CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trading Very Liebt and lull MukeV With Fr o i IrendiDj Ltwer. EXTREME WEAKNESS DISPLAYED IN OATS Apathy Amoi Hhrat Traders to Await Effect ol Weather O'oadl lion la loalhnml Ipon Urowloa; Crop. OMAHA, March 23, 197. Trading iru veiy light and resulted In n extremely dull ana quiet market, with an easier tunc In evidence. WeaKii.-ss waj mururtsl In turn and oats, severe pressure belli brouant to bear upon oats, whlcn tli. Bd inucn lower. Denials and amrmatlona were received in number as to the crop damage from green bugs and hot winds In the uulliweil and tlie market waa unsettled, but with a beurlHti feeling predominating. Large Aus traiian wl.eut snipiiient. were raported and had an unfavorable Influence, and priced uecllned hc, but the done was firmer, with a recovery of c. July option cloned at the loiv point. Corn was weak, ax cables came much lower, the export demand being very poor. Itecelpla were large, but not as heavy as expected, and there was considerable pres sure to aell. options In May corn declined to 4m,c aaaed, a Iohs of c lor the day, anu tne general Impression seems to be for a lower range of prices. Scattered selling by commission houses caused a sharp reaction of Vjc In oats and the market met wuh little support. The cash demand Is flow and large icclpls was the principal cause for thu slump in prices. The close wan weak at 4"c asked for the May crop and eveji lower prices are ex pected. i'rlmary wheat receipts were bft.lf) bush els and shipments :K;:,(M) bushels, against receipts last yeir of :i:,t bushels and hlpments of biiNliel. l orn receipts Were ISrtMou bii.inels and shipments 34o,iioo bushels and shipments of isf.,oou bushels last year. c learances were BKi.SJO bushels corn, 25,i"ai bushels oats and wheat and Hour to il, till bushels. Liverpool closed Hd lower on wheat and irn !d lower on corn. ljcdl range ct options: THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24. 1007. March, Ittcl; May, fia 4',-rJ; July. steady e J74d. CdliS Spot. American mixed, new. easy at 4s V.d : American mired nl.1 nnlet t i. rutures, qub-t; March. 4sl'od. May. 4s 4s 4Sd SEW YORK, t.F.JEHAL MARKET laotatloas oa Varlnns of the pay Comnaod I ties. TORK. March ZC-FT,Ot'n-Re- 10,871 bbls: exports, 26,23 bbls.; with a light Inquiry. Minnesota UliKM.t.'- winter Irnii7ht i.l .tV, S"; Minnesota bakers. Ll.X,iin.;o: winter extra, U-tfaZ-'X); winter patents. 1I.'hii I 85; winter low grades, ti. etuUHO. live Hour, steady: fair to good. U.'i U3.K): choice rancy, H.Ky4.iv. NETW CeJp'.s, steady. patents, to Fine white and yel H.uou'llO; kiln dried. Articles. Open. Hli?h.. I-ow. Close. Yes'y. I I I I May... I C14A fiOHAI 6!HA1 fi), 69HA July... 7lSA 7iA "OS A "OSA 7o.U Com - M.iy... 41'4A 414jA 41 It, A 4IVtA 41HA July... 4""A 4fi"'A 4"A 4oi$A nAk Sept... 41SA 41A 411A 41VA 414,B Cats - I May... 41tll 41'Ai4uSA 4eAA 4U.M July... aiU aT'aA 87SA 3TV,U V,U A asked. 3 bid. OtiMhs Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 6Kjj6M,c; K0. 3 hard, t 4,c; Nu. 4 hard, t'u04c; No. 3 spring, booi bljC. CORX-No, 3, 8Sc; No. 4, 3&ij36c; no grade, "il3c; No. 3 yellow, Si'ie;' No. I white, 4oc. OA TB No. 3 mixed, 3ii).3!c ; No. 3 white, 4tc; No. 4 white, 34c. ItYii-No. 2, 6iVc; No. 3. &sc. Carlot Iteceipta. Chicago 14 M 253 Kansas City 83 39 g tnneapolls 200 .maha 21 38 63 luluth 137 bt. LxiUls 63 loS fu CHICAGO CBAI1 AMI. PROVISIONS Features of the Trading- and Closlnw Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, March 23. A sharp decllno In Wull street securities caused weakness to day In the local grain market. At the close wheat for May delivery was orf 'w He Corn was down Viie. Oats showed a loss of c Provisions were Vo lower to 2c to 60 higher. Bentlment In the wheat pit was bearUh 11 day, although at times the market ex perienced moderate rallies on coveting by shorts. The selling was mainly by put traders and longs and was Induced chiefly by the demonstrated condition of the stock market. Ylces, however, were Influenced to some extent by poor response made by the IJverpool market to the advance hero Jsterday. A large number of damuge reports were received from the southwest, but traders were dluposed to view these dispatches with more equanimity than they did similar advices earlier In the week. A report which said seeding of spring wheat would begin next week in South Lakota seemed to Inspire some selling. The market closed weak. May opened un charged to Ho lower, at 7t'?c to 7ti.e, sold off to 754 'HSe, closed at 7iVt76c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 2H3.UU) bu. I'rlmary receipts were 606,000 bu., compared with 3!0,(Kiu bu. for the samo time a yeur ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 361 cars, afralnst 412 cars lust week and 418 cars one year ugo. The corn market was weak on free sell ing by a lending holder. There was also quite active Belling by shlpix-rn, which was sld to have been due to slowness of shipping demand. It Is claimed that east ern buyers ate holding off for extremely warm weather, which, It Is thought, may Injure the grain. A sharp decline at Liver pool was a actor at the start. The mar ket closed weak. May corn opened Vc to c lower, at 46o to 457c, sold off to 46e and closed at 4rVu46:e. Ixical receipts were 348 cars, with none of contract grade. The weakness of corn had a depressing effect 011 oats, but prices sustained only slight losses. Local receipts seem to bo on the Increase, and this heled to weaken the market. The volume of trading wa, small. May oats opened Vtf'io to yti'-Se lower, at 41Vtfj41So, sold between 41Vf 41tM11iC and closed at 41tf41Sc. Local receipts were 253 cars. Provisions were dull. Lard was firm on buying by shorts, but pork and ribs were barely steady. At the close May pork was off 2Vc, at Lnr.i was up 24'nOe at ti .77. Itlbs were a shade lower, at S3 60, Estimated receipts for Monday are Wheat. 34 cars; corn, 4tH cars; oats 361 cars; hogs, c,D head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Oien. Hlgh. Low. j Close.; Yes'y. CORNMEAL-Cjiilnt low, SI; course W H fiAT Receipts 34,000 bu. ; exports, 6.470 bu. ; sales, 2,JJ,V0 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. tt'li; elevator; No, 2 red. Me, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Luluth, t!c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red, elc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, Shc, f. o. b. afloat. After a rather severe opening break, due to easy cables arid a promise of bearlsn statistics on Monday, wheat recovered and was steady for the balance of the forenoon on hot weather and bug news, closing til ".c net lower. May, 84'',4V:; closed, kc; July, 84Sfit4V; closed, Sc. Sep tember, M84.4jc; closed, 840. CORN Kaceipts, 14..2uo bu.; exports, 1.15. 366 bu. Spot, steady. No. 2, 67c, elevator, and 62ic, t. o. b. afloat: No. 2 white, 66a, and No. 2 yellow, 6.,'xc, f. o. b. afloat. Op tion market waa lower on fears of Increased receipts and weak cables, closing "c down. May, S'u63c; closed, txiSc; July Closed, 6.V-4C OATS Receipts. 136.000 bu.: exports, 26, 639 bu. Spot, steady; mixed, l'u02 lbs., 47c; natural white, 30ii33 lbs., 4S'0Oc: clipped white, KnO lbs., 4!M63c. HAY Steady; shipping, Si'.tvy.0O; good to Choice, SU.ooii 12.00. HOl'8 Steady; state, common to choice. lWsi crop. 18'a'ilc; 1!6 crop, 8u'llc; Pacific coast, VJH crop. 11'uUc; 19D6 crop. a'i:c. HIDES Steady. Galveston, lbs, nominal; California, Z1'8 25 lbs., nominal; Texns dry, 24u'0 lbs., nominal. LKATH ER Steady. Acid, ;T7t432Pc. PROVISIONS l.eef, steady; family, S14 tWulVrt.; mess, S9.6on0.00; beef hams. Xa.tXHiiX.W; packet leef. til OWi 1 1.50; city extra India mess. SSu.OiaCl.'S). Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, S10.5o-.M2 00; pickled hams, Il.6ftl12.0u. I-ard, firm; western prime, S-S9'y9'i: refined, steadv; continent, 19 55 ; 8. A., S10.50; compound, ts a.y8.HV Iosk, steady; family. SI!' OnWiT); Bhort clear. Sn SOdlR 26; mess. S17.6iV,j 1S.25. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2S''itiV,c. Japan, nominal. TALIOW Steady; city i$2 per package), 6c; country (packages free), tlW-riTc. RCTTKR- Firm; street price, extra creamery, 30H231o. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 22aj5cc; held, com mon to extra, 21'jWic; state dairy, common to flneM. 21'o3ec; renovated, common to extra, lWij-'Sc; western fuctorv. common to nrsts, 19 d 214c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 2i27c. E(GS flieady: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 22c; good to choice, 2c; brown and mixed ex tra livd'.'tc. Mists to extra firsts. 1HQ1V; western llrsts. 17,'ail8o; official price. 18"c: s-conds. lTVi-Tr Ific. . C1IEES1-7 Firm; s'ate, full cream, col ored, email. October best, 14'314Hc; state, white, 13rauv,c; state, good to piime, 13() 134e; winter made average best. 134c; large September fancy, W,c; state October best, 1314iic; state good to prime. 12i,8'13lc; Inferiors, 11Vu12c; state, full cream, mnall September fancy, 16c; state white, 14o. POULTRY Live, quiet; western chickens, l'f12c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 13c; dressed, firm; turkeys, 12(tfl6c; fowls, lltflSc. St. I.onls Ueneral Market. ST. LOI7I8, March 23.-WHEATWenl. higher; track No. 2 red cash. 2 nard, 73'8i5'4c; May, 76v cash 7s.c: No, July, 76Tc, CORN Ixwer; track No. No. 2 white. 4t'a46!c; May, 44So. OATS Lower; track No. t cash. 41fc41Uc: 2 cash, Vu-44c; 44Hc; July, white, 4K(4t;lc; May, 4o4c; July, FZ 7777 4)'-M77vt"-S77s'"-t ?! "6-,; 77-V 78 7hH 46,1 I 5'4 464 XTS 46S 46-S! ii Pi 45S 6V 15 70 16 60 t 75 i 77, 3 16 70 15 86 I 80 8 l7H, 41n 41W- 41 30l 37 StiVi37 8:' SJViU0! S 2h! 8 7! s i.'s. wt, 8 S-S, 8 (io I st: 15 60 16 7a 8 76 8 77 H Vit 8 n 8 70 8 S"( IS 62 li 40 8 77' 8 b7 k 7 8 60 8 7.' S SO I 16 06 16 76 S 76 $ 82 S Kti 8 62 8 72 8 kO Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Bept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Bept. Ribs May July Sept. No. t Cash quotations were ns follows: ... , Quiet and easy; wintur patents, S-l lii.t.4y; winter straights, $3 15: sprli.u patents. 3.S spring strjishts. llh.Al-.D. 2 Hrl:-t!, H"!CS4c; No. I "ro'iK-'--V1'"-'- reJ. 7fji;4c. 64o ' Sa i yellow. 44 No'Vwh.; Nd ' whn- RYE No. 2 tifc. ' v., stem. tLilu i.rlm llmothv. S"ls. Clover, contract gride, 14 7S l'P.oVISIoNS-Shcri. iu "h.j,., (i00se) fv.S ni. .Mess ,M,!k. per gin -k. . ?f f V Kursv -u-,'7our.rr'a,(:rat:re,pu nj -wp- n ,r tbl. 8M V. K it. bu 13,M) .'ii. bu 4;,:, m xTv-,; Jtaiiey. bu 7,:w U'iv IMi the l'roduce exchange today the butter inariii'l Was Urm: creameries. If'f'.c, 'allies. :,(,. 7c. l.gss. Hi :n : at man,, ea.os Included. liijj!Te; ilrst. W; prune Ilrsis l',.i'. ."hetse, easy, Wwli.'jO. Peoria firnln MarUrt. . I.?;RI' 5Ur'" a 'ORN-l.ower; No fV-: ' 1" Bra ,e. S.jj7c. OAl6-l.oer; No. 2 white He v . l I'e. 4J.i4iv,c; No. 4 wl lie. 4cc. ' JM-:-Flrm; No. ! n.,.. WHISUY-On lwrs ut .11.2s for finished goods. No. 2 86T4C. I LOUR 6teady; red winter patents, $3. CO 4i 3.80; extra fancy and straight, t3.2ofiT3.60: Clear. Sll.tkVy 2 .85. SEED Timothy steady at t3.75a-l.15. CORN MEAL Steady at S2.40. URAN-tea3y; sacked, east track. S1.00. HAY Steady; timothy, tl3.0tJf 19.60; prairie. flO 00ft 13.00. I RON COTTON TIES-tt.10. H A G ( I N 1 1 1 s c. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISION'S Pork, steady; Jobbing, Slti-SJ. Lflrd, higher; prime steam, S8.56. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra Shorts, S 12; clear rllw, 19.37; short clears, S9 6.'. llucou, steady; boxed extra shorts, tl0.12: clear ribs, tlO.25; short clears, S10.50. POULTRY-Steady; chickens, He; springs, 13c: turkeys, 11c; ducks, 13c; geese, Sc. HUTTER-Steady; creamery, 22ii31c; dalrv, 2iy-,6c. EdfJS Firm, 16c. Follow-lng were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.O0O 8 00 Wheat, bu 6tt,oi Ss.tOO Corn, bu 1'tf.OoO liti.mO Oats, bu so.oco 71,000 Kansas City firsls and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 23.-WHEAT-May, t,9-Sc; July, 70c; September, 71c; cbhIi, No. 2 hard. 704u73c; No. 3. 66Uy 72V; No. 2 red, 744j7!c; No. 8, 67'a73c. CORN May, 4o4c; July, 41ic; September, 41e: cash, No. 2 mixed, 40Vi4Oc; No. 3 4W(i40W4c; No. 2 white, 4-'c; No 3. 42c. OATS-No. 2 white, 412c; No. 2 mixed 41fij-l-c. RYE Steady, evg-c, HAY Steady: choice timothy, J14.50 15.(0; choice prairie, Sll.261j12.00. lU'TTER Creamery, 29c; packing. 2oc. FOGS Weak; firsts, lne. Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu S'.O'O 80.U0O Corn, bu U0 27, Oats, bu 7,000 14.0U0 Roard of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Amtricta foecrities teclioti in Wall Street and European Boiriei. CANADIAN PACIF.C LEADS THE BREAK It Drops l ight Points nmj Hills and Harrlnians Show Losses Atcrsilsg Over Fire Points (lose Is Irrranlar. 1l?ZJORP- Tarrh a--curltie. mar ",r,'lnU inLurcpo were violently ag- ili'. rir'T'?', "1d.,the '1,'n' I" American reurlties forced the averaao level of ,!,.,. within niMs.iral.le distance of that touclud to assign the In the demrr.!iin .i , ' 1 l-,a. 1 , ,,,B oj iiursoay or 1 last week. Forn muior. w, .. ! ., - - - - . uisi'pru di)m naru lnflnnn,.A . .t... ;. Uiuloii t,. - .... . '. "- wnuiiin or tne INew V. rU stock markei. The point on which fears of coiuwquences frcm the condition converged however, was London. This Is owing to tne necessity of pr,vi(,lnl. tnere f V tori. nightly stojek market settlement on Monday "r "enieiiMNita in truit v uiq occasion lor Commodity. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat- I I I May 69il 69V69'.V6V'A. July 71 71 70V70V3: Corn I May 4Kt 40 S9H' 4oiA July 1V 411 4141vtB A asked. B bid. Minneapolis Groin Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 23. WHEAT Slav, 77i'77; July. 79c; September, 7'(lT7fiSc; No. 1 hard, 80o; No. 1 northern, 79'c; No. 2 northern, hV45j77c; No. 2 northern, 76 76c. FLOL'R First patents, 841o(fH.25: second patents, l.'Kii4 10; first clears, S3.2dja3ao; second clears, S2.40"2.60. BRAN In bulk. S17.0u17.. Mlliranbee Urals Market. MILWAUKEE, March 3. - WHEAT -Steady; No. 1 northern, 816l'c; No. 2 northern, 7V'n83c. RYE Steudy; No. 1, 69c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 71ffT2n. CORN Lower; No. I cash. 4-w42c. Philndelphla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Mireb. a. EGGS -Firm, good deinund; western fresh, l!c at mirk. CHEESE-Flrni demand; New York full crta:ns, fancy, 141j14-"4c; choice 14c. Liverpool t.ralu aBt !'rllon. LlVEKItXtU March 27.-WHLAT-Sp..t s'o. t red wesrern winter. at 'up . 1 CalUwi-ula, uK-t at it iX Puiuiis.' Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, March 23. SEE D Clover, rush. W.76: March. fo.7S; October, Stl-77. Timothy, S2 10. Alsike, S7.40. Emporslril Apples and Pried Frntfa. NEW YORK. March 23 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet and rather easy In tone owing: to the lack cf de-rn-inJ; fancy quoted at Si(ie; choice, 7;ue: prline. KuHo. CALIFORNIA KHIED FRUITS-PrunfS are witlmut change. quontu,ns ranl:.g Ironi 3c to 6c for Oalltor.iia fruit, and from tc to 10c for Or. ton. Ppil cots are turn with choice quote.l at lkc; extra choice. IUVjIsc; fancy, ij i:oc. Peaches are In better demand at th recent decline and prices are now steady. Choice ir Quoted at lMjll'c; extra choice. 12'al2c; fancy. 12-.jU!V; extra fancy. 13u:5c. Raisins are generally fi'it'i Irose muscatel are quoti-d at S4iiv stedid raisins, 74fllc; London layers $i. jt'ijl.fiO. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 23. COFFEE Mar Wet for 1 .1 tilts opened steady at an ad vance cf 5ali) pinit-i on covering of Eu ropean shorts and a little scattering de mand promoted by steady European cable sightly smuMcr Brazilian receipts and ru rno s that tho Ii6.uv.uc) vnl risatlon b an bid at last lieen arranged. Prices lin Wved somewhiit duilrg the session ar.d the close was steady at a net advance of 6l2' I'r'tlK. Bl.le were rrn.rlH,l "1 "Hi 'ncludlng: May ;-t J j.-.e at " . ji iv ut oj.ii-. 9oc: s. pt. nib. r at fi Vi I reCfinler at fi i-,..f y..,ef. . H..,ll" V.. T IJ .. -. . K. . . . . " "I ' w . - fill OH, & :iilln coffes, tudy, Corduva, Vj;V4--. baes. tr; 1:- . 1 '..! market ninklnir ool a,rAH bvCfh-' t?''U,er" and on'"' caused ment T T pHn"";" "" " l't aetllo nerit. The large interest of the London tlm ihL'U a:',H,Jlft, I'ocltlc accounted lor l.rv.H , P lr? t'"Ll "tocil v"lay- It aa h.,M.d tla1 lhat "" ntarket pool, which ra.Urf o m.l" .1 "t ock, " . - -, u.n nutraex ana a portion of the pools ho:.iiii. .-.i,, u,t,ii me marKet. The a" ,7 V points ami went rar lo demoralize the whole list. Tho Hill and Hax.-lman stocks also snowed losses of K rtla'SU'wai'.. A "U;'llr ind.lent of th rliJ,, T ,the "'i01"1 f ! money rates In Ijondon, and Berlin. There waa no urgent demand for money Vre elfher The bank statement, however, was cUsapiwItrt- L"l!nbmVn,8tl'W',n? kg" lhHn the ex',iec ed gain In cash and less than the expected ... .... . unnius or ll),Oll.(l ty largest bank alone largely affected fi.'"B,.'U'tltaM' a" ,he 'J banks . ,,, coiiiracrion. Heavy f-ro.J " ' f "K1 '',0 reported between "-in-is uoroaa, susgestlng '""S"! iimraers 11. ere fi r MERCANTILE PAPFJl t'j the port of New York for the week ending today were tl.oM.4J silver, and S-iv goid. evr York Money Market. NEW YORK March ?3-MONEY-On rail, nnminnl; time loans, dull and stercly sixty days, e per rent: ninety days and six months, B r r cent bid. PRIME per cent. PTKRI.ING EXCHANGE Firm, with tual business in bankers bills at 4 K7'if 4 so for demand and at S4 79o4 7910 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, S S"S4 74; coi n-rr.-lal bills, SI 7S Vff4.7. SILVER Bar, tc; Mexican dollars, 51.c. BONDS Government, easy. Closing quotations on bonds follows: . ,1't! IJapan Ss (W14 . .l"T.;Ja t!s. 2d serls. 99 .!(.)! "do 4s ctfs so .liM. do 4s ctfs Mi uo snries... ..103 L. N. util. 4s. -1X"'4 Man. c. 4s.... OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ebow ConaidpfAiilt) Decline for tbe steady; railroad. wers as ..l.r, . . ; ..l'l .. P9 L. B. r 2 re.. do couiKin .... V S. Ss. reg.... do coupon ..fl V. S o. 4s reg. do coupon .... U S. n. 4s, reg. do coupr.n Am. Tobacco 4s do fis Atchison g. 4s.. do adj. 4s Atlantic C. U 4s Bal. Ohio 4.s. do 8s A. C. L. 4s Hal. & Ohio 4s. do 3 B R. T. c. 4s. 1n of Oa. 6s do 1st Inc.. do 2d Inc.... do 3 1 l:ic Ches. & O 49. ..1 C. & A. 3s -.), C, B. O n. 4s. ! 4s.. 7oV HS L. B C oo I. eS, S. A Colo. M-d -Is... I Colo. So. 4s. I Cuba 6s , L & R. G. 4s.. Ms. Sec. f.s 1 Er ie p. 1. 4h. ... do gen. 4s Hock. Val 4H.tUA-4 Offered. -Bid. HOGS SAME NOTCH". S AS YESTERDAY Sheep and I.aiaba Folly teaa Today, bot Mostly Fifteen to Tneaty Fire tents Lower lor the Week. SOUTH OMAHA, March 21. 1 7. M 97 19 21 S9 96 M was large pro- were thus 1 C. R. 1 A: I stock broke do col. as.. l i e. s 76 68 49 9 R2 Mex. Central 4s. do 1st Inc .V1 St. L. 4s. M . K. A T. 4s... do ?s 9vV N It R nf M e is Icl .' N. Y. C. ft. 31,9... 9V . fc 'N. J. C. K 6s 1J3 . 91 No. Pacific 4s leo .l'V' do 3s 70 . 9-1 N. & W. c. 4s.... 98 . S3 !o S. L. r. 4s 89 .l' Ponn. c. .19 9f Reading g 4s 9;4 S.L. I M. c. 6s.. BO S L. & S F. fg. 4s 78 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s 74 U. A. L. 4s 77 So. Pacific 4 K do 1st 4s ctfs... 91 Po. Railway 6s... 110 Texas & P. Is... i; T . S. L. W. 4s 81 Union Pacific 4s. li"i I ' S. S. 2d 6s 9i Wabash Is Ill do deh. B Hi Western M l. 4s.. 7ti 9-i:, nv. L. E. 4s... SO M Wis. Central 4s.. SGi : Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .., Ofncinl Wednesday Onidal Thuisdav .., 'Om-ml Frld.iv .Oillclal Saturday .. Cattle. Hog". Sheep. b.J:U 4,S'l 4.9;w 1.S67 240 4. Us 13.019 13. JS! 13. -.24 t.9.i 6.600 M.13 7.r..'9 6.771 2.174 1.2iJ 4iTrV: good to choice yearlings, lamb we-chta. ! .HyC fv fair o o,.d vearllims. heavywelshis. Sh rt-1H 3': fidr to gcod year. IU1L.-9. liesivywriKhta. t. CM- op; good t( choice old wethers. (V.ii 15; fair M g.d old wether. S6 7 J ' r S in: good to choice ewes, ff .fn6 9"; fair to good ewes. S3 unuo.40. 7 90 9: 9T the the re- m.we- dlf- 1 i "i euirvi 1 tx. unwn r, 'Ph. lie.).. . et. rosnone,r7v.rreda'll J-. !? "t rallied some stocks "from "theTowV ? but he market clost-d fever.shly Irregular L i8' res'"ered. have decline,! . tho old 4s have advanced and the new The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchn,V. lru-ea on . roreigr. exchange moved i..n,i.r, in Inls( market. uiiunjt Wholly Hostort storks and Itonds. BOSTON, March 23-Call loans (Mrs This week 23.473 6S.779 63.728 Same days last week 26.0" f3,4"l L6.7Sti Sari'.e days t weeks ago. .21.101 ;-9.'J5 37 119 Sime days 3 weeks ago. .19.9 S 61,7.. 44 31 Sania days 4 weeks ago.. 23.743 59.3 41 7W Same w eek last yeai ... .21,771 6J.U16 te.oSO Tlie following table thows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 11XI7. 1. Inc. Lee. Cattle I'a.5S 2Jv9i? S4,9;9 Ho 6S9.623 6JJ.323 3.t Sheep 431,773 4uo,3!7 Sl.iWli CATTLE gLOTAilONS. Good to choice corn-fed steers a.2Tvfl'.).70 Fair to rood coinfe.l sreera 4 s uii 2i iCoiiunon to fair steers 4AOy4.nO Good to choice fed cows S.otoj-1 60 I Pair to good cows and heifers S.:oj3.60 i l uminun io lair ioe,s and heifers.. 2.'" u I -'" , Oood to choice stockers & feeders.. 4.Xu4.SO ra'r to goud stockers and feedeis.. 3fOu 2o ; otiunon to tair Blockers 3 "c'o.H ") Bulls, stags, etc 2.7;..4.40 Veal ca.ves 4.von) 50 The following table snows th average price oi iioga at South Omaha tor the laat several uays, with comparisons: ClIICAfiO IIVK STOCK MAIIKET Cattle and heep tendy llosja Weak and I. oner. CHICAGO. March 23. CATTLE- -Receipts. 3 0t head; market steady; beeves lt"',-i 7'i; cows, tl "V414 76: hlfers. S: 4Jf.; cnlvps, SS 6,1. good to prime sreers. 6 .V tiii 70; poor io medium. S4.OtiuS.3e; stockers and feeders, t2.76icl.75. HOGS-Receipts. 17 0jo hra.l; market ""lit and .V lower; light. tW--V-!" mlx-d. t 2esii 4;-; h.nvv. $ pk-i;s:; rough heavy, S'l.t'iSr .?: rgs, $.',.7,v,,;.ai., good to choice heavy, ti; .l .(iii (n SHEEP AXli LAMBS Receipts. 2.r0 head mnt ket ste-idv; natives. t '! 2: western. Iiivi6;ii; vearllngs. Jai'a 7 .30; lainhs, S Ci'ilT.:'-'; western, $S O0j.f7.90. Knnsns 4 llr l ire t,.cW Market. KANSAS CITY. March 23. CATTLE rie- celpts. head. Including 2ii suillu rns tniuket steady; choice export and dress-'d ;l-eef st.-ers. S6. J.'-o5 J.".; fair to irood. H .iv.f western fed steers. S4 (!. ". 75; stockers I and feelers. S3.7Si'.Vii; southern stocker .steers, :i.76'(i6,2o; southern cows. $3.1-1 n native cows, SJ ."'M 1i; native heifers. t3 60 i6.i; bulls, 3 2 1(4.15; calves, l.t 76.ii 7 tK. Itecelpts lor the week. ftK,2iO head. 1RK1S Receipts. 4.0H0 head; market Iftr-ong to shade higher; top, f'SS: bulk of I sales. StJ I7iy . heavv, tH17v "- I pa.-kers. Kl.Va 22: pigs and llirhts. S5 iJ . 6.J.. Receipts for the week, ft-VW head SHEEP AND LA M HS Receipts, none; market nominally steadv; Hmb9. 17 1Wi7 av ewes and yenrlltigs.; western fed i yen lines, t'i-ootid. 75; w estern fed sheen. fci.oivjn,., stockers nnd feeders, S3.6,Vo6.2:i. ceni; time loans. t,y7 per cent, prl'-es on stocks and bonds were: Atchison adj. 4s.. 81 ICal. ft Hecla. . 4 4.S 'Centennial ... Mex Central 4s.. M 'Conner Rani?e per Official Atchison do pfd Pi. ton ft A... Boston Me. Boston Ele. .. Flichburg pfd Mex. Central N. Y. N. H. & L nlon Faeifl ... W, Hilly West ... 94 Franklin ,...2: Granl.y ...156 slp Roya'o .... 145 Mass. Mining .. ...131 'Michigan ... 19 Mohawk 11.178 ,Mont. C. C... lJ9'i Old Dominion . Sti.loii 1,4) 3i0 600 100 300 1,200 100 10.9"0 800 8.M0 1.01 10 10,9.) lo.o. ) 2"0 900 6, 9-JO 'iiiftiii 2si0 lao 2,4-10 port 4.20 10,400 100 4,90 100 4-10 1,D 3"0 1,600 2' 10 100 5yj 4.100 ll,4ii0 3) 2.5tO 1,000 l,2o0 100 100 Adams Express Amal. Coiper Am. C. A F... Am. C. & F. pfd.'.'" Am. Cotton Oil.. Am. Cotton Oil pfd!! Am. Express Am. H. & L. pfd!. ' American Ice Am. Linseed Oil..!.!! Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. & R Am. S. & R. pfd.!!!! Am. Sugar Refining. Am. Tobacco pfd ctf Anaconda Mln. Co... Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic C. L Bal. ft Ohio Bal. & Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific .... Central of N J Ches. & Ohio Chicago Ut. W Chicago & N. W C . M. & 8L P Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. & T. pfd. C. C, C. & St. L.... Colorado F. & I Colorado & So Colo. & So. 1st pfd... Colo. & So. 2d pfd... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products Corn Products pfd... Del. & Hudson Del., L. & W Denver & R. G D. & R. G. pfd Distillers' Sec Erie Erie 1st Pfd JT.rie 2d pfd Gen. Electric Illinois Central International Paper. Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd.... K. C. So K. C. So pfd Louisville & N Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. L M . St. P. ft S. S. M. M. 8. P.&S. S. M. pfd Missouri Pacific M . K. ft T M.. K. & T. pfd national Lena N. R. R. of M. N. Y. Central.. N. Y., O. ft W. Norfolk & W... N. ft VV. pfd..., No. American . Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania ., People s Gas .. P.. C. C. & St. Pressed 8. C Pressed 8. C. pfd Pullman Pal. Car Rending Reading 1st pfd.. Reo-dlng 2d pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd... Rock Island Co. . r. .. Rock Island Co. pfd. St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd St, L. S. W St. L. 8 W. pfd So. Pacific So. Pacitlc pfd So. Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee C. ft I.... Texas ft P T.. St. L. ft AV T.. St. U & W. pfd. Union l'aclilc Union Pacific pfd.. U. S. Express ino 8. Realty 3"0 B. Rubber I.) S. Rubber pfd.... 4"0 8. Steel Ufi.luO Sa'.es.High.Low.QlosA. 2is Am. Pneu. Tube. 7 Osceola 91 34 97 28 21 78 61 105 1174 106 121 9o 61 91 100 6 61 18o 170 89 13 143 1214 68 33 97 28 21 Vt 77 66 15 116 10J 119 90 60 K6 9;i 99 9-1 '49 155 170 3) 13 140 127 89 14 SS 96 28 80 2li0 21 77 if 60 105 117 103 119 89 ' 87 9:i Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. & T. Am. Woolen do pfd Edison Eleo. Mass. Elec do pfd Ma-ss. Gas .... United Fruit United S. M... do pfd U 8. Steel..., do pfd Adventure Allouez Amalgamated Atlantic Bingham Bid. .119 ..1J3 ..119 .. 28 II. Parrot Wulncy Shannon 'Tamarack ITrlnlty (United Copper . U. S. Mining.... !u. s. on I Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine . 34 North Butte ... . 9r Butte Coalition . 4 Nevada ..214 .. 15 .. 67 ,. 68 ,.1"S .. 60 28 .. 36 ,. SO ,. 17 ,. 19 ,.13 ,. 26 ,. . 15 ,. 87 .. 2 ,. 49 ,.110 ,. 23 .117 ,. IS ..118 ,. 2014 .. 62 . 63 . 10 .. 59 .. 8 ,. 9 .160 .. 8S . 29 14 Oil. ft Arizona. ,.14 89 Arizona Com. In Greene Con. 20'4i 23 23 London Closlnsr Stocks. LONDOK fare, 9? rM,-.olr nnnlaHnnl 94 I on "U! London Stock exchange: 87 ; Cons., money. .84 13-16 M., K. ft T 35 H.i un... LI II IC XT T- 1- . , .... o m-ib d. x. enirai ui 70 33 25 118 18 81 172 465 2S 73 68 24 69 i '" 144 139 14 76 200 19 pfd. L.. 200 400 8.300 3.5O0 '"800 5u0 6.3H0 6,0o0 700 1.100 200 10,900 200 1.000 'LtViO 600 73,0"0 2,400 2n) 2.4JO !! '"4V0 ..191.6U0 21 61 114 19 ioo 130 714 84 63 66 49 UK 36 76 '74" 25 120 SS ' 69 33 179 100 1.2"0 2o0 4,100 3o0 loo "wo IS.JOO 3, 500 4a0 1,2.)0 2u0 2io 141,200 U. U. u. u. u. 2f. 82 2..14 45 35 '60-' 79 '21" 72 138 2. 27 60 131 loo 77 46 li Steel pfd.. v .run. hem Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd Wabash Wabash pfd Wells-Faigo Ex Westing. Electric .. . Western Union W. ft L. E Wis Central Wis Central pfd Northern Pacitlc .... Central Lesither Central leather pfd. Sloss-S!. flield Sieel. Great Northern pfd.. Int. Metropolitan ... Int. Met. I'M 18.100 9' 20 40 l,3cO I.jO 100 40 12.600 1,2"0 2.0 7'0 8.1" 1.9 '00 102 13 26 79 11 17 121 39 94 71 137 '.i 24 67 70 31 26 116 18 61 170 400 28 71 67 23 68 36 143 136 14 76 19 "ii" 60 112 19 99 128 7o 33 63 65 4814 115 36 73 'is" 24 118 80 k 3J ioV 98 25 82 20 45 35 '48 76 '20 72 137 26 27 49 '4 124 ioo" 76 43 loo 331s 97 io2 13 23 ',4 79 11 17 lis" 28 94 49 132 23 W 4W. 157 44 165 3N 13 142 128 Vi 0 5 69 32 23 69 46 116 18 80 lil 458 2i 70 67 24 68 80 143 138 13 16 28 75 19 31 21 51 112 19 45 99 128 10 SI 62 64 4S 110 36 1 3 75 V3 24 11a 8t 89 82 91 18 99 80 80 2a 81 20 46 35 19 48 113 20"s 71 136 2b 28 49H4 1J9-, 86 I'O 16 43 loo 84 9. 28 101 13 23 224 149 '9 11 17 87 11 28 92 50 l:i3 24 do acct Anaconda 12 Norfolk ft W.. Atchison 91 do j.fd do pfd 99 Onrarlo & W... BilUmore ft O ... 98 Pennsylvania, .. Can. Pacific 107'i Rand Mines .... Ches. ft Ohio 4" Reading Chicago Gt. W... 1:180. Railway .... .137 I do pfd . 26 So. Pacitlc . 30 O. C. M. ft St. 1 Delieers D. ft R. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.... ! do 2d pfd , Illinois Central Ij.oUclllu .v- v ..24 .. 64 .. 44 ..148 ..119 77 85 . 37 . 64 . 6 . 5o . 21 . 77 . 18 .135 91 Date. I 1907. l0tt. 11906. 1904. 1903. 1802. 1901, March 13.1 C 63 16 121 4 801 I 7 24i 6 001 March 14.) 6 62 6 11 1 811 5 16; 7 28, 6 13j 6 16 """" "! 0 68 Ii 04! 4 f 1 16 2ol I t XJ, Aiart-h iii.i 48VI 6 0.1 4 941 6 15i 7 301 lol 6 21 Alarch 17.1 tt 11. 4 USI 6 041 7 101 171 4 20 , l -I s' rhl ' a Oil 0 04, March 19. 6 48 6 10 I 4 98 March 20. 6 39 17 6 OS, March 11. i ti rru it la s m 1 March 22. J 6 16 6 18, 6 ie.j 4 9i -" - 0 OJ 0 UI 4 Hi I ' l-n, 6 22 , 6 29 7 191 I 6 2! 7 33 8 2 7 3o 6 15l 5 2n 6 0J 15 13 7 44 B 03i a 16 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha S-i.'6u'.50 Chicago l.tsyi.70 Kansas City 2.76'l(i.26 St. Louis l.SIKyO.OO Sioux City 3.0041)6.76 ihe official numlxr of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. 6 Hogs. t6.126.J0 5.70 it.Ki.42 6. 00 'y;.25 6.10 (lli,35 6.10 U0.20 C, M. ft St. P... Missouri Paclrlc Union Pacific system. C. ft N. W., east C. ft N. V west C, St. P., M. & O C, B. ft Q., east C, B. ft Q., west C, R. 1. ft p., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western 10 6 33 5 4 10 2 2 4 84 Total receipts 10 84 6 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as lollows, each buyer purcliaslng the num ber of head indicated: Union Pacltic do pfd U. S. Steel 35 do pfd 102 Wabash 14 do pfd 28 Grund Trunk .... 28 SILVER Bar, steady, 30 5-16d per ounce. MONEY 2ii3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 64(5 per cent; for tnrte months' bills, 5i6 1-16 per cent. Boston Copper Market. These quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York and Boston DtocK exenangea, Ji Board or Trade: 4 Old nonunion 66 Oteeols 15V4 I'neu. Serrlce, pM. iW'i Qulnry 64 Shannon Tumarark 28 Tonn. Copper ii'i innltjr Omaha Packing Co... Swift und Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour ft Co F. P. Lewis... Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 653 3 1.1,3 1 l.S'i7 1,461 44 14 13 110 Total CATTLE While small as usual on 6,854 today 614 were has AdTentura Allouet Atlantio Bingham muck Mountain Boston Cunn..ildatGd. llutta Coalition .... I Calumrt tt Arizona. I Pal. ft I'lttnburg... I Copper Hanso . Eiiht huue Franklin Greene Copper Oranby - Ilflvatia ' U s. & Plttuburg.. atlrhlpan I Mohawk Nevada Consolidated North Butt com. pfd.. 160 I'll It. U Statea, bo 1 nlted Statea, 12 I'lah Coinolldated 19 t'Ub Copper S3 Vlitorla 1J5 Winona .... 3H Wolverine .. 2-1 (I. cananea N'lplnrlux 81 Nevada-Utah 14 -4 Cananea . . . . ,. 4 ..U0 ,. HI .117 .. 18 ,.i:n .. 3 . lu .. 34 .. 44 .. bi .. 2S .. ,. I ,.ieo .. s.; . u SV14 .. 26 31 receipts H. MHI.irHDV Ini. been a week of liberal cattle runn. thu ki being about on a par with trie previous weea, but larger than a year ago. At the beginning of the week prices were generally sieady and cattle continued sell ing In tne same notches as at the close of the week belore until Wednesday. On that day prices, undor the influence of large re ceipts ana weaker markets at all belling points began easing olf. By the close of the day trie decline was very notlceuuie, and on Thursday there was a very coris.d' eraule slump lu values. Altogether at tbe close of the wtek It is safe to quote the general market on lef .iuur 1 ....... , . . I mo1?! o ""i e" now lhen 6""uw,ug as i-ows and hellers have followed -j inutu 1:1 me same way . 10, me wees, opened New York Mining; torka. JNBW YORK, March 23.-Closlng ajota- tlons on mining Adams Con. .., Alice Breece 1 Brunswick Con, Comalock Tun. Horn Silver .... Iron Silver Leadviile Con. stocks were: .. 15 Llttlo Chief ... ..4bJ Ontario .. 26 Ophlr . 4j Potoul .. 21 Savage ..170 Sierra Nevada ..4.W Small Hopes .. .. 6 Standard .. 6 ..526 .. 80 .. 35 ..236 Oils and Rosin, NEW YORK, March 23. OILS-Cotton-accd, barely steady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, '((3:c; yellow, f. o. b. mills, 4oc. IVtrcleuin, linn; rerlr,ed, New Yoik, is.-i; Philadelphia and Baltimore, S8.15; In bulk, $4.7o. Turpentine, steady, 77VK'8c. KoSIN Steady ; sir allied, common to good, 4.4."-ti4.a0. OIL Clii, March 23.-GIL Credit bal ances. J1.78. Runs, lia,.s5:; bbla., average 1.1, 4ji bbls.; shipments, li9,lil bbls., aver i&c lCJi.l.'.l bbls. SAVANNAH. March 23. OIL Turpen tine, dull, 71c. ROSl.N rum to steady; A, B, C, S4 35 1 D, Si :-.; E, $1.35; r S14n; G. SI 4i; H. S4.7o: ; 1, 4.,u; iv, $0,011; M, eauo; N, W G.. $610; VV. W., $0.26. Wool Market. 1X1NDON, March 23. WOOL Tbe offer ings at the wool auction sales today amounted to U.loO bales. There was a good attendance und competition keen. New Couth Wales light gieany combing sold briskly. Home and American buyers paid Is tid for Gaetong super, greasy combings. New Zealand halt-breed hoggetts were la strong demand and several lots were taken by Arnei leans at Is 4d. The arnvuls of Wool this week amounted to 143,ouo bales. Including 64,600 forwarded dlrsct to spin ners. ST. LOUIS. March 23. WOOL Steady ; Medium grades-., combing and clothing, 21 ii'i-c; light tine. 2.uac; heavy line, liaise; tub-v. ashed, 3o'ii38c. along as steers. about steauy. T, . "-""""'"iig Willi little ..change unlii Wednesday aiieinoon, and Thursuuy, wnen there was a ahum slump ttinouniing to 12oc. in some cases strictly choice nelf. f,.a,wuromethlns thut bu'ul Just h-il'pened to want, may nut nave shown iu.tethat much loss, but on the other hand some of suffedermorreand medlU'a M" '" The supply of Blockers and feeders has been quite liberal this week, wiili" country demand has been none too bilsk. iii.r J- . -" came ana me best light grades held up fall tiy well, but the market on the greater part of the call e ,,Jw:?7,a,l,det,ll" tor t week of luil I HOGS Hoks opened nl 1 , .v... eany sales being largely at 6.16v0.l,, " same as yesterday morning. The nmrket was generaly active at prevailing prices and practically everything In sight changed hi., :us in lair season. ,,u iiogs have been steadily working to a lower basis all this week, 'and at the closS are on an average a2c lower than one week ago and 6.K- lower than two "veeSs 0J,l-?lw,r w"rd8' i,cs today prac tically ,0c lower llun tli. .1.-. ..." month, lo niaKe a still furtner coiiir-arlson , hogs are now selling ai the lowest pu?i?i touched since the last week in DeJember It Is not at all difficult to understand the reasons for the present break In hog prices Packers have been very bearish all wi'iter ! '.. "tlli . --'reason Tr L i. .00.. ioi..e oi llOgl,, por In pile of their opinions receipts a? ill mar. ket points were so light, wh'.ie the dlnm id for the product was so good that prices advanced in spite of tlieni. During the la two weeks there has been a very ,Vtlc" able ncicase in the receipt, and this , gv'j packers the opportunity that they have been waning for ufl winter and they have mn been at all backward about tak ns; Si vantage of It. As a result ti.ey bav be.n able to force prices Uownwurd at a ratld rato as noted above. rapid Representative sales: Tctal sales for the day, 829. 2m0 shares. (iearlnii House statement. NEW YORK. March 23 The statement r,t the clearina- house banks for rl.e we-k shows that the banks hold $4.79.450 more 1 than the leal re.-erve requirements. Ti'ls is an increase 01 ll.lMl..b-u us coinpuieu huh last week. The statement: ATIIOUUI I guitar and Molasses. NEW YORK'. March 23. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 l-bje; cenliit uual. 96 ; lu iianses a.iKar, 2 13-li.c. I!e- i.:i')c, No. 7. 4.2.1-; No. No. lo, 4. die; No. 11, 13, Jic; No. 14, 3.85c: Loans lieposits Circulation Legal tenders Specie lit serve ;teierve rtcjulred .. Surplus Ex-U. S dopos-ts.. ,.$l.(i-19.!i9.600 . 1,1X12.144. 6 6".iil'o.:'0 7u.7TI.2oO U4.974.J,) . ir.f.24o.'i-0 . 2oV.5.'.H.!50 4,7'.4.0 S.i.l.'i Dec. $T 57, 000'.i. - i 64J.HIO 'l. 10 l,5.e,i,.5 1,218.! 0 457.410 l.t.70.3: ) l.b0t.5-o Bank Clearings. OMAIIA. Mirch Jj Bank clertrlngs f todav were $l.WV).&!'i .4 l.Ml for tne corre sponding dale lust Near Moniay ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Th irsiluv . Fr'day Saturday .. 41.6; .. $:,3ii. ;;u 8 . . 1.",' '..) 4. .. 1..--1.67V07 . . ii:.wj 47 .. 1 . 7 1 1 . U 17 .. l.Mra.51.1.74 M US. S'."7.7-. 14 15,'-) i 4.J )..' "7.1 J 1.7- 9 76.' VI l.f.A -131.71 i.67'i.-.tii t; Totnl I;, ci i-ase f'.1.39.7S 79 over the corrmtundriig t:.7-'.:--..s: week last year. $:.5i9.78S.P2. Trrsto ry WASHINGTON. statement of 'the trei.suty gereral fund, exclusive 1 4. id reterve, shows: Av: a r.i a. 5i., . c .'. 1 . g statement. March 23. Today's balances In tne f tt.o Sl ,ro .to Habit , a?h I al iiii an-1 buill -n. $iJI.4C a." J; gold cerliliciitcs (46.6iC.210. Exports and Imports. NEW YORK, March 23 T tnl ltrmor, of at ttle l.rl of New York I". r ! week end i.g t -! iv were ilii.0. 1 .iU-er ..,.! 11'. ."-'1 koiu. Xotal eipjIU vi specie fluill test, 3 9-Hi hned, nttiidy; No. i, o. 4.o,-, ;tj. 9. 4.i5c, 4c, No. 12, 3-K.c; No. colifectior.eis' A. 4.5"c U-.if, ii.'M.. , crusned, 6.40c tr.uiui;,i,-.l, 4..'ee; cubes, 4.96c- MOLASSES yuiet; New XJrleans, kettle, gooil to choice. 37 (1 48c. NKiV ORLEANS, March 23. SUGAR t r. ii!v; m un kettle, centrifugal, 3i.'u3c; Cfittniugjl whites, 4 :i-l,.i4c; centritugal )e:low. '-i,4c; seconiis. 2it.,c. ic'i.Ac.;i.i) ,uiei; new ultl A. 6-iuc; cut wuered, 4.8jc; open up. 3.)(i34c. Metal Mirktl. NEW YORK, Maich 23 - METALS The metal mm ki ts ivere o.ulei todjy and ol. .-wed little ch-inso in thj ub.-eii.-e of c.iIjIik. Siiol tin a r.o:nlnal at J4-.6oi-.0 6 1. Co; per wijs steady witn l.;ik. .jjotcd at (2i.-ivi- eiecll .lytic at ( j.l2iA.i7,-. t-'4.J 1V.i.' Ikid was 0:lti.'t 1,11.1 bpel'.er lit :6. :it.- :dy at rec 111 prl.-e.t. lit, 11 22 .-METALS-LeaJ iliter steady at v7j. No. (.... I... SI.... 47.... It.... 70.... 71.... ti... .... n.... to.... to.... u.... .... 4 ... 44 ... I.... 7J-... 41 ... 6 I It..... I ! a . . . . tl.... It.... 77... U ... 41.... t)7... IM.... It... M.... 73... 4S.... It ... .... and .1 .tlr.g ut u.-.chaiigej at $6' '-. 1 r- 11 w us : ill". UM'IS. :. steady ;il f ti.'rt va ; cvt- York live NtoeU Market NEW YORK. March 21. BEE VES - Re- 1 i". -i.' n-:..i. iior.j lor sale. fe,..;rg ou.l- I hffi', 4i 1.,-r in txi.its, 6 0 cai- ,t.. J.Jlf, . Uriels ,,f ,e, f. celp'.a. ..'6 r.a.l all o::tli$n 1 eJ j , u: e.sFj tals. di t.e. .1 itj. e CALVE;- -f dlr -i t , no:r.: b-iilio ler I!..; co. 1. try di eased. Ill .li-S liei'el a-.- ad v : r i line st select dressed Veals, i'-li 2 til 5 gs. $. S'iEKP AM. LAMB h .d, .i.arliet nominal 1 r h:Eh-r, prune lambs, $.v7u. bead; maik-t 25. -Kectipts, i,4; .l.eep; lambs luc Dnlulh t.raln Xirkrl, IULUT!f. M irch 23. VH EAT No r.ortl-rn. 7sc; July, twe; Septeiuber. Jc OA l is At. ..l ..Ut . ,K-S ..2l ..its .... .1-3 . -and .1,0 ..ti'j . ;o ..M .fit ..2J7 . 3: . 26J ..li7 . :n . IT. 4 ..!. Hi .HI ..lil --Hit . Ik . lf . .tio II ..Jli ..21.1 - ii . -, ..ti 131 ft. No. At. ... 4 12 71 J.,J l lit, Ti ut MO I Ii 7 J ,, ... 4 16 (1 2ka 40 14 47 Jsj 4 It 46 fc ... II 76 x.- M 15 jbj M0 16 It HI 4o I 16 74 u 40 I 1 II ij U I 15 71 5 ... 1 73 2! ... 16 74 J2i i6 at :..til 15 IS JZ4 " i-0 '5 71 21 ... 15 ',1 j 15 tl jj7 4 II -,1 M io ii 240 110 i 15 It J, ,5 15 12 i,( 15 76 J.,2 40 I 15 75 227 15 MM M li II Jn ... 15 CI J2J 0 15 ei j3 .-. 4 15 ti J74 16 7 262 4 15 tn jjj 40 II ,i0 jro 15 II m 40 1 11 21 Bh. 10 tv were six bui they rr. 16 16 16 16 16 I li li I 16 16 15 1 16 I 16 17 17 17 17 17 1, I 17 17 4 lit, 4 K 17 17 4 17 17 I 17 17 17 I 17 I 17 17, I 20 20 I to 20 loO fresli cars were mostly re- II- t. l.onU l.ltf Kinrk Market. ST. LOUIS. March 23.-C-ATTLB Re ceipts, 160 head market steadv; native shipping and expert steers, $6.1 ,Vu 6 r0; dressed beef and butcher ttte. r.t. (4.t! fiifi 3.1; steers under l.ocrt lbs.. Sl.i"ori .'; stockers and feeders. S3 .XM .26; cows toil l.eifers, S2.67((ji.1.26; cannevs. tl.Poir2.60; bulle, $2 ftTv.f 4.6'i; calves. S3 Mi-ii'7.10; Texas and ln.ll in Sbers, S2.ti'.'tjf..6i; cows and heifers, Jl .Snyi HOGS Receipts. 3 Son head; market lo-,f lf.c lower: plus nnd lights. p 40; pack ers. S?-"ii6.3J; butchers and best henvv, Stt 2.11 .?;1. SIIE1-7P AND UMHS Receipts. 1,500 nean; market higher; native muttons. t'12S 'ir..tin: lambs, $4."iu 10.00; culls and bucks, t2.jAHg3.60. t. Joseph live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March. 23. -CATTLE Re ee'pts. 1S4 head; market nteady; natives. t4.6oCnrt.2S; cows and heifers, t2.40.j6.t.i; stockers and feeders. (T7SN.W. HOGS Receipts. 3.:.r4 head: market steadv: bulk of sale. JR I71if 25. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 673 head; market stendy; lambs, t7S.Vtf7.76; yearlings, $6. 26ii . 65. Sloni CI4y Lire Stock Markets. BIOUX CITY. March 23-iSpeclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts, SOO head; mar ket steady; beeves. S4.OitfiS.76; cows, bulls and mixed, S3 WM.r.O; stockers and feeders, S3 ,.Vifi4 ts; cnlves and yearlings, S3.0O.i4 20. 1IOG8 Receipts. 4.600 head: market strong, selling at f!.10iji.20; bulk of sales, S6.12i6.17. took In Ulsrht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: vtttiit-. xioKs. oiittep. Pouth Omaha Hloux City ... Kansas City . St. Joseph .... St.. Louis Chicago Totals 1MI) h hoil S' 4.5"0 t) 4,000 1S4 8,2rv 160 3.lVl S.OHO 17,iX 1.30 676 I.60O 2,f4) 4,374 Sl.SA 6,875 ported In totiuy, .-w. .w ,0 ul t;,MiMgnea to eastern lx.lnta. so that there was nothing ft-queruc on sale. Ti.e receipts for the , .. snow a. considerable gain over the previous week and over a year ago. Under the inrluence of Urge receipts both here and at other selling points, the mar ket has reacted sharply. The decline at tills market amounted gfnerally to 16u Xc ui to . Thursdoj. On (he retvipu, were hl and buyers bought the few n a,t!e at a little stronger prices, so that the tee.lug ut the clcse of tbe we.g u auite good Bun oirntoi. i, (i,e market are sn- ticiiwiiiig, goou prices for desirable kllle, k. S;IU st the clo3- f u, ..,.u Is CenerAltv 11,,, .c., 1, ........ ,,..s,,t un tin, very lit Kt gl OU' S which are perhaps not thm much off Next w-etk will le the last of 1.,('. after which there oiiEht to be a l,eti..r a-.,o.t VI'1 ' 'd- hrm market in consequence 1 Jhe fact Is sheepmen are fceilr.g very hope- 1 ful as lo the future of the market, and 1 whlie occas:oi al reactlors are to be ex- ' rected as a matter of course, everyone Is ' Mining forward to the maintenance of ! good strong prices throughcui the balance 1 of the season. y'loth'ior.s on killers: Good to chotoe ! Itriibs, i.jwir7.,5; fair lo good lambs, 7 0Oj OMAIIA WHOLISSALE HAHKUT. Condition of Trade nnd dnotatlona on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Per doi., ltic. LIVE I'Ol.'LlH ic Hens, 10c; old roost ers. 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, luc. young roosters, "(gloc; geese, 60. BUTTER Packing stock, 20c; choice to fancy dairy, 2jyic; creamery, 274300. HAY Choice upland, SlO.ou; medium, $6.50; No. 1 bottom. $.6o; off grades, . uokiii.jO. Rye struw, $i.o0; No. 1 alfalfa, Jll.60. BRAN Per ton. $150. FRUI18. STRAWBERRIES Choice Texas, 24 quart cases, $6.00x1 6.W; 24 pint cases, $2.60. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., t6.oO418.6O: In bushel box, (2.75. APPLES Northern Spies, Fancy Green ings, per bbl., ta.iu; Iowa and Missouri Ben lavls, $3.00cu3.2o; Yviriesaps, $2.00 per box. COCOANL TS Per sack of loo lbs., $2.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California. bulk, 6c; 6-crowt rurltlsh. 14c; 4-ciown 'furklah, lis; g-ciown Turkish, o. LEMONU-Llmonlera, 300 and 360 alls, $4.uu6.0u; other brands, 5oc less. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch, tlO''u2.26; Jumbos, $2,6043.60. GRAPE ERUIT-Sizcs 54. 64 to 80, $6.50. LATES Kadaway, 5c; sayers, 6c; hal lowls, 6c; new stufTed walnut dates. -lt box, $1.00. ORANGES California navels, extra fancy, 176, A), 216, 2o0 sixes, $3.2tvg3.76; fancy, litf, 1j0 sizes, $3.li4j3.6o; choice, large sizes, per box. $2.743.00. NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS TURNIPS AND CARROTS Pet dog. 47n 50c. TOMATOES Florida, 30-lb. crate, $4.60. LEAF i.ETT U C E Ho 1 houss, per Uox. heads, 50c. ' CUCUMBERS Per d,.z., t2.00. RAI)1SHLS-Per doz. bunches, 85c. PARSLEY Hoinouse, per dos. Duncht. 40c. HEAD IETTUCEV-8outhern, per dog. $1.00(11.26. OLD VEGETABLES. NAVY BEANS Per Du., L6U; No. f, $1 60. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 60. SWEET POT ATOESv Illinois, per lurga bbl., $u.uo; seed sweet polatoeSt per bbl $l.k5, April 1. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown. 2c per lb.; new cabbage, per lb., 20. POTATOES-Per bu., 60cj$1.00. ONIONS-Homo g.uwu, per lu., 76c; red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., 2g; Buanlsh. per crate, $200. v RUTABAGAS About 150 lbs. to sack. TURNIPS, CARROTS, BEUTS J1"- bu. 75c; parsnips, per bu., il.w. ' ' CUT BEEF PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, lta.-; Wo. 3, kc; Uo. 1 Sc. Ixiliis: No 1, lbc; No. I, 13c; No. 2L loo. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. x, tc; Nu. I 4C Round: No. 1, 7c; No. 1, 7c: No. . o." Plate: No. 1. frc: No. 2. c; No. J. tl M I SCELLAN IlUL'8. HONET I'er 24 frames, (3.50. SUGAR Granulaicu tma, iu sacks, $& til giauuiaied uuet. In sacks. tti.U. Cor FEE RuasuL No. ii, 26c per lb 1 No. 80, 21c per lu.; No. iS, iHv per lt.: nil M. 15c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per li. CHELbE New full cieam Wisconsin twins. 17c; new full cream brick, lie; wheel Swiss cheese, lie; block Swiss 17c; Ilmbergor, 16c; young Americas, Wo. ' CIDER New York, bail barrel, $2.7(,i bar rel, $7..u4. NUTS California walnuts. No. .r.r. shell, 13c; No. L soft shell, lic; Brazils. lUl8c; pecans, 18l:ic; filberts, 12c; pe nuu, raw, Sc; rousted, c; California al monds, hard shell, 17c; Taragona, 17 c cocounuts, $6 00 per 11,0. ' CANNED orn. standard. ..,. ern, 551)0. c. Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, g-lb. cans J1.15; stundard 3-lb. cans, $1.21 Pineapples grnttd. 2-11,., standard, $.'.2umj2.3o; sllceii! 1.75ti:! ;5; lanty Hawaiian, 2-lb.. $: 75. lu ll)., $1.7a. Gallon, fancy. S2yV,3nO California aprlcoU, I'caia. $l.76i2.W.' I'eucnes. laucy, $i.i2.40; L. c. peaches, $-' Alukh.i salmon, red, 11.16; fancy Chinook, flat. J2. 10; fancy sockeye, flat, tl ' (sardines, fjuarter oil, St 25; Utree-quarters mustard, ii.w. Sweet potatoes', $1. !!).) Sauerkraut, Soc. I'umpkini. iocmliw Wax beans, 2-lb.. uk-. Lima beans Mb.. 7')C$1.35. Spinach, tl 35. Soaked peas' 2-lb.. Cdc; extras, Si-iKi. ji;, tl.iij CALIFORNIA DRIED FRf'ITS-Prunes rue somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplits of Immediate grades- ,110. tatlor.s rai.go Horn Jo to l.Hc for California fruit and from oc to 10c for Oregon. Ap. r-cois ure firm and It la reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being withdrawn, choice un quoted at Via- ex tra choice, ISVsUc; fancy, lrjic. Peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at llitf Uc; exiru choice. 12'a:3c; fancy, p'4 Uc; extra fancy, lSjlic. itulaing are firm; lotise Muscatels are quotej at Hii; Seeded rnlS'lia, lbllc, F' - Pickerel. dressed, -; r"" dressed. Uc; white fish, dressed, winter caught. l.V; trout, l!c; haltlnit. lie; salmon, I.1--; catfish, ;c; herring, dressed, pan frosen, c; perch, scaled and dressed, ,o; perch, skinned. iltes,l. h,-.illess, 7c, ciai plea, round. olls-; crui'ples, large, fancy, lit ; bl.ick bass, 2fe; smelts, sw eet and fine, Uc; eei. Inc. blue iih. If-c; rr.J sr.api rr, l.'c; roe shad, per pair, ;'0ii4.H.': frog ifgs. lol sters, green, per lb.. S7e; lobster. cKdled, per lb, 4oe; markerel. Spanish, per lb., lsaj ii-Bckerel, native, 3oe rer lb- H;LB:S AND TALLOW Green ssl'e.V No. 1. l'o: No X fo; bull bides, sc; green hides. No I, sc; N. 2, 7-: horse. SI 1.5; sheep pelts. tVic;j$l .76. Tallow, No. J, c; No 1 3c. Woo!. l."t:22;'. iTIIKP FISH Fwinllv wl.ire sr, per luarrer bbl.. b lbs, $4 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, $l'..0O: "No. 2. JS.ij: net ring, la bbls., 2t0 lbs. each. Norway. 4k, $11 0u Cotton Market. N1CW YORK. March 23 .-COTTON-Spnt clos-,l quiet at 1" points lower; middling uplands, lie; middling gulf. II 2.1c; no sales. NEW ORLEANS, March 21.--COTTON St closed quiet; sales .fl bales; low or dlnrry, 6iic, iiomliutl ; ordinary, 7c; good ordinary. 6 7-16o; low niiddlltig. 9-c; mid dling, l"c; good mlddiiiig. US.", middling fair, L'Sc; fair, l:!ie. nominal, receipts, 8,012 bales; stock. 2M.-0.1 bales. ST. IXUI3. Mo . March 23 -COTTON I Hill ; middling. 10 13-1..,-; sales, 16 bales; receipts. 3'. bales; shipments 4ti bales; stock, .0.3.7 bales. Whisky Market. PEORIA, Murch 23-WHISKY-Market steady on basis of S1.2H for high wines. 8T. LOUIS, March 3. WHISKY Market steady at $1 33. tilK'AGH. March 23.-WHI91CY-Market steady at $1.29. II K A I. ESTATE TH AXSFEIt. Binma C. Johnson nnd husband to Francis Gaydeskl, lots 5 and H, block 1, l'atlei son's 1st add. S. Omaha t 260 Peter C. Goos lo Samuel W. Johnson, lots I. 2, e IK; lots 11, 30, 21 and 22, block 6, Omaha View add 700 Omaha Safe Deposit A Trust Co., trustees to Eliza White, n lot 21 and seti fu lot 22, block 3, Summit place 8,410 Susan Morris to Frederick William U Motte and wife, lot 8, block 7, I'wlght & Lj-mnn's add 175 Edward Glsin to Thomas II. Tracy, tlM ft. lot 10, W30 ft. lot 11, n2 ft. e-JO ft. lot 11, block 11, Parker's add. 1 Ida C. llclln and husband to Julius C. Kreeger, lot 3, block 6, Myers, Richards & Tildon's add 300 Anthony Perrlng and wlfo to Peter C. Goos, lot 4, Flack s sub 1,600 Grace H. Gulou and husband to Mary E. Heys, block 1, except lot 6, Omaha Heights 1 Mary K. Heys to Edward Kelly, block 1, except lot 6, Omaha Heights 1,878 The National l.and company to William Adler, 40 ft lot 4, block 1, Kirk wood 1,000 Elizabeth J. Hockln to Benjamin R. Morton, lot 16, block 13, Halcyon Heights SOO Elizabeth J. Hockln to Edward C. Fuller, lot 15, block 12, Halcyon Heights J40O Don A. Smith and wife to William Dalton, lot 7, block 15. Walnut Hill.. 2,375 Andrew J. Hanscom to Harriet J. Prltchett, trustee, ae ne sec. 31 and sw nw4 sec. 32-15-13 1 Virginia C. Hanscom to Andrew J. Hanscom. lot 1 and e lot 2, Hou sols sub 20,000 Andrew J. Hanscom to George H. Prltchett and Marguerite P. Ken nedy, so ne 31 and bw nwU 82-16-13 Total KEEP POSTED ON NEVADA STOCKS The Financial Critic is the accepted au thority on high class mining Investment In Nevada, Greenwater and tho west. It answers all questions pertaining to mines fearlessly and truthfully. It will kep you posted on all that la good. It will tell you what your present holdings are worth. Send your name and address and you will receive without cost F iNANOAicrijUf I 3 MONTHS FRreW 3 MONTHS TRIE IT you are interested In mltn . you cannot afford to be wlthou ?h c uahle publication. It Is publlsVj, a month, and you may receive It .( ''c for three months free for the asklr,, latest Issue contains some lmportr'uj. formation on three money-makln'i. elals. Write us quick. Nevada C. Brokerage Co., Ino., 141 Kreldsr Bis Ban Francisco, Cal I WILL BUY KMC Waldorf leoo Putomao Oil looo Calif. Monarch Oil 80O0 M. H. Ilt.ko 600 Bldwall HO Canadian Mart 10)10 noldflslil C. Nation ((MO Ball K.llpe l'WO Kl Favor 100 gantul Chemlral HMO Manhattan Mltpah (iv lllark uak 1000 Pniiman Corner m Mtns La Mutt. I WILL SELL O00 North Yards Coppaf 1000 Taeoma , ST, , o Phila. Llfs tna ' . 26 Hubbard Elliot 1100 N. Y Uraaa Val Is .' ' ' "l4''; J Hub looo ltd. Tom. A U'llaic t2t 1 Dl,m""l Cop. 10.10 A mora Cons , 1000 Manhstun Had Top looo Manhattan N.r.da ND MANY 0THEK8. SEND rOR LIST. C.F.SESINGER, DEALER IN UNLISTED SECfRlT IKS, 401, 404, 4o7 North Aiaartisn Bldg , pblls dalphla. Pa. EaUbllaliad 11U. vra wixii bell , Slirnofraph 4 m f o Heart of Ofd. KM) llurni aloora Tun. ll0 (i.Hna Conaol. 4uuu Sonora Ciiltf. J6K' Alma, Ida. loue Kana. To-Op. Hefln. I wo Walllnsion. Parkas, H'H Tanoma. Itoo Ouldfleld Hut). 1000 Old. Com. Na, kwj Aria. Col. Cu4. halt 2Xl Manafleld M. at S. ) Promontorlo Con. hm Old. Billiard. 100) ral. Mon. OH. JrtO buffalo, Arlt. (0 Wast Kniplra, Wis. 4IO lllu Mound M.aV s. 100 Cleueculta Cop. P0 San Pedro. IO.10 Iiaaarl ( hli.f. luo tCanla M I Pfd. loooO E. Snowitorm 100 Alaaka Copper. M Oer Amw. Coffe WB WILL BUY 1300 Penn-Wyo. MmiO No. Verds Oon touo Wtldorf. J no Oold Slppar, B. H. 6.1O Bauniann op. K) t'al. Idun Oil Pi Eaa-1 M. 41 I. luuO F.ala'i Neat j luuO JfferauD- alhi.un. Klnu Sol. T. 4 . HKM) KOH Hill KKEE B' lXFTIN. WI1TIBV BUBIBCBBJ EXCHiHOE. It5 LaSalle SI , fhleafo III T ' Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 1048 FI7FF NEVADA MAP I IVaUL VALUABLH lnlormatfon If you are Interested In mlnlriK semi for the latest and best maa of Nevada, showing- all mining- districts, railroads built and building, with valuable lnfur rnatlon ,.n best Nevada slocks. JOHM J. BTMTB CO 193 Broadway. Ksw Tork. WCOErOBATH BETAS A. Graauat forln charter sdvautasee. Liberal, 'raple, eroronilral. Operate annwbor. No ra. denilal r. Mriclloue. No frauchlsa u. Nor.aaeeta ahla alork ,'o;nplete in foruiauos fiee Ak Corporstloo Cbartsr Trust Co., B.eao. ev. 80s N. y. Life illd., umuha. next e th mavrket BEWARE! BEWARE! OF "WILDCATS" OS WORTHLESS MINIMS SECURITIES The nnwtfisnArfl a rt. e.,i, r. m , -, . i : ---.." .u.. muni. K n.ivert isements Wl.,1 vnn u-un e.iow it, utiiuii are tne boo,1 onen. W ,..n ,-.. .... , - '" ron.l. y;'t"nT,Vf"!.'' J' s-rvleo i,.Br v in ,rz.T t , ' ."" """u.-nie w nattier Is l.r-.iuiu vast merit o'-y "' oy c-oiisulung us before ircAlriK We lsane T.V R1MP1 l, f n,.t. ni.,.,. .. . r.r,.e.). ... ,.,v.;r '.' .''V'. "' .'"' yu 'y r,ve an ... juut-a uui nertiee r rtr.r. ur i irfl. Write us fur s .,,, ,,,, anv mi, nir or li.di.e, hi .1... . . . u '" re,.,, it on . . , " '"'-' ' may iioiu or cnieinplalu buy liar, HAlIOBAi COMMIBC1AI. AOEHtTY. 44 .w U B.w Tort Olty! to t i Ill- Op- V