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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
) 12 TTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAKCH 26, 1007 For the benefit ot ladies and gentlemen viho could not attend our grand opening display during the day this store mil be Open this Evening FROM 7 TILL 9 O'CLOCK. Music and Souvenirs ,,,,, - iisj IFtf the men and women of the west to be 0ur guests dn'.g all this week at our riat FORMAL OPENING SECOND FLOOR Brandeis9 NEW STORE W& 5 Jbf Brilliant Style Congress the West Has Ever Known The Most Richly ' Appoint ed and Artistic Sales room in America The brilliant success achieved in the first, day proves toijs that Omaha women keenly appreciate the great efforts Brandeis has made in their behalf. The hundreds of finest imported model hats and gawns were admired by thousands. TO GIVE OUR PATRONS A GREAT SHARE IN THE SUB STANTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS OPENING, WE OFFER Special Easter Sales IN EVERY SECTION TUESDAY On all purchases made up till Wed nesday, we will guarantee delivery before Easter SILK JUMPER SUIT The little suit that la making the great est success this Beason In the dainty all new Bhadea for 1907. at. . . A AH " checks and striped effect tatO SILK DEMI COSTUMES These garments are very chic and Frenchy In style made after expen- Blve imported models and 17.50 'very splendidly priced at. COVERT JACKET Always the favorite spring coat the " pew styles anpfbetter tailoring this year make It more popular than ever , 6.98 LADIES' SKIRTS Plaids and checks are strong among the leading . spring patterns for walking skirts the new pleated ideas are all the rage price 9.98 Dainty Lingerie Waists These sheer waists, exquisitely made, are new arrivals In Omaha daintily tucked and trimmed. For Tuesday we mention an 1 QC extremely pretty one at , Jsa0 Drillifcnt Shewing of the , USSR r ! SHOES '5 k If we fitted all the young misses In the city a great many trim, dainty feet would not be wearing the ill fitting, awkward shoes that they are now obliged to wear. Fitting misses' feet correcty ls an art, and very few shoe stores can do It as it should be done. We have made it a study for years and can do It correctly. We've misses' shoes in patent kid, gun metal calf and vlci kid button or lace sites for every foot that comes to us. Misses' Shoes, from Ct $2.00 to a.3U Young Women's Shoes t AA from $2.60 to UU Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnara St. vCCG. i in TO COME FROM That is to provide the necessities and comforts of life which old age will call for? Would It not be wise for you to have a snug amount to your credit at this Bank not only for old age, but for the Immediate future should your income suddenly stop? You can deposit amounts from $5.00 to $500 here, for which we Issue Certificates of Deposit. Each one entitles you to 3 Interest. Our Resources: $12,839,680.00. First National Bank OMAHA. NEB. LINCOLN SANITARIUM Specially equipped for moat Thorough Medical and Surgical Treatment and care of Acute and Chronic Diseases Natural Mineral Water Batha (Sulpho-Sallne waters possessing curative properties supplied from our own springs.) Rheumatism, Kidney. Liver. Heart, Stomach and Skin Diseases. JT. O. EVERETT. Managing Physician. LINCOLN. NEB. GOOD DENTISTRY Is the kind you get if you have your teeth fixed at Tatt's. We use only the best materials, and every dentist is a graduate and ex perienced In all kinds of work. Fillings 76c up y S "H T tf f Crowns $5.00 pritiff Millinery tafts dental rooms "JLT Si3 , J II . tin Doualaa Street. I all new- LT nartest m J I 3, at V Very Special Tuesday Offers Brandeis has won wide ro- iiSiX day a day to e remembered we will sell about 300 of the most stunning spring hats easily worth up to $10 all new est, smartest shapes, Elegant Spring Model Hats at $10 In our elegant new sales room we will fchow scores of the most beautiful and becoming hats of the spring season all the lead ing colors all the new droop shapes, poke of Mayflowe and worth' $25.00- at. Large, Beautiful Bunches of Flowers at 25c Each Includ ing the new rosea in all sizes and colors, the new foliage iieainer jieia iiowers, etc., rs r-ra worth up to 75c in new milli- nerv department, at 471 N colors all the new droop s. pokes. Belief T yflower, etc., U k f f rthupto J J) Ladies Elbow Length Fabric Gloves ii Dlack, only, txt. This Is a big special bargain, very special for Tuesday. Nerer were long gloves sold at such price. x ri BRANDEIS BOSTON STORE r 1 ALWAYS HAYE ROCK 9 SPRINGS? PHONES 122H695 CENTRAL COAL k AND COKE CO.. IStHAfiNCY rrs dt0 5 GOLD CR.0WN AND BRIDGE TEETH $5.00 MATTHEWS The Pinle Dentiit Boom 4, Bnabmaa Block, 16ta an4 Doaglaa m Oft Try Sfcoo Ou. Phona Douglas (ill. Open evenings until o'clock. Bundajrs Iroin 10 a. m. to I c. ra. OMAHA WKATIIKU FOIIKCA9T Tneaday, rain or snow and colder. D)Cff' l !1 ! : Easter Glories s Omaha's Gorgcou Window Display v Visited by Thousands P Saturday Evening and Sunday, and pronounc- on all hands to be the Most Magnificent . and Wonderful ever seen. 300 Running Feet of Plate, Disclosing the Glories of Easter, and the Topographical Wonders of America Our Electricians guarantees perfect operation of all panoramic effects to night Come and see them. Extra street car service every car stops at Bennett's. Sale sf Lingerie Patterns for Needlework In the Art Embroidery Section New lots of Stamped Fabrics, to freshen the Interest in one of the most spirited sales of the kind. , In these stamped lingerie fabrics, the stamping is done for eyelet. Shadow,- French and the new Wallachlan embroidery. The embroidery is easily executed. Stamped patterns on lawn for waists, hats, corset covers, chemise, drawers, night dresses, pillow topB with sufficient embroidery floss to complete embroidery. Prices from 60c to $2.25 Mercerized Cords, 3 yards long, all colors, 25c value 19 8-yard Silk Cords, assorted colors, 50c value for 43 Tapestry Pillow Tops, all designs, 50c value for 39 Scrim Pillow Ruffling, 4H yards, 89c value for 25d 18-inch Battenburg Centers, 39o value for 20 6-lnch Dollies for 3 Sale of Bankrupt Silk Stock Continues Tuesday tin THB RELIABLE STORE AVIiimj Continues ( Tuesday Bargain Day in Our Cloak Dept. Many odd lots and broken lines loft from the past few days' tremendous selling will be sold at a fraction of their value. N'ew Covert Coats In the latest styles, sold regularly at $10.00 while they last ..$0.95 Children's Spring . Jackets S3. 00, S3. 50 and $4.00 values, choice tor $1.95 Fine Walking Skirt $8.00 to $9.00 values, newest styles and materials, choice $4.95 Pretty Lingerie Waists that sold np to $2.00, choice 9S 8 Till 0 A. M. Women's Kimonos, 15 J at 15 8:30 Till 9:80 A. M. Women's $1.6r. Underskirts, at ....79' 9 Till 10 A. M. Children's 75c Olng- ham Dresses ..... X9 Special Sale of Infants' Garments in our Baby Room. '; Be Sure & Attend Our Famous Hourly Sales Gymnasium Suits Big Shipment of Suits Lowest Prices Sporting Goods Section Basement In the Notion Section Adamantine Pins, paper Imperial Spring Hooks and Eyes, two cards for 5 Assorted sizes Pearl Buttons, best quality, two cards for, t Sampson Thread, 100 yards, two spools for 5 White Tape, all widths, four pieces for 5t 45-yard spools Black Darning Cot ton, dozen 12 Hs ..LAST WEEK OF... Vollmer Clothing Company's CLOSING OUT SALE 8 Till 0 A. M We will sell extra heavy unbleached Muslin, 10c and 12 He kind, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard 4?g 9:30 Till 10:30 A. M. We will sell pure Irish Linen Damask, 60, 62 and 64 inches wide, not over one pattern to a customer, at, per yard . . . -29 11 A. M. Till 12 We will sell 36-inch , Standard Silkoline off the bolt, all good patterns, at, per yard ..2i 1 Till 2 P. SI, We will sell American Prints In grays, blues, blacks and white, not over 12 yards to a custo mer, at, per yard 3s 4 TiU 5 P. M. We will sell Primrose and Holly Batiste in all desirtvble pat terns, worth up to 20c a yard, not Spe. iaf over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yar 2H FOR ALL DAY. 60 dozen TurklBh Towels, worth up to 25c each, some slightly soiled, not over four pair to a customer, at. each 5 One lot of Apron Check Gingham, ia all colors, at, per yard 4H One lot of White Goods, Mercerized Walstlngs, dotted Swisses, Indls linons and lawns, worth up to 20 a yard, at, per yard 2 Silk Mull in all colors, at, per yard . 04 One lot of Linings, Percallnes, Sateen, Spun Glass, in all colors, worth up U 35c a yard, at, per yard 5 Tuesday Bargains Curtains & Draperies $1.75 Rope Valenciennes for single aoors, Tuesday 98c $4.RO dhd $5.00 Rope Portieres for aoume doors, Tuesday $2.98 6.50 Barnctt Lace Curtains 60 ins. wide, 3V4 yards long, special, at, per pair $4.98 Odd Lace Curtains Full length and width, in ecru only, worth $3.9J ach $2.98 $1.25 Lace Curtains three yards long, 48 Inches wide, suitable for bed rooms, each , 37H Omaha's Greatest Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Department. 2, bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce ....60 2 bunches Fresh Radishes 5c Large heads Fresh Crisp Celery . . 9c 3 bunches Fresh Young Beets . . . . 10c 3 bunches Fresh Young Carrots.. 10c 2 bunches Fresh Young Turnips ..5c Fresh, Ripe Tomatoes, per lb ..12 He 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 5c Large, Juicy Lemons, per dozen ..10c New Honey, per rack 12V4o New Imperial Figs, per pound ..7 Ho Large Grape Fruit, each 60 California Figs, per package ....28 Large heads Cabbage 0 126-elze Fancy Sweet Highland Navel Oranges, worth everywhere 40o to 60c per dozen, our price, dozen. . 25o Mnwfirc'rM 1 1 I i I i I ,J I 1 WW MS 0)0) OUR NEW FOUNTAIN at the Doug-las Street Store la the lateat creation of the Sanitary style. No metal cana to get "frowy" and not a place In the whole apparatua which can not be washed with hot water. The electricians are now finishing the willing; and In a few daya tbla moat complete and cleanly fountain will be ready for buelneaa. Don't forg-et when you want ANYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE, THAT VVK HAVB IT1 4 LARGE DRUG STORES glvee us a BOTING ADVANTAGE not enjoyed by any competitor and when It cornea to a PRICE we have a reputation to protect aa well aa the POCKET BOOKS of our customers. Let ua price your prescriptions be fore you have them filled and ask your doctor about our prescription departments. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Omaha Corner 15th and Douxlaa Ste.; 16th and Chicago Bta. Couth Omaha N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sta. Council Bluffs Dth Ave and Mala Bta. The drugg-lata who don't have to aubatltute. Easter Lilies are not more beautiful than some of our artistic deslims in Silver, Cut Glasa. Hand-painted China any of these would make an acceptable i.auter gut. Spend a lew minutes in our store. Look for the name. , S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist a ihm location 1606 PARK AM ST., OMAHA. Kxtntctiag B80 Porcelain Fills.. $1 up Crowns 92.00 np Bridge "Work.f2.C0 np Plate, j ....92.00 vp Phon Douglas 1766 We make a specialty of metal and roofless plates. Painless work la all operations. Work guaranteed 10 yean. . HOTEL. m WICTOM Cixsiway, FLTA Ave. and 27d St, New York Is a modem, flrat-claas hotal In the en ter of the shopping district. Complete la all its appointments and absolute flre- rroof. FurnUhlnas and dscoratloos eo lraly nw throughout. Aocoinmodations for 600 rueata; 110 aultee with bata. Hot and cold water and telephone in rrf room. European plan. Cuisine unex celled. Hooma 11. JO a dar up, with bath l.t0 up. The only hotel In MannaWaa Irontlng both oa Broadway aad itfth At. CJEO&aa to. WWIWXBT - - Propria taw Office hours, 8-00 to 30 a. m.. lilri to t:X p m. Telephone) Harney bM. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL S810 Masosi Street, Omiake, Xeb. H. L. Ramacclottl, D. V. 8., Deputy State and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector, Chief Surseon. D. C. Bcott. L V. B.. Hoa pilal Burgeon. HOTELS. PARK HOTEL g-Xf!2 ITaottoally axepaoof. During the past Summer entirely reUtted and deoorated; bot and eoli running water la every ruvaa. AoMrlcan and Uuropsan plaa. . &. HAT Imt e4 atAMS. BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Third Floor. Paxfort BUoi Highest Grade Dentistry Try The New Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 So. Ulb Street THEY'RE ALWAYS RIGHT Hada of tha BEST HAVANA TOUACCO. P. Q, IUco MercaaUUo Ctgajr Co Alaaol act oxers, gt, Ixmlj Mb Two ways to taut or tiirmsfted rooms JR00M3 One intelligent way ia to look through the Furnished Room col umn on the want-ad page and mark those which interest you; then go look. Most of The Bee want-ads are three lines" and say enough so that you can tell what is offered. The other way is to "bring the room to you" with a want-ad of your own telling what you want This is a particularly good way if you want a room in a private family. Under the heading Wanted to Kent, the cost is Three lines one time 10c thrco times 25c seven times 45c The Ccc OlIIcc 17t aaa Farmaoi -The WanUd Corner" N-aj,-- ij it i ii r t (I miS mi -it V A ) ) if