A fCIV 7 J K-y li 0 X y n "fl n TT TTTi til ,,' I J ii III natural process which the consumer. It is a superior r-wn tipjcaao vu mu jjuiato auu A , Write or call up by i It is a superior family beer. It agrees with every member of the family, rich in food extract and contains only 3 per cent alcohol. It has the life, sparkle and zest that I MMM Cl I IJ f$ OMAHA HEADQUARTERS Hugo F. Bilz. 14th and Douglas Streets. Telephone Douglas 1542. LIGHT FOR SPRING GOWNS Great Voeus is Predicted for th Sheer Goods. EITHIR SILKS, LINENS CR COTTOfiS All N'ew Materials Rotable for Freali Loveliness Wonders Especially la the Cattoa tida f the Season. "At last we are to have the silk seasoD, for which we have watted," cays one au thority In fashion matters. "The most wonderful cotton, season on record," prophesies another man whose opinion hn weight. "Linens linens galore," is the Impressive phrase in e dissertation upon coining modes by a third wise nian. And probably they all are right. We EMBltOll'lCLED FONOl'i:. j !1 have to adopt Alice in Wonderland -HH , t'.io J, make the content u caucus race J.ud give avery malarial a prln?. I'osalbly for wide variety and novelty tha cotton lea the list, and not only do we h:ivo offered uu improved versions of all the familiar cottons, but the manuf ictur- trs have cleverly iumaieu in cotton a very larja numtor of tha wool und slllt m-i-tcrlals. Cutton voiles, cotton cheviots, eottqn oultlngs. cotton and silk materials In every weight from firm to s ssumer-.i mi.se mo shown, and many of them are priced at figures which take them entirely out of the domain of Inexpensive materials. One may pay (3 'r1 or l"ton vone, una in. fashionable high grude cottons with quite much elaborate detuil and cosily trim mings as re bestowed upon the chltfou voiles of wool or of silk. That sheer materials of the voile, mar quisette and union class are to have a tre mendous vogue acm a fact established, ..nd ft tcultltud ? fancy effect, la theee It Good beer can't be demands time to perfect. It is . family beer. It agrees with every member of the family, rich in uic Ljucunico lUiiL tvt; iuuf, uca iu uuu vijjuj. iu iuc onui. 'phone and have a case left at your home. Once you use Gold OUR VVAfiON55 JETTER BREWING COMPANY South Omaha materials to la evidence. Stripes are prom inent here, as in all classes of the new fabrics, but checks and plaids in one o tw tone coloring will be very popular. There are, too, hand embroidered French veilings which command high prices, the embroidery being done In silk or In stand ing soutache (vory fine soutache applied on edge instead of flat) and bordered veilings, showing deep border designs of stripes, dots, etc., which echo the coloring of tfce body of the material. Plain and fancy weaves are alike la demand, and the rather fine Btripes In whits and color, with a tiny rib line separating the two, are be ing made up Into charming frocks, usually trim mod with taffeta, matching the colored stripe. The idea, of ths white or contrasting lining under sheer veilings has been revived and Is, at the moment, better liked than the effect of fancy checks or stripes under plain sheer material. Many of ths new browns are particularly soft and lovely over white. Another transparency Idea which produces delightful effects Is the use of a bordered silk under a plain or striped seml-trunBparent material such as chiffon voile or marquisette. A whits silk with deep floral border under ft striped marquisette In whits and black or white ana color gives charging results, and ths Parlslas dressmakers are having deep borders painted upon the linings where desirable effects In soft bordured siiks enn not be obtained. Deep hems or bands of silk are applied to the skirts of sheer stuff, after the fashion so enthusias tically received last summer and fall, and to rrorlde a change from ths plain band all sorts of battlement, scroll and other Irregular designs are Introduced In silk upon the bottom of the sheer full skirts, which need to be weighted down In order to achieve the clinging lines prescribed by the mode. The skirts of sheer materials on the voile VOILE AND TAFFETA. nrjLr u .a n mi I U- h i ir m i full InfA k .Hkt Ih rwl unit thjr ia it fcllhfht lendnev tnvH the adju.Ui.iil wf tha skirl fuUneas. ev.n is brewed and bottled for made in a hurry Jetter's Gold made with due recognition of this DKLIVKR TO ALL PARTS OF OMAHA AND TELEPHONE NO. 8 In heavier materials, through loose, large stitch hirrlng. This Is a step toward the second smplrs styles, concerning whose Importance vagus rumors are afloat, but save In very soft stuffs tucks or plaits around the waist lino are more graceful and becoming than shirred folds, and It Is probable that such adjustment will be retained for everything save the sheer stuffs and the very supple silks. Many panel effects are Introduced upon foreign models, and occasional tunlo und peplum lines prove that these Ideas hava not been altogether abandoned. Walking skirts In most Instances show variations upon the plaited Idea. One new model with wide double box plaits In front and back and at each side, while the Intervals be tween are filled with side plaits, is used for some of the smartest early styles. For girlish use, these Walking skirts are shorter than ever, but the ankle length skirt is too extreme for the women of more adrapced years, and for them is the skirt clearing by two or two and a half Inches. Dressy Bklrts 111, of course, continue to b tunx all around, but the fate of the train Is uncertain, the round skirt showing signs of regaining favor. Tailors of ability are reveling In the tours da force which the popularity of striped suitings renders possible. Even In a very severely tailored costume great originality and finish may be obtained by clever handling of ths stripes, and some of the most chic r.ew models show bias, horixontal and vertical striped effects all combined In one harmonious whole. Bungled, such' tailor work would resemble nothing save patchwork, but skillfully maneuvered, the mingling of these line effects may do much for the figure and give decldud Individuality to a coat and skirt of uncompromising severity. Narrow horizontal strappings on vertical stripe eoat and skirt, narrow panels of horizontal strips set between vertical plaits, bands on panels of bias lines meet In V shape all these are popular, and, when no more complicated use of the stripe possfbllitles Is Illustrated, the coat Is, at least, so cut that the lines slope from the shoulder point inward, accentuating shoulder width -and waiat sliwness. Almost all of the new suitings of high grade are delightful both in texture and in coloring, the soft grays and modes and browns and blues being so blended with white and with each other that there Is an Indescribable air of refinement and unob trusive beauty, even about the wider stripes and the larger checks. Not In many years, if ever, have there been so many attractive suitings iu tae delicate grays and modes, and it will be hurd for any woman to choose severely practical dark material for her tailor frock this season. One Uus of siried suitings which is decidedly original, but has nothing spte tacular about it, is in fine strlpos of dull browns, blues, greens and whites, all blend tug perfectly. Down these stripes are. the tiniest of plu point silk dots ia many colors rod, yellow, blue, etc. Insofar as predominating eclors for tl: new season are concerned, all is still con Jectui. Ths manufacturers have made their guesses; but it remains to be seon what the ultra-fasiilonable will elect m their favorite colors. All Indications point to a great vogue for the browns ri l yellews. ecrus and all tints akin to the light browns. Certain straw and ionize shades promise well, and there are brownish yellows with freeman tlnse which have Urn taken up by the Ulliners and are (era In, sums of ths sheer silken t tuffs. j Creeua at tresent stuud next to browns in THE OMAHA BUXPAY BEE: MATtCH Top is made by the good old German process, allied with modern fact it is made slowly, carefully, painstakingly and aged thoroughly before it reaches food extract and contains only Top, you will have no other. prominence, and there seems no doubt that reseda, almond and some of the light greens of mustard suggestion will be strong features of the spring modes. Many hats of yellowish or burnt straw tonus combine browns and yellow greens In their trim ming; und these colorings are emphasized throughout the now flowers, feathers. wings, grasses, etc., which are furnished for the trimming of the spring hats. The linens, which are finding ready sale even at this early dale, are more varied and beautiful In colorings than ever before, and here again we find browns from dark tobacco brown to the light bright shades much In evidence. The kbakl and natural tones, deep ecrus, straw color and string color are. favorite linen lines, and a creamy unbleached linen of fine quality Is exceedingly well liked. The gray linens are considered very smart, and there are many lovely shades In the blue, green, lavender and rose linens. Many of the finer linens are of double width, and the prices run to 11.75 or 12, though linens of excellent quality may be had for 75 cents to II. Linen robes beautifully hand embroid ered are on view In all the shops, and there are, too, embroidered bordurs linens; that Is, linen with a deep embroidered border. This border Is most often executed in fine soutache, with French knots and i i u i : s i - mf it vt A I IN1KKIK Fl'.tX'K TR1MMKD W ITH KiH TAl'llK. A GOWN LiMiN A.NU A liLLii WUU'E BTKU'LD BILK Willi LAC'li , 1!)07. select family 3M per cent alcohol. It has the SOUTH OMAHA occasional embroidery . stitches scattered throughout the intricate design, and the result is often exceedingly effective. Apropos of soutache embroidery, certain novel and lovely imported frocks of whit batiste embroidered elaborately In soutache, might be mentioned, the embroidery ex ecuted In the most intricate band designs and Indescribably rich In effect. Our artist hns sketched one of these Imported lingerie models, and this sketch In the central group will give some slight Idea of the model, though the odd embroidery must be seen to be appreciated. Another sketch In the same group pictures a linen frock, a model of the gulmpe or Jumper class, with strappings and little hand embroidered marguerites for trimming. Linen laces dyed to match the material are upon some of ths new linen frocks and coats, and such dyed lace in cluny, filet or antlaue forms a most successful trim ming, some soft lace such as Valenciennes or a fine batiste embroidery bolng neces sary, however, near the face and in the Inevitable undersleeves. Just what Is to be done with sleeves seems to be the riddle of the season. One of the best fashion Journals this month announces stoutly that sleeves are to be shorter than ever, scarcely reaching to the elbow; but another Journal of the same class declares as solemnly and finally that GREEN trade scientific methods, the life, sparkle and zest that COUNCIL BLUFFS HEADQUARTERS Mitchell, 1013 Main Street. Telephone SO. sleeves are lengthening and that the three quarter length will be the accepted thing for the summer. Reports from Paris and the Riviera In cline toward the acceptance of the latter verdict. There will, no doubt, be many elbow sleeves upon dressy frocks, but the very short sleeve was so burlesqued and abused last season that the pendulum seems likely to swing the other way. Many of the dainty lingerie blouses have long sleeves, and where the sleeves are short, as is generally tbs case in the more elaborate models, they corns well down below ths elbow. One thing seems sure. The new sleeve droops at the shoulder, and very often In deed one finds the greatest fullness about half way between thes houlder and elbow. A correspondent writes us from Monte Carlo that a number of fashionable Parisians have worn frocks whose sleeves of sheer, OF MOCS6EL1NE DE 80IB. supple material were merely softly wrinkled or fulled over the arm, following the line of the army closely and ending at ths elbow, Just below the elbow, or, In some cat, reaching almost to the knuckles. Th bodices of which such sleeves wsre a part Invariably widened over the shoulder or were so trimmed over the shoulder that they gave a lung shoulder line and drooped over the wrinkled sleeve in cap fashion. This, of course, Is extreme, but the fashion straws which flo.it in the Riviera current are worth noting. V-shaped trimmings are as popular as ever for bodices, and there are many tacit effects obtained by draperies, which wldun at the shoulders to fall over the sleeve top. Sleeve caps or over sleeves cut In one with the bodice or coat are Increas ingly numerous, and trimming around ths armhole bids fair to be one of the sea son's fads. Often a little silk frock will hava a bodice which Is little mors than a com bination pelerine and bolero worn over a sheer blouse. Buch an arrangement was a feature of a brown and whits striped silk frock sketched among ths small cuts, and a host of variations, mora or leas elabor JP Lee ate, upon this Idea are promised for tha summer. Fancy little draped coats are also liked for the slk costumes and plain and fancy silks are often combined In such costumes, as In the case of tha pictured model with SAMTRA1 PONGEE. the plaited skirt of blue taffeta, between' whose plaits, when they fly open, one haa glimpses of blue and white block check, and the draped coatee of blue and white block check trimmed In soft folds and scarfs of blue. GOLF CAPS COMING BACK Aatoaaohile ityles Will Ba Cosiflasd to Those Persons Who Need Tnrm. The change In style of many articles of wearing apparel is noticeable In caps and tlio present popular cap Is a combination of the golf and automobile styles. Tha small golf cap will, however, be more widely worn this year than last, when the automobile type predominated to a great extent. Qreat latitude will be allowed Hi the choice of colors In golf caps, which will run from the sudbued dark grays and mixed goods to the gaudy plaids, the latter probably being the most popular as In many previous years for outdoor wear. Ths eartabs, which were Inaugurated by automoblllsts, will not be made on any caps except those strictly for use In con nection with the "buss machines," which are now mad mostly of corduroy and leather. FADS IN EASTER JEWELRY Masrallnlty Not tilveo Much Attention In ths News Thlaa-s on Display. Fads In Easter Jewelry have not ben adopted to any extent in Omaha with tlio possible exception of gifts to some h-mlnina friend, but many novelties are betng dis played In this line by haberdashers and Jewelois. The designs are usually In til form of Etuiter eggs, rabbits or small Towls, while th nure serious aspect of th season Is preserved by the crosses, but It Is evi dent that most buyer consider tha day more of a festival than religious feto and govern their purchases accordinsjly. ii