THE OMAILV SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2L 1907. OFFERED FOR SALE TrMrltfrt aart rwlnK Marhtae. (Continued.) ONE Remington typewriter. No. , In good r ndlt.on, (ur sale cheap. Call at Hce oIUm. uU ijm FIVE Singer sewing machine, 415 N. 2M. (l) MS33 26 BLICKENRDERFEIl typewriter, grxwl a pew; map. U. 11. Roberta, 541 Pox'on block. (10 Mai 30 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS Tho following second-hand typewrit er are all In porxl condition ami bar gains for the money: 2 Remington No. 0 typewriters. JiVl.OO 1 Remington No. C typewriter. 5wio , 1 Remington No. 2 typewriter.. I.'.'hi 1 pensniorn ... 30.110 2 WlrkeriKilorfor, No. r...... l.Yoo 1 Oliver, No. a f.O.'O 1 Remington, No. 7 110.00 1 lUickenRderfer, No. 7 25.00 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th anl Hnrney. 'Phone Douglas Wtt. 334 Broadway, Council RlulTn, la. (11)- $2,nro WORTH OP TYPEWRITERS. W bought them In Chicago. They will be on Knit) this week. We bought them right anil will sell them right. Remington, X. $46.00 Smith Premier, No. 2 40 00 Oliver 45.00 Monarch (new) 75.00 Foxe . 60.00 Densmore S5.00 Bllckensderfer, No. 7, universal key board 32.50 T'lesn are only samples. We have nearly a of machines to veil; every one rcnui'L line new. SATISFACTION OFARANTEED OR 1UIH MONEY HACK. YOU CAN RENT ANY MAKE $2.50 MONTHLY Exchange Type writer Lo. 1624 Farnam St., Omaha. Tel, Doug. 8fl74. (ltt) 14S 24 SMITH Premier Typewriter; fine shape, $25. Call at once as we need the room. bti faxton niocK. 2)il 2iI Miscellaneous. HALL'S afea, new, id-hand, Ulg Farnam. (lto BEND us your iriatl order for drugs; freight paid on 10 lota. Myers-Dllloo uruw (jo., umuu. us) 9i BECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1908 Thomas Flyer, 4o-H.-P., full equipment lk Pope Toledo, ipe 7, ton and full equipment; cost $3,7(0, now 11,800. lieo, used 60 miles; cost $1,2M. now fl,0y). Sh9 Iteo, top and full equipment; coat (l.a&O, now w. 1!104 White Steamers cost W.BflO, now ITO. iri6 Ford, lft-II.-P.; cost $1,150, now $7(10. Pope-Waverly Electric runabouts, $4oo up. DERIOHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 118 Farnam St. O6V-AIS40 FEW bargain !n Jd-hand sods, fountains monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. 08 48 FOR SALE Two National cash reiiatera. one total adder: also nice line of store fixture, ciione Lana ana investment Co., ratierson mocg. (is) sso 8HERWTN WILLIAMS CO., bent mixed paint. (Sherman & Meconnell Drug Co. (ltO-W ALL WE ran pile on of light box wood Tor only JZ per load. Must get rid of it Just the stuff for the weather. The Par tridge, 8helly. Thomson Co., 1109 Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 6942. (!.) M5f8 24 FOR SALE Collection of fine old violin Including sizes Viola and 'Cello. Violin Btudlo, 10 Wlthnell Building. (16) M7SI A20 RIDPATH 8 History of World Encyelo prdla Brltannlca, cheap. 541 Paxton block. Roberts. (16) 188 M-27X FOR SALE Successful hot water Incuba tors; Humphrey bone grinder at a bar gain. Apply mornings between 9 and 12 lit Expressmen's Delivery Storage, 22d and Irani, or 'Phone Harney 25S5. (16e-;3 25x FOR SALE Show cases and counters. Oladtsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge Sts. (Iti)-TTO 24 FOR SALE One new and foi.r good second, hand Dunlop auto tires, ail complete. L. P. TacKge, Seward, Neh. (16) M8S1 29 PARIR sul. pnrlcr lamp, gasoline cabi net range. 4001 N. 25th Ave. (15) 34 23x NEXT summer will be a not one. Soda water pays larte profits. Fountains from $l'.i up, on easy monthly payments; little fash required. xSend for catalogue of fieatest bargains ever offered; do not de ly. R. M. Green At Son, Philadelphia, Pa- (16) FOR SAI.E Old style mahogany dresser; two gentleman's wheels; go-cart for twins, l'rt N. 12th St. UO-M242 30 TWO 8-foot counters or tables for sale cheap. 1HU7 Farnam. (16) 2K2 24x GARDEN and field seeds, fruit packages, bee keepers' supplies. Younkerman Seed Co.. Council Hluffa, la. 1K) -liss PATENTS Larson Sk Co., bock free. Bee Pldg 37-M220 V. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) ln3 All PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. nit ironed. 211 t. 11th St. Tel. Doug 264. (1S lii BEWING machines rented, any nmke, 75o per week or $i00 per month. Second hand machine for sale, $5 oo and up. fccb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney (18)-85S M A IE costumes. Lie ben. Tel. 4115. Open evenings. (U) tf fcj VRlNiiEH. rubber goods. by mall, out price, send fur free catalogue. Myers Dlllun l'rug Co., Omaha. (18) 56 PLEATING euu;, uini. h.:ubruldol y. Deing and cleaning, sponging and shrink, lug, only ic ter yaid. Bend for prlco lljt aud samples. UuLl'MAN PLEATINQ CO., 10 Doutjla Block. Tel. Douglas 106. (1M 057 EYE defect corrected by glasses, fitted: lu your home If dealreu; reasonable price. Bmllu, f Graduate uptlclau, iovl C1S)-MSOO 2x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME-Mrs. DC. Klug. N. 2Xal bC Tel. Duu. o.a. 11 J M f AKS A()KaeiUn movement 410 N, a, room I, second floor. U Aits; At ffHE SALVATION ARM I solicits castoft clothing; In fact, any thing ou do nut peed; w collect, repair sua sell, at 114 N. Uth St., for cuet vt coilsclli.g, to the worthy poor. Call '1'houa ixiug. 413j aaj wagon will nail. (U U pit N. SOMMER. homeopath. Bee Bldg. (IS) Diii f knyiVTlD treatment nd bath. M n. idJUVHUXiJ Blullh. 11 N. loth, d flo,r. ARB you going to New York? I can save you 2d per cent on your hotel bill at a tlrst claaa dowutown hotel. Address N-kl, Uee. (iSM4 RUPTURi: CURED $30; no knife. Quick Cure Rupture C. Woodmen of the vk,r.J bulldJUaV UW-M-. ilii PERSONAL Continued.) CM MIA Stammerer' Institute. Ramg li(. CS)-lb) P.iR anything In the sewing machine line go to r looman at Co., ltd 4 t. ap. Ave, (18) !(6 All LDVERTISEMENT in this column see end week of January snwered by "Beatrice Kail." Will she please Hrlte strain and give same address.' Letter returned from general delivery. (181 M69 2Sx HOME made potato chip Iso rakes. Will fill order. Telephone Red. F.l. (lSi-MTTS 71X SCISSORS sharpened like new at home In live to ten soi-onls. I.lttlo wonder narp f ner. Twenty-five cents. Welsh Co., H"i2 North fnh Bt., Philadelphia. Pa. 1S)-MKS Z!x CORRESPOND for pastime and results. I'lnie for particulars and postomre ad dres.vs nf memliera. Elite Correspond ence Club, Waltham. Mass. (1M-147 S4x A MItILE-AGEll widow, wealthy, nice looking, tired of "single blessedness." wishes to correspond. Lock Box 4t"6. St. Joseph, Michigan. (IS; 13 I4x MERCHANT. American widower, no chil dren, wealthy but lonesome, wlshea a congenial wlfi to brighten his home. Box 4, St. Joseph, Michigan. 0$) 122 34x THOUSANDS of California lartlea who never use cosmetics keep a beautiful com plexion and avoid wrinkles; I have the true secret: write for lnf urination; I send It sealed; free; ladles, this Is worth dol lars to you. Mndame La Roy, Box 856, Los Angeles, Cal. 08) OMAHA Steam paste Co manufactures Eure flour pasta, 2Z10 Cuming. Tel phont louglas 4521. (IS) THE henllns- household remedy. Satin skin cream should always Do handy. Zoc. I. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work gunrsnteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. V Life. (18) 1)0 TOU want a wife or husband? Send 10 cents for the National Correspondence Register, best Illustrated matrimonial pnper published. Register, Box 174, Hast fngs, Neb. (IS) FREE Tour forttine told, future and pant revealed, surprising. i- America a em! pent philosopher, nstrologlst. clairvoyant fit. John. 12 Sheldon Bt., Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. (18) 113 24x ACQUAINTANCE of Christian Indy 3S to 45, matrimonially inclined; trotesiani pre ferred. Address E-85", care Bee. (1S)-107 24x WE SEEK speedy marrlngea for two gen tlemen, aged 34 and 55, both wealthv. Write us. Box 46, Station C. Toledo, O, A SPA WEIGHT PRODUCER Increases your weight about 6 to l' pounds monthly inukes solid flesh and rich blood; greatest tonic known. Price $2; trial size $1 2T. In teresting booklet free. Aspa Co., Dept. B, 1265 Broadway, New York. (18) 937 24x MARRIAGE PAPER, highest character. In corporated, lltli year, 2,f"i0 members, pa per sealed. Send 10c. R. K. Iove Rox 1&J0, Denver, Colo. (lS)-93 24x WE SEEK husband for refined Christian lady about 30, worth over $.'S0,M. Home stead Club, Toledo. O. (1S)-9G5 24x SCAVENGER TAXES. Don't let your property go for taxes. See or write me. Isaac N. Watson. 171 Far nam. 'Phone Douglas 501. (W 135 24 LACE curtains nicely laundered Misfac tion guaranteed; prices modern t . Phone Douglas 4S23. 1711 Jackson. (IS 1-236 3 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 'Building Lots $3,000 For 78x160 on paved street, close In, good flat rite. $1.260 Fur full lot fronting east on Boule vard, near Koine Miller's home. $i,3"0 For two full euBt front, near 36tb and Mason Sts. Cheap. $l,dw For large corner, near 38th and Jones Sts. $1,000 For two full east front lot near 41st and Davenport Sts. $750 Hach for two lots, east front, on paved street, Hansc-om Park district. $Sw Each, for three cliulce lots nt-ar 40th and H.iriM-y Sts. $."iOii For rtsxlLt), eat front, on 24th St. near Fort street. Kaxy terms. $400 For full lot near 27th and Fort. Your own terms. uO For 00xll2-foot oorner, south front, near 35th and Parker Sts. Still a few lots left just north and east of the fort, $100 to $250, $5 down and $5 per month. BEMIS Phone Douglas 6)s. Paxton Block. CHOICE LOTS Near 24th St. and Gust Bt Ju0 each; $25 down and $5 per month. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7487. (19)- IF YOU DON'T "NVATCII OUT You will be caught some day without a placo to live and then you will wish you had taken advantage of some post offers you hud. Better get next and come In and look over my list of homes and Investigate v my terms. And If I haven't anything to please you, I will build you a house at a very moderate price on reasonable terms. If you don't see what you want In this list call me up for I have Just what you have been looking for. $4,0iv 8 rooms, all modern, large lot-S. 27th, $1,600 lo rooms, all modern, a bargain Furnam. $2,100 6-room cottage, part modern Hanscom Place, $3,ti&0 7 rooms, all modern & 25th. $2,1008 rooiiiH, part modern, full basement N. 28th. $l,9uu -room cottage, full basement N. il2d. $3,0006 rooms, all modern, bargain 26th and Ama Ave. $3,150 6 rooms, all modern; i ' bargain N. 25th. W. B. LONG 609 Paxton Block. 'Phone. Douglas 7117. (IK) 217 24 FOR 8ALE-Two modern house and large barn, one block north of Hanscom park; paved street, east front, lot 75x150. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THuliAd BKE.NNaN. Koow 1 N. I, L Bld ay- BARGAINS 1984 & 15th St., (-room new house, modern except heat; vary pleasant and quiet plao (or living; easy walking dis tance, close to car; rent for $20; well worth the price of urs. 2219 B. 12th St, 6-room house; lot ;xl50 feet with plenty of (hadie trees; listed for $2,5uu, but reasonable offer will not be refused. Corner 14th and Pine Sts., two cottage, rei.tlnt; for $38 month; street and alley paved, very good Investment tor $J0. BERKA & CO. Phon Douj. 7497. K N. Y. LIFE. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTT FOR 8ALB GOOD NEAR FIELD CLUB One block from the Field club. In the fashionable district being estab lished there. We rffer a beautiful new louse, on a large east front lot, among fine homes, and modern up-to-date In every respect. Has 8 rooms, bath, full basement, with laundry, large attic floored, gas and electric light, combination fixtures, fine oak finish, well built house and cheap at prlco $5,5(0, and we can give time on part of this. See this Monday and make offer. "WEST FARNAM STREET HOME, $4,500. A fine new home built two year ago; has 8 rooms, 4 on each Door; birch finish on first floor. 4 bedrooms nd bath on 2d floor; house Is trictly all modern; fine furnace, east front, terrace lot; half block from Farnam car line; high ground; good neighborhood; also have several other 8-room houses at 25th and Dodge for $4,200 each. 4343 FRANKLIN $3,000 Soven rooms, all modern, oak and birch finish throjghout; good fur nace, gas and fixtures; beautifully papered; basement under entire house, divided Into rooms; laundry: outside entrance; all good sized rooms, good closets, tine lawn, lot IVixljO feet; fruit tree; screens and storm windows; finest modern open plumbing. This place was built about 3 years ago by one of the best builders in Omaha and is right from top to bottom. Will rent for $2..jO per month. 4401 FARNAM ST. Finn corner lot. 2 blocks from car. House has 8 rooms and bath room, , full basement and Is all modern. Owner Is anxious to sell. See us for prices and terms. HASTINGS Office Open Monday E 1704 FARNAM ST.. CLOSE IN CORNER Nice corner lot, only 15 blocks from heart of city $1,100. Just think of It. C. O. Caliber 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. (19)- Reed Brothers 1710 Farnam St. About 30 lota In Hazel Ter race addition, on 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Sts., about six blocks south of Vinton St. Price from $150 to $200 a lot. 18 lot In Durant Tlace, lo cated between 27th and 2Sth St., on Maple, Corby and Mi ami Sts. Prices, $350 for Inside lots nnd $450 for corners. Water pipes and sewers have been laid throughout the addition. We have built and sold three houses In this addition, and will build several more within 60 day. Look the ground over and see If you don't want a house built about like the new ones at 27th and Maple. The finest lying ground or a house of from $5,000 'to $10,00 Is the 40-acre tract Just south of Dundee, west of 48th St., and on the direct line of Farnam, Harney, Douglas and Dodge Sts. The ground will be sold In tracts, 105 feet front by 3fK) feet deep, at $3,000 for each parcel. The property front east on 4Sth, and east nnd west on 49th St. The Fiirnam car line touches the north side of the tract. In Crelghton Height we have about 10 lots at price ranging from $150 to $250. These lots are about three blocks from the present car line at 4Hth and Military Ave., on the Benson car line. In the vicinity of 36th and Ames Ave., about 15 lot at price from $125 to $200 each. Lots in all part of the city. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St (19)- HARRISON LARGE LOT AND Fast front on 25th between Harnev and for 2 houses or a row cf 3 bricks. There is a 6-room cottage, old, but in good con dition, with bath, furnace, good cellar, gas for light, shade trees and shrubbery In the yard. This will make you a comfortablo home or will rent for $3(i0 er year. Cottage is set back on rar of lot, leaving front 6u feet vacant. Price, $3,8J0. 1 Ive ground alone 1 certain to be worth more than this figure. It Is only ten block irom lienne'i s SEVEN-ROOM NEW HOUSE, On a full, south front lot, cement walks, 42d and lodge. and only three blocks from center. This house was built three years ago by two young mechanics for their home, but owing to matrimonial and business changes offer It for sale now. On the first floor Is reception hall with little closet for wraps, parlor finished In oak, dining room witn pay window, roomy kitchen, a dandy luige pantry with glass door cup board, shelves, flour bin and work table built in. and a rear entrvwav with refrig erator room. There Is also a small room den or can oe uiteu as a aownstairs nea room. Upstairs there are three good bed rooms with good closet in each room, linen closet In hall. Two bed rooms are finished In whlto enamel, and till of the finish and workmanship throughout the house Is Just a little better than tixual. We have Just finished decorating the interior and House vacant now, ready to move Into. sonable terms. As good a home as this demand ana will te worm more money, ir not sold at once will lease. WEST FARNAM LOTH. One the high ground Just west of Jnslyn'a, 50x130 feet, south front on Daveu- f'Ort street, the first vacant lot west of 4 1st Ave. All street Improvements paid, Deluding the new asphalt paving, which we have Just paid up In ttdance, city Water brought to lot line before paving waa put In. Trice. $1 ;75. 40x110 ft., on either side of 41st street, north of Davenport. $1,000. A block west on 41t Ave. $800. 60x125, fronting south and eat on 41st Ave. and Cass, diagonally opposlta Faurders school. Make an offer. 60x125, on 41st St., between Dodge and Davenport Sts. $1,200. BLUFF TR.Vt'T LOTS. 60x124 ft. lots on Emmett and l'lnkney, $550 to 1675 each, some good shade. Sea the new homes going up there. NORTH BOULEVARD LOTS. Oppusie Rome Millers suburban homo, east fronts, fin old forest trees on the lots, splendid view, 800 feet or mure deep If you want It and as wide as you please. If you want something with a suburban air but handy to good street car service come In and see about these. Prices very reasonable for this class of property. HARRISON & MORTON U-l$ N. Y. LIFli REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE HOMES HERE'S YOUR CHANCE $2,400. Owner going away and m-ist pell. II. 'use ha.s 5 nice rooms, front and rear vestibule, all on one floor; large attic, floored; very best plumb Iiik; bul t last veiir; hs 5"-ft. cor ner lot; on car line: fine barn, large cellar, cement walks, sewer, water, pas end c'eotrlc lights, nice bath. This Is all new and cheap at price; part cash, balance on time. 5 ROOMS MODERN $2,100. One block from Harney car, east front on 4th St.; fine lot; good, pearly new house, modern except heat. Purchaser can let rent par for a good part of this. Will rent for $21 per month. G ROOMS, ALL MODERN $2,000. At 27th and pierce Sts. we hnv a good 6-room, all modern house, built 8 yenrs ago, on a nice corner lot, with nice terrace, 2 blocks from car; walking distance. This Is a good buy at the price. 3410 WEBSTER, 8 ROOMS, $2,950. This Is a south front lot 60x150 ft., has permanent walk; one block from Harney car: Is a very large, nlee looklng house and ha 8 good room besld. s bath; good basement, gns and Hxtures: modern except This Is a bargain. t 2412 FRANKLIN, $2,900, Six rooms nnd reception ball, all modern, paved street, paving pnld, permanent walks till around; south front. See us Monday. 6k HEYDEN venlnss Until 9:00 P. M. BEE BUILDING. (19)- Investments rrniv,.m- isth and St. Mary's Ave, 8. room nil modern house, full lot frhntln on I WO Streets. lot alone WOltll the price asked. Close In. That's where you want to put your money. $10,(io(i for corner lot near 14th and Harney Sts. ('heap. $7,60. For full lot, three houses, near Nth and Howard Sts. $..-, For 2-story brick, renting for $,5 per month, lot 22x132, near 12th and liarney St. Barpaln. 12.2no For 22 feet, down town business lot Will trade. BEMIS Phone Douglas 585. Paxton Block. (19) GARVIN BROS. $7.500 17th and Jr.ckson, double flat, 3 blocks from Her Grand hotel; 50 feet frontage; rents $840 per year. Round to be valuable business property In few years. $4,1001117 S. 31M St., 8-room modern detached hotiHe, stable, lot 50x 150 ft; 2 blocks from llunscoui purk; rents S4S0 per year. $3,8003854 Seward, 0-room modern house: crate and mantel in par lor; title Kas fixtures; enameled bath; cistern with pump in kitchen; water filter; gas heater for water; tine lot. Immediate possession. Want offer; nouresi dent owner, bound to sell. $2,000 4122 N. 32d St, new 7-roora house, modern except furnace; cemented colhir; comer lot Oox 110 ft, room for another house; rents $300 per yeur. Owner moved to California owing to poor health. Anxious to bell. $1,800 Near 10th and Martha St, OOx 18S ft, with 4-room house; city water. A bargain. s STiO 3208 Emmet St.. 5-room house, city water, 48x128 ft L'ASY. TK1JMS. SITE FOR FLATS Near 27th and Ilaruey, 10Sxl05 ft. frontage on three streets, comer, good location for apartment house, flats or cottages; easy walking distance down town; price $10,000. ACRES We have a few acre, half-acre and single lots near the Country club and Krug's park: easy terms for quick sales only a few left; Rome especially good ground for gardeners or chicken raisers. GARVIN BROS. 1C04 Farnam. (13)- & MORTON COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. St. Marv'i Ave . lot f.fii11" ft., nlentv lnrire WEST. 4220 DOUGLAS ST. one block from the Dundee car line (at 40th and Farnam Sts. Snlendld market off from the dining room that is fine for a this is the first paper that has been put on Let us show vou Inside. Price. $4,000: rea near the Farnam car line will always be In TEL. DOUQ. $14. -(!) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE HOW TO GET THERE Get where? BOULEVARD PARK, of course. Take the Sherman avenue car to Sprogue St., turn west when you Blight from the cr Into the prettiest addition yet, or pin north on the practically level auh St. Blvd. wtiich run along the entire west lde of BOULEVARD TARK and you will not be surprised that peo ple buy when they see, what can be had at modest price and on easy terms. Every lot choice. No moved In second hand house. No ups nnd downs In sidewalk. No Ir regular frontages dwelling are uniform distance from atreet. BOULEVARD FARK Is known a the modern home addition. All that Is necessary Is to build your house and con nect with public Improvement already In and paid for, there by saving upward of $100. Have you (elected your lot? The ap proach of spring suggests getting- out our fishing tackle; It also reminds u that BOULE VARD PARK overlook and I within walking distance of Omaha' only lake resort There are many other reason why you should buy In BOULEVARD PARK.' Plats, plans, particulars at this office. Salesman on ground every week day morning, other time by appointment General List Dwellings TWO NEW READY TO MOVE INTO. $2,S0o ti-r. dwelling, four nns. on first floor, two cham bers and bath with tub, closet, lavatory on second floor. This house has six good closets, electric light, located In BOULEVARD PARK, only two blocks from car $2,800. $3,600 Full two-story 6-r. mod ern dwelling throughout, on 1!th St., BOULEVARD PARK, three blocks from five-minute car service $3,t.0. THREE HOUSES HANSCOM PATIK DISTRICT. $2,400 6-r., two blocks from park, no furnace, other wise modern $2, 400. $3,350 6-room home, modern throughout, new, must ell-$3,350. $3,700 6-r., only block from Hanscom Park church & school, new and modern $3,700. EIGHT-ROOM DWEL.LINO. " $2,200 For eight-room modern except furnace, close to car $2,2oO. SPECIAL WALKING DISTANCE CORNER. 06x132, with small cottage, flna proposition for flats. VACANT LOTS 52x216 in Beml Park, $1,100. 40x127 in Boulevard Park, $550. 44x116, corner lot, north, $450. 50 ft. lot on Fark Ave., $2,500. 60x128 lot opposite Field club, $00. We don't claim to have ev erything. We do claim superior facili ties for finding whatever you desire In rerlty. Shimer & Chase Co. 1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas 3S67. (19)- SEE THESE. 13 acres, on Q St., to trade or cll $150 an acre. Bargain on Farnam St.. 44x132 4S.000. Two houses, on lot S7xl35, on paved street, near car k.wu. SEARS, 621 N. Y. Life- 'Phone Red 9S7. a) 937 24 Good Homes Cheap $2,600 Eight-room, two story house, 26x32, five rooms on first floor besides hall, three bed rooms on second floor ami an up-todate modern bath room, large cellar and cemented floor for storage and vegetables, outside hatchway, separate room for an underfeed fur nace, most new, a good heating plant, house is fully modern and In good or der at 1621 Plnkney street, lot is 60x124, with shade and fruit trees, grapes, rose bushes and other shrub bery, a nice home place, on sale at the above price for this week only. Can make easy terms if wanted. $4,500. Eight-iroora modern home, place at 2122 Wirt St., house in good order, has nice large barn, south front lot, permanent walks and paved streets. A VERY NICE LOCATION. $2,000. Five room new cottage close In, well built, Is fully modern ex cept furnace, nice cellar has storm windows and screens, east front, lot 83x140, at 1816 North 22d street, all fenced, chicken and coal house, a good home. Vacant $2300. Five room cottage at 8711 north 19th street, modern except fur nace, lot 50x140, with a small barn. $2,300. Five room new house at 2868 Ohio St., modern except fur nace, can make two rooms on second floor, house is welll built south front. lot 48x127; terms $750 cash, balance monthly. $1700. Five room cottage on Bristol street, near 2 5th, sewer, water and gas, lot 32x132, paved street, a nice home. VACANT $760, 60x128, on Maple street, east or 2 4 th. $1,000. 33x140 south front on Dav enport street, near 2 6th. $1,000. 48x127, south front on Dodge, near 3 6th. $2,000. 47x155. On 40th street, close to Dewey Ave., a fine location paved streets. . $2,800. 60xl36,on32nd Ave., near Davenport, paved street and In a fine neighborhood. W. II. GATES C1T N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Douglas 1294. U REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPI RTV FOR AIR D. V. Sholes ConiDam7 110 Board of Trade I 1X0-4.O2 N. 25th Ave,. 4 r - un. r wer. w-ater and gas. Rents 14. Lot I Soxloo ft. i $ 1.4X Two blocks from Hanscom Park. 5 rooms, sewer, water ati l k C"in- paratlve'.y iu-w. Lot .'-'xi: !':. , $ 1,700713 Bancroft St.. U.-storv h. ute. R rooms, water and ;.is. , xielhnt re-, pair, permanent wa.k, meet p.ucd. A baigaln. $ S.100 24th near Vinton. 5 room, sewer, water and gas; cement walks; paved street. Lot 4''xl27 It. j $J 200 21t and Pierce St., corner, 4,"xi:'.S ft. a rooms, modern except luruaic. $ 2, 10 Slit h and Charles Sts , ! rooms, new. modern except furnace $ 2,400 Near 24th and Sprague Sts., fi rooms modern except tuinace. Lot 7;xl'x) ft f 2,500 One block from Dortgo car line. 7 rooms, hut water heat; electric liKht, barn, two lot..!, .xlJn It each. Easy payments. $ 2. 850 24th and Templcton. 7 rooms, mod ern. Lot 62xi;i2 ft. Cheap. $ 8,260 On Sherman Ave. near l'lnkney. 6 rooms, strictly modern. Compara tively new. This place is cheap tit this price. t 8,0") 33d and Seward Sts., 7 rooms, brand new, strictly modem; street paved. t 8,750 On 27th near Poppletoti Ave . 7 rooms modern, well built, compara tively new. Lot (a.127 ft. $ 8,0 On Maple near 22d. 7 rooms, new, aiiicuy inoueni. 1MI oXl-J. $ 4,000 31st and Marcy Sts., 7 rooms, new square house, built by owner for a home. Lot 4i;xl2vS It. Permanent walks, paved street. $ 4,250 Fronting llunscini l'nrk, 7 rooms. new, modern, hot waler heat. Cor ner lot, 6oxloo ft $ 4,250 On 40th nc;ir new cathedral, 2 blocks from car. , rooms, situ tly modem, almost new; paved stieet, perma nent walks; everything first class. Lot 60x111 ft Investigate $ 4.200 10th and Burt Sts , 7 rooms, strictly modern, comparatively new. Lot 33XS5 ft. $ 8,000 Nenr Brownell Hall, 10-room strictly modern House, not water heal, ouk nnisn. Lot lMtixliiTMj ft. This Is a cliuncp for some one wauling a houso In this locution. $ 8,000 Park Ave. and Pacific St., 10 rooms. iricuy modern, goou repair, steam heat. Lot toxlOS ft. $10,0OO-FHclng east on 32d Ave., overlook ing the flower beds of Hanscom park, comparatively new, 10-reoni strictly modem house. Lot 6"x213 ft. This is a choice place. VACANT SPECIALS $ 27550x128 ft, corner lot, 34th and Tay FOUR LOTS Four large lots on proposed Ames car extension $500 for tho bunch. Here Is your chance. C. G. Carlberg 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7IH7. tiro- BUY THIS NOW i flvA-mnm bonnes In good Shane, all modern excent furnace, with lot 00x140. also 40x4(1 iu rear, good locality. Kents for S.SOO nor annum. Trice for quick 8ulo $o5t)0. See us at once, as this Is absolutely gilt edge Investment. 2021 N. loth Ave., 0-rooui houso In fine shape, city water, 11 nice home, rents for 12.r0 per month. Price Sl.OoO $300 ensh, balance monthly. J.KENDIS&S0N 641 raxtou. Block. Tel. Douglas (1177. Ui) -in 24 Dorcas St. Near 8th, sightly lots, south front, on grado $."iou. PAVED STREET. Lots at $iK) to $., paving paid for, 31st and Lalk Sts., 30th and 1'ratt Sts.. 0lh uud Meredith 8i ; Madison, Ave., near Sherman $-J. ACREAGE. acres near 42d and Ames 41,000. 2 acre noax 42d and Grand $700. Patterson 1623 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Red 217. (1S)-22S 24 R. C. Peters NEW RESIDENCES We have a number of houses partially completed In desirable location about the city and Invite those who contemplate buying a home to Inspect them note thmlr of their construction before paint and p ;Uer hide 1 any possible defects. They are of the mot modem style of architec ure. cemented basements and all have attics. Tl.ey are built as have YOUK house built; all have tho best of plumbine and HOT WATiSl HEAT. Look at the following: ..,., v On Dodge between 3Gth tit. and 3Eth Ave. This Is an 8-room bouse, fla shed in hardwood on first floor, lour bedrooms and an attic; large flr plac and HOT WATEU HEAT; full south front lot. On the Southwest Corner of 41'd and Dode e have three houses, wltu three larg-e rooms down stairs and four bedrooms, finished In hardwood 00. first floor; large, cemented basements; all have attics and HOT WATER HEAT. These houses, we believe, will please you. On Burt St., Just East of 3 2d We have a 7-room cottage, five rooms down stall's, with bath and two lure bedrooms on second floor. This Is thor oughly modern and is on a lot 46x100, with south front. We also have a house Is just receiving iu last coat of paint and Is all modern, with HOT WATER HEAT. This, is the second bouse west of 24th on Blnney St., south front. We offer this home for 13,1:00; $1,00-0 down, balance on terms to suit. It is a bargain. DUNDEE LOTS We are placine 18 LOTS O.N THK MARKET which ere owned by on party In the east. They ai' one block west of the car line and face Dodge, Cap itol Ave. and Davenport fctreets. We offer these at very reasonable prices and will accept $50 dovtn and the balance on terms at C per cent. On Underwood Ave., between 4Mb and 50th streets, we have 1C lots which, are all south fronts, hljih and sightly. We can make terms on these If desired, and will bell at attractive prices. BRIGGS PLACE On Douglas, between 40th and 4Mb, we offer a full lot, 50x128, for $325. On the southeast conn r of 4Mh and Chicago we offer two lots with a total frontage of 95x96 Vj ft., for $l,20d. Tin so are high and sightly and well worth the money. CENTRAL PARK One block from Central I'utk SM;(.ol we offer two lots on the northwest corner of 43d and Saratoga streets for $150. Also one lot, 50x125, three blockj northeast of school hoiiuc, for $0"). R. C. PETERS & CO. 20 So. 17th St. REAL ESTATE I I TV l'Hnri:itT HH t.r Tel. Douglas 49 lor, one block from car. Monthly payments. $ 5"-i :'"t'n ai.d Miami, VHl?' ft $ i-o -'i.'o ft . southwest coiner 44th and Il.ltney St $ 6.'4'xi::2 ft. north front, on BilstoL just ast cf 27th St. Paving paid. $ 7."0 4'.1 1.". ft, l ist front on "6th., Just north of Mason. $ 1,500 Mni.ii ft , southwest corner of Ssth nnd Jones St $ 2,-7.120 ft., east front, on 24th, Just south 01 Franklin. This Is a snap. $ 2,&00 tii ft. front en 2Mb, Just south of J o ks n. Cheapest thing in the neighborhood. $ iCi1 oox lot) ft., suith front, on Woolworth Ave., between 2.l Ave. and 83d. $ 3,W- ' xUO ft , west front, on 2Sth, Just n rtn 01 Mason. , Fine place tor Hats. WEST FARNAM LOTS WxlT ft., southeast corner SJth and Har ney. $!l per foot. HiixliVi ft., adjoining above, at $S0 per foot lii'xliw ft., southwest corner 3Mb. Ave. and Harney St. $,s.5i'. CoM ft., udjolnlng above. $4,000. 1''u;5 ft. northwest corner 3Pth and Duuyo Sis. Jll.oiv. 1 INVESTMENT On 24th, a little north of Lake St., come lot. both streets paved and paid for, two) new b-iMotn houses, renting lor $20 per year and water lent. $7,500. FOREST HILL PARK RESIDENCE OF IATE HER MAN KOUNTZE, SUR-P1YTID-El) INTO 5S REAUTIFUL LOTS Streets to bo graded and paved; perma nent walks1, sewer, water and gas to be put In and all paid for. Fine shade tree and shrubbery. Will make one of tho finest residence districts in Omaha, being within easy walking distance of wholesale and re tail section. Magnificent view of tho city and river. Phu with prices will be reaily Tuesday. Call us up and we will mall you one. ACRES. KEYSTONE PARK WATCH FOR THE OPENING AP.OUT APRIL 15th (10) 1W ix ELEGANT LOT Elegant south front fltvfoot lot cn Seward St., near RW street car line $7W; must sell at once; inako offer, C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. 119) DUNDEE $3,350.00 New, all modern, well located, block to car. This Is a new, cluon and very' desir able property. Interior nicely decorated. Will give terms. $4,500.00 New nil modern home, oak finish flret floor, wlih ouk beamed celling: white en amel second floor; fine cellar; large porch. $1,250.00 Two flno south front lots, nicely graded, finely located. These ore very deslmbl 1018 BENSON BARGAINS $1,500.00 5-rorim cottago with two lot This ! a nice littlo home. Con sell on $000 cash, balance by the month. $1,800.00 New 4-room cottage, with plumbing rouKhed in, bath room fixtures not lnl room for two additional rooms on second floor. Terms, i'.'At cuah, balance by tlia ' BENSON & CARMICIIAEIi, C42 Paxton Blk. (19)-" BARGAINS C-room modern, one block from High school; nice location; cheap at $2,;!00. H rooiun, close to Crelghtou College, modern; beautiful lot, line home, must be sold at once. 0 rooms close to postoulev, $1,250. National Investment Company 03 Douglas Blk., 10th and Dodge. Tel. Douglas GtWl. (19) M219 23 $2,G00 All modern, 6-room cottage; south fronts nicely located, on paved street, near ear, hi north part of oily. Permanent Jks hade trees, some fruit Very deslrabli neighborhood. This Is a very attraotlvt home and a baigaln. Term, one-half cauh. BENSON & CAItMICTIAEIi C42 Paxton Block. 09)- -M&43 24 r &' Company' . . . , - ihvo Dldg.) 17 7 v