consolidation and strong stimu
lus to such sentiment in recent park site
deal. Pag XI
even through a session of ths legislature.
A. O. Beeaon, Insurance Inspector, says
Or Insurance rates are not high In
Omaha and that complaints emanating
from the Pacific roast cities of extortion
ate rates for boodle cannot apply here.
Pag T
Story of 140,000 gold ore steal In Crip-
pie Creek and dtspoalt on of ore In Omaha
T ., ., . . ... .
Is generally discredited by authorities in
this city. rag 7
H. Beselln of Omaha wins fifth prise In
' tournament of American bowling congress,
! Peg 4
Jimmy Parr, champion wrestler of Eng-
land, arrives for hU match at the Audi-
I tortum Friday night with Farmer Bums.
who won the last contest.
Pag 4
Lu. Cbaaulala.
kAiaar Wllkala
. .Sgu.l-wti-k
IIIANrUi0m.4Tb.rUs ...
ruruMia .
Ql Kh.sTOWN...&JODl ..
OC.NOA Ixmbl4l4
HAUVAX sibariw ..
"Futker" Iflonelaa.
MISSION HILL. 8. D., March .-(Special.)
"Father" Nichols, th venerable
Congregational pioneer missionary, who
dlt-din Oregonrerentiy, will be burled be
side his wife with fitting services Thurs
day afternoon. Rev. Abble Chapln. the
present pastor, will conduct the service. A
public subscription quickly raised the necei
aary sum required to bring the leiuulns
back for luUrment.
Frano eide Wartbipe to Tangier and
Troop, to Ondj fro AJraria.
Kaiser Is satisfied Pan I tire Expedi
tion Has Ho lltertor Motive
Coadltloas Regarder as
PARIS, March 27. In official quarters
here It Is recognised that the Moroccan
situation Is serious, but the consensus of
European opinion, being favorable to
France's action, a solution of the difficul
ties Is regarded as being very simple end
as not likely to produce complications. Tha
sultan of Morocco Is expected to yield
promptly all ths claims formulated by the
commander of the French armored cruiser
Jeanns d'Arc, now at Tangier, as soon as
he la convinced that the French attitude
Is Inflexible and that France has the unani
mous support of the powers.
French Advance from Algeria.
A dispatch received from General Llautey,
commander of the column of occupation,
today announced that a squadron of Spahls
had been ordered to mnke a forced march
from Sidl-Bel-Abbea, Algeria, to Oudja.
Th Spahls cannot reach Oudja before
March 30.
A battery of artillery and a battalion of
Zouaves have left Tlemsen, Algeria, for
Lalla Marnla on the Moroccan frontier.
General Llautey has arrived at Sldl-Bel-
Abbes and has taken charge of the military
A news agency today announced that the
headquarters of the French military mis
sion at Fex had been pillaged. No confirm
ation of the statement has been received.
Germany Approves Coarse.
BERLIN, March 27. The occupation of
Oudja, Morocco, by the French troop Is
regarded at the Foreign office here as
being a proper and Inevitable step, if it be
confined simply to punitive measures for
the murder of a French cltlxen, and is
without ulterior objects. It Is assumed
here officially that France will observe Its
agreements entered Into at Algeclras, both
In letter and spirit. The German attitude
Is one of alert observance. Any modifica
tion of that attitude will depend on the
development of ths French plana.
The reopening of ths Morocco question
would be unpleasant to Germany and there
Is no disposition to tales unnecessary of
fense at France's action, on which the most
favorable Interpretation Is placed, yet It
1 considered Impossible that Germany
could accept without objection any action
against the Moroccan government or ter
ritory not strictly In accord with the Inter
national Judgments reached at Algeclras.
France, In tjie official view, will doubtless
carefully avoid going outside of the terms
of the Algeclras convention: but already
the newspapers hers ar filled with state
ments showing suspicion of the French In
tentions, so that the public mind Is cer
tainly prepared to treat French acts un-
. The Frenoh charge d'affalrs, M. Decorate,
called at the foreign office her yesterday
and handed to Foreign Secretary Tschlrsky
a communication from' the-French govern
ment respecting th military expedition to
Oudja. Harr Tschlrsky Is understood to
have replied that Germany hoped th occu
pation of Moroccan territory by France'
troops would only be temporary.
Karepeans In Danger.
TANGIER, March 27. The French ar
mored cruiser Jeanne d'Arc and ths orulser
La Lands have arrived her from Toulon.
The commander of the Jeanne d'Arc will
hand a list of th French claim this after
noon to Mohammed el Torres, th repre
sentative of ths sultan. I
Th situation at Morocco City Is becom
ing more serious, according to the reports
received her. Hostile crowds are parading
the streets and Europeans do not dare to
go out of tbelr houses without an escort.
Prominent Moors express satisfaction at
th fact that Franc has decided to occupy
Oudja, They declare that the sultan of
Morocco requires a lessom
Ths Frenoh oonsuls In th Interior have
notified th Moorish authorities that thoy
will be held responsible for outrages on
French ottlsens.
Europeans Leave Oudja.
LALLA MARNIA. Algeria, March 27.
The French military mission has returned
her from Oudja. With It have come all
th European resident of Oudja, who re
port that tha town la calm and the people
do not suspect the forthcoming occupation.
Th Moroccan garrison In Oudja consists
only of a small escort for the governor,
and there Is very little probability of any
resistance to the Frenoh column. Th
Europeans of Oudja left all their personal
property locked up In their houses.
Spain Supports France.
MADRID, March 27. The Spanish govern
ment has Issued an official not expressing
Its whole hearted concurrence In France's
desire to stop the Intolerable disorders in
Morocco, and with that and In view It ha
formally pointed out to th sultan the de
sirability of facilitating by every mean
In his power th early establishment of th
International police force In Morocco.
Former Member of Damn Asusslnated
s He Leaves Heme la
MOSCOW, Russia, March 27. Dr. Jollos,
editor of the Russkl Vledomostl, was as-
' " , ... .. 7 ,
him with a revolver as he was leaving his
, . . . .
rraiutnu-V. 1. no iiiiuuerrr VTCMpeu.
Dr. Jollos was a member of ths lower
house of the first Russian Parliament.
Klnsr of Slam on
BANGKOK. Slam. March 27. The king of
! Slam. Chulalongkorn 1. started today on
, his European trip. Crown Prince Chowfa
Maha VaJIravudh will act as regent during
ths king's absence.
Maaalaughter Charge Preferred
Against Xew York Central
NEW YORK. March 27. Indictment
charging manslaughter In th second de
gree were returned today against th New
York Central railroad, Ira A. McCormlck,
general superintendent of th company,
and Alfred H. Smith, one of its vie presi
dents, in connection with the wreck of tho
lirtmster express on the Harlem division
of th railroad last month.
McCormlck and Smith entered pleas of
not guilty and were released on IIO.ojO ball
each. The grand Jury also handed up a
prteentment containing many recommenda
tions to the state railroad commissioners
concerning restrictions on tha railroad op
station 1b this slat.
TrUco Grand Jury Going Deeper Into
Scandal Orowlag Out of Tele
phone Franchise Deal.
BAN FRANCISCO. March 27.-The follow
ing witnesses were called before the grand
Jury and briefly1 examined today: Dr.
Ferdinand Butterfleld, representing Inter
ests allied with the United States Inde
pendent Telephone company; E. O. Oppen
helm of Los Angles: William Meade, pres
ident of th Central bank of Los Angeles,
and Mr. Sloan of Los Angeles. Percy Mor
gan, president of the California Wine
Growers' association and formerly one of
the directors of the Pacific States Tele
phone and Telegraph company, was tem
porarily excused.
Former Governor Henry T. Gage, who
arrived In the city last nlgtft from Los
Angeles and who Is reported to be de
sired by Abraham Ruef as associate coun
sel, declined today to affirm or deny that
he was here for the purpose of conferring
with Ruef.
Ruef Is likewise uncommunicative on
the subject snd says that, although It Is
true he Is seeking additional counsel, he
Is not In a position to make any state-!
The grand Jurv resumed Its session this
afternoon and the inquiry will be directed m"twld of the maximum of 6. This will
to an effort to trace the course of the,ncrea,,e the ount be P"'
tuinm ,,, i ., , v, , Lby the people of the state about $flRO,000
Los Angeles for the alleged purpose of
obtaining a franchise for th Home Tele
phone company. It Is stated that ths
money was sent to an Oakland bank to
the credit of the telephone company, then
transferred to another bank to the creJlt
of the Empire Construction company, an !
allied corporation. At today's hearing the!
prosecution hoped to show by the books
of the bank that the purpose of changing
the deposit was to cover up Uus subsequent
payment of the money to the supervisors.
A number of the officials of the two banks
were ordered to appear to Identify the
At the conclusion 'of the session District
Attorney Langdon was asked to make a
statement regarding the day's Investiga
tion. He replied:
"This aau one of the most Important
days thus for before the grand Jury a
day respecting which it Is necessary for the
officers of the prosecution to observe the
strictest silence. I shall simply say that
this was one of the most satisfactory days
This was taken to mean that the wit
nesses called, or some of the more Impor
tant of them, had given testimony tending
to corroborate the bribery and graft evi
dence on which sixty-five indictments have
been already reutrned against Abraham
Ruef, nine against General Manager
Louis Glass of the Paclflo States Telephone
company, thirteen against Abraham K.
Detweller, outside agent for the Home
Telephone company, ten against J. V. Hal
sey, outside agent for th Paclflo States
Telephone company; five against Mayor
Schmlts and one against Chief of Police
Judge Lawler In th superior oourt will
call General Manager Glass to plead to
the nine bribery Indictments tomorrow
morning. Mr. Glass was asked tonight to
state what his Intention are. He referred
the questioner to his attorney. The latter
said: "It would be unwise fun Wto make
any statement now. Whether we shall plead
to the Indictment or test them by demurrer,
will become known tomorrow when th
cases are called. This Is all we are pre
pared to say tonight."
Mayor Schmlts today made a statement
specifically denying published charges that
he has profited by administration graft to
the extent of 1662,000. He declared that
when given an opportunity In court he
would prove his Innocence of all charges
made against him.
Dally Mall Says It Was Caused by
Bank Selling I'nlon Pnclflcs
Held as Collateral.
LONDON, March 27. Ths financial ex-i
pert of the Dally Mall has written a story
of the recent financial cruris, which he says
Is accepted tn reliable quarters.
"One of our big banks, the writer says,
had lent a huge sum to one of the Ameri
can magnates, the security being manly
Uunon Pacifies. The bank decided this loan
should be repaid, but on meeting with re
fusal. It resolved to liquidate the security
by selling the Union Pacific shares In lta
possession. An attempt to get rid of them
In large blocks on tho other side of th
Atlantic by private negotiations failed and
consequently a very large quantity was put
upon the market. Those knowing there cir
cumstances formed the natural conclusion
that the trouble would ensue and sold other
"The reultant fall In prces and the all
around collapse caused many difficulties
among Stoch exchange Arms, including
one of the highest standing. In this case,
however, the account waa taken over by a
big Anglo-American house with th as
sistance of all that Is most powerful In
Steelmaster Says President's Railroad
Policy Is Conservative and ,
Meets His Approval.
WASHINGTON. March 27.-Andrew Car
negie, who Is In Washington for a few
days, today expressed the following opinion
on the railroad situation:
"I absolutely endorse the president's at
titude toward the railroads. He Is the best
friend they have and they ought to realise
It. The railroads had better stand with
him. If they do not accept his moderate
measures they may be confronted by a
man tn the White House who will approach
the question of the railroads from an en
tirely different standpoint. I regard the
president's Influence as to tha rsllroads as
wholesome and conservative."
Mr. Carnegie lunched with the president
this afternoon. Others present were Vic
President Fairbanka, Secretary Cortelyou,
Assistant Secretary of Stats Bacon and
Robe a 3. MoConnlck, former ambassador
to FJ.
Thirty-Six Sacks Takea from Nevada
Mines Recovered at Pueblo
Express OfHee.
PUEBLO, Colo., March 27. Thlrty-slx
sacks of gold ore, valued at 810,000, said
to have been stolen from the mines at
Rhollte, Nev.. snd shlppsd Into Pueblo by
"high graders." were seised at th local
office of th Welle Fargo Express company
by Deputy United Slates Marshal Frank
of Denver today. Ths ore was sent Into
Pueblo a aack at a fine snd waa a.
jdrebscd to Ueorg B. Richardson.
SUta Institution! Tie Up to Eaid th
Trtuury Through Leeielature.
Effort Will Be Made to Seen re mm
Additional MU1 on the General
Fnnd Levy In Favor of
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 87. (Special
Telegram.) Lobbyists who sre her trying
to secure enormous appropriations for
state Institutions ar trying to push
through the leglslsture an amendment to
a bill by Kelfer of Nuckolls to Increase
the levy for general fund purposes from
I mills to mills. The scheme was hatched
up here tonight when the lobbyists learned
for sure that either the senate would cut
down the extravagant appropriations of the
house or that Governor Sheldon would ap
ply the knife. Should the scheme carry It
will mean an Increase of ltt mills for gen
eral fund purposes, because for the last
Jrear the "tate boar1 ,evle1 on'y 4
for the blennlum. And even then the es
timated receipts of the blennlum will not
equal the amount of appropriations car
ried In bills now pending.
Influences Bark of Deal.
It Is generally understood the normal
cnoI iahbr the university lobby and the
Norfolk asylum lobby are In a combine to
puBh thl8 amendment through and get the
PProprlatlons for these Institutions. These
,obbylBt8 may unltB t0 klU the bl" pro"
vldlng for normal training In high schools.
This bill carries an appropriation cf $50,000.
Superintendent McDrien Is backing the
latter measure, and his argument la that
this 160,000 Invested for the good of so
many high school students Is of more Im
portance than are the enormous and seem
ingly unnecessary appropriations for per
manent Improvements at the university and
normal schools. The fight may result In
McBrlen snd friends of the public schools
getting behind a movement to force the
university lobby to take the $180,000 It Is
asking for out of the university 1 mill levy.
To get the big appropriations asked for
it is said the lobby will go so far even as
to fight the 860.000 appropriation for the
benefit of those school districts which are
now unable to tuMd a seven months school,
even though thrtr levy Is the limit by law.
Should this bill be killed and the bill abol
ishing tha 1 mill levy for the public schools
go through, another factor may be In
jected into the fight over appropriations.
Senate Slices Budgets.
In the mesrhtlme the finance committee
of the senate met tonight behind closed
doors and though refusing to give out Its
action it Is understood the committee re
duced the house appropriation fully
Illinois Manufacturers 'Think Word
from Htm Will Prevent Con.
traction of Credits, .
, WASHINGTON, March 27. A committee
representing the Illinois Manufacturing as
sociation called on the president today by
appointment and extended to him an ur
gent invitation to address at Springfield,
111., at the earliest possible date, a conven
tion of representatives of ths manufactur
ing and mercantile Interests of Illinois and
the middle west. After the conference the
committee gave out the" following state
ment: '
The committee submitted to the presi
dent that the present railroad and financial
situation was oreating a feeling of timidity
and apprehension to such an extent that It
threatened an Immediate curtailment of
banking and business credit which had
heretofore been extended to the business
interest of the country at a time when
the greatest possible demand for the ex
tension of credit prevailed for th develop
ment of th Increasing demands, .of the
manufacturing and mercantile Industries of
the country. It was urged upon the presi
dent that very great good would come to
all Interests alike If he. would signify his
wuiingneaa to expreaa in a puoiic address
as soon as possible the keynote of his cre
ative and constructive policy. The presi
dent Inquired carefully Into the prevailing
mercantile conditions and expressed him
self as most anxious and determined to do
all In his power to protect, preserve snd
encourage all legitimate business interests
01 every auiu.
The president thanked the committee for
Its frank statement of the existing condi
tions ss they appeared to the committee
and promised that within a few days he
would determine whether his present en
gagements would permit him to accept the
committee's invitation, which he expressed
himself as anxious to do If he possibly
President and Advisors Dlscusa m
Schema for Federal Regrulatioa
of Railroads.
WASHINGTON, March 17.-An extended
conference was held at the White House
tonight at which the railroad situation was
discussed. Those present were Secretaries
Cortelyou and Garfield, Assistant Secre
tary of State Bacon, Chairman Knapp and
Special Counsel F. B. Kellogg of the In
terstate Commerce commission and all the
members of that commission except Messrs,
Prouty and Cockrell, who are out of the
After ths conference adjourned It was
stated that the meeting waa called to out
line a scheme to be presented to the next
congress for the federal regulation of rail
roads. The plan proposed by Jacob If.
Schlff for remedying the railroad situation.
which has attracted a great dealof at
tention, was not
taken up at the con-
ference. Mr. Kellogg, who has charg of
the Harrlman Investigation, denied that this
question was brought up at the conference.
Marvin Hughltt, president of the Chicago
& Northwestern railroad, arrived In Wash.
Ington tonight and will call at th Whit
House tomorrow.
Milwaukee Baaker and Mis Nellie
Barton Are Married la
' Indiana.
LA PORTE. Jnd., March 27.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Oeorge W. Meeker, a Milwaukee
banker, and Mias Nellie Evelyn Barton,
who says she ts a daughter of Mrs. Sarah
Barton of Omaha, Nab., met at Michigan
City last evening and were married by
Rev. W. H. Cornell. Th bride confessed
that this was her second marriage, having
been divorced February 11 of this year.
Th Omaha directory doe not glvs th
nam of Mra Sarah Barton and th record
of the district court for 1W7 shows that no
divorce has been granted any woman with
th nam above, quoted.
Pennsylvania Railway Officials Blame
Wreckers Two Engine Men Ar
. Killed In Minnesota.
PITTSBURG. March 27.-Traln No. on
the Pennaylvanla railroad, known as ths
Keystone express eastbound, was derailed
near Wllmerdlng, Ta., fourteen miles east
of here early today.
The engine, two mall cars and a combina
tion baggage and smoker left the tracks,
but no one was hurt.
It Is believed the train was Intentionally
derailed and that the deed was done by th
same parties who wrecked the Chlcatto
limited train No. 23 at Stewart, Pa., last
Friday morning. The same plan was car
ried out and only the slow speed of th
train (thirty miles an hour) saved It from
The officials of Pittsburg were notified
and a special quickly made up and run to
the scene of the accident. The passengers
on the derailed cars were transferred to
this train and sent east after a delay of
an hour and forty-five minutes.
Railroad detectives promptly started an
Investigation anad the announcement was
made that the derailment was undoubtedly
the work of train wreckers. Methods used
In the wrecking of the Chicago limited were
adopted. The spikes, bolts and fish plate
from an entire length of rail had been re
moved and the rail turned Inward on tracks
Nos. 8 and 4, the main tracks eastbound and
westbound. Nearby was a trnck wrench and
a pair of gloves, while In the creek below
a crowbar, nuts and fish plates were found.
PHILADELPHIA, March 27.-The Penn
sylvania railroad announced this afternoon
that It will pay a reward of 12.600 for the
arrest snd conviction of the persons guilty
of nttemptlng to wreck its trains on the
Pittsburg division.
The company also offers a reward of
12,600 for the arrest and conviction of the
persons responsible for the derailment of
the Chicago Limited at Stewart, Pa., last
week and $500 reward for Information lead
ing to the arrest of the guilty person or
persons, making a total of $5,500.
ST. PAUL, March 27.-The Northern Pa
cific passenger train for St. Paul, which left
Duluth at 11:10 o'clock last night, was
wrecked at Carlton. Minn., early today. Th
engineer and fireman were killed.
The dead are:
THOMAS M. OT'TNLAN. engineer.
WILLIAM MESEKOMER, fireman, both
of 8t. Paul.
Two or three passengers, whose names
have not been learned In St. Paul, are re
ported slightly Injured. The cause of the
wreck Is said to have been the stoppage
of a drain p4pe and the overflow of water,
which undermined the track, causing a
spreading of tha rails.
Lieutenant Lawrnson Soys Koa
Guns of Company Were I'sed
In Brownsville Riot.
WASHINGTON. March 27. Lieutenant
George Carson Lawrason, who was In com
mand of Company B, Twenty-fifth Infantry,
on the night of the affray at Brownsville
was on the stand nearly all of today In the
lnvestlgntlon by the senate oommlttee on
military affair. On practically oil material
points his testimony corroborated that given
by the men of his command and that given
by ths men of Companies C and D. He
was shown bullets taken from the walls
of houses In Brownsville, but could not say
wnetner they had been fired from the
Springfield rifles with which the Twenty-
fifth Infantry was equipped or whether
they had been discharged from Krag-Jor-
gensen rifles or carbine.
Lieutenant Lawrason told of being gwak
ened by the firing and his efforts to get the
company formed during the confusion. He
said he had posted his men along the wall
In the rear of the barracks at the order of
Major Penrose. Lawrason was with his
company along the garrison wall for about
two and a half hourj when they were dis
missed by the commsnd of Major Penrose,
who first gave Instructions to Lawrason to
see that all of the company guns were
locked In the racks and that all of the guns
not In use were accounted for. Lawrason
saw the guns placed In the racks and the
racks locked, after which he had carefully
verified the count. All the guns, he said,
were Inspected next morning. Lawrason
declared he satisfied himself that no guns
of his company had been used the night
Lawrason said that at Fort Niobrara there
was something wrong with Company B'
decapper and the shells, more that 11.000,
were put in a box and shipped to Fort
Brown to be decapped there. He did not
know what had become of the box after
the arrival of the company at Brownsville,
but there was considerable property left
on the rear porch of the barracks. The In
ference plainly shown by Senstor Foraker's
questions wss that this box may have been
accessible to Mexican boys or others and
that shells bearing marks that could b
traced to Company B rifles may have been
carried Into the town and afterward thrown
Into the streets for the purpose of manu
facturing evidence against the negro sold
Northwestern Say Present Output
Rot Sufficient and Additional
Wells Will Be Sank.
LANDER, Wyo.. March 27. (Special,)
The Northwestern railroad has notified peo.
pie in this section that th company de
sires to purchase large quantities of fuel
oil for use In Its locomotives, which are
to be equipped to burn oil tn place of coal.
The amount of oil required by the rail
road is greater than the output of th
wells now flowing In this section, and ad
ditional wells are to be sunk' at once. If
private concerns fall to produce sufficient
' oil, tb company will then purchase oil
lands and sink their own wells.
Goveraor Still Waiting for Realgna
tloa of Another One of tke
Present Board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March 27.-(Speclal Tel.
gram.) Governor Sheldon did not nam a
new Board of Fire and Police commis
sioners for Omaha today. It Is understood
he is waiting Just a little longer for that
last resignation and that within the next
day or two he will name hla new board.
Daniel Weaterman, Said to Be Wanted
at Cretahtoa, Neb., is Arrested
at Portland, Ore.
PORTLAND. Ore.. March 27. (Special
Telegram.) Daniel Westerman, said to be
wanted by th Nebraska authorities, was
arrested her today. 11 Is charged with
j forgery ea a bank at Crvigbton, Nab.
Hons Spendi Tim Debatinc KieM of
Communities to Vota Bon da
Local Option Featnrs A rpeal$ to Iff mien
Who Vote in Affl matiTo.
Finance Committee Hard at Work on tha
Veasnres from House.
Total of Bills Passed by House Ex
ceeds the Estimated Income by
Million and Quarter aad Cut
is Imperative.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 27. (Special.) Al.
though several chapters of the history of
the Issuance of railroad bonds by cltlns
and villages were recited by several of
the members, the house In committee of
the whole this afternoon recommended
for passage Hamer's II. R. 628, providing
vlllagea and townships may Issue railroad
bonds by a two-thirds vote of the people
upon a petition for an election signed by
60 per cent of the voters. While the vote
to Indefinitely postpone the bill was 18 for
to 66 against, there was quite a fight
against the measure, and one of the objec
tions offered by Speaker Nettleton against
the bill was that the house had alreaily
this session passed a bill providing town
ships and villages could not vote rail
road bonds. It had gone through the sen
ate and had been signed by the governor.
This bill repeals that measure and Speaker
Nettleton was of the opinion that th
house certainly should not stultify Itsolf
by passing this bill and thus show to the
people Its members did not have sens
nough to enact a law which would stand
even through a session of the legislature.
Some Clay County Experience.
In his talk Speaker Nettleton gave a
little history of railroad bonds Issued by
precincts In Clay county, particularly
Spring Ranch. Here he said the rati,
roads brought in men and colonized them,
He stood at the voting booth, he said, an
challenged their right to vote and each of
them swore he had been in the precinct
ten days, the county sixty days and th
state six months. The next morning, h
said, when he went to swear to a com
plaint against the men who had been re
sponsible for the bond proposition pass
ing he said he discovered the railroad
had already taken' them out of the com
munity. Fairfield, he said, had voted 2l.
000 bonds for a railroad and had secured
one mile of trackage. He characterised
the Issuance of railroad bond as a graft
pure and slmpl. worked by promoter
Just the same as fake mining grafts ar
Baker of Tork recAtad-how men war
brought Into his community to vot for
the bonds and the promoters seourod
board ' for them at farm houses wnera
they were supposed to work at shucRTlng
corn. The promoters made som prom
ises to some of the men In town about
sidetracks, and while he and other
thought they had the proposition defeated,
when the vote was counted the Imported
railroad hirelings had carried the day, th
bonds were Issued and the sldetracV
promised were never put down.
Just an Old Game.
Farley of Hamilton said the bond voting
method was an old one and In many In
stances a town waked up after mortgaging
Its property to find It would hav secured
the railroad anyhow. In a town wher
he lived, he said, they had voted $60,000
railroad bonds and found six months later
they would have gotten the road Just
the same. Jenlson told how the promoters
worked the bond graft through. He waa
of the opinion a railroad would build
whether bonds were Issued or not- When
the villages were voting bonds out in Har
lan county, he said. Alma waked up and
refused, to stand and deliver. The town
west of there got the hunch and refused
and the roads were built Just the same.
Logsdon was against the bill and moved
Its Indefinite postponement. Doran said
his constituents had written him they wer
In favor of the bill. Cone spoke against It,
Carlln was for the bill, but opposed to bond
Issues. Orleg of Platte was for It. as waa
Harvey and Barnes and Hill and Hamer
and McMuilen, while- Snyder opposed It,
The argument for the bill was home rul
more than anything else. Each of th
aneakera believed the people of a com
munlty should have a right to vote on th
bond proposition If they desired to do so.
Hamer quoted figures to show that Clay
county had voted $67,000 railroad bonds,
while last year the railroad taxes In that
county amounted to $8,000. The motion to
indefinitely postpone was lost by a vot
of 18 to 66.
Indication of Future Action.
Th house gave an Indication of what It
will do with a maximum freight rat bill
when It acted favorably upon the Quack,
enbush bill to put a maximum rata on
oil shipped Into the state. Tucker moved
to Indefinitely postpone th bill, but hla
motion waa lost by a vot of 18 to 88.
Quackenbush of Nemaha was called horn
today by the Illness of his son and he will
likely not return this session. Inssmucn
as Mr. Quackenbush has voted with th
republicans on the platform measures and
especial! was he a useful member on th
terminal tax bill, many of the republican!
expressed deep regret that he had to leave
and the cntlr house by a rlalng vot
expreaaed aympathy for him and hla.
Governor Sheldon today signed the rail
way commission bill and the commission
will bs able to get down to work at once,
as the bill carries th emergency clause. -Paring
House Appropriations.
Ths senata finance, ways and means com.
mlttee today got in Its first work on tha
house appropriation bills andVmad a r
port on the measure to th senate. A larg
number of the amendments wer offered,
but th total of tsyi.680 of the original bill
waa not changed much. Th commutes
found It necessary to Increase some of th
spproprlatlons mads by the house as thvj
were not enough to pay the salaries actu
ally provided for by law, and while th.
total may be reduced a little the reductlos;
will not be material. Th salary charge ll
not very flexible, and the committee will
look to som of the other bills for the re
duction that will have to b made tn orde
to make the expenditure for tha next biem
nlum come somewhere near the income
Th recklessness with which the bo ml
has passed appropriation bills will rak(
Increased work for tbs senate committee
and It la certain that th pruning knltj