w mm iiiimmi thMiM ...m.., , , , Mini alum HiMiiaiw w i wiiiwhiiw iiim ii iiM.i ir ..... . . I Mlm n " wil imimhiiwiiihiiii m ai-mi h-m a i . . a. .,... -, - nirnuir mL, mm r-nnm imhih,- r , , .w , f r...r. . , IMJ,MMM,nMniWiianiiirn n im i ' nr ' 8 . , -Yv . - V ' ' ' ' THE O'MAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24, 1007. I , , V - ' . F - ',. J . ' - ' ' " 1 " ...... i 1 iST phi .'.'!."..))' " '...i'..) li'i'ii 1 tiff iriii II ii -"' iiin n i '"" vm-nmmeaum frww faiflnraniff 'lar"""""" " th-tii nin ipi -m ntn II U PTm A TATTTTN VLUli- t i , I' 1111 IILtUlJll.!Ml...l.llMiaj.....aM...... Ill ....ll Tie season's rcfiesf ideas rarest products of fte mosf artistic and industrial brains in the world are pouring Into this huge merchandising center every hour of the day. For w:eks and weeks past our buyers were on the eastern markets with your interests and tastes as their guides. Nowthty have all returned, ready to give you personal attention with the merchandising glories of taster. No better discrimina- . tion on your part Is possible thin traiiag at Bennett's. Nobody appreciates your demands better than this great store, and no store surpasses ours in Easter preparation of style-facts and in money-saving realities. Proceed: Ladies' Seady-f o-' Wear S ArfiflSrfvmun Clever New Ideas '2iiIlMS In Easter Attire T HE WORLD of FASHION has Yielded Scores of Beautiful New Ideas for Easter. - In many cases these original conceptions possessing a smartness of de sign and treatment which at once characterizes them as masterpieces of world renowned designers. c OSTUME EFFECTS in the most beautiful Imported cop ies of gowns lavishly displaying the exquisite Filet Nets and Baby Irish Laces in trimmings; profuse ly showing all the new Spring colors and tints peach, russet champagne and many others. Elaborate Show ing of Fine Waists Waists of the New Fil et Net and Baby Irish Lace, also Lingerie Wai s t s, d a in t i 1 y trimmed ' in Val. lace and elaborately em broidered, at $5, $7.50, U0, $12.50 and op lo $5o Extra Special in Man-Tail- ored Suits and Silk Dresses For Monday's Grand Showing. . . Smart tailor-made suits in the three-button cutaway,, the. pony coats, the etons -with ... braid and taffeta trimmings, the princess, the jumper and the three-piece styles in silk, panama and fancy suitings black, brown, navy. These handsome creations are worth up to $40; special for Monday's grand showing. $29.50 Handsome Spring Coats Made of covert; fancy mixtures and plaids; white serge, taffeta silk and handsome braided effects over silk; styles and prices to please tho most fastidious $12.50, $8.95, $6.95, and $4.95 Wonderful Display of Beautiful LACE and EMBROID ERED ROBES Embroidered Batiste and Lare Kobe, elaborately com bined with lace and French embroidery, exquisite mod els, each, from $198 down to $45.00 Priiicexs Lace Kobe, with and without flounce, Imported, worth from $39 to $49 tach, at $22.50 Tinted Embroidorid and Lace Combined Robes, in pink, light blue and lavender, dainty, exquisite combinations, from $75 down to '$20.00 Colored HutKte Embroidered Robes, daintily combined, in light blue, lavender, pink, white, etc., worth $19, Rt $12.50 Spangled and Lace Kobe, Sample Lot, In the latest' shapes, worth up to $25, at $7.08 Ileal Laces Real Irish Crochet Laces, Edgings, Inser- , tlons, Bands and Medallions; Heavy. Irish Lace and In sertions and Allover, including Baby Irish Edgings and Bands; French Novelty Laces, consisting of real Prin cess and Cluny with Filet combinations. In Bands, Me dallions, Edgings and Allovers. : Real Valenciennes Lace In all desirable new styles; Motif Edgings, Bands, Insertions and Allovers. Cf in TC Walking Skirts of tJiVlEV 1 v5 ama and Voiles, fu fine Chiffon Pan- full pleated modpls. side pleated models, and cluster side cleat, in blank-. brown, champagne and russet shades, at C OC $12.50, $10.00, $8.95 and O.ZJ SPECIAL SHOWING OF DRESSING SACQUES, MATINEES AND NEGLIGES. These are made of Jap Silk, in Oriental designs and satin ribbon effects. They are handsomely trimmed in dainty lace and insertings, $5, $7.50, $10, up to $25 1 8 Linen Collars With wssfc blc Laws as4 Lace Embroi dered Ties 25c lo 98c French and German .Val. KdKes and Insertions to Match, worth up to $1.50 . dozen, Monday, , dozit, yards . . .... .39 8,00 Vartls Venice Ap plique Lace, the much' wanted kind for trim ming waists and jumpers, all large ehape ornaments, from 5 to 12-lnch, worth up to $3.50 yard, per or- nament, at 10 fi.OOO Yards Allover Km broidery Walstlngs, all this spring's patterns, worth up to $2.50 yard, Monday, yard 29 18-lnch Corset Cover Em broidery, worth 85c yard, at 10 1 Hand Coat Sets Callar and Mis, Emlrt dered Irlsk Lines 25c to $6.98 GraM Wsplay of Easter Milliiery Great SaJc of Bibles St : : vi .m I UR suptrb millintry I i attractions ar$ con saved strictly in varieties, styles and values not in glitter, glamour, extravagance and exaggeration of department fixings and appurtenances- The first is yours every time; the second would not be of any use t you. Although our Millinery Section is , elaborate and beautiful, if a but secondary to your requirements an Easter hat with snap, style and beauty. For the glories of Easter we offer a great line of Imported Hats Jut taken out of bondtomt pack age happily delayed bicauts ofhewy freightinyeach a specially designed model for Easter. 3.SS, aa.M aad 9 YaliM, 16c Mouday we place on sale a laree quantity Teachers' and Schol ars' Bible., bound !n French mo rocco leather, divinity circuit, .' red under gold edge.. elf pro nouncing, printed In Urge type, with map., references, concord, ance and Index. Thl. I. the best bargain ever offered on Blbie. they are worth as high as U.s. Monday, Book Section, main noor. only Catholic Religious Books "Key of KeaTsa," bound In flexible leather, gold etlgea. $1 vnJue. for.. 45 user of Keavea," padded leather bind In!, gold edge, comes In olat case. $1 i!5 value for 68o I-arge line Boitrlti, from 95c to....lOo Oold Kosarlea (6, 10 and 20-year guar antee), assorted stones, from I it) down to Full line of raye Books, It. Ttnceafs Manuals. slr"4 of rrayers, C.taollo vltol... etc.; price, from 15 down to Sao Larue assortment Walts rrayex Books for Mrat Oomnmnleanf. Book aeetloa Mala Tloor. You are especially Invited to see our $10 Easter special, made of the prettiest ma terials, wrought Into the most entrancing styles, at. .-. . . .-. $10 ?vi ' . T T TE are in touch I i cablegram touch v V with the most talented and highest-salaried designers of Frunce and England. These have carte blanche to for ward to us the latest con ceived ideas of dame fashion- We are but two days behind Fifth Ave., N. Y., and one night later than State St., Chicago. We have been embarrass ingly gratified at the many compliments given us as ' a result of our market-searching efforts. Data for our millinery advertising is gleaned from the comments and enthusiasms of visitors and buyers. We assure you of the most considerate sales attention and best trained style advice. Easter Gloves Every smartly dressed woman is discrim!U nating and even hyper-critical in her selection of gloves for Easter. There's a superlative satis faction in pleasing. We please! Gloves that are perfect in material, in manufacture, in fin ish, style and fit these are our gloves. A FINE EASTER SPECIAL. 16-button Trofousse Gloves, in black, brora, vrhitfl, tan and gray, $3.75 value; Monday only, pair - 2.89 Handkerchiefs We're showing an elegant line of Handker chiefs for Easter, in fancy crossbar, allover em broidered and duchess lace edge. SPECIAL FOE MONDAY. Ladies' hand embroidered all linen crossbar Handkerchiefs, 35o value; Monday 1, only.. IC Hi Millinery artists will not fall to see our superb line of French and EnglUh modes. These are especially on dis play during Easter week. up from Underwear New spring and sum mer . underwear, every piece this year's goods large assortment vests, pants and union suits,' in silk, lisle and cotton prices to suit any purse. Special for Monday. Ladles' low neck, sleeve less Vests, tape' arm and neck, crocheted lac trim- ' med, 25c value, Monday only Hosiery Our foreign hosiery, our own direct impor tations from Chemnitz, Germany, bought last July before the big advance. Special for Monday. Ladies' lace boot, all over lace and hand embroidered 1 i p 1 e , 50c value; Monday, pair 29 Easter Silks Books for Easter Beautiful line of books which make very appropriate gifts for Ka.ter. "What I. Worth While" series, bound In whr.e vellum, stamped In gold, best bonk paper, J5c value, for alto Padded edition, of neat gift books, .tamped In gold, beautiful floral de al gna. printed In colore, .uch titles as "I ho Story of Christ." etc, lie value, for so Grandest Showing of Magnificent Silks of the Season Monday New arrivals (received last week), will be shown for the first time. Colorings the latest, styles the new est, qualities the best. We invite your inspection. 85c Crepe de Chines In all colors, very beau tiful for gowns, pure silk, yard. JZJC $1.50 Silk Grenadines In beautiful effects stripes of various widths, black and white, 46 inches .Q wide, fine assortment ; Monday, yard ........ JJC 36-inch Pongee Natural shade, very heavy, for coat suits, etc, the much-wan ted fabric; Mon- f day, a yard O C I $35 i 33Z9H BsKsGsBBSJJg White Goods for Easter Dress Goods Exclusive Deautiful Novelties on Sale Monday These swell ideas will be offered Monday only at these prices: $1.00 Black and Wool Taffeta Checks in all sizes, large checks or block effects, 46 inches wide; Monday, a yard m ZJ C $1.25 Novelties that are the very latest ideas, handsome rich colorings, exclusive styles, in spring 70 shades, 46 in, and 54 in. wide; Monday, yard. . a-rC 46-inch Swell Novelties In handsome rich plaid effects with brown or plaid overplaids, the most at- QP tractive line of the season; on sale, yard.... sVJC In a big variety of designs; plain goods for confirmation dresses at a big saving. INDIA LIN0N3- 12M:C quality, yard... 10c 15c quality, yard. .. 1220 20c quality, yard 15c 25c quality, yard 20c 35c quality, yard 25c PERSIAN LAWNS 25o quality, yard 19o 35c quality, yard 25o 45c quality, yard 35c 50e quality, yard 40c 65c quality, yard 50c SWISS MULLS 35c quality, yard 25c 45c quality, yard 35c 50c quality, yard 40c C5o quality, yard 50c 75o quality, yard 60c J r I -TJ