Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1907, Page 2, Image 48

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rB57 Straws in Hew BeiT n3 ix
Csliiti Cclor fcberaej 7 hit Errine
f QuIit M.npc, Tralllnsr Itls
kns and Flowers nnil Urnrfs
4 Bntlfnl Combina
tion of I'eathrrs.
Millinery, like all other thlnprs rrlaln
leg to fahlon. has seemed prc.xious thl
year, and Easter hats hve been Msunn
tnar In prof urton. far ahead of their allotte.l
Oaf. The final word roneerr.ln the new
season's modes will be said Inter, after
the Parle season hae opened and American
buyers have returned: but In the mean
time there are charming hats gnlnre from
whleh to make a choice that cannot g
far WTong, and there are freak hats enough
to rouse entertaining "onjecture.
The would-be aesthetic woman will have
of the fhlrred or rnM'1 silk, the sides of
thn nuMll'ini high crown am n!?i of th
n.rofi silk, wlill" only the top if the
irriwn. and i .hfI 'y a narrow Ivnlrr to
th brim are ol very fine straw matching
the silk In color. Or. perhaps, there la a
crown of forded allk combined ith a brim
of chip or rl'.e s'raw.
Some moti attrartlve little Imported
modi Is ill the" styles arc In delicate pink
or Wuc, have ll'tle frtl'a of vnlenrlonnes;
del f natch th- str.iw nr.d a'lk, covering
the J -in in j f the tW' material end are
trimmed In flowers and ."ft wide ribbon or
In the ribbon alc-no.
Millres. chiffon anl "Imllar sheer ma
teria! r nlso combined with the fine
straws or crln In the building up of tho
hats nnd the very wlde ribbons, btautlful
In des gn and coloring, are frfjuently used
for dra:ed or beret crowna In connection
w'.'.h e?raw brims.
LfEhorns will be ns popular as ever for
picturesque summer hats of the rihhon and
flower trimmed tyro, and some mnrt out
ing hats are of ciarse leghorn draped Into
Continental or Napolernlc shape ard orna
mented In front, where they turn sharplv
up from the fare by a bow or soft knot of
silk nnd rings. Other leghorn models
hats, often In combination with flowera, and
the two-tone or shaded colorings of the
winter are repeated In the plumes of the
spr'iiRT hnts In all of the feather trim
mi nre. WIM effects In feather, such as
wer seen orrm many of the mnrnsh winter
hats, are to be popular a mm. and great
masses of fine, soft fostherv beautiful In
coloring; and delicacy, but irresistibly sug
gesting ths housemaid's feather duster,
"i I i VT Ta tar., v 1 . r-i r I
gmpla opportunity for making a lamentable
spectacle of herself when the feminine
world dons Its spring millinery, but th.'
details of the new modes which open pos
sibilities for disastrous mistake open, too,
possibilities of bewitching and delightful
All of the, quaint little poke shapes, the
mushrooms, the velvets, the trailing rib
bons end flowers and scarfs, the unusual
rotor combinations und nuances will be
trying to the average woman, but upon
the right wearer they wilt be all that there
la of the moat piquant. ,
Never were there ao man beautiful fancy
traws, so many variations upon Ions es
tablished favorites.
The very supple straws and braids which
may be bent and draped and handled as
one might handle cloth or silk ara espe
cially liked, and nmong these crln (horse
hair) and the fine Italian straw braids nre
favorites, but there are innumerable deli
cately woven lace straw braids, lunroun
of aurfaco, exquisite ot color and surprla
Ingly supple, which are classed bruudly
as novelties and are particularly liked for
the making of the draped toquea or narrow-brimmed
hate with draped crown,
which are prominent nnwng the Imported
Shirred silk plays an Important ' part
among the coquettish little poke and bevel
hapea. Sometimes the narrow brim lj
are turned up very abruptly and radically
a Httlo to the left side of the front anfl
loft to droop low at the right side and back.
A hujc bow of soft silk decorates the
turned up side, softening the angle against
the hair, and some form of feather falls
over the crown and drooping side, or the
ends of the big bow pnss through slits In
the straw, run scarf wise around the crown
and are tied in another loose bow; with
sinrf emls at the right r.nck.
The falling loopj and ends of ribbon,
scarfs, lace, etc., at the backs of the new
Franch hnts nre among the most pro
nounced features of the spring season's
models; and all widths of ribbon, from
narrow velvet to very broad soft faille or
tafftta, la used for this purpose. The
length of the loops and ends varies from
the mere cache pelrne length, falling over
the hair to the veritable streamers of olden
cijys reaching to the waist.
Sometimes such long scurfs or streamers
are drawn forward down each side of the
front; sometimes they sro tied carelessly
like bai.nfct stiinns. M'wt often they fall
straight in the and occassional! a
trail of flowers falls with the ribbon.
though not to so freat a length, dinnllngl
from the drooping hut brim rather than
falling free. This effect needs very clever
handling if It Is not to loik awkward and
ur.tidy; but In the right hands has attrac
tive poBSlbilitics.
Out! ich plumes are much used upon dress
are posed at the sides of straw hats or
perhaps cover the entire crown.
As has been suggested, two-toned on
monotone shaded colorings are embroidereJ
In these massed, yet delicate feathers and
exquisite color schemes are obtalncj In
this way. Lovely bluish greens anil green
ish blues of the robin's egg and cllve tonej
rather than of the deeper shadings are
beautifully blndcd, and the brjwn and blue
and brown and green shadings are very
successful. Queer yeKowlp'.i greens of the
posllng or mustard order are tuned down
by gray or brown, and yellow and gray
combinations are numerous.
Two-tone effects are obtained In the
straws as well as In the trimmings. Blue
and green, green and gray, brown and
blue and black mixed with color are the
colorings most often seen in these mixed
straws. An odd but chic walking hat
shown among the cuts was of a fine smooth
straw of mixed black and gosling green
trimmed In a black scarf on wings marked
like those of the guinea fowl, but in gosling
green and black.
Another hat of the same general char
acter was a long, narrow turban of straw
In which a light peacock blue and a soft
wood brown were mixed. A wide soft
scarf of peacock blue silk and a feather
A 18
Obesity Quickly and Safely Cured. Ho Charge (a
Fat people need no longer despair, for there is a homo remedy to be had
that will quickly and safely reduce their weight, and la order to prove that it
does take off guperiluous flesh rapidly and without harm; a trial treatment
wlU be sent, free of charge, to those who apply for it by 6imply sending name
and address. It is called the Kresslin Treatment, and mai.y people who have
used it have been reduced as much as a pound a day, of lea forty poinds a
Wat stiirsjwite tbe enXit the lUxwIra Traatatent baa ho4 to iTJe or
month wIko larpe quanUes of fat were to be taken off. No person is so tat
but what it will have the deired effect, ar.d no matter where the excess fat is
ocated tomach, bust, hips, cheeks, neck it will quickly vanish without ex
ercising, dieting or in any way Interfering: with your customary habits. Kbei.
matisrn. Asthma, Kidney and Heart Troubles leave as fat is reduced. It
does it la an absolutely harmless way, for there Is not an atom in the treat
ment that is not beneficial to ail the organs. So send name d address to the
Lr. Bromley Co.. Dept. "!'. u v, 2 m t-i New York Citv, and you will re
ceive a large trial treatment free, together with an illustrated book on the sub
feet and letters of Indorsement from those who have biken the treatment at
borne and reduced themselves to normal. All will be sent without OOJ
Cent to pay in any shape or form. Let them bear from ycu promptly.
duster arrangement of feathers shading
through the peacock blues and greens fur
nished the trimming.
Brilliant parrot hues In wings were very
popular In Paris last spring, but were not
taken up to any great extent here. Now
again one sees these vivid wings upon dull
or neutral , toned hats and occasionally
tho results obtained are excellent.
Whole birdsmanufactured birds, thanks
to the admirable work of the Audubon
society are poised upon some of the
spring models, and a beautiful Carller
model in a wide brimmed white chip has
for trimming a gracefully arranged scarf
of palest pink chiffon drawn around the
crown and falling to the shoulders In the
back. Against this delicate plush pink
and white Is set a large gull-like bird, all
In one tone of soft lavender and covering
the whole left side of the hat.
This Idea of the chiffon scarf and the
large bird is a favorite one in French bata
of the outing class, so-called. Borne ex
tremely chic French models of this class
made In flexible bamboo or Panama straw
In the shape beloved of preparatory school
and college boys are seen. These hats
are turned squarely up In front and down
behind after the fashion of those same
boys' hats, but there the resemblance ends;
tor the Persian's hat has a wide scarf of
silk drawn around the crown and tied In
a big loose bow with drooping loops and
fringed ends at the back.
A big bow of cherry red velvet bound
In straw Is t on the front and haa the
appearance of being held there by two
hatpins with huge red heads. Under the
brim at the back Is a bow of red velvet.
This model has . bten cleverly copied In
green and cream.
Another simple model Is a moderate
sized hat of black chip with low round
crown and drooping brim. A square
bow of rather narrow blck velvet ribbon
Is set on the middle front and transfixed
by a single pin with Immense round green
head. Two vivid green wings run back
over' the hat crown.
Wider brimmed hats with their catchet
lying In the artistic and becoming curves
given to the wide flexible brim and In the
pole of a group of rakish wings which,
save for a cache pelgne of velvet ribbon,
are the sole trimming, are very charming
for morning wear and are made up In many
colorings. The one pictured here was of
dark blue straw, with hydrangea blue
AproBHM of hydrangea blue, hydrangeas
In their natural blue snd green and white
tones are u:on Some delightful French
models. One hat of cream straw had
hydrangeas massed across the bowl crown
In wreath fashion. Huck of the flowers
was a bl bow of wide, soft, hydrangea
blup faille whose loops stood up enough to
show from the front, while the ends
dropped over the hair. Ttlue fnllle rihhon
and green velvet ribbon were swathed
softly around the erown.
Faille rtbbone r much hsm. ami par
ticularly effective, having a lovely lustre
and extreme sunpleness: and the use f
velvet ribbon of one tone with faille of
another snd lighter tone -Is very common.
The large headed hatpins to which alius
slon has been made are upon almost every
hat and often afford the only striking bit of
color contrast. They may he bought In a
wonderful variety of shades and In peart,
brtlllnrta. Jet, gold and silver as well. Tor
toiseshell pins of Immense slie are Intro
duced upon many of the brown hats.
Such pins were set In the front of a
pretty draped turban of fine lacy brown
straw, which Is Illustrated among the cuts;
and on the aides of the turbitn were laid
wings that shaded from the rather dark
brown of the straw, up through the bright
tortolseshell browns to the clear yellow of
the .lightest shell.
The brown hats are among the very
smartest of the season's offerings, amd
milliners evidently share the conviction of
the merchants that the browns are to be
leading colors, followed closely by greens
and, at greater distance, by blues, grnys
and lavenders. The delicate pinks, blues,
whites and light yellows are always to be
reckoned with In summer millinery, and
there are among the French hats anumber
In a rose tone, too deep to be called pink,
yet not so deep as French rose or Du Barry
or strawberry.
The covering of an entire crown by
flowers or feathers Is common among the
Imported models. One large hat of white
chip has Its low crown altogether hidden
under a mass of hops In white and delicate
green. These fell over the pale green
scarf encircling the crown and almost con-
cealed It, save where, here and there, a
glint of green showed among the pendant
hop blossoms. A full soft bow of green
silk was under ' the wide drooping brim
at the back.
Another white hat. In crln this time,'
had Its crown entirely hidden by ostrich
plumes, laid on flat, so that the shape ot
the bowl crown was preserved, but was a
soft, fluffy mass of feathers from which at
the left front soared a big, full, sweeping
white osprey plume.
Flower toquea mode of roses, panslesj,
or other blossoms and trimmed simply by
a cluster of rings or a big bunoh of grasses
are pretty and especially practical for
early season wear, while straw still seems
a trifle too summerlike. Some particularly
ehle II rather trying creations of this class
are made of lavender primroses, with wings
in several shades of lavender.
These lavender primroses appear upon
many of the new hats, and wistaria, morn
ing glories, rosea of all sixes and Innumer-
able hues, geraniums, field flowera, hello,
trope, hops, wood violets and a host ot
other counterfeit blossoms are pressed into
service by tbe milliner. Grass's have aa
unprcedenldly Un port sat rot and are
made In many shapes and colorings, from
wheat-like and timothy-like sheaves la yel
lows and greens to queer trailing sprays
suggesting seaweed. One can buy grasses
In all colors, and they are evidently to be
Some Siser Desta;iis la Ornamental
Wear to Re Seen In
The Jewelry stores are especially alluring
Just now and never has there been a more
beautiful or larger variety of novelties on
display. One of the newest things Is a
Persian collarette, which la worn the same
as the dog collar. It is a band of black
velvet about an Inch In width, which fits
snugly around the top of a collar. On
this velvet Is designed a most artistic
The new shapes in Oxfords are now ready in the shoe that sells the world around.
Remember, there are two kinds of ladies' shoes Sorofeis aitd other kinds.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South Fifteenth Street
pattern, Its heaviest application being In
the center. One of these patterns has an
enamel Illy tipped with a diamond and
surrounded by a wreath or peHrts. In a
dainty spray from this are small green
enamel leaves and at Intervals cleverly ar
ranged are baroque pearls, which are pro
nounced In their effect with black velvet
as a background. Another necklace which
Is admired with Interest, botn for Its beauty
and asHOdatlon, Is one sec in platinum.
with diamonds, acquamarlnea and pearls.
It Is an exact copy of the necklace given
by Secretary Taft to Alice Roosevelt Long
worth as a wedding gift. It la valued at
S400 and Is exquisite in Its brilliancy and
beauty of limpid colors. Among the other
new necklaces are those In the "craft
ware," which are hand made and set with
rose quarts, amaaonlte stone or ame
thysts, and are mounted In antique silver.
These neoklaces are very pretty with the
light, airy summer dresses and the stone Is
selected to match the tint of the dress.
They range In price from 15 to (35.
Many -handsome bracelets are also being
displayed, the most popular, however, are
the heavy plain bands, hand engraved
with the parldot setting of some handsome
stone. They sell from moderate to very ex
travagant prices.
On of the new fads In Jewelry Is the
vanity bag. It I made of sterling silver
or solid gold. It Is hand engraved with a
place for th monogram., lined Inside with
th daintiest of tinted moire, and contain
a place for th mirror., powder puff, calling
cards, stamps and small change.
In sis these bags are about 3x6 Inches,
are Irregular In shape and can either be
carried by a chain or attached to the belt.
Fashion gives carrying them tUe preference.
They can be bought from to $160. A
pretty whim In vogue with the fashionables
la th monogram wrought In brilliants or
colored stones and mounted on a buckle,
whloh can be used either as a collar re
tainer or a belt buckle.
Instead of th simple little linger ring
that was one th popular fad, a massive
ring with huge setting Is now th accepted
style. Very large stones are being used
both In brooches and pendants. Tur
quoise, set In combination with fresh water
pearls and eorala, mounted In green and
gold and surrounded with pearls, are
equally fashionable. Amethysts, topas and
acquamarines are found in all kinds of
fancy Jewelry. The new bark combe are
shown In a variety of styles, but are very
elaborate with stones and brilliants.
Kw FMtweas thovrs More Rlaatlr
Shapes Than that of tbe
Notwithstanding all reporta to the con
trary, and they have been persistent
enough, patent leather la to be popular
above everything else In the way of fool
ware this season. Whether it is to be worn
for dress or stre t the natent finish takis
preference over other leathers and In proof
of this the shops are selling more of the
shlney finished shoes than of all other
kinds put together. The 1!)7 shoe Is a
much more pleasing model In every wuy
than the short, stubby dull things that
have been worn all winter. They are
more delicate and graceful while quite as
substantial. The longer vamp and higher
heel ara two of the pronounced features of
the spring models and the toe Is a happy
medium between the bmad and the nar
row models that have prevailed. The ox
ford even this early. Is selling In unpre
cedented numbers which may be due to the
mild weather but more likely to the vogue
of the spat which Is the smartest thing Im
aginable, made either of material like the
klrt or suit or of black, gray or some
other shade.
The preferred oxford fastens with broad
laces strung through two or three holes
and these eyelets are bound with metal,
corrugated to look like silk buttonholelng,
but much more durable than the silk.
The high Cuban or spike heel are tho
correct thing, the spike having taken the
place of the French heel for dress except
In the colored shoes or for the very drese
occasions. In the black shoe these spike
heels are of leather but In the tan and
colored, as the heel must match the shoe,
a covered wooden heel Is used. The Cuban
heel Is the correct thing for street wear.
The swing last, whether In the street or
the dress shoe Is much In evidence. The
tip Is rarely seen on tbe dress and Is by
no means general on the street shoe.
Almost any sort or color of gown may
be matched In shoes. In color. The suede
Is used principally and In these dressy
things the French heel appears entirely.
The daintiest and most delicate tints may
be matched In these dreas oxfords. The
colors will be used again In canvas this
season but these will naturally look and
be heavier than the suede. They will, for
the most part, have extension soles and
feather heels too.
The tan shoe Is certain to be a favorite
this season. It will be worn In the oxford
and the boot and will come In the medium
shgdes and russets rather than the very
light or the red browns. In other respects
the tan shoe will follow the same general
style as the black.
Little Comfort la Predicted for Those
Who Try the Latest
At last th rumors, so persistent for th
last year, that tho low bust, straight front
corset Is passing begin to take tangible
form, and the correct model for 19"7 shows
unmistakable tendency to the high bust
and "wasp" waist. The straight front Is
not entirely eradicated In the new model,
however. The tapering of the waist ox
tends down over the abdomen, with a long
effect, that, whllo a decided contraction
of the pusslng ample garment, still leaves
some breathing space. The fullness abovo
the waist has also been reduced to a
snuggur fit, that at once ruises the bust
and materially restricts the breathing pro
cess. As a result the woman who ran
entirely eliminate comfort from the merits
of a garment would doubtless pronounce
It graceful. Coutll and batiste, In white,
have preference over all other materials,
even In the more expensive corsets. The
materials are at once cool and strong, hold
ing their own and offering no obstacle to
the use of the flimsy, lacey lingerie under
wear so generally prevalent.
Now is tbe time to make your wants
known through The Bee Want Ad Page.
ftrw :
"Spreading Out"
That's what we are doing. After May 1st we occupy
the retire room, and with eleKant new fixture larger
stork, we will have one of the most complete Jewelry stores
In the state. We're determined to sell more goods than
ever this year.
Easter Elegance In Cut Glass
We are showing an vnuasal attractive stock in hand
some Cut Glass for table, use and decoration. We ara al
ways jileaeed to show our goods and quote prices.
Successors to Ilrown & Homhelm.
223 South Sixteenth Street,