0 8 THE OMAILV SUNDAY BEE: MARCH j?4, 1007." The In thl) IMPORTANT! The nvt Important point ef drm In your C A g-Jy,',, J utf't WALK - SHOES or OXFORDS CII RACTE ISTIC STYLES, that sell at sight s3 1 and s4 Qi ii rnr shit Sea our window at tha !l WALK-OVER SHOE ED. S. THOMPSON, The Walk-Over Shoe Man. Our Easter You know our reputation as dealers and makers of good and per fectly reliable watches perfect as to timekeeping Qualities, perfect as to workmanship satisfaction absolutely guaranteed and prices always moderate. Now, we will offer our large Easter trade one more Induce ment; namely, 1 One Five Dollar Chain Absolutely Free with every watch purchased In our store the coming week. We have Just received a large collection of STKKI.IXO SILVEK EASTKR NOVELTIES Vases, Paper Cutters, Book Marks, Pencil Holders, Pins, Ornaments, etc. All In latest and most artistic patterns and at prices to suit everybody. SPECIALLY IMPORTANT A very pretty and artistic collection of Danish and Dutch Strictly Hand Made Ornaments in Stiver Filigree. Mostly antique "patterns, but also some very neat examples of modern European art. Call In and look them .over. You will be delighted. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN.' EASTER GIFTS Rings, Brooches, Btlck Pins, Bracelets. Sterling Spoons .Book Marks, Manicure Pieces, Desk flecks. Fountain Pens, Desk Clocks, Hand Painted China any of these would make an appropriate gift. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler IS 16 Douglas Street. nt. BRADDURY, yj08 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA. .25c t"t Fills. .81 np ....$2.50 up CTrork.$2.CO up $2.00 np aper Sale WIT ins weeK moncing M o n d a y g and continuing all hs long as the pat- ast I will make big tions in first-class re- o "Wall Taper. Independent Pat tliis week. . .12V2 rpinest 50c Duplex and Two- I rxV . U !.: 1. onlyj. 25c Embossed Gilts, this week only, 12 XA$ Regular 10c Paper, this week only 5 It will pay you to inspect my stock before buying. I will save you money. Sam Newman (Successor to Henri A Kosters) 'Phone Doug. 43 109 SOUTH 14TH STREET The Best Set Teeth C? $5.00 C2 MATTHEWS Th Piinlcu Dtntiat Bom 4, Boahaa Blookt lata aad XXOf la ftUa Ore Trj Baee Oo. ' Phono Douglu 7tl. Cvea venlnga until o'clock. Sunday, tfuin It a. m. to I p. m. WASl I R L eedlnf I work B paci' H a I" Hp ineuf H Aij a hw a u f b 250 CTKD I a pair of OVER nd h ob km. iue tsi a 1 1 STORED I y Offering Dentist, Phone Dougl 18 Yar am lAtlon 1758 We make m specialty of metal and roofless plates. Painless work la all operations. Work guaranteed 10 rears. h All the grace, style, symetry and daintiness that maker, could possi ble conceive that would enhance 'the beauty of women', shoe, is repre sented in the fine assortment we of fer In Spring Footwear. Patent leather, for Easter 1, the dressiest and most tyllBh leather w, know about. Nothing can com pare with your Eater apparel like the shiny leather,. Our oxford, at 3.00, S3. SO and 14.00. are the best that money can produce. If you don't want patent leather then come here lust the same for we have the nevt spring stylos in all leather,. We are sole agent, for Hanan Son, and John Foster & Company, high grade women', shoe,. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Famam St. 0 WE ALWAYS HAYE V IV SPRINGS PHONES I22H69S CENTRALCOAL k AND COKE. CO. , 15 1 HARNEY STS IIKAITIKY VOIK LAWN WITH ft 1 M Easter Shoes for : Women 'M HI l I l llll HI i II ii - IrrlT li ilim iiiiiImii Umkm aA "xCC ... 2wC 5fJ . ..'OPEN MONDAY EVENING V 9 The Egg of Lent will soon be $ broken and out will step Sprlng W time with its full atmosphere of K freshness. The coming of this p event gives us the opportunity to N call attention to the fact, that for Easter Week we have made special $ preparation to supply the tables fH of Omaha with the choicest dell M cacles obtainable, Including HOT HOUSE K Tomatoes Oreen Onions New Asparagus New Beets New Carrots New Potatoes New Turnips KfTK Plant i cucumbers J Hparl T.pttuce fiS French Artichokes R Fresh Pplnacli "aullflower Radlshrs Our Meat Market wllp be well supplied with Spring Lamb nnd thn choicest of all kinds and cuts of Cornfed Peef. MONDAY'S) SPECIALS IK THIS DEPARTMENT. We offer 6.000 pounds Diamond C f j llama, per pnunu "o ?; ji 1.000 pounds Majestlr Usoon. Ib.l390 !5 2,000 pounds California Hams, lb.9?4c fN ... Si Specials m inner s Departments 8 lemons, per dozen loo ft 5 Gibson's Health Prunes, per lb 70 tj U Fancy Layer Mrs, per lb 14o V Navel Oranfres. per doien 15o K i"1 Florida Oranffes, per dozen aOo 1.' 4S-lb. sack of Courtney's "Dollar u Flour" $1.00 M i Courtney's Lunch (assorted F.j W cukes) 10o $ S '. .... ... t . r': 1 PI. IOUKIHH "'I "1 JUUl I'iflBiri .. dinner, thereby making a saving to the family purse, by Renin at this , Pure Food Center "Better Things to A Kat for Less Money. Seventeenth and Douglas Tel. Dougrlai 647 Private Exchange connects all Depts. nprw Mnn v Fvriviivn H VI Llll IllUllUil A uililllliu fi FOR MEN If you want to wear them for Easter you must get them this week. If you want the smartest sprint styles, the correct and fashionable shoe, you will find them at this store. Shoes and Oxford Ties In every correct style, every proper hape, every fashionable leather. $3.50, $5 FRY SHOE CO. THE 8IOIBI 16A and Douglas Streets Great Hall Price Sale EASTER GOODS All the latest productons attractive, clever up-to-date novelties that are sure to please you. -Everything Must be cleared out. Regular 10c Rabbits, Chicks, etc., in natural shapes und colors, at. ... t 5 Regular 25c novelties, mounted on cards, very pretty, at jo Postal Cards, Crosea. eto . lc. 2c. 3e an.!. . ... . .3 OUt IltOX AMI W1KK 1'KXl'H, ii OMASA'S PUSH TOOO CXVTEB 9 V sS:t f ,Wi k few 1 $ Trellises and Arbors for vine, flower gtiimU, chairtt, sets, vases, tree guard, hltehing Mi-t, window guardu, barn fixtures and rbiekeu fence. C 1 1 'A MPION PENCE COMPANY. 611 South 16ta Street. TL Douglaa 1590, Send for Catalog-ne, T."-c' Jr '. -risi? ACORN GAS RANGES Positively the only Gas Stove on which the user YOU' the fellow who pays the gas bill has control of the pressure on each burner. Do you know how much gas this will save yoti? We can show you in five minutes and you will admit this to be the greatest improvement ever made in gas stoves. Sold for cash or payments. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO., 2407-9 Cuming St. "If You Buy It of Hussie, It's Right." v Easter Novelties in Men's Wear Ties and Handkerchiefs to Match. Largest and finest assortment of Shirts ever shown. Best selected stock Neckwear, 50c up. Hosiery, new lines just received, 25c, 50e and up. New line of Canes. New line of Gloves. The Washable Chamois Glove. State agents for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Underwear and Dr. Delmel's Linen Underwear. Albert Cahn Shirt maker Wlf 1322 Farnam Street jrj-flL, iTUffTlBT ihTlisWWsTmwiTMisMBsj (Imaw J. WiaWPB TO This Is your opportun ity to make the trip to Ban Francisco, Los An geles, Ban Diego and many other points in California at Just halt the regular fare. EVERY DAY To April low one-way colonist rates will be In effect to the above points. These tickets are good In tour ist sleeping cars and of fer the advantages of the Excellent Through vu Union Far full Information . Inquire at City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam St PKOaa OOUOLAS 334 aiiul..ii,.iuMU...TPl,flr.l1TTniV. giii m in 11 ifaaaza The Great Majestic The only range in tho world mndo of genuine. Charcoal Iron. None of the cheap Bessemer steel used in this Vange. You know how quickly the Bessemer stctl rusts out. Unit oil States government experts pay in report just issued that genuine Charcoal Iron lasts five times as long. Others will have to come to it soon. AVe have it now. Cash or pajTiients. I caiirip All Y SHIRT BUT CAHN'5 (i j 30, 1907 Train Service Pacific w. rasa Best Showing of You'll Find the Best Assortments Here Li 0 Ail THE RELIABLE 3TRE You Shoot Straight to the Mark when you demand Hart, Schaff ner & Marx Clothes, ns tho best, the clothes you want, Tail ored Kight, Fit Kight, Material Kight, Price Kight; what more can you ask? It's not a ques tion of how low a price, it's how high a quality can we sell you nt tho price, that's the consider ation here. That's the reason we handle Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored clothing; we know they're up to and he yond the standard of ready-to-wear clothing shown elsewhere at the prices. Suits $12.50, $15, $18, $20. $22.50, $25 up to $32.50 Cravenette Rain Coats $12.50, $15, $18, up to $25 Top Coats $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 A Few Special Furniture Bargains Many others of equal merit shown in Monday', Suie. No place In Omaha will you find more complete assortments. No plar will you find quality so high at equally low prices and the advantages of oui perfect Credit System are offered to all. Bay Monday at These Saving Prices Rocker like cut, hard maple frame, reed seat and back, broad, flat arm, and very Btronply built, speclal.2.50 Same Rocker with out arm, $2.75 val ue, special . .$1.05 FEE OUR COMPLETE IJXE OF LAWN FURNITURE Sanitary Steel Couch and Davenport, like cut, 16.85 to $7.50 value else where, special price Monday $3.95 rnmnlptn line of best makes in GO Carts; every style imaginable shown at $1.95 up to $25.00. Go Cart like cut a beauty and unmatched value, Monday at $13.25 Speca Rug Bargains-Monday rJ That we lead in variety of showings tlnd low prices is voucnea for by all who view our display. Tho business last month in this rWirtment was almost double that of a year ago. Wo expect to keep up the record by offering $5 Axminster Rugs. 36x72 slie, spe cial sale price $2.98 $2.50 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 slie, sale price $1.49 $2.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 size, sale price $1.19 $1.50 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 size, sale price 95J $1.50 Smyrna Rugs, 30x60 size, sale price 98 $13.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x11 size, sale price $10.00 i w GOOD DENTISTRY la the kind you get If you nave jour teeth fixed at Taft's. We use only the best materials, and every dentist is a graduate and ex perienced In all kinds of work. Killings 755eU, Crowns 500 TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1817 loulss atreat. tattJ m THEY'RE ALWAYS RIGHT Made of the BEST f. Ii. Rice Mercantile Cigar Spring Clothing You'll Find Best Quality and Style Here ILbiiUU mm Copyright 1907 bjr Hart Srhffner is! Marx Pay Later if You Wish It's Easy tiling 1 Kitchen Cabinets see our new line. Cabinet like cut,, hard maple, very strong, golden finish, two flour bins, 2 drawers, mix ing board and meat board, J 5.8 5 value, special Monday 3.05 Others ranging In price up to .$27.50 Extension Table, like cut, solid oalc, 44-in. top, 4li-ln. leg, fine golden finish, $11.50 value $7.93 $2.95 Iron Beds, like cut, made veirj strong, corners in white or green omtl all nlzns. Mondav. . . 81 splendid Price Savings are an as- eulcu System makes payment easy. best qualities at lowest prices. $16.60 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x1$ size, sale price $12.95 $2 5.00 Axminster Rugs, new patterns, 9x12 size, special $19.00 $10.00 Kashmir Reversible Rukh. fast colors, 9x9 size, at $7.98 $3.00 Art Squares,. 6x9 size, sale price $2.2 12V4c Extension Curtain Rods. -...7? Manufacturer's samples of Ingrain Carpets, 3 6x38 size, worth 75c, sale price -19 250 Dandy liug Boaters 10 BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Third Floor, Paxiort BU Highest Grade Dentistry HOTELS. PARK HOTEL!!,'rl"', PrfcetlcsJly Srsproof. Durlnc ths ml summer entirely rvnttsd unci ducor,td hot and cold running water In every rauu American and fc-urone,n plur J. K. KATB, Lease ajid Muifil , I HAVANA TOBACCO, Co., Mauufactorer,, St. Ltouls. to Mil EM A -7