r 0 THE OMAILY SUNDAY BEE: MAKCTT 24, 1907. MN0UMCEMEN1 TT WISH to announce that our Spring and Sum" mcr Showing of the very latest Choice Importations in Materials for any occa sion is now complete and ready for your inspection. Thin season we are making a Spe cialty of Stylish Ruling JIabiti TO, IE A SEASON IN BROWN Moiinh Oowni An in Oni Color, but Many Shades. COLOR SCHEMIS COME FKOM PARIS The Scarf Idea Introilered 1'poa Bodlrrs and nolrroXfn aad Piquant Model of the Little Coat.. Brown, and yet a (rain brown! The shops are full of the color In all of Its new thadee, and alrrady women are beginlng to shrug their shoulders and say: "Hut everyone will he wearing brown." There Is Just the trouble. The browns are now chic. They are sura to be popular and the fastidious look askance upon popular colors. However, even a much-abused color takes on distinction when handled consummately wall, and brown frocks, hats and acces sories are a safe Investment provided they are smart enough to stand out from the monontonous background of browns. One of the most fashionable New Tork dress makers has In hand a number of frocks which subscribe to the brown mania with out being commonplace, and the Ideas em bodied In them seemed worthy of note. One was a chiffon cloth In white with a of walking length, aconrdlng as they are' Intended chiefly for wsJklng or for carriage wear. Borne of the sightly grayish wood browns ara especially good for this purpose, looking cooler than the yiUwer brow ne and yot not too dark. The brown voile street frock pictured In one of the smell ruts was of this typn. and Its trimming of Mu rflssenienterle rings In the color of the vile through which were run velvet rll.tions of a much deeper brown was, as will be understood from an examination of the sketch, extremely suc cessful. The fine plaited rn'.l.ir of llnawle and lace held flat by the ring and ribbon trtmmlr was a charming note, and the skirt trimming was excellent. The waist coat was of white with tiny pearl butto ns. The long loops and ends of velvet, finished by big silk tassels which appeared upon this little empire coat. Illustrated a ten dency, already marked, toward such scarf effects and toward the use of tassels, rings and other dangling trimming:. The scarf Idea Is Introduced upon boleros and bodices nnt only In the shape of rravnts or narrow loops and ends, but In moro pronounced form suggesting tho separate wide shoulder scarf. Wide soft scarfs plaited on the shoulders, and fulling low over the sleeve top to give the Cfrrect long shoulder line, are caught In some way at the line of the bust and fall loosely from there on each side of the front. Tie moussellne house gown Included among the sketches will give some Idea of such drapery and of Its graceful possi bilities. In this case the gown was of picturesque Greek lines and was fashioned Send Us Your Orders for ' 1 L j and. J I g 1 1 sj NICKELTYPES are best for , fine engravings and work that is to be printed in colors. Our facilities for quickly filling your orders in the highest type of perfection is unsurpassed in the West. OUR plant is installed with the very latest devices in modern machinery. Our em Dloyes are competent and re liable. We insure you the most . satisfactory business relations. (Urea! Western Tpye Foundry Omaha, Nebraska. J A COAT OP BRAIDED BROWN SILK OVER A FAWN CT,OTTI SKIRT. A OOWN OP ROSE MOl'SSKUNE WITH TRIMMING OK VALKNC1ENNKS. SlI VER PA1LI.ATTES AND IRISH LACE, AND A GOWN Of CLOTH AND MOLS 8EL1NE DE BOIE. trimmings for Jlngerle stuffs and many of these trimmings are of hand work. These are, of course, expensive luxuries, hut they sell rapidly, so the supply Is evidently In answer to a demand. Never has cnlnr been so charmingly In troduced Into tho embroidery Insertions, motifs and flounclngs as It Is this season, and somo of the earliest lingerie materials offered are In delicate tinted sheer stuff em broidered in white or in white Vallate, mull or Swiss, with delicate touches of color In its embroidery. The dotted Swisses are particularly favored, and with plain dotted Swiss for frock material are offered flounc ing and Insertions of similar dotted Swiss with edges scalloped and buttonholed In white or In delicate color, and with dainty garland and spray designs embroidered In light pinks or blues or lavenders. Another dotted Swiss has with It Swiss of the same width on which, at four-Inch Intervals, are tet two and a half Inch stripes of embroidery. This embroidery Is done In delicate coloring upon a ground of dotted Swiss Ilka the foundation ma terial, but tinted. The stripes come In corn color, In pule blue, In pink and In lnvender, and the colorings of the embroidery Is, of course, harmonised with the color of the stripe. These stripes are finished at their edges and may be cut out and used like ordinary embroidery Insertion or used as striped material when that seems desirable. Bands of embroidery Insertion have a white ground thickly strewn with em broidered pln-polnt dots, of color and an embroidered floral design In color. One sees, too, open work and blind embroidery combined In these trimming with a color note, the open work design being done In pale blue or pink, while the blind work Is in white. Apropos of colored trimmings, there are some very effective laces fnto which color Is Introduced. The coarse filets In cream net sometimes have darned In designs In dull color rathei than In white, and cluny laces In which a part of the design la exe cuted In color are also shown. These laces suggest linen frocks In the color used In the lace, and there are many embroideries on linen which also belong to the province of the linen frock. That linen Is to bo more popular than ever Is not to be doubted, and already coat and skirt linen models In all grades of elabora tion are on view. The absolutely plain tailored coat and skirt promises well, and the tailors report heavy orders for such costumes both In half length and short coat a Soutache braiding ornaments many of the less severe llmen frocks and soutache combined with hand embroidery or em broidery without the braiding Is lavished recklessly upon some of the Hnen models. deep printed border composed of large sin gle roses In shades running from yellow to Havana brown. The chiffon was made over a clear bright brown, with a golden light In It, which Is one of tho most jmpular tones of the popular color, and the effect was Indescribably soft and harmonious. Another frock was In a sheer stuff which seemed to be silk muslin or chiffon, with a wide satin stripe. The ground of both the chiffon and the satin was white, but all over the surface ran an Irregular check ing In heavy lines of black. This material was made up over the same light bright brown already mentioned. The black design on the sheer chiffon laid over the brown took on a brown tone, while the opaque satin stripe retained Its clear white and black, and the combination was re markably chic and attractive. It Is such color schemes as this, rather than In the all brown effects that the sea son's vogue of brown will be emphasised among the ultra modish, but there are beautiful things In brown among the silks, voiles, eta, and the browns are fairly ram pant In the early season millinery. Here, however, brown is usually relieved by some harmonising line which will tone Into It rather than contrast violently with it odd dull shades of blue or rose or purple, and very often certain yellowish or reseda greens, which are particularly satisfactory with brown. ' The shaded and changeable effects of the season are remarkably soft and beauti ful, though often distinctly odd and un usual, so unusual that any one save an artist la very likely to go astray In at- Note These Prices .LADIES' LIST Dry Claim ing ana Stressing rum WalaU t .6$ Silk Waists 75 Plata Sklrta 76 Plaited Skirts .... 1.00 Skirts and Drop .. 1.2S Jackets (short ... 1.00 4 length, ltued .. 1.00 length, unllned 1.60 Crayenettes 1.60 Dyeing and Treastng 11.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 1.60 2.60 2.60 MEN'S LIST Dry or attain Cleaning , Cleaning and Xystng and FTesslnjr Pressing Suits $1.50 Coats 75 Vests 60 Pants 60 Overcoats 1.60 Ulsters (heavy) .. 2.00 Gloves 10 Neckties 10 $2.50 1.25 .75 1.00 2.50 3.00 Now is a good time to Lave your spring jacket cleaned, price $1.00; length coats $1.50. They will look like new. Phone Douglas 9G3 for a wagon. THE PANTORIUV1 CLEANING AND DYEING. CARPET CLEANING. 1513 JONES ST. of white moussellne de sole, deeorated at hem and girdle with heavy Greek key em broidery in gold. Over the shoulders of this classically sim ple robe was draped a wide scarf of rose color moussellne de sole Inset with vertical lines of Valenciennes insertion and finished at the ends by deep 'knotted fringe. The scarf was confined by the girdle at the short waistline. In more serviceable materials this model would be almost as charming and more practical In soft veiling, with a scarf of crepe, for example, and lovely color schemes lurk in this use of the scarf drapery and the loose square lines which straight falling scarfs Impart to the bodice are repeated In many of the bolero models, and even In certain bodices which have no scarf drapery. Square, biblike trimming arrangement falling loosely over a girdle M0L8SELINE AND LACE. tempting to effect the French color scheme. Yet, with all the ortglnttUty In mllinery colorings there Is little glaring or spectacu lar color in the new hats. lUAher a certain subdued note svems to pervade the curious tones, and the shapes of many ct the new models furnish what is bizarre In the hats. Brown chiffon voile over self color or white Is the material for many pretty street frocks, made with vague little boleros on empire coalots and with skirts long or BROWN AND WHITE, CHECKED BILK. has been seen during the winter and Is echoed In summer models, and loose drapery falling from a long shoulder line In soft folds Is a feature of some of the newest little coats. These little coats, by the way, promise to be bewitching little affairs, and each day brings forth new and piquant models. A pretty little black coat, which would be as serviceable as It Is chic, Is a loose straight falling hip length model of beauti fully fine handmade lace. Fitting smoothly over the shoulders It flares to ripping ful ness lower, and the short full sleeve Is made In one with the body so that no arm hole nor shoulder team shows. The beauty of the lace and the clever lines of the coat are Its only trimming, snide from the finely plaited and pinked frills of soft black taffeta, which border the fronts and bottom and finish the sleeves and neck. The fronts of the coat are cut away, beginning to round Just below the throat line and curving back sharply at the hips. On each slJe of the front at the throat are choux of plaited and pinked silk. Quaint little soutached coats of taffeta or other firm silk, In plain liffht eilor, will be worn over airy summer frocks. Long panel lines worked out in the Inset lace and hand embroidery are much In evidence, and the prlncesse lines, on the wane elsewhere, seem as popular In the realm cf the lingerie gown. The Swiss and batiste embroideries and the combinations of lace and embroidery furnish exquLlte ST1UPED SILK. Here, agalm, the note of color often creeps Into the trimming of a white or ecru frock and in the shops robe patterns of white or string color linen elaborately embroidered In fine white and blue, white and pink, white and brown or white and green sou tache are shown. Bordered materials have an unprece dented vogue and the very loveliest of the new offerings are of this class. 811k mous sellne, chiffon, gaute of all kinds, mar quisette, voile, taffeta, foulard and a host of other materials come in the bordered effects. Often the border is not of the pronounced. contrasting color sort but repeats In coL jc of the foundation material In another weave or texture and with some slight hint of other color. Foulards In a close small dot design of white nnd color have borders of very large dots or perhaps striped borders repeating the coloring of the dotted material. Checked and plaid borders, too, are seen upon one tone voiles and other sheer stuffs, and the wonderful color schemes and designs of the floral or conventionalized borders which beautify the chiffons, moussellnes and marquisettes are lovely beyond description Some of the smartest French models In foulard and similar materials have bodices built on the very simplest lines with V shaped or surplloe drapery softly defining the figure and with no trimming save In the chemisette and the undersleeves to match. Panels and tabliers of soft and graceful description are well liked and plain front breadths or plaits with some sort of button and loop adornment are considered smart. Flounces are Inevitable with sheer summer frocks and laces and embroideries, but are nvt often so adjusted that they do not seem like separately applied flounces, but rather like an integral part of the skirt. NEW GLCVES ATTRACTIVE Tans Have the Tall Over Other Shades In Itoth Kid and 811k. Oloves, one of the essential complements of the smart suit or dress costume, are among the most attractive features of the soring display. The long glove at from HBO to 14 a pali'-contlnues to be the lender, and the sixteen-button length Is the style preferred. The wise woman will do her purchasing early, too, for the very best selected skins are to be had now. They are scarce, and a later lambskin will be substituted. Blacks, tans and modes, shad ing to champagne, are the popular shades, with tans given the decided preference. One of the features of the long kid glove Is the five-strand stitching shown, espe cially In the black. 811k ploves are still In vogue, and are a welcome and durable substitute for the warm, expensive and by no means satis factory long kid glove. It will require only a few warm days to bring these out, for they will be popular for street wear, even with the cloth suits. For ordinary wear the silk will follow the kid in color, but they also come In the daintiest shades, suitable for wear with dancing frocks or light spring or summer costumes. These range In price from II. W to Vt a pair. The embroidered wrist and arm Is one of the novelty features of the silk glove. These, Jiowever. come only in the black and white, and cost from 13 to 3-50 a pair. Bilk mils, despite attempts to crowd them out, are going to be popular with the summer gown. Except that they are finger less and a great deal che per they are Just like the silk glove. The open work, nets and drop stitch In the silk glove and mlt Is nass to the extent of not even being shown In the better shops. The wrUt length kid glove oomes in all shades, as usual, and still has Its place. I QYPrT JJ um Where There Are Little People to Sew For The Singer Sewing Machine means all the dif ference between needle-and-thread drudgery and the most fascinating employment any home-loving woman can engage in. Between the peerless Singer and the best of the department-store machines there is no more real resemblance than between fine linen and burlap. Moreover the Singer Sewing Machine agency Is always as easy to get at as the Post Office. At Singer stores you can now get SINGER and WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machines nnd Parts The Wheeler & Wilson machine, for over 50 years the standard of the rotary-shuttle movement for making the lock stitch, is now sold exclusively at Singer stores. V THESE EiaaJE YOU MAY KNOW AND WILL FIND SINGER STORES tVKKYWrlERR I Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Cos 1514 roaflaa . and 838 South 18th St., OmaHa 444 N. S4U St., So. Omtht, 88 So. Main St., Council Bluffs Diamonds ....and Diamond Jewelry The attention of those contemplating the purohase of a Diamond or of Diamond Jewelry is directed to our magnificent col lection of BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS CANARY COLORED DIAMONDS PURE WHITE DIAMONDS Thew gems are sold and mounted to order. We invite your inspection to our new spring novelties in Jewelry. Our showing represents tho most elegant and exclusive designs from tho lead ing gold and silversmiths of America. Bracelets Necklaces Brooches Rings Men's and Women's Watches It's a pleasure for us to show you our stoo.k. Mawhinney & Ryan Co. Diamond Importers..... Fifteenth and Donates Sts. Omaha V Clothe your boy in a MRS. JANE HOPKINS' BOY- PROOF SUIT and transform him into a little gentleman at once. These Clothes are the strongest fa bricked, the most cleverly tail ored, the prettiest i I u- ih lowest' cost gar- ments you'll fvf see this season. - If your dealer hasn't these Garments in stock, we'll gladly direct you to oyib who has- , ft X W v v. KAHN.WERTHEIMER fiL SMITH CO." p) Makers. XewYork Qt i mm - KEYS all kinds .GUNSMITH.. V 1314 Psrnsm Tel. Oeug. 174 Up-SUIrs. C. R. HEFLIH Jp Twentieth Century Farmer Oil til A. NKH. LEASES AMOSO AOKICULTVBAIi WEEKLIES $1.00 Per Year As ' v V 7 TV i - "V