Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. Piano Buyer
For some daya we hare been telling about the 8peclal Good
Bargains possible to secure in
Our Great Clearance Sale
Erery day there Is g'omethlnn new something different.
From among the Special Dargalns offered today we describe two In
. particular:
(Harrington used upright grand, large site, walnut case, full metal
plate, 7V octave, three string, was $326 when new. U a special
good bargain at . 9iot
$10 Cash and $t Per Month.
Whitney, large site upright grand. 7H octave, three string, has been
put In most thorough good condition. Was $250 when new.
There's splendid durability In this piano, has yery satisfactory
action and tone; Is a real bargain, at ' 8175
$10 Cash and $6 Per Month.
We mention some of the other bargans In New Pianos:
There's that $600 Kranlch Bach for $376. $10 monthly; a
$400 Kimball at $260, $7 monthlyj a $450 5ush & Lane for $375.
$8 monthly; a $326 Wcser Bros, for $2(10, $7 monthly; a $276
Cramer at $190, $5 monthly.
And there are many more of the Newest Pianos as low as $126.
. Sold on easy payments.
Don't buy a Piano without seeing us. these are stirring Umea
In the Big Piano Btore.
1513 Douglas Street
lark Board to Meet The park boar4
wrill meet Thursday morning at I o'clock.
ear End Collision A rear end collision
oa the Union 1'acldc at Ollmore Monday
evening caused dumage to freight cars to
the extent of about II. 500. Fortunately no
one was Injured.
Open Oars, rirst of aeon The weather
man or elee the street railway company
broke a record Monday when the company
ran open cars through the streets for the
evening crowd. This Is the flrat time In
the history of Omaha that the company
has been able to run open cars In March.
Tonus;. Colored Man Beat Op Zlnnle
Anderson, the young colored man who was
Identified by Mrs. T. H. Cameron as tho
man who attempted astmult upon her at her
home In, the Wlthnell block, was given
thirty days in the county Jail by Ju.lgn
Crawford Tuesday morning on the charge
of, bring drunk.
Ordinance for Poultry Councilman Mfl-
Oovern at this evening's council meeting
will Introduce an ordinance regulating the
movement of poultry within three miles of
the city hall. .It Is Mr. MuUovern's opinion
that if any one la lucky enough to live
within three miles of the 'city hall that
person should not. object to keeping hi
poultry home. The ordinance carries with
It certain penalties for allowing poultry to
wander frorrj the home nest.
Eagles' Banquet Wednesday Hcveral
hundred members of the Uniuha aerie of
Kagles will unite Wednesday evening at
C:30 In a banquet at the cafe of F. J.
O'Brien, when the question of securing a
new fraternal home will be disc tinned and
an active campaign outlined to that end.
Big Window Smashed by Wind One of
the lttrge pints glass windows on the How
nrd street front of Thompson Jk Holrten's
vtore wnt blown In by the wind Tuesday
Ibonuni Dollars Stolen from Vetrspolitan
Ioinrance Company tffioe.
Ha Cine la Obtalaaa as to the Crimi
nal mmi Detectives Start
oa tbe Cos la tha
division. Mr. Vlck Boy has risen from the
ranks of the Vnlon Pacific, being formerly
a train dispatcher, then-chief dispatcher,
then trainmaster and afterwards assistant
superintendent of the Wyoming division.
Barry (Milam Dismissed The state
f.illmi to nieko out a CHseiiKninst Harry
Oillani In pollci court and the charge of
breakius; and entering Into tbe home of
Frank Romano on the night jf March 14
was tltemiol. Tho testimony of the peo
ple , with whom Olllnm ami his wife, lived
saved him, their testimony Knowing him to
buve been at home on the night In question,
and the evident weakneas in establishing
l.onlllvo liU-ntliluatlon also counted strongly
lor trie accused.
Hnadred Dollars Oosoeae Carda
t'liurtuHl with exposing ami selling obscene
plcinrea and literature, John l Algernon,
proprietor of h clar store at 3J1 South
sixteenth street, was found guilty In police
court Tiiesuay morning nnn nnea uo ana i .
.... ..u known
r(pin oy .iuiiko vrnwiuru. mid rmui )
produced In court wero not of flagrant I
lewdness, but Probation Officer Hernsteln
bus undertaken a movement to remove all ,
pictures of the nude or partly nude whlgh j
rnny be harmful If In the hands of the Very j
young. Hernsteln Drougni tne cnarges
gainst Alperson.
Mora Circulars of Boodle The kovoi
ntent secret service department at Omaha
all seem to emanate from one source.
though mailed from different post offices,
notably, Jersey City, West Hoboken and
Weehawkin, N. J., and all replies are to
be sent to "W. W. Wheeler, Clement, Pa.,"
In telegraphic cipher.
Statistics on Slvaroea Irving New
comb and J. Adams, held men of the
United eta tee census bureau, are at work
In the court bouse compiling statistics of
marriage and divoroe In Donglas county.
This work has not been done since 18S8 and
the compilation now being done extends
from January, 1S8, to December II, 196,
a period of twenty years. Full particulars
are taken from every petition and decree,
except thnt a number is placed on each
card Instead of tha names of the parties.
The work, will take several weeks. The
compilation will be made In Wauhtngton
and figures will be available in about a
Xarrlsoa Studies Xls Work Deputy
District Clerk Frank A. Harrison for the
Lincoln subdivision pf the federal courts
was at the federal building In Omaha Tues
day familiarising himself with his new du
ties. A big grist of work has been cut out
for the Lincoln term, which begins In May,
many, of the cases hitherto set for trial
In the Omaha district being transferred to
Lincoln. Most of the court records are still
here at Omaha and the work of retran
scribing them for the Lincoln subdivision
la no sinecure by any means, and Mr. Har
rison has started into the work with the
determination so characteristic of all his
Antituberculosis Zacrua Literature Is
being ecnt nut by the American Antituber
culosis league, which meets, at Atlantic
City June 1 to 4, for the purpose of enlist
ing all public spirited women In this cam
paign, which In being Inaugurated In nearly
every state in the union. As the league
meets at the time when the Jamestown ex
position la In progress It Is thought many
will go for that added reason. Mrs. J. R.
Hrlggs, president of tha Women's Auxiliary
American Antituberculosis league of Dal
las Tex., has Issued a circular to all club
women and others Interested In civic health
protection. Mrs. C. O. Robinson Is the
Onto ha representative of the league.
The safe in tha offices of the Metropolitan ,
Life Insurance company, 414 to US Mew
Tork Life building, was robbed between
Monday evening and Tueaday morning and
money to tbe amount of nearly 11.000, taken.
When J. 11 Roark, superintendent of the
local department cf the company, entered
the business office at tha usual tuna In tha
morning he found one window and tha door
of the safe open. Hasty examination
quickly showed him the Inner strong box
also waa open and the money placed there
the night before waa missing. The com
bination on the safe door had been worked.
Tha exact sum stolen has not been de
termined, but has been estimated at least
$96. .. It had been placed In tha strong
hox at the usual closing U0 time Monday
evening by Misa Hayes, tha cashier. Tha
Omaha offices of the corporation occupy
tha three rooms at one end of tna nan
on the fourth floor of the building. The
cashier's and superintendent's office. In
which the safe Is kept, l on tha Inside,
with the windows opening on the inside
court. Along the windows on that floor
Is a wide ledge, which would give any per
son no trouble to walk from Window to
window. That one of the windows was
found open by Mr. Roark Indicates that
entrance was secured by Climbing out on
the ledge from a window at tne elevator
shafts and passing along the short distance
to the Metropolitan office Windows.
No Cloe at Hand.
No clue, so far as given out, was left
by the burglars and no theory Is held as
to how many committed the robbery, i ne
building Janitors and watchmen say they
saw no persons hanging around the hall
ways In a suspicious manner ana couia
offer no idea as to the men nor as to wnar
time the deed occurred. The police were
notified during the forenoon and detectives
placed on the case.
Mr. Roark's and the rainier s omce.
which Is In room 414. has a barred partition
at the door and a lockea aoor. iitiun..
these only three persons ever have access-
Mr. Roark hlmeelf. Miss Hayes, the cashier,
and Miss VanfJerford, the atenoorapher.
The office usually closes at o'clock In
the evening and these three go out to
gether. They left about fifteen minutes
later than usual Monday, however, ana it
was about when Mlas Hayes placed
tho money in the safe box. The other two
rooms of the local offices are occupied by
agents, a large force of whom la employed,
but none of these ever enters room 414
farther than the cashier's wicket.
Hew Comsaaader Hat Tat Kites,
Thoaah Several Are Men
tioned la Froepeet.
Nothing Is known at headquarters, De
partment of the Missouri, as yet relative
to who will become the new commander
of tha department to succeed General
Oreely, who is exercising the command In
connection with his duties as commander
of the Northern Military division. It Is
not thought In military circles that the
command of the department will be an
nounced until after the beginning of the
new fiscal yeai, July 1, when the appro
priations contemplated by tha new army
bill will be available, and tha revision of
divisional and departmental lines may tske
place with the general rearrangement of
commanders for the divisions and depart
ments. Tha Department of the Missouri being
one of the most Important In tha entire
country, embracing several of the largest
military poU In the country, makes It a
prtse eagerly sought for by military com
manders of high rank. Major General
Constant Williams, now In command of the
Department of Colorado, and Brigadier
Oeneral William M. McCaakey. now h com.
mand of the Department of Texaa, are
mentioned as available timber for the Mis
souri department, and at the same time It
is thought that In the event of tha discon
tinuance of the military divisions, which
Is under contemplation by the general staff
of the army, and retaining only the de
partmenta. that Oeneral Oreely Is . not
averse td taking command of tha Depart
ment of the Missouri.
la let for tha
Not for tha
President Will Be Asked to
In Omaha letter Part
of May.
The divorce suit of Julia Montgomery
Pratt against Colonel James H. Pratt will
be tried before Judge Kennedy of tho dls
trlct court. The time la not yet decided
on. Colonel Pratt la In Texas on a business
trip and the time of tils return Is not
Service of summons cannot be hnd
upon him until he reaches tho bordera of
the state. It is claimed by hie attorneys
that ho has no legal residence In tho
stute since the filing of the suit. The
home where he lived he built and pre
sented to his wife and since their separa
tion It cannot be regarded aa his home.
An effort waa made by Oeneral John C.
Co win to have the filing of the suit post
poned until the return of Colonel Pratt !n
has In tta possession a huge number if i ,h(, h,,. ,hat . Pomnromlse could ba er.
"boodle circulars'- turned over to It by the , focted Mrs pnU nnd her coutlliel( how.
reclplenta. residents nnd business men of j v-r nUlBta to do th),.
Omaha, which Indicates that this section Is j T))e of tn. oefcndant tn the ,ult
being flooded with this character of ,"coun- . ... . . ." literature. These circulars I . ... . .
gallons agalnat Mrs. Pratt. Colonel Pratt
will fight the suit hard on the ground that
there waa a conspiracy to get possession
of his property. He will show that his
wife, who waa more than forty years
younger than he. (she being J8 years old
at the time of their marriage), repeatedly
expressed Impatience because her aged hue-
, band continued to live. She was tn get
tao.coo at hia death, according to an ante
nuptial agreement.
If the divorce suit ts decided against
Mrs. Pratt she will, of course, forfeit all
claim to any of the property.
I owKh.Y's
President Roosevelt la to be Invited
Jointly by the local lodge of the Fraternal
Order of Eagles and the Commercial club
to appear In Omaha during the latter part
of May nnd deliver an address at tho an
nual memorial meeting of the Eaftles". A
letter of Invitation was sent to the presi
dent lost Friday by President W. W. Dodge
of the Omaha aerie, who appeared before
the executive committee of the Commer
cial club at Ita meeting Tuesday afternoon
and secured the co-operation of the club
In the project.
John Steel, C. E. Bluclt and Byron R.
Hastings were appointed us a committee
from the Commercial club to prepare a
suitable Invitation to President Roosevelt.
The president will speak at Inslng,
Mich., May and It Is hoped that he can
be Induced to speak In Onwha May 26. He
Is n member of the ICaglea, having Joined
the Cheyenne aerie six years ago.
Additional Penalty Tacked Onto Sen
tence Beeaose tbe Prisoner
Tells Me.
81x months In the penitentiary for tell
ing a lie.
That Is what Fred Bchnelderwlnd, ac
oused of forgery, got In the criminal divi
sion of the district court Tuesday morning
before Judge Troup. Bchnelderwlnd had
entered a plea Monday of not guilty, but
had changed his mind and decided to plead
guilty and begin serving his time. When
asked by the court whether he had any
thing to say why sentence should not bo
passed Upon him he replied:
"Nothing except that I never done It."
Judge Troup has a habit of going to the
bottom of thlnga
"If you didn't commit this crime why are
you pleading guilty to it?" he demnndtd.
The prisoner mumbled something about
not standing any show before a Jury. But
Judge Troup was not to be put off with
'If you didn't commit this crime I shall
certainly not sentence you to the peniten
tiary,", he said. "You will have a trial
before a Jury."
'Aw, Well. I done It," admitted the pris
oner. The court had Intended to lmnoae a
sentence of one year, but he added six
months for the falsehood, making a total
of eighteen months.
. "I hate a lie almost more than the crime
Itself," said Judge Troup later. "If he had
been an old offender I 'would have added a
heavier penalty for his attempt to get
out of It by falsehood."..
Former Omaha Man Is Promoted to
Superintendent of Denver
A Illi Grande.
Fmest Stenger, superintendent of the
Colorado division of tho Union Pacific, has
reslcned thnt position to become general
superintendent of the Denver Rio Orrtnde.
Mr. Btengcr Is well known In Omaha, as
he was formerly nstlslant city engineer
here under Andrew Rosewater. Mr. 8ten
ger Is looked upon as one Of the coming
railroad men of tho day and his friends
In Omaha are rejoicing over his material
promotion. He will be succeeded aa super
intendent of the Colorado division of the
Union I'sclllc by Alomo F. Vlck Roy, as
slstnnt superintendent of Ihe Wyoming
Plenty far Every Acrs of Irritated Land in
Wtit, Bayi Bsldrer.
Bnrllnstton Oeneral Manager Saya
.Nebraska Farmers Never Had
s Good Prospeete aa
Tbla inrlaar.
"Every Indication la there will be plenty
of settlers for every acre of land which la
put on the market under an Irrigating ditch
In the west," said Oenrral Manager Hoi-
drege of the Burlington, who has Just re- i
turned from a trip through the northwest-
ern country, accompanied by C. E. Spens,
general freight agent. They visited In the
Black Hills, went as far north as Billings, i
over the Cody line snd over the new line to
"The Influx of settlers this spring seems
unprecedented," added Mr. Holdrege. "We
met them In large numbers everywhere, all
looking for homes and land to farm. The
claas of settlers Is Improving every year,
for people are realising there Is a vast
amount of money to be made In western
farm lands, both for speculation and for
farming. We encourage all who wish to
settle In the West and special rates are now
in which are moving thousands to western
Nebraska and eastern Wyoming.
"The twenty-flve miles of road Is now
being built from . Worland southwest to
Gebo snd it won't be long before they will
be hauling coal over that foad."
Gotn Rlabt Ahead.
When asked ss to ths truth of the re
port from Casper that the surveyors had
been sent Into the field this spring to finish
the survey for the road between Worland
and the Burlington line at Guernsey, Mr.
Holdrege said:
"We did not take those men offf they
have been working ail winter. We are
r-olng ahead and will complete the survey,
but I cannot tell when the line Will be
built, becauae no work has been author
ised on this extension.
"During my residence In Nebraska I don't
remember a spring when I thought tha
country looked aa good as It doea this
spring. It Is much earlier tban usual and
the grass on the ranges has a good start.
The winter wheat has gone through tha
winter In splendid shape and there Is plenty
of moisture in the ground from the rain
and snow to Insure a splendid crop of win
ter wheat. Conditions 'are most exoellant
for starting all aorts of crops and . the
farmers are not walling for spring rain,
but are all busy, which means they will
get a better start this spring than ever.
The supply of moisture has put the ground
In condition' for plowing, and while most
of the farmers have not started on the
corn crop they will be ready for that by
the first of the month."
wherr Here
for $2.00
Quantities Hsre Horn
Sold, Hut We Still Have
8mf Ift.
These hats arti sales
man's samples. Mar
chants In Omaha and
other cities have bought
their spring stock from
them. They are Just as
good as the duplicates
these merchants hava
bouaht. Dealers will have
to sell the hat We offer at
$1.50 for $1 00; the hat
we offer at $2.00 at fl.OO
or $3.60.
Harry If You Want a Splendid Bargain!
S3.0O to
any liquor. By his own statement the Judge
held blin guilty and fined lUm i3 and costs.
Calabria Was charged by Sergeant Rent
frow and Officer Wooldrldge with having
been running a disorderly place upwtalrs
over his saloon where he Uvea with hia
family Sunday morning. Rut according to
tbe cheerful testimony of the accuaed It
is quite a national habit for people of hia
native land to visit one another on Sunday
forenoona in large droves, which statement
he made to account for the presence of so
many people in hia borne, where there were
so many oases of beer and empty bottles.
Mill wet from mysterious moisture. He
waa discharged.
Hstenalona and ' Improvements
Hallway System Will Be
Pushed by Company.
nil! Comprising Nearly Peer Thea
aand Poajes of Typewritten
Matter Plied.
The bill of exceptions in th big land
lease of Richards. Comatoek, Jameson and
Trlplett was filed lb the United States dis
trict court Tuesday morning by R. 8. Hall,
principal attorney for the defendants.. Tbe
hill Is the largest ever filed In the federal
courts for the Nebraska district and con
sists of t.750 pages of typewritten matter,
to which Is to be. added 1,000 more pages
of the clerk's record.
The entlro . transcript closaly approxi
mates 5,000 pages and embraces ths hlg 800
pasre Indictment and the entire testimony
taken during the thirty days' trial of the
ease. Including .the charge to tha fury.
This transcript Is to he printed and sub-
Work will soon be begun by the Omaha mined to the United States circuit court
A Council Bluffs Railway company on the j of appeals for the Eighth district, on the
extensions wnicn were promisea Dy
Pennsylvania New York Trains.
Perfectly equipped passenger trains of the
Pennsylvania IJnea run through to Pitts
burg, Philadelphia and New York, leaving
Chicago dally as follows:
The Keystone Exprees" 10:08 a. m.
Through to New York In 28 hours.
"The Manhattan Limited" 11 a. m.
" Through to N'ew York In 24 hours.
"The Atlantic Express" MB p. m.
' Through to New York In 28 hours.
"the Pennsylvania Limited".. 6 :!W p. m.
', Through to New York In 23 houra
Everybody la Invited to purchase tickets
over the Pennsylvania System at offices of
connecting lines. Particular Information
may be obtained by addressing W. II. Row
land, T. P, Agt.. V. 8. Bank Bldg., Omaha,
which were promised by Mr,
Wattles, vice president of the company, On
his return from the east about the first
of tho year. Considerable delay has'bren
experienced in getting mils arid ties, which
were ordered for February delivery, but
bills of lading were received Tueaday, which
show these are now on the road, and tbe
work will be started at once.
A gang of men has been put to work
on the Twenty-fourth street line from
Vinton etreet to Leavenworth street and
this work will be pushed.
"The first new work we will do will be
to extend the length of the double track
both north and south on tho Bellevuc line,'
said Oeneral Manager Smith. "We will
then double track the Iike street line from
Twenty-fourth street to Thirtieth street to
prepare for the paving of the street. With
these well under way the first i-cal exten
sion we will start probably will be the
lengthening of the Ames avenue line and
hen the others will be taken up aa fast
aa we can get men nnd material to do the
work. The street will hnvo to be graded
before Ihe Military avmue line ran bo ex
tended to the asylum for the deaf."
Chocolate Bonbons!
Always Delicious Pure a
Whole so tro Digsstiblt I
Oat Box will mMkt
A Happy Home I
Pvary 8eaJed Package guaranteed
rresn and Full Weight
Ataxy Bejraa aW Btken tm itcsans
Vsfoe tor Uilia
Makars of Cocoa and ChoeoktSM
I M uv t s)
. Jut a word akoat my metkod
of rwnortng 'toe palp ("nerve") ut
a toot. It takes tram M It U
xalnntea aid tbe vatieat
parlances aasjlotely aa aula, fu
eld metne! takes from S to 10
very. palnfuL
ThoneJDoug. (II. Ill Bae bldg.
nearlment Will I .end March mt Philip
pines Troops to Nebraska
Army Posta.
Tha first of ths regular army regiments
to arrive from the Philippines will be the
KlBhth cavalry, which Is expected to reach
the Untied States early In May and Is
scheduled for arrival at Fort Roblnsou
May 16, where It will be permanently sta
tioned. The next regiments to arrive tn
order are Ihe Seventh cavalry, which will
be stationed, headquarters and one squad
ron at Fort Riley, one squadron at Fort
lavenworth and one squadron at Fort
Sheridan, 111. Next will come the Fourth
cavalry, which will be stationed at Fort
Meade. The Sixteenth Infantry, which Is
to be stationed at Fort Crook, will reach
Omaha about August IS, and the Thirteenth
infantry, which Is assigned to Fort Leav
enworth, will reach that post soma time In
Major Oeneral A. W. Oreely, commanding
the northern military division ahd Depart
r.ent of the Missouri, left Monday evening
for an Inspection of the military poets of
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and Fort Robin
son. Neb. He will return to Omaha Friday,
Captain ' E. W. Evans, Eighth cavalry.
waa a visitor at army neadquarters Tues
day morning, enroute to Fort Robinson
from leave of absence. Captain Evans will
remain at Fort Robinson awaiting the ar
rival of hia regiment from the Philippine.
andrew ajenenek.
Member of the county council for tbe
County of Qrey, Ontario, and president af
tha Qermanla Fire Insurance company,
recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I have aed Charnberlaln'e Cough Remedy
tn my family for over a year, and can say
that It has never failed to car the most
stubborn cough or cold. I can recommaad
It to ny family aa a sure and aafe chll
drta's cough remedy. Andrew Scuanck,
Aytoav OnL
EYE SPECIALIST Uutesoq Optical Co,
ajKHi I r
irvwjss v
J iiillSl RaTfa
Yes, and " you bet it'
Most boyi from (lie
country who make their
mark in the world are
brought up on Arbuckle'
ARIOSA Coffee. Don t
let anybody $witch you
to drinking
else, which
may ruin your
stomach and
nerves 1
fsMiliei wiak afl
taqair ejiau ef las
NakWI Past Fi
Law. Guana No.
2041, IU t Waal
writ of error granted by Judge Munger
and the printed briefs must be filed with
the appellate court within forty days, nfter
which the government Is given thirty days
In which to file Its printed brief. Hence
on this basis of time the rase will not be
argued In the court of appeals before the
fall term.
Soath Dakota and Ita Opportunities
SOUTH DAKOTA, with its rioh soil and
favorable climate, offers openings In farm
ing, cattle raising and In every Una of mer
cantile work. Low rate homeseektfrs'
tickets offer an Inexpensive inspection trip.
New railway, lines under construction from
Olennam, - Walworth county, to Butte,
Mont., are opening up a promising country.
INVESTIGATE NOW. Descriptive leaflets
and complete Information free on request
V, A. Nash. Oeneral Western Agent, 1524
Farnam St., Omaha.
Balldlnsr Permits.
The following building permits have been
issued: '(.'hnrloB Hlaser, 6330 North Twenty
firth avenue, tJ.OOft dwelling: J. J. Sherlock,
Ninth and Dorcas, ti.bX) dwelling; Ferdi
nand Eyden, Twenty-fifth nnd Spencer,
2.WiO -dwelling: Olaf E. Pedersonv Twenty
sreond and Mason, $2,500 dwelling; Mrs.
E lULg-r, Twentieth and Caalellnr, ITOQ
dwelling; W. 1. McEatherson, ZIX Sher
man avenue, fi.&OO dwelling.
Onard no In Jaw Prlanner
' Attempts In Rsenpe Chain'
Report of Increase In I.nmber Tartar
erloaa to llarrlman
It Troe.
Omaha officials of the Harrlman and HID
lines In Omnha aay they have heard
nothing of the proposed rate Increase on
lumber from the Pacific ccaat to St. Paul.
The roads have never met the 40 cents
rate to Omsha, which has prevailed On one
class of lumber to St Paul. While the
dispatches say nothing of the matter. It la
thought the rate could not have been raiaed
to St. Paul without a similar raise being
made to the Missouri river points, because
the northern fads run to 8ioux City, aa
well ns St. Paul.
"Should that report be true It will mean
the reissuing of a new lumber tariff by
the T'nlon Pacific, which will cost over
IT.onn," said a prominent Union Pacific
freight official.
Oeorge Rlgby. a prisoner al the city Jnll.
was ahol n tha left Jaw by Keeper Btout
wlillo attempting to escape from the "chain
gang" at Tenth and Howard atreeta Tues
day forenoon. Rlgby waa sentenced to
serve thirty days' Imprisonment for steal
ing two hats at Hnyden Bros', store by
Judge Crawford Monday, and with Oust
Williams and several others waa put to
work cleaning trie atreeta.
Hard labor In the hot sun wss decidedly
disagreeable to Rlgby, and Williams enter
tained the same attitude toward working,
so they planned to make a break for lib
erty. At Ninth and Jackson streets they
started off on a run with Stout after them.
At Tenth and Howard streets Stout flrrd
his revolver, Ihe bullet striking Rlgby In
the left Jaw, but Indicting no more than a
Pesh wound, the bullet passing on. Hlhy
ran no farther, nor did Williams, and the
former wus taken back to the police sta
tion for surgical attention, after which he
was locked up. Wllllums was' serving a
term for vagrancy.
llama for Old Women Prospers and
Fenader Waata te En
large It.
Rev. Charles W. Bavldge says his latest
venture. House of Hope, Is proving a re?
markable succeaa and he le seeking means
to enlarge the facilities and advance the
work. He says in a communication:
Easter Offering I am glud to say at tills
time the Lord has been good in His deal
ing with us In the Hiuo of llop work,
our home for aged women. There Uaa
been sent ua tl.41a.45 since we started In
Aukusu I'M.
More than half of this sura has been
paid on the property which we purchased
at 1711 California street; also the cottage
has been repaired, furnished and aup-Dorted.
We have a good matron and dally needa
are mei aa uuu neius ua.
Tha cottage is full and has a number of
apti!cania. now nice it woum he If at
this Easter aason those who have hearts
to no it wouiu sena us nirans to make i
great advance In this work and to add th
cottage on the west which Is greatly
Ue what G-d nils
i'aalur People's Church.
is you to do tn this.
i K !.! 8 W. 8AV1!1E.
Proves It is Cnstomnry for His People
to Visit la Droves '
Tha forcea favoring the Sunday closing
law scored one and lost another In police
court Tuesday morning ' when the ' cases
against J. M. Calabria, 2060 Poppleton
avonu and Val Kargowaki, 1560 South
Twenty-fourth street, both eharged with
keeping disorderly houses, were heard be
fore Judge Crawford.
Kargoaskl attempted to show the men
in hia place of buslnesa on the Sabbath
were there only for the purpose of cleaning
up the place and declared he did not sell
Indications of
' Stomach Storms
sometime appear when least
expected. Acute indigestion,
flatulence, nausea, sick bead
ache, biliousness, sour eructa
tions are a few signals which
should not pass unheeded. Any
of these conditions indicate
some disturbine element which
needs to be calmed and removed.
and yon will safely weather all
these storms ot sickness.
Their benign and healthful In- I
flnence is felt at once. They
soothe, tone and invigorate tha
organs of digestion, regulate
the bile, dispel the blues and
create a settled condition of
stomach health. Buy a box at
tha nearest drag store and keep
them on hand tor emergencies.
They will
Make all tho
la bo with fall directions. 10c and 2aa
If you want to wear them for
Easter you must get them this week..
If you want the smartest spring
styles, the correct and fashionable
shoe, you will find them at this store.
Shoes and
Oxford Ties
In every correct style, every proper
shaipe, every fashionable leather.
$3.50, $4, $5
TBS ' HOlkl
16th and Douglas Streets
Present One to Your
Balduffa gift box contains 1
pounds Italian and assorted choco
lates and bon bons, decorated with
French Fruits and Violets beauti
fully packed In an attractive box.
The best Easter gift for a wife,
a daughter, a slater, a mother or a
woman friend. The contents will
be highly appreciated and the box
Is good enough to keep.
Price $1.25
Sent Anywhere prepaid.-
ssssaajg.'",igr-'rs-ri wvus
Tbe common flavoring extract! la the stark!
bear no comparlsoa frr flue flavor t
UCCJS Celadon
The school and the newspaper are the
two great forces in building character. .
We are fortunate in the high ideals and charao
ter'of the women and men, who devote their
lives to teaching. They have a great responsibility.
What of the responsibility of the newspaper?.
, The aim of The Bee is to be an uplifting educa
tional force not a demoralizing influence. Your (
children will gain knowledge without moral harm
and will broaden in every way by reading it each
The Omaha Evening
A clean and reliable newspaper for the horns.
lc por copy
6c per week
' Witfila everybod'i reach reaches everybody.