Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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The Analvtit shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural valine aperients
n1ers it the safest and moit remedial laxative and purgative READ TIIE LABEL.
A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use.
Sole Exporters : THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd., Londorv
school. Ex-State Treasurer Mortensen. who
vbi a member of the normal board for tht
lust four year, wild tXR.flOQ would be suf
ficient to erect a win to thin building and
ro,(KX should be the limit. Superintendent
Thomas of this school and C. H. Gregg, a
member of the normal board, lobbied this
bill through the houno, iMtt it ntll has to
go through the senate nnd then through th-3
hands of the governor before the appro
priation in available. It "la likely that in
asking for such an enormous amount the
palr,has overshot the mark and the result
will -be nothing at all. The 25,0"0 appro
priation for the Teru Normal school for o
heating plant Is likely to get bumped the
fame way. Mr. Mortensen said this is not
necessar", but that If the state buys a
new boiler1 that will be sufficient for the
next two years at least.
Cat on fw Buildings.
Probably It Is true that the Various state
Institutions nerd all that has been asked
for maintenance, so the cuts must come In
the appropriation for permanent Improve
ments. The oillrers' flat at the Boldlers' home
at Mllford Is not a necessity and probably
this appropriation will be lopred off, as
will the appropriations for new buildings
at the Soldiers' home at Grand Island and
at tho Kearney Industrial school. The
Norfolk asylum Is to get, according to the
house recommendations, $S8,fjC0 for new
buildings. The house did get busy over
this appropriation and cut It down $:0on
and how It happened has not been figured
out. Inasmuch as the appropriations can
under no consideration exceed IJ.SOO.uoO or
thereabouts unless those demanding and
asklng appropriations get reasonable there
will be some tall disappointments when the
moke clenrs away.
A bill In the house which Is receiving
considerable attention Just now is the sen
ate measure providing for the appointment
Of a state accountant. Many of the mem
bers are In favor of It, but It Is provided
In thn hill that itila n1linp v,u
point the accountant, with the approval of
the governor. Thla Is where the objections
come. Members of the house want the
governor to do the' appointing. The state
accountant will have to check up the state
auditor ns well as the various state In
stitutions and many members can see no
reason why the auditor should have a hand
In the appointment of the man who checks
him up. At this time the only check on
the auditor Is the secretary of state, who
haa to sign the vouchers. In the last two
years when tho secretary of state refused
to sign the vouchers because of an ab
sence flf receipts, the auditor has Issued
ht warrants Just tho same.' ' The house
probably will not stand for the auditor ap
pointing: the state accountant. Tho state
auditor, during" the last two years tins Is
sued wirrants when there were no re-
celpts accompnnylng the vouchers. Should
Oovernor Sheldon appoint a state account
ant this practice wlleoptln,ie during tho
next two years and for every warrant Is
sued there will be receipts showing that tho
money had actually been expended. Theao
caes, of rour.- were where etate officers
and Others hnri Rtvnt.mnnAV f.v avrxanaam
'while serving tho state, or while pretending
to serve the state.
To lit of Adjournment.
If any kind of consideration Is given to
Important bills now pending other than
plutform..meauree, It will be impossible
for the legislature to adjourn next Satur
day night, an many of the members an
ticipate. It will take four days at least
for the consideration of the appropriation
.bill In the senate. It has to be red on
three different days, which will tnke It up
to Wednesday and then one duy fr the
conference committee to get together and
report back Its findings. It will take, un
der the most favorablo circumstances,
until Thursday night for" this bill to get
through the senate. Then, besides these
appropriation bills there, are several hun
dred very Important bills up, which have
not yet been read a first time. In. both
houses, as the house has been passlhg houss
bills this week and the senate has been
passing senate file all week. In all only
fifty bills have reached the governor. It
Is beginning to look now as though the
legislature canno adjourn and do Justice
to the measure pending until about a week
from Wednesday or thereabouts. The
fustonlsts, of course, may try to force an
idjournment earlier.- for It Is to their politi
cal Interests to do thla,' but the fuslonlsts
;ann;t do It If the republicans desire to
make a good record.
A Satisfying Food
'Appetite is Nature's signal for fuel and repairs.
Healthy appetite calls for the simple food elements that
supply the natural reguireme nts.
Healthy appetite is satisfied when the proper kind and
amount of food is taken into the . body at stated intervals,
iiut the wiles of the modern chef and eaterer have created in
most of us a false and often unnatural appetite which leads into
all the different degrees of indigestion, dyspepsia, etc. food
insanity! ,
(JKAl'E-NUTS is a satisfying food it is composed of tbe
natural dements to satisfy the natural appetite and restore order
in the digestive machinery which may have been thrown out of
gear by improper though often "fashionable" foods.
The crisp, firm 'lutty" granules of Grape-Nuts make honest
mastication newssary; its wholesome flavor makes it appetizing,
and the albumens, carbohydrates and phosphate- of potash from
the whole wheat and barley, make it a tatisfying food both to
the sense of taste and to the body needs.
10 days' trial will convince anv one that 'There's a reason"
for. ' . . '
H V 1 If JP-
Quaint and Carlos Featnrea of Life
In a Rapidly Growing
Osceola has entered the list of cities
of the second class and even fltromsburg
rejoices In Ita progress.
Those Bi-atrlce boys who tied a little
girl to a tree and shot at her with "nigger
shooters" are getting In line to furnish
subjects for the alienists. -
In getting divorces with the proviso that
neither party shall marry within six
months Nebraska Judges show a real de
sire to clear their dockets of objectionable
Willing Norfolk-Who wouldn't be will
ing to contribute for the sake of having
300 school ma'ams In town for three dayt
and Just at a time of year when street
crossings are muddy? Norfolk News.
WW Kdltor The Herald has cmitteJ
from Its Items of "Thlrtty Years Ago" sev
eral accounts of birthday parties of the
little girls of then who are matrons and
single women now. You Bee, the age of
these little girls were given, of course,
and It would be easy, you know. Far be
It from us to court trouble. Fremont Her
ald. From School to Altar On Wednesday
Ben Green and Rosa Kyrlss surprised their
friends by very quietly driving over to
Fairfax and having the words spoken that
made them man and wife. Ben Is the Bon
of Mr. and Mrs. R. I7 Green ant Rosa
Is the only duughter of Mrs. Fred Jamee.
The young miss attended school In the
forenoon, and her mother supposed she
was at her books In the .afternoon until
their return In the evening. Next scene,
forgiveness and a mother' blessing.
Butte Gazette.
Douglas Visits Polk If anyone on the
train or down at the depot didn't know
Grant Douglas was on his way to Polk
last Monday night he was either stone deaf
or had a serious attack of spring fever.
Grant Was bound for Polk and he didn't
care who knew It. We understand he got
a bed for the night on one of tho concrete
stones In the foundation of the new hotel.
Grnht declared It was Just Ilk sleeping
on his grandmother's feather bed. - But
Grants wasn't half so noisy on, his way back
the next morning. He really looked , aa
though he had spent the night curled up
on a hltchrack post. Stromaburg News,
Omaha Man Saves Life Yesterday as
passenger train No. 2 on the Omaha road
was pulling In. N. M. Osberg came walking
on the sidewalk from the west. Osberg Is
about 90 years old. uses a cane and walks
very slowly. Bystanders who saw him say
he looked at the approaching train and
thought he would stop nnd not attempt to
cross ahfad of the engine, but to their
amazement he started to'walk across. Just
then a traveling man, M. J. Dwyer of the
Omaha Crockery company, rushed up and
snatched him off the track barely In time
to save him from being hit by the pilot.
The old gentleman shuddered when it was
over and explained that his eyesight was
uoor. Oakland Independent.
How the 8tory Was Told A few weeks
ago 8. E. Knower purchaoed a residence
In Columbus. Following la the way the
Colrmibus papers reported It. The beauti
ful residence property on West Fifteenth
street lately Improved by Rev. H. H.
MlPard, was purchased the first of the
week by Samuel Grover of Silver Creek,
t.n .-ill tnnvn tn thla rltv In the mar
future. It Is said the consideration wag
close to $4.Wt. Telegram.. Sumuel urover
of Silver Creek hue purchuaed the Rev.
H. H. Millard and will soon move
to Columbus to make his future home.
Journal. We wonder what he will do with
the reverend gentleman now that he has
bought him. Sliver Creek Sand.
Plot Axalast Klnir Ferdinand.
SOFIA, Bulgaria, March 24. Some of the
newspapers here, which urually are con
sidered to be well Informed, assert that
the pollca huve discovered evidence of a
plot agalirst Prince Ferdinand. Slight
credence, however, Is given the story.
fome rirraj Will Feel a fquei Eefore
Etab'e Basil ii Igtnblished.
Prosperity Holds dn-ar and Parmer Is
Nation's Bulwark, and Daly Those
Who Have (United Will Pay
the Penalty
(From Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 24. -Special. )
"Are we on the eve of a financial panic?" Is
a question you csh hear a hundred times
propounded dally In the hotels and In the
business houses of Washington. Are we
on the eve of a financial rnnlc. Is a prob
lem which only events can soK-e. Not In
twenty-five year has there been m'ore un
rest In the great centers of trade and com
merce as now exists, and that too In the
face of a prosperity which exceeds far and
away anything In the history not nly of
our nation but the nations of the world.
Are we on the eve of a financial panic?
It Is a subject of awful Import not only
to the corporations, not only to the com
mercial life of the nation, but to the wage
earner, the farmer, (and the husbandman.
This unrest began Just about the time
congress terminated Its labors contem
poraneous with the meeting of state leg
islatures throughout the length and breadth
of the land. The state legislatures by their
enactments accentuated and made even
more stringent the laws rassed In the
Fifty-ninth congress. And these laws were
primarily directed against the railroads.
Where congress could not fix a rate the
rtate 1. gjslnture came along, and fixed the
rate which a passenger was to pay for a
mile's travel. The rates varied, but all
looked to reduction. When the magnates
of the railroad world saw what had been
accomplished and was in process of ac
complishment there came consternation
and dire disaster was threatened.
Roosevelt firta the Illnme.
Down mpon the head of President Roose
velt anathemas fell. He was charged with
the ruin of great' railroad property. Wall
street, more sensitive to a touch than a
boll is to the press of a finger, responded
either through sympathy or manipulation
and stocks began to tumble, and they tum
bled and tumbled until the men who had
wrung millions out of the "street" and who
had framed- up the game of finance so that
one party was In rr the bull side and the
outs took to the woods or were modestly
on the bear side, came to the conclusion
that the wise thing to do was to see the
president and If possible ascertain if by
his Individuality and his great personal
following throughout the country he would
not put a "stop order" on the shrinkage
In stocks. And the men of the railroad
world, the Harrtmans, the Morgans, the
Mellens, the Voncums, to say nothing of
the' lesser fry, came to Washington to
see the president and. learn from him what
was best to be done to check the avalanche
of stock depresHlori.
And those who had known President
Roosevelt In a somewhat perfunctory way
and who had serious doubts as to his In
timate knowledge of great railroad prop
erties, to say nothing of the shady trans
actions connected with the manipulation of
the stock of railroad properties, forcing
one set of of men out and putting another
set of men In, learned that the president,
who knew his American history as well
as any man In the country, who knew the
world's politics as well .as any man In the
ctountry, who knew how to hunt and who
Knew how to brand a steer, knew also
how to brand the magnates of the rail
road world when they came to see him on
the question whether President Roosevelt
In his position on the railroad question Is
making ready for a financial panic' '
Good" Hallroada Are Few.
President Roosevelt believes there Is more
water than solid rock in the railroad stocks
of the L'nlted States. He knows there are
"good" railroads and "bad" railroads, but
the proportion of bad to good, according
to one who la near the president, Is as
five to one.
Appreciating these facts which have been
furnished him not only by 'the Department
of Commerce and Labor, but by the Inter
state Commerce-commission and the attor
ney general, President Roosevelt was
equipped as few men have been tn public
office on great questions of vast mqment
to meet the representatives of the railroad
systems of the United States who have
seen him during the fortnight Just passed.
Some of them talked after their Interview
, with the chief executive. Others refused
i to talk, while still others were requested
to tell what actually took place In the room
adjoining the cabinet room of the presiden
tial office. While each man held to his
Individual point of view they universally
agreed that the president Insisted upon
ane thing, namely, that he was out exe
cuting the law thnt so far as he could
he would distinguish the good rallroitd com-
. panics from tbe bad companies,' but that all
were equal before the law. He deprecated
the legislation by commonwealths looking
to the regulation-' of rates and railroad
properties beyond federal legislation, but
believed It was a natural sequel of railroad
manipulation and mismanagement.
, .
iwnunru uiunnjr wie trena
of events, particularly In the financial cen
ters, realize that a chaotic condition exists
and that before tilings settle down to a
table basis and possibly an honest basis
there will come failures, but only In firms
dealing with high finance. There will be no 1
failures of business houses, there, will be
few failures of banks because of the bound
less prosperity which is promised for this
year of grace. 1907, a continuance of many
Individual years of prosperity and the
farmer, as he has In countless tltnes be
fore, will prove himself the bulwark of the
Bnrt aa a Ball Fan.
Genera) Andrew S. Burt, whose name will
be presented as national commander of the
Army and Navy union of the United States,
and who, If friends can make him so, will
be elected to that office, has In many par
tlcuars one of the most' Interesting careers
of any officer 'on the retired list of the
army. "Andy" Burt, as he used to be
known In the west so many years ago that
It would be a shame to speak J hem publicly.
Is the best all around sportsman In thn
country, and although he Is on the retired
list of the army, he Is as mui h of a base
ball "fan" as when base ball was Invented.
Burt has been Insisting that the umpires
should signal strikes and balls to the audi,
ence Instead of declaiming a strike or a
ball. He Insists that hundreds of times. an
audience has no knowledge - of what the
umpire's decision Is on that most Interest
ing question and fights and riots have been
known to grow out of the failure pf persons
to hear an umpire's decision.
"Andy" Burt, one of th best of Indian
fighters, one of the best cavalry ofliceTir
In the army, whose theatt-r of operations
was the vast plains of the great west, was
the first commissioned officer to step over
the line and play base bull with the men.
He played, shortstop In Cqmimny H, Ninth
Infantry, ao many years ago that It has
almost been forgotten. It was a bold de
parture to take In those days and contrary
to the Iron rule handed d wn from the old
army before the war of the states
Urlalaal Water Waaaa nan.
Oent ral Burt, whlh" being an all around
soldier In his earlier days, was no slouch
of a literary person, having written for
Buffalo BUI the first drama that knight
of the plains ever appeared In. being known
as "May Cody." or "Inst and Won." War
back In the 'os, whoti Hurt was stationed
t Fort Leavenworth, Kan., he was met by
the gang jf the post, a kit of rollicking
dcvll-me-eare officers en route to the sut
lers' stores (the canteen of the old days )
"Come on Andy," they shouted, "wo tire
going to get a drink."
"No, fellows," he replied. "I have quit."
A friendly but extremely heated argu
ment rose between them. It ending by
nurt being carried orT the field and toward
the canteen. He broke away finally ard
climbed on the big tank of the garrison
water wagon, which happened to he passing
at the time, and was safe. Later. In re
plying to a similar Invitation. Burt's reply
wns, "I am still , riding on the water
wagon." And Andy Burt Js the author Of
that famous phrase which has traveled
about the world and Is known wherever
the English language Is spoken.
Court Officials on a llant.
GRAND ISLAND, Neh,, March 24.-(8pe-clal.)
t'nlted States District Judge Munger,
Clerk of Court Thummel, Marshal William
Warner and Attorney Gross left late last
evening for Omaha after a few days out
ing at Camp Ettlng, In the Islands of the
Plltfte. An Injunction prevented an actual
count of the bag, but It la Said upon re
liable -authority- to have been upwards of
forty-geese and thirty ducks aside of those
used In the camp. The clerk, marshal and
attorney show the effects of the reflection
of the sun on the sands of the Platte to
such an extent that sime of their Omaha
frlerals will wonder what has hnppened.
The court's complexion has suffered less,
despite the fact that hW colleagues pre
tend to regard him as Having been the
most active one In the blind. The officials
came here early tn the week to open the
federal court for the division of Grand
Island nnd the attorney reporting no busi
ness In the division, a recess wns taken.
Three or four days were .then spent In
shooting, the (Mesrs. Ettlng and Powell
being the local contingent. The party
greatly enjoyed the outing and the camp
Is theirs whenever they wish to enjoy It.
Light and Water Plants Pny.
" FREMONT, Neb., ' Mnrch 24 (Special. )
Mayor Wolx and the other city officers
are feeling Justly indignant over a lot f
articles appearing In eastern papers under
Omaha, Lincoln and Tekamah headlines to
the effect that the city's light and water
plants are failures, unsatisfactory, ex
tremely expensive, etc. The articles are
evidently Inspired by parties opposed to
municipal 'ownership of such utilities and
are a tissue of lies from beginning to end.
The water plant and the light plant have
both more than paid expenses and interest
on cost, besides fumishlug water for fire
protection and lights t r streets nnd public
buildings. The city has grown so rapidly
that It Is now necessary to enlarge both
plants. The light plant has made money
for the city on a charge of only 9 cents a
kilowatt, which In far less than most pri
vate and municipal plants charge, and the
Council has never thought of going back to
private ownership f either plant. .
Stella Wins Debate. '
STELLA, Neb., March :4. (Special. )-For
the Inst five year Richardson county has
held an annual inter-high school debate at
Falls City. The attendance anil Interest
has been gaining each year and last Friday
was debated the subject, "Resolved, That
American municipalities shall own and op
erate their public utilities." The Affirma
tive side was represented by Humboldt,
Rulo, Verdrn and Shubert, and the negative
side by Falls City, Stella, Salem and Dnw
son. Three Judges from outside the county
were chosen. County Superintendent George
D. Carrington, Jr., of Auburn, Superintend
ent Danf rth of Terumaeh and Fred Wll-U-ms
of Lincoln. They, brought In a decis
ion for the negative. Riving Stella first
place, Humboldt second and Falls City
third. This la the second time Stella has
won first honors, and Walter Lusk, Stella's
debater, Is pronounced one of the t-st ever
heard in southeastern Nebraska.
Nebraska Hew. Kotea.
CHA DRC N Summer weather thermom
eter 84 In the shade.
BLl'E HILL,Kuelld M n tln of Omaha
rwas the guest Friday of his father, J.
Martin, who Is quite Ml.
CHADRON The February report of the
superintendent of schools shows 6(9 pupils,
with in aveiugo dally attendance of 9i per
cent. ,
BEATRICE Extremely hot weather has
nrHV.-itlfri hrre for th luat tVur riuvs. fi,Kt
of the fruit buds are out, and eliould a
freeze occur the fruit crop would be badly
YORK George W. Shreck expects to take
possession or tne YorK postoince on April
1. which is the end of the quarter, and Is
probably the time that Mr. Sedgwick will
turn over the office.
TECL'MSEH Announcements reach Te
cumseh of the marriage of Mrs. Minnie
Miilt-r Sandifer to Arthur Talbott Cook,
the ceremony having been celebrated ' in
Albla, la., on Sunday, March 17.
BEATRICE -There Is a movement on foot
among a number of farmers and business
iien of Virginia, this county, to organize
a state bank at Tate,, a village east of
Virginia, on the Wyandotte road.
NKBRA8KA CITY-Peter Burr, who had
been a resident of this city for hulf a
century, died Saturday morning from a
complication of diseases, aged TO years.
He leaves a widow and four grown chil
dren. CHADRON The Sunday school of the
First Methodist Episcopal church voted to
i send a case of eggr as an Easter present
! J?'!?" Methodist Episcopal hosp.tjil at
i Omaha, they will be packed and shlppeJ
; x uesouy next.
RAGAN William Tunny, a con factor of
Jollet, 111., -was tiere Friday consulting the
busluets' men In regard to plat ing water
works here. Mr. Tunny constructed the
water works systems for Alma, Bertrund
and Bloomington.
FAIRBURY Two ot the- nntl-llcenae
nuii'lueeK, S'. B. Hpiague, nominee lor
mayor, and E. A. Yontz. nominee fr trotis.
urei, have withdrawn from the ticket. No
selection has as t been madu tj nil tne
vacancy on the ticket.
TECl'MSEH A lodge of Royal High
landers will be Installed at Elk Creek, tills
county, on Thursday evening. Special Or
gaiiifctr M. M. Muiinatey ol lecuinseii will
assist with the work of Installation. The
class will number thirty-five.
lil'MBOLDT The members of the Hum
boldt colony, who have been upending the
winter at this place, left yesterday even
ing, on a oiiecial train, with tlielr live
stock tail Implements, for Davldeon, Can.,
mar where they all have land.
BEATRICE In the second of a series of
chevs games played over the Home Tele
phone line Lincoln won from Beatrice Sat
urday n m lit after four hours of play. Each
team bus Won u game, and the rubber
will be played In about two weeks. y
NEBRASKA CITY The Commercial elub
rluay evening held one of the best at
teuded meetings it has held for months.
"i'iie"criautauuua, which held the
first week In August, was endorsed, and
a committee appointed to sell iun tick
ets. YORK The York Commercial club has
Just moved Into Its new club roonw. The
rooms occupied are the entire third floor
or the opera house block and consist of
hall, clunk room, card room, directors' and
roretury s room, . large reading r-xin and
a billiard room.
BEATRICE Charles Cain, who was fined
fl'tf and costs on the charge of slt-aling
cnlckvn, eacuped from the police while at
work on the streets yesterday. No effort
will be made to locate him, as the authori
ties believe it wiil be better for the town
if he stays away..
lil'MBOLDT Joseph Hayes, ' for about
a half century a resident of this action,
Mime famlllaily known, to every man,
woman and child s "L'ncle Joe." died yes
terday l lei neon at the home of his d-iug:.-ter,
Mrs. Alexander McCliutock, northwest
of town, after a very brief Illness.
TABLE ROCK Word was recently re
ceived here by relatives of the death of
Mrs. Mary KtmUall ai her home In Sandy
lake. I'm., aged id. Mis. Kimball s tirt-t
hiiahand T. ii. Carmlchael. who tm
the first poktmuxter at Lewiston, and aftrr
hH aeatr she htia the office for more than
H'ie-n years.
KAU AN Laborers a:e now at woi k
excavating for the new store bulldiiigi
which will soon be erect-'d to tak- iht
place of thoae recently destroyed jv the.
It Is n nueotlon as tr whether brick or
cement Mocks will be used on inort of the
structures, l'l.-ms are now being mnde ft"r
ten new bnlldincs
CHADRON Wayne T. Wilson. county
treasurer, serving on the Inst er of his
second term. h. resigned, to move to
Colorado, Tbe resignation Is to take ef
fect April 1, or as soon ns an appointment
! mndr and appointee qualities. The
county commission.-! are called to meet
Mirrh W to till the Vacancy.
NEBRASKA CITY Elmer Ingmm wants
to represent the First ward In the city
council. Th democrat nominated Mike
Bauer and he suited the republicans so
well thnt they decided to make no nomina
tion, but Mr. Ingram hns decided to make
the race as an independent and has filed
his petition with the city clerk.
YORK The last three days the tempera
ture has lecn from To to !") degrees. The
oldest resident cannot recnll any nicer
weather at this (line of year. Farmers
are very busy getting ready to put In crops
and claim that v-ing to the moist winter
no Season In tunny years was more favora
ble to the growing of a large crop.
RAG AN Thursday eveninir the citizens
ticket was named, with M. (i.fford, J. H.
Heindon and William Borg fcr the long
term and John Ruby ami M. E. I'ossen for
the short term. Friday evening the peo
ple's ticket was named, with U. L. Rich
mond, Swan Johnson and Victor Dnnlelson
t-n the long term and J. W. Hatfield and
Victor 1'eterson on the short term.
TABLE ROCK The TRble Rock Clay and
Brick company is already burning brick
at the lower yard nnd expects to begin at
the upper yard this week, and from this
on a lull force of men will be at work,
'i his nompany Is the greatest labor employ
ing Institutl in between St. Joseph and Lin
coln, and makes Table Rmlt one of the
most Important labor employing centers
In Nebraska.
TABLE ROCK The Grand Armv of the
Republic and Women's Relief corps of this
place entertained the teachers and pupils
of the Masses studying I'nited Slates his- ,
tory at the Orand Army of the Republic
hall on Saturday at S:M p. m. The exer
cises were under the direction of Mrs. M.
B. Fox, patriotic Instructor. At the con
clusion of the exercises elaborate refresh
ments were served.
TECI MSEH The Tecumseh city council
has advertised to sell Its electric lighting
bonds to the best bidder on April lb. Thu
bonds are for tl2.7jo, due in twenty years,
but optional after ten years. They are to,
bear Interest at the rate of 44 per cent.
Tne plana for the proposed Carnegie llhrxry
building, as submitted by the city council,
have been returned whh the approval of
Mr. Carnegie. It Is expected t'int the
active work of building will soon be under
RAOAN Mrs. Thompsnh.y lecturer and
organizer of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union In Nebraska, accompanied
by Mrs. LafTerty of Alma, held i meeting
at the Baptist church In this city Thursday
evejilng and succeeded ill organizing a
society. Mrs. J. W. Jameson was chosen
president. Miss Ota Perkins secretary and
Mis. Grant Starkey treasurer. Mrs Jame
son accompanied the women to Huntlev,
where a Tike organization was formed Fri
day evening.
TORK The meeting of the stockholders
of the York County Agricultural' society
was held Saturday afternoon at the court
house. It wns decided to sell the grounds.
The members of this organization who are
anxious to sell the grounds pushed through
the motion and ere now advertising for
bids. The grounds consist of forty acres
of land adjoining the city o'f York, and
there Is a question as to whether or not
the society has a right to sell grounds that
are supposed to belong to York county.
TECCMST3H Sunday was observed as
temperance day Dy the churches of this
city. In the morning at the Sunday
schools the lesson was on temjierance and
pledgts were signed. Most of the pi'.rg
delivered temperance St-rmoiis.iy t theii le
spectlve churches. In the. morning and at
2:30 o'clock a union temperance meeting
was held at the Methodist church. A pro
gram was carried out by the young people.
in tne evening at o clock a union meet
ing ' of the young people's societies whs
held at the Presbyterian church and at
7:311 o'clock a union meeting was held at
tbo opera house. The addresses were bv
Judge S. P. Davidson, Dr. M. Stewart ,and
other laymen .
GRAND ISLAND A meeting of the city's
Board of Health was called late yester
day to take action upon the recurring im
portations of smallpox. A few weeks ago
the first case made Its appearance. A
laborer arrived on an early morning train
from the northwest, where the Burlington
Is having considerable' construction work
done. Ho walked through the entire city,
the stage of the disease being that In
which It is most contagious, and called at
the St. Francisco hospital, which can take
no contagious diseases. The hospital
authorities sent word to the city officials
and he was hustled to the Emergency
hospital, maintained by the city. Since
then two more cases of like nature have
been brought here, a conductor of the
Burlington, In one at least, telegraphing
back after he had left the man here.
Denies Story that There la Any Dla.
aarrerment Amonar Lawyers
Defending II Ira.
NEW YORK, Mareti 24. Harry K. Thaw
tojilsht made public another statement, this
time denying a rumor which he believes
Is current to the effect that there la dis
sension among his counsel. He also refers
to the affidavits filed wlth Justice Fitz
gerald by his attorneys In opposition to the
appointment of a lunacy commission to
examine him.
A. Russell Peabody, who gave the matter
to the press, after he had had a conference
with other members of Thaw's counsel,
designated It as "the third statement Issued
by Thaw since August 10 last." It follows:
I wish to deny the rumor that there Is
dissension among my counsel.
Owing to the limited time, affidavits were
prepared simultaneously at the office of
air. Delmas and of Messrs. Hnrtridge and
Peabody. Four that were completed on
March 23 at the latter office were- trans
mitted to the former and all of thnt date
were printed together under Mr. Delmas'
supervision. '
Those made on March 23 were brought to
me, as I was nearest the court.
I ewtmlned the last four from Messrs
Hartrldge and Peabody nnd one from Mr.
Delmas' office and found them eminently
This method was sanctioned by Mr.
Delmas. Had I considered that anything
in these last affidavits might be considered
Inappropriate for this occasion thev would
have been withdrawn for the time and
corrected under Mr. Delmas' direction
My mother sent her exceedingly clear
affidavit Friday morning to be copied at
the office of Hartrldge Peabody, and
proceeded there later to affix her signature
under oath.
It was written by her at her hotel, with
no suggestions from anyone whomsoever
and la filed exactly as she prepared It.
Visit from Ilia Wife.
The monotony of Thaw's Sunday at the
Tombs was broken by an unexpected visit
from his wife. This was the first time
since his detention that the prisoner was
allowed to receive callers other than his
counsel on Sunday. Mrs. Thaw said:
"Harry Is In excellent health and is sure
that everything will come out In his favor."
Thaw received a note from Lawyer Daniel
O'Reilly explaining that none of the legal
staff would call during the day, and stilting
that Mr. Hartrldge and the writer were
busily engaged In preparing briefs to be
presented to Justice Fitzgerald tomorrow.
District Attorney Je'ome and his chief
assistant on the Thaw case were at their
office today and- Mr. Jerome dictated to
stenographers a long statement, which took
them until late In the day to transcribe,
Mr. Jerome said It was a statement to be
submitted to Justice Fitzgerald.
It was reported that Mr. Jerome Intends
to present not only facta refuting the affi
davits presented by the defense, but to
submit to Judge Fitzgerald new and cor
roborative facts supKirtlng the affidavits
on which he originally Ti.ade his suggestion
to the court that Thaw's sanity should be
Inquired Into.
When asked If he Intended to rebutt the
twelve affidavits filed by the defense Mr.
Jerome said:
"My opinion that Thaw la now crazy and
Should not be on trial for his lii'e ha
undergone no change since reading these
affidavits, and I certainly expect a com-.nls-slon
to settle this point definitely."
Even If Mr. Jeromu answers tomorrow
the affidavits of fiie defense there will lie
no further .developments until Wednesday
morning, when court will reconvene.
DIAMONDS Frenzer, 15th and Dodge.
EYE ei'LCIALISld. liuleaun Optical Cu.
It Jotepb Van Knocks Town Seven I'o
liu lit' tin fin:. 6'.
Mets Brothers of Omaha e latn the
Fire llUh of Their iaat by
Hon Una 2,A.'t'J la the
live-Men Trama.
ST. Ixma. March J4.-The highest single
scote made today In th? tournament of the
Ameilciui Bowling conxress was by F.
Stever of St. Jdseph. Mo., who tallleJ 'til9
pins, placing him third In the Individuals,
nosing out Beselln of Omaha, v Otherwise
the bowling today was ordinary and no
noteworthy scores were made. The five
highest six res made by the first fhght of
two-men teams resuUed:
Rothert and Davis. Cincinnati 1.1C8
J. Meek and C. Begga. Kuusus City.... I.h3
J. Khu.IhII and R. Knox. Indianapolis.. l.ciU
O. G. T. Inian and H. Clay, St. Joseph. I.ua3
11. Siemens and M. Ktnnaman, St. Jo
seph l.OtB
In the five-men teams the following scores
were made:
Hoard Majors, Chicago t.'VW
Mohnes, Molina, 111 i.hsj
Metz, Omaha 2.n39
Squire Adams. Ijoulsvllle .. 2.f.!
Cummins, Kansas City, Kan 2,ISi
The live highest scores made by the sec
ond llinht of two-men teams resulted:
F. Cuttls and A. Hablaub. St. Units., l.nlt
C. 11. Mann and E. Fuchs. Milwaukee. Vsi
F. Bi shore and U Wal.lecker, St. Louis c3
II. W. Mann and J. V. Sanders, St.
Ixnils 97S
W. Pnrth and L. Dermlen, Milwaukee. 9T6
The five highest scores made by the
third llight of two-men teams resulted:
Phil Wolf and A. C. Collier, Chicago.... 1.152
8. A. Kaser and A. C. Stoufi'er, Mo-
line, 111 .. 1.0S1
A. D. Gregg and J. Oetkin, Louis
ville, Ky l.OiW
O. Boardman and W. A. Slcbert, Louis
ville, Kv 1.0'
C. H. Wood and- H. W. Schulze, Chi
cago l.ttfS
The five highest scores made by the
fourth and final llight of two-men teams
resulted :
II. A. Kleve and J. Y. Chalmers. Chl-
cugo 1.037
Bang and D J. Glesson, Louisville, Ky. l.ttiT
Bear and Gauss, Granite City, 111 1.0-4
Danaghrober and Danaghrober, St.
lxuils 1.023
Joseph and Sanders, St. Louis l.O-ll
Klrver Mnkea High Score.
The five highest icorea made by the first
flight of individual bowlers resulted:
F. J. Stever, St. Joseph, Mo 19
F. Beshore, St. Louis , w9
L. Waldecker, St. Louis 652
F. Fuchs, Milwaukee. Wis 6-7
N. A. Kollns, St. Joseph, Mo 617
The five highest scores made by the sec
ond llight of Individual bowlors resulted:
M. K. Klnnaman, Si. Joseph, Mo .. 587
G. G. Tilinan, St. Josph, Mo 5.VI
J. W. Meek, Kansas City, Kan 6ol
F. D. Blum, Kunaas City, Kan 6:W
11. g.emans, St. Joseph, Mo MVi
, The five highest scores made by the third
'flight of individual bowlors resulted:
Cooper, Cincinnati '. tXl
H. Kitne. Chicago ..,
Davis Woodhurn, Cincinnati 610
A, Meier, Indianapolis. 5o6
C. Banworth, Indianapolis 4i!9
The five highest scores made by the fourth.
flight of the individual bowlers resulted:
D. Woodbury. Chicago 63
R. SKcke, Chicago 650
II. P. Lelfingwell, Chlcugo Ml
C. H. Wood, Chicago 625
H. H. Schulze, Chicago 6C4
The five highest scores made by the firth
flight of individual bowU'rs resulted:
P. Wolf. Chicago 6f9
J. Lubbers, Louisville 639
B. Collier, Chicago 527
P. J. Flynns Loulsvide 526
KrewInKhaus, St. Louis 61U
The six highest scores made by the sixth
and . final flight ot Individual bowlers re
sulted: F. Thorne, Peoria. 111., 671
11 Mann, St. Lt.ui.i 6iW
A. I, Ionian. Chicago 669
Deen Granite City, 111. 6.17
Pitts. Granite City, 111 615
L. Lemones, Chicago 616
Bowling by five-men teams followed.
Last Game Hlh Enough to Put Them
Into the Money.
ST. LOT'IS, Mo., March 24 (Special Telo
gram.) Metz Brothers team landed tem
porarily In the prize list In the national
bowling tournament here last night with a
score of 2,538, a brilliant finish In the last
game of V3H getting them well up. The
Individual scores were:
1. !. 3.
OJerde 139 158 1S2
Sprague 170 158 194
Neale 15 148 219
Blakeny 143 160 171
Huntington .. 176 1$9 174J
Totals: 2,5.".8.
(Continued from First Page.)
has at work 1,154 horses and mules. It
operate 9 locomotives, 223 cars and 23 miles
of railroad, 89 stationary engines and 27
steam engines. It has constructed arid Is
operating 6 electric light plants. This work
has been carried on with, the followfhg
force: Classified service, 380, Including the
Washington office; laborers .employed di
rectly by the government, S,6u0; laborers
employed by contractors, 6,lu0, or a total
of all forces of 10 000. The expenditures
now total about 1.(100,000 per month. The
excavations of earth and rutk amount to
33,000,01.0 cubic yards, or about one-fourth
the estimated yardage of(the Panama ca
nal. As a result of the operations' of the
reclamation service eight new towns have
been constructed and 10,000 people have
taken up their residence in the desert."
Seventy-Six Per Cent Per Annnut.
There are cars in the railway mall service
whose cost to the railroads owning them
was not more than 6,000 each for which
the government has paid more then 10,000
each In net rentals.
This statement is perhaps so remarkable
as to be almost beyond belief, but It is
borne out by the figures of the Postofflce.
department. In the last fiscal year the
average annual rental of railway postal
cars was 5,447. It was estimated that the
actual cost of maintenance, Including al
hswancea for final replacement, was 1.200
a year. This leaves the net annual rental
4,247 per car.
A statement prepared by he department
last year shows that there were quite a
number of cara In the service which had
Always tho
k With great care, by new process,
produces flavoring of rura tucellenta.
Iwcn run for twenty-live yenis. some nl
them having been on duty since lvTl. I:v
multiplying the net r.-'itnl per year 'it
14.147 by the number of years the ca's h.-T
lecn In the sc rvl-e It will be found ihit
the agreate net rental for a car thnt h m
been' til the ' service twenty live venrs la
According to a speech dvllvcred In the
Fifty-eighth congress by H.-pr sentntlv
Tawnry, the' present chairman of the com
mittee on appropriations. tl)e averagr IK
of a railway postal cr Is fifteen years, tin
this basis the average car bring In to Its
owners net rentals amounting to $70.71, on
n first cost of $i.ixn.
These rentals are In addition to the 'heavy
rats' per bai paid by the government for
the transportation -of the fualls. Tho;-
who have studied the subject dei'lare that
this ought st hast entitle the malls to ha
surrounded hy every possible safeguard.
Including at eel cars and electric lights,
which, they 'say. would render the malln,
the clerks and government property prac
tically Immune from fire and danger la
case of wrecks.
Twine la Scarce.
The Postoflice department Is experiencing
great enibart assiuerft from Inability to se
cure twine sufficient lo fill promptly orders
received from post masters. The twine la
used In tying letters In packages after they
are assorted by mailing clerks and ar
ranged for dlspetch. i
There are' requisitions on file from post
masters aggregating 100.C00 pounds of tw(na
and numerous telegrams and letters of com
plaint are received dally because these aia
not filled Immediately. - ,
The contractor has In hand orders for
upward of 4ofl,P00 pounds of twine, ami
, promises early shipments to meet the con
tingency. There hns been a great Increase In requi
sitions form postmasters Incident to an
app.ireht unprecedented Increase In mall
matter which Is being handled at the prin
cipal postoffics throughout the country.
This Increase may be fairly Illustrated by
reference to reports received today from
Chicago, showing that the amount of mall
which la being handled during the current
quarter of the fiscal year at that office, ex
ceeds by 20 per cent the amount handled
during the same period In 190ti.
shopman Killed by Cars.
FAIRBl'RY, Neb., March 24 (Special.)
Peter Krutofax, a Bohemian employed In
the Rock Island shops. was 4nstantly
killed In the yards Friday evening. He
was crossing the tracks on his way home,
and watching a St. Joseph train pulling
In didn't notice the switch engine which
backed down on him, nnd before he could
escape he was under the wheels. Th
engine and five freight cars passed over'
him. Krutofax leaves a widow, a daughter
and two sons, one of whom Is employed in
the railway shops.
Prnarram for Missionary Meetlnsr.
Hl'M ROLDT, Neb., March 24 (Special.)
Bert Wilson, pastor ;f the local Christian
church and secretary of tho society, ha
Just issued tho program for the twelfth
annual convention, the First mission
ary district of the Christian church, which
Is to be held at Verdon, Net)., on April X
3 and 4.
To Cnre Grip In Two Days.
Laxative Bromo Quinine removes tin
cause. To get the genuine call for full nam
and look for signature of E. W. Grove, iio.
. Knicllsh Hoy Kidnaped.
SALONIKA. European Turkey, March 24.
Robert Abbott, the son of a well-to-do
British subject, was kidnaped today from
his father's garden, which Is In the Im
mediate vfclnlty of the British consulate
general. It Is believed the deed was dona
with' a view to securing a' ransom. The au
thorities are acting energetically.
ciam. rt ttan tea. mauii m cuarr taam)
Always ,weiirnr.A- Lai fua ,Nm
laxative promo 05iimno
CmaColdinOt eDa,Crlpui2 Days
en every
yvrnn fees. 2o
Makers ef good -clothes. Spring goods
are new and ready, for Inspection.
lth and Farnam Sts.
235-236 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 1881.
Finii tnt vveaa nervous tne
rUUU IUI ho find their power t
NftIlftA work and youthful vtgot
WWO gone aa a result of aver
work or mental exertion should take
tiake you eat and sleep and be a man again,
1 Box I t boss 9S.M 37 KaU.
Sherman Ql McConnell Druj Co
, HID ana Dodge eta.. Omaha. Nab.
BOYD'S rBuVgV.. Mgrs
Two Performances Only Wednesday
Matins and if lit.
OAAHD OFIIA CO., in tiie
Musical eieiisallou
K Orchtitr or CO. price. 60o to 93.50.
TOJWOHT, all Mk .Professional
ktatln.. Tuesday
Matin., 1hara. and Bat.
Next week: tllLBT,
.'ua.iiicc-. . 1. 1 rui.y, Satur
day and Sunday.
aUcaara Buhlir ft Co., Beast Wyooa,
Elisabeth ' Marray, Max TonruUlon Troopet,
Darana' Trio, Tama, Joha A. Wert and
Ui atlnodrom.
Prices 10c, 25c. iOo. ,
lilt Ulii 1 r,t:-M
TOaTIOaTT a:lS Matlu. wd. Jk
atomaao ot ta. Waav
Thursday Ta. Tlllag. , Tagabood. l