THE OMAIIA SUNDAY -BEE: MARCH 24. 1007. BANK OPEN, TO CHILDREN lew lark Trust Cempany Opens 5iw Dt- pirtamit in Business. IN FINANCE UNDER WAY Xnmmtirrm Eaeorn-e4 la Habit Tariff Majir ef These Show Keen Insight lata Basl m Methods. tru f VtA) i TEJV7 YORK, March 23. One of the trust companies on Fifth avenue hu rted a children's a-fount department and In the comparatively short time that It baa bean In existence the secretary of the company announces that Its success more A''n Justifies Its continuance. While not pirely philanthropic In Its scope, there Was fundamentally an educational Idea In Its Inception. "While this la so far as we know the first banking house to start auch an Idea," mid one of the officers, of the company, "the common sense of It must be evident to the most careless. As a commercial country, the greatest n the world we cannr begin too early to Instruct the children In regard an Inch In stature." The fact thst the trust company occupies rather Imposing; quarters In Fifth avenue docs not seem to a-t as a quietus on any class of society, for among the patrons of the children's depertment are a number of newsboys, messengers, elevator boys and othera who have not yet reached the dig nlty of a rating among the millionaire. Elevator Boy's Christmas Tins. It la Interesting to notice the little details of the account's. For example. Just after Christmas day an elevator boy from one of the big hotels nearby brought la a wad of bills which he said represented tips and Christmas presents. When they were counted up It was discovered that he bad the very handsome beginning of 170. Just following him waa the young son of a rich man. lie had 15 to begin the accu mulation of a fortune of his own. "A good many of the children have some special ambition which they desire to ac- compllah," the official went on. "One little chap told me confidentially that he In tended some day to be as rich aa his father and another youngster brought In a dollar to begin to save for an automobile. "Still another, whose family owns a great part of the real estate In a certain district of Manhattan, began his account with U deposit, saying that he was saving up to buy him a farm. "The ability to draw checks la a great I I II I III J 1 " tab fSy s? e aw - "WRIT. ttSJ. J WW r i - i w ONE OB" THE LARGEST DEPOSITORS. to, the value of money and the methods of earing for It. ,"Whwi a rhIM nnArui an Account here the tte. number of book, signature of child. realdenoe. birthplace, names of father and mother are entered on a card. We have had one or two children come here who were so young that they printed their names on the' cards. ' "In addition to' the card there la a regu uar pass book which must be shown when a check Is presented for payment. On the chock slip the only, thing to show that it Is different from the regular grown up check Is the notice at the top that the pass book must be presented and a second notice that It Is to be presented at the special deposit department. , Learned the Details Quickly. "It Is curious to note how quickly a child learns all the details. We have to give the mothers a greut deal of credit for their care Iri this direction. "Just the other day a young boy came In 1 with his mother and made out the neces- temptation to some of the children and we are carrying what we might term very active accounts for them, but that Is all part of the Idea. Occasionally, though, you will see one of the young depositors give hack the check book and say frankly that he does- not care for it but wants to keep his money away from temptation. Zeal Got Him Braises. "Just after the first of the year we had a very amusing experience. A small boy came In with his head bandaged up and other marks of Injuries. "He mas quite willing to tell the story of his life, and it turned out that In hurry ing to get to ua to deposit his Christmas presents before the first of the year he had slipped and fallen on the stone steps of his home and had hurt himself so seri ously that he had been laid up for a week, He told the story In a very manly, straight' forward way, and when he got through asked If we wouldn't take his money and let it draw Interest Just the same. Of course we did, and he went away tremen deusly happy. "Some of tho Interesting accounts are those of young girls who are on an allow ance. Every month they . bring In their money, deposit it. and pay all their bills with checks. "It used to be the idea to keep a girl aa far away from this phase of life aa pos sible, and If she had an allowance It waa usually Just enough for her bonbons and pin money needs. With the knowledge of banking methods the allowance of a girl Is apt to grow in else, and at the present time we have some young girls on the banking books who draw checks for all their per sonal needs, their clothes, entertainments, schooling, private lessons; in fact, every thlrg. Girl Rhonld Know. "Personally. I think It a criminal thing to keep a young girl Ignorant of the value of money. A girl who has been brought up to ask her father for everything she wants, and who haa learned to consider tho gift of money as something entirely de pendent on his mood, starts life all wrong and usually ends It In the same way, for wrong teaching In regard to the care of I .Mi J -H v. MmWmM PEL J 7 WEALTHY WOMAN OF THE KTTCRE. ary requisition blank. He anked with a great deal of enthusiasm regarding the time, when the Inter t would be due, and when we had finished and handed out the ptus book he tried to take It, but his ma ternal relative wus too quirk for him and In a moment It was in lur shopping bug. "He looked at the book, then at her and then at tfce bookev(ier. Finally he blurted out: " 'I'd like to know what good I'm going to get out ef this as long aa she keeps the book! It's worse than not having any nuney at all!' "Ills dignity as a man bad been asaatled and when ha went out he was remonstrat ing. The remonstrance apparently had some effect, for the neit time he came he came -alone, presented a check for pay meat and seemed tibave grown about half money, or rather, the lack of teaching, has wrecked many a home. x "On the contrary, the girl who haa started at an early age to learn to keep her ac counts unconsciouely absorbs a certain seriousness f torn the business atmosphere. I have saen many girls pome here and laugh about tt as a fad for a moment and end by becoming expert accountants, and occasionally they drag the proud father In to see them balance accounta, etc. "An amusing story was told me the other ay by the parent of a young girl and boy who came in and opened accounts at the same time. "It seems that they were of entirely dif ferent temperaments and the little girl had from an. early age manifested rather an vconoiuluai spirit, whluh showed Itself by Opening Ladies' Fine Wearing Apparel I ... , .. .. Arc Cordially ( jg ! J ) ) (I "ill nV - V V H Tomorrow re,pUce on txl"' v v ww bttion our very large stocks of New Spring Wearing Apparel for women. We feel sure that you will not find a more complete assemblage of Women's Choice Spring Attire in this or any other Western city. - We have searched the markets for months, and our buyers have been alert and active in their efforts to secure the newest and best of everything. As a result we are now able to show you a superb collection of Ladies' Spring Garments. We have many beautiful things, some that are exquisitely beautiful; others are neat and dainty, while others are smart and fetching. Every garment in our entire exhibition is a good one"' the best in its class. These goods are direct from the home of fashion; they embrace every new style and in elude every new fabric Turn where you will, you cannot duplicate our styles, qualities or prices. You will enjoy this magnificent exhibition. We shall expect you Monday and all this weeks .AS putting all her allowance that she could possibly spare In a toy bank, to which were added from time to time the presents given by admiring relative. The boy, on the contrary, blew In all his money and treated his young companions, enjoyed an . occa sional theater and otherwise took, a large and manly view of life. It was the custom of the family to draw comparisons between them and to discourse to the advantage of the girl on the probable future of the two, economist and spendthrift. Batler Hade a Difference. One day a new butler that the family had engaged with the Usual perfect refer ences disappeared with more than his wagea and kit, taking with him as mementoes of his brief and glorious career not only the stiver of the family . but ' the -little girl's toy bank. Nothing was ever heard of the absconding servant, and the young brother,- aa young brothers will, lorded It over his sister, telling her of the good times he had enjoyed with his money and the. foolishness of saving for such an end aa aha had found. The consequence of the domestic up heaval that ensued waa a determination on the parents' part to foster tho spirit of the girl and to Induce the boy by an appeal to his pride to take the opportunity to restore his fallen fortunes, depleted through his desire to become a big man. " That deelre really works both ways, for the ambitious boy soon gets tired of spend ing money when he see its result I have noticed In Just the few months that we have studied this question that while the boy and girl start fair. Just as soon aa the girl becomes a young woman vanity la apt to overcome prudence. There la a certain period In a girVe life when her appearance meana" eveythlng and she muat have pretty clothes.- things that cost money. This Is usually the very time when the boy begins to wake up to hla re sponsibilities as a man and to put away the childish things. "We take sums aa low as 11. One day last week we got a letter printed from a , little boy of 11 who enclosed 10 cents. We felt very sorry to have to send It back. but with It we sent a letter encouraging htm and suggesting that Just aa soon ss hlsv savings reached the dollar limit he should communicate with ua again. Boy oa His Om Feet. Another Interesting story was told by a young woman who brought a very keen- faced little boy with her. He transacted all the business himself while she sat and watched. Bhe had recently started' herself In business and on the eve of launching out had asked her husband to explain something about banking methods to her. 'He pooh-poohed the auggestlon and told her that women could not be taught the Intricacies of this profession and suggested thst her safest way would be for him to superintend her finances for awhile. Dut he was busy when she needed him and so, little by little, she acquired such a complete understanding that aha discovered one or two mistakes that the bank had made. "When she called attention at the bank to them the officials told her that - there was a new man or a yearly bousecleaotng or something of that kind to account for the errors, all of the reasons confessed with masculine magnanimity. When she told her husband of ber experience he said It was Just like a woman to go around looking for flaws la thluga and seemed to think that the errors should have been al lowed to pass unchallenged. "The lltjle boy ' heard the various con versations and shortly after announced his Intention of opening a bank account for himself where he would not be bothered by a woman's lack of business experience, a point of view that his father ..cartlly a p. plauded.' - Women and the Banks. "The opening of the business world to women has made a great deal of difference In this question of banking. At the present day In the middle class family the girl Is brought up with the Idea of learning some thing by which she can obtain a livelihood, and consequently her parents realize that A STATES RIGHTS DECISION Privilege of Eminent Domain In Hen tana Denied a Jersey Corporation. A company organizes: uncer the laws of New Jersey for the purpose of creating and transmitting power haa ' been denied the. privilege of exercising the right ot eminent domain In Montana by the supreme court of the latter state. The company had erected a dam across the Missouri and ' w t ff pi 'fTi f4" 1 ' r-iiaiuaiaasriTI public or quasl-publlo uses can be derived only from the state wherein the same la lo cated; no state and no foreign authority can grant this power to be exercised In respect to land situated In another atate. By implication any state could forbid the construction of a canal, railroad or any other road within its boundaries except by companies organized under its own laws; the. federal congress having delegated au thority only 'to establish post roads. The authority of the states over public utilities conducted within their respective boundaries is complete and undivided. A state might. If . It choae. Isolate itself by falling to construct and preventing the construction of any roads whatever; and the commerce clause of the federal consti tution would not avail except to prevent the -closing of navigation and the laying of Imposts. No state would do anything so foolish; but It seems worth while to revert to first principles by way of countervailing the extraordinary arguments of those who would reduce the states to political nonenti ties and thus who assert that the creature of the New Jersey, the Delaware and other legislative trust factories have the right oC entry everywhere. Philadelphia Record. Mast Be Filtered. Roderick, the 3-year-old hopeful of a phy stclan. had from the period of his earliest understanding been Impressed that he should never drink unflltered water. Ha listened attentively to the Bible stnry being told him where Mosea amote tha rock and the water flowed out to quench, the thirst of the Israelites, and interrupted, hla narrator to ask gravely, "Waa It flh teredT" WOMEN CAN NEVBR UNDERSTAND BANKING METHODS. the sooner she Is taught to take care of money the better. "This same rule holds good with ehe very rich, especially In families where such wealth Is to be Inherited that Its responsi bility becomes a serious matter. The most thrifty and economical people in the world are the children of royalty. At the nursery age they ' are 'taught to save and spend wisely, preserving the golden ' lean be. tween stinginess and. lavlshness, which Is about the hardest problem the parent haa to struggle with." The Saturday morning depositors are an Interesting spectacle. The boy In uniform who opens the outer door Is Just as 'defer ential to the . messenger as he Is to the small, boy, who .alights under feminine chaperonage from the auto. Tha line la composed of children of all ages and sizes and they are as Intent on tbe msxter In hand as If they - were at a theater. The wise parent or guardian alts apart and allows, the little business man or woman to transact his or her own affairs, a self-restraint which Is usually rewarded by a confidence en the subject Just as soon as the matter has been accomplished. endeavoring to secure v lands farther up stream, which had been submerged by tha Impounded water. Condemnation proceed ings had been begun and a decision ren dered in favor of the company; but, on appeal being made, the supreme court held that a foreign corporation was authorised neither by the constitution nor tbe laws of the state to exercise the right of eminent domain. Regardful of the far-reaching conse quences of Its ruling, the' court limited the application thereof to corporations of the clans to which tbe one involved In the case belonged ; thus water and power companies not holding a charter from the atate wherein they operated would come under the rule, but a railroad, though organized outride of Montana, ' might, nevertheless, enter the state and condemn lands needed for roadway and terminals. Tha right. In deed, is expressly given to railway com panies by the laws of most of the states to extend Into and connect with existing lines under their territorial Jurisdiction. The Importance of the decision, however, le that it. affirms the general rule that the right to enter upon land and lake U for DEATH IN THE AIR! Pneumonia Prevalent, and Why It Is So Eaally Contracted A Common Every-Day Dancer In Winter and 5priojc It Can Be Prevented as Well as Cured by Th4 Htm JM-imJjm Ctd Lntr Ort-Ar Kmltntl GUARANTEED Unaer tbe Food aa4 Drur Act, Juae JO, 1906 Serial No. 1J3 It changeable climate is the moot prolific cause of Pneumonia. contracted by exposure to wet and inclement weather; froen sitting or atandifiC with ceild (eet ; by cing from not and over crowded room into tbe keen night air ; and by sittJof in draught. These are trifling causes, bat they re mit in rneamoDia and frignaui mortality. The proper way to guard against Pneumonia is to pre re at ttt dt reloptntnt. This can be accomplished in no other way so well as by the liberal use of Oiomultion. Taken early, when the first symptoms oi ine cota appear, it CURES PROMPTLY and prevents the fleveloptnent of PNEUMONIA Oiomulsion is prescribed by Phy sicians for Throat, Chest and Luntr Troubles. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Crip, and all Pulmonary Ui -leases. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Two Sizes: 8 or. and 16 ox. Bottles The Formula is printed In Languages on label of every Bottle. Otomainon is a rich, licpakl Food, nutritious sad strerjotherihiir. And It Is a we B-known fact that Dourishinr food, with the treat medickiai properties of Osofntu sion, is the most farmidehie foe of Pneutnonia. Because it keeps the blood brvror- ated. sad tbe ttssnes in condiUaa to throw of! the cold that de velops into PBsjutnoiua, Don't watt until to-tswrroar. Go to your Druggist and get a Bottle of ail I mm aiii at 1 1 1 J I Ozomulsion flXIIJi'J WW VPf THE FOOD k7' fe THAT V- ?D0BO OZOMULSION LABORATORIES 34B Pearl Street NEW YORK A